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himbokingarchive · 1 year ago
Minor update: we're adding a masterlist to pin & also more stories that are being submitted with credible screenshots and sources.
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llobaandrade · 4 years ago
reminder about Jesse (himboking/princelymagik)
Over the past couple weeks, I have seen some of their posts on my dash and would like to make a PSA reminding everyone of the dangers this person poses. I was not directly affected by Jesse's actions, but I am friends with people who were, and have seen how it affected them. I want to avoid anyone going through these same issues.
Firstly, Jesse heavily manipulated many friends of theirs, sometimes even publicly in their Apex Discord server (Apex HQ). I have been asked that details of the events not be resurfaced for the victims' sakes, and I will not name names either, but these actions included: threatening their own suicide, attempting to bait breakups for their own benefit, attempting to insert themself into relationships, and even misgendering friends to fit their own narrative. There were even issues of sexual harrassment. Since their last callout, they continued to harrass the victims, and caused many more problems in consequence.
Secondly, it is important that people are aware of their criminal record (If you want to see proof, I have been given the link to show it. I will DM it to anyone who asks). They have been arrested for predatory behavior towards minors (date arrested April 27th, 2020). I have also been made aware that they have sent pornographic material to minors as late as November.
Please do not give this person a platform. They have shown no remorse for their actions and no sign of wanting to change their habits.
And, Jesse, since I know you will likely read this: I hope you figure yourself out. But, until you do, I, and many others, do not believe you have a place in this community.
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oddikon · 4 years ago
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Three words: Victor is boujee.....
and a bit of a shopaholic. I wouldn’t mind if he picked out my clothes, but I wouldn’t trust him with my credit card. 😳
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 4 years ago
An inside joke with my friends: "Seeing YasuosFeet started following you threw me into a full blown asthma attack."
oh dear 
Askbox is currently closed as I work my way through these older asks
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I’m still not where to start but I’m going to try.
My name is Jesse. I’m 21, I’m trans masc nonbinary, in my final Year of college for my IT Support degree. But that doesn’t matter.
Some of you have known about me for a few days, some of you have known about me for a few years. Like Josey and Danny.
But what you need to know is that I’m human. And I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’ve never been good on social cues, especially over the media of text. I’ve always been better to explain myself audibly but I’m trying here.
I’ve been manipulative, narsassitic, and an asshole. I’ve made people uncomfortable and feel unsafe. I’m full of myself and choke on my pride. I have a police record for an ongoing case. One of which, is still going on, and the charges have changed, due to more information. It doesn’t matter what, but my “arrest charges” (I turned myself in) are different from what I’m currently fighting through. Changed for the better.
I have hurt a lot of people. Be it on purpose or on accident. I’m overly aggressive and forward without picking up on social cues that I make people uncomfortable. That being said, I don’t realise I’m doing it. I still don’t realise I’m doing it. Some of the few friends I have left, are well aware that if I do something wrong, you need to tell me. You need to yell at me, I need to be scolded.
I have adhd, bipolar, depresison, anxiety, ptsd, I’ve been sexually assaulted my freshman year in highschool. I’ve been dealt some seriously bad cards. I’m neurodivergant, I need guidance. Literally. In social situations, I used to stick out like a sore thumb because I was so hyper active, I’m such a burden. My emotions control me. And I’m self aware about that. I let my emotions and my impulse control get the better of me. I have hurt people because of that. I have BULLIED people because of that. I have turned groups on individuals because of that.
When I fear I’ve hurt someone I do all in my power to get them to hate me and abandon me. So that I don’t feel bad that I hurt them. I did that with a girl named Courtney, earlier this year. I lost 7 friends, because I didn’t want to admit what I did was wrong. And I know what I did was wrong.
I live in an emotional abusive household, with a controlling mother. I’m trying so hard to break away to being like her, and as my best friend has said, “I can see you trying, but you need to work harder.” I know I do. And I’m scared. I fear every day for change, I just want to disappear and run away.
