#his experiences aren't nothing and ginny had no right to say that he is not chinese enough
I'm not supposed to have a lot of opinions or very strong opinions on the oppression olympics scene but yall place the entire blame on hunter and that's not okay
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solreznik · 1 year
Council Meeting 7/25/42
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Transcript of the meeting where Sol filled in council on 1) campground community he made contact with, 2) group of savages he took out, and 3) increased rumors and talk about mutant zombies. Council approved Sol traveling again, this time heading west, with Ginny accompanying.
Ermano: thank you all for coming. i think we are all anxious to hear about Sol’s adventure outside of these walls. -looks to Sol- Floor is yours.
Sol: -mustering up the nerve for public speaking- Well, like I proposed, I headed north. Overall estimate? I think things are pretty clear. As far up as Clarksburg, I didn’t see or hear of any major settlements…which is good or bad, depending on your outlook. I’ll leave smarter minds to decide that. Three noteworthy things went down.
On the way back, I scouted a campground that supported about a dozen folks. Two main families, and some solo survivors. They welcomed me right in, which surprised me. Figured by now, folks’d be taking a little more precaution.
Ike: A campground? No fortifications to speak of?
Sol: They’d put up some wire fencing, cans and shit. Seemed more worried about biters than bad folks. But it was a nice campground, the kind that’s almost like a motel? So I think they were relying on locking doors.
Ike: Gotcha. So they unlocked their doors for you, seeing as you're not trying to chomp anybody.
Ermano: I'm surprised they aren't worried about the savages.
Ike: Maybe they've been lucky enough to avoid 'em.
Sol: -wringing his hands a little- I asked ‘em if they’d run into unsavory types and they seemed shocked by the proposition. Naive, maybe? Or just real isolated.
Ermano: can’t be too isolated if you found them.
Salem: I'll be honest, not running into any shitty people after 5 years? Sounds hella unlikely.
Ike: -rubs a hand over his mouth to hide a smile at how discomfited this is all making Sol- If they've been nomadic and lucky then they could be on the up-and-up. These mountains and hollers got all sorts of places to hide out from trouble.
Sol: Well I’ll admit to an unfair advantage, working for the parks service before all this. Happened to have it in the ol’ mental map. Gonna be honest, these seemed like the type of folks that were already living near off-grid in the before times. Four of ‘em were kids, three had to close to 80. Damn granny made me take candy with me after I fixed their plumbing.
Ginny: [suddenly looks up from her note taking] Do you still have the candy?
Sol: -blushing- Sorry Miss Ginny, it’s been spoken for.
Ginny: Damn. Well, no worries, Mr. Sol. Carry on. [gets back to writing]
Tristan: Do you think we should open our doors for them? Thinking they could be allies of some sort?
Sol: See, that’s the odd part. I didn’t promise anything, but I figured I’d float it when they asked where I was from. Told ‘em we had a school for the kids, plenty of food…they had no interest.
Ike: So maybe they are wary of outside groups. Or did you catch something that made you suspect something more than that, Sol?
Sol: Not really? Hill folk can get real odd, it’s probably nothing more than that. But I will say that a couple of the solo folks without attachments there gave me looks when I was leaving. So I’d say don’t be too surprised if one of ‘em shows up. I didn’t give directions, but if someone’s determined enough, they’ll find this place.
Ermano: We can put an extra detail on outside security and up on the outpost. If anything, I'll do it.
Salem: Sounds like a good idea. We should keep an eye on that.
Sol: Second thing was less pleasant. Killed a trio of…what are we calling ‘em, savages?
Ermano: So you did come across some? How far away was this?
Sol: Used it as my turning back point, so about two weeks walk on foot? I was looking real haggard by then, think they took me for easy pickings.
Ike: -ears perk all the way up, eyes sharpening- Well shit. In my experience they form distinct packs. Some of em like wearing identifying clothes or markings. You catch any of that, Sol? Or was three all that there was?
Sol: Seemed to be an isolated group. Not all there in the head, from what I could tell. Drugs maybe? Whatever passes for drugs these days. I managed to question one when he was on the way out. He said they’d come from west a ways, near the Ohio border. Whether he’s telling the truth or not, anybody’s guess.
Ermano: In that cause, extra security will be needed and an extra pair of eyes in the outposts. I'll ask around and see if anyone would be willing to volunteer their time.
