#him and the rest bopping their heads to the song
kaitaiga · 5 months
If my OCs were ever introduced in a CoD cutscene it has to be with this song
(@ 1:27)
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sugoi-writes · 4 months
Can I get some fluff of Alastor finding reader listening to old jazz songs from when he was alive and he makes us dance with him? :)
It's Been a While... (Alastor x GN! Reader)
Ahaha, I need more work on fluff, I hope you like it! There is SOME mentions of risque activites, but it's super brief, and nothing insanely explicit! Promise! I was honestly just writing to write, and figured this little blurb that fell out of me would be fitting enough. UNO REVERSE... We get ALASTOR to dance! Fuck yes!!!
Songs mentioned: In The Mood - Glenn Miller / Sing, Sing, Sing - Benny Goodman (both are bops I used to play when I was in jazz band houhosjknskhdj-- SURPRISE, you also get Danny Lore as a treato!)
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Alastor's tense, heavy sigh sounds in the air, prompting you to crane your head up. You took in his disheveled state and instantly knew: he was exhausted. You stood from your plush armchair, abandoning it to walk toward his desk. 
"Alastor?" was all that was needed for his flattened ears to perk up. Your sweet voice was a much needed comfort during a particularly grueling evening. 
"Yes, dearest?" he replied, his smile hardly an upturned slit. You come up behind him slowly, waiting for his permission to touch. Alastor looks back to your hovering hands, and nods gingerly. He returns to facing his desk, allowing his eyes to lose focus as he zones out. When your arms wrap around his neck, his shoulders slump heavily, a pleased hum vibrating his chest. You smiled sweetly at the sound, a welcome pleasantry as you kissed his cheek. 
"You're getting frustrated again, my love..." you pipe up, continuing to pepper his cheek with chaste, innocent kisses. Your lover laughs bitterly, but leans into your musings all the same. 
"Well, I suppose you're right... leave it to my sweet, observant partner to know what's wrong... and when," he adds, a tired hand reaching up to rub slow circles into one of your arms. You grin against his cheek, your kisses slowing," I may also have a solution to your problem, if you'll hear me out~" 
Alastor hums in approval, grasping both of your hands when you continue to pamper him with sweet, physical adoration. 
"Dear, you are nothing if not full of brilliant ideas... I would love to hear them out," he muses, turning his head to plant a singular, sincere kiss to your lips. You were giddy at the affection, but capped your glee.  You tugged on his hands, eager to make your little plan work.
"Come on, come on... you'll have to get up for this one," you quip, forcing a dramatic sigh from your partner. Alastor throws his head back, laying it on your shoulder like an ill peasant woman. He would fan his face weakly, had your hands not been so warm.  
"My love, I have been stricken, and cannot get up~ Won't you let an old man rest?" he fired back. But truly, had you asked: he would happily jump into acid rain with nothing more than his dignity.
You roll your eyes at his theatrics, smirking," You? Old? I wouldn't figure... No, you old geezer, I need you to stand so we can use your legs. They're very important for what I want to do." Alastor blinked, gears turning in his mind. Only with you would his mind wander to dirtier, carnal ideas. 
"Dear, if I had wanted to do that tonight, I'm afraid your back would've already been bent out of shape--" 
"Oh for Fucks Sake, Alastor--" you cackled, tugging on him with more insistence. 
" Come oooonnnnn, please~? It's one of your favorites, I promise! Nothing dirty, no tricks!" Alastor's interest is instantly piqued, resulting in an immediate hop up. Even with his motion, his hands were still in yours. You huff, exacerbated but grateful you didn’t have to lift him yourself. 
"Ahh, if you would have led with that, I may've been more urgent to attend to you, dear," Alastor chuckles, not missing the flush that flashed across your cheeks. You pull away from Alastor long enough to turn on the radio, flicking through several frequencies and stations to find just the right channel. Alastor watches you in amusement, arms crossing in front of his chest. He was more than content to watch you struggle, shifting his weight onto one foot.
"Well, I have to keep some of the suspense, don't I?" you replied, grinning at him in a way that made Alastor's black heart beat wildly. He did quite enjoy your mischievous nature... But your attempts to work his radio almost had him pitying you... Almost. 
He scooted in behind you, resting his crossed arms over the top of your head," You could request a song, you know... I don't mind putting on something you enjoy--" 
"I'd rather it be something we’d both enjoy," you interject, huffing as you became an armrest for your demonic partner. Once you found the right channel, you swiveled under Alastor's arms to face him. Then, you reach up to hold his elbows, shaking them around playfully. 
"Alright, sir... It's been a long, long time since we've done this... I want to do this properly." 
Alastor relents, allowing you to push his arms off of your head. He tilts his own toward you, expressing confusion. In that moment, he finally hones in on the song itself. In The Mood, popularized and recorded by Glenn Miller. It was one of the few songs that came to mind when you thought of "Alastor's Time" in the 30s. Said demon blinks in surprise, grinning. He had listened to this recording a bit after coming to hell, and was particularly fond of it. Ahh, you had picked the perfect station! 
"Glenn Miller? Oh, you spoil me, love," Alastor coos, caressing your face as he kisses your forehead," Whatever did I do to deserve this?" 
You sway your hips, bouncing in place to the tempo with the old tune," I know the recording's after your time... but-- He's just-- GOOD, y'know?" You bite your lip as you pull Alastor's hands off of your face," Now come on, Al... let's dance!" What a perfect distraction to break his tension and troubled mind! Alastor just knew he would enjoy your little idea... 
His hands settle on you, both lightly caging your hips as yours held onto his wide shoulders. As the main motif began, the both of you started bopping along to the music. You watched Alastor's face morph fully into a relaxed state; smile still present, but much softer than his manic glee. You had to use every fiber in your being not to kiss him in that instant, instead squeezing his shoulders. Alastor's ears twitch as you draw soothing circles into his tense muscles, a shudder being torn from his entire frame. 
"Relax, Alastor... I want you to forget about everything, except for this...," you coo, making him sigh with acceptance. He came close to you, flushing your bodies together in a tight, intimate sway. You could only sigh as he settled his chin onto the top of your head. 
"Oh darling, if I relaxed anymore, I would be putty in your hands...," Alastor chimes, the tail end of his sentence wandering off as you press harder. Alastor huffs pleasantly, his hands holding your hips more firmly," Sweetheart, you really will be my undoing..." 
You chuckle as you settle your hands, allowing Alastor a moment of reprieve. He rolls his shoulders, one hand seeking to grasp your opposite hand. Once he drew your arm out with his, his other hand shifted to the small of your back. You saw him grinning, playful and energetic," If it's a dance you want, then it had better be a good one, hmm? So let's jive~" 
You squealed as Alastor practically whisked you off of your feet, spinning the both of you elegantly around his bedroom. The sounds of cicadas and frogs croaking in the distant, swampy marsh of his extended bedroom accompanied the sweet jazz that filled the air. Truly, it was tying everything together seamlessly. You had it all: a nice scene, nice music, and a relaxed, precious beau to spend all night with. You would have patted yourself on the back, were it not for Alastor's telltale sign of a 'big dip' move. You looped both arms around his neck, hanging on as Alastor swung you down, his monocle threatening to slip off his face. You laughed as you casually adjusted it. You stared, enthralled as you lay your hand over his racing pulse. However, the moment didn’t last long before you were brought back to your feet. But you thought now would be the best time to be a bit closer…
Getting bolder now, you pulled Alastor in for a kiss via his bowtie, eager to finish the dance off strong. Alastor, of course, had no protests, as he looped his arms around your waist. The two of you embraced like this for what felt like an hour, unable to pull apart your mingling, eager lips. But, with the song ended, leaving you both in silence, you managed to pull away. You looked up to Alastor with knowing eyes, your smile reflected in his deep, red irises.
"I loved that, Alastor, thank you... And I hope you don't mind me whisking you away from work..." 
The Radio Demon rolled his eyes, an imitation of your look from earlier. He leaned down to kiss your cheek, his lips still puffy from your kiss," My love, you must whisk me away more often... In fact, I think I'd like another dance, if you'll join me?" Of course, you agreed silently, stepping on to the very tips of your toes to seal it with a kiss. 
