#hire people who have more open availability so we can find coverage when its needed like rn
grey-tones · 2 years
It's 3:30 am and I can't sleep because I'm worried I'm going to get in trouble for calling out even tho I have a legit reason
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latoyajkelson70506 · 4 years
Controversy Continues Over SF Restaurant Serving $200 Meals in Private Domes
Last month, California governor Gavin Newsom announced the mandatory closure (or re-closure) of all indoor restaurant dining rooms throughout the state. After investigating its options, Michelin-starred sushi restaurant Hashiri announced that it had purchased three miniature geodesic domes so it could provide a "unique outdoor multi-course dining experience." At the time, the domes seemed like a novel means of providing increased privacy safety for diners during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
A few days ago, after a brief hiatus, Hashiri was allowed to start seating customers in its three outdoor geodesic domes again after the staff cut the plastic sides off to bring them into compliance with current public health requirements. Slicing several feet of soft PVC from the Garden Igloos seems to be a satisfactory resolution—at least for now—after two straight weeks of controversy that started when they were assembled on a San Francisco sidewalk.
Hashiri general manager Kenichiro Matsuura told the San Francisco Chronicle that he had previously attempted outdoor dining (pre-plastic bubbles) but it hadn't worked out, due to the restaurant's location in the Mid-Market section of the city. "We wanted to continue offering the fine-dining experience—and safety and peace,” Matsuura said. (The restaurant also offers a swanky to-go menu, including a $500 Ultimate Trifecta Bento box and a $160 takeaway Wagyu Sukiyaki kit, but it is best known for its five-course Kaiseki and Omakase tasting menu.) “Mint Plaza is a phenomenal space, it’s just sometimes the crowd is not too favorable,” he said. In an interview with ABC7, he again emphasized that "it's not the safest neighborhood." 
The entire Bay Area has an estimated 35,000 people who are unsheltered or experiencing homelessness and, at the beginning of the pandemic, there were more than 8,000 unhoused individuals in San Francisco alone. In mid-March, when the city issued its first stay-at-home order, homeless residents were encouraged to "find shelter and government agencies to provide it” but that was easier to type than it was to do. The Guardian reports that shelters stopped taking new residents due to concerns of overcrowding or inadequate social distancing, and more than 1,000 people put their names on a futile-sounding waitlist to get a bed. 
In April, the city's Board of Supervisors unanimously passed emergency legislation directing the city to secure more than 8,000 hotel rooms to accommodate all of the unhoused people in the city, but the order was denied by Mayor London Breed. It eventually acquired 2,733 hotel rooms for vulnerable individuals but, as of this writing, only 1,935 of them are actually occupied. As a result of the pair of public health crises that the city is enduring—the pandemic and widespread homelessness—the number of unhoused people has increased, as have the number of tents and other makeshift structures that comprise a homeless encampment near Hashiri.
"This is a difficult and upsetting issue," Laurie Thomas, the Executive Director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association, told VICE in an email. "In San Francisco there are areas in the city where there are real concerns about negative street behavior and cleanliness and how that affects both workers and customers of restaurants relying on outside dining [...] Our restaurants have a strong desire to provide a safe and welcoming outdoor dining experience, especially without the ability to open for indoor dining, and this is so critical to their ability to stay in business and keep staff employed." 
It's easy to sympathize with just about everyone in this scenario. The pandemic has caused an ever-increasing number of challenges for restaurant owners, who are doing whatever it takes to keep their doors open for another day, while the essential workers who prep to-go orders and serve outdoor customers are doing so at great risk to their own health and safety. But still: the optics of serving a $200-per-person tasting menu to customers sitting in plastic bubbles a few hundred yards from people who are struggling for basic human necessities...well, they're not great. 
"I think what really gets people going about the dome is that it’s a perfect symbol of the complete inadequacy of our social safety net: In a queer reversal, the dome is a shield against, not for, the ones who need sheltering the most," the Chronicle's restaurant critic Soleil Ho wrote. "An unhoused person’s tent is erected in a desire for opaqueness and privacy, a space of one’s own, whereas the fine dining dome invites the onlooker’s gaze as a bombastic spectacle [...] for the housed, being seen eating on the street or in a park is a premium experience, especially now." 
Last week, the city's Public Health Department paid Hashiri a surprise visit, and ordered them to remove the domes over concerns that they "may not allow for adequate air flow." According to current regulations, outdoor dining enclosures are required to be open on the sides; the soft structures each have two windows and a door that can be opened, but those features were deemed insufficient. 
Matsuura said that he has received hate mail about the domes and he has been accused of making discriminatory comments about the city's most desperate residents, so he believes that someone reported him to the city (though, perhaps the Health Department just saw some of the nationwide media coverage of Hashiri's sidewalk igloos). Regardless, he still says that the domes are there to keep his customers safe… from interacting with the people living on those same streets. "There are people who come by and spit, yell, stick their hands in people’s food, discharging fecal matter right by where people are trying to eat,” he said. “It’s really sad, and it’s really hard for us to operate around that.”
The criticism that Hashiri has faced is similar to what the organizers of a pop-up restaurant in Toronto encountered when they set up their own heated glass domes last year. The Dinner with a View experience, complete with a three-course gourmet meal prepped by a Top Chef winner, was assembled under the Gardiner Expressway, just over a mile from the site of a homeless encampment that had been cleared out by the city. 
Advocates for the unhoused said that the meal and its location just further emphasized the ever-increasing gap between the Haves and the Have Nots. More than 300 demonstrators showed up to protest outside the event, and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) served a free 'counter-meal' that it called Dinner with a View of the Rich. 
"On the one hand you have homeless people whose tents were demolished and who were evicted with nowhere else to go," OCAP wrote. "On the other hand you have people with sufficient disposable income to splurge over $550 on a single meal and who’re facing the possibility of their luxurious dining spectacle being tainted [...] Do they deserve to be mocked for their obliviousness to the suffering around them? Absolutely." 
Back in San Francisco, Hashiri is not the only Mid-Market restaurant to express concern about the safety of its patrons, or about the city's ineffective attempts at addressing the social and economic conditions that have contributed to the homelessness crisis. Last month, a group of residents and businesses in the neighborhood sued the city for negligence, alleging that homeless encampments, criminal activity, and unsanitary conditions combined to make Mid-Market a dangerous area. 
"The City has created and perpetuated these conditions through its pattern and practice of tacitly treating Mid-Market as a ‘containment zone’ that bears the brunt of San Francisco’s homelessness issues, and its failure to take action to address these issues," the lawsuit said. Two of the restaurants that are among the plaintiffs, Montesacro Pinseria and Souvla, said that if the situation doesn't improve, they could be forced to move to a new neighborhood, or to close their doors for good. 
"We are deeply concerned that property owners have taken to suing the city to 'remove tents' without anywhere for [those experiencing homelessness] to go. Worse, these lawsuits would have the courts decide the fate of people who have no seat at the table where 'justice' is being served," Jennifer Friedenbach, the executive director of San Francisco's Coalition on Homelessness, told VICE.
"These situations can be resolved by working collaboratively with the unhoused person to address the issues, while pressing the city, state and federal government to ensure there are dignified housing options available. If the restaurant owner can afford to sue, they can afford to hire someone to advocate successfully for solutions." 
Laurie Thomas is also working on behalf of restaurants, sharing their concerns and working toward positive changes and respectful solutions for all involved. Last week, she was among the hospitality and small business leaders who sent a letter to Mayor London Breed, the President of the Board of Supervisors, and the co-chairs of the City's Economic Recovery Task Force. 
"We are writing today because we are gravely concerned about the condition of our streets. We are devastated to see so many unsheltered neighbors struggling each day in unfathomable and treacherous conditions," their letter read. "These conditions will prohibit businesses of all sizes from reopening. More companies will leave San Francisco for safer and cleaner places to operate [...] Additionally, with outdoor dining and shopping options being the primary avenues for businesses to survive, the intersection between the unfortunate conditions on our streets and this new heavy reliance on public spaces for commerce will result in disastrous outcomes." 
The letter also made a number of recommendations that "should be prioritized" by city officials, including additional housing options, making mental health and substance abuse resources available to those experiencing homelessness, and establishing a 24-hour crisis response team that can respond to "urgent mental health and/or drug induced episodes." 
Meanwhile at Hashiri, the DIY-ed, now open-sided domes are back out on the sidewalk. "Signed, sealed and delivered," the restaurant wrote on Facebook. "With small modifications we are back in business." 
via VICE US - Munchies VICE US - Munchies via Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
RECENT NEWS & STUDIES, late April 2019
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across from April 9th to May 2, although some may be older than that. 
I am really interested in hearing what you think of this new format - please leave a comment below, or convo, Tweet or email me through my website. Let’s make this as useful as possible! 
US Amazon sellers were told via email that they will have to pay taxes on some Amazon fees, as Etsy has been doing with sellers in the EU and in Quebec. 
The Instagram look may be dropping out of favour; apparently, reality is in. “Instagram museums and walls were built to allow normal people to take influencer-quality photographs—but they worked so well, those types of photos became common enough that they don’t resonate like they used to. “#unfiltered 
In case you missed it, my review of Etsy’s Spring & Summer Trends Guide, including all of the keyword data (which you do need to check out, as they reveal some interesting search info). 
Etsy published a new census/survey of sellers in its 6 core countries, and also did a summary (if you don’t want to read the whole thing). “More than nine out of ten Etsy sellers (91%) are the sole owner of their businesses.”... “The majority (82%) of Etsy sellers would like to grow their business, but more than three out of five would not want to grow so big that they would have to hire more help.”
The bugs & errors with financial statements and records continue; Etsy botched the VAT statements yet again, even overwriting them all the way back to 2016. No word on whether any sellers have notified EU authorities on this yet. 
New seller handbook article covers advertising; not much new or gripping, but it does discuss general ad approaches, not just Etsy’s. 
There is also a new free shipping tool, in case you didn’t realize that Etsy wants more sellers to offer free shipping more often. “When we talk to shoppers during research, many say things like “I want to feel like I’m getting a deal!” and “I would love to see free shipping across the board, even if it meant increased prices.” Offering free shipping can be a great way to give customers like these the shopping experience they are looking for.”
CEO Josh Silverman participated in The Wall Street Journal’s “In the Elevator” interview series [video link]. Every 90 seconds, an engagement ring or wedding ring sells on Etsy. He also talks about free & fast shipping not always being a reasonable expectation when shopping on Etsy, unlike Amazon. 
Speaking of free shipping, a limited number of US customers will be getting it from Etsy, with Etsy reimbursing sellers for the costs. Non-US sellers and buyers get nothing. 
Etsy’s 2019 1st quarter results will be available May 8.
Rand Fishkin released Part 5 of his Learn SEO in 1 Hour series: technical SEO [video & written transcript]. This is the one most of you can skip or just skim over, as it does talk a lot about coding.Some tips are important to everyone, however, like page linking/site structure (for websites), and having https set up. 