Ike: Y'know ... David mentioned there's been a migration of bigger game animals into this area lately. Wonder if they're sweeping in from the west too.
Ermano: Good point.
Sol: What concerned me most was something that happened during both incidents.
Ike: Don't keep us in suspense. kemo sabe.
Sol: -frowning and shaking his head- There’s a fucking myth stirring up around mutant zombies. Now I know they exist, I get that they’re real. But the kids at the campground asked me if I’d ever seen one. One of ‘em said he has dreams about ‘em for christ’s sake. And one of the savage guys practically begged me to kill him, said he had the mark of the chosen, he’d just come back as a mutant and take his revenge. I mean…I don’t want to start stirring up unnecessary shit, but what the actual hell?
Ermano: -runs a hand through his hair- Dios mio. Mutant fucking zombies
Ike: -even more intense now- And you're SURE they didn't have marks on 'em. None that you could see?
Ermano: No brand on their skin? Tattoos?
Sol: -wide-eyed- I mean shit, I don’t know, I didn’t strip search ‘em. Nothing obvious. For what it’s worth, the other two dudes looked at the one guy like he was nuts, too.
Ginny: So when they say ‘mutant’, they’re not talking, like, X-Men. They mean… what, revived? Killed then brought back as… whatever this is? If they’re talking…
Ike: Orion and me ran into some kids who had some sort of fixation on mutant zombies. Emzees, they called em. They had-- -rustles out a piece of paper from his pocket, showing them- They had this thing branded on them. Just the sun outline, not the face part, but we found a note that had this image.
Sol: -under his breath- Shit. Kids? See, that’s why this had me fucking uneasy, this cult shit.
I didn’t see nothing like that though, with or without the face.
Ike: -all but growling as he shoves the note back in his pocket- God dammit. Catch me up when I come back -- I gotta go check on something. -lopes out, quicktime-
Sol: Where the fu—where the fuck’s he going? Do we keep going if he leaves?
Ermano: At this point Isaac does, what Isaac does. -he sighs- Something we do need to take into consideration is if savages are cannibals. I've heard stories of them killing survivors for flesh. If that's the case, eating too much flesh can make the brain not work properly.
Ginny: Uhhh… I’m not sure how to make a note of this in the minutes. Isaac Apatow jogged out at 18:52? Isaac Apatow peaced out? Isaac Apatow yeeted out? Man, remember that word? What a good word.
Anyway: it’s probably worth considering who else knows about this. If people start throwing the word ‘mutant’ or ‘cult’ or God forbid both around willy-nilly, that’s a mess. So outside of us it’s, what, Orion? Is that it, Sol?
Ermano: -looks at ginny- You can say he stepped out. I think he's said he's grabbing something.
Sol: Yeah, I didn’t tell a soul til now. Has anyone here at Redwood encountered one the mutant zombies? I was under the impression they were real, but hell, is that just a myth, too?
Ginny: I’m gonna say peaced out.
No one has mentioned mutant zombies. At least not to me. But gossip’s got power, especially in a context like this. If word like that spread fast, no wonder people believed it. Yet you’re saying the mutant’s so-called friends looked at him like he’s crazy.
Ermano: Not that I’ve heard. And I’m sure someone would’ve said something about mutant zombies.
Salem: We should probably ask the other raiders about it. Orion doesn't seem like the type for gossip, but not sure about the others. But if anyone's seen anything it's them.
Ginny: That’s risky. What if word travels?
Salem: I mean don't have to ask them outright about mutants. Just prod and pry to see if they've seen anything strange or unusual.
Ginny: Good point.
Ermano: Raider, hunters. Hell, I’ll round security and talk to them.
Oh, and the graveyard shifts.
Ginny: I’m basically in the graveyard anyway. I can poke around there.
Salem: Ike should probably be the one to ask the raiders. Probably seems less suspicious if the head raider wants to know if anything weird is going on.
Ermano: Heard.
Sol: I’ll leave all the specifics to y’all. Last thing I got to say is that I wanna go back out there. Not right away—got some projects around here that need tending to. But next time, I wanna head west. I think if there’s trouble to root out, it’ll be in that direction.
Ermano: Heading out West, you think you'll need back-up this time? Someone to have your six and vice-versa? Just in case?