"I'd love nothing more." 
Alastor grins with a deep chuckle, the radio pumping out a new song. Sing, Sing, Sing, popularized by Benny Goodman. You blink in surprise as this number moves... MUCH faster. And, from the sound of it, it will get you to sweat. You laughed nervously as Alastor brought you in again, his hand directing your hips to sway with his. You couldn’t help but become a little flustered as he closed the gap between your bodies, a playful, coy smile sent your way. 
"Hold on tight, love. Some recordings of this song could last up to ten minutes~" 
Alastor practically cackled as you trapped yourself within a saucy dance, one of many that would fill your evening with sweat, laughter, and best of all: an Alastor whose smile finally reached his eyes. 
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fullsunfilm · 11 months
svt hyung line’s reaction to surprise kisses
felt like i needed to write tonight so here we go!!
svt x gn!reader, all fluff (again x2)
wc: ~800
read the maknae line ver
he’s distracted when you strike. he’s doing the dishes, scrubbing away at the grimy plates when he jumps from a small peck on the back of his neck. as you attempt to escape, he tears off the comically large rubber gloves and chases after you. when he catches you, he basically wrestles you into a hug, laughing as you whine and playfully hit his chest. he doesn’t let you go until after he finishes pressing a loving kiss on your lips and leaving a few love bites on your neck.
jeonghan isn’t the type to let things go easily. so when you pretend he has a bit of shaving cream left on his face only to kiss his jaw and dash off, he’s already formulating a plan to get revenge. at jun’s birthday party the next day, he purposely brushes his cupcake a bit too close to your face. when he offers to help you clean up, he presses his mouth to your cheek and kisses the frosting off, laughing as you go red in front of your friends.
you mess with joshua, you get what’s coming to you. you surprise him in the pool, while he’s lounging on the sidelines for a bit and sipping on a juice box. you leap at him from under the water, splash him, and press a chaste kiss on his nose before diving under once more and swimming off. he returns the favor after a couple hours, when you’re standing by the poolside. he asks for your hand, which you happily give in order to prevent him from completely turning into a prune. he’s waited hours for this moment. with a strong tug, he yanks you into the pool and catches you in his arms, laughing and peppering kisses along your pouty face.
when you surprise him with a soft kiss to his cheek, he immediately wraps his arms around you and locks you in place. he smirks. and then he starts to tickle. he doesn’t stop, no matter how many times you try to use the excuse that you’re going to pee yourself if he keeps going. he continues to torture you, taunting you and getting payback for the lack of a proper kiss. for a moment, you think you actually are going to pee yourself, but he stops before you do and stares at you expectantly. you sigh teasingly. there’s only one way out of being tickled to death by jun. with a huff, you press a long kiss to his lips, feeling him rest his arms around you and melt into the kiss.
the two of you are in the middle of a duet, dancing lazily. he doesn’t notice your mischievous smile for the longest time, completely focused on the movements and the choreography. when there’s a moment in the dance where the two of you are facing each other closely, you suddenly rush forward and press a quick kiss to his lips. he breaks, body refusing to move even as the song continues on. when the choreographer asks him what’s wrong, he flushes red and tries to play it off. he requests a break and playfully scolds you the entire time, even with his reddened face in his hands.
in the middle of his league game, wonwoo suddenly feels a set of lips meet his cheek. he doesn’t seem to be affected, only reacting with a soft hum. his hands and eyes stay focused on the screen. you huff, suspecting that he’s immune to your surprises. after his game ends, while you’re laying on the couch reading your favorite book, he pulls the book out of your hands, shoves the bookmark in, and dives onto the couch with you. the two of you spend the next hour cuddling and kissing. you learn that he won his league game after he doubled down and sped through his lane, motivated by your kiss.
while he’s bopping his head to one of the tracks he put together, you press a quick kiss to his temple. he’s surprised. he didn’t even know that you were in the room, thanks to bumzu leaving the door slightly ajar for you on his way to the bathroom. you laugh when he reacts, eyes wide and mouth open. he’s happy to see you, and he’s certainly happy to receive a kiss. a smile blooms on his face and he pulls you in close for a hug before he unplugs his headphones and lets you listen in on his newest work.
a/n: ive been having the biggest writer’s block lately when it comes to some of the longer fics i’m writing.. but i just felt like i needed to write something, so have this! i’ll probably finish up a maknae line version later this week :]
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angelofacidx · 9 months
Dark Ghoap x Fem! Reader
CW: Kidnapping, drug mention, violence, death mention.
Johnny had an incredibly easy time keeping himself busy during retirement. There was always something to be done around the house, a new local sport team to join, or an outing he’d convince Simon to humor him on with a bat of his lashes. However, years of military service were not kind to his body. Cleaning the gutters would leave a strain in his shoulder. Bopping around at a shitty punk gig he’d dragged Simon to would wind his muscles tight for days. The nail in the coffin was at his last rugby game, an over compensated move completely throwing his back out.
That was enough for Simon, being the judge and the jury for Johnny’s sentence of doctor ordered bed rest. In the first days Johnny had still tried to keep up around the house, following Simon around and chittering on that he was fine before getting promptly carried back to bed like a sack of potatoes over broad shoulders. He’d fully given up after that point, his little spirit crushed as he laid in bed absently doom scrolling on his phone for hours. That was, before one of your videos came across his screen. Written in the stars by the algorithm.
The video was innocent enough, a ‘Get ready with me’ style set to some cute music which unknowingly doomed you. Thumbs flew across the screen as Johnny tapped on your profile, greedily drinking in your entire post history over the course of a couple hours. His favorites he’d bookmarked and watched over and over again, already memorizing whatever little song you’d picked to go over your video. His heart hammered in his chest and he swallowed a lump in his throat, hovering over the direct message option.
Hello :) Big fan! Do ye think ye could wear that black dress from 20/11 in yer next video? Loved it.
Johnny waits anxiously for your reply and decides to send another message apologizing for coming on strong, only to realize he’d been blocked by his newest little project. With a pout and a sigh he resigns himself to making another account, rinsing and repeating his actions of following you, going through your videos, and bookmarking his favorites. His head is too far in the clouds to even register that Simon had been standing over his shoulder for a minute, watching him.
“Whatcha got there, pup?” Simon’s voice sounds from above, causing Johnny to almost jump out of his skin.
“Jesus! Ye scared me,” Johnny said, placing a hand over his heart for dramatic effect.
When he saw that Simon was still awaiting an answer, he shook his head to rid the jitters.
“A real pretty lass. Somethin’ about her. She’d fit right in.” Johnny said with a dreamy sigh, looking to Simon and trying to gauge his reaction.
Simon’s hand is held out expectantly before Johnny places his phone in his calloused palm. His eyes fixate on the screen as he goes through the videos. He’s right, you’re pretty. His pup’s eyes look as if he’s a child pleading for a new toy at the store and he’s nothing if not a sucker for it. With a resigned sigh, Simon pockets the phone and ruffles Johnny’s hair.
“Bed time,” Simon says with a soft canter to his voice.
Johnny obliges, mumbling good nights and kisses before he’s out cold and Simon makes the trek downstairs to haul himself up on the couch, the room illuminated with Johnny’s phone screen.
You have piss poor internet safety. Simon gathers information quickly, half military training and half having brain cells to rub together. You make it too easy, like you are begging to be whisked away.
A video in your likes about being non contact with parents.
They wouldn’t ask where you were.
A ‘‘jokey” audio about your pet being your only friend
No one would come looking for you.
A video was taken in your work uniform with a name tag and a clock in the background during the shift.
Location and time you’d be on the premises.
Once he was satisfied with his findings Simon trudged back up the stairs, slotting in bed next to Johnny and lazily throwing an arm around him. His pup deserved a playmate while he was down for the count. Someone soft and docile like you to play with. Even if this was a big task, Simon would get what his precious boy wanted.
You’re a lot more bite than bark, and Simon had not been anticipating that. Muscling you into his truck and binding your limbs was easy even with the thrashing, but the deep bite mark blossoming purple and red hurt and he was not patient with disobedient mutts. Your screaming was silenced by a metal cage being strapped to the back of your head, the clasps tugging at your hair and a leather bit in the middle that made drool pool in your mouth and any noises come out hushed and gurgled.
