#his level of possession isn’t the typical abusive behaviour that real monsters in our world have
skywalkr-nberrie · 3 months
I feel like most people’s problem with Anidala lies in the misconception of the sort of “possessive” Anakin is and becomes when he’s with Padmé. Most people are thinking standard abusive boyfriend/husband who won’t let his girl/wife live her damn life. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth of what Anakin is.
An abusive husband will dictate what his wife does and restrict her from doing things she wants, make her whole personality and obligations all about him and rob her of a life of her own. As we can very clearly see, Anakin doesn’t do any of the above. He respects Padmé’s decisions, even abides to her choices and wishes sometimes, and he respects her duty as a Senator and feels proud for it as well.
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And he actually helps out with her Senatorial duties as well whenever he can.
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Anakin doesn’t want to stop Padmé from living her life, or doing the things she desires, he clearly cares for her opinions and considers what she wants even before they got together. I.E in AOTC, where he argues the Council against taking Padmé back to Naboo because she’d want to stay for the vote.
The ‘possessiveness’ that Anakin harbours within himself when it comes to Padmé, stems from his fear of losing her to the unknown dangers of the galaxy. He had already lost his mother, and this heightened his fear of losing his wife. He knows Padmé is a heavy target due to her status and position as a revered politician and former queen of Naboo. He fears so much that he wants to keep his eyes on her at all times, he wants to stay by her side 24/7 and keep her safe, but he knows he can’t do that with his position as a Jedi, due to A) having to be on the front lines cause of the war and B) having to keep his relationship with Padmé a secret. This also just adds to Anakin’s fear of not being able to protect or save Padmé because he’s not there with her at times.
Anakin doesn’t want to control Padmé or her life. He knows she’s passionate about certain things and he’s always there to support her for it. However, it doesn’t stop him from worrying over her and trying to change her mind when she dives headfirst into danger. And he knows how she’s just as impulsive because he’s also the same way. Thus, is where that “obsessive possessiveness” really stems from. It’s not that Anakin is a first class A-hole who doesn’t want Padmé to exist outside her relationship with him, it’s that he wants to control every bad thing that could possibly happen to her and rebuttal it, cause he can’t live without her, and he’d die if he ever lost her.
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End of story. - 🌹
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