Ginny: [so, so quickly] I can go.
Sol: You wanna spend a month on the road…in the wild…with me?
Ermano: Didn't know you wanted to get away from us that bad, Gin. -slightly narrows eyes at her- I was thinking more David or Ryan, even.
Ginny: [she's suddenly backtracking] I mean... choose whoever you think is best for the job, of course. I'm only saying that... I'm willing and I don't have much going on. So.
Ermano: As long as it's okay with Sol to have company, we can find someone. And of course as long as we as Council agree on it as well. I just think if we're worried trouble might be on the horizon, back-up would be appropriate.
Ginny: ...Sure. I can step out. For the vote.
Ermano: We have to wait for Isaac anyway. -turns to Sol- What are your thoughts?
Sol: I mean, I won’t pretend to be great company. Kinda keep quiet when I’m traveling. But I wouldn’t mind Ginny coming along. She’s gotta bring a weapon and be okay with using it.
Ike: -coming back in hot on the tails of the conversation- Take Ginny if she wants to go. If you're trying to ingratiate yourselves as being non-threatening she's a better bet and we'll need David around here for weapons training.
Salem: And he's back. Why did you suddenly run out anyway?
Ermano: -looks to ginny- And you're sure you want to go?
Ike: -gives Salem a look- Didn't know I had to account for all my comings and goings to you, Mother.
Look, these mutant zombies ... they've just been rumours at the fringes, whenever I've head of them. Figured it was just drifter bullshit, stories raiders tell each other around camp at night. It still could be, I've never seen one or evidence of one. But clearly there's some people out there taking it seriously enough to do crazy shit.
Ermano: -he quietly chuckled to himself, shaking his head- If only Oliver was here. He'd be all over that shit.
Ginny: I’m sure. [to Sol] when do we leave?
Sol: Aim for a week from today? Gives me a chance to do some repairs, catch up on some things around here, and resupply.
Ginny: Sounds good to me. If you need a hand, let me know.
Ike: The girl Orion and I ran into -- they're teenagers -- she had ... she had filed teeth.
I don't know if they were the only ones, but if you run into anybody else with the sun markings, they might have 'em too.
Sol: -visibly bristling- You think they did that to themselves? Or you think somebody's doing it to them?
Ike: -after a moment of hesitation, uncharacteristic- I don't think any children come up with these things on their own.
Sol: 'Course...we'll keep an eye out. Helps now that I know what I'm looking for.
Ike: -rocks back on his heels for a moment, then nods- Good on you both for taking this on, you and Gin. -after a moment, slaps Sol on the shoulder, then ranges out again-
Ermano: That's the most emotion I've seen from him. -he shakes his head- Glad to have you back, hermano.
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
I love you, mum
Remus Lupin x Reader
Requested - Noppe
Summary - Remus Lupin was the love of your life, right? You thought so, that was, until he came home from an order mission finding you pregnant and hating it with his entire being. Can you handle that?
Trigger Warning - cursing, mentions of abortion, mentions of pregnancy, rude as hell Remus.
This one is kinda lengthy, so, fairwarning. I'ma make it a series, so, Part 1!
There he stood, right before you, his bag packed as your eyes watered. "I know 'm love, but you know how the order is. I don't get to pick when I go." He took you into his arms, his hand immediately running through your hair.
You both were 24 now, honestly surprised with the way time had flown by even with the pending war surrounding you. He, James, and Sirius were going to investigate a lead, one that involved the fourth member of their family from Hogwarts, Peter.
The night Peter was trusted with James, Lily, and Harry's lives, Voldemort had shown up, prepared to murder them in cold blood. The only thing stopping him that night was that you, Remus, and Sirius paid a surprise visit to your favorite new family, wanting Harry to experience a Halloween as normal as you all could make it.
Harry had been zooming through on his broom in his Kinmare Kestrels costume, the five of you cheering him on as if he was in the middle of a quidditch game himself. Voldemort had made himself known quite quickly, assuming the three of them were on their own, but was met with a small army, prepared to protect your family.
Now, Remus was leaving to go find Peter, along with looking into how deep his dedicated now lied with the monster attempting to rule your world.
"I'm going to be back before you know it. I'll be nice and safe, and I'll be home after this months turn, so we won't even have to worry about that when I come home." You nodded, but teared up at that.