“Really don’t wanna drug ya, love. The side effects are nasty and I’ve already got a pet on bed rest.” The masked man driving the car says, his voice deep and gravely like he’s smoked since he exited the womb.
You resign from fighting pretty early on, not missing the 9mm tucked into his waistband; a silent threat and promise. Instead, you focus on your surroundings out of the window which is mostly trees and fields as he drives out of the city limits and to, well, wherever he’s taking you. You catalog this information and commit it to memory and hold onto the delusion that when you escape you’ll be able to tell the police exactly where he took you and which way you went.
The road he’s driving on takes a sharp left and turns into more gravel and dirt than sleek tar pavement. Down the beaten path you pull up to a house, very unassuming and nice on the outside but you can only imagine the state of the inside. Every horror movie and true crime video you’ve ever seen plays in your mind. The filth, the squalor, chains and sex toys and rotting corpses in refrigerators.
The masked man gets out of the truck first, shutting the door with a surprising amount of care and then opening your side. He grabs the middle of the rope, where your hands are bound, and shuffles you out of the vehicle. When your feet meet the ground you’re tempted to run, but his gun remains front and center in your mind. Dumb idea. He crouches down on one knee then, like a parent getting on their child’s level to reason with them as he speaks to you; his grip still strong on the rope.
“Now, I need you to be good f’me and listen. If you make any fucking noise until I tell you to I’ll break your little jaw right off your pretty face and you’ll be eatin’ baby food the rest of your life. Got it?” He says in a soft tone but with no room for thinking he’s joking.
You nod your hand in understanding, too high on adrenaline and fear to cry even though your throat feels closed off and your eyes and nose sting with that familiarity. He rises to his feet then, unlocking you through the door and pulling you through the threshold. You prepare yourself for the worst but you’re met with the most mundane setting you could imagine. The walls are beige and gray, an accent wall in dark blue. A nice leather sectional couch, flat screen TV a few feet away from it. The place looks…underwhelming.
“M’ home. Just puttin’ the shopping away, hold tight up there in bed.” The man calls up the stairs to god knows who before turning his attention back to you.
He leads you by the wrists into a spare room right off of the living room which at first glance looks just as underwhelming as the rest of the house. A desk with a large dog bed under it, a few paintings on the wall, a book shelf, and a board for darts. When you’re being drug further into the room though, you notice it; a sturdy chain mounted to the wall and attached to a collar with a thick padlock. The leather is engraved with a name: Johnny.
The collar is placed around your neck and locked, gapping awkwardly in the back and ill fitting. The man tries to tug it over your head a few times but is satisfied when it won’t go past your jaw. The numb tingling in your hands draws your attention down to them as you try to wiggle your fingers and get some blood flow back. Survival is not guaranteed but you’re relieved that you’re not on the set of Texas Chainsaw Massacre at least.
You’re guided slowly onto your knees with two strong hands onto your shoulders, until you meet the plush carpet. You look up at him finally, a proper look. His eyes are dark and devoid of emotion, like some sort of a living breathing shell. He’s tall and filled out everywhere, even without the gun you now believe his promise of breaking your jaw more. You’ll have to use wit and gain trust to get out of here; you’ll have to fawn.
“M’ gonna go get my boy and you’re gonna act like you’re over the moon to be here.” He says, taking a step back from where you’re kneeling.
“I don’t like to take in strays and I sure as fuck don’t put up with rowdy mutts. Give me a reason to show you, and you’ll learn real quick darling.” He says, before opening the door and shutting it behind him.
You’re left to your own devices then, chest heaving and eyes darting around the room. With him gone you can finally let your defenses down a little so the tears start to cascade down your cheeks silently. The gag, well, muzzle makes it hard for you to catch your breath as you heave and sputter as quietly as you can. You wonder who Johnny is, the poor soul before you in this position. By the way the collar fit, were much larger than you and still fell at the hands of this man. The thought made bile rise to your throat.
Far away voices and footsteps get closer and closer to the door then as you’re frozen in place kneeling. Your chest rises and falls quickly with each breath before it hitches all together as the doorknob is turned. The door opens, and another man has joined your captor. He’s smaller, a dark mohawk and striking blue eyes. He is absolutely elated to see you, apparently. He’s a blur of moment, on his knees by you in a blink and gathering your tired body into a spine crushing hug.
He turns his head behind him to the mask man with an ear to ear grin, beaming and nauseatingly giggling to himself.
“You didn’t!” He says excitedly, like someone reviving a way too expensive present in a secret Santa exchange.
“Just for you puppy. You’ve been down since your injury an’ I figured I could get you a playmate.” The man says, a hint of a smile in his voice.
He seems to care a great deal about this man with a death grip on you, happy just to see him happy.
The man affectionately referred to as “puppy” buries his nose in your hair, sniffing deeply and letting out a deep shuddering breath. You feel his cock twitch against the outside of your thigh where he’s got himself pressed against you. You’re beginning to think this was the Johnny you were feeling sorry for a second ago.
His hands move up towards your muzzle to undo it but the other man stops him, warning that you’re not properly trained yet and might bite. He whines, but gives a nod in understanding, giving you another rib bruising squeeze.
“Don’t worry lass. We’ll take care of ya’.” Johnny says, planting a kiss on top of your head.
The larger man steps out of the room then, shutting it behind him and leaving you to get accompanied with your new playmate and acclimated to your new home. Hope slowly starts to leave as Johnny whispers promises of giving you pups and never letting you out of his sight.
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ptq3000 · 1 year
bakusquad w/ quiet but caring fem!reader
reader has a portal quirk which allows her to make portals and teleport.
> everyone in 1A thought you were a complete bitch since you never sought out to talk to them. you just had a resting bitch face
> one night after training, iida was struggling with making the communal food and he was going abt the whole process sluggishly.
> you noticed, so you walked over and gently took the knife out of his hand and took over. he just stared at you in shock as you quickly but perfectly cooked dinner for 1a that night.
> you found it calming, so you silently decided to cook dinner for the class once a weekish. maybe twice if you were generous.
> everyone is super thankful for the food, but nobody really said anything else to you.
> you were feeling like cooking in the dorm's kitchen today, so you started to make spaghetti. you were making the marinara pasta and alfredo pasta since you didn't know which kind everyone liked. halfway through, denki came up to you.
> "thank you for dinner, y/n. your cooking is always super good," he praised. you nodded in acknowledgement, but didn't say anything.
> denki then asked if he could rest himself on you and you obliged, seeing nothing wrong with it. he wrapped his arms around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder.
> you both stood like that as you continued to cook. mina took notice in the silence without denki and glanced over at the kitchen to see you 2 together
> mina quietly, but super excitedly got most of 1a's attentions. "guys!!! look at denki and y/n..they look so cute," she ranted.
> people started to watch you and denki as you offered him a bite of the pasta and he approved it. you softly smiled at denki and everyone saw how sweet you actually were.
> unwrapping denki's arms from you, you carefully set the table with both pastas in the middle and went over to iida to tell him that dinner was ready.
> to say you were shocked that everyone was already staring at you was an understatement. hell, even bakugo had his gaze on you. you nodded in greeting and quietly announced, "food's ready."
> the bakusquad started to include you more, unintentionally. yk? it just kinda happened.
> sero and denki started hanging around you whenever you would be in the kitchen making something. you would 'accidentally' make extra portions just because you knew one of them would ask for a bite (denki would definitely attempt to eat all of it.)
"y/nnn" denki drags out your name as he dramatically lands on your lap. you look at him and he continues. "can i have a bite? it smells so good." you smile as you answer, "of course, there's extra on the stove."
"hey y/n, what's that?" denki looks to see sero pointing at your food. "just something i was craving. i accidentally made extra, so you and denki could have it. it's on the stove still if you want any," you explain with a small smile.
> jirou is 9 times out of 10 awake til 3am. she can never fall fast asleep unless she's absolutely exhausted. most times, to help her fall asleep, you stay in her dorm as she puts movies on to entertain the both of you. she's out like a light when you sleep in her dorm.