Overall, I’m sorry for what I have done to everyone I’ve met, and anyone who knows about me. My mental illness nor my home situation excuses my actions. I’ve been a horrible person. I was worse when I was 14, but I still haven’t gotten better. I’m still not great. All the actions I have made, I made with no regrets at the time. But right now I know there are a lot of things I shouldn’t have done. That no one should do. I’m only human. But I can try to get better.
I’ve apologised personally to miki, the one who made the original post. She encouraged me to try one more time to apologise. I don’t like to apologise to a general public, I like to apologise personally, because it means more to me.
But this is my public apology. If anyone who I’ve made uncomfortable or hurt sees this, I’m begging you to messages me before the end of this week. I want you to have closure. And I want to apologise to you. Granted, I still need specifics for each person of what I’ve done, so I can reflect and acknowledge. But I want to try.
I’m so tired. But I’m trying.
I’m really so sorry for everything, genuinely.
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eijirohno · 4 years ago
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this is the entire second argument continued from the post above. I’m not publicly sharing that clip/gif. I admit I could’ve been kinder- but my emotions got the better of me. I’ll be posting the first convo as a separate post bc it’s very long and link it here.
alright so he’s blocked me so I can’t reply to the original thread but here’s my full story. My name is Miki Moon, I’m 19, and I want to tell the whole truth.
PrincelyMagik/HimboKing/Jesse is a toxic individual, and their server Apex HQ is his personal arena for shit stirring: a thread
Update: (Monday, November 2, 2020) he’s since changed his discord to ParanoiaIncarnate#0796 and his tumblr is now HimboKing
Let’s start at the very beginning. About a week ago, Jesse invited me to Apex HQ, immediately obsessed upon meeting me in another server, and introduced me to Apex HQ as “the girl he’s been simping for” and according to Jesse himself and his friends, I was the subject of conversation in several calls, streams, and chats, and members of the server recognized me even though they hadn’t met me
Jesse basically would ask me to show pictures of myself, like selfies and mirror photos of my outfits to the chat and then encouraged other members to comment on my appearance along with him while he called me things like ‘Hot Lady’, and associated most everything about me with my appearance.
other members of the server would speak to me and he’d tell them to stop it or would make them delete messages if they got too flirty for his tastes, even though I hadn’t expressed romantic interest in him whatsoever.
On October 29th, Thursday, he private messaged me
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(I attempted to gently reject him and change the subject. This was my second mistake, after allowing myself to be sexualized and degraded)
After this point, Jesse began treating me differently, and essentially ignored me or talked over me. On Friday, after what I thought was a teasing, playful conversation, I left my phone for a short moment to attend to something personal, and Jesse had assumed I went away because of something he’d said bc I jokingly said “nvm Gn!!!” in character as Ferdinand
He privately messaged me and said we need to talk, and while confused, I agreed and asked what was up. He then told me I’d talked over several members of the server, was annoying and an attention whore, and mentioned a conversation and a minor issue I thought had already been resolved and moved past.
I attempted to explain I hadn’t realized I had been ‘problematic’ and tried to apologize and ask questions for my own clarification. I was informed I was guilt tripping and not being genuine.
This private dm was also being screen shared to other mods without my prior consent. (And Jesse intended it to be without my knowledge but I wasn’t dumb enough to not see the chat and that his status said ‘sharing their screen’) and they spent about thirty minutes calling me a liar and a fake and tried to say I was dragging names of other mods. I hadn’t.
I reluctantly agreed to an ultimatum that basically told me to stay quiet unless I could stay ‘on topic’ or I would be banned. They tried to force me into silence, and refused to both listen to my apologies and speak to me privately.
after this, I returned to the chat after a short break and continued like normal, and no one in the chat had been notified of anything I’d supposedly done- yet. I carried on conversation like normal both Friday night and Saturday morning
Early Saturday morning I reached out to another mod privately, and apologized to them. They ss my conversation and forwarded it to Jesse, who messaged me Saturday afternoon.
He sent a private dm telling me to “play nice” and when I said that my conversation with the other mod was none of his business (since it wasn’t in the server) and he then decided I was being “hostile and feigning offense” and he was “tired of my shit”
He then proceeded to try to goad an argument out of me, but by midday Saturday I’d already started receiving information as to what kind of person he is, so when I told him I knew what games he was playing and that his mind games wouldn’t work on me- he jumped straight to insulting me and called me a bitch bc i said it was like the drama I experienced back in high school.
