#his fanbase loves to theorise about him lmao
eridianraccoon · 3 years
from what i can tell w x, his helmet seems to change with his colour. is that built in, or does he actually own 12+ helmets for whatever he's feeling? :D
12+ helmets! One for every caste.
But X would absolutely go with a helmet that’s all in one, more convenient than what he has to do.
It’s because of this though that trolls around him dubbed him a hemoshifter which he finds humorous, all the theories do.
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jalboyhenthusiast · 4 years
Hiii!! So recently this theory has come to my attention (I'm sure it's not new it just is to me) and it's basically that what may have exacerbated the animosity and feelings of betrayal after z left is that it apparently affected hl's plans or something?? I know it's all conjecture but could you elaborate on this bc I may be dumb but I genuinely don't understand how his departure may have potentially impacted their speculated coming out or whatever? Like the logistics of it all bc I'm baffled.
Contd: Also just thinking about it some more, even though I am certainly not z's biggest fan, I do not at all blame him for putting himself and his mental health first but do you genuinely believe he would have willingly and knowingly done something that would jeopardise their relationship in any way like Lou and him were the best of friends and although I don't fervently support him the way I do hl I find it difficult to accept he would do something to knowingly hurt them y'know?? Idk I'm torn.
hi babe yeah obviously none of us will ever know the true story behind what went down between z/h/l but there has been some theorising that it may have changed the plans for h/l. i remember reading a really good post on it a while back which i cant find now annoyingly but basically if they did have any sort of CO plans for h/l in the works then with zayn leaving its thought that it would have been too much change all at once for the fanbase thus reversing what felt like months of seeding. its also worth noting that louis’ image did a complete 180 from around the same time (photographed out almost every night from early march onwards and then we all know what that snowballed into). personally i really dont know what to believe but i do know that whatever happened between them it had to have been personal for h/l to react the way they did especially in contrast to liam and niall who didnt seem to hold any personal resentment. maybe it was related to a CO maybe it was completely unrelated but just as important to them. we’ll never know unfortunately. 
i also want to add that i 100% dont blame z at all for doing what he did either. im predominantly a hl fan but i do love z to bits too and i will always defend his decision to leave when he did (although he did some messy press afterwards... but again there seemed to be some bitter feelings from all 3 of them. it was generally a messy time lmao). i think we have to consider just how bad it was for him. he was miserable he was literally unwell he was dragging himself out on stage every night for years when all he wanted to do was get away from it all. he had put himself second for years and i just think enough was enough for him. i dont think it was a malicious decision or he intended to hurt anyone with the consequences of it. it was just something that had to be done. getting out of a contract early probably also meant some sort of consequence for him too so i dont think he got out of it scot free either. again we’re all just theorising what went down behind the scenes so we can’t say for sure what z leaving meant for the rest of them but clearly it left scars between z/h/l for years :/ hopefully though with louis publicly reaching out this year it means they’re mending that rift 
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