#hinabn au
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casimania · 8 months ago
Before Dragon Age Veilguard comes out and tells us the fate of the Inquisitor and our Warden Commander I’m saying I’m killing Finas and Casimiro in the AU :P
Warden!Finas does manage to find a cure for the Calling but it’s too late for him, they manage to make it work in the nick of time for Alistair even if he became a GW before on account on him being healthy while Finas was so far along the taint it’s a miracle he even survived the Joining. So let’s say Alistair was a few steps behind Finas in the dying-by-Calling department.
So Finas goes dying in the Deep Roads and Inquisitor!Casimiro follows him because they are terrible for each other and already made like 2 suicide pacts, so yeah gonna kill some darkswpan and collapse a tunnel begin them so they seal an exit.
Also guess who I want to make Rook? Hanna! He’s always been a travelling hedge mage in this AU but why not make the protagonist a protagonist here too? So Rook!Hanna it is!
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luclovestruck · 2 years ago
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Panfandom RP means I can spend my days drawing things that appeal to Me and Me Specifically such as Monster Aus of Hanna Cross, Merlin (Red Shoes), & Maya Fey being the best of besties
if it's hard to tell, Maya is a color-changing orca mermaid, Hanna is a kelpie (his hair is kelp!) and Merlin is a "nymph" (more accurately a dryad but they're called nymphs in the game). These happy doodles give you a false impression but the game is full of murder and cannibalism.
and one more for the road
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captain-habit · 7 years ago
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Better late than never! My addition to MERMAY 2018... somehow turned into a mer version of Veser from the long lost Hanna Is Not A Boy’s Name (dearly missed). It took a lot of effort, but.... I’m pretty pleased with it. 
Consider leaving a tip or buying me a coffee? Support by reblogging!! 
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erinthesails · 6 years ago
Y'all ever just have......terrible au ideas that work for no one but you but they physically will not stop haunting you
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it-s-blue-ink · 7 years ago
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hinabn casfin fallout au. Dogmeat abandons Finas to follow her around, to his relief. Casimiro got that bat for her and carved 38 into it bc it’s a lucky number. if synths could grow up she’d be a muscley powerhouse like her father. 
Day 2 of fake Inktober, using prompt list Post Apocalyptic Wanderers
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disasterghaster-moved · 3 years ago
I initially started following you because you were in the HiNaBN tumblr rp circle and I liked seeing what those scallywags got up to. Was glad I did because your writing, characters and plots are suburb and then when I joined in with the tumblr rp, I was nervous to interact with you (and the rest of that circle) because you were all my senpais but now I know you're all just super chill, nice and talented bastards [affectionate] <3
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I appreciate that you went out on a limb to try me out despite your uncertainties about me. A lot of the HiNaBN group didn't really know me and actually didn't really seem willing to warm up to me back in the Very Early Days of that circle (until I brought over an AU-Worth from another social platform)--it was Buggers that got them to check me out. I'm glad they did. Some of my longer lasting RP partners came from that Fandom and the Tumblr RP circle of HiNaBN. It was a boon to us both, I think.
I know I haven't always been a perfect person, but we all grow and change all the time. So if you've come to find me to be among the chill, nice, and talented! Well! That's great. <3
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anthropwashere · 4 years ago
1, 16, and 32 for writer asks! ❤️
(writer asks!)
Thank you for the ask! P sure you’re more here for the FMA stuff and these answers leaned DP-heavy, but sad ghosts sit at the core of me and one delivers canonically and the other I had to make my own fun, so.
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
Broadly speaking, any character that’s struggling with dramatically new scenarios, especially if it’s dealing with new powers. Obviously that’s why most of my DP fics focus on Danny, and why must of my old HinaBN fics focused on Conrad, and why most of my fics in general deal with a character reeling at something new and alarming or even outright horrifying, but eventually coming to terms with it. This is why Ed was my favorite to write when I first began tackling FMA fic, but now I’ve found my footing hard in the “resigned futility” angle that is Alphonse and Hohenheim and good god do I love writing them.
