#his outfit is something i love to wear. minus paint stains
archnemossis · 3 months
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Arranged Marriage
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Draco Malfoy x Fem!Parkinson!Reader 
Word count: 2320
Warnings: Nothing I think?
Y/N: Your Name 
A/N: Possibly making this into a short series.  Bingo card made by @slyttherins
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I had a free period and like most I spent it in the Great Hall reading a book. My slightly older sister was sitting with her friends at the other end of the table. They all hated me since I was the complete opposite of Pansy. She was mean, loud, had to be the center of attention, dramatic, and wasn’t incredibly bright. Despite all that I still loved her, even if I was one of her victims. The two of us only shared one thing, our crush on Draco Malfoy. Although she never knew about that and I would never tell her. 
I was enjoying my book when a letter landed in front of me. I closed my book and glanced at it confused. My family’s owl sat on the table in front of me. I picked up the letter with my family’s crest stamped in emerald green wax and opened it. 
Your Mother and I decided to arrange a marriage for you. We are concerned that if you make a decision like this on your own, you will make the wrong decision. It is no secret that we are disappointed in your association choices. Because of that, you are going to marry Draco Malfoy. Next time you return home, you will be engaged. Once you both graduate you will be married and produce heirs for both our households. This is to ensure the blood-line. 
I stared at the letter with wide eyes. I glanced over at Draco, who was reading a letter of his own. I turned my attention back to my book and decided to ignore the letter until I returned home. 
“What’s in the letter Drakie?” Pansy asked and I rolled my eyes at her horrid nickname for him. 
“Nothing, just Father informing me of a dinner party we’ll be having next time I return home.” He answered her. I was surprised he didn’t tell her, or maybe his family didn’t tell him his fate yet… 
Later that night, after all classes and dinner had been finished, I was sitting in the corner of the common room working on homework. It was really just me in here, besides a few first years. However, when the door opened and Draco walked in everyone’s eyes were on him. 
“Everyone out.” He said and all the first years scurried off to who knows where. I simply stayed in my place, ignoring his command. 
“Parkinson.” He said and I glanced up to find him standing in front of me now. 
“Can I help you?” I asked. 
“I’m sure you got a letter telling you about our situations as well.” He said and I simply nodded. So he did just choose not to tell my sister. Interesting… 
“You better not tell anyone about this.” He said and I looked back down at my homework. 
“I wasn’t planning on it.” I said, simply. 
“Because if you do- wait, what?” He asked, cutting himself off. 
“I said I wasn’t planning on it. My Father didn’t tell my sister for a reason and honestly I’d rather her not know until it’s too late. I don’t need her bullying to get any worse, or yours for that matter. So, we can just pretend it isn’t happening until the dinner, then we’ll figure it out from there. I wouldn’t want to stain your reputation you’ve worked so hard to preserve.” I said, not even sparing him a glance. I wanted him to know I didn’t care, even though I was a bit excited to be marrying him. 
“Um, right. Well then, till the dinner.” He said and left me to be. 
The months leading up to the dinner felt like nothing had changed. I suppose nothing has changed yet. Draco was still a bully along with his friends and I was their helpless victim. My sister still clung to Draco any chance and he was still annoyed by her actions. A very small part of me wanted to rub it in her face that I was the one to be marrying him, but I wasn’t that type of person. When it was finally time to return home for a short time, I spent the whole train ride thinking about the dinner to come. When everyone stepped off the train, Pansy hugged Draco goodbye and then she made her way over to our parents. 
“Girls! How has school been?” Mother asked with a smile. 
“It’s been alright, that Potter boy is incredibly annoying. Just because he ‘survived’ the Dark Lord’s attack he’s special? He was a bloody baby.” Pansy said, rolling her eyes. 
“He doesn’t want the fame.” I said. 
“You would know, traitor!” She hissed. 
“Enough girls!” Father said and I bowed my head. 
“Sorry Father…” I said, even though I never truly did anything wrong I always felt like I needed to apologize constantly. 
“There will be no fighting while you are home, is that understood?” He said. 
“Yes Father.” We said in unison. 
“Good, now let’s go home.” He said. 
A few days had gone by and my parents hadn’t mentioned anything about the dinner to me. I was sitting in the den reading, while my Mother was having a cup of tea and my Father was reading the paper. 
“Pansy, come down here please!” Father called her. 
“Yes?” She asked, walking into the room. 
“Aunt Paisley wanted to take you shopping tonight, would you like to go?” He asked. 
“Is Y/N coming?” She asked. 
“No, just you.” He answered and her eyes lit up. 
“Really? Just me and Auntie?” She asked and Father nodded. 
“Oh yes! I’d love to go!” She said and rushed upstairs to get ready. 
“Hurry dear! Your Aunt is already waiting for you!” Mother called. 
“I’ll be finished in a moment!” She called back. Sure enough after ten minus she was back downstairs, dressed to go out. It was the fastest I’ve ever seen her get ready.
“Right, take some floo powder and go to her house, she’s waiting for you there.” Father said and she nodded. 
“She said you can stay the night if you’d like.” Mother mentioned. 
“Oh yes please!” Pansy said, happily. She gave me a nasty smirk before taking some powder and saying our Aunt’s house. Off she went to have a nice night out with our Aunt. 
“Now, you go upstairs and get ready, your Mother picked out a dress for you to wear tonight.” Father said and I looked at my parents confused. 
“Ready for what?” I asked. 
“The dinner, we’re going to Malfoy Manor.” He answered and I was even more confused. 
“Why isn’t Pansy coming?” I asked. 
“Because, as much as we love your sister, we don’t want to hear her complain about your engagement for the rest of our lives. So she’ll find out when we’ve already planned the wedding and you two are getting married.” He answered and I couldn’t hold back my smile. 
“You’re lucky Draco didn’t tell her when he got his letter.” I said, placing my book on the table and went off to my room. Laying on my bed was a simple emerald green dress, with a slit down the side, and silver accents on both wrists. There were a pair of simple silver heels to match. I smiled at the outfit, it was really quite beautiful. Once I was dressed I did a simple spell to get my hair and makeup perfect. 
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I walked downstairs and my parents were both ready to go. My Mother offered me her hand which I accepted and the three of us apparated to Malfoy Manor. The sky was already starting to darken, but the sun still peaked out, giving the sky a beautiful painting of pinks, purples, oranges, and yellows. We walked up the steps and my Father knocked on the door. A house-elf answered and I smiled, earring a glare from my Father. I bowed my head, he never liked how well I treated them. He always said those creatures deserve no kindness. I thought differently, house-elves deserved plenty of kindness, after all they’re very helpful. I always snuck into the kitchen at night and had lovely conversations with our house-elves, being careful not to catch the attention of anyone else in the house. 
“Mr. Parkinson, Mrs. Parkinson, Miss. Parkinson, please come in.” The little house-elf said. 
“Wolkey will inform Master of your arrival.” He said and left to get the Malfoys. 
“Ah, Philip, Oliva, Y/N, so glad you could make it.” Lucius said while shaking my Father’s hand. 
“What a lovely dress Y/N, don’t you think so Draco.” Narcissa said, gently nudging her son. 
“Yes, it’s a very lovely color on you.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes. 
“Thank you.” I smiled. 
The dinner was normal, our parents discussing business relations while Draco and I simply ate. It wasn’t until dinner was cleared and dessert was being served that the atmosphere changed. 
“I believe Draco has something to ask you Y/N.” Narcissa said with a smile. Draco cleared his throat and walked over to me on the other side of the table. He gently grabbed my hand and kept his other in his pocket. 
“Y/N, we’ve known each other since we were children and you’ve always been such a beauty. We’ve been friends for a while, but now I feel we should be more. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” He asked. I could tell they weren’t his words, but they still made my heart flutter. Everyone looked at me expectantly, like I could say anything other than yes. 
“Yes Draco, I’d love to.” I smiled. Draco smiled and took out a sliver snake ring with a small emerald, the Malfoy family crest engraved on the bottom. 
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Draco took my hand and placed the ring on my finger. 
“Draco, why don’t you take Y/N into the garden, I’m sure she’ll love it.” Narcissa said and Draco nodded. He gently helped me up and led me outside to the porch, looking over the garden. 
“That was all my Mother.” He stated as soon as we were away from our families. 
“I know.” I smiled at him and he looked at me confused. 
“How can you smile in a moment like this? You’re being forced into a marriage.” He asked confused. 
“I can tell you Mother picked out all the flowers.” I said, changing the subject. Before he could say anything I walked down the steps into the garden. 
“Hey! Wait!” He said and followed after me. 
“Will you answer my question?” He said, slightly annoyed. 
“Have you ever looked around here and really took notice of the beauty in your backyard?” I asked. 
“I’ve looked around here plenty if that’s what you’re asking.” He said, rolling his eyes. 
“Oh look, you have some wilting flowers.” I frowned. I kneeled down and cupped the flowers gently. 
“What are you doing? You’ll get your dress dirty.” He said, but I ignored him. 
