#him: they're preverbal!
avarkriss · 3 months
ways i have menaced my husband this weekend:
signing to the baby with english sign while switching back and forth between speaking spanish and italian
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vee-crytraps · 3 months
Lovely update today! You are feeding us the angst!
Damian’s promise in KMM got me thinking about the entire poly, open relationship dynamic. Especially Damian.
“You have always been mine, and no matter who came before me, or who will come after- you will always be mine.”
For some reason it makes me think Batsis would pursue other relationships and flings outside of the Batboys, either in defiance because the others have their own girl/boyfriends or to make them jealous. They definitely wouldn’t be happy about it but they’d be the biggest hypocrites if they got too upset.
Damian knows his brothers are prancing around the streets but I think he’s the most faithful (There’s definitely a spectrum). So he tolerates Batsis and her “trivial” relationships. I think he’d be a “she knows where home is” kind of person lol. So it comforts him knowing he’s the one holding the preverbal leash and can tighten anytime she strays too far.
I’m thinking it’s why he didn’t skin Jon after the kitchen incident. Invulnerable or not he would have found a way. But he lets her have her fun until she crosses boundaries. It still pisses him off to no end when he’s right there and wishes she wouldn’t even think of anyone else but him.
One thousand percent!!! You hit the nail of the head with this one, anon! Damian absolutely holds a "she knows where home is" mindset! When the poly/open thing is more 'established' he WILL lowkey waiting the others out. Damian is determined to wife her up, no question. It's kinda a Talia/Bruce parallel in my mind??? No matter who they get around with, they're one anothers ultimate love. Even compared to like Selina tbh. I would write more but you literally said it so perfectly!!! It makes me so happy when people pick up what I'm puttin' down!!! <3 <3 <3
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
I think the writers either don't know if they want to bring magic to the show or they don't know how to accurately portray the characters. I agree with you that young and adult Helaena are very different from each other. But the fact is that Viserys' vision was mentioned only once. He behaves like a normal person, while Helaena speaks in riddles and strange statements for the rest. Therefore, the question is brewing, if Viserys and Helaena are both dreamers, then why are they absolutely different in terms of the manifestation of these abilities?
Hard to say, really ...
I tend to think that it stems a lot more from the writers trying to put ambiguity to Viserys's claims and make the audience question if he really is having Dragon Dreams or if it is nothing more than a cloak for his deeper desires and ambitions.
Every time he speaks of having a vision or dream of something - allegedly - prophetic, it tends to also match his desire or want. He tells Alicent that he had a dream that he would have a son and that everyone will proclaim him King. But is that really something prophetic? Or is it something that he wanted? Or was it inevitable? Obviously, to continue the House of the Dragon he would have to have a son. Everyone one would consider him Heir. And eventually he would be king. It not exactly rocket science about what would happen if Viserys fucked enough women.
I think - and not to their credit - they wrote Helaena weird cause they didn't know what a seer or Dragon Dreamer would be like. They wanted to portray to the audience that there was something more to her but they did so in perhaps the laziest and most cliché way imaginable. They went right back to the preverbal 'well' by once more portraying people with the gift of foresight as dreamy and aloof, who speak in riddles, cause they're "Like Sooo Mysterious".
I feel that there was a much - MUCH - better way to portray Helaena's prescience rather than drag up the same old and tired creepy and strange weirdo that they've been doing since Drusilla in "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" ... which, people get wrong all the time, because, Drusilla had foresight as a mortal and was not creepy and weird. It wasn't till Angelus murdered her family and friends systematically, mentally tormented her, and then finally turned her into a vampire that she went insane.
She was not dreamy and spacey from the begging.
And neither was Helaena. The younger actress was playing a normal teenage girl who seemed kinda bratty and had weird hobbies, but was normal. In fact, her prophies were spoken under her breath and with a kinda prissy know-it-all way that was really interesting. yet, for some reason,as an adult and mother, that was when Helaena regressed into this childlike woman who seems only slightly more mentally mature than her own children.