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
Shipping, first and foremost. I’m ace as hell, for one thing, and people get uhh.... intense about shipping. I didn’t get it when I was a teenager and I still don’t get it now. I’ve written fics with shipping in it, but it’s always backdrop to the story itself. So with that, a lot of common fic tropes get automatically nixed for me too. If it involves a good dicking or at least no pants that’s pretty much a firm pass for me. 
There are a lot of trope-y AUs I want to write eventually (the upsetting mermaid AU is high on my to-do list), but cute things like coffee shop AUs don’t interest me either. I’ve also straight up abhorred the high school AU since I was in junior high so you’re only gonna get high school bullshit from me when it’s the characters still canonically being in high school. It’s also why most of my DP fics that actually deal with the kids in high school takes place in their senior year; one because it’s the year I obviously remember best and two because good god was senior year a whole ass mood for me in ‘08-’09. I was two different people between freshman and senior year and that feels like a good way to look at Danny and co.
32. What story do you think showcases your signature style the most?
Oh, let’s pretend the fog has lifted by far. Its content covers interests stretching back to ‘14, for one. You’ve got all my staple interests—body horror, gore, murder, and grappling with how we feel about all of these things. You’ve got oodles of navel gazing! You’ve got characters wondering about things they have the barest context for. You have limited narratives. You have a distinct lack of research done because sometimes you just gotta go ham on an idea and not worry about the details. You’ve got your main character dropping entirely too much exposition at the drop of a hat. You’ve got the side characters mentally describing the Important Character in exhaustive detail. On and on it goes!
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voldiebuns · 4 years ago
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Snagged from @batsutousai :)
Tagging: @anytownrory, @captain-raven-knight, @naryrising, @spikedluv, and @thewightknight if you wanna!
Rest of the list is under the cut bc uhhh it’s a lot...
A KNIGHT’S TALE [*] blackout poetry AGENTS OF SHIELD college au BIRDS OF PREY acclimation [Dinah/Helena] BIRDS OF PREY soulmate au [Dinah/Helena] BIRDS OF PREY sugar mama [Dinah/Helena] BUZZFEED UNSOLVED [Ryan/Shane] creepy woods
CROSSOVER Clint Is William Brandt [Clint/Phil] CROSSOVER derek is superman [Derek/Stiles] DEADPOOL dne [Peter/Wade] DOOM before [Reaper/Sarge] FLASH no powers au [Cisco/Harry] HANNA IS NOT A BOY’S NAME [Ples/Veser] first date HANNIBAL [*] ravenstag HARRY POTTER [Draco/Snape] Draco’s Detention HARRY POTTER [Ginny/Pansy] mini fest 2019 HARRY POTTER [Harry/Tom] Green and Red HARRY POTTER accidental time travel [Harry/?] HARRY POTTER Compromise [Harry/Phineas Nigellus] HARRY POTTER crystal dragon HARRY POTTER demon!Harry HARRY POTTER femslash flash [Petunia/Sybill] HARRY POTTER harry is captured HARRY POTTER Harry mpreg [Harry/?] HARRY POTTER hp mast under cloak HARRY POTTER listening in [Harry/Voldemort] HARRY POTTER Lost [Draco/Ron] HARRY POTTER love potion [Harry/Snape] HARRY POTTER mpreg [Oliver/Twins] HARRY POTTER pansy’s mom HARRY POTTER random smut [Harry/Voldemort] HARRY POTTER rondracofest [Draco/Ron] HARRY POTTER running away but not [Harry/Voldemort] HARRY POTTER soulmates [Harry/Tom] HARRY POTTER super fucked up tbh [Ginny/Weasleys] HARRY POTTER The Fire In Which We Burn [Charlie/Draco] HARRY POTTER why do you hate me [Harry/Voldemort] HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL broadway happenstance [Chad/Ryan] HINABN Hanna Worth Painting HOBBIT [Bilbo/Thorin] abo sestina ICARLY truth or dare [Freddie/Spencer] INHERITANCE new generation IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] daycare smau IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] dr. k and richie’s head wound IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] dream husband IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] eddie in a coma IT 2017 [Eddie/Richie] house reno au JUSTICE LEAGUE coffee shop KINGDOM HEARTS Radiant Darkness Ch 5 [Axel/Roxas] KINGSMAN eglet [Eggsy/Harry] LETHAL WEAPON grief LORD OF THE RINGS [Gimli/Legolas] MCU [Clint/Phil] Sequel to On the Run MCU Attachments MCU confused identities [Clint/Phil] MCU phil’s hitty family [Clint/Phil] NCIS college AU [Tim/Tony] ORIGINAL dne treat [Male/Tentacle Monster] PERSON OF INTEREST Anthony survives [Anthony/Elias] PSYCH [Carlton/Shawn] christmas joy surprise PSYCH [Carlton/Shawn] not so former lovers Psych first kiss [Gus/Jason] PSYCH no divorce [Carlton/Shawn] RPF breakup [Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto] STAR TREK DS9 [Garak/Julian] STAR TREK DS9 room visit [Garak/Julian] STAR TREK kirk’s not really a ho [Jim/Spock] STAR TREK mutual awkwardness [Gaila/Winona, Jim/Spock] STAR TREK: DS9 injured nog [Jake/Nog] STAR WARS an impreial march STAR WARS ascension week [Eli/Thrawn] STAR WARS prophecy dreaming [Hux/Kylo] STAR WARS writing rainbow [Kylo/Leia/Luke] STARGAE ATLANTIS matchmaker Atlantis [John/Rodney] STARGATE ATLANTIS Rodney has a panic attack STRANGER THINGS chocolate box [Jonathan/Nancy/Steve] SUPERNATURAL [**] Fucked Up Family Verse SUPERNATURAL hs band au [Gabriel/Sam] TEEN WOLF darkest night [Stiles/dogs] TEEN WOLF ten year crush [Derek/Stiles] TORTALL [Alanna/George] WE BARE BEARS [Charlie/Panda] Sore Back WITCHER [Geralt/Jaskier] song for geralt WITCHER crack wtf [Geralt/Jaskier] WITCHER no apology [Geralt/Jaskier] WITCHER oops soulmates [Geralt/Jaskier] WITCHER trans woman geralt [Geralt/Jaskier] X-MEN prostitution AU [Alex/Armando] YOUNG JUSTICE ma kent gets pissed [Bruce/Clark]
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alouissever · 6 years ago
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HINABN AU featuring the Pokemon tabletop characters. Was a fun little exercise! 
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casimaniart · 6 years ago
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Continuation of the dad!Finas AU+mage!daughter AU-dragon age/hinabn crossover.... thing. 
Drew some more of the mage child. First pic she’s tired and just got her hair cut, second pic she’s seeing something cool and last pic she’s settled well with the mercenaries and is looking more lively. And buff.