“Herbivicus” I whispered and the flowers grew to their original form. I stood up and smiled, glancing at Draco who had a shocked expression on his face. 
“Where did you learn that?” He asked. 
“A book I read.” I answered. 
“You learned that just from a book?” He asked. 
“Yes, I have an eidetic memory. I remember everything I’ve read or what people have said to me.” I answered and looked down at my dress. There were some dirt spots, my parents would be upset with me. 
“Scourgify” I said and my dress was good as new. 
“The reason I can smile about our situation is because I’ll be making my parents proud for the first time since they’ve heard I’m friends with people they call traitors. I love my family, even my sister, shocking as that is, family is important to me and I’d like to make them proud of me. So if marrying you is what it takes then so be it. Perhaps we could even fall in love with each other, or even just be friends.” I finally answered his question. 
“You really are quite strange, aren’t you?” He said after a moment. 
“I just think on the positive side.” I smiled at him. 
“We can’t tell my sister until the very last minute, by the way, my parents don’t want to hear her complaints.” I mentioned and he gave a light chuckle. 
“I suppose even they don’t enjoy her company.” He said and I shook my head. 
“They love her, but yes, sometimes they don’t enjoy her complaining.” I answered. 
“How are you going to explain the ring?” He asked. 
“A surprise gift from my Aunt, that’s where Pansy is right now.” I answered and he gave another light chuckle. 
“Smart.” He said. 
“What if she tries to take it from you?” He asked. 
“You know my sister well.” I giggled. 
“My Father is going to spell the ring so only you or I can take it off. And if I need to take it off for whatever reason I have a spelled jewelry box, she’ll need my voice, DNA, and wand to get it open.” I answered with a smirk. 
“Very smart.” He said, slightly shocked. 
“I like to take caution when it comes to my sister. It’s a very beautiful ring, thank you.” I smiled.
“It’s tradition that the Malfoy proposing makes a special ring with the crest engraved on it. My Mother had it made, but asked for my opinion before it was finished.” He said and I smiled at him. 
“Still think this is a bad thing?” I asked. 
“Suppose there could be worse people to be forced to marry…” He said. 
“I’ll take that as a complement.” I said and stared down at the ring that fit perfectly on my finger. This was really happening. I was going to marry Draco Malfoy.
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amitds · 6 years
Strategic Alliance:
Summary: With The Sand Siblings and Naruto supporting them, Sasuke and Sakura’s alliance has been formed and now it’s time to work towards ending Madara’s witch hunt (pun intended) once and for all. However as Sasuke and Gaara plot an unexpected ally joins the fray and shatters all of their previous plans. Sakura, in the mean time, learns more about vampires while having to deal with the shattering truth about her marriage to Sasuke and the future they may or may not have. 
Notes: Okay so this is part 3 and honestly,  this really changed from SS in Cloaks to a full on adventure with SS as the mains and a couple simultaneously. I think I shall run with this series until I end it and we see Madara etc. Temari wears her early part 2 outfit, Sakura is dresses similarly to Lucy from FT with her cancer star dress and Sasuke is dressed like adult Sasuke minus the cloak.   Part 1  Part 2
“Sakura, are you alright?” Sasuke was awake now holding Sakura as she struggled to catch her breath. 
“Yes...I just had a nightmare...” Sakura breathed, obviously still shaken from her experience. 
“It’s okay. It was just a nightmare. You’re safe here.” Sasuke’s caress tightened as he said these words, wrapping Sakura in his own hearth. 
“Anata...yeah.” Sakura relaxed, melting into his arms as he held her tightly. Sasuke was right, it was just a nightmare. She was safe. They were safe and Sasuke loved her. That’s all that mattered. This was her home, with Sasuke, in his arms.
 “Let’s go back to sleep.” Sakura whispered, her head now snuggled into Sasuke’s chest as she breathed in his sweet fragrance; the smell of her detergent on his t-shirt mixed with the remnants of his signature cologne. Even after showering it rested on his skin much to Sakura’s pleasure. 
Yet, the witch could not rest. The icy hissing; the words of the cloaked figure in her nightmare resounded in her mind, burning through her thoughts as she fought desperately for the sweet liberation of sleep. Sleep that she felt would never come.
“He will never be happy with you. You cannot give him what he wants, the happiness he will yearn for above all else. Know this, witch. This cannot last. Such is your curse. Such is your fate!”  
The phantom was right, Sakura lamented. She could never give Sasuke what he would yearn for, she could never give him true happiness. 
“Can’t this thing fly any faster?” Temari complained while saddled behind Sakura on the witch’s new besom broom. Sakura and Temari had been flying for what seemed like an eternity to the white witch and now, far away from the city of Suna, the duo raced across the vast, resplendent desert that framed the city. 
As they raced across Suna’s desert sky the two women seemed at home, with their clothing billowing in the wind like the wings of birds as they flew. Temari as usual for her missions was dressed in her standard black kimono, slit at her thighs and wrapped by her scarlet sash. This was paired with black shin-high sandals. On the other hand, Sakura was outfitted in what seemed to be a combination of a qipao but with long, wide sleeves and an obi like a kimono. The ensemble was candy-red in colour with a large lily-white ribbon wrapped around her waist and tied in the back. The witch wore low-heel, knee-high boots. Naturally, the duo was ready for their mission in the desert where the fiery sun was at its zenith and violent siroccos were common. 
 Despite the fervid desert sun beating against them Sakura was yet enthralled by the simple, natural beauty of the desert. A desert, now set ablaze by Suna’s sun, shimmered below her. Against the rich dazzling of gold, stars of clear quartz, crimson garnet and the pale blue of chalcedony sparkled before the witch’s enhanced, kohl-lined eyes. Surely, since their fight with Temari and her siblings Sakura, most of all, could appreciate the beauty of all the sand before her. To her sand was now as powerful as it was beautiful... and it’s beauty distracted her from Temari. 
“We’re going fast enough, Temari!” Sakura shouted back, irritation peppering each word. She could not block her out as she had tried. “We’ll get there in a few minutes! Shannaro!”
“You’re still mad about the fight I see,” Temari addressed Sakura as stoic and blunt as usual, with a slight smirk traced across her face. Temari was blunt, she was calculative, she was confident and she was calm. Needless to say, Sakura hated it. “Our groups are in an alliance now, there’s no time for such distractions, Sakura.” 
“I’m not mad about that, Temari. I know what’s riding on this mission.” Of course Sakura understood their situation but even she could tell that her words fooled no one. Weeks have passed since their battle and the formation of their alliance and now Sakura, with Temari in tow, sought to christen this partnership in their very first mission. Needless to say, the witch was not pleased. Was she being unreasonable? Maybe. However Sakura could not help how she felt. Sakura was as emotional and expressive as Temari was calm and practical.
 In spite of their alliance, which Sakura knew Sasuke had proposed to save them from Madara, the Shikkotsu witch still held a grudge. It was not because of what they did to her, rather, what they did to Sasuke, what they did to Naruto and what they did to those innocent humans. They killed them and perhaps what bothered Sakura the most, they made Sakura kill someone in the process. This was her real issue and Sakura could not and would not get over it. 
“Well you witches might be fond of all this sun but I certainly am not.” Temari hissed with her special war fan in hand. “We’re going faster, now!” The vampire continued as she waved her fan behind her.
“Temari no yooooooooooooooou!” 
In an instant the duo were gone, dashing over the horizon. 
Suna’s vampire clan was truly innovative, Sasuke thought. As he sat in Gaara’s office, the former Uchiha prince smirked to himself. This clan was certainly not the Uchiha. While the Uchiha distanced themselves from humans, Suna’s vampires seemed to lean towards using them as much as possible.  
Gaara’s office was decorated with fine, oil paintings and towering, well-stocked bookshelves framed the walls. Finely crafted teak furniture, varnished in walnut stain, as far as Sasuke could tell, dotted the office while the fresh scent of furniture lemon polish lingered throughout. There was even a table where glasses and a decanter, half- filled with scotch rested. Sasuke thought it mildly pretentious for a vampire noble to occupy such an office, one that seemed so mundane to him, so human. The scads of humans running about the premises didn’t help to alter Sasuke’s perception. Hmm,Suna does things differently indeed. 
“Lord Sasuke, can I offer you some tea?” the well dressed man politely asked. 
“Ah. Yes.” Sasuke consented as he studied the man. A bit formally dressed for an employee... Dressed in his light lavender shirt with the sleeves rolled back, a shirt Sakura had picked out for him that morning, and his usual jeans and sneakers Sasuke almost felt out of place in the man’s presence. It didn’t help that Sasuke sported his typical spiky hair and barged in the office, compelling employees when the kept him waiting earlier in the morning. Manners now meant little to the former Uchiha prince. This was a war.
“Would you like anything to eat in addition to that, Lord Sasuke?” the man continued. 