Part 6 covers link building, in 10 minutes. Remember, if you are going to put effort into getting links, do it for your website & not your Etsy shop or other marketplace page. If you are creating traffic, make sure you own it. 
Don’t forget looking beyond Google for your search engine traffic; this podcast [with written transcript] breaks down an approach to several of the biggest ones beyond Google. Spoiler: they only recommend worrying about the biggest, Bing, if you have around 1000 unique search visitors to your website per day. 
How to get keyword ideas from the Google search results: there’s a lot more available now, beyond the search bar suggestions. 
Google is asking local businesses if they would pay for their Google My Business listings. This possibility raises concerns about the impact on organic rankings. 
More SEO tips for Amazon, including discussion of the various factors involved.
If pages on your website aren’t indexed by Google, there are some steps you can take to fix them. (For websites only, not Etsy shops)
Advanced/semi-advanced content: Great tips on using bookmarklets in Chrome to get SEO things done quickly. (A lot of these involve tools that work best in the paid version, so I suspect most of us will not have much use for this, yet.)
Possible Google algorithm update last week. (I am seeing changes)
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Looking for new hashtags for your social media accounts? Try: https://www.tagshitter.com  (apologies for the name; that’s what they call it. It’s good, too! Just like its regular keyword research partner, http://keywordshitter.com/ ) 
Email subject lines [infographic] are crucial to top interaction with your newsletter etc. Includes Dos & Don’ts, plus the shockingly low open rates in most industries. 
Selling through social media directly is a great way to avoid people losing interest as they keep clicking. Note that this seems to work best with items under $50, though, which they suggest solutions to in the next part of the article.  
Despite all the scandals and negative media coverage, US social media use hasn’t really changed in the past few years. “A 2018 Center survey found that some Facebook users had recently taken steps to moderate their use of the site – such as deleting the Facebook app from their phone or taking a break from the platform for some time. But despite these findings and amid some high profile controversies, Facebook users as a whole are just as active on the site today as they were a year ago.”
Facebook scandal watch:  FB’s “stock price jumped after it said it expects to incur a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission. And that’s all you really need to know about whether the historically large penalty matters to the company.”
they admitted to asking for your email password then importing all of your contacts. “...Facebook disclosed to Business Insider that 1.5 million people's contacts were collected this way and fed into Facebook's systems, where they were used to improve Facebook's ad targeting, build Facebook's web of social connections, and recommend friends to add.”
The Canadian Privacy Commissioner is taking FB to court over breaches of Canadian privacy law. 
But hey, it’s all fine, because they beat earnings expectations in the first quarter. 
70% of YouTube videos watched are recommended by its algorithm. “ The recommendations are fueled by the artificial-intelligence arm, Google Brain, of YouTube’s parent company. The machine-learning models help identify videos that aren’t exactly what you just watched, but similar enough that you might like them.“
Does directing people to the link in your Instagram bio really work? Testing says that it probably doesn’t work for most accounts, and more importantly, that Instagram may be limiting the algorithm visibility of posts that direct visitors to the link in your bio. 
Twitter has now limited the number of accounts you can follow in 1 day, to 400 down from 1000; this is intended to cut back on spammers. 
US Twitter users are better educated & better off than the average American.(Good article for target market considerations)
Amazon is reducing/removing the ads for its own products, possibly due to increased complaints of unfair competition. “Amazon is now the third-largest digital advertising platform, behind Google and Facebook”, and could grow 50% this year alone, based on projections. 
Facebook retargeting tips. And everything you need to know about the Facebook pixel for tracking your ad performance. 
Some Google Analytics tips for websites - almost beginner level! 
The Google Search Console delays are nearly all fixed. 
Stats programs all give you different numbers, and that isn’t likely to improve. (This piece is semi-advanced; don’t bother with it if you aren’t a stats geek.)
eBay’s Spring Marketplace Updates include several back end changes and a fee increase for sellers who run afoul of eBay’s seller performance standards. 
Amazon sellers can buy so-called “black hat” services to beat its algorithms. These include tips from Amazon employees who are making money by reporting on Amazon’s inner workings. Amazon “also said it takes action against sellers who pay for internal information; penalties include terminating their selling accounts, deleting reviews, withholding funds, and taking legal action.” No doubt the company already has closed some of the loopholes discussed in the article.
Amazon also fires warehouse workers by algorithm, based on productivity. 
GoDaddy launches an ecommerce sharing tool that lets you list across multiple websites including your standalone. Current marketplace options include Etsy, Amazon, eBay, Jet & Walmart. They bought Sellbrite as part of this move. Quite a few different entities are releasing this type of service, so shop around if it is something you are interested in. 
eBay released their 1st quarter 2019 results on April 23. Total sales were down 4% from 2018 (they were close to even when currency fluctuations were accounted for), but eBay’s own income from seller fees was up. “eBay reduced their marketing by a significant amount where their cash was being used to effectively subsidise the sales of high value items. Put simply, eBay have been buying sales and now they’ve stopped and this has seen a reduction in high ticket items being sold in comparison to sales of lower value items.” Easter being later this year may have slowed ecommerce growth overall in the quarter. 
...but Amazon reported record revenue, up 16.9% over 2018. Despite that, analysts note that growth is slowing, & that Amazon’s own projections for the second quarter are lower than many predicted. “Amazon’s CFO Brian Olsavsky said during the call with analysts that part of the lower guidance is due to an $800 million investment in making free one-day delivery shipping the default for Prime members.” - if you thought buyers wanted stuff yesterday already, wait til this becomes the norm ... I mean, Walmart & Target stocks fell after the announcement. Walmart is already hinting at offering the same. 
You can return your Amazon purchases at Kohl’s in the US, starting everywhere in July. Ease of returns is going to be a bigger battleground in the next few years, as retailers continue to increase free & speedy shipping options. 
Generation Z will be making 40% of US retail purchases by next year; they are going to change a lot about selling. “ Fair trade products, ethical business practices, and a strong mission statement have never been more essential. Vend reports, “Research has shown that this particular generation cares about various environmental issues (76% are concerned about humanity’s impact on the planet) as well as social causes such as racial, gender, and income inequality.” [Gen Z come after millennials, and are currently more numerous than millennials or boomers.] 
Millennials & Gen Z are big gift card buyers in the US - over 1/3 buy a card every 3 months. 
Brick & mortar stores & malls are using your phone location data (location analytics) to make marketing and product decisions. “Every company interviewed for this story said it chooses not to use information that could identify individuals. But for the most part they’re on an honor system because rules governing data remain relatively lax.” This surprised me: “To glean details, including an individual’s age, income, ethnicity, education level, number of children and more, firms connect the phone’s evening location with U.S. Census data”
US copyright law: the USSC rules that your copyright registration must be finished/approved before you can sue an infringer in federal court.  
If you hate Gmail’s current layout, you will love this Chrome extension. 
And if you use Google Sheets fairly often, you will likely learn something useful from these tips. 
Google’s parent company, Alphabet, missed industry revenue expectations in the first quarter of 2019. 
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geniusautotrans · 3 years
Questions To Ask Before Hiring Auto Transport Company!
The transportation infrastructure makes moving around the country possible, whether for a new job or educational opportunity.
Of course, cross-country moves also prove highly stressful because many factors are considered. From uprooting your family members, all their belongings, and pets (if they have any) to taking care of their personal property. Also, things like furniture that won't fit anywhere else without having too much difficulty transporting them place by place on top of trying not to forget anything important along the way!
Successful movers will tell you it's about prioritizing what needs doing first then meeting reasonable deadlines - especially when dealing with expensive cargo like cars.
Most car owners know that not all companies provide exceptional service, but many still get screwed over by bad providers who don't care about them or their vehicle as much – which is why it's important to find someone with good reviews!
Here are seven questions you should ask before hiring an open carrier auto transport company.
Is the company registered and licensed?
There are many things to consider when researching the best car transport company.
One crucial factor is their licensing status, which must be verified before moving your vehicle on-site or off-site anywhere.
Along with checking to see if your open auto transport company has the proper licenses, you should also make sure they are licensed. If an individual cannot provide this information for verification purposes or it's not available online at all - then there could be some serious issues going on!
How much does it cost to ship a car?
Car transport rates can vary significantly from company to company.
We recommend that you work with a reputable shipper who remains transparent about how much their services cost before making any decisions on which one will fit your needs best!
Sure, finding the cheapest option does have its perks - but ultimately, what good is something if it isn't worth paying more than necessary for?
You must consider more than price when choosing an automotive carrier. Because we wouldn't want our most valuable possession (you know darn well car carriers aren't cheap!) left vulnerable during shipment because someone overlooked some important detail.
Will the car be insured?
There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about what happens when your car is transported. From scratches and dents, or even worse - total ruins- you must know exactly what the company is taking precautions in order for everything to go smoothly without any surprises!
I'm sure most people would prefer an insurance policy focused more heavily on transport instead of if they had one at all costs. So make certain before accepting open transportation services whether these risks have been covered beforehand with other types such as comprehensive coverage.
0 notes
panem23 · 3 years
Top 3 Key Benefits to Working As a token Marine Insurance Agent
Top 3 Key Benefits to Working As a token Marine Insurance Agent
Hokkaido is Japan's third largest island. The country has great tourist attractions to offer to its visitors. If you have a tokio marine career in Japan, you can participate to various events to enhance your networking skills. One of these activities is to participate to an event to present your findings to the employers. A tokio marine career is to identify the latest tweets from tokio marine hcc (marine insurance company) to determine if there is a business to be developed to cater to the needs of tokio marine career candidates. This article outlines to you the steps to take to make this activity a success.
It is advisable to use a Twitter account to keep in touch with your current work environment to stay abreast of the latest news and developments within the company. It is also advisable to tweet about tokio marine career openings to generate interest among people who are looking to join a tokio marine career. As a tokio marine life insurance Malaysia hcc (marine insurance company), tokio marine career opportunity announcement is one of the best methods to publicize your application. In this method, the company will be announcing to all their active tokio marine career candidates so that they can select the best suited tokio marine career for their employee. When other companies lose their potential employees to other companies, tokio marine career opportunity announcement is a great way to attract new talent to the company.
The tokio marine market research report life insurance Malaysia bhd is another great method to attract new employees to the toxic marine career opportunity organization. Like the tokio marine career opportunity announcement, this method allows tokio marine insurance company to tell prospective employees about specific qualifications and strengths that can help to serve to the company. As such, tokio he gives to the company the opportunity to provide to its employees to develop their skills to serve to the best of their ability.
There are a number of typical areas in which tokio marine may seek qualified applicants to fill their open marine hcc job positions. The typical areas in which tokio marine may seek to hire qualified applicants to fill available positions include: administrative duties, sales positions, product development, technical support and accounting. It is important to note that tokio marine insurance companies do not typically hire solely to fill positions. Their recruitment process includes also seeking to fill the following positions: Insurance specialists to handle insurance questions and to offer assistance to the management to ensure that tokio marine insurances are complied with to the fullest of their capacity. In addition to that, tokio marine may seek to hire Insurance specialist to handle insurance questions and to provide assistance to the management to ensure that tokio marine insurances are complied with to the fullest of their capacity. In addition to that, tokio marine may seek to hire Insurance specialists to handle insurance questions and to provide assistance to the management to ensure that tokio marine insurances are complied with to the fullest of their capacity.