"But, who'll patch you up and kiss all your bruises?" You asked softly, pushing back some of his hair to gaze into his eyes. "'M sure James and Sirius will be more than happy to help me out like they used to, although I don't think either will kiss the bruises - not that I'd want them to." He grimaced at the thought of one of his two best friends kissing each healing wound on his skin after a horrible night of turning.
"Just, come back safe, okay? Don't do anything stupid, don't let Sirius talk you into doing something irrational, don't let James cry too much about Lily and Harry either, please. I can't even imagine how they're doing. Just come back safe to me." You kissed him softly, pulling him closer to your body, only wrapped in a robe, holding him as close to you as you could.
"Of course sweets. You be safe too, go see Lily and Harry, go see Molly and the kids, don't stay cooped up in here missing me. I'm sure Molly would love to bake with you and I'm sure Lily would be more than happy to eat at much as she can, especially now that we all know she's pregnant again." He laughed softly, kissing your forehead.
"Okay, okay, go, before I lock you in the house and break your wand so you can't leave." He chuckled, wiping a few stray tears from your face as he kissed you one last time before moving to leave the comfort of the home the two of you built together.
Five minutes without him had you sobbing and feeling empty.
Six days without him had you throwing up.
Two weeks without him had you taking a pregnancy test.
Two weeks and three minutes without him had you sobbing as the plus sign on the test.
Three weeks without him had you hiding it from your best friend.
Four weeks without him had you looking for the baggiest of his sweaters and wishing he would finally come home.
Five weeks without him had you shaking in fear, fear of your growing stomach and fear of the second turn he would be fulfilling away from home.
Six weeks without him had you going to the appointment without him, without anyone knowing.
Six weeks and two days without him had you sobbing.
Six weeks, two days, and thirty four minutes had you screaming in joy as you wrapped your arms and legs around his warm hold, clutching onto him with dear life.
"Remus John Lupin!" You yelled, tears falling harder as you felt the worries of him being dead in a hole left your shoulders.
"Oh my sweet love, I've got you, yeah? I've finally got you." He whispered. Your arms were tight on his frame, holding him like you were afraid this was a dream, for him to fade away and leave you once more.
He had walked you to your bed, sitting on it with you set in his arms, his nose sniffing your hair, letting your scent calm him and moony. "Oh my girl, I've missed you so much." He whispered, your tears finally slowing. "I've missed you, bubs." You whispered, your eyes meeting his to press your lips upon his, holding his face close to yours.
Silence filled the room, his hands wandering your skin, making sure each inch of it was the same as he remembered. He didn't falter, until his hands slipped under his sweater, feeling the bump under his hands.
"The fuck?" He whispered, pulling away from you. "What's going on?" He asked you, his eyes sharp on your own.
"Um." You said, your head falling and you stared at your hands. "'M pregnant, Moons." You whispered, moving off of his lap to lift up the warm fabric, showing him your bump. "Twins." You said softly, looking up into his eyes.
"You're joking." He said, his voice void of emotion, it staying the same pitch with each syllable.
"Does it look like I'm joking? You're staring at the bump. I haven't told anyone, waiting for you to get home." You were waiting for a smile to break out on his face, for his eyes to light up, for him to wrap you in his arms once more and spin you and gently as he could before bending down and kissing your belly once - twice - three times.
But, it didn't happen.
Two minutes after he knew had you silent.
Three minutes after he knew had you shuffling back from foot to foot.
Four minutes after he knew had your eyes welling up with tears.
Five minutes after he knew had you breaking the silence, your voice louder than expected.
"Say something, Rem!" You yelled, flinching at the sound of your own tone.
"I - uh." He said, one of his hands moving down his face to attempt to shake the shock from it. "No." He said after another moment, standing up and moving across the room.
"No, we aren't having a kid, let alone two! No!" He paced back and forth, shaking his head. "No way. We're gonna have to figure something else out." He spoke, stopping to think, his face pointing up at the sky. "I'm sure there's something we can do to fix this." He said, finally turning to look at you.
"Fix this? There is nothing to fix, you prick!" You yelled, tears falling once more, but for a much different reason. "I'm fucking pregnant, this isn't something you fix!"