“No. That is all.” Sasuke refused while he held the bento Sakura had lovingly prepared for him with his favourite: omusubi with okaka and tomatoes and a couple of chilled blood bags they ‘borrowed’ from the hospital. The merciless Uchiha vampire warrior, ironically enough, was now someone’s spoiled husband and reslished every minute of it. As this realization warmed Sasuke’s mind a tiny smirk bloomed across his face. Hmm... Sakura. 
“So you have the mayor waiting on your guests while you sit in his office, Gaara?” Sasuke inquired soon after the man had left. Gaara sat squarely, behind the grand, vanished desk of pine wood, a faint smirk rising on his face.
“Figured is out I see. Well he is after all my subordinate, Sasuke.” Gaara responded, his voice giving away his amusement. “What else should he be doing during our war meeting?”
“Hmm.” Sasuke himself seemed to amused by Gaara’s logic. “Anyway back to what we really gathered here for, taking down Madara.”
“You Uchiha vampires, always so disciplined and focused,” Gaara commented. “...but your friend isn’t here yet, the kitsune...”
“Tch. It’s of no consequence whether he is or isn’t. This alliance is between myself and my wife and you three.” Sasuke looked between Gaara and Kankuro, who was leaning against the bookcase as was his habit when he spoke. Where is that idiot, anyway?!
Sasuke would not confess but he was expecting Naruto to be present. After all he was an ally, their ally and a kitsune sent by Lady Tsunade to aid Sakura. Yet, something within Sasuke, his innate vampire instincts sensed something was off. Could Naruto truly be trusted? Lady Tsunade had sent word of her partnership with Naruto after their fight so he had to be trustworthy. In spite of this Sasuke was unsure. 
“Oho.” Kankuro was grinning in Sasuke’s direction. “Don’t you trust your friend, Sasuke?” 
“Kankuro...” Sasuke was short yet irritation emphasised every syllable as he stared at the vampire. 
“Right, right!” Kankuro conceded, waving his arms was he giggled. 
“As I was about to say,” Gaara was speaking once more. “As you know the Uchiha Clan is the strongest and largest vampire clan around, Sasuke. Your.. their numbers are ten times our own....”
“Gaara. If you want freedom, true freedom this is what must be done.” Sasuke ever the strategist knew exactly what to say to persuade the sand siblings. “Isn’t that what we all want? Freedom from Madara? Don’t tell me you’re changing your mind after all these weeks of planning?” 
“Yes but how can we stand up to the Uchiha? That’s what we want to know!” Kankuro was passionate, Sasuke could tell from the way he spoke. Not only that, Sasuke could sense the fear and apprehension in his tone. Kankuro was scared. “We’ve been contacting our allies, liaising with Kiri and Kumo’s clans, giving you all the info we have.... but still.... this is a war we cannot win!”
“You’re right. It isn’t a war, Kankuro...” Sasuke retorted. “I suppose it’s time all is revealed.” “
“We will sever the head, Gaara, Kankuro.” Sasuke calmly instructed, his expression devoid of emotion. “We will assassinate Madara.”
“Temari you...” Sakura sneered as they made their way to the domed tower before them. 
“We had to get here as soon as possible, Sakura.” Temari responded as she played with her fan in her hand as usual. “You had the broom and I had the wind...” 
What did I do to deserve this?  All Sakura could do was sigh at this point.  Hurriedly, she brushed off the sand that dusted her clothing and ran her fingers through her lengthy, needle-straight hair until satisfied that all the sand was gone. Ugh. She really couldn’t stand Temari or any of The Sand Siblings despite appreciating the need for this alliance.
“Where did you say we have to go?” Sakura inquired, seated on the black leather chair of Gaara’s office. Sasuke sat beside her and Naruto on a matching couch in the corner. 
“To the Kazekage complex in the desert, North of Suna City,” Gaara’s tone as as calm and even as ever. “Now that we’re working together, Sasuke you and Naruto will stay here while we continue to plan our next move and Sakura you go with Temari. Gaara now peered at Temari who stood beside him. “Temari, you take Sakura to the complex. She can help us, now that she is back to full strength.” 
“Yes brother.” Temari replied obediently to the clan head. “If this works...”
“Excuse me” Sakura interrupted. “What exactly is the mission here?” Sakura now looked into her husband’s eyes while holding his hand in her own. “If Sasuke and I are your partners I think we should not exactly what we’re getting ourselves into. What exactly is it that you need me for?”
“Of course. Yes...” Gaara’s apologised. “Sakura, we need you to break a spell on someone for us. Our mightiest fighter.”
“What kind of spell?” Sakura’s interest was instantly piqued, Sasuke could tell.
 “Is it dark magic? What kind of spell is it? Who cast it?”
“Hmm.” Sasuke’s signature smirk now shone on his face as he shot a thought at her. You never change, Sakura. 
Shush. Sakura was blushing and almost forgot that she was actually supposed to be in conversation with the siblings. 
“One that alters a pure-blooded vampire’s psyche and body completely.” Kankuro now joined the fray, interrupting them with his arms folded as he leaned against the bookshelf on Gaara’s left. 
“Fifty years ago a dark witch, we don’t know whom, cast a spell on this vampire and now...” Temari’s words caught in her throat. She was obviously upset by this. “...now he only feeds on vampire blood!” 
“What?!” Sasuke gasped. He was now standing, out of his seat. “How is that possible? A vampire that feeds on vampire blood?” 
“I guess it can be possible...” Sakura then informed, a worried expression painted on her face. “But Sasuke... that’s really advanced dark magic...”
“Can you break the spell, Sakura?” Gaara was speaking again. “Can you free him?”
“I’ll try...”
When Sakura focused on what lay before her all thoughts of Temari died in her mind. Before them, nestled in the lifeless desert, was a magnificent complex. The towering building was sandy beige in color and seemed to be made of light clay or stucco, as far as Sakura could tell. Embedded upon the base of the dome, atop the structure was an emblem; a carving resembling an hourglass; the symbol of Suna’s vampire clan. 
“Shall we enter or do you need to stare some more?” Temari teased while looking at Sakura.
“Yeah...” Sakura couldn’t be annoyed right now. She was so close to meeting the vampire stricken with a curse. Anxiety gripped her and for some reason she feared failing, not for her own pride, but rather, oddly, since it would disappoint Temari and her siblings. Those three really did seem to pin all their hopes on Sakura. 
Upon entering the compound Sakura was taken aback at what she witnessed. Humans. Humans were working in the office and as they walked, greeted Temari. Dozens of humans and vampires bustled about the office as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The office was plain enough, Sakura thought, with its fluorescent lighting, white tile and white walls. The potent scent of bleach permeated the air much to Sakura’s dismay as she made her way through the hall. Is this really a vampire prison?
“I meant what I said, Kankuro.” Sasuke announced proudly as he delved into the intricacies of his plan. “The Uchiha Clan cannot be beat but Madara on the other hand...” 
“Hmm. You may be right, Sasuke,” Gaara commented, his hand on his chin as he spoke. “If we can get rid of him the clan will fall.”
“Not fall, it would be under new leadership.” Sasuke was resolute and radiated an air of confidence. “The Uchiha Clan would be under my control.”
“Your control? You mean you’d take it over?!” Kankuro exclaimed with his arms banging onto Gaara’s desk.
“If I take it over, the Uchiha will never bother The Sand nor any other clan again. Isn’t that what you all wanted? To step out of the Uchiha’s control?”
“That’s insane! How are you going to get the clan’s members to follow you if you kill their leader?” Kankuro was frantic. “That’s too much of a risk! Gaara we shouldn’t do anything to piss off the Uchiha.” 
“It’s precisely because of me killing him that the clan will follow me!” Sasuke voiced silenced both men as he spoke, commanding and exuding authority as expected of an Uchiha. Even among other vampire nobles, Sasuke made is apparent that he was in control. “The Uchiha Clan isn’t like other clans, or have you forgotten? For the Uchiha power and force is what gives one the divine right to rule!” 
“Gaara, you can’t agree to this...” Kankuro pleaded as Sasuke sat and gazed at them both, his expression showing no emotion. “We should have just handed him and his witch over the the Uchiha...”
“Hmm... Sasuke Uchiha...” Gaara began, ignoring his elder brother. “The vampires of Suna accept your offer of partnership. We will help you... however do not deceive us or you and your witch will die by my hands. Now how exactly are we going to kill Madara without the clan getting involved in an all out war?”
“Hmm... Let’s get on with it Gaara. Your threats don’t scare me.” Sasuke smirked, eyes closed.
 He had no qualms in showing just how amused he was at Gaara. Sasuke held power, despite being alone with only his wife in this alliance, and as an Uchiha, groomed for leadership and war since childhood, the former vampire prince felt nothing in the face of Gaara’s threat. He had what he wanted. An alliance that would grant him the power he now desperately sought. 
“There are certain others yet to be included in our alliance. Through them we shall isolate the clansmen.” 
Kankuro, still against the plan, threw his arms up in exasperation and left. “Tch.. whatever. I’m going out. I’ll return in a bit.” 
“Are these people...” Sakura hesitantly questioned while they strode down the main corridor upon entering the building.