The tokio marine career growth industry provides a number of benefits to company personnel to attract and retain qualified personnel to serve to their highest of capacities to the company. One of the key reasons to join a tokio marine career development organization is to obtain a career in the tokio marine insurance business. Typically, tokio marine insurance agents will begin their career working at an area of weakness to help to develop them to be more versatile to work at a tokio marine insurance business later on. As well, tokio marine insurance agents can acquire work experience by working as a crew member on a tokio marine vessel to gain valuable work experience to assist them to transition to their new career as tokio marine insurance agent.
An additional significant benefit to working at tokio marine insurance (Malaysia) is that tokio marine insurance companies in token is the only tokio business to earn a pension called the token allowance. This pension is too allowance is provided to an individual to support his or her lifestyle as well as to improve and maintain quality of life. In addition to that, too allowance is tokio marine career growth is also provided to individuals to improve their career growth as tokio marine career growth is generally promoted to supervisors and above. Additionally, tokio allowances to individuals to enable them to purchase the necessary equipment to aid to their career development as tokio marine insurance agents.
The last significant benefit to working as tokio marine insurance agents is that tokio marine insurance agents can be the best qualified to introduce clients to topic kilns to improve their fire and safety management systems. In this regard too kilns are tokio fire control system that is unique to the topic marine industry. The tokio fire control systems are tokio marine kiln which is utilized to provide tokio marine insurance companies to provide clients to provide comprehensive insurance coverage to their boats and to further enhance tokio marine insurance companies to be a better contributor to improving the tokio marine environment. By utilizing tokio marine kiln to effectively reduce fire risks to boats, tokio marine insurance companies will be able to reduce the costs to their clients. It should be noted that the tokio marine insurance company's primary goal is to provide to its clients comprehensive and effective tokio insurance coverage. The tokio kiln can play a key role to play in tokio marine insurance companies' efforts to ensure to provide tokio marine insurance to clients.
In this report,XYZ-research offers a comprehensive analysis of key market trends in the global Career Development Software market. It also includes discussion on historical trends, current market status, competitive landscape, growth opportunities and challenges which are backed by factful feedbacks. The report extensively provides quantitative analysis of the industry from 2014-2026,by Region, Type, Application. Consumption assessment by application, production by type in different regions. Furthermore, the report quantifies the market share held by the major players of the industry and provides an in-depth view of the competitive landscape. The market size in terms of revenue (USD) and production is calculated for the study period along with the details of the factors affecting the market growth (drivers and restraints). The worldwide market for Career Development Softwaremarket will reach xxx Million USD in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of xx% 2021-2026. Geographically, global Career Development Software market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including Insala Talentsoft TalentGuard Saba Software Eze Software WiseSpot PathSavvy Career Innovation Chronus Monster Software Peter Lyons Others On the basis of product, we research the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate, primarily split into Cloud Based Web Based For the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Career Development Software for each application, including Large Enterprises SMEs Production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate are the key targets for Career Development Software from 2014 to 2026 (forecast) in these regions China USA Europe Japan Korea India Southeast Asia South America If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Big Tech Firms Seek Federal Funding for Chip Manufacturing: Live Updates Here’s what you need to know: President Biden has called for $50 billion to encourage domestic semiconductor production as part of his infrastructure plan.Credit…Doug Mills/The New York Times Semiconductor companies and big businesses that use chips have formed a new coalition to push for tens of billions of dollars in federal funding for semiconductor research and manufacturing in the United States. The new group, the Semiconductors in America Coalition, announced its formation on Tuesday amid a global semiconductor shortage that has caused disruptions throughout the economy. Its members include chip makers like Intel, Nvidia and Qualcomm and companies that rely on semiconductors, like Apple, Google, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Verizon and AT&T. The coalition is calling on Congress to provide $50 billion for semiconductor research and manufacturing, which President Biden has proposed as part of his $2.3 trillion infrastructure package. “Leaders from a broad range of critical sectors of the U.S. economy, as well as a large and bipartisan group of policymakers in Washington, recognize the essential role of semiconductors in America’s current and future strength,” said John Neuffer, the president and chief executive of the Semiconductor Industry Association, a trade group. In a letter to congressional leaders, the new coalition noted the shortage of semiconductors and said that in the long term, federal funding “would help America build the additional capacity necessary to have more resilient supply chains to ensure critical technologies will be there when we need them.” The shortage has been acutely felt in the auto industry, forcing carmakers to idle plants. Ford Motor expects the shortage to cause profit to be about $2.5 billion lower this year and to cut vehicle production by about 50 percent in the second quarter. The new coalition does not include any automakers, which have their own ideas for how the government should encourage domestic semiconductor manufacturing. In a letter to congressional leaders last week, groups representing automakers, automotive suppliers and autoworkers expressed support for Mr. Biden’s $50 billion proposal but emphasized the need to increase production capacity for automotive grade chips as part of the effort. The letter — from the American Automotive Policy Council, the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association and the United Automobile Workers union — suggested providing “specific funding for semiconductor facilities that commit to dedicating a portion of their capacity to motor vehicle-grade chip production.” In a letter to congressional leaders last month, technology trade groups argued against setting aside new production capacity for a specific industry, saying that such a move would amount to “unprecedented market interference.” Macy’s wants to build an office tower atop its Herald Square location.Credit…FXCollaborative Macy’s is proposing the construction of a commercial office tower on top of its flagship Herald Square store in New York as part of a broader redevelopment plan that would aim to improve the surrounding area and its subway stations. The retailer said in a statement on Monday that it would commit $235 million to help improve the Herald Square subway stations and to “transform Herald Square and Broadway Plaza into a modern, car-free pedestrian-friendly urban space for New Yorkers and visitors,” according to a website it created for the proposed project. Before Macy’s proposal can move ahead, the area needs to be rezoned to allow the new structure to be built atop the retailer’s iconic Herald Square store, which opened more than 100 years ago and would remain open during any new construction. The project would also need to go through an approval process with the city. Macy’s added that it was eager to begin a public review process on the project and that it would “work closely with local officials, Manhattan Community Board 5, the 34th Street Partnership and other community stakeholders on final designs.” Macy’s, which released renderings of the proposed building and pedestrian area, said that it supported the construction of the office space as part of an expected boom in new office jobs in New York this year. The beleaguered retailer added that the city was expecting a return to prepandemic office employment levels by the fourth quarter, and it estimated that its proposal would generate more than $250 million in new tax revenue for the city while supporting nearly 16,300 jobs. “Take care of yourself, and if you don’t already have a good support system, develop one,” Joni Ratts said.Credit…Jenna Schoenefeld for The New York Times For millions of retirement savers, the pandemic was a gut punch. There was the jarring stock market drop in March 2020, then millions lost their jobs, health insurance and ability to fund their savings. The pandemic stymied adults who hadn’t started saving for retirement, the number of workers taking withdrawals from their 401(k)s last year jumped, and some companies cut their 401(k) matching contributions. John F. Wasik, a writer for The New York Times, spoke with financial advisers about the seven steps people can take now to catch up on their retirement savings: Track your total spending. Spending has the biggest impact and is the input you have the most control over, said Clari Nolet, a certified financial planner and certified divorce financial analyst. Focus on health insurance. When many people lose their jobs, they lose health insurance coverage for themselves and family. Those laid off can often continue their insurance under a COBRA plan, said Lori Price, a certified financial planner — but it can be onerously expensive. Make catch-up contributions. If you’re 50 or older, the Internal Revenue Service gives you a little savings plum: You can save as much as an extra $6,500 annually in your defined contribution plans (which include 401(k)s, 403(b)s and 457s). Automate your savings. If you’re working and offered a 401(k) with automatic payroll withdrawals, you can simply increase your contribution. Want to save even more? Many plans allow you to increase your 401(k) savings when you get a raise. Adjust your portfolio. Just socking more money into a bank money-market account won’t help you catch up much at all. Yields on money markets are awful — the top rate nationally was 0.60 percent, according to Bankrate.com. Retire later. If you’re able, one simple strategy is to retire after the “normal” age for Social Security benefits, which is 66 for most Americans. That will give you more time to save. Social Security will even pay you more each month if you wait until 70 to collect benefits. Set up your own plan. Small-business owners or those who are self-employed can set up their own plans, from Simplified Employee Pension I.R.A.s to 401(k)s. Dogfish Head Craft Brewery is struggling to hire manufacturing workers for its beer factory and staff members for its restaurants.Credit…Alyssa Schukar for The New York Times As employers race to hire before an expected summertime economic boom, they are voicing a complaint that is echoing all the way to the White House: They cannot find enough workers to fill their open positions and meet the rising customer demand. Many managers are unwilling to raise wages and prices enough to keep up, as they worry that demand will ebb in a few months and leave them with permanently higher payroll costs. They are instead resorting to short-term fixes, like cutting hours, instituting sales quotas and offering signing bonuses to get people in the door, Jeanna Smialek and Jim Tankersley report for The New York Times. In and around Rehoboth Beach, Del., at least 10 people, managers and workers alike, cited expanded payments as a key driver of the labor shortage, though only two of them personally knew someone who was declining to work to claim the benefit. In Delaware, Wawa gas stations sport huge periwinkle blue signs advertising $500 signing bonuses, plus free “shorti” hoagies each shift for new associates. A local country club is offering referral bonuses and opening up jobs to members’ children and grandchildren. A regional home builder has instituted a cap on the number of houses it can sell each month as everything — open lots, available materials, building crews — comes up short. Scott Kammerer oversees a local hospitality company that includes a brewery and restaurants. He has been able to staff adequately by offering benefits and taking advantage of the fact that he retained some workers because his restaurants did not close fully or for very long during the pandemic. But he has also raised wages. The company’s starting non-tip pay rates have climbed to $12 from $9 two years ago. Mr. Kammerer has not been forced to raise prices to cover increasing costs, because business volume has picked up so much — up 40 percent this year compared with a typical winter — that profits remain solid. Source link Orbem News #Big #Chip #Federal #firms #funding #Live #manufacturing #Seek #Tech #Updates
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Exemptions from Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Requirements
Exemptions from Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Requirements For additional information, . Alabama Minimum insurance requirements for full-time undergraduates include an “Aspiring Physician” and “Resident Physician” These are the minimum insurance requirements for full-time enrollees, meaning that regardless of a career choice, a student must maintain the required minimum insurance coverage for 1 year The list of required insurance carriers is updated automatically at https://www.robertation.oregon.edu/business/businesses/businesses.htm Each state’s department of insurance has its own set of requirements when it comes to health insurance coverage, but that state law may vary greatly depending on your location. You may only apply for health coverage if your income qualifies you for Medicaid or Medicare in the event of an accident or injury. Here’s what the state has to say about health insurance coverage for part-time students. *Minimum state-defined.