> you 2 also share playlists with each other, fight me. jirou loves when she plays a song on her speakers and she finds you bopping your head to the music.
"thanks for coming over. sorry for waking you up, y/n." she softly says, opening her dorm to let you in. you sleepily drag your pillow and blanket into her dorm, settling on the floor.
"it's not really a problem," you yawn out. "i'll put a movie on, just get comfy and go to sleep," you assure her as she looks at you with guilt. you put a movie on and 10 minutes later when you look over to check on jirou, she's quietly snoring away.
> you and mina would go out together, yet whenever you were tired, you would just help her pick outfits. she was definitely your go-to gossip buddy, even though you usually found yourself listening to her as she rants abt this annoying girl at the mall.
"y/n!! i've been looking for you!! where have you been?!?" mina exclaims to you with a loud volume. "sorry, i was jus-" "yeah, yeah, sorry, but we need to talk and walk. emergency girlie," she interrupts.
you 2 walk to her dorm and she throws herself on her bed, using her hands to express herself as she rants. you sit at her desk and hum acknowledgements to show you were still listening and you try to give feedback to her. she normally ends up frustrated, so you teleport to the nearest gas station to buy her favorites.
"thank you so much y/n!!! you're a lifesaver babe." she praises
> you and kirishima, i feel like he would definitely be into taking care of you more than you taking care of him. he loves to be cared for, but he wants to show that he's there for you..so you 2 get together sometimes after school to have small 1 on 1 discussions together. it's normally abt each other's weeks and school work, but sometimes it drifts to the new restaurants in town or potential hangouts together.
"y/n, i need a little bit of help on the homework today. did you finish it?" kirishima asks.
you nod and without a word, walk to his dorm. it's routine with you 2 now. kirishima would ask or offer something and you would wordlessly walk to his dorm. you're not one for words and he gets that.
after you help him, kirishima lays down and you wait to hear what he has to say. "y/n, is there anything on your mind?" you smile and avoid his gaze as you confess. you're easy to get to talk, you just need someone to show interest in you.
> bakugo..he's the type to challenge you after school to spar. you're a decent fighter and you've already told him that you don't want him to hold back.
> so he doesn't and he sees you improving. you find new tricks or moves for your quirk and you never tell bakugo, always insisting to try it out in the moment. you have a small scoreboard in your room for whenever someone wins. bakugo says is super childish and stupid, but whenever he's at your dorm door to tell you something, you see him glance at the scores.
> speaking of being sparring buddies, he's also your gym buddy. sure, he has kirishima, but kirishima doesn't usually go to the gym straight after school, so you find yourself spotting each other.
"come on, woman. one more." bakugo insists, always getting you to fight the pain and work harder.
tears threaten to spill out as exhaustion hugs you close. "i can't, bakugo, my body's tired." you hang onto the pull up bar. "one more and i'll be off your back. come on." he says. his motivation isn't the best, but you oblige and do one final pull up slowly. bakugo helps you down, holding your hips as your body tires out.
a/n: wasn't as short as i had intended it to be, but it works. ngl, im actually super proud of this one :DD
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wintfleur · 8 months
౨ৎ put a bow on it
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°. — pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X Rutger McGroarty )
°. — summary ( Stella wants to put a bow on her boyfriends bicep, she’s just a girl !!! )
°. — details ( g; fluff. w; pure fluff, it gets a little suggestive at the end. wc; 1.6k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I don’t know what happened I just had the sudden inspiration to write this after watching this Tiktok, so this is definitely based off of that. I hope you guys enjoy !!! Please don’t be a silent reader !!! Also omg I can’t stop giggling about that picture of rut, I had sm fun making it !!! )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
°. — asks about stella and rut are under #⋆ ˚。⋆୨🩷୧˚ stella & rut!
Stella giggled as she watched along to the TikTok video, her feet absentmindedly kicking in the air as she laid on her stomach in her bed. The video showed a girl trying to wrap her boyfriend's chest with a ribbon to make a bow. It was simple but it was adorable and now all Stella could think about was trying it out on her own boyfriend. 
Stella liked the TikTok before shutting off her phone and dropping it somewhere amongst her few plushies and pillows she had on her bed. She lifted her jaw that she had rested on her hand and tilted her head back to look at Rutger who was sitting at her desk, his laptop in front of him and his headphones on his head as he worked on his homework. 
He was wearing one of his gray compression shirts that drove her wild, to the point where Stella had playfully banned him from wearing them around her because she was afraid, she wouldn't be able to ‘control’ herself around him. Rutger wore them anyway . . . he loved her stares. 
Stella bit her lip as she watched her boyfriend who was oblivious to her stares, his shoulders flexed as he quickly typed his paper and his head occasionally bopped along to the song, he was listening to through his headphones . . . it was probably a playlist she had made him. It wasn't fair how effortlessly attractive he is. 
Stella sadly tore herself away from her thoughts of her boyfriend's very . . . very muscular shoulders and quietly slipped out of her bed. She felt the cold air of her dorm hit her bare legs as she left the comfort of her warm blankets to distract her boyfriend. Stella wrapped her arms around Rutgers shoulders and leaned down to rest her chin in his shoulder, she felt her  ⸺ his shirt rise up, she shivered feeling the cold on the back of her bare thighs. 
Rutger smiled and paused his typing, tilting his head to face her while he took off his headphones, setting them next to one of Stella's many sketchbooks that were stacked on her desk. “Hi pretty girl” he whispered before he placed a quick smooch on her jaw, Stella smiled and placed her own kiss on his jaw before whispering back “so . . . i have this silly idea.” 
“Oh? say more” Rutger turned around in her spinning chair to face her, his hands moving to her hips and bringing her to sit sideways on his lap while one of her arms were still wrapped around his shoulders. Stella smiled as she made herself comfortable in his lap, she fit perfectly against him. “Can I wrap a bow around your biceps for a TikTok?” Stella asked him quickly. 
Rutger couldn't help but have a chuckle of shock leave his lips at the strange request, but he could never say no to that pretty face, so he smiled and quickly pecked stella’s lips before saying “get your ribbon” Stella almost squeals in happiness, quickly placing a big kiss on Rutgers cheek before hopping off his lap and rushing over to her bedside table, opening the bottom drawer that had some of her arts and crafts supplies. 
Rutger bit his lip and leaned back in her chair as he watched her lean down and look through the supplies, giving him a good look at her panties. A hum of success leaves her lips as she pulls out a pretty pink ribbon, quickly turning back to face him as she holds it up. Rutger quickly looks up to her face and he smiles “Where do you want me?” 
“Just stand here and look pretty” Stella winked as she motioned for him to stand in front of her. He got up from her chair and stood where she wanted him to, watching as she got on her knees on her bed to look for her phone that got lost in the blankets and pillows. “That just so happens to be what I'm best at,” Rutger jokes, smiling when Stella giggles. Rutger stopped himself from grabbing onto Stella's waist and pulling her against him, once she found her phone and stood in front of him. 
“Would you mind holding this for me you stud?” Stella teased him playfully as she held her phone out for him to hold so she could tie the ribbon into a bow. Rutger felt his lips twitch into a smirk at the nickname Stella loved to tease him with, he grabs her phone and slides it into the pocket of his sweatpants. Stella smiled and grabbed one of his arms, wrapping the pink silk ribbon around it, humming along to the song that was playing from the TikTok she had watched. 
Rutger watched Stella with a fond smile as she tried to smooth the ribbon around his bicep so the bow would be pretty and neat. Her fingers were so gentle as she tried to tie the bow, he didn't understand why it drove him so crazy. Stella looked up from his bicep when she felt him flex under her touch, she looked up at him through her eyelashes “Stop flexing, I can’t tie the bow.” 
“I’m not flexing . . . i guess I'm just too muscular for your ribbon” Rutger smirked as he shrugged his shoulders, pretending like he totally didn't flex his arms so she could feel his muscles. Stella rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's antics before letting out a giggle when he flexed again as she tied the bow “I can literally feel you flexing” Stella rolled her eyes again when she saw the bashful smile on Rutgers lips. 
