#hiroto fukami imagine
a-simp-20 · 3 years
Pt.1 Pt.11 Pt.111 Pt.1v [Wip]
[AIB Cast Masterlist]
Gif: Taketo (EVEN)
1st picture: Ryuichi (koe koi)
2nd picture: SUGURU Niragi (Imawa no kuni no arisu)
3rd picture: Fukami Hiroto (Coffee & Vanilla)
4th picture: Mugi (Scums wish)
5th picture: Suguru NIRAGI (Imawa no kuni no arisu)
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Summary: Dori come's home from work,and not only he sees his dog inside his house...but there were other people in there too that would shock him.
Warning!: none
Genre: Crack,fluff
Dori sakurada,a famous Japanese actor who lives in Tokyo. Working his career from sunrise to sunset,Right now he just finished shooting a new drama that he's in called: "Alice in borderland/今際の国のアリス". He played as the role of a psychopath named 'Suguru Niragi', he actually wasn't expecting that he would play a role of a villain..but it's worth it I guess.
He sighed,as he got out of the studio to the parking lot where his car was. He opens the door to the drivers seat and started the car,he began to get out of the parking lot and drove back to his house. Today is a struggling day for Dori,he had to do several takes for that one scene where Niragi announced Aguni being the new leader of the beach, he didn't know what was wrong with him when he was shooting that scene..but he felt dizzy when he was shoots ng that scene. He felt like he wanted to almost barf that time,and that is when the director told everyone that they will get a 10 minute break.
He pulled his car on his drive way and got out of it. He went to his front door and searched for his house key that were inside his pockets, he heard his dog barking from the inside of his house"I'm coming Fanta!,just wait for a second okay!" He yelled from outside of his house as the barking of his dog stops and only quiet whimpers were heard "Fanta?" Dori yelled "Fanta you okay bud!!" He yelled again as he got his key out of his pockets and unlocked the door.
He got in side his house to be met with a shocking scene "THIS IS SO FRICKED UP WHY AM I SUPPOSED TO BE HERE ANYWAYS!?" "H-hey,maybe we should all calm down??" "I actually agree with him,so you..the one with the riffle, please remain calm or I will throw this strawberry at you" "Haha!,okay guys seriously who are you guy's,I really need to write a song ya know-" "Could you please shut the Frick up for just one second you guitar boy" "Okay okay everyone,calm down!. Let's all settle down and-"
"What the...is this a dream or am I imagining thing's?" Dori interrupted the five of their conversation "you,are you the owner of the house?" One of Dori's characters said. The one who asked Dori was Fukami,one of his romance drama characters "um..ye-" "Nonsense!,he could be just like us!. Maybe he's from another universe and just ended up in this fricking house!" Another one said. Dori looking at the one that was complaining about him,it was Niragi..one of his recent Characters"No...well urm..i just got home from work and ye-" "S-so you're not one of us?" Another one said with a trembling voice,and the one who spoke was Niragi again,but this time it's the Middle School version of him"yes yes,I am not one of you" Dori exclaim. "But you look just like us!, the facial features..urm...Everything!" An energetic voice said,which was owned by Taketo..one of his characters from a J-Movie called EVEN "Well this might be sudden but..i'm all of you guys' ac-" "So,are you like the one who brought all of us here or what?" Mugi said, Mugi is one of Dori's romance Characters,just like Fukami "Can all of you please stop cutting my sente-" "Come on you guys!,we should stop cutting his sentences!. Maybe he's trying to tell us something,maybe on how we got here??" Ryuichi said, Ryuichi is from a romance drama named Koe Koi"C-can I talk now??" Dori said,eyeing each one of them with a glare.