Required Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Hours
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Rhode Island Insurance Product Training Requirements
Rhode Island Insurance Product Training Requirements The following minimum insurance coverage requirements were implemented in North Carolina through the North Carolina Independent Insurance Law Enforcement Enforcement. Insurance coverage in the form of liability insurance In order to offer a policy to protect you in the event of an accident, the North Carolina Accident Insurance Policy (the Accident Damage Liability Insurance plan) offers the option of offering a policy of $15,000 to cover the damages resulting from any incident in which you were at fault in an accident. The maximum limits for your policy are determined by your insurer based on your state of residence and coverage needs and options available to you. The state of North Carolina requires drivers to have certain forms of protection to qualify for the state insurance policy. While this isn’t a requirement by any state, it is important to know the basic requirements before purchasing any insurance plan. The Basic Liability Insurance for North Carolina The state of North Carolina requires personal injury protection coverage, which provides coverage in the event of injury.
Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Exam Requirements
Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Exam Requirements Credit History Senior Credit Insurance Exam Senior Credit History & Test Results on Quiz The National Credit Association conducts insurance credit history study on college students. Students select the credit on the exam based on questions including, “Where do they usually work?” In the video below is a sample of results from the study study.  If you take the insurance credit, it will not be the only answer you receive when you submit your insurance and financial insurance application. The National Credit Association conducts insurance credit study on college students. Students select the credit on the exam based on questions including, “Where do they usually work?” In the video below is a sample of results from the study.  If you take the insurance credit, it will not be the only answer you.
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Reporting and Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Certificates of Completion
Reporting and Rhode Island Insurance Continuing Education Certificates of Completion. To find the best rates available, it helps to understand your car insurance policy and determine the minimum liability coverage needed. To further limit your down payment in the event of an accident, insure with one of the most popular state-based car insurance companies in Maryland. The average cost of auto insurance in Maryland is higher than similar coverage in other states. It also varies according to where you live; the cheapest state is New York as the minimum state-by-number-of-age-drivers. The next table does compare rates by various insurance company. All these states can offer the most affordable auto insurance rates. Each of them also have a few things on their vehicles that make them worth comparing for their price. For instance, in Maryland, a 2013 Toyota Camry Sport is the most affordable option because it is equipped with an anti-theft device and a new safety system. As a vehicle owner in Maryland, you have to pay premiums for your own insurance but even if your insurance will be.
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hakelelius91 · 4 years
utica home insurance
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utica home insurance
utica home insurance rates range significantly from $1395 in South Carolina to a staggering $3100 in North Carolina, a difference of nearly $22% ! This is the only way we know how to find you the best policy or a better rate. Auto insurance rates vary based on a number of factors such as gender, where you live, credit score, driving record, the make and model of your vehicle, the amount of coverage and the area you live in, among other things. In many instances, this is why it’s so important to see one particular company for a quote that is just right for you. While there are many factors when it comes to how much you pay for your car insurance policy, here are a few that will help you figure out exactly: If you’re under 18 years old, you’re not alone. Here are the in the state, based on 2019 data: There are who drive without owning a car, not even the cheapest ones. According. utica home insurance can help you repair or replace lost or damaged property. Some insurers even offer that can pay up to $5 million. In all of these cases you might be able to find a policy that doesn’t require you to shop around for coverage. You might be able to find an insurer who will help you out. If you’re looking for new coverage, try . At the top of the page, you might notice a link to find a company like    which will apply to most policies. However, you might also see listed an article of the same name on the side where it says you’re looking for new coverage with similar coverage but lower rates. The answer may be:  Most insurance companies apply a new deductible to your rate to keep the same amount of money on the table and your current insurance. If these types of lower premiums won’t make any difference in your life, they may have some other thing going for them.  You. utica home insurance plans, we offer a variety of different discounts that allow you to get quality coverage and unbeatable customer service with any of our policies. Our selection of different will give you a variety of coverages to choose from to ensure you are covered in the event of an accident. From to and , we can help you find a value on your auto insurance policy that meets the needs of your family. If you’ve been dealing with home insurance companies in Florida during the past 6 months or so, you’ve likely been in trouble. Most insurance companies in Florida are not open to considering Florida’s history with insurance claims or the number of residents who are injured on private property properties. It is generally not fair to take them under consideration. Home insurance policies, as a general rule, have a number of important elements that they are required to take into account in order to be a loyal customer. This includes: If you are in the process of hiring a home insurance agent,.
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AdStuart Brooks - State Farm Insurance Agent for State Farm and the State Farm Group - Nationwide Group. He is licensed as an agent of insurance to conduct self-service business. Thank You for choosing CSP. CSP - CSP Insurance Agency is a full service agency that will insure you every step of the way at State Farm Insurance. Since 1963 we have been providing the lowest insurance prices to the right customers. We pride ourselves on our customer service and customer service ratings! All of our Insurance Department representatives are licensed by the Insurance Department of the State of Michigan and do not attempt to represent any previous insurance providers. To receive a free quote with our Nationwide Insurance Agency, call at (877) 858-9848 We offer insurance by phone, online and through independent agents. . Prices for policies sold through agents and brokers are available from them and through progressive.com/agent. If you buy car insurance in Georgia, then you’re really in Florida. The state’s strict car insurance laws mandate that those.
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Compare Auto Insurance Rates Instantly. We offer Auto insurance across all U.S states. We serve the insurance needs of our customers for over 40 years. We do everything with a purpose, and the customer service we provide is outstanding. No matter your situation, we can help you find the best possible insurance policy to meet your specific needs. The average monthly cost of home insurance in New York is $109. Your home insurance quote might be substantially lower or more affordable compared to the national average. However, the average homeowners insurance policy in New York, which is issued by the Northeast Insurance Associates, offers far more coverage than a typical homeowner policy will. New York requires homeowners to purchase some kind of minimum cost coverage to make sure their financial losses are fully covered. Additionally, your home insurance policy must provide coverage for damage due to fire, flood, theft, or vandalism. If an act of nature occurs, that damage typically will be covered by the policy. Additional forms of commercial coverage are available. The cost of your home.
5. Utica Insurance Co
5. Utica Insurance Co., a large insurance company in the midwest, and the company is one of the two cheapest overall auto insurers in Iowa, . It writes personal lines lines. It also has several of Iowa’s . The company received its A.M. Best rating of A, or Superior last year in and auto insurance provider records. That was the first time Wawanesa has scored a full 100 points in a row to be named Iowa s leading auto insurer of the year. With an A.M. Best rating of A or higher, it is the third least populated auto insurer in Iowa. The state has a relatively affordable number of auto insurers — just over 10,000, according to The — but it still has a long way to get everyone to keep regular policies. The most affordable auto rates came from a single, 20-year-old male, and the highest rates were from all the major companies. We rounded up all the companies with rates.
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Compare Health Insurance Rates Instantly. There are many health insurance options. As we mentioned before the policy will change as your situation changes, so do stay flexible when moving into a new health insurance company. In addition to health insurance, one of the best ways to save money on your health insurance plan is to shop around. This can include comparing prices. If you’re an active military member or veteran, and you want to avoid spending more than $1,000.000 per year to pay for your policy, then the best health insurance providers are not their prices. If you’re currently using health insurance coverage, you may be paying much more. You’re likely to be eligible for a lower price if you’ve had your health care for more than a decade. You may also have a deductible that’s higher than the insurer’s. This higher deductible means you’re paying more. If you need affordable health insurance you may consider switching to a different company. As mentioned above.
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AdCathleen Fournier: Allstate Insurance Company is one of the most reliable brands on the market. A certified property and casualty insurance agent, we have decades of experience servicing the insurance needs of American Independent’s loyal customers. From general liability to general residential, we’ve been helping these types of customer relationships develop. And you can still find great service if you are truly dedicated to your insurance needs. In today’s time, We focus on the many ways our products are tailored to meet your insurance needs and individualized coverage. Whether your needs overlap with your insurance company and you want to get started on the right path with a  you just need to contact us. We can tailor a business insurance plan for both yourself and your guests. And we have an experienced insurance professionals who can explain your coverage options and help you through the insurance claims process. If you’re under the age of 65, but live elsewhere, your driver’s license is your first.
12. Liberty Mutual Insurance
12. Liberty Mutual Insurance may claim that it’s worth knowing more about the state’s car insurance requirements, because it’s a large market. In most — only 10% — of state drivers are uninsured. But if you’re hit by a driver without insurance (or if you are an unaccompanied minor, in Maryland), you can file a lawsuit. No. Maryland car insurance law requires you to have uninsured motorist coverage, which is an extra $5,000 in bodily injury liability coverage, as well as uninsured motorist coverage, which covers the other driver’s medical bills. Keep in mind, though, that this coverage does not protect you, or the other driver, in the case of a crash. If you want to avoid the uninsured driver, you’ll need to buy the other driver’s uninsured motorist coverage, as well as purchase additional policies. Your lender or leasing company may require you to own uninsured motorist coverage, but they�.
19. GEICO Insurance
19. GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. has partnered with to provide insurance products. When you click Continue you will be taken to their website, which is not owned or operated by GEICO. GEICO has no control over their privacy practices and assumes no responsibility in connection with your use of their website. Any information that you directly provide is subject to the privacy posted on their website. Call or log in to your current , , or policy to review your policy and contact a customer service agent to discuss your jewelry insurance options. From our founding in 1992, has made a legacy of providing quality personal service and our products to our policyholders. Today, we have a team of experienced insurance professionals dedicated to our policyholders. Our team will be available for any of our business customers who are looking for the lowest rates.
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Colorado touts its new private coronavirus testing contracts as a way to speed up results. Already there are problems.
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With coronavirus tests across the nation taking a week or more to be processed, Colorado presented a solution to speed things up: New partnerships with private labs to ensure people know within a few days if they are infected so that outbreaks can be snuffed out.
“A lot of the testing being done with the national labs was simply taking too long for Colorado residents, too long for our public health needs,” Gov. Jared Polis said last week as he celebrated a new testing site at Water World in Adams County. “People were not hearing back for nine, 10 days. I even heard 12 days somebody didn’t hear back. So we wanted to do something about it and fix it.”
But problems already have arisen with a company hired to run three public testing locations on the Front Range at a cost of up to $200,000 a day.
The latest from the coronavirus outbreak in Colorado:
MAP: Known cases in Colorado.
TESTING: Here’s where to find a community testing site. The state is now encouraging anyone with symptoms to get tested.
STORY: Colorado’s mask mandate extended into mid September.
Mako Medical, which is based in North Carolina, was found by state health officials to have “potential inconsistencies” with the temperature at which test samples were being kept at a Colorado Springs screening site.
“El Paso County Public Health flagged the possibility that some of the samples may not have been stored at a low enough temperature to ensure viability,” the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said in a statement to The Colorado Sun.
Now, more than 350 people who were tested at the Citadel Mall site on Tuesday — the first day it was open under Mako’s management — are being invited to get screened again out of what the state says is “an abundance of caution.”