“Compelled? Prospective food?” Temari was now laughing.
 “You really are a judgmental little witch aren’t you?.. To answer your question, no. These people are not compelled. They work with us of their own free will. Suna is our home and all its citizens are out people. That is the secret of our clan.” 
“What are you telling me? That...”
“Temari! How dare you!” a screeching voice wailed, interrupting Sakura. 
Sakura never would get the chance to complete her sentence as now before the duo, a new vampire stood. 
“Elder Chiyo.” Temari replied. Those were her only words and Sakura could sense the apprehension and anxiety lacing her voice. 
“Who?” Sakura struggled to get a word in.
“How dare you bring a witch here without consulting us, Temari?!” Chiyo was screaming again. 
Sakura wondered how such an old vampire could have such a powerful and aggressive voice. Elder Chiyo was an elderly woman with inky-black eyes and held her lavender coloured hair tied in a bun. She wore what looked like a traditional charcoal cloak with a beige poncho-like top. From Temari’s conversation with the woman and her attire, Sakura could tell that this vampiress was a high ranking member of the clan. 
“Lord Gaara has allowed it, Elder Chiyo. This witch can cure the curse.” 
“I doubt it,” Elder Chiyo was now sneering, glaring at Sakura while she spoke. “There was no council discussion. Does that child think that he can do what he wishes?!” 
“Elder Chiyo please!” Temari begged, her usual stoic expression melting into one of desperation and panic. “It’s an emergency. At least let her try!”
Temari? Sakura never expected to see the adept vampire princess like this. Honestly, Sakura never thought of Temari or any of these siblings as having much emotions at all. Apart from Sasuke, all of the vampires Sakura had met have always been savage and emotionless for the most part. Indeed, this was odd. 
What followed was a frosty silence among the ladies as the office staff pretended to go about with their work. Beads of perspiration stippled Sakura’s face as she observed Elder Chiyo regarding both her and Temari with a scowl. Moments later she finally spoke.
“Do as you wish...” Elder Chiyo sneered. “Let’s see what you and your witch can do.” 
An hour had flown by and after sharing information with Gaara, who left shortly to gather his scrolls, Sasuke was alone. Gaara and Sasuke agreed that it was time and now it was up to Gaara to send out his messengers to finally summon the leaders to meet.
“I’ll return shortly, Sasuke. You can have your little bento while I’m gone.” Gaara teased, his eyes fixed on Sasuke’s bento on the desk. Sasuke could have sworn that he saw the faint flicker of a smirk on the usually stoic prince’s face. 
“Out of everyone, of course you chose to fall in love with a witch.” With that he was gone. 
Tch... fool. 
Suddenly, Sasuke was reminded of Naruto, the other fool. He hadn’t shown up for the meeting and now Sasuke, as much as he hated to admit it, was slightly concerned. Naruto was a powerful kitsune and, though Sasuke would never admit this verbally, he was every bit a match for Sasuke himself. Who could harm him in Suna? 
“Tch.. he’s probably goofing off or on his way.” Sasuke whispered to himself while taking stock of the progress he had made so far. His alliance was set and their plan was underway. 
Soon, Sakura... Despite his victory today, Sasuke’s mind was still uneasy for another reason. The most difficult times would soon be upon them and even with this alliance with Suna, Sasuke Uchiha, of all people knew just what peril lay before them. Madara and his council: Tobi, Izuna, Shisui and of course, Sasuke’s elder brother, Itachi. The council would never let Sasuke near Madara but Sasuke couldn’t take them all out and he couldn’t kill Itachi, could he?
Uncharacteristic doubt still thrummed within Sasuke’s heart, the heart of a vampire usually sure and in command of every facet of his life. Hmm... Captivated by his thoughts Sasuke found himself reflecting, while enjoying the food Sakura prepared for him. He never could predict or control things after meeting her. Sakura. In that instant, while alone in Gaara’s office, Sasuke found himself smirking once more as thoughts of his life with Sakura thus far warmed his mind. I wonder if she arrived and what she’s up to now?
The basement where the cells were located, as everything else in this complex, was pristine, calm and lifeless. Most of the cells were vacant and as Elder Chiyo and Temari led Sakura to cell number seven, where their prisoner was held, Sakura found herself pondering over the relationship Temari had this with man. Who was he to Temari for her to basically beg Elder Chiyo like that? Was it only because they needed him for their alliance or was it something more? 
Seven was located at the end of the lengthy hall and upon entry a small office greeted the women. There, two white desks with matching white chairs and laptops and two guards could be seen. One guard, Baki as Elder Chiyo called him, was very tall and had two distinctive, red markings on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like head gear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face. Sakura could tell that he was a vampire as he put down a blood bag, the contents of which still lined his lips, upon their entry. This guard greeted the women and spoke to Elder Chiyo for some time before seemingly agreeing to the orders of their clan head. 
The second guard, much to Sakura’s surprise, was a human. His aura gave him away.  He wore the same beige flack jacket as Baki with shoulder pads and unlike Baki, who physically looked in his thirties, this human looked no older than Sakura and Temari. The young man was handsome, Sakura noticed, and had jet black hair tied in a spiky ponytail. He also could not be more than twenty-three. Perhaps what was most shocking in this situation was how he spoke to Temari while Baki and Elder Chiyo conversed.
“What brings you here, Temari?” The man asked, a hint of irritation dripping from his words. “Are you all going to open that cell? How troublesome...”
“Shikamaru...” Temari looked at him, her typical icy expression painted across her features.
“Tch. I know I know. I know it’s important but...” Shikamaru’s expression lightened as he held Temari’s hands in his own. His brown eyes were not pleadingly meeting the teal of the vampire’s. “Please don’t expect too much. Please don’t let this break you if it fails... promise me...”
“I won’t. I promise.” Temari smiled faintly as the man. Sakura could tell that she wasn’t being completely honest though. 
“Um Temari...” Sakura interrupted. Was this her boyfriend? Sakura was left speechless. Temari had a lover after! And he was human! A pang of guilt emerged within the witch. Maybe she had been wrong about Temari and her siblings. Maybe, just maybe the weren’t so different after all. Maybe Sasuke wasn’t the only vampire who knew and felt emotions after all. But... but those humans... Yet still she couldn’t forget what they had done to those humans and the how Kankuro made Sakura kill a teenager.
“Oh yeah.” Temari was pulled back from her little interaction with Shikamaru.
 “Sakura, this is Shikamaru. Shikamaru, this is Sakura Haru... Uchiha. This is Sakura Uchiha, she’s a Shikkotsu witch and Sasuke Uchiha’s wife. She’ll be helping Gaara and our clan from now on... starting with curing this curse.”
“Hi Shikamaru” Sakura smiled.
“Hmm.. Hello.” Shikamaru replied as nonchalant as usual. 
“Shikamaru it’s time.” Baki interrupted as he Elder Chiyo reunited with the group. “I am allowing them in. We have to make sure the chains are secure.”
Beyond the area, large stygian bars both thick and high and imbued with holy sake, separated the group from the cell within. Sakura almost looked away when peering into the cell. Such was her disdain. 
There, chained within the padded room was a vampire. Chains, reinforced and glazed with holy sake, as Baki explained, wrapped his limbs and strung him mid-air and a muzzle covered his maw. The vampire was held, arms and legs outstretched with his body leaning ever forward. What terrified Sakura the most was his face. Even hidden behind his muzzle Sakura would still feel the scorch of his blood lust as he growled. This vampire was nothing like any Sakura had ever encountered, even the ones who tried to kill her. Her enemies in the past were in their senses and still held a level of control over their blood lust as opposed to him.
 Eyes dyed red like the blood he craved flared at his visitors and completely contrasted his pale features and spiky auburn hair. His clothing: a black jacket and matching pants were torn and punctuated with holes and gaps. As he failed about within his restraints, Sakura, was exposed to just how sick this vampire was. His frame was drawn, without muscle nor strength and his bones protruded when he bent. He was in dire need of nourishment.
“He’s been like this for more than fifty years,” Temari interrupted, her eyes moistening as she looked on with Sakura.
 “We feed him vampire blood donated from Suna vampires.. it’s the only thing that goes down but... but vampire blood cannot give much nourishment, Sakura. He’s weak. His mind and even his body craves it like a drug but it does nothing for either. It’s sick!”
“Temari... I’m sorry.” Sakura’s words were real. As badly as she wanted to hate Temari and her siblings, after witnessing how hurt the vampire was, Sakura for an instant forgot all of her grudges and genuinely pitied the siblings. Sakura wanted to help. Her resolve was now empowered further upon seeing this poor creature and the people his pain as also affected. Seconds later she continued. “No compulsion has helped him I see...”
“No it hasn’t.” Elder Chiyo was now responding to the witch. “Even if it did, his body craves the vampire blood and rejects all else, even human blood mixed within. So now we’re left with him barely existing on impotent vampire blood..”
Sakura, as the women spoke, lifted her right palm towards the chained vampire. 
“Vivr.” Reveal. 