His eyes grew angry, glaring at you like never before. "You know how I feel about having kids! No!" He shouted, his tone matching yours.
"Fuck you." You whispered, shaking your head. You picked your wand up from your bedside table, flicking it once before a suitcase appeared and clothes began filling into it.
"What are you doing?" He asked, his voice monotoned once more.
"Leaving." You spoke the word, shivering at the idea of it. But, once the bag was packed, your hand wrapped around it's handle, you quickly turned on your heel, unsure of apparating out of the flat while pregnant.
"Where are you going?" His voice was slightly softer now, the actions of the moment catching up to him.
Before exiting the place you called home, more so, leaving the person you called home, you whispered. "I dunno."
Your wand was held out, summoning the Knight Bus, letting you onto it and paying the fee before looking at the man before you.
"Where to?" He asked, his left eyebrow raised at you.
You didn't think you could go to Lily and James, not wanting to face Lily's wrath towards Remus along with her hurt for not knowing about your pregnancy. You couldn't turn to Sirius, knowing he would hate his best friend in a way you could never want for the man you loved.
"The burrow, please."
The bus took you there after dropping off the two people before you, assisting you with your bag to the front door before disappearing.
Your hand shook as you knocked, but heard the pitter patter of the feet of her many children before a yell from the woman herself. "I don't know who's at the door! Charlie can you please change Ginny!"
The door flung open, revealing the woman to you. "Oh! Y/n!" She spoke, her face breaking out into a warm, wonderful smile before letting you in. "I haven't seen you for a little while, I was about to send an owl your way." She said, leading you into the home and back into the kitchen where the smell of Mince Pies filled your nose.
"'M sorry, Molly. A lots happened."
With tears in your eyes, you stood before Molly, the woman you saw as your own mother. The woman who celebrated with you when Remus asked you out. The woman who held you when you cried after your first argument with the man. The woman you had planned to tell about your pregnancy, but feeling your heart break each day you waited to tell her.
You had it all planned out. You were going to show up with Remus, once he found out and the two of you celebrated, wearing a sweater that covered your bump - much like the one you still wore. You would be holding two bags, one for each of the parents you loved so much, with a shirt for them both with the words "first time grandparent" on it.
But now, you had to tell this woman that you had kept your pregnancy from her for this long, your spouse had practically told you to get rid of the babies, and that you had left him.
"Molly, I'm pregnant." You whispered, pulling his sweater up to show the adamant bump. "And Remus wants me to get rid of them, so I left him." Your voice was breaking, shaking, and terrified of what you were to do now.
Her eyes filled with tears of her own, her arms wrapping around your frame and holding you to her. Molly Weasley: Best Hugs. She held you for a minute, letting your sobs fall from your body, holding your shaking frame. Once you calmed down as much as she thought you would, she sat you down on the kitchen chairs.
"Oh, sweet girl. I'm so sorry." Her wand flicked, bringing you a warm cup of tea before she settled in the seat beside you. "You're more than welcome to stay here. We can move Charlie in with Bill and you can take his room. You know you're more than welcome to." Her voice was soft and sincere, looking at you with the look you wished your fiance had looked at you with. Her hand reached to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear before moving it down to press softly against your growing stomach.
"Molly, you know I can't do that. I wouldn't want to put Charlie out of his room. Plus, I'm going to be getting bigger and eating more soon, I don't want to be in the way." You explained, watching as she shook her head. "In no way would you be in the way. Plus, I'd love to be here with you through this!" She exclaimed, taking your hand in hers.
"Honestly, Molly, I don't want him to find me." You admitted softly, your heart hurting at the truth. You hated how he had talked to you, how easily it was for him to suggest he "took care of it". It hurt you to your core. He was the man you thought would stand beside you through everything. Through the fears of financial trouble, through the happiness of your own home, through your pregnancy. But now, you were all alone. Your soul felt cold, the warmth he provided now long gone, leaving a feeling as cold as the harshest winter in it's place.
"Oh, honey, I understand." She said softly, nodding.
After another minute or two with the wonderful woman, you looked at her. "Molly, could I use some parchment and a quill? And your owl? I wanna write to Lily." You said softly, hating to intrude, but knowing that with one person told, that would soon turn into two, then 9, then everyone else you could imagine.
"Of course love! Of course! Bill, bring me some parchment and a quill please, y/n needs it!"