The Water World testing site where Polis talked about the need to speed up the return of results is also run by Mako. He mentioned the company by name during his remarks. 
“We know that our success against this virus relies on information,” Polis said on Aug. 10. “This is a war, and intelligence is critical.”
Gov. Jared Polis speaks to reporters at a coronavirus testing site set up at Water World in Federal Heights on Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. “A lot of the testing being done with the national labs was simply taking too long for Colorado residents, too long for our public health needs,” he said. (Jesse Paul, The Colorado Sun)
Mako is running a third test site, at Aurora Sports Park. Polis also marked the opening of that operation with a personal visit also on Aug. 10.
“The concerns at the Citadel Mall site were quickly detected and addressed. The state also conducted site inspections at Water World and Aurora Sports Park and did not find any irregularities in operations,” CDPHE said in a written statement. “We have confidence in Mako’s ability to meet its contractual obligations regarding test load, accuracy and proper site operations. We will continue to do frequent inspections.”
The state’s contract with Mako has not been made available for public review, but Polis said the company promised to return results in no more than four days, if not sooner. The hope is that Mako will be able to get information to Coloradans faster than the national lab giants LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics, which have been inundated with work across the U.S. and beset by large backlogs and slow turnaround times. 
Testing is useless, public health officials say, if it takes too long for results to be returned. 
When the pandemic hit U.S. shores, Mako was a relatively small company providing a variety of testing services mostly to businesses and organizations within North Carolina. But its workload and workforce have both exploded during the time of COVID-19.
In May, the company announced that it had grown to 450 total employees and its team of lab techs had swelled to 150 people working in three, around-the-clock shifts, up from 50 people working in a one shift. In June, the company announced that it had hired 100 more people and it had added 5,000 square feet to one of its facilities. Its job-listing board currently shows openings for 61 positions in five states.
The growth has come as states and local communities increasingly look for laboratory options beyond Quest and LabCorp, the nation’s two heavyweights in the field.
Since the spring, Mako has landed contracts with governments and other organizations in at least New Hampshire, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia and Montana, with the company’s touted 48-hour turnaround time frequently cited. Mako is also part of an effort to provide testing services to summer camps across the country.
“We don’t want to be left high and dry again in the event that the national demand for testing puts a state like ours onto the back burner,” Montana Gov. Steve Bullock told Kaiser Health News last month, after deciding to drop Quest and sign a contract with Mako to run 1,000 tests a day for his state.
Beyond the issues that arose on the first day of testing at the Citadel Mall, The Colorado Sun found that Mako’s work has faced criticism in other states.
The company was tapped to handle coronavirus surveillance in New Hampshire nursing homes, but came under fire for false-positive results and its turnaround times, the Valley News reported. 
At one facility, according to the newspaper, a pair of false positive tests among residents in June was blamed on a lab-process error. Valley News reported the inaccuracies “put families through hell,” according to an administrator at the nursing home.
A television station in Charlotte, N.C., said a nursing home there also received false-positive test results from Mako in May. 
“The false positives were due to human error within the lab technician plating process,” the company said in a statement to WSCO-TV. “We immediately instituted additional safeguards, including an additional level of result reporting review, to help ensure this never happens again.”
Mako was also dinged in May for social media posts claiming to be working on developing a test to determine whether someone is “immune” to COVID-19.
Health experts say there’s no definitive proof that someone can be completely immune to coronavirus, though they believe people infected with the disease may be protected from reinfection for at least a short while after recovering.
Gov. Jared Polis, state health officials and elected leaders in Adams County celebrate the opening of a new coronavirus testing site set up at Water World in Federal Heights on Monday, Aug. 10, 2020. The site is being run by Mako Medical. (Jesse Paul, The Colorado Sun)
The News & Observer newspaper in Raleigh, N.C., reported that the company apologized for the posts and said they were a mistake. At the time, it had just been announced that Mako had won a contract to provide 20,000 tests for prison and probation employees in North Carolina.
Meanwhile, The News & Observer has reported problems with Mako’s founder. In February, the newspaper ran a story showing that Mako CEO Chad Price submitted a resume in 2014 for a position on a community college board of trustees that listed academic achievements and a work history that were false. He then resigned from the board.
The newspaper also found questionable campaign donations across several states tied to Price and his developmentally disabled sister.
Mako was co-founded in 2014 by Price, who doesn’t have a medical or laboratory background, according to interviews he has given. Price said he was driven to launch the company after becoming frustrated with slow medical test results for his older sister, who he said has the mental capacity of a toddler. 
Mako boasts a host of awards for its fast growth and for being a top “startup employer.” Public records show it is accredited by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The company says its “COVID-19 test was validated and independently tested in two separate laboratories with seven times as many samples as required.”
Workers at a drive-up coronavirus testing site in Montrose. (Handout)
The Colorado Sun sent a list of questions to a Mako representative about their testing procedures whether the company has taken on such a big testing contract before. Chief Operating Officer Josh Arant issued a statement in response. 
“At Mako Medical we understand the importance of timely, accurate COVID-19 test results,” he said. “We value our partnership with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the El Paso County Public Health, and their commitment to Colorado citizens during this pandemic.” 
Mako’s contract with the state allows it to test up to 2,000 people a day at a cost of $100 per test, CDPHE said.
In the meantime, Mako said it is testing the potentially problematic samples taken at the Citadel Mall “to determine if temperature impacted the quality.”
CDPHE says it has reached all but four of the 355 people tested Tuesday at the Citadel Mall. State health officials say they have provided “guidance” to Mako to ensure the temperature issue isn’t repeated.
“Both CDPHE and El Paso (County Public Health) reviewed the appropriate procedures with Mako Medical for storing samples both at the site and while transporting them to their lab,” CDPHE said in a statement.  
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Colorado touts its new private coronavirus testing contracts as a way to speed up results. Already there are problems.
Michael Bennet: We have 79 days
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See This Report on House Cleaning Services
iframe width="560" height="315" alt="Some Ideas on Janitorial Services You Should Know" type="text/html" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SX96glRnTW8" frameborder="0">
Member Marian Smith of King, North Carolina, states she's worked with several cleaning companies over the years, but always reads evaluations on Angie's Checklist first. "I inspect to see if any type of issues have been lodged, and I constantly ask if the company is bonded and insured," she states. Those inquiries, experts concur, supply a great beginning.
In addition to referrals, Ray Smith, owner of Green Brilliant Cleaning Provider in Clermont, Florida, suggests finding out if the firm carries out history checks on staff members, which is an inquiry our specialists say most home Click for source owners forget. And make sure to ask if it will certainly be the same team cleaning your house whenever.
I began a cleansing service business below in my home town of Toronto back in 2006, it's called Tidy My Area that would have believed!? Over the years, I've learned a whole lot regarding this market as well as I intended to respond to an inquiry that I get asked a lot: Just how do I understand which cleansing firm to hire? Whether you wish to work with a cleansing service to aid you with a one-off job, a yearly springtime tidy, or something on a more regular basis, there are a few things you require to ask about prior to you choose.
The smart Trick of Residential Cleaning Services That Nobody is Discussing
" But, it's more affordable to hire an under-the-table cleaning girl for cash!" is something I frequently listen to. Funny enough, I always encourage individuals to employ that cleaning woman if price is their primary worry, and also if things go well, keep her close. But, when points don't work out, that's when you bring in a service business.
So, below are ten things you need to take into consideration when you're wanting to employ a cleansing solution company. Beginning by asking friends and family that they utilize references give you a within check out what a company is all about not just what they claim on their site (allow's be truthful, a business can create anything).
Delighted people don't tend to compose as numerous reviews as miserable individuals that feel urged to bath the globe with their terrible experiences. Bear in mind, frequently, those testimonials are people utilizing it as an opportunity to air vent, blow a story out of percentage, or attempt to harm the credibility of the firm.
Little Known Questions About House Cleaning Company.
No one is ideal. The various other point to watch out for is a firm with a best score. I understand companies who pay clients to compose evaluations for them, so naturally, they're going to be 100% perfect. No matter, an excellent regulation of thumb is to stay clear of a company with all excellent ratings, stay clear of the company with all horrible scores, as well as locate the ones with actually constant high scores.
A business ought to want to inform you if they have this insurance coverage as well as offer duplicates of their plans at your demand. Now, know that this contributes to the cost of running a solution business, which is why the rates are higher per hr or per job. Nevertheless, this level of guarantee is useful, particularly when you're allowing somebody right into your residence, as well as can eventually be on the hook for something that fails remember, we reside in a litigious globe! Just how long have they been in business for? Does the company have any type of awards, certifications, or affiliations with professional organizations? I like to keep an eye out for this since it makes me feel comforted that a company is reliable and worried with their online reputation.
These are things we've striven to acquire and also tout proudly as a firm. It shows our staff, clients, and possible customers, that we have actually done every little thing we can to offer exceptional solution. To give this a little bit a lot more context, there are a couple of firms right here in Toronto that have a negative credibility as well as simply shut down and also re-open under an additional name.
Rumored Buzz on Residential Cleaning Services
Does the business take demands or use a fixed solution? Just how in-depth will they get? Depending on what you intend to be done, inquire regarding what level of solution is provided. If you can personalize it as well as hire a person to come and also tick a number of things off your order of business, or if you simply get the very same solution each visit irrespective of what you intend to be done, or, if you can do a combination.
Make sure to inquire about damage, damage, and fulfillment guarantees a business should stand behind its job and its workers. If you're not delighted as a client, what are they prepared to do for you, just how will they make it right? It's simply a fact of life points will damage.
This seems crazy, and I understand several business do not do this. They tell the client to assert it under their own homeowner's insurance plan, or chalk it up to an inescapable blunder. If you're not happy with the cleansing, what will the business offer you? A touch-up? A complimentary cleansing? Nothing? Business have different policies regarding this so learn what choice you have if you're not pleased with the level of solution you've gotten.
The Of Professional Cleaners
Usually, contract employees don't take pleasure in the very same advantages as employees do, neither do they have the same sort of oversight. While they're usually cheaper to employ, they are many times inconsistently trained and also are not as trustworthy because the fact is they're "changeable" to a big degree by that I mean that there is little to no investment in their actual work product by the company contracting out the work, so they can swiftly carry on to one more specialist while having actually lost little to no financial investment (training, taxes, benefits, and so on).
Staff members additionally pay taxes as well as have actually tax obligations paid on their part by the employer, which supports the province or state as well as country you reside in. These two classifications as well as the regulations bordering them will certainly differ from country to country. In Canada, I understand the rules throughout, as well as our team are employees since it is better for them (sadly, more costly as well as much less successful for us!), and also far better for the nation.
Do they use their very own cleansing supplies and tools, or do you have to supply your very own? We require our customers to provide their very own and, obviously, assist them determine exactly what they require. We offer kits or provide them with a wish list based on their details demands.