I couldn't say why there's a difference between Viserys and Helaena other than most likely the writers didn't know any other approach on how to take Helaena other than to make her autistic.
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renoxvated · 4 months
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Your head will collapse, and there's nothing in it, and you'll ask yourself;
Where is my MIND?
Way out in the water, see it swimmin’.
Roy & Autonomy; an old world blue/s retrospection.
Old World Blues is both incredibly funny for Roy in a lot of ways (IE; hitting on his fucking BRAIN like a MORON) , it's also EXTREMELY HORRIFYING for him in many others (IE; realizing his brain, spine and heart are out of his body). I think there's this sort of motif on if the crimes these scientists committed on innocent people and animals should leave them with a befitting punishment. When The Courier encounters them they're a fraction of themselves, lost to time and fractured memories, to be honest they're just really pathetic and sad in a lot of ways and I think at first Roy might even feel sort of bad for them despite the situation they've put him in. Like on a base level Roy would want to kill them all right off the bat, because yeah, they've taken away his own AUTONOMY,,, but he KNOWS enough to know that he needs them long enough to get his body parts back. So he helps them to help himself and in the process, I THINK he grows to somewhat understand and feel a sort of sympathy for them all. However that all quickly goes out the window the moment he actually sees their problems are of their own making, and understands that these scientists are awful, beyond saving, DANGEROUS people that have harmed so many innocent lives. Roy's biggest things are keeping the lil' guys safe, the innocent people just trying to live their lives, it's a constant feeling he always has across the board and a core thing about him. His secondary thing of importance to him is autonomy and the freedom of choice, something I believe I've touched on with the other retrospections. Honestly I think he could possibly have gotten over having his own autonomy taken away, he wouldn't of been happy about it but it's something he's used to and this is pre Dead Money for him,,, So when he feels a sort of sick sympathy for the Think Tank, I really think MAYBE he could forgive them once he got his body parts back...but things don't pan out that way, because The Courier instead travels The Big Empty and comes to understand the absolute horrors they've inflicted on not just HIM, but...the whole Mojave.... he is supposed to be it's protector and so many problems he's tried to protect his people from,,, come from these people. Not only that but the horror of the people trapped here for CENTURIES, in a preverbal purgatory. Roy eventually comes to meet Mobius and in the end he's the only scientist The Courier spares, partially for helping him and partially because I think in the same way that Mobius couldn't bring himself to kill his friends...Roy couldn't bring himself to kill Mobius. Roy kills the rest of them because they deserved it, I think that goes without question, even if they can't recall their crimes they still don't seem to have any remorse and it's obvious that without The Courier staying to control them they're a danger to the Mojave, not even accounting for what happens if their technology gets into the wrong hands. Which speaking of that I think being a House aligned Courier, Roy would actually come back to House with the information on this place after everything is said and done. I don't think he'd think that all the technology they'd created was BAD, and if anything I think The Courier would want some good to come from it, considering how many people and animals died for it. It's funny because I think this very same HUGE find of past technology is what bolsters Roy into going to the Madre without much thought,,, all these little roads leading back to each other make for such a good story and why I personally love the DLC's sm. In the end Roy leaves The Big Empty not as emptyhanded as one might think, he leaves with a new Cyber Dog (Roxie), A Nightstalker egg from Shadis, MUGGY (Roy fuckin loves this lil' dude thinks he's so funny and makes sure Yes-Man knows that he thinks he's SO SMART LMAO, Idk why Roy always has to bully poor Yes-Man, I just think it's funny as hell tbh, maybe I'll write about it sometime in depth) comes back to the Lucky 38 with him to keep all the dishes clean because Roy is messy as hell.