“Save the flexing for the video sexy” stella gave Rutger a wink, teasingly placing a kiss on his shoulder right above the pretty pink bow. Rutger bit back a groan as he felt her slip her hand into his front pocket to grab her phone, her hand teasingly lingering near the inside of his thigh for a few seconds before pulling her hand out and acting like nothing happened. Rutger chuckled and shook his head in disbelief as he watched Stella unlock her phone and find the perfect audio. She knew what she was doing. 
“What?” Stella asked Rutger as she looked up at him, batting her eyelashes innocently as she pretended to be oblivious. Rutger smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, he felt the bow tighten around his bicep and he held in a wince at the tight pressure. He watched as your eyes dropped from his face down to his arm, eyes widening slightly at the sight. Rutger clears his throat and gives stella a smirk when she quickly looks up at him, her cheeks flushed as he spoke “Are you gonna keep staring or are we gonna film the TikTok.” 
“Cause if not, i have an idea of something else we could film” Rutger smiled as he leaned his face closer to stella’s, this wasn't the first time Rutger had hinted at them making their own home movie . . . stella was always worried about their iClouds getting hacked . . . but stella had a perfectly good camcorder they could use. Rutger gave Stella a toothy smile when he noticed her breath hitch and the shy look that comes across her face at the thought. 
“Shut up and stand there please” Stella shyly mumbled as she grabbed her boyfriend's arm and moved it so it wasn't folded across his chest, her cheeks were burning, and she felt her heartbeat faster under Rutger's gaze. Rutger didn't look away from Stella's pretty eyes as he let her move his arm however, she wanted. “I love when you're so demanding. '' Rutger decided to close his mouth when Stella looked up at him with a heated glare, but he could see that his words were starting to affect her. 
Rutger kept his mouth closed as Stella started to film, he could hear the familiar sound of Lana del Rey playing from her phone. When he noticed Stella started to zoom in, he lifted his arm up and flexed, a gasp leaving Stella's lips when she heard the rip of her ribbon before it fell to her floor. Stella stopped filming, deciding it was long enough already, and before she could complain about her ripped bow Rutger was putting his hands on Stella's waist, pulling her flush against him as he leaned down to whisper in her ear “Wanna see something else wrapped in a bow?” 
“But your homework!” Stella exclaimed as she put her hands on Rutgers chest and softly pushed him back from her neck he was about to kiss. Rutger chuckles and slides his hands down from her waist and to the back of her thighs, effortlessly picking her up and moving to drop her softly on her bed. Stella giggled and moved her hips a little to get comfortable before Rutger was swiftly moving between her legs. 
“Consider it as helping me study my anatomy” Rutger breathed out before leaning down and taking her lips into his in a passionate kiss. Stella let out a sound of surprise at the rough kiss, but she was quick to kiss back, her mouth opening and his tongue smoothly sliding into her mouth as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Stella softly tugged on the hair at Rutgers' nape as his hands traveled her sides. Stella pulled away from the kiss to whisper as she caught her breath “You don't take anatomy classes?” 
Rutger smirked and slid one of his hands under her shirt, his warm touch sending shivers down Stella's spine as he softly moved his hand up her side. His thumb teasingly resting under her boob as he stared into Stella's pretty eyes. A smirk makes his way across his lips when he sees the look in his girlfriend's eyes. His homework was long forgotten in both of their minds. 
“I do now”
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( rutger, stella . . . and her camcorder . . . imagine 😵‍💫 )
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @juraj-slafkovsky @cixrosie @toasttt11 )
529 notes · View notes
daisies-daydreams · 1 year
141 + König reaction to seeing you changing? Or walking out the communal shower
Pairing: 141 + König x Reader Category: Fluff/Semi-Smut (18+) Warnings: Nudity, Swearing, Sexual Themes Word Count: 900+
A/N: Hello hello! 😀 Thank you for your request. I hope you don't mind, but some of them are in a more domestic setting. I hope you enjoy!
Captain John Price
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John rubbed his tired eyes, his body wracked with exhaustion. All he wanted to do was shower and slip into bed next to his beautiful wife. John yawned as he walked into the bedroom, and you just so happened to be changing just as he opened the door. You froze as the towel you were wearing fell to the floor.
“John,” you breathed, your face flushing. John felt something stir inside him as his eyes raked over your wet, luscious body. John grinned as he made his way over and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, his arms pulling you close to his body. Your eyes closed as you rested your lips against his, his hands wandering along the expanse of your back. Both of you gasped for air when he finally pulled back.
“Missed you so much, hun,” John beamed. You sighed and cupped his scruffy cheek.
“Missed you, too,” you cooed. He peppered your neck with kisses before tilting his head up.
“Why don’t we enjoy ourselves a little before we head to bed, yeah?” he husked into your ear.
John “Soap” MacTavish
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Soap whistled as he walked down the hall, his headphones snug in his ears. He went out on his daily morning jog around the base when it suddenly started to pour. He bopped his head along to the beat of the song as he rounded the corner. He sighed as he opened the door to his quarters and slammed it shut behind him, distracted by the way his shirt clung to him.
“Ack, hate it when it’s pishing it doon,” he huffed. Soap raised his shirt above his head. He froze when his gaze met you. Your face lost all color as you stood in front of him-your pants and panties resting on the floor. Soap’s face quickly turned a deep shade of red as he covered his eyes, though made no effort to leave.
“GET OUT!” you shrieked as you threw a sock at him. It bounced off his body as he spun around, quickly making his way out of your room. Even though the blush persisted, Soap couldn’t help but notice how his cock began to throb in his pants. He swallowed thickly as he rushed towards his actual quarters...having to take care of a different problem.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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Simon lowered the weights onto the rack, the muscles in his arms bulging from the intense workout. He wiped his forehead with a rag before heading towards the locker rooms.
“Let’s see-gotta head to the store after dinner, then go to the meeting…” he ran through his to-do list in his head, not paying attention to which locker room he was strolling into. The room was fairly empty, so he walked straight to his locker. He twirled the knob several times, frustration building inside him when it refused to unlock.
He scoffed and turned around, freezing when he came face to face with you. Your headphones coincidentally popped out just as he met your gaze. Your lips parted as a small squeak left them, a towel snugly wrapped around your body. Ghost felt heat rise to his cheeks as he turned on his heel.
“Sorry,” he muttered before shuffling out the door. Despite his composure, Ghost felt himself crumbling at the thought of being this close to seeing you naked.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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Gaz threw his keys into a bowl resting on the table in the front room.
“Babe? I’m home!” he called as he set his pack next to the couch. He hummed when he was answered by silence. He walked down the hall, pushing the bedroom door open. You locked eyes with him as you shrugged your bra off of your shoulders. Heat rose up to his ears as he eyed your bare breasts.
“K-Ky,” you stammered as you crossed your arms over your tits. A wry grin stretched across Gaz’s face as he walked over to you. He cupped your face as he pulled you in for a kiss, his mouth hungrily tasting you. Your arms slipped away from your chest, your hands falling to his lower back.
Gaz nibbled on your bottom lip before pulling back, drinking in your entire body. You wiggled in his hold as he sucked on your neck, drawing a hickey over your pulse.
“Mind if I help you out with the rest?” his lips danced over your ear as his fingers played with the hem of your pants.
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König blinked a few times, drifting in and out of sleep as he rested his cheek against his hand. The debriefing took longer than expected, the Captain’s voice droning on and on without pause. The giant man stretched and sighed in relief once it was finally over. He padded down the hall, his mind fuzzy with exhaustion. König slipped into his room, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes and a towel before heading to the communal showers. He stripped himself of his clothes and pulled back the curtains. He grunted when someone much smaller than him bumped into his rugged body.
“Tschuldigung*,” König mumbled. His throat tightened when saw you staring up at him with wide eyes, your body completely wet and stark naked. He felt his entire body stiffen as you pulled the shower curtain against yourself. [*Translation: Sorry]
That’s when König realized-he wasn’t wearing his mask. He gasped and covered his face, not realizing there was another area that he would potentially wish to conceal. He scrambled around, nearly slipping on the tiled floor as he spun towards the wall. He cracked his fingers apart, only to see you again.
"S-Sorry!" he stumbled over the word as he quickly searched for his pile of fresh clothes. He rushed back to his quarters with the towel wrapped around his hips. König ran his hands down his face as embarrassment and something else stirred inside of him.