In the wake of her spell a sea foam-green aura covered her outstretched palm, much to the vampires’ surprise. In an instant, plumes of the green energy burst out, encircling the vampire in its power. Moments later when the power died Sakura gasped at what lay before her. There, apparent only to her witch’s eyes, was the source of his affliction, the black magic that was the curse. 
Working with Gaara and Kankuro, who had returned to the office, Sasuke never expected this to occur. A day characterised by strides, numerous tiny victories for Sasuke Uchiha was about to take an unexpected and tragic turn, unbeknownst to Sasuke.  
 After hours of planning and exchanging information, the trio believed that they were making progress on their plans. Sasuke hadn’t appreciated, in all his years knowing about Suna, the level of organisation and camaraderie among its vampires. Suna vampires also seemed to work harmoniously with humans to strengthen their resources and capabilities. Hmm Sasuke’s sharp mind was already storming through ways to use Suna’s unique vampire and human capital, as he called it, to pull off his coup d-etat. Partnering with Gaara and discovering Suna’s strengths and weaknesses to be exploited was worth Sasuke sharing the Uchiha’s secrets. This was the price of his freedom, their freedom, Sasuke was sure of it. Soon this will all be over. A knock on the door interrupted the young Uchiha’s musings.
“Come in.” Gaara consented in reply to the knock on his door. “Why isn’t the mayor dealing with it?” Suna’s head whispered to himself, thereafter. 
Minutes passed on and nothing occurred. “Kankuro...”
“No Gaara, I don’t sense any vampire there.... maybe they didn’t hear you?”
“Tch.. whatever” Sasuke was getting irritated at the constant knocking. “Probably Naruto playing a prank,” Sasuke complained as he himself went forward to open the door. Moments later, the person behind it would come into view. 
“Naruto! You idiot! Where have you been?!” Sasuke yelled while the door arched open. 
“It was him after all,” Sasuke announced to the vampires behind him. Naruto now stood before him, sullen and quiet, Sasuke noticed. 
“Where were you? Didn’t you hear me the first time?!”
Again, nothing. Sasuke expected Naruto to throw a tantrum and insult him while they bickered as was the norm for them these past few days but now, before him, it was as if Naruto didn’t hear or see him. It was as if he was stricken with worries that eclipsed Sasuke and their alliance. 
“Naruto...” Sasuke was glaring now, his anger boiling within him and now reflecting in the deep scarlet of his eyes, the eyes of an Uchiha noble. 
“Sasuke....” Naruto finally spoke. “Listen...” Gaara and Kankuro were now coming closer, obviously curious about what was going on at the door.  
“Yes listen, Sasuke...” a strange voice mocked from behind Naruto.
“You?!” Sasuke exclaimed. Why is he here? Shock and hazard gripped Sasuke as he peered in disbelief at the man before him. How could this happen? As is so rare Sasuke Uchiha could not think of what to do. Fight? Run? No choice made sense to Sasuke at this point, not when he was right in front of him, not when Sasuke was caught like this. No! Sasuke knew he had to do something. Standing there would get him no where. Sasuke decided to fight. 
Before Sasuke could invoke his vampiric strength he was struck with a force so mighty that he was hurled into Gaara’s desk, nearly crushing Gaara as he flew. Gaara and Kankuro readied themselves as the two walked crossed the threshold, Naruto and his partner. As he entered the room the man smiled and uttered only two words while staring at Sasuke, now sunken in fragments of pine wood.
“Sakura. Sakura what is it?!” Temari blurted out frantically. 
“Hmm. I take it you see the curse?” Chiyo asked. “All witches we bring here by force or by their own volition say it too. Go ahead, tell us that it’s hopeless.��
As much as Sakura hated to admit it, she was probably right. Before her a dome of murky-black energy crackled light lightning in a dome; a cocoon of curse power around the vampire. Sakura could feel the bile welling up within her stomach in the presence of this power. The taint and miasma which was emitted made even Sakura upset. This level of magic... Even Lady Tsunade would have a hard time dispelling it. 
Sakura was indeed a powerful witch and one of the top witches and magical healers in Shikkotsu, only surpassed by Lady Tsunade and her right hand, Shizune, themselves. Yet, the witch still felt inadequate when faced with such a curse. Could she really break this curse and cure this vampire? If Sasuke were here he’d have told he to go for it since she’s more than capable but he wasn’t and this pressure, the pressure of not failing this vampire and Temari; the pressure of contributing to this alliance was far too great. 
“Sakura,” Temari began. “It’s okay if you can’t do anything. We should head back.” 
Sakura you’re strong... stronger than anyone I know... Sasuke’s words rang in Sakura’s mind. His words of assurance and faith in her from that night when they faced The Akatsuki now, in this time of hopelessness, resonated within her. 
“Who said that I can’t do anything?” Sakura responded passionately. Her sunny smile now blooming upon her face. “This is going to get nasty. Shikamaru leave. Temari, you, Baki and Elder Chiyo get ready. Stay away from my power but look out for him, he might break free.” 
“Sakura...” Temari was at a loss for words. “Yes...”
After Shikamaru left and the three vampires stepped back, Sakura began her enchantment. The white witch fanned out her hair and in so doing activated the power of her aventurine crystal earrings causing twinkles of jade sparks to flash. Then she began. Sakura wove her seal: her left thumb on top and her hands clasped together vertically. Invoking her white magical power, with her bindi radiating its luminous violet light, Sakura called forth a clean breeze which entered the room and whirled around her as she began.
“Spirit of Water...” With this utterance a pool of water sprung forth and encircled the the area on the ground where the vampire was held.
“Spirit of Fire.” A ring if fire razed the ground outlining the water.
“Spirit of Earth.” With this invocation the ground surrounding the other two rings cracked and splintered.
“Spirit of Air.” Finally, the wind that surrounded Sakura blew towards the vampire and sealed off the circles thus forming the very last ring of power. Following this, Sakura’s chant concluded. 
“I call upon thee...
Expel this darkness
Restore what once was!”
Subsequently, an emanation of verdant green washed over Sakura while simultaneously erupting from the centre of the concentric circles, engulfing the vampire as it did so. As if set ablaze, the flame-like power crackled with the vampire screeching and writhing at its core. 
“Shannaro!” Sakura shouted as sweat trickled down her face and a violent gale blew her hair about. With her eyes closed she her stance steeled Sakura fought to keep her power alive. 
“Is she alright?” Temari asked. Her voice could be heard even while Sakura was deep in her enchantment.
“I think this is part of her spell, Temari.” Baki advised as they both gazed at the witch.
“Hmm...” Elder Chiyo offered nothing more. 
What the hell is this? Ugh! Minutes flew by and Sakura could feel her power failing. Despite her bravado and her exerting all of her power in this spell, she could sense that no headway was being made. This curse seemed absolute. Even within her power, threads of black energy danced upon the vampire’s body; power of the curse still coursing through him like venomous serpents slithering about his body. It was futile. 
Shannaro! It wasn’t simply a matter of Sakura being weak, no, Sakura realized that this curse was beyond black magic. Someone or something was used to strengthen and bind this spell. Now her power was dimming and soon she’d be pushed completely out.
  Think Sakura! It’s a curse that altered vampire psyche and physiology. What could allow someone to do this; to reach into a vampires body, mind and essence and restructure it ignoring their dark power and regeneration? Vampires were different from other creatures. How?
“She’s not going to make it...” Elder Chiyo commented as they all looked at Sakura being pushed back and the flare of magic dimming. 
 Vampires a weakened by the sun. Vampires need human blood to survive. “Argh!” Sakura struggled to maintain the spell while she sought to call back all the information she knew about vampires.
Sharing blood with a vampire can turn a witch or a human into one as long as it’s done under the full moon...
Pure blooded vampires can by pass the sun’s power with their protection. Sakura was nearing her limit. 
Sakura, barely holding on, remembered what Sasuke had told her and now bet it all on this final push. 
“Sakura you’re strong...Stronger than anyone I know..”
“Spirit of Water,
“Spirit of Fire,
“Spirit of Earth.
“Spirit of Air,
I call upon thee,
Expel this darkness,
Restore what once was!”
As Sakura’s power ran out an explosion thundered in the cell. A star of Sakura’s energy erupted, blinding all present in its brilliance as the witch, and even the vampires behind her, were flung back. 
“Sakura!” Temari yelled. “Are you okay?” When Sakura unsealed her eyes while struggling to get off the ground she could only see Temari hovering over her, concerned of all things. 
“Did... did it work?” Sakura inquired as Temari helped her up. The witch was rubbing her temples as her eyes re-adapted to the light of the room. “Is he okay, now?”
“I don’t know. Let’s see.” Elder Chiyo suggested. She was in front of the rest, the closest to the chained vampire. His eyes were shut, from what Sakura could tell and his body relaxed, dangling while held in the chains. 
In an instant before Elder Chiyo could reach him, even Temari and Baki were startled at what occurred. Bursting forth from his bindings, no doubt due to the chains weakening from the enchantments, the vampire pushed aside Elder Chiyo and before anyone could react, with his vampiric speed lunged at Sakura. “Blood!”
