#his knee propped up on the pillow in the 7th gif makes me want to tear him to shreds
dennisboobs · 1 year
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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
↳ Dennis + eating because he's uncomfortable
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maraudingthrough · 4 years
hello! any chance for a headcanon for when remus gets insecure and really jealous?? gender neutral if possible please!! thank you and i hope you have a great day!!! x
Oh! Darling: Remus Lupin x GenderNeutral!Reader Headcanons
Words: didn’t count them, cause it’s a hc!
A/N: Hello Anon! ohhh headcanons~ I love these, and Remus for a change! We all love this handsome cinnamon roll. I set this for Marauders Era and I had to cut the headcanon to not disturb the tags on Tumblr. I hope I used gender neutrality well, constructive criticism is welcome, of course!
Warnings: jealousy? but nothing extreme!!
PSA: I don’t quite like the concept of jealousy. I think everybody feels jealousy but it shouldn’t be romanticized. If anyone ever feels jealous for whatever reason, express this to your s/o and work around it. If you feel uncomfortable of your s/o being jealous, tell them they have nothing to be jealous about because you love them. Communication people!
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Marauders Era Remus (7th year)
Not everybody who was close to Remus knew he was insecure. He usually came out like a shy boy who liked to read. And that was exactly what Remus wanted, because the only excuse for being insecure was his lycanthropy problem.
He felt loved by (Y/N), he truly did. But they were so amazing, and so out of his league that he always heard his own voice in his head that he wasn’t enough, that one day (Y/N) would realize and leave him alone.
It didn’t help that (Y/N) was one of the most popular people at Hogwarts. They could have any girl or boy they wanted, but they really loved Remus, and knew that beauty was superficial.
Not only that, Remus was handsome. His heartwarming eyes and messy brown hair were enough to make (Y/N) swoon, not to mention that he was really, really tall, towering easily over anyone, including (Y/N).
Nevertheless, Remus was incapable of loving himself, and that was the issue. He could be the most handsome man in all Hogwarts and he would still think very little of himself.
(Y/N) was friendly with the Marauders, they weren’t best friends with any of them but they trusted each other. They hanged out together, (Y/N) always finding a way to be by Remus’ side, and trying to touch him in any way possible (without being gross, of course)
Moony was usually reading a book, so his hands were occupied most of the time. So (Y/N) always sat by his side, making their knees touch, making him lay on their lap (occasionally petting his hair), or even grabbing one of his hands, which he only let go when he needed to turn a page. When (Y/N) grabbed his hand he either stopped reading altogether or he read really slowly, as he was reluctant to let them go.
This did not happen one day. It was after lunch, on a Saturday, Sirius, James and (Y/N) started talking about a topic, Remus noticed that it was muggle rock music. He hadn’t know that (Y/N) really liked music, but it was nice to know. He was thinking about many ideas for dates back in London, maybe going to a music store and buying some records. A The Rolling Stones shirt would be a good christmas gift. When they reached their usual spot by the Black Lake, they where still arguing which band had the best music (which was pointless, as music is completely subjective to what the individual likes, but whatever). Remus sat at his usual spot, then Sirius sat by his side, (Y/N) joining him and James.
So the placement was, Peter, Remus, Sirius, (Y/N) and James.
Remus missed (Y/N)’s presence besides him, but he didn’t want to be clingy so he let it slide, tried to concentrate on the book on his hands. It didn’t help however how Sirius seemed to pointedly try to make (Y/N) laugh.
(Or Remus was being paranoid)
Or not. He didn’t worry for James, as he was in a relationship with Lily. But Sirius? The Hogwarts heart-throb? That was charming and could get anyone flustered with his silver tongue?
Yeah, Remus was worried. Not because (Y/N) or Sirius would betray him, but he was really afraid that (Y/N) would realize that he was a better man than him, then leave him.
But he mustn’t jump into conclusions. Maybe that day in particular Sirius was really interested in (Y/N). Nothing to worried about, right?