All of them went silent,Fanta was now sitting on the couch as he slowly dripped off to sleep"So,you're our actor?" Taketo Started,as he hugged his broken electric guitar,that was now taped with duck tape"Yes..yes I am" Dori said calmly"And how do we know that you ARE our actor??" Niragi said,snickering as he put his legs on the table "Listen here Niragi- oi!,get your stinky dirty boots off my table!. I cleaned the table like- yesterday you know!" Dori said as he smacked Niragi's thighs so that his legs will get off of the table"Let's settle this then,since there are two Niragi's here..how about I give the both of you seperate names like" Dori stopped and pointed at Middle School Niragi "You!,the Middle school version of this psychopath. I now shall call you by your first name,Suguru!" Dori said "Wait,what did you call the other me-" "And you!,the psychopath version. I will call you by your last name, Niragi!." Dori said,Niragi just rolled his eyes"Why would you call us like that?" Niragi said to Dori,squinting his eyes in annoyance "I-i think it's because we're the same person, So yeah he gave us a slice of our name" Suguru said,putting his school bag beside him as he adjusted his glasses "tch..good pont there bud" Niragi said,leaning on the black couch.
"Okay,then..but the point is,how did we get here?" Fukami said as he bites on the strawberry that he was holding before" I don't know,how did you guys get here anyway and what were you guys doing?" Dori asked. Silent filled the room again as all of them sat there in complete confusion "Well then,Allow me to start!" Ryuichi said,breaking the silence "I was at the school festival with Keicho and the other's. After that I suddenly fell a sleep and just ended up here in this house,laying on the floor with this bread that was in my mouth" Ryuichi explained,showing the bitten Melon bread in his hands"Good story, mine is actually like that too. But we'll,I was at my house eating strawberries with Risa,and when she left my house, like Ryuichi said..i fell asleep and ended up here" Fukami said,as he bit his strawberry once again"Well,I was at school in class. I was staring at the window yada yada yada fell asleep and ended up here" Mugi said,crossing his arms as he wipe his head a bit to get his bangs out of his face"How about the both of you,Niragi? Suguru?" Dori asked, looking directly at the two that were sitting beside eachother"W-well,I was in the nurse's office...and um..the nurse said that I should lay down on one of the white beds that were in the office..so I did and fell asleep,and ended up here" "I came back after a bloody game and instantly went to my room,fell asleep and ended up here!" Niragi said,crossing his arms"Wait,w-what happened to me?" Suguru asked Niragi"Kid..i'll tell after this whole fricking conversation is done okay?" Niragi said softly to Suguru,Suguru nodded as he hugged his schools bag" Well,I was with my band..one of the members were yelling at me,saying that if I don't make a new song the band needs to break up,but well at least my childhood best friend was there. And after that,same thing happened to me like the others..fell asleep and yeah" He said,still hugging his electric guitar.
"Well..i suppose that all of you are just gonna stay here for the ni-" "I'll get myself a hotel thanks" Fukami interrupted Dori's sentence,as he got up and walked towards the front door,Dori quickly followed his dopleganger and grabbed his wrist"Do you even have ANY money?" Dori exclaims,looking at him straight in the eye's "....no" Fukami mumbled,his head down"That's what i thought,and that is why you are all going to stay at this house for like...I don't know how many days!" Dori chuckled nervously,as he let go of Fukami's wrist slowly "Well it's settle then,that means we're going to new schools" Ryuichi said excitedly "What about your parents?" Dori asked as he tilted his head a little "Don't worry about them,maybe there's another us back there replacing us that are here right now in this universe" Mugi said in a tired town.
Surprisingly, his characters have their own height..like,Suguru being shorter then Dori since he's a middle schooler and Fukami being taller then Dori. After all the talking that all do them had,Dori insisted that he will make dinner for them. Fukami helped with the cooking while the rest helped setting up the table,"Hey there!,stop!" Someone laughed,Dori whipped his head around to see Suguru and Ryuichi Playing with Fanta that was licking Suguru's face while Ryuichi just started in amazement"Hey Dori..urm,the curry is done..where are the bowls?" Dori snapped out his gaze as he looked up at Fukami smiling softly"Their in the left cabinet" Dori said as Fukami opened the left cabinet and got a large bowl out, Dori turned off the stove as Fukami poured the curry into the bowl.