Bill soon came in, hanging you the items you requested before rushing back outside to play with his siblings. "You can go sit in the living room and write, okay?" She pushed back your hair, smiling at you before allowing you to walk off, going to write a letter for James and Lily, along with one for Sirius.
Your hand was shaking as you pondered what to write to your best friends. How do you explain that you're pregnant with their best friend's kids, that he doesn't want them, and that you've left him, all in the same day that they got home?
You set your fears aside and wrote to your best friends, letting everything out that you could.
Dear Lily and James
I'm so glad you're safe, James, I was so incredibly worried. I'm so happy you're back home with Lily and Harry.
You guys might be wondering why I'm not using our owl, that's actually what I was writing you about. I left Remus. Before you're freaking out and such, I'm also pregnant. He wanted me to "take care of it". His words, not mine.
It's twins. I don't know the genders yet, but I'm 6 weeks along. Absolutely huge though. That's a lie, I just feel huge. I can still wear one of his sweaters to cover the bump. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Lils. I wanted to wait until Rem got home and us be able to tell you both together. Don't worry, I'm writing Sirius about it too.
I don't know where I'm gonna stay, if I'm being honest with you. I'm at Molly's right now, but I'm not staying long. I'm not staying at yours either - especially not with you pregnant too Lily, and with Harry. I can't do that to you guys. Plus, like I told Molly, I don't want Remus to know where I am.
I know that might seem wrong, but he wants me to get rid of them. I can't ever do that. They are apart of me, apart of us both. I'm growing these two precious beings that are half of us and full of our love - well, my love. How am I supposed to look him in the eyes and see him hate me as I grow our kids.
I'll write you both after I'm settled somewhere, but this will be my only letter until then. I love you both so, so much. Give Harry a kiss from me.
You folded the letter up and wrote one quite similar to Sirius before tying them to Errol and sending him off to your three best friends.
You stood and waddled back to find Molly with Fred and George outside, scolding them for attempting to get Ron to fly on their broom and hit the Bludger before it hit him.
"This is what I have to look forward to, huh?" You asked, a light smile on your face.
"Oh yeah, they're twice the trouble." She laughed, smiling. Fred and George smiled at that, proud to have caused Mischief in their family. "But they give you twice the love." She spoke, watching as they ran off while their mother was distracted.
The two off you walked towards the house once more, talking. "Did you decide what you want to do?" She asked finally, looking at you.
"I'm going to the states. I have some family there that I want to go visit, one with a guest house that I can stay in. I owled to them when I sent Lily and James one." You stood before her, tears welling up.
"You better come see me all the time still, send me pictures of you growing. Send me the address so we can come see you, especially in America! Don't let me go without seeing you growing my grandbabies." You nodded, wrapping her up in your hold.
"I won't, I swear. I'll send you so many owls, you're gonna think I am living with you." She kissed your temple, holding your cheeks.
"Okay, I put your bag upstairs in Bill's room, just as a precaution. Do you want me to go get it or-" she was cut off with a frantic knock, the hits not stopping.
"I'll go get it, that sounds urgent." You both laughed softly, your swollen feet carrying you up the stairs and to Bill's room, grabbing your suitcase before heading down the stairs.
"Molly, where is she. I just want to see her." You heard Lily speak, her voice hurried.
"Sirius, let me go! She's in there, I know she is!" Remus yelled, his voice carrying up the stairs.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." You mumbled, looking around the stairs for some kind of hidden passage. It's a wizard and witch house, how is there not a hidden passage?" You reached for your wand, your eyes squeezing shut as you realized you set it down to write to your friends.
"Stop it! All four of you!" Molly yelled, her voice sharp. "There is a woman in my home who is pregnant and does not need this kind of stress. Now, I will ask her if and who she would like to see."
While she was speaking, you creeped down the rest of the stairs and slipped into the living room, grasping your wand.
"Worse than my own kids, I swear." You heard her mumble before walking towards the living room. "Y/n, dear? I'm sure you've heard them by now but the boys and Lily -" she cut herself off, her eyes finding you holding your wand and suitcase, your eyes welled up with tears and your lip between your teeth.
"I love you, Mum." You whispered, before clutching your belly in protection with your arm holding your suitcase, apparating from the warm home.
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