“Temari! No!” 
Moments later silence fell over the room. Temari was stabbed. Before the vampire could reach Sakura, the witch saw, that Temari frantically pushed her behind her and with no time to evade, took the vampire’s claws to her chest. 
“Udāyu.” Whirl. When the vampire tossed Temari aside, before anyone could react, Sakura’s spell took effect. In an instant white magical power engulfed him and the vampire spun violently mid-air before being buried into the wall, beyond the chains that once held him. 
“Temari! Are you okay?” Sakura was now at Temari’s side with Baki holding the vampiress. “Ugh.. yeah.” Temari coughed as she pressed her now regenerating chest wound. Drops of blood could be seen tainting the alabaster of the white tile of the cell. 
“I guess it didn’t work...” Baki frowned. “Lady Temari I’m...”
“Fool.” Elder Chiyo scolded while she invoked her psychic power, thus pinning the vampire to the wall where he was thrown. “Don’t you see?”
“Shannaro! She’s right!” Sakura exclaimed. “Temari! He attacked me! He ignored Elder Chiyo and even you! He wanted my blood!”
“He’s cured?” Temari replied with a dumbfounded expression. “He’s cured?!” Her expression soon melted into a smile as tears moistened her eyes. 
“Indeed. Baki get him some blood!” Elder Chiyo barked as the vampire, still in a daze gazed at her. 
“No need,” Sakura interrupted and with her athame; her ceremonial knife she cut her hand and drained the contents into a potion vial she pulled from her bag. A year ago if someone had told Sakura that she’d be cutting herself in front of four high leveled vampires in a closed room, Sakura would have tried to heal their minds. Now, here she was. 
 “Give him this while he’s coming out of his stupor. It’s my witch’s blood and it’s way more potent....Don’t worry. He attacked because he was hungry, insanely hungry.” 
“Sakura, thank you.” Temari smiled.
“No Temari. Thank you. You saved me.” 
After downing Sakura’s blood and then dozens of blood bags Baki had brought the vampire finally came to his senses. 
“Father!” Temari cried and she rushed into the prisoner’s arms. “Father! You’re finally back! You’re finally cured!”
“Temari, my dear daughter... I’m sorry.” The man replied as he embraced his daughter and patted her head. Tears were welling up in his eyes and Sakura could see just how much pain was melted away by looking at how he now smiled.
“Lord Rasa...” 
“Lord Fourth!” 
Elder Chiyo and Baki were now dabbing the tears from their eyes. 
I guess vampires were not so different after all. Sakura felt like she was intruding on the vampires’ moment though seeing these vampires act like this, for a moment, Sakura thought that she was with her human friends or other witches. Did vampires really feel the way they did? Maybe I was wrong? Sakura’s thoughts were halted when a man’s voice interrupted her. 
“Thank you, Sakura Uchiha.” Rasa was now standing in front of Sakura with his right arm across Temari’s shoulder. “I am sorry for attacking you earlier... it’s just...”
“Hmm.” Sakura shook her head in disagreement. “You don’t have to apologise at all. I am happy you were saved and I understand what was happening to you at that time.” 
“How did you break the curse, Sakura?” Temari asked, a new warmth and excitement now brimming from her voice, Sakura noticed. “How did you save father?”
“Indeed.” Elder Chiyo interrupted as usual. “Dozens of witches have tried and failed. How did you do it?” 
Sakura smiled as she remembered how she figured it out. 
“Sasuke, how exactly is that necklace protecting you from the Sun?” Sakura asked while playing with the ruby in Sasuke’s necklace, in between her fingers as they laid in bed. 
“Ah, it’s made from the crystallized blood of my ancestors with some of my own so it absorbs the effects of sun’s rays in my place...”
“That’s remarkable!” Sakura remembered how fascinating it was for her to learn this. 
“Sasuke!” Sakura was laughing when he poked her. “Wait what are you doing?”
“Hmm. Why don’t you put in on, Sakura?” Sasuke, Sakura blushed while remembering, unclasped his necklace, brushed her hair over her shoulder and ever so gently adorned her neck with his coveted necklace. Sasuke made sure to caress her and draw lines across her neck ever so gently as he did before wrapping his arms around her and burying his head in the crook of her neck. 
“Well?” Lady Chiyo irritably interrupted. 
“Oh yeah!” Sakura was pulled back into reality. “Ah... well you see...” Sakura began explaining.
“...In order to alter your body and psyche like that,” Sakura now looked at  Rasa as she spoke.
  “...I realized that the witch used your protection to channel the curse and with the power of your ancestors’ blood and your own negated your dark power and regeneration and like he would any other crystal used it to empower the curse.... With your ancestors’ blood and your own being used in the curse it was simple to change your body and mind.” 
“Hmm and you figured that out and undid the curse?” Elder Chiyo smiled at Sakura, her hawk-like eyes examining Sakura as she did so. “You remind me so much of that slug witch, Princess Tsunade.”
“Well Lady Tsunade is my teacher.” Sakura smiled in reply. She was proud to be associated with Lady Tsunade and was in high spirits knowing that someone compared her to such a legend. 
“...But thank God you all kept the protection talisman on him or else I wouldn’t have been able to use it for my own spell...” Sakura pointed out as she looked at Rasa’s amber orb, his protection he now held in his arms. Just like Gaara’s!
“You said ‘he’, Sakura?” Nothing could get past Temari. “We didn’t know who cast this spell so I take it you know who did this to father?”
“Unfortunately, I do.” Sakura replied, now glancing at Rasa. “Only one dark witch could do something like this.” 
“Everyone calm down.” Naruto was pleading now while Sasuke remained among the pieces of broken furniture. Gaara and Kankuro had now joined him after trying and failing instantly to assault Naruto’s accomplice, Itachi Uchiha. “Sasuke, please.” 
“Shut up! I knew we should not have trusted you!” Sasuke was coughing while he struggled to scream at Naruto. How dare he? Sasuke was weak and now he knew it. He failed to properly feel out Naruto and allowed Sakura and himself to trust him. How could I be so stupid?! Sasuke mostly felt irritation, not only at himself though he did blame himself for this, but also towards Naruto. Naruto had betrayed them. Naruto had betrayed him.
Weeks of working with Naruto, having him in his home and even sparring with him, it was all a lie. Sasuke was being deceived. Sasuke was being used. Rage now boiled within Sasuke’s heart upon witnessing Naruto with Itachi. Naruto was a traitor, he was no friend, Sasuke had realized. Sasuke was a fool. 
 “You were working for Itachi! You betrayed us! I shouldn’t have trusted you!” 
“Sasuke, it’s not like that...” 
“Ah but you did little brother.” Itachi teased while stepping in front of Naruto and for the first time in months Sasuke held him in proper view.
Itachi had not changed since Sasuke last saw him, before Sakura was attacked by the Akatsuki. The vampire prince still possessed pitch black eyes from which no emotion could be gauged and which were partially hidden by the centre-parted bangs of his deep obsidian hair held in a pony-tail. Like Sasuke, Itachi maintained an air of authority and kingship while draped in his high collared, black brocade, cloak. Unlike his brother, however, Itachi’s aura though hidden, chilled the room and seemed to keep Kankuro, Gaara and even Sasuke in place. Such was his power, power that surpassed Sasuke’s, even now. 
“Now...” Itachi began only to be interrupted by Sasuke’s violent outburst. 
“Itachi!” Sasuke bellowed now free from the pressure of Itachi’s aura and presence. Sasuke now charged at Itachi in a blur through the force of his vampiric speed. 
Itachi sighed and with evasive skill and speed beyond Sasuke’s, simply side stepped his younger brother and grabbed him as easily as he would a human. Instantly, Sasuke and even Kankuro and Gaara were sent outside, crashing through the wall of Gaara’s office and into the sand garden behind the complex. 
“Master Itachi...” Naruto pleaded, clearly worried about what was happening. “I thought you wanted to talk to Sasuke?”
“I do, Naruto but it seems my little brother is not in the mood to listen. I’ll have to calm him down a bit first.” 
Itachi then proceeded to jump out of the hole in the wall in pursuit of his brother. “Stay here, Naruto.”
“Ugh!” Sasuke groaned while clutching his ribs. The young Uchiha was now struggling to stand up after Itachi’s punch and having crashed through that concrete wall and falling several floors down. Even Sasuke could not withstand such an attack and fall without wound.
Itachi was as powerful as ever, Sasuke thought to himself. Suddenly, despite his victory over the Akatsuki, The Sand Siblings and his months of training, Sasuke felt powerless. It was always this way around Itachi, his elder brother and a genius, even among the illustrious Uchiha. Around Itachi Sasuke felt small, powerless and even now he felt like he was a child again. Sasuke despised feeling like this Shit!
“You said you were going to take out Madara and usurp the council?” Itachi was now standing before them, his eyes blazing scarlet much like Sasuke’s. “ Yes I heard it all so...Why don’t you practise with me first?”