How Home Cleaning Services can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Even more, each residence has various needs; pet dogs, individuals, finishes, as well as whatnot. I'm a huge advocate of making use of the ideal products and also tools on each surface, and I think it is better to give your very own to reduce and lessen cross-contamination and also possible harm to surfaces. Discover out what the plan for cancelling or changing your service is.
Numerous companies charge a termination charge since it can be tough to reschedule cleaners at the last min, and the company needs to cover off their lost salaries. So, if you know this details, you can much better intend and prepare for any organizing issues.
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Some Known Details About House Cleaning Services Near Me
Keeping a home clean can be a continuous duty that eats a lot of our http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/cleaning company spare time. If life seems to rotate around mopping, vacuuming, cleaning and also transforming sheets, working with a professional housekeeping service in your location might be the option. This overview covers whatever to anticipate from a housekeeping or maid solution including bundle options, what inquiries to ask and also what they bill.
More About Cleaning Services Company
Depending on your place or the company you utilize, these solutions are described by a number of names: house cleaner, cleaning up service or housemaid. "House cleaning" historically described an employed, live-in worker of rich residences who ran the home just like a butler. Today, it's simply one more name for a caretaker. Selecting the appropriate service is a straightforward procedure of research and also asking the appropriate concerns.
Learn what services cover. Establish your budget and what you truly require done. Meeting services and ask the right concerns. Understand what to expect when the service starts. Prior to you choose a house cleaner, ask yourself if you really need it. If what you're attempting to prevent is a cluttered mess, you may intend to go with a pda.
House maid solution are different as well as specialized. A lot of service firms begin with a base package then move right into specialized recurring or single services for your certain requirements. Unique home cleaning services are typically available for larger jobs such as garages, post-moving or post-construction. Maid services, staffed by trained professional house cleansers, are available in a vast variety of alternatives including: Regularly set up weekly brows through.
Not known Incorrect Statements About Office Cleaning Services
One-time aid on special celebrations. Demanding tasks such as garage or cellar cleaning. Events prior to and after. Some firms additionally supply gift certificates. Home cleaning up needs vary significantly based upon your home dimension, place and also what you actually desire as well as require. With most big business, you can expect a standard bundle with optional solutions.
One-time visits have a tendency to cost two times as high as a consistently set up recurring check out. But just how much is your spare time worth to you? The ordinary American invests regarding doing chores. Housemaid solutions cost a standard of. For independent housemaids, anticipate to invest in between considering that they charge in between.
You may be priced quote more per hour for a professional business, but they typically work in teams to finish the job swiftly. Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Month-to-month. Full Kitchen Area Cleaning Up Complete Washroom Maintenance Vacuuming Dusting Transforming Linens Dishes Addons to the typical bundle if you need something specific. Laundry Moving furniture Polishing woodwork Ceilings & lighting fixtures Window Drapery Furniture Flooring waxing Carpet cleaning Consists of anything from typical and also optional services in seldom utilized areas or before unique occasions.
Not known Incorrect Statements About Commercial Cleaning
You can also hire a local house cleaning recommendation network for a mix of both. Independent home cleansers work with referrals and also recommendations supplying a trustworthy solution on a spending plan. You should still have these specialists finish a history check prior to hiring. Larger companies screen their workers in advance. Exact same individual every single time Tailored solution Expenses less without above Uniformity with time Guaranteed and adhered Background checks finished No employment documentation or taxes Reliable Not usually guaranteed Work forms to file No background check Expensive Big staffs lots of workers in your house per hour for a single person per hr typically for a group of two Much like any type of service that will certainly enter into your home, you'll intend to adhere to a couple of standards.
Before working with a solution, meeting business or people. Take a look at the inquiries below that you can ask in the meeting Make sure to gather referrals as well as call them. Nevertheless, they will certainly have a great deal of access to your house, and also you must be comfy with them. If they supply previous client call info, ask those recommendations just how pleased they were with the service specialist's: Punctuality or routine availability, Cleansing skills and also equipment, Mindset or work values, and also Professionalism or dependability.
In many cases, a solution will request to make use of the house owner's products. If a person in your home has allergies, consult your cleaning service to review specific items that may be valuable. Before any kind of job starts, identify the specific range of the services you need. You may additionally desire to negotiate additional tasks above a normal cleaning routine, like washing.
The Basic Principles Of Move Out Cleaning Services
Consider co-creating a list of expectations and duties of the service. Be very details and also don't anticipate the professional to recognize exactly how you desire something done. Invest a few mins going over areas you want cleaned frequently. If it is important that specific areas get special attention each go to, aim them out.
Make certain you find a service that is open to custom demands. Prior to each see, be sure to leave a list of issue areas. The sort of residence you have might affect service visits. Accessible car park areas and also coded gates might produce access barriers that boost travel time as well as thus prices.
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agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: Aging in Place: Granny Pods Provide Privacy and Independence
If you’re thinking about how to take care of aging relatives and concerned that you might not be able to provide the level of care you’d like to, you’re not alone: the population of Americans ages 65 and over has seen a 33% increase between 2006 and 2016, according to the latest research. What’s more, the Population Reference Bureau states that the aging of this group deemed “baby boomers” could fuel more than a 50% increase in the number of Americans ages 65 and older requiring nursing home care. As after-retirement care prices soar, some families are looking for a new solution to offer assistance to their elderly loved ones. If you find yourself in the position to provide such care, one solution is to build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on your property. While these miniature homes have been given the not-so-great nickname of “granny pods,” they are a great way to allow you to care for your relatives while affording them the privacy and independence they deserve. Let’s shed some light on the granny pod phenomenon, including zoning, costs, and the pros and cons of adding an ADU to your property, to help you decide if this is the right option for you and your family. Source: (Lupiphoto/ Shutterstock)What is a granny pod? You may or may not be familiar with the not-so-technical term “granny pod”; The official term used by architects and city planners is accessory dwelling unit, but an ADU is synonymous with granny pod, granny flat, care cottage, in-law suite, and a host of other creative descriptors. These small permanent structures are built on a single-family lot that already has a house on it. The dwellings are essentially fully functioning mini-homes and include everything one needs to live independently. They often have their own wheelchair-accessible entrance and can be outfitted with as many or as few nursing care safety and technology features as you choose to include. A typical granny pod is between 250 and 900 square feet. When it comes to adding a granny pod to your property, you have a few options. You can DIY the project and hire a contractor to oversee the build out of an existing shed or garage, you can build a new structure from the ground up, or you can have a prefabricated home delivered to your back doorstep. Before we get into the particulars of granny pod build outs and the pros and cons of adding one, let’s address a very important point — the legality of adding an ADU to your property. Are you legally allowed to add a granny pod to your property?  The laws on adding an ADU to your property vary from state to state and even from municipality to municipality. The first thing you should do if you are thinking of adding a granny pod to your property is do some research to see if they are allowed in your area. We spoke with Rita Shaw, a top-selling Redlands, California, agent with 42 years of experience in the industry, who told us that in 2019, California passed a law “that requires cities to allow people to build second units on their property as affordable housing units.” Shaw just built such a unit on her own property and says buyers are very interested in ADUs for a variety of reasons, including housing family members. (If you live in a state other than California, you’ll need to make sure your area is on board.) When it comes to determining whether you are legally allowed to add a granny pod to your property, you’ll see a few technical terms that you’ll need to understand before proceeding with construction. Zoning codes tell you where you are allowed to build a granny pod. Zoning varies greatly between municipalities, and regulations are changing all the time. Here is a handy source to check if ADUs are approved in your district. If you don’t see your area on the list, you can call your local zoning or planning department. Once you determine that you are indeed zoned to put an ADU on your property, you’ll need to learn about how the construction must proceed. Building codes tell you how to build your granny pod. These codes focus on public health and safety. They will dictate minimum square footage, fire safety requirements, and more. If you hire a licensed contractor, they will be aware of all of the codes, and they should discuss this with you during the planning phase of your project. Covenants regulate aesthetic standards in specific neighborhoods. If you live in a new development, covenants may prohibit you from building a granny pod even if zoning and city codes do allow for such construction. Be sure to check with your neighborhood association if you belong to one. In addition, if you are a member of a homeowner’s association, the board will determine if granny pods are allowed. What’s included in a granny pod? A granny pod should not be confused with a tiny house. Many tiny houses fall under the recreational vehicle code because they are on wheels and can be moved. If a tiny house has wheels, it is classified as an RV, which makes it a no-go on 99% of residential properties. A granny pod, on the other hand, is a permanent structure, which is built on a concrete slab and designed to gather its energy, sewer, and water needs from the main house on the property. In some cases, you can modify a tiny house to become a permanent structure on your property with its own energy metering. The one-story building will generally comprise a living and sleeping space, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The space is designed to ensure the safety of your aging loved ones. These ADUs are equipped with handrails, open floor plans, soft padded flooring, and accessible bathrooms. Some prefab units come complete with smart home adaptability so that you can monitor what is going on inside at all times. You can even set alarms so that the resident is reminded to take medications, turn off appliances, and more. Source: (Gayatri Malhotra / Unsplash)How much does a granny pod cost? You can expect to spend at least $40,000 to build the simplest structure and between $100,000 and $250,000 for a prefab model chock full of all the medical features and technologies needed for top-of-the-line care and comfort. There are several companies that have conceived and crafted elder-care cottages. Each of the following companies has a range of prefabricated granny pods that you can easily and quickly install on your property. Some are only available in certain states, so be sure to check those details. They all offer several floor plan options and amenities to suit your needs. Better Living Express  Better Living Express provides a project estimator to help you create estimates around different options so you can find the one that works for you. MEDcottage MEDcottage is focused on providing medical technology with remote monitoring available so caregivers and family members can have peace of mind. It’s basically a remote hospital room for those who need more medical monitoring and attention. There are three options: A Living ROO, designed for a garage buildout A Mother Ship, which sits on an RV platform A MEDcottage Classic, which comes in a do-it-yourself kit you can assemble yourself or hire someone to install. Prices for the MEDcottage Classic range from $85,000 to $125,000. ElderCottages Elder Cottages are on the low end, price-wise; they range in price from $44,960 for a one-bedroom, one-bath, 568-square-foot house to $60,440 for a two-bedroom, two-bath, 947-square-foot house. You will still have to pay a contractor to build a foundation, move the cottage onto your property, and hook up the utilities. If you don’t feel that a prefab unit is right for you, there is always the option to DIY. Many of the companies above offer building plans you can purchase to build the new structure. If you have an existing outbuilding on your property, it may save you money to convert the structure into a granny pod.  The cost of this option varies greatly depending on the area in which you live. The best bet will be to do a Google search for contractors in your area that specialize in ADUs. No matter which option you choose, there are two other costs you will need to take into account. Shaw shared a great point with us: “You can run utilities, the electric, water,  and gas directly from the main house, but the biggest concern is sewer. You need to have your plumber survey the sewer lines to make sure you are going to make the grade.” Many ADUs are built in backyards, while the sewer connects to the street out front, so that’s another consideration — and if you’re on a septic unit, you’ll need to make sure it can handle the addition. One more cost to take into account is insurance for your new property. Your granny pod may be covered under your current homeowners’ policy under the “other structures” section, but the extent to which your ADU is covered depends on your current insurance policy. In general, other buildings are covered at 10% of your primary dwelling coverage amount. So, if your primary dwelling is insured to $300,000, then your granny pod will be covered for $30,000. If your granny pod is valued over the 10% number, you will need to increase your ‘other structures’ coverage, which will increase your insurance premium. Pros to building a granny pod  Proximity  You will have your loved one in your own backyard and thus will be able to monitor their health and safety as well as provide companionship while still respecting their autonomy. Long-term cost Constructing a granny pod is often less expensive than having your relative live in a nursing home or an assisted living facility.  According to Genworth’s Cost of Care Survey, on average in the United States, a private room in a nursing home costs $8,365 per month, or $275 a day. Property value increase Your property value could increase with the addition of the ADU, but this depends on several factors. In some areas, ADUs can be rented out separately from the house, and potential buyers could see this as an asset. The addition of the ADU can add square footage to the resale value of the property. If you have specific questions about your neighborhood, get in touch with a real estate agent in your area. Cons to building a granny pod Upfront costs Building a granny pod can cost a lot of money upfront. You may be able to leverage the equity you have in your home to withdraw the money to make the improvement. Utility bill increases If you do not install solar energy for your granny pod, the building will be an extension of your home with respect to electric, gas, and water — thus, your utility bills will increase based on the new consumption. Property tax increases When you add an ADU to your property, you are increasing the value of your property. Along with this increased value will come a new assessment of your property’s worth. The amount of additional tax will depend on where you live and how the tax percentage is calculated. You can get in touch with your mortgage company to get more information, and decide if the additional taxes will be worth the investment. Granny pods offer the ability to age in place. Keeping your loved ones close — but not too close — affords them the independence they deserve while providing the safety they may need. This option enables you to provide them with emotional support and social engagement while maintaining your own personal space. If you are considering this option do remember to check in with your municipality first to check on the zoning regulations. Happy building! Header Image Source: (Jean Carlo Emer / Unsplash) #What'sOutThere? #Buyers #HouseHunting
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/aging-in-place-granny-pods-provide-privacy-and-independence-1
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hullojobs · 5 years
Free Job Posting Sites in 2020
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Recruiters have to face many decisions while selecting where to advertise open job roles in their company.  Whether their business is small or large, finding the right candidate for any job is undoubtedly an uphill task. They have mainly two options: Advertise in a prominent newspaper or periodical or post the vacancy on a good job portal.