Thank you for reading! ❤️ 
Tags: @tr4psta @notthatfanfictionwriter
1K notes · View notes
wordsarelife · 14 days
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: you try to make theo a swiftie and succeed
warnings: none
note: kinda modern au, considering reader has a phone and a working internet connection (technology works at hogwarts in this fic)
you’d always known theo was a tough nut to crack, but you were determined. if there was one mission you were set on, it was getting him to appreciate the artistry of taylor swift. he could roll his eyes all he wanted, but you weren’t giving up. not when there was so much he was missing out on.
it started with small things—playing folklore in the common room when you knew he was studying nearby, leaving your taylor swift playlist on shuffle when he happened to be sitting with you in the library. he never said anything, just raised a brow or gave you a look, but you could tell. the seed had been planted.
you started to go a bit deeper, always choosing the right song or album for theo's mood at the moment.
you would play lover or red when you were getting ready and theo was watching you sort through clothes or put on makeup with a content smile on his face.
you played folklore or evermore during quiet nights in the common room, with thick socks and fluffy blankets in front of the warm glow of the fireplace.
he was not ready to admit it yet, but you could see that theo didn't mind as much as he used to. he never actually said something, about liking her music, but he had stopped frowning when you took out your phone and opened your music app.
one time, in the middle of studying, you even saw him bop his head along to 'you belong with me', which quickly turned out to be his favorite, because his mood would rise anytime you played it.
"aren't you putting on any music?" theo asked one day while on a walk through the hogwarts grounds.
"well, do you want me to?" you retorted, a winning smile on your face.
he shrugged. "i don't care. just thought it was odd"
you didn't miss the slight smile once you had pressed play on speak now or how he took your hand in yours, connecting them to the enchanting melody of mine.
the following night both of you stayed up longer, per theo's demand, so you could explain to him the lore of taylor swift and kanye west.
theo was pretty laid back and usually not interested in any drama, but he was kind of intrigued as long as no one he closely knew was involved.
you recounted everything that had happened between your favorite singer and kim kardashians husband. theo nodded along understandingly, throwing in his own questions at the appropriate times.
"i didn't know that there was so much backstory"
"crazy, right?" you asked, wide-eyed. "but if that hadn't happened we wouldn't have reputation now"
"it's another album" you shrugged "it's called reputation"
"did we ever listen to that one?" he asked, recounting all the times you had shown him some of her stuff, while you had always made sure to mention what album the song you were listening to was on.
"no" you shook your head.
"why? you clearly like it"
"it's one of my favourites" you nodded, deep in thought "i never showed you because i didn't want to listen it as long as it wasn't a taylor's version yet"
"a what?"
his question resulted in twenty more minutes of backstory. theo's eyes widened as you explained the lore of the rerecordings to him.
"i guess i could show you the album through youtube" you muttered, taking out your phone "fan accounts that made lyric videos should be alright to watch"
theo and you spent the better time of the rest of the night watching fan-made videos for the songs on reputation. you could tell that he was obsessed immediately, going as far as taking out his phone and screenrecording the songs he liked most.
"they are amazing" he gushed as he recorded so it goes, which seemed to be his favorite off the album.
"told you" you shrugged, a soft smile on your lips as you watched his amazement grow. "it's not embarassing to admit that i was right"
"should've listened to you, baby" he muttered, pressing his face into the pillow next to him. you moved a hand through his hair. "i like it"
"i know" you kissed his temple. you put your phone on the nightstand after searching for a playlist of calm taylor songs to fall asleep to. "now we can enjoy her together"
theo pulled you into his arms, his voice humming along to the tunes of last kiss, as both of you slowly fell asleep.
after that night, theo added a few taylor swift songs to his regular playlists (he had different ones for different moods) and made a habit to learn the lyrics to his favorites.
one time, when him and blaise were out for a smoke, theo put on one of the playlists (smoke and relax) and the shuffle promptly landed on delicate.
blaise quickly noticed who was singing, considering your simple overuse of her music during study time with your friends, making fun of theo almost immediately.
"taylor swift, really?" he puffed out the smoke through his mouth, quirking a brow at theo.
theo simply shrugged. "y/n loves her"
"you don't have to like everything your girlfriend does, you know man?" blaise muttered "you're allowed to have your own interests, taylor swift shouldn't be one of them"
"yeah? why not?"
"huh?" blaise had been a bit surprised by theo's quick and simple answer. "you're not a girl, mate"
"thank you, i'm aware"
theo's sarcasm clearly annoyed blaise, as he threw his cigarette onto the ground, stomping it out in the snow, before he turned to head inside. "don't let it change you, man" he smirked. "you're not a swiftie or whatever they're called"
"i might as well be" theo shrugged, not even bothered at this point.
"you're doing weird shit to get laid"
"yeah, maybe if you would put in the same effort you would get laid too, ever considered that?" theo smirked, clearly amused by the shocked expression that crossed blaise's face.
"so, uh..which album would you recommend?"
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tinycoffeeroom · 3 months
saying something stupid like i love you | george clarke
face claim: none ♡
request: here !
requested: how about the first time george clarke tells y/n he loves her?? love your fics btw babes
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You’d sent George off this morning for a Platform Roulette recording bright eyed and bushy tailed. Based on how they normally ended, you knew he would return completely different. 
He texted you throughout the day, slowly being filled more and more with typos and the drunken ramblings you were used to from your boyfriend. Arthur Hill had the decency to send you a long winded voice note, background noise loud enough to nearly drown out his words as he lets you know when they’ll be back as, despite being the heavyweight out of the three in drinking, George was currently near blackout drunk. 
You dread to think of how he ended up that way, but at 11 in the evening, you find yourself grabbing your phone, keys and overnight bag, heading off to the tube station to go to Kings Cross and grab your heavily inebriated boyfriend. 
Passing the time on the tube, you plug your headphones in, blasting the newest Billie Eilish album. Birds of a Feather starts up and you find yourself grinning in your seat, remembering how George had heard you playing it one day and twirled you around your flat, one hand resting on your back as you slow danced through your kitchen. 
Bopping your head along to the song, you pick up on the lyrics. “I’ll love you ‘til the day I die.” Despite the fact you and George had never said those three words to each other, you knew it was true. 9 months into the relationship, and you knew you were in love with George, and that he was in love with you. 
The first time he had heard the song, mid kitchen dancing, the lyric played out through your speaker and George had looked down at you, eyes warm and happy as he leant down to kiss you on the last word. A non verbal admission to something you both knew. 
Getting off at Kings Cross, you make your way up the escalator to the centre hall of the train station. Glancing across, you make out three slumped bodies on one of the benches. Huffing amusedly, you walk slowly across to the men, phone out and videoing the way one of the Arthurs was puckering up to a half awake George who barely had the motor skills to push him away jokingly. 
Uploading the video to your story, you reach the three of them who drag themselves from their huddle on the bench. Both Arthur’s fling themselves towards you, one of them patting your head drunkenly, the same way a child would roughly pet a cat. Wincing as their fingers tangle in your hair, you gently settle them back onto the bench. Your eyes catch George’s half lidded ones, matching smiles spread on your faces. 
Pulling himself up from the bench, he stumbles over to you, arms spread wide to circle around you. You welcome him in, scrunching your nose as the scent of beer, sweat and something distinctly George wafts through the air. “Hi, babe.”
Grumbling under the weight of a drunken George, you wave a hand to the two Arthurs, signalling them to come follow you. The pair trail behind you two, giggling behind their hands and making kissing noises as George presses sloppy kisses to your temple, cheek and anywhere he can reach. 
Giggling at the way his beard tickles your skin, you pull out your phone to order an Uber. George grumbles under his breath about how he’ll pay you back, wincing as you spend nearly 30 pounds on an Uber XL, the only car available at this time of night on a Saturday. 
Standing outside, you run your hand up and down George’s back as he leans against you, mumbling against the skin of your neck. You don’t pay much attention to his ramblings at first, too busy trying to keep an eye on the two Arthur’s chasing each other outside of Kings Cross station. 
It’s only when you hear a soft “I love you so much” muffled against your neck that you focus back on George. You can tell he’s barely conscious, the words almost stumbling from his lips. 