All of them are now sitting at the dinner table,as Dori pured each one of their rice bowls with the Curry he and Fukami made "Itadakimasu" Everyone said in sync as they began to eat the Curry"hmm..not bad" Niragi shrugs. Niragi felt something beneath the dinner table,he looked down to see Fanta pawing at his black socks,Niragi grins"What?,ya hungry or something bud?" Niragi said to Fanta. Fanta just barks "There are some dog treats in one of the kitchens cabinets,your can feed him that" Dori smiled at him softly,Niragi getting up to grab the dog treats,Fanta following behind him.
Niragi Opens one of the cabinets and pulled out the canine treats, he shook the box of treats a little,receiving a bark from Fanta that is sticking his tongue out as his tail wags happily,Fanta leads Niragi to his dog bowl as Niragi pours the dog treats inside the bowl for Fanta to eat "There ya go bud" Niragi said,as he petted Fanta's soft golden fur as he eats the dog treats that Niragi has given him. Dori smiling softly at the scene,After dinner Suguru and Ryuichi insisted on cleaning the dishes. After that they all went to bed,Dori turned off all the lights from his house as his Characters found themselves guest rooms for one and each six of them to sleep in,Dori sighed as he got up stairs and went inside his room,Fanta following him behind as the both of them got into Dori's room. Dori jumped into his bed as Fanta joined him,Dori hugged his Black and red tube shaped like body pillow and covered himself beneath his grey sheets as Fanta snuggles himself in his great sheets "Ya know Fanta?, is it just me..or are we sort of kinda look like a good FAMILY??" Dori said,as Fanta just replied with a soft whimper as he shuffles from his spot,Dori stroking Fanta's Golden fur"Me too budy,me too. Now,good night" He said,as he turned off the lights that were on his bedside table and drifted off to sleep.
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starfirette · 3 years
The Doris ™️ + Jealousy
✨this was requested by an anonymous after seeing a jealousy prompt over on @kaylenn ‘s blog. This anon also requested a bunch more Dori Sakurada things, which I’m excited to get to! This is just how they deal with jealousy in their own ✨dori✨ ways
✨no warnings!!!!!!
Masterlist | more dori sakurada and his characters | requests: closed ships: open
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Daichi Shinozaki
Daichi is generally very good at not being jealous and overall being secure in his relationship with you
Considering last events, he’s learned how to deal with feeling jealous
There’s only one person that could make him angry and that’s Uehera.
If, for some reason, Uehera left Nao or made a pass at you, Daichi would be SO PISSED OFF
Uehera has a record of making Daichi upset. Like when he abandoned Nao FOR HIS SISTER JN LAW??? WHEN SHE WAS ALL DRESSED UP!??
This isn’t the time or place for me to be talking about how strongly I believe Daichi and Nao were made to be together
Daichi would suffer in silence
He’d low key step up Uehera’s, or anyone else’s, game by gifting you your favorite things and taking you on elaborate dates
He’d apologize for being jealous big time
He knows you wouldn’t be disloyal but that doesn’t mean that other guys don’t occasionally bother him
Mugi Awaya 
He’d be sooooo upset but in like a pouty, immature way
He’ll get sarcastic and get an attitude
Low key needs to be reassured
He doesn’t deal with jealousy well and I think we learned that from the entire show. If the show and manga meant anything at all it’s that Mugi is a jealous person by nature
He needs to possess you, mind and body
But not in a domineering way
More in a needy way
Hiroto Fukami
Oh honey oh no
Oh no oh no no no no no
Don’t ever let Hiroto see a man in your general presence because he’s so possessive
Of course he’s not dumb and he’s not going to fight every man he sees
But if there happens to be another guy that has made his desires clear, then he’s going to square up
Hiroto leaves massive hickies in places you can’t cover
Hiroto will drop you off at work or at your school campus and make an elaborate show of saying goodbye, giving you a steamy kiss, and sending you on your way
He will mark his territory, as best as he can
This is a general headcanon. He wouldn’t do this purely out of jealousy
The promise ring stays put until you’re ready to get engaged and then married
But you’re going to have to wear a ring regardless.