He doesn't leave with ANY augmentations, mostly because he doesn't trust them but honestly because while he's there it feels like NOT choosing getting any gives him back his humanity and more importantly his autonomy again. He doesn't want to become so far removed from what makes him HUMAN that he turns out like what became of the people here. The Courier also fixes a ton of the problems installing anything that needed to be to fix things, along with finishing all the tasks before he gets his body parts back with the help of Mobius. He visits all the locations in The Big Empty, leaving it much better off and freeing the people and animals from the things that bonded them in equal trauma there. I really like to think that when he gets back home he doesn't have as much time to dwell on the horrors that happened to him there, or the horrors he witnessed of other people. It's the usual he's just SO busy he doesn't have time to sit and cry, or be angry even at that point about everything that keeps happening to him. I also like to think that eventually he works out a deal with Mr. House and The Followers of the Apocalypse to oversee The Big Empty into a place that the good karma ending describes and is a benefit to Mr. House himself as well as the Mojave and New Vegas as a whole. As much as Roy doesn't understand science, nor does he want too, because it's only ever caused him trouble he'd say-- he understands that he isn't some hyper intelligent man either and he doesn't have all the answers. While he thinks science could use more humanity, so it doesn't turn out like The Think Tank, he also knows that if you give good honest people the tools to LEARN, that maybe something better can come from something he doesn't understand. So while there would always be old world BLUES, now there was new world HOPE too. Besides if the science there EVER went unchecked again,,, well The Mojave outside of The Big Empty belonged to the Courier, and if anyone would shape it... well, the Courier had already called dibs.
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invaderdoom78 · 2 years
I found this buried in the notes on my phone so I don’t remember what the context for this was, only that TFP Predakings S/O befriends the Dinobots from TFA.
~ It started when Predaking took notice of the fact that you had been disappearing from the Nemesis for hours at a time almost every other day and he began to grow curious about what you were doing, but he just assumed that it was human stuff.
~ That was until one night when the two of you were recharging/asleep, Predaking curled up around you in beast mode, that he pick up on an unfamiliar scent on you.
~ After that he began following you around a lot more than he usually did and refused to let you leave the ship on your own, fearful that the Autobots were the cause of the unfamiliar smell and that they were trying to steal you away.
~ But one day you managed to slip away from him, with the help of some of the Vehicons, and he was in a blind panic when he couldn’t find you anywhere on the ship, thankfully for him, though, he’d memorized your scent and could easily find it.
~ So he took off for the sky’s following your scent to a small island, landing at the mouth of a deep crater; surveying the area and spotting you with three Cybertronian creatures he'd never seen before. All three of them curled around you as you all slept.
~ Furious, Predaking dove down from his perch, thinking that you were either in danger or injured, the force of his landing waking all four of you.
~ Shoving the Dinobots out of the way Predaking inspected you for injuries, shielding you from view with his wings, while simultaneously growling at the Dinobots as they tried to approach; Grimlock being the only one who wasn't deterred.
"I am Predaking..."
"Me, Grimlock, king!"
~ And with that both mechs transformed and attacked each other.
~ This left you standing there partially hidden behind Snarl trying to come up with a way to defuse the situation, afraid that it would not only draw the Autobot's attention but also burn down the entire island.
~ It wasn't until you had to tuck and roll under the triceratops to avoid a falling tree branch that the two stopped.
~ Immediately Predaking was by your side making sure you were alright, once again growling at the Dinobots when they attempted to intervene.
~ It was at this point that you were finally able to explain what was going on and Predaking seemed to have been sated by your response, but he still didn’t seem to trust the Dinobots very much, but it was a start.
~ Grimlock and Predaking did end up fighting once more to prove who was strongest and who would-be leader of the Dinobots from there on out. Predaking obviously winning.
~ After a while you eventually moved off of the Nemesis and into Meltdown/Blackarachnias abandoned lab, as Megatron figured it would just be easier to let Predaking do his own thing and had a ground bridge installed on the island; that way he at least won't have a rampaging Predacon to deal with and maybe he could even trick the Dinobots into working for him.
~ Skylynx and Darksteel eventually moved onto the island as well; leading to both Sari and Miko joking about you living in a preverbal Jurassic Park, but way cooler since they're giant transforming robots.
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