Flushing under the admission, you press a kiss to the top of his head. “I love you too.” 
He grins up at you, reaching up to press a kiss to the corner of your lips. Wrinkling your nose at the taste of beer, you tuck his head back under your chin. He goes willingly, nuzzling into the space there and commencing his drunken mumbling. 
Your phone buzzes to let you know the Uber is pulling up and you call out to the two Arthurs, dropping a half asleep George into one of the seats before wrangling the Arthur’s into theirs. Sparing the driver the pain of a 30 minute Arthur squared show, you sit up front, making small conversation with the older man as he sets off for the boys’ flat. 
He correctly identifies George as your boyfriend, eyeing the sleeping man in the back. You hum in response, eyes flitting over the passing scenery as the car speeds through the London streets. 
By the time you reach the flat, all three boys in the back are fast asleep. Sparing them a glance through the rear view mirror, you huff as you work out the best plan of action to get the three of them into the flat. 
The driver must sense your apprehension, offering to help you out. You smile at him thankfully, offering to take George and Arthur Hill if he helps the other Arthur out. Sending a quick text to Chris in hopes he’s still awake to help once you enter the building, you step out of the car, moving round to open George’s door. 
Shaking him softly, you manage to rouse him pretty easily, helping him out and slinging one of his arms over your shoulder. Arthur, on the other hand, is a lot harder to wake up. You’re about 2 seconds away from slapping him gently on the cheek, but George beats you to it. Unfortunately, his drunken state means the hit lands a lot harder than he intended and Arthur jolts awake, whining as he holds his cheek. 
Rolling your eyes at your giggling boyfriend, you offer a hand out to Arthur, who takes it and steps out of the car ungracefully. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, hoping it was Chris saying he was on his way down. 
Throwing Arthur’s arm over your other shoulder, you round the back of the car, watching as the other Arthur is currently deep in explaining the fact that a fish is in fact not a real thing to a rather perplexed looking Uber driver. The two of you share a glance before laughing softly at the drunken trio. 
The Uber driver walks Arthur slowly over to the entrance whilst you stumble behind slowly, the combined weight of the drunk boys on your shoulders weighing you down. You catch Chris briskly walking through the lobby, dressed in shorts and an oversized t-shirt. He takes one look at the situation in front of him and you see his shoulders rise and fall in a huff as he wrestles Arthur from the driver. 
The driver passes you, throwing a small smile your way. You mimic his expression. “I’ll be leaving a big tip, don’t worry! Thanks for this.”
He laughs at your exasperated tone, leaving in his car with a wave. 
Chris grabs the other Arthur from your shoulder and you groan in appreciation as you straighten your back a little. The two of you guide the trio through the lobby and into the elevator, George now snoring softly against your shoulder. 
By the time you get into the flat, Chris is about two seconds away from knocking the two Arthur’s heads together, instead bidding you goodbye as he walks into Arthur Hill’s room. With a hand on his back, you lead George to his bedroom, dropping him down onto the bed. He stretches out, limbs sprawling across the entire width of the bed. 
You watch him for a moment, a small smile on your face before quietly walking out of the room. You meet Chris again in the kitchen, three mixing bowls in hand. He hands you one and you whisper your thanks before he disappears back into Arthur’s room. From the glimpse you managed to catch, the two Arthur’s are currently spooning in his bed and you pray Chris has taken blackmail photos of the two men. 
Grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, you step back into George’s room. Setting the bowl down next to his side of the bed, you place the bottle on his nightstand, pulling out some painkillers from your bag and dropping them next to the water bottle. Quickly changing out of your clothes, you grab a t-shirt of George’s, pulling it over your head. 
Pushing George onto his side of the bed, you slink in next to him, settling down for the night. Just as your eyes close, a heavy arm slumps over your waist, George’s face settling down into the crook of your neck. 
Another mumbled “I love you” drops from his lips, the syllables sleep soaked around the edges. Grinning, you press a final kiss to the top of his head and close your eyes. 
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You awake to a groaning George, the scratch of his stubble bristling against your neck as he burrows deeper, trying to hide from the light streaming through the gap in his curtains. 
“Morning sunshine.” 
He grumbles in response, the arm around your waist tightening. “I feel like shit.”
“Hmm, I wonder why that is.” Laughing at his responding stink eye, you slip from his grasp. He rolls onto his back, eyes tracking your movements. 
Grabbing two towels from his wardrobe, you look back at him, one eyebrow raised. “Yes, George?”
He stays silent for a moment, dragging himself up into a sitting position. “I told you I loved you last night.”
You smile shyly, surprised he remembered last night. “You did. Twice.” 
“And you said it back.” He smiles softly, eyes flitting over your face. 
Nodding in response, you lean over the bed, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I did.”
“That isn’t how I wanted our first I love you’s to be.” He whines, one hand pulling you back in for another kiss. 
Scrunching your nose at his morning breath, you press a final kiss to his cheek before pulling back. “I thought it was cute. Drunk words are sober thoughts and all that.” You giggle as he flops back onto the bed, one hand running over his face. 
Moving towards the door, you stop in the threshold, leaning against it. “So, you gonna join me in the shower before the other boys wake up?”
Chuckling at the speed of which George shot out of bed, one hand clutching his head at the rapid movement. “If I ever turn down that offer, I want you to shoot me.”
You throw the other towel at him, grinning as it hits him square in the face. “I love you too.”
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a/n: mr clarkey has made it onto tinycoffeeroom finally! thank you for requesting anon <3
taglist: @golden-hoax
195 notes · View notes
littyhoney · 1 year
Right Person,Wrong Time (part 1)
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(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader
Chapter summary: you have always been there for Miles,will your long time crush ever pay attention to you…or not?
Warning: Spoilers for the movie Across the Spider-verse, slight angst
Guys this is my first time writing this be gentle with me <3 enjoy!
“Alright so lets do this one more time, Hey! Im (Y/N) (L/N) and Im one of the well-known spiderman/spiderwoman of Brooklyn,New York.” you swing through the city using your web as some of the civilians took out their phone to take picture or video of you. You land on top of a rooftop before speaking into an invincible camera “But im not the only one,im with my close friend Miles Morales who is also a spiderman of Brooklyn,weird huh?”
comes another person swing by you as he parkour through the rooftop in his black and red spider suit “keep up (n/n)!” Miles laugh as he jumps and swings away. You let out a chuckle as you follow him “Yo Miles wait up!”.
For the last few months after the collider incident with Kingpin,you and miles get closer since both of you share the same responsibility to keep the city safe and life is not easy even after you wear the spider mask. Balancing your life as a student and as a hero is not..easy,at all. At one time you could be in class try to catch up to your academic and the next thing you make up an excuse to go to the rest room to go out and fight crimes, comes back with few bruises and scrathes. But both of you manage to pull through the day,together.
It is Sunday as you and Miles are hanging out in his room listening to music, you are sitting on his bed bopping your head to the song as you scroll through your phone while Miles is sitting at his desk with his sketchbook,drawing. Suddenly the silent breaks as Miles stop his drawing and ask “Hey..(n/n)” he turn his chair towards you.
“Hm? What is it coco head? Something on your mind?” you turn your attention to Miles,notice his sad demenor. You stand up from the bed and walk towards him put your hand on his shoulder.
“Do you..miss the other spiders? Like Peter..Peni and..Gwen” Miles speak,his voice is low as he look up at you. You sigh and nod your head “Yeah I do Miles, but they are in another dimension” you tilt your head slightly “They are out there living their lives,I wonder if Peter B ever have a child ya know” you chuckle,trying to lighten up his mood
Miles chuckle before he look down at his hands on his lap “I just…miss Gwen a lot actually” he sigh as he wipe his face with his palms slightly frustrated “Ya know it is hard I miss her and she is not even from here man”
you lean on the table beside him,hunch down slightly to look him in the eyes,with sympathy “Miles,you know the rules right,they cant be here nor we can be there, we can dissapear and so are they”
“I know that (y/n)…I know,if only I could just met Gwen one time” Miles lean back on his chair looking at the ceiling,in his head he is hopping maybe a portal would just pop out so he could go to Gwens dimension..