The cost of placing a classified advertisement in daily costs hundreds, if not thousands of Rupees, even if it is a small copy. Large ones run into tens of thousands, and not all companies can justify the cost of running these advertisements for a long duration, repeatedly or until it has been filled. In addition, print media ads have limited reach, usually restricted to a physical location or a very specific group of people (like subscribers or readers). Displaying the ad repeatedly is an additional cost, one that maybe not even that effective, given the readership.
Compared to a print medium, posting jobs online has a lot more advantages. Firstly, they remain on the website for a longer period- ranging from a fortnight to a month, some sites may offer longer durations. Secondly, you have various package choices for posting the job – works especially if you have multiple positions to advertise. Most job sites offer limited, if not fully free posting, but economically a lot more viable for companies to use this medium.
Benefits of Free Job Posting
Everybody agrees that posting jobs online is the most economical & wisest strategy in connecting with potential candidates. The inherent benefits lie in the ease of posting, the reach and the response level. When the paid option is selected, it also ensures the job goes online on some of the topmost recruitment websites across the country vastly increasing the audience & rate of response.
This doesn’t mean free job boards have any lesser benefits!
Free job posting has the added feature of being able to share your listings across various social media, for instance, Whatsapp, and there’s no extra charges or restrictions on the same! This means more people see your listings, and it reaches like-minded jobseekers sooner.
It follows that you will receive a greater number of applications which means you’re that much closer to select & shortlist your future candidate, diving into a vast talent pool.
Why Post Free?
We know large companies like MNCs, chains, and most corporates have sufficiently large advertising budgets and can easily afford to pay for their job postings; in fact they have budgets specially mapped out anticipating this need.
The ones who need to watch for these free posting spaces are startups, small businesses, and home-based enterprises who have a far limited budget and cannot afford large spending on advertising vacancies. There are several decent websites available for free job posting for businesses and individuals, here is a compilation of the top three that offer great results to recruiters:
Top 3 Free Job Posting Websites
1. Indeed
Indeed is a recruitment portal that offers paid as well as free job postings, and has a global presence. The interface makes it easy to post and read jobs listings, and is the preferred choice of several local businesses and start-up companies.
The major difference between paid and free listings is the location of the ad on the webpage - paid ads are promoted and hence appear on top of the search page, free job postings appear at the bottom of the page, where jobseekers can scroll down to seek viable positions.
This is not detrimental to any postings as job seekers often, if not always look for multiple positions and apply to almost every advertisement that suits their educational qualifications and skillset.
Indeed is a great choice ideal if you are looking at hiring quickly. In addition, Indeed also operates a mobile interface with its smart-phone based app, making it even more convenient for users to search and apply for jobs.
2. HulloJobs
Hullo Jobs is a rapidly advancing free job posting website that offers fully free posting across all categories, which is the USP of this job portal. Recruiters can post multiple listings at the same time, no restrictions on length - whether walk-in interviews or part-time jobs companies can post their job openings so that maximum visibility is gained.
Truly free job posting for all registered recruiters, they can even access candidate database of applied users, with the assurance that profiles who apply for jobs are not fake or contain objectionable content. This makes it easy for recruiters to quickly short-list viable candidates. It is currently operating out of Bangalore, but it covers jobs across all sectors – industrial, banking, nursing (inbound and outbound), including government jobs. It is easy for jobseekers to apply also, and track their applications at the same time.
 3. Glassdoor
Primarily US-based, Glassdoor also offers recruitment services in India, allowing recruiters to post job listings for free on its Indian portal. While it is mainly known for hosting a huge database of company reviews for millions of enterprises & companies, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, office photos, employee feedback etc.
On its website it mentions “For employers, Glassdoor offers effective recruiting and employer branding solutions via ‘Glassdoor for Employers’. We help thousands of clients and partners promote their employer brand to candidates researching them and advertise their jobs to ideal candidates who may not be aware of them.”
Glassdoor prides itself on the quality of job candidates they deliver and the influence they hold on candidates' decisions, compared to other recruiting channels when it comes to jobseekers as they research jobs and companies, states the website.
4. WorkIndia
We mention this job portal for a specific category of jobs. WorkIndia is quickly gaining ground in India as a one of the top websites to search and apply for jobs among freshers and blue collar jobs. Restricted to certain conditions and categories, Workindia offers free job posting to employers and recruiters, especially for a limited period. It relies on its India-wide coverage, it is convenient for jobseekers to seek jobs across various parts of this country. It is used when listings are limited and need immediate filling.
 In conclusion:
Since India has a vast pool of young talent, there are millions of job seekers- both experienced and fresher- looking for employment. Hence, free job posting on multiple websites is one of the best resources to reach out to a broader audience.
Recruiters need to remember to update their ads frequently to ensure it remains on top, keeping checks on it regularly.
The primary point is every job seeker looks for all available opportunities at the maximum number of locations in the country. The prospects for recruiting via free job posting sites is very pleasant and a great viable resource for recruiters and companies.
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21 Jun 2019: Facebook's cryptocurrency/banking system. Ability is temporary. The AI who came in from the cold.
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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[Image found on the internet, probable source: NYMag/Egan/Getty. Here the newsletter has inadvertently illustrated one of the challenges of cryptos: you have to make sure that it isn’t possible for someone to just make new copies of the digital file that represents (is) the money.]
Facebook’s Libra: cryptocurrency/payments layer/banking system
A story covering all of cryptos, privacy, big tech, trust, social media, regulation, Facebook etc sits right in the middle of this newsletter’s venn diagram of interests. Facebook announced Libra, a “simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people”.
It’s a “distributed ledger technology”, or maybe a fully-blown cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ripple. Libra will start off as a centralised thing (funded by a who’s who of data-collecting capitalism) but the intention is that it becomes a “permissionless” crypto at some point in future. Its governing body, the Libra Association, will be at arms length from Facebook Inc, which may soothe some of the glaring privacy concerns. It’s a fully-reserved stablecoin, which means that in order to get one Libra you deposit an asset equivalent to one US dollar (or perhaps it isn’t a stablecoin!). In theory this means that its value should be less crazily volatile than things like Bitcoin. It’s not entirely clear why it would need to be blockchainy, though one of the FB bosses said it was to ensure that it wasn’t solely in Facebook’s control.
Why they’re doing it and how they’re talking about it are probably more interesting than the blockchainy technology detail. Maybe it’s a way of sending money to people or paying for things on Facebook.com. Maybe it’s a cryptocurrency that’ll compete with Bitcoin. Or it’s a way of providing banking to 1.7bn un(der)banked people. Or, more grandly, maybe you could think of it as a trans-national payment layer for the internet. Or even: it’s an entire shadow banking system. (There’s a good summary from the “what money is” perspective in Matt Levine’s excellent newsletter: Facebook will make the money now.)
It will be interesting to see what forms it takes when it’s launched. Does every account and page on Facebook.com, Instagram, WhatsApp etc suddenly get a “pay for it instantly” or a “send £10 to yr pal” button on FB.com? To be clear, FB/Libra are talking about it a bit more generally (and more big visiony) than that. Which might be why the ears of various regulators immediately pricked up (Bank of England, France and Germany). All of those potential directions lead to more questions: Is Libra a payment service like Mpesa, but with less regulation? If it’s for money transfer (“remittance”), then how will Libra do the “Know Your Customer” regulatory bits for a global service?
Conclusion: many questions, not least about regulation and privacy. But you could imagine that if Facebook and partners can successfully promote Libra to their big audiences, that it could be pretty successful.
Some coverage and commentary:
FT: Zuckerberg: The man who would be monetary king, and Facebook’s Libra: blockchain, but without the blocks or chain.
11FS: 11 most interesting things about Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency.
“You have to be an idiot to trust Zuck with your cash after what he did with your data".
Facebook launches crypto Libra: but why?
A good thread on the crypto detail.
Libra won’t sell you financial data, says FB manager. 
Snark: “Can't wait for a cryptocurrency with the ethics of Uber, the censorship resistance of Paypal, and the centralization of Visa, all tied together under the proven privacy of Facebook”.
Commercial rent = marketing cost
An argument that a good retail metric would be the media value of a retail store, particularly in an era when digital ad spend has grown in cost without delivering similar growth in traffic. Retail used to simply be product distribution, now it’s customer acquisition.
Ability is temporary: on design and disability
Two great pieces on disability and design: Design community – we need to talk about disabled people. And then we need to do something. - a heartfelt and excellent piece and design and disability. 