Sasuke, despite his reluctance to actually kill Itachi, kicked off, claws branched out and his eyes dyed crimson, matching his brother’s. 
“So... I take it you no longer have an issue with this alliance.” Temari asked, breaking the ice, as the duo headed back to Suna on Sakura’s broom. Rasa had stayed back with Elder Chiyo and Baki to recuperate further and would join his children later. 
Typical Temari, always asking the hard questions! “Temari... I don’t have an issue with this alliance, I told you before...” Sakura replied, uncertainty still seeping from her words. 
“Sure...” Temari, eyebrows raised, saw right through the witch. “Just what exactly is your issue with us, with me?”
“Temari... Temari I don’t hate you. In fact as much as I hate to admit it, I somewhat enjoyed this trip.” Sakura could not believe she was admitting it. 
“Shannaro! If you must know...” It was finally bursting out. “I am still pissed about the fight okay?! 
“The fight?”
“Not the fight itself but those humans...” Sakura’s issues were coming to the forefront. “Attacking Sasuke, Naruto and me... okay I can get over that. We’re enemies. But Temari...” The words were now struggling to get past her lips.
 “Temari you guys killed those humans and Kankuro... your brother made me stake a kid! He was young! I... I killed him!” 
Sakura now met Temari’s eyes with her own. She was sure Temari could see the hurt that characterised her expression at this point, the pain and guilt of what she had done. 
“Is that it?”
“What the hell do you mean if that’s it?!” Sakura was enraged now and her signature temper was about to take over. “Are you serious?!”
“ Sakura, maybe Sasuke is afraid of that...” Temari waved her closed fan at Sakura. “But I certainly am not.”
“Listen Sakura. Those ‘humans’ you speak of... do you know who or what they are?”
“What are you getting at?”
“Ignorant I see..” Temari’s tone was as stoic as usual. “They were all criminals. They raped and killed scads of people, even children! You know nothing about that ‘teenager’ that child as you called him and he would have died at our hands if not yours regardless.” 
“What?” Sakura could not process what Temari was saying. 
“I told you the sand is our home and we protect all here. My clan has watched over this land for centuries, over humans and vampires alike. We are not like Madara and his Uchiha.”
“Temari... I... I didn’t know...” Tears were now cascading down Sakura’s face as the thought of all of those criminals’ victims screaming, begging and dying chilled her completely. 
“Doing away with vermin, those mass murderers, rapists and pedophiles, those who got away with their sins before and sought to do the same in Suna... such is our way, our state’s death penalty and I make no apologies for it!”  Temari was firm and resolute. 
“I see...” Realization beat against Sakura. The guilt of killing was eased somewhat. In this world killing was natural, especially for vampires and even witches and just as her clan had done, Temari’s chose to root out evil as well. Sakura could not fault her for it. She wouldn’t.
“And Ino...Naruto?” Sakura had one final question, one piece of this puzzle that made no sense to her.
“What do you mean?” Temari genuinely seemed as confused as Sakura was. 
 “Kankuro only compelled criminals, right?”
“Kankuro seemed to want to feed on Ino though...”
“That was the kitsune tricking him with his powers.”
“That’s the thing, Naruto said he was compelled and broke free in the last minute.”
“That’s a lie.”
“Why would Naruto wait all that time and then only step in in the last minute. He should have saved us since he arrived. Why shoot Sasuke and even me? Why lie?”
“Maybe he was...”
“Testing us?”
“You’re strong Sasuke,” Itachi whispered while he matched Sasuke’s psychic enhanced taijutsu with his own. “But not strong enough.” Itachi shot a menacing grin as he taunted his younger brother. Sasuke, now draped in a cloak of black energy married with veins of icy-blue, his fangs visible, glared at his brother like a hawk as his punches, kicks and slashes rebounded off of Itachi’s own power. 
Itachi’s hand to hand skills were impeccable, just as Sasuke remembered. While blanketed with his own psionic power, his power as a vampire, Itachi with eyes like crimson stars and acute fangs brandished, easily evaded, matched and retaliated against every move Sasuke had made. Sparks of their clashing auras lit the field as Sasuke’s met Itachi’s own aura of murky black streaked with blood red. Alas, Sasuke could not touch his brother and after struggling for a period, eventually succumbed to Itachi’s bombardment and was violently struck back.
“Argh!” Sasuke winced as he flew.
“You really are lucky, Sasuke.” Itachi commented moments later when peered at Sasuke, now cushioned in Gaara’s sand. Gaara and Kankuro had join the battle after recovering from their fall and were now supporting Sasuke. 
“Sasuke, it seems you can’t handle this alone.” Kankuro teased, his fingers twitching within his violet aura. 
“Kankuro now!” Gaara commanded while setting Sasuke off. 
On his command, in the face of Itachi, brimming with vampiric power, Kankuro exerted his own force; his telekinetic mastery. With the flick of his fingers, dozens of trees and cacti enclosed the vicinity as if springing to life and in an instant they slammed into Itachi. 
Gaara, simultaneously summoned his aura of gold and with his right arm pointed out, as he had done against the Uchiha couple, summoned forth a colossal sandstorm. On his command the dust storm launched into Itachi, joining Kankuro’s assault on the Uchiha prince. 
“I told you all, I just wanted to talk...” Itachi nonchalantly sighed with his eyes closed. “..oh well...”  In a flash, the prince then ended the fight. 
Sasuke could not believe what he had witnessed. “Was Itachi always this powerful?” Sasuke whispered to himself as Gaara and Kankuro were knocked back, their attacked dissipated instantaneously by the psionic pressure of Itachi’s mind. Sasuke was the only one left. 
Before Sasuke could have processed what was happening Itachi revealed his true power; the might of the prodigy of the Uchiha vampires. Before them, Itachi’s cloak of vampiric power grew and from a cocoon of obsidian infused with crimson metamorphosed as a new form took shape.
 What was once a dome, whirls of vampiric energy, now evolved into a higher power. The inky power of Itachi’s psionic force had died, stifled, it appeared, by the strands of rich crimson present among his aura. This energy, however surged and totally engulfed Itachi and his aura as it grew. What was now a shapeless mass of psychic energy had dimmed and it its place an armored giant bathed in hues of flame- like red, was protecting Itachi. This giant Sasuke noticed, seemed to take on the appearance of the mythical long nosed tengu of Eastern legend.
  “ What the hell is that?!”
“This, Sasuke, is my guardian, my susanoo and the true power of the Uchiha!” Itachi blared through the armor of his guardian. “This is what it means to be an Uchiha, one whose power has reached its apex! This is my very vampiric soul  manifested before me through the power of my compulsion!” 
Sasuke had never felt such power and such fright in battle. Was Itachi truly invincible? And what of Madara, then? How could Sasuke ever beat them. How could he ever protect his wife and his future? Sakura, I’m sorry. Sasuke’s confidence, for the first time he could recall, was gone and slowly, in the face of Itachi’s radiation of power, Sasuke could feel himself weaken and his knees bend in submission. 
“I told you to stay inside, Naruto.” In the midst of the brothers’ confrontation, Naruto had joined the battle and he dashed to Sasuke’s side. 
“Itachi. You told me you only wanted to talk to Sasuke and Sakura chan.” Naruto pleaded, obviously still torn between his master and his friends. “What is all this?” Naruto was now pointing towards Gaara and Kankuro on the ground. 
“Tch.” Sasuke interrupted. “Save it idiot. You already showed where your loyalties are.”
“Sasuke I...” Sasuke would hear nothing of Naruto’s pleas afterwards and in that moment, resolved to do all he could. Sasuke fought.
As Sasuke raced towards Itachi, his aura alight, Itachi further showed off his power. Itachi, it seemed, pulled his aura back into himself, the malevolent aura that was his guardian. In its absence, after the mass of energy was withdrawn, only a crimson, pulsing flame-like aura settled on Itachi. 
“Compress!” Itachi shouted, eyes sealed and palms clasped as he seemingly commanded his guardian. 
As this aura compressed upon the Uchiha prince, stars of of red fire lit his eyes and his claws and fangs were on full display, outstretched and ready for his prey. In the wake is the sun of fierce psionic power that radiated from Itachi, Sasuke could feel his own movements slowed. It was as if Itachi’s aura caused the very sand beneath him to sink and burn. Even the wind was whipped into a ferocious gale in Itachi’s presence. 
Sasuke however forced himself ever forward. He refused to let Itachi win and maybe on some level, Sasuke thought, he was spurred by his rage towards Naruto in addition to his desire to save himself and his wife. Naruto could only look on as Sasuke meant to battle Itachi in his current form. 
In the blink of an eye Sasuke, meters away from Itachi, was halted. Where is he? Sasuke was at a loss, Itachi has vanished. “Itachi!” he screamed while his brother escaped his eyes and even his not active vampire senses. Where did he vanish to?
“Hello brother.”
Sasuke was coughing while Itachi, as if appearing out of thin air, grabbed Sasuke from behind and wrung his neck, lifting him off of the ground. Such was Itachi’s speed and power.