He’ll buy a big old diamond that NO ONE can miss on your left finger
Niragi Suguru
Oh sweet Jesus
Oh god
Don’t ever cheat on him
Don’t ever look at another person
Don’t do anything ever basically
This man is not a very great man, especially when it comes to him being a boyfriend.
He’s possessive and CRAZY
He is very in tune with your personality. He knows when you’re lying, or when you’re hiding something
If you were to ever see a hot guy, you might as well not look, because if you do, somehow, someway, Niragi will find out
Like Hiroto, he marks his territory
He’ll do ✨things✨ with you in places people are likely to hear or see y’all
He squares up so fast
And there’s one certain person who is forbidden to so much as glance at you when you walk in the room and yes that’s right it is Chishiya
I don’t want to say this but Niragi would totally get violent with any guy who hits on you or disrespects you
He’ll smack you on the ass or kiss you roughly in a room filled with people just to prove a point
I can’t imagine anyone making a move on you since everyone knows who you “belong to”
Maybe a new guy??? Mostly everyone that comes to the beach is quickly made aware that you’re off limits
Pre Borderlands Niragi
Oh yeah this guy was once normal
He wants to be enough for you
So don’t ever look at anyone else
It’s this mindset that sorta makes him yandere during and post borderlands
PRE borderlands, he’s impossibly sweet and sensitive
Very attuned to your general aura so he can easily tell when you find another person attractive
To get rid of the aggressor, he’ll shyly hold your hand, say “I love you”, or even slip his hand in your back pocket
If he’s feeling particularly ✨spicy✨ then he’ll kiss you right in front of anyone
Dori Sakurada
Never jealous ever
He is aware of your beauty and charm
But he’s Dori fucking Sakurada
He knows when to be worried and when not to be
Whenever someone flirts blatantly with you he laughs it off and has to agree that you’re worth going after
He’s a very mild and tender person so he wouldn’t have an outrageous reaction
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starfirette · 4 years
the doris™ nsfw dialogue
Dori Sakurada + Characters: NSFW Dialogue Prompts 
masterlist | more dori | inbox | shout out to @kaylenn​ the only mf i’m probably writing this for | nsfw below | prompts taken/inspired by this post
Daichi Shinozaki
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“Come one more time for me, I know you’ve got it in you.”
Daichi curled his two fingers up, touching the highest point of your pleasure. Your hips were writhing under Daichi’s gentle hold, keeping you pinned against the soft futon. The darkness surrounded you in his little university apartment. The sleepover started all because he thought it was too late for you to walk yourself home. He insisted you stay over, and now you know why. 
Daichi didn’t seem like the type, but he was summoning orgasms from you with such skill. Your clit ached, and your walls were desperately closing down on his lean fingers. 
Hiroto Fukami
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photo cred @cloverblossoms on twitter
The tip of his cock nudged against the dripping opening of your cunt.  “Look how good you take it.” You shut your eyes, tight, trying to keep quiet as he slowly sheathed the whole length of his dick inside of you. Hiroto released a quiet groan, letting his own eyes fall closed as he savored the feeling of your warmth. 
Mugi Awaya
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“What makes you think I’m going to fuck you?”
Mugi hardly looked up from his phone as you shyly sat on the edge of his bed. 
“Isn’t that the whole reason we’re together?” you tried to demand while sounding fierce; but your voice only came out in a meek stutter. “Sex?” Mugi asked, sounding amused. “I thought it was because you loved me.”
“You’re not funny,” you snapped. “Mugi, I’m horny. You said we’d take care of one another’s ‘needs.’ It’s not like your freaking music teacher will do it for you.” 
