#his DC was 6 and he rolled a 3 OTL
fatestouch ยท 1 year
For the little time that Cari had been able to spend in Astra'alca, he could confidently say that he both wanted to go back again, and that it was a very exhausting place to be. Exhausting for several reasons, and he was very glad that Sef suggested that he go with Alkaid.
As much as Cari loved attention, some of the people there were watching a little too closely.
But thankfully, the trip was short. He'd made it to one of the spires, and finally got a clearer vision from the stars. And by the Fates... what a vision it was. One he needed to relay to his fathers as soon as possible.
And so he rushed out of Astra'alca, and made his way home. So fast that he didn't even say bye to Alkaid, or pay attention to anything or anyone else. At least not until he found his soulmates in his tower.
Before Cari would leave again, the twins convinced him to rest a bit, before finding his family. His parents weren't going anywhere, right? So they could afford to relax and, in Aquila's words, Cari needed to de-stress.
Cari wished that had been the case.
It took him waking up from a long nap, cuddled up with his birds, for him to realize something was wrong. It almost felt like his head was swimming, a little, and Cari felt... wrong.
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"Mmn, Aqua... Terra? Are you awake... I don't... really..."
He trailed off, eyebrows furrowing... and when his eyes widened. This wrongness... it wasn't normal. Cari knew, because he'd never felt like this before. And he'd been told just what this feeling was.
And Cari thought, at that moment, when he was leaving Astra'alca in his hurry... he really should have been paying attention to what and who he may have been close to.
"Dammit... fuck, dammit--!"
He couldn't afford to hesitate, not while he could still think straight. Standing abruptly, ignoring Aquila and Altair calling for him, he ran to the doors of his tower and shut them tight with an echoing slam. Placing his hands on the doors, Cari called more magic than he ever had before, and shut his entire tower down.
No one would be able to get out... or in.
"Cari, what's going on--?!"
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"I'm sorry... I messed up, I messed up, I'm sorry--"
He was careless. He was cautioned, warned so many times, but he was still so stupid and careless.
He was Corrupted. And he'd dragged his soulmates right down with him.
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