After that, he banned me, sent a violent gif, and told his server they’d confirmed I harassed mods and was a fake individual who lied and faked my whole personality and everything I said- which was absolutely NOT true
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This image was sent to me by a friend in the server who has since been banned for defending me.
Several former victims and friends of Jesse have since reached out to me, and confirmed I’m not the only person who has experienced this. In fact, I’m the fourth documented person to have problems with Jesse in Apex HQ alone.
Yesterday, before he blocked me on tumblr as well, I’d made this thread underneath where he advertised Apex HQ to hopefully prevent anyone else from experiencing the hell that is that server as well as ‘friendship’ with Jesse. Someone close to him reached out, only knowing his side of the story, and accused me of lying, with only the ss of the later argument that Jesse had shown them.
I’ve since shown them more of the ss, as well as some other information, and they deleted their reply and made amends, which I’m grateful for. I hope this makes some of the others still in the server realize the truth as well. I’m more than happy to share evidence and proof to anyone who doubts me.
Please. Stop viewing his twitch streams. Don’t join this server. Take away his power over smaller or newer Apex fans. DNI with him if you kin Felix. He will sexualize you because he associates you with Felix.
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File under- Things That Took Way Too Long For No Reason
Ps. I love him,....
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scur-vee · 4 years ago
just wanted to let you know that PrincelyMagik/Himboking/Jesse (now going as beatenbruisedboss) was recently found guilty for sexual misconduct with a minor among other things related to that 🙏 please spread the word so that younger people in the community are able to stay safe
guys this is super important
if you didn't know Jesse was super popular and was very actively involved in the apex community, and someone made a post calling them out for their disgusting behaviour. they provided screenshots of how Jesse treated people in discord servers, and when Jesse realised what was happening, changed their username etc and started victim blaming. when no one was taking them seriously, they started publicly saying they were going to end their own life etc to get sympathy and attention, and then started blaming how they acted on the characters they kin with.
the most important thing is that they have had a criminal record from a previous incident with a minor, they admitted it, but said nothing actually occurred.
and now they've been found guilty for another incident.
if you still support this guy, i genuinely don't know what to say. you're just as bad as them to be honest.
if you're a minor and reading this, do not be scared to speak up if someone significantly older is starting to act weird with you; constant messaging, wanting pictures, flirting.
they made their way back into the community once, please don't let it happen again. especially now.
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carpates · 4 years ago
this is just a general warning to the apex fandom but if youre aware of whats going on with miki ( @eijirohno ) and the apex hq server right now then please block / DNI with @viirttue as they are currently supporting and/or trying to defend a child predator who currently has two charges against him (@himboking)
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eijirohno · 4 years ago
Thank u for this and including Pory & Josey’s response to the apology too!!
if anyone missed what happened yesterday(11/2/2020),
jesse, formerly @/princelymagik, now @/himboking, was called out for his gross, controlling, & manipulative behaviour toward another person in his, now deleted, apex server, & was then ousted for being a child predator.
here is the original callout post detailing his gross behaviour towards miki, i just wanted to share the information of his charge in the main tags instead of its reblogs.
someone reached out to me yesterday as jesse's server was hemorrhaging members by the dozen due to the callout spreading.
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here is the link to jesse's arrest record, and here are the charges themselves:
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so, yes, jesse is a child predator. his charges are available to the public & i'm sharing the link to his record as providing evidence when claiming someone is a child predator is the responsible thing to do.
in response to the understandable backlash he's been receiving, jesse began liveblogging his acute suicidal ideation on @/himbokings & is heavily guilt tripping on that blog. for your own health & safety, i strongly recommend that you please just ignore & block him, especially if you're a minor &/or jesse's actions have effected you at some point in time.
if you see him becoming active in other fandom spaces, please snuff that flame out as soon as you can— share this post with mods in servers, people who interact with him, etc. for the safety of those community members. don't let him gain enough influence to demonize people in fandom by word of mouth again.