“Do you know what it feels like to be the forgotten of the overlooked? Well it feels pretty much the same as every time I am invited to a “stand up”, or asked to take part in a workshop that presumes I am comfortably mobile, or walk into a building that has no easy access, or am taken to a service lift to stand with the dirty dishes and deliveries to get from one floor to another, or left the only person sitting at a ‘stand up buffet mixer’ at an event.”
And I wrote the book on user-friendly design. What I see today horrifies me.
“As Kat Holmes points out in her book Mismatch, all of us are disabled now and then. Some of us have permanent disabilities, but all of us have suffered from situational and temporary problems.”
One way to think about disability: ability is actually the “other” state. Ability is temporary: everyone ends up with some loss of ability, through age, illness or misfortune. So what we call disability might be better thought of as a natural state. Design for disability shouldn’t about layering (eg) accessibility features onto a service to serve a user group with different needs. It should just be about talking to, designing for and designing with everyone.
Health: reminders
“Text messaging - another technology only, umm, two decades old. Doctolib claims it’s cut no-shows by 75% by simply texting patients appointment reminders.” Sometimes simple fixes deliver the value - rather than challenging technology innovation. 
Elsewhere: Walmart will join a US blockchiasy prescriptions pilot. 
The AI who came in from the cold
Some spy used AI-generated face to connect with Washington targets on LinkedIn. *Please add me to your network*: “LinkedIn is oriented toward job seekers and headhunters, people who routinely fire out resumes, build vast webs of contacts and pitch projects to strangers. That connect-them-all approach helps fill the millions of job openings advertised on the site, but it also provides a rich hunting ground for spies.”
In other news from the high tech shadowy intrigue dept: U.S. escalates online attacks on Russia’s power grid.
Ocado: the food just comes to your door
“[Ocado’s] ultimate aim is to reach a point where customers don’t even have to order groceries, as the system can preempt what items you need and when” - slightly unclear whether Ocado is explicitly saying this or just the journalist speculating.
Ocado starts work on first robo-warehouse for Kroger in the US.
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Most opened newsletter in the last month: the struggle for collection and delivery. Most clicked story: new IT jobs at Co-op bank.
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What is this thing called open data? - Tue 25 Jun 6.30pm at Federation House.
NUX Leeds: empathy, product design and being a good human - Mon 24 Jun 6pm at Platform, New Station St, Leeds LS1 4JB
DevSecOps: Quick-win security testing for your CI pipeline - Fri 28 Jun 6pm at Federation House.
The Human Hiring Hack - how to improve workforce diversity and inclusion - Mon 1 Jul 6pm at Northcoders, Federation Street, M4 2AH.
Internal events:
Delivery community of practice - Mon 24 Jun 1.30pm at Fed House.
What has the web team been up to? - Tue 25 Jun 1pm at Fed House 5th floor.
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Health team show & tell -  Tue 25 Jun 2.30pm at Fed House 5th floor.
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Controversy Continues Over SF Restaurant Serving $200 Meals in Private Domes
Last month, California governor Gavin Newsom announced the mandatory closure (or re-closure) of all indoor restaurant dining rooms throughout the state. After investigating its options, Michelin-starred sushi restaurant Hashiri announced that it had purchased three miniature geodesic domes so it could provide a "unique outdoor multi-course dining experience." At the time, the domes seemed like a novel means of providing increased privacy safety for diners during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
A few days ago, after a brief hiatus, Hashiri was allowed to start seating customers in its three outdoor geodesic domes again after the staff cut the plastic sides off to bring them into compliance with current public health requirements. Slicing several feet of soft PVC from the Garden Igloos seems to be a satisfactory resolution—at least for now—after two straight weeks of controversy that started when they were assembled on a San Francisco sidewalk.
Hashiri general manager Kenichiro Matsuura told the San Francisco Chronicle that he had previously attempted outdoor dining (pre-plastic bubbles) but it hadn't worked out, due to the restaurant's location in the Mid-Market section of the city. "We wanted to continue offering the fine-dining experience—and safety and peace,” Matsuura said. (The restaurant also offers a swanky to-go menu, including a $500 Ultimate Trifecta Bento box and a $160 takeaway Wagyu Sukiyaki kit, but it is best known for its five-course Kaiseki and Omakase tasting menu.) “Mint Plaza is a phenomenal space, it’s just sometimes the crowd is not too favorable,” he said. In an interview with ABC7, he again emphasized that "it's not the safest neighborhood." 
The entire Bay Area has an estimated 35,000 people who are unsheltered or experiencing homelessness and, at the beginning of the pandemic, there were more than 8,000 unhoused individuals in San Francisco alone. In mid-March, when the city issued its first stay-at-home order, homeless residents were encouraged to "find shelter and government agencies to provide it” but that was easier to type than it was to do. The Guardian reports that shelters stopped taking new residents due to concerns of overcrowding or inadequate social distancing, and more than 1,000 people put their names on a futile-sounding waitlist to get a bed. 
In April, the city's Board of Supervisors unanimously passed emergency legislation directing the city to secure more than 8,000 hotel rooms to accommodate all of the unhoused people in the city, but the order was denied by Mayor London Breed. It eventually acquired 2,733 hotel rooms for vulnerable individuals but, as of this writing, only 1,935 of them are actually occupied. As a result of the pair of public health crises that the city is enduring—the pandemic and widespread homelessness—the number of unhoused people has increased, as have the number of tents and other makeshift structures that comprise a homeless encampment near Hashiri.
"This is a difficult and upsetting issue," Laurie Thomas, the Executive Director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association, told VICE in an email. "In San Francisco there are areas in the city where there are real concerns about negative street behavior and cleanliness and how that affects both workers and customers of restaurants relying on outside dining [...] Our restaurants have a strong desire to provide a safe and welcoming outdoor dining experience, especially without the ability to open for indoor dining, and this is so critical to their ability to stay in business and keep staff employed." 
It's easy to sympathize with just about everyone in this scenario. The pandemic has caused an ever-increasing number of challenges for restaurant owners, who are doing whatever it takes to keep their doors open for another day, while the essential workers who prep to-go orders and serve outdoor customers are doing so at great risk to their own health and safety. But still: the optics of serving a $200-per-person tasting menu to customers sitting in plastic bubbles a few hundred yards from people who are struggling for basic human necessities...well, they're not great. 
"I think what really gets people going about the dome is that it’s a perfect symbol of the complete inadequacy of our social safety net: In a queer reversal, the dome is a shield against, not for, the ones who need sheltering the most," the Chronicle's restaurant critic Soleil Ho wrote. "An unhoused person’s tent is erected in a desire for opaqueness and privacy, a space of one’s own, whereas the fine dining dome invites the onlooker’s gaze as a bombastic spectacle [...] for the housed, being seen eating on the street or in a park is a premium experience, especially now." 
Last week, the city's Public Health Department paid Hashiri a surprise visit, and ordered them to remove the domes over concerns that they "may not allow for adequate air flow." According to current regulations, outdoor dining enclosures are required to be open on the sides; the soft structures each have two windows and a door that can be opened, but those features were deemed insufficient. 
Matsuura said that he has received hate mail about the domes and he has been accused of making discriminatory comments about the city's most desperate residents, so he believes that someone reported him to the city (though, perhaps the Health Department just saw some of the nationwide media coverage of Hashiri's sidewalk igloos). Regardless, he still says that the domes are there to keep his customers safe… from interacting with the people living on those same streets. "There are people who come by and spit, yell, stick their hands in people’s food, discharging fecal matter right by where people are trying to eat,” he said. “It’s really sad, and it’s really hard for us to operate around that.”
The criticism that Hashiri has faced is similar to what the organizers of a pop-up restaurant in Toronto encountered when they set up their own heated glass domes last year. The Dinner with a View experience, complete with a three-course gourmet meal prepped by a Top Chef winner, was assembled under the Gardiner Expressway, just over a mile from the site of a homeless encampment that had been cleared out by the city. 
Advocates for the unhoused said that the meal and its location just further emphasized the ever-increasing gap between the Haves and the Have Nots. More than 300 demonstrators showed up to protest outside the event, and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) served a free 'counter-meal' that it called Dinner with a View of the Rich. 
"On the one hand you have homeless people whose tents were demolished and who were evicted with nowhere else to go," OCAP wrote. "On the other hand you have people with sufficient disposable income to splurge over $550 on a single meal and who’re facing the possibility of their luxurious dining spectacle being tainted [...] Do they deserve to be mocked for their obliviousness to the suffering around them? Absolutely." 
Back in San Francisco, Hashiri is not the only Mid-Market restaurant to express concern about the safety of its patrons, or about the city's ineffective attempts at addressing the social and economic conditions that have contributed to the homelessness crisis. Last month, a group of residents and businesses in the neighborhood sued the city for negligence, alleging that homeless encampments, criminal activity, and unsanitary conditions combined to make Mid-Market a dangerous area. 
"The City has created and perpetuated these conditions through its pattern and practice of tacitly treating Mid-Market as a ‘containment zone’ that bears the brunt of San Francisco’s homelessness issues, and its failure to take action to address these issues," the lawsuit said. Two of the restaurants that are among the plaintiffs, Montesacro Pinseria and Souvla, said that if the situation doesn't improve, they could be forced to move to a new neighborhood, or to close their doors for good. 
"We are deeply concerned that property owners have taken to suing the city to 'remove tents' without anywhere for [those experiencing homelessness] to go. Worse, these lawsuits would have the courts decide the fate of people who have no seat at the table where 'justice' is being served," Jennifer Friedenbach, the executive director of San Francisco's Coalition on Homelessness, told VICE.
"These situations can be resolved by working collaboratively with the unhoused person to address the issues, while pressing the city, state and federal government to ensure there are dignified housing options available. If the restaurant owner can afford to sue, they can afford to hire someone to advocate successfully for solutions." 
Laurie Thomas is also working on behalf of restaurants, sharing their concerns and working toward positive changes and respectful solutions for all involved. Last week, she was among the hospitality and small business leaders who sent a letter to Mayor London Breed, the President of the Board of Supervisors, and the co-chairs of the City's Economic Recovery Task Force. 
"We are writing today because we are gravely concerned about the condition of our streets. We are devastated to see so many unsheltered neighbors struggling each day in unfathomable and treacherous conditions," their letter read. "These conditions will prohibit businesses of all sizes from reopening. More companies will leave San Francisco for safer and cleaner places to operate [...] Additionally, with outdoor dining and shopping options being the primary avenues for businesses to survive, the intersection between the unfortunate conditions on our streets and this new heavy reliance on public spaces for commerce will result in disastrous outcomes." 
The letter also made a number of recommendations that "should be prioritized" by city officials, including additional housing options, making mental health and substance abuse resources available to those experiencing homelessness, and establishing a 24-hour crisis response team that can respond to "urgent mental health and/or drug induced episodes." 
Meanwhile at Hashiri, the DIY-ed, now open-sided domes are back out on the sidewalk. "Signed, sealed and delivered," the restaurant wrote on Facebook. "With small modifications we are back in business." 
via VICE US - Munchies VICE US - Munchies via Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network Mom's Kitchen Recipe Network
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