Mugi rolled his eyes. He tossed his phone aside. “You’re such a needy girl,” he sighed. “Alright, so tell me.”
“Tell you what?” you asked, feeling scornful. You crossed your arms and looked away from him as he crawled towards you. 
“What you want, how you want it,” Mugi explained as he brushed a cold finger against your neck. “I’m not a mind reader. So be a good girl and tell me how you want it.”
Nigari Suguru
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photo cred @dvskurada on twitter
“Be a good girl for your daddy,” Niagri cooed, pressing his hand firmly on the back of your head. “You can take it all, can’t you?” 
You gagged around Nigari’s cock, tears dripping down your face. 
This was his idea of rewarding you for saving his life that night during the game. But nothing quite came for free, not even his little life saver. 
“Suck it just a little more. Daddy will fuck you so good, okay?”
Dori Sakurada 
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“Suck on my fingers,” Dori cooed as he slipped his forefinger between your lips. You swirled your tongue around the digit, tears bubbling in your eyes as he continued to slowly grind his hips against yours. His cock reached deep inside of you, making stars dance before your eyes. 
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starfirette · 3 years
The Dori’s just being soft, cuddling and kissing with their s/o seems very cute. I would love to see that if possible. Thanks 🥰
More Of The Doris™️ | inbox | search by tags |
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Daichi Shinozaki
Absolutely is soft!
Very domestic
During university you two decide to rent a place together. Nao of course swoons and tries to remind Uehara of the good old days but he just grunts it off
Nao is jelly you have such a romantic partner
Anyways haha
Loves cuddling under the kotatsu during winter
He is the big spoon 100000%!
In private, kisses 24/7. Nice sweet pecks all the time!!!
Hiroto Fukami
Like Daichi, also very domestic
Loves waking up beside you
You two sometimes stay up all night, drinking coffee and chatting
Will switch being the big and little spoon
Likes to kiss, but my mans makes out straight up
Cannot have a chaste kiss
Cuddling up on the couch and watching vintage movies
You mostly end up making out though
Niragi Suguru
He thinks it makes him look “not cool” and “weak”
However hugs and other pda is acceptable
Kisses are for private harrumph harrumph
Actually thinking about it, he’d probably like it if you kissed him
He majorly marks his territory. Always has a hand around your shoulders or your waist
He lets you get away with wearing regular pants, and in that case, he tucks his hand in the back pocket
His version of cuddling is laying on top of one another, telling stories or jokes.
When he’s feeling soft he’ll tell you stories about the past
He likes to play with your hair
You tell him he’d look so cute with glasses and he tells you to shut up, but his inner nerd is totally over the moon
I think he’s still that old version of himself on the inside
Mugi Awaya
Constant affection is needed
Cuddling and napping together all the time
Working on homework together
Doesn’t really kiss on you however
If he kisses you then he’s in the mood for something
He likes to hold hands!!!!
Dori Sakurada
Always somehow touching
He’ll scroll through his phone with one hand, and play with your hair or hold your hand with the other
He is little spoon no that’s not up for debate
E s k i m o k I s s e s w h e e z e
Play with his hair pls
You two take long ass naps together
Real naps
As in tangled blankets, the marks on your arms, you wake up half on top of him while he’s asleep drooling
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starfirette · 4 years
the doris™ | kissing preferences
a/n: yes I am here to write fanfiction for the characters i desperately need fics for but can never find any of. I haven’t seen Alice In Borderland yet, so I actually don’t know anything about Dori’s character. Nigari is his name I think? So he’s excluded right now. It’s likely I’ll write for him once I actually see it! I so very much doubt that no one is going to read this LMAO 
masterlist | request more Dori if you want, hehe
Preference: how they kiss 
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Daichi Shinozaki 
He’s a smiley kisser! He smiles against your mouth as he swarms you with kisses and hugs. He is a polite young man and keeps his hands to himself. His hands will generally rest on your shoulders. He often times presses kisses to your cheek or to the corner of your mouth. Daichi is chaste and sweet. He loves just being with you!  
