#his mom like: he was such a cuddly child. he was my little koala bear 😊
bloodxhound · 1 month
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ray during the entire lunch, seething and suffering as his mother recounts one embarrassing childhood story after another because suki just won’t stop asking
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
hi!! can you do a kanao!reader (demon slayer) x Childe, Kazuha, and Zhongli (separately), I’d prefer the reader to use a coin and then stop using it after getting into a relationship, emotionless kinda but then starting to warm up, !!IF ITS OK WITH YOU!! and also have the same backstory as her, of course, you don’t have to do the last part since it’s really dark- you don’t have to do this request tho! :D
Kanao! reader x Childe, Kazuha, Zhongli
Pronounce: she/him/they,, pronounce isn't mentioned! so I won't mention it either!
Warning: slight spoilers for Kanao’s past (and Kazuha and Zhongli), violence and cursing (it's just a little bit nothing very bad or anything! and if i forgot anything please remind me!)
A/n: Moshi moshi~ dear, ofc i'll do your request! And if you check out my rules page you will see all the characters i write for and if i write for those characters that means that i also write for the characters their past! I hope this is okay and what you wanted! If it's not just tell me and I will try again hun!
First time meeting:
He was very curious about you when he first saw you.
When he approached you, you just kept smiling, while tried to start a conversation with you.
Keyword: tried
You just kept staring intently at him with a smile, ngl he got kind of scared.
But the moment you pulled out a coin and flipped it into the air, he was so confused, huhh???
When the coin landed on your palm and you smiled at him, he waited patiently for you to answer him.
But what you did next is something he really didn't expect.
“Sayonara” You smiled at him and ran away leaving Childe in a confused daze.
After that he would keep searching for you, and try to make conversation.
When you two get together:
You would slowly try to have a conversation without the use of your coin. (but Childe luckily didn't try to push you)
“Yes love!”
“Do..you..like rocks?”
He will be very patient with you, and even though he still teases you and flirts with you, he knows when to stop.
If you decide to tell him about your past and about your dead sister who decided to take care of you, he will first of all feel a lot of grief and anger. Not anger towards you but towards the people who treated you like shit.
He will let you take your time, while he teaches the people who treated you badly a..few lessons.
This bastard is very clingy while you are...not. So he likes to cling onto you like a koala bear, and you just let it be.
He flirts a lot with you but you don't respond most of the time, but when you flirt back he will be shook and flustered.
If he has seen you fighting, he will want to spar with you.
You usually just spend time together eating or sparring.
It's a cute relationship while he supports you all the way!
First time meeting:
He just wanted some peace and quiet in nature, maybe reciting some haiku.
But as he got to the clearing he saw a person calmly sitting there with butterflies flying around (her/him/them), he just stood there shocked.
As you turned your head around your eyes met, and it felt as if there was an invisible connection with each other.
After that day you often meet him at the exact same place, sometimes he tells you haiku’s or you two just sit in a comfortable silence with butterflies surrounding you two.
When you two are together in a relationship:
You both are very calm people and you don’t talk that much but his calming presence, makes you use your coin less.
“Kazuha can you...can you..”
“Take your time Y/n”
“Can you tell me a haiku about butterflies..?”
He is very happy that you try to talk without the coin, but of course he is curious why you don't talk without your coin. He won't push you for answers though.
If you tell him about your past and your dead sister, he can relate to you losing your loved one.
If you want to he will comfort you, he is actually very amazed by your mental strength and compliments you for it.
He wrote a haiku about his admiration for you.
You are really bad at comforting him but he takes great comfort in your presence.
You didn't really know what to do with physical affection, but it's okay because he eases you into it.
Usually hand holding or kisses on the cheek.
If he told you about his past and how he is a wanted criminal, you will become quite protective over him.
If he saw how you defeated your enemies, he would be amazed and proud of you.
Has several haikus about you, and he usually tells you about them before bed time.
Ughhhhh him telling you about all his love and adoration for you in the most poetic way and before bed time!?!?! SIGN ME UP đŸ€Č
It's a very wholesome and sweet relationship, with you both being closeted simps for each other.
First time meeting:
You basically became Zhongli’s assistant, he found your company very comforting and nice.
He was certainly very curious about you and why you only answered with your coin.
He talked...a lot.. like a lot, you just let him talk because you had high respect for the man.
And his voice is just *chef’s kiss*
When you two get together:
In your relationship he is the one who talks the most, and you just listen with a smile on your face.
He knows you don't really make decisions without your coin, but actually it's just you who already made a decision but didn't want to embarrass yourself.
He cares a lot for you, so when you tell him about your past;
He will have order! *summons giant rock*/j
No but seriously he will comfort you with his words if needed, he will brew you some tea.
He has been through some hard stuff as well so he isn't that bad at comforting.
He knows you're not very cuddly or anything but he lets it be, so he is very surprised when you hold his arm out of nowhere.
“And so- oh
” You just wrapped your hand around his arm like you had done it so many times, his gentle smile widens even more.