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eloarei · 7 years ago
Creator 2017 tag Meme
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. <3
Tagged by @enchantedtalisman Thanks!! ^^ (Sorry if it doesn’t tag you. Tumblr’s dumb sometimes.)  1. Make the Most    [Izuku was always told it was impossible for him to get into UA, impossible to meet All Might, impossible to become a hero. Well he doesn’t believe in ‘impossible’ anymore. BnHA, DekuMight, college AU, 41k]     ---My first bnha fic, the one that catapulted me into this precious sub-fandom. I made a bunch of great friends and had SO many nice comments that have kept me going for months! Thanks to this fic and this fandom, I think I’ve really grown as a writer!  2. Rogue     [It’s been a hard 150 years for Hanna, pretending he’s not haunted by the demons of his past. It’s gonna be an even harder week, pretending he’s never met this amnesiac zombie before. HINABN, Hanna/Zombie, semi-historical AU, 141k and probably my magnum opus]      ---My first and longest and most painstaking longfic! I worked on this for over 2 years! It’s my darling. The fandom’s dead so it’s only gotten a little attention, but I’m very proud of it. This fic is THE reason I am the writer I am now. (Technically, most of this fic was written previous years, but I did finish it this year, so I’m counting it.)  3. Thanks to You     [All Might’s grandma is, quote, “not likely to live another year”, and all she wants is to see her grandson married. So, having only been dating a few months, Izuku is shopping for wedding rings. Because what better time than Thanksgiving to lie to your whole family? BnHA, DekuMight, future fic/ fake married trope/ holiday vacation, 27k]     ---A silly and lighthearted fic, but something I’ve never tried before. I followed a schedule and deadline for this fic, specifically with the intention of having it ready to read on the relevant day, and I had a lot of fun with it! Also I unexpectedly made myself cry on the Thanksgiving chapter hahaha 4. Atlas     [”I’ll never wander on my own, for I am yours until you call me home. I close my eyes and I can hear you say, ‘You’re not alone’.” BnHA, DekuMight, mythological AU, 4.5k]     ---Possibly one of my favorite fics to ever just happen. I’d never written anything that was supposed to read (somewhat) like a piece of mythology before, and I enjoyed it! I still get kinda mushy over this one.  5. Touch     [At a very young age, Izuku could feel his mysterious soulmate’s pain. Who was this person person who hurt so badly, and was there nothing he could do? Would a simple touch make all the pain worth it? BnHA, DekuMight, soulmate AU, 6.5k]      ---Again, this one just happened very spontaneously, but I really liked the capacity this idea had for external turmoil and drama, and internal peace. It’s a fun AU and my only problem is that the sequel doesn’t seem to want to end XD  Honestly, I have had more fun writing this year than probably the rest of my life combined. I’ve really hit my stride, it feels like, fallen into my niche. I can only hope that it continues! Thanks to everyone who’s been along for the journey!  And now to tag a few folks: @oldseablues @braincoins @thenightisdarkandfullofbooty @steelybanchodraws @godshattered @orionskingdom and any other artists/authors out there! 
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casimania · 13 hours ago
For the Dragon Age!AU Worth is either an Apostate and no one knows wether he ever actually lived in a Circle or not, he’a been around a long time and is a proficient healer, just had abysmal bedside manners and a penchant for learning forbidden and dangerous magic and using them to heal.
Alternative is that people assume he’s a mage because he’s got such a huge success rate while looking like being treated by him would give you a new kind of Blight. Also hangs around Hanna and Conrad, an Apostate and a former Cirle mage (loyalist, since he’s been out he’s had a terrible horrible time) and also doesn’t disdain using whatever artifact that can help him. He never really outright denies being a mage and no one has ever seen him use any magic, but word just got around.
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moving-accounts-yo-blog · 8 years ago
hinabn dnd au where lamont is the long-suffering dm
that is all
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erinthesails · 5 years ago
Hinabn band au literally just came to me in a dream
Hanna is on guitar, Worth plays bass, Conrad is absolutely fuckin it up on the drums, and Lamont is the frontman but in like, a Patrick Stump way where he doesnt actually want the spotlight, hes just the only one who can sing worth a damn, so Hanna enthusiastically does all their publicity
Dots is their roadie/tech guy who occasionally plays the triangle
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it-s-blue-ink · 7 years ago
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CasFin Fallout AU where SoSu!Finas returned from the Institute with his daughter, or at least a lil’ synth that very much believes she is. Same same, right?
Day 1 of fake Inktober, I’m using the prompt list Post Apocalyptic Wanderers, and I intend to do only stuff from this AU, bc it’s dear to my heart.
(That is Preston’s hat.)
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fauxholmeswuzhere · 10 years ago
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Ok fine. Yunno what. Fine. Dumb fantasy AU that evolved after playing too much Dragon Age. 
Revenant {...}
Blood mage Hanna
Alchemist Worth
Bardmage Conrad
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