Sirius was more and more insistent in spending time with (Y/N), so Remus, logically felt threatened. It wasn’t like Remus so show PDA around the school, but now he usually kissed (Y/N)’s cheek or forehead around other people, usually pulled them close or wrapped an arm around their shoulders.
(Y/N) wasn’t uncomfortable, Remus was their boyfriend after all. They were... surprised. They knew PDA wasn’t Remus forte, in fact it was really weird coming from Remus, so (Y/N) decided to ask him if something was wrong.
He said that he was warming up to PDA and got a little defensive asking if it was wrong to kiss his significant other.
(Y/N) decided to drop it. Maybe it was a werewolf trait? Getting more affectionate before a full moon? It was new, but maybe Remus would return to his old form in a few weeks.
Turns out that three days before the full moon, Remus was cranky and weak (as he usually was before turning into a werewolf) but also was glued to (Y/N) and they noticed the hostility towards Sirius, specially when he talked to (Y/N).
“Remus, can we talk?” (Y/N) asked politely and trying to sound as calm as possible. He nodded, but made no sign to move. “Alone, please?” he then nodded and gulped. It was coming, he tried to avoid it, trying to block Sirius from (Y/N)’s presence. But it hadn’t worked. They were at the boy’s dormitory, everyone else downstairs.
“I know what you are going to say.” Remus said, his voice horse. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “You are going to break up with me because- because Sirius-”
“I was not going to do such thing you dense, bloody idiot.” (Y/N) interrupted, clearly angry. “I was going to ask you what the hell was your problem with Sirius.”
“My problem? He’s all over you! What am I supposed to do? Wait with my arms crossed till he snatches you away?”
“ ‘Snatch me away’? Do you hear yourself?” (Y/N) realized quickly what the real problem was and calmed their temper. “Remus I don’t know how to tell you and show you that I love you. I really only have eyes for you, you don’t have to get jealous”
“But Sirius-”
“Sirius was just being friendly.” (Y/N) reached for Remus’ hands, squeezing them. “Look, Sirius might be handsome to some people but I love you and I find you handsome, and incredible. You are wonderful, sweet and the best boyfriend someone can wish for.”
“Even when I turn into a werewolf?” (Y/N) now caressed his chest, wrapping their arms around his neck, Remus placed his hands on their waist.
“Much more when you turn into a werewolf.” (Y/N) grinned pecking him in the lips. “I was wondering, if you get more... handsy when the full moon approached...?” Remus quirked one of his eyebrows. “What? It was nice having you all over me in the halls.”
“It wasn’t nice losing 5 house points because McGonagall found it inappropriate for school grounds.” he remembered, his cheeks going slightly red.
“To hell with house points, I want you to push me against a wall and-” Remus muffled whatever was going out of (Y/N)’s mouth with his hand, smirking.
“Okay, keep that wild imagination of yours inside your pretty head.” he told them, kissing their forehead. (Y/N) grabbed a handful of his front robes and yanked him down to kiss him.
“Kiss me properly, for Godric’s sake.” they complained, getting another deep kiss from Remus. He then peppered them with little kisses all over their face, making them giggle. “I have a plan for today, we can cuddle in the sofa when everyone’s gone and snog a lot.”
“Or we can do that right now, on my bed.”
“You get wilder with the moon, Moony.” (Y/N) teased, dropping to his bed, happy to be engulfed with Remus’ scent. He chuckled, taking off his shoes. They had to maneuver around the bed, as it was big enough for one persone but for two it was tight, so they had to get really close.
They talked for a while, (Y/N) laying on the pillow, talking about their music taste while Remus listened, propped up on his elbow. Sometimes he added a comment, but was more than happy to just listen to his significant other. 
(Y/N) reached his face and lovingly stroked one of his pink scars, making Remus smile and lean down to kiss them fondly. “I love you Remus.”
“I love you more, (Y/N)” he said, dropping his head on their chest, loving the feeling of being embraced by (Y/N), breathing in their perfume.
they might have fallen asleep, so Sirius shut the curtains after taking a picture. lovely couple of dorks.
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