“Ah okay as i was saying-!”
When he tells you that he is a god, you don't react that much. you already knew.
He is actually kind of glad and surprised that that was your only reaction.
With physical affection it's usually him holding your hands or your hand wrapped around his arm.
You are basically his mom; when he is going out and forgot his Mora for the hundredth time, you will come to the rescue with a bag of Mora.
Things like that are your way of showing you care, and of course you are not using your coin with him anymore.
When he sees you fighting he is very curious and proud, he will want to ask questions about your fighting styles over a cup of tea.
Aww such a sweet relationship, even though he is a god y'all don't care; just living in the moment!
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mvrtaiswriting · 3 years
Can I have headcanons for Giorno (aged-up) with a crush who's really affectionate with everyone including him? He's really new to someone caring about him and she's just always like hug, cheek kiss, face nuzzle. And when they're crossing the street she puts herself at the side of where the cars are moving and holds his hand temporarily until they've reached the pavementđŸ„ș Her voice is also very childish almost squeaky and she's just very.. feminine and small? YOUR HONOR, I'M SOFT. THAMKS YOU💖
Giorno with a super affectionate FEM!Reader.
HELLO! First of all, I want to thank you so much for requesting this!! I enjoyed writing it so much! Also.. Soft giorno? YOUR HONOUR I AM HERE FOR IT!! This was extremely cute and I hope it matches your expectations! Also, I feel like Giorno would be the cutest boyfriend ever sfhsiuhf.  Enjoy this!!!! 
Fem!Reader x Giorno Giovanna
Jojo’s bizzare adventures: Vento Aureo
SFW | fluff
Trigger warning: none!!
Word count: 710
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Every time she reached Giorno’s skin, he would shiver so much she’d see him visibly shake. Her touch would literally send chills to Giorno’s spine every. time.
He does appreciate this type of affection and he is more cuddly than he likes to admit. Yet, he is still not very used to it as he basically grew up being touch starved. 
Every time she ran her finger through Giorno’s hair for the sole sake of giving him attention, his heart would beat as fast as if he was running a marathon. Plus, she’d be the only other person, apart from himself of course, with the permission of touching his hair. At a certain point, he would also ask her to braid his hair “Just like you did to yourself the other day”.
His cheeks gets scarlet red every time she kissed them. No matter for how long this thing has been going on, he’d still feel butterflies in his stomach and get all flustered.
The first time she hugged Giorno, was after he left for a few days to help Bucciarati with a mission. Her heart filled with joy when he came back safe, causing and she just couldn’t help but literally jumping in his arms, giving him a koala hug; her legs were wrapped around Giorno’s torso, while her arms gently hugged his neck. She also snuggled his face on the crook of Giorno’s neck and breathing in his perfume, causing Giorno to feel her warm breath on his bare skin. At first, Giorno wasn’t able to move a muscle. A part of him was enjoying the affection he was receiving, another part of him just didn’t know what to do. 
He eventually reciprocated the hug when Abbacchio pointed out that if all it took for him to be defeated was a hug, then maybe Giorno wasn’t as clever as everyone thought he was.
She laughed, causing Giorno - and everyone really - to laugh too. Her laugh was so loud and contagious, so genuine it was impossible to resist to it. 
She absolutely loved squeezing Giorno’s cheeks and leaving a kiss on the tip of his nose. 
She would ALWAYS looked/reached for Giorno’s hand. Were they watching a slightly scary movie together? She would grab his hand. Were they just sitting next to each other? Boom, holding hands. This was perhaps Giorno’s favourite thing to do. He would always intertwine his fingers with her, having a firm grip on her hand as if he wanted to say “I’m here to stay.”
Giorno would absolutely be over-protective of her. She would had the habit of dangerously crossing the street, putting herself on the street’s side closer to the cars. Because of this, Giorno would grab her hand and help her cross the streets safely, always walking a step ahead of her to make sure traffic stopped in time and to be aware of any incoming traffic.
Being so affectionate was in her nature and although this side was mostly reserved for Giorno, she loved hugging Bucciarati (he’d give the best bear hugs dont fight me on this!!!!) and would always tickle Narancia, playing some ball game with him and kissing him on his forehead, treating him almost as a child. Also, she would be the MOM of the group and it wasn’t rare for the members of the gang to reach out for her for advise or simply to have someone that would really listen to and care about them. 
Giorno loved seeing her going so along with his closest friends but he couldn’t help being jealous of it. He wanted her love and affection something that was only his. 
Giorno loved to show her Golden Wind’s powers. The look of excitement and surprise that always adorned her face when he transformed something into a living thing made him feel so happy and proud of himself. The main reason why he enjoyed showing her such things was because her reactions were always pure and genuine, almost child-like. The little squeaky screams leaving her mouth every time she saw the magic happen just filled Giorno with joy, pride and, of course love towards her.
For her birthday, Giorno transformed one of his books into her favourite pet as a present. 
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