Hiroto Fukami 
HOh my gosd. This man is an expert kisser. He’s just...uhgnjnn. His lips are soft, he tastes like coffee; jesus. He has this way of making you feel as if you’re actually going to melt against him. His hands cup the udnerside of your jaw, his thumbs brushing your blushing cheeks. His tongue will always swipe over your lower lip before it brushes against your own. 
GOOD GOD. Have you ever been making out with someone waiting for it to end? This can never be the case with Hiroto. It’s so enjoyable to be kissing this man. 
Hiroto likes to press kisses on your neck and on your forehead. 
Mugi Awaya 
Mugi is sort of a sloppy, messy kisser. He’s got his hands on your waist and he’ll tug you close to him. Mugi always keeps his eyes closed because, as we all know, his “heart belongs to someone else.” 
He might shyly touch a breast. Maybe. 
For the most part, he actually cares about you, so he feels strange trying to distract himself with you. If you want to, feel free to encourage him to keep going. 
He kisses you mostly only on the mouth, and only for the intention of making out. 
Dori Sakurada
Dori is a gently kisser. Every movement is like velvet. His lips fit perfectly against yours. He tends to hold your waist or your hands while you kiss. He likes to keep his eyes open because he adores your fluttering eyelashes. He, like Daichi, is likely to smile against your mouth. Dori slightly pulls away to murmur sweet things to you. 
Dori likes to kiss your jaw, your chin, and your neck. 
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starfirette · 3 years
omg i can never find ff's of dori or his characters (minus nigari cause we love a hot psychopath 💁 akkaksje) so thank you for providing!! ❤❤ if its not too much to ask, can i request a dori's preference to titty fucking their s/o? thank you!!! ✨❤✨❤✨
I beg thee to send more nsfw Dori™️requests 🧝🏼‍♀️ 18+
Daichi Shinozaki
On a scale of 1-10 likelihood, Daichi ranks around a 5. The view is nice, sure, but he finds it is too much work and it doesn’t benefit you. Unless you also really like it, he won’t try. He likes positions where you both get off.
Hiroto Fukami
7/10. Very likely. Enjoys it very much! Your breasts are his favorite part of your body (sexually. On a more romantic note, he quite likes your hair). If you’re into it, that makes it all the better.
Mugi Awaya
100000/10. Very likely. This man is very horny all the time and if he can fuck it, then he will. Granted your whole relationship is a “we can try whatever we want without feeling weird about it” kind of relationship, he’s going to ask a lot, and you’re probably going to roll your eyes while taking your shirt off. He honestly just sits there and lets you do it for him. Put on the TV and watch something while you clutch your breasts together, just wishing he would get it over with so you could have your fun.
Nigari Suguru
Pre Borderlands, he would have been way too shy to even ask. But our fan favored psychopath ranks at a 10/10 for titty fucking, in terms of likelihood. He’s good at fucking anything, and he’d honestly be able to make the experience just as pleasurable for you as it is to him. Is he exaggerated? You don’t know. You suspect—who enjoys titty fucking that much!? (He does)
Dori Sakurada
3/10, and here’s why:
“Dori,” you say, looking up from your phone, which had an interesting article pulled up.
“Hmm?” He murmured as he scrolled on his own iPhone.
“Do you like tit fucking?”
Dori dropped his phone on his face. “That’s a very random question,” he winced as he sat up, rubbing his nose. “Why do you ask?”
You waved your phone in the air, gesturing to the screen. “I guess guys like it,” you said, citing the article. “But, you’ve never asked.”
Dori looked amused. “If you want me to do it, I can,” he said slyly.
“I mean, if you want me to do it, I can,” you echoed.
You stared at each other for a little while before dropping your phones. You giggled like a maniac as you took of sprinting with Dori to the bedroom.
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