 Sasuke, even as a vampire, felt himself struggling to stay conscious with the might of Itachi’s awesome vampiric strength, now bolstered by his susanoo. Sasuke could feel his eyes forcing themselves shut while his mind died from Itachi’s strangling. Seconds later, he finally gave in and let himself pass out. I... can’t... fight it..
“Interesting....” Itachi mused moments later while Sasuke rested safely in Naruto’s arms. “So I take it you’re joining in?”
When Sasuke opened his eyes he found himself looking up at Naruto’s grinning face. Why? 
“Sasuke! Are you okay?!” Naruto shouted, worry dripping from his words. 
“I’m fine...” Sasuke pushed Naruto away as she spoke and steadied himself when he stood. 
While looking over at Itachi as he steadied himself on the ground, Sasuke could not believe what he witnessed. Naruto, dozens of the kitzune surrounded Itachi while one of them was at Sasuke’s side. 
“My shadow clones.” Naruto smiled. “It’s kitsune illusion magic. Now let’s kick his ass!” 
“Hmm...” Sasuke felt a the murk of hesitation flood his veins, body and mind as he steeled himself for battle once more. Sasuke still didn’t know how he felt about Naruto. Should I trust this idiot? Surely Naruto had saved him yet Sasuke being Sasuke, could not bring himself to accept Naruto’s help, especially after finding out his conspiracy with Itachi.
“Sasuke!” Naruto screamed as he looked on at Itachi’s aura stamping out his illusion magic. “We can deal with this later! Now you need my help to beat him!”
“He’s right,” Gaara added, now risen from the ground. 
“Hmm.” Kankuro nodded in agreement as he joined his younger brother. 
Sasuke hated his indecisiveness and the force of his own ruthlessness and pride pressing down upon him. No it wasn’t just that. Sasuke, on some level knew it was more. Naruto’s betrayal had hurt him, actually affected him. Sasuke was hurt. 
In spite of this, Sasuke knew Naruto was needed and thus, he cast aside his emotions for the time being and decided to accept Naruto’s help. At least this is what he told himself. He would not accept himself feeling any relief as this development. He could not.
“Tch. Don’t get distracted Naruto.” Sasuke taunted while readying his attack. 
“You!” Naruto gritted his teeth, feigning annoyance and with that also invoked his power. 
It’s time to go beyond! Sasuke needed more power to face Itachi, of this he was certain and in that moment the young Uchiha forced himself to go beyond his limits. I will defeat you brother. Focusing all of his power into his palms, Sasuke with his aura of pitch black like a starless night, let loose the concentration of black power; a new attack birthed from his resolve. Erupting from his palms was a wildfire of jet-black flames which, like actual fire, radiated a heat that stood out even in the fevered desert that was Suna. Bursting from his abstract psionic power, a fire- like power was now sprayed in black spews.  “Amaterasu!” Sasuke bellowed as the ebony of his blaze contrasted against the rich aureate of the desert sand and blasting into Itachi.
Naruto, in alliance with Sasuke, simultaneously charged up his own power. Gathering power from his flaring red aura, the kitsune in an instant pulled his power into his palms and, as was the case with his rasengan, compressed it all in the form of a spinning orb of energy. This time, however, Sasuke noticed that the form of his attacked had been altered, developed further. Itachi, you bastard! You betrayed me! Naruto’s rage knew no bounds as he looked at Itachi, the man who used him and who sought to hurt his friends.  Rather than a revolution of whirling light-blue energy, Naruto’s sphere grew in size and was dyed completely in pure white. A new power born from his command of nature’s energy was brimming now.  As it spun, protrusions like sharpened blades could be seen in a blur, due to in no small part the rapid spinning of the orb. “Rasenshuriken!” Naruto boomed when he launched his attack at Itachi. 
Amazing! Naruto could not fathom the blaze of aura Sasuke spewed at their opponent. 
So this is Naruto at full power? Even Sasuke was in awe of Naruto’s power. 
What occurred next was beyond any of the men’s understanding. Mid-way while blazing at Itachi, both attacks, Naruto’s ‘rasenshuriken’ and Sasuke’s ‘amaterasu’ met. Both attacks, Sasuke noticed, married into one raging mass of power before meeting Itachi, his aura still crackling vibrantly as he gazed on. As if deriving power from one another the fire-like energy of Sasuke’s compulsion and the gale like revolution of Naruto’s natural power created a new force. Like the fan rouses the flame, so too had Naruto’s attack empowered Sasuke’s psionic energy, leaving only a jet black wildfire surging as it exploded and then engulfed Itachi and everything in the vicinity. 
Impossible. Sasuke thought to himself. He had never witnessed a convergence like this, one between a vampire and a kitsune. Even Sakura’s white magic and his dark compulsion would not mix like this and instead, would seek to snuff one another out. Moreover a cool relief washed over Sasuke as he believed that they had finally beaten Itachi. 
“Wow Sasuke!” Naruto exclaimed, his voice bursting with excitement and wonder at what had happened. “We kicked his ass!”
Gaara and Kankuro soon joined their sides and all four men looked on as Sasuke and Naruto’s powers failed to relent and flared before them, no doubt with Itachi struggling within. 
“Naruto!” a voice thundered and before the kitsune could source the outcry he was alerted through the pain of a fist meeting his cranium. It was Sakura’s fist as she dived from her broom mid-air and clocked him with white magical power. In the wake of her attack a cloud of sand and a crater was left. “You idiot!”
“S...Sakura chan...” Naruto struggled out in a daze while seeing stares and wobbling back and forth. “I.. I can explain.”
“Save it dummy!” Sakura yelled while cutting him off and,  suddenly wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you.” Sakura smiled, a stark contrast from her previous outburst.
“Hmm.” Sasuke smirked while closing his eyes. 
“Sasuke!” Sakura then continued as she jumped into her husband’s arms, provoking a twirl as he wrapped his strong arms around her gentle frame. 
“Thank God you’re okay just like you said!” 
“I was so worried.” Sakura cried out, still hugging her husband tightly. 
“You’re squeezing me, Sakura.” Sasuke was pretending to be inconvenienced but Sakura could tell he liked it. 
“Oops. Sorry!” Sakura laughed as he let her down finally. 
Sasuke, he explained to the still dizzy Naruto, had sensed Sakura approaching as their bond was resumed while their attacks caught Itachi and despite the witch’s concern had managed to convince her that he was okay. Sakura had been briefed on all that happened in her absence and was thus able to fill in Temari as well. 
“Dad’s okay!” Temari yelled in excitement as soon as she reunited with her siblings. “Sakura broke the curse and... and she knows who cast it!” 
“So he left a trail...honestly...” A voice chuckled from beyond Sasuke’s psychic fire and in that moment Sasuke, Sakura and everyone else froze. Itachi was safe and free.
Shit! Sakura!
Sasuke! How?
Sakura struggled to access her bond with Sasuke and could only force out this much. Such was the power of Itachi’s psionic power. Itachi was free and from what Sakura witnessed was totally unscathed by the boy’s convergence. In the presence of his own burning energy field, Sasuke’s blaze was quieted; his own sea of fire parted. How strong is this guy?
Itachi you! Even Sasuke was paralyzed by Itachi and as his elder brother slowly and gracefully strode towards his party feelings of insecurity once more immersed Sasuke. I really am nothing compared to him. Sasuke, from the side view could tell, Naruto and the siblings were frozen as well. No there’s more. As Sasuke peeked he realized what had happened. They were hypnotized, Sakura and his wife were not. 
“Your black tourmaline protected you from hypnosis but telekinesis?” Itachi was nearing the couple as he spoke. “No my brother and little sister deserved special treatment.” Itachi chuckled as he spoke, a maniacal grin now emerging from his face. 
Bloom! Come on come on! Bloom! Sakura, despite pouring all of her focus into her magic, failed. She could summon nothing. Before Itachi’s dark power, her own was stifled. Shit if only my bindi... 
Sasuke was in the same position. Straining his mind was futile since Itachi’s aura claimed dominion over the yard and over Sasuke’s own. Sakura! Itachi you! Alas, before Itachi Uchiha, the Uchiha couple had finally lost and could only remain huddled together, frozen in place by Itachi. 
When Itachi finally met them he outstretched his arm towards Sasuke while baring his fangs in a cruel smirk, drawing ever so close to Sasuke’s eyes, eyes of scarlet at this point. Sakura could feel her knees aching to buckle while she fearfully gazed into Itachi’s burning eyes. Sasuke please... no! Sasuke panicked in his mind while he saw the hand, dyed in red, nearing his face. You...
Far away another ploy was underway, one that had nothing to do with the vampire prince and the white witch... yet.
“Yes, Lord Madara?” the strange man’s voice hissed as he entered the Uchiha’s headquarters in Leaf City. “You’ve some use for me?”
“You’ve killed Rasa and the others for me... now I have another mission for you, in the woods.”
An impish grin was the man’s only response. 
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