& here are the responses to an "apology" he's made from some people he successfully demonized. a testimonial of his character & his methods of manipulation.
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keep an eye out, block jesse, share this post, & stay safe.
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sunlightgaps · 4 years ago
what's "my best side au" 👀✏️🗒
the post that was like “followers, otherwise known as enablers,” was so correct and i love you for letting me talk about this erkjlhdsdfgfd
here’s some background info but where it kind of gets insane is where i kind of entirely restructure the maeve arc in season 8 so that 
maeve is spencer’s bisexual scientist friend he pen-pals with 
the actual love interest is luke alvez (which is why spencer gets so twitchy when blake asks him why he’s avoiding using any pronouns when referring to the Mysterious Caller)
and the reason why they can’t meet is because luke was actively on a long-term mission as he’s a part of the fugitive task force & despite both of them being able to look each other’s personnel files up, they both choose not to because they respect boundaries❣️
they consult each other over the course of the season and luke is always so fond whenever spencer rambles, and even though luke is peak #himboking he’s also super intelligent and always has something interesting to add to anything spencer says, which is so <33
a not-zugzwang episode (but spencer b plot instead of a plot) is near the end of the season where spencer gets the news that luke is in danger but no details can be disclosed because of security reasons... and the Shocking Factor (that criminal minds is SO fond of) is that luke was killed in action (off screen though. it’s important that his “death” is VERY sus)... rest in peace fictional luke in mbs au... sometimes we can still hear his voice
this is getting WAY too long but i have a Whole List of Things for season 12 in mind and this gifset is the first of many Things in my head 
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thesparkofrevolution · 5 years ago
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Did someone say a FATE STRANGE FAKE GROUP? 'Cause that's what we did at Katsucon this year!!! I cannot begin to express how happy I am that this group happened- a massive thank you to everyone who got involved, you are all amazing! Also a massive shout out to Chris for photographing this group, WE LOVE YOU. Cosplayers: Flat- @redtruth07 Jack- Nam Le Tine- @blackrosecosplay13 Gilgamesh- @nick.cosplay Filia- @deviltumor Hanza- @himboking Sigma- @narmbocosplay Ayaka- @jamkiske Richard-@thesparkofrevolution Enkidu- @tnypower Robin- @amadeus46art Photographer: @progenitorphotography #fatestrangefake #fatestrangefakecosplay #cosplay #fateseries https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cyXPdjTSd/?igshid=uc9rzmjx9vk9
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 4 years ago
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req’d by @himboking 
well thats a monday for ya
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eijirohno · 4 years ago
They have a fire emblem kin acc @/himbogautier
And a yandere stalking blog @/obsessive-bloody-love
Below I’ll provide some concerning ss from that acc in order to add credibility to my original post as well as to everyone else’s that have come forward :)
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and most importantly this, which proves my theory ab him being upset ab me rejecting him
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stay safe everyone & please block & warn ur fire emblem pals 🧡
-sending love n light always, Miki
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...I shouldn’t be surprised by his antics and YET? I am.
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scur-vee · 4 years ago
hey guys. i don't usually make these type of posts but someone messaged me with concerns, and i want everyone to be safe.
just a reminder that PrincelyMagik/Himboking is making their way back into the community. if you're reading and don't know who they are, they had quite a big following until someone made a post showing how much of an awful person they are. bullying people in discord servers, harassing people and calling them ugly because opinions/feelings weren't reciprocated, and saying this behaviour was all okay because they kin with a fictional character that also behaves this way. Jesse (Himboking) then completely changed their blog to reduce the damage, and after being exposed, kept threatening to harm/kill themselves, and made themself look like the victim to make others feel guilty. its also of great important that someone found their criminal record. they are a genuine threat to minors.
it's up to you if you block them, but please just don't interact with them. it's not just one account, so many people have come out and also said that they've been badly treated by Jesse. also, don't go and send them hate, don't stoop to that level, their level.
you guys are free to message me anytime about anything, i want everyone to feel safe in this community, and outside of it. take care.
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