You look at your friend sadnes fill your heart to see your best friend seem so down,you know Miles have been missing the spiders ever since the first week they went back to their dimension and for the past time you have try your best to be there for Miles and keep him company listening to whatever problem he is facing. For the years you been friend with Miles you slowly start to develop feelings for the ball of sunshine. His creativity in his talent,he is smart in academics,his warm honey brown eyes that seem to always take your breath away and such a sweet smile..it would be a fool of you to not fall for the boy.
You lick your lips slightly before you stand up and face to the desk,trying to change the subject “what cha drawing Miles?” you pick up his black sketchbook and go through the pages. “Oh just some uh,sketches of..” Miles voice trail off not wanting to finish the sentence.
“Of..?” I trail my question as I keep flicking the pages before stopping on the page he was currently drawing on and look at the figure he drew with such great details, my breath hitch slightly before finish my own sentence “Gwen..” I look at the drawing..a pang of jealousy fill my heart before I shake my head slightly and close the book turn to look at Miles with a small smile “It looks awesome Miles,you really get her smile and suit on point”
Thanks man” Miles smile at you before you could say anything Rio voice muffle through the close door of Miles bedroom “Miles! Dinner is ready! Tell (y/n) she can join for dinner!” Miles turn towards the doors slightly “Okay mom! Be there in a sec!” Miles turn back to you before nudge his head slightly towards the door “You joinning (n/n)?” You shake your head slightly before move to get your jacket and phone “I have to go home Miles,il see you later okay?” Miles stand up from his chair making his way to you before giving you a hug “Thank you for being with me (n/n)”
You smile sadly knowing that Miles need your support more in this tough times of his.. you pat his back before making your way out of his room saying goodbye to mama Rio and walk out the street with both of your hands in your pocket…you cant help but though of how many times Miles have mention Gwen whenever you two are together…how many times he have drawn her in almost all the pages in his sketchbook, heck he didn’t even draw you even though you have been friends for so long..maybe you could try to be better…maybe be like Gwen..?
To be continued...
@kissmxcheek @otaku-degenarate @matthiashelvarsgf @usernamepasswordsstuff @s41ntf4m3 @bath1lda @jared-oranges @papilioism @pinkprettyroses @marumareloer
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moonstruckme · 11 months
helloooo, i have a request if its possible♡
since we got figure skater! Sirius..... Do you think we could get hockey player! James x figure skater! reader? Maybe they go to the same place but the place where they practice its kinda shitty so its literally kinda like an across the hallway situation where the hockey practice happens on one ice rink and when you leave you can walk thru the ice rink of the figure skaters that its on another section of the place IDK I'M NOT AN ARCHITECT SORRY
BUT THE POINT ITS, that one day James leaves practice later than usual and he's walking to get out but he heards his favorite song playing and he goes to see whats up because its his favorite song ever! and goes to the other ice rink and sees the reader practicing and inmediatly he has the biggest crush ever and its almost dreaming about a house and three kids with that cute girl
idk i think i explained myself like sht but hope you like the idea! cause i think it would be soo cute
Hi lovely, you explained yourself perfectly! Thanks for being so patient with me, I hope this is alright <3
hockey player!James x figure skater!reader ♡ 718 words
James’ entire body is pleasantly sore, and he’s very much looking forward to going home to a nice, hot shower. 
“Do you and Moony want to go get breakfast tomorrow morning?” he asks Sirius as they leave the locker room. The two of them had taken longer than usual changing out of their gear, Sirius filling him in on the absolute hell week Remus had at his new job. To hear Sirius talk about it, all the other professors are simply jealous of Remus. James is sure that’s partly true, but he’d bet they need less reason than that. Somehow, James had thought leaving school would mean emerging into a more mature world, but adults seem just as petty as teenagers. Maybe pancakes and a good, uplifting chat would do something to take the sting out of Remus’ first week and help prepare him for the next. 
Sirius cuts James a sideways look, gray eyes narrowed. “Breakfast at what time?” 
“I was thinking six, six thirty.” Sirius scoffs, and James grins. “Only joking. How’s eleven?” 
“Still too early,” Sirius grumbles, “but we’ll go.” 
James bobs his head, pleased to have a course of action for helping his friend. “Ask Moons where he feels like going, and just…” He hears a faint, familiar melody. “...just let me know.” 
“Sounds good.” Sirius pushes open the door, but James has stopped. He’s looking back towards the rink, intrigued. “Coming?” 
James waves him off. “In a bit. See you tomorrow.” 
Sirius makes an amused sound, not unused to James’ diversions, and goes. 
James follows the sound of his favorite song, unabashed about bopping his head to the beat as he approaches the rink. He knows figure skaters sometimes use the rink after his hockey practice has wrapped up, and he absolutely has to see who’s choreographed a routine to this. He comes to a stop near the edge of the bleachers, and watches through the tempered glass as one lone skater launches into a turn. 
This wouldn’t be the track James would have thought of for a figure skating routine, but frankly, you’re doing it justice. Your movements are springy and nimble as you glance across the ice, one complicated-looking move to the next to the next. It seems like both skates are never touching the ground for more than half a second. There’s a lot to be said, probably, about your skill, your technique, but James is a philistine. All he can think about is how pretty you look. 
You’re gorgeous. Stunning. Graceful in your movements and seraphim in your countenance. A wisp of hair has freed itself from the confines of the rest and whips about your face, but you don’t seem to notice it, your gaze steady and lips just slightly pursed in concentration. 
James would never tell his friends because they’d mock him to hell and back, but he does believe in love at first sight. Only under particular circumstances, though. The sight has to be good enough—meaning, he has to see some aspect of who that person is behind a pretty face. You certainly do have a pretty face, and you’re dancing to his favorite song, and James doesn’t understand how he could ever be expected to not be totally enamored with you after this one spectacular look. He worries that if you glance over, you’ll see him with giant cartoon hearts boinging out of his eyes on springs. 
The song ends, and you spin to a stop. James’ breathing stops, too, as your gaze lands on a point not ten feet to his right. He wonders if he’s being creepy. It’s not like this is a private rink, and James wouldn’t be weirded out if he spotted someone watching him running drills or something (actually, if it were you he’d be over the moon about it), but he’s been told not everyone feels like he does about that stuff. And though he hardly thinks of himself as intimidating, James is also a big guy. He wants to woo you, not spook you.
You skate to the edge of the rink to restart your music, and James slips out. He hears it blaring softly behind him, and he probably looks like a total idiot when he grins and dances out the front door. An idiot in love.
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aliaology · 11 months
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summary: you used to date quinn, the relationship starting not long after him and his other ex broke up. she got mad, made drama about you, and in the end, it flared up by the time your relationship was long gone.
pairings: quinn hughes x fem!reader
warnings: death threats
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thin mints. god you loved thin mints, and currently you craved them. actually, you craved the nice memories they brought. the memories where your ex told you he would have some guy get some for you. he ended up being that guy.
quinn hughes. your favorite past lover who will continue to outshine the rest. he treated you well, made you happy. he was perfect.
bonding over the black eyed peas and the smiths was something you found to be hard when it came to other people. but with quinn, it was easy. he made love seem easy and effortless.
but the downside, was his ex. she was pretty, but they had broken up about three months prior to you and him hooking up and then ultimately getting together. no one necessarily knew of their breakup. they didn’t post pictures often of each other due to quinn living in vancouver and his ex living in michigan.
so everyone assumed they were fine, until quinn decided to hard launch your relationship. you were fine with it at first. it was innocent, like the cuddling on trampolines you guys loved to do.
but now you were being called a slut. at this very moment, you were being called a slut and getting death threats. at the time, you were getting the same treatment.
it seemed his ex put the idea that he cheated on her with you, into everyones head. and they believed it. they believed it because of the stereotype against hockey players. the stereotype against girl best friends.
but that didn’t stop your relationship. you were so into it. you were there for everything, even his brothers… until you weren’t. it wasn’t like you both ended on bad terms. in fact, you both ended things, stating it was better to stay friends.
then she released a song. a song where she practically tore you apart, tore you down. you were the hot topic on her tongue.
she painted you out to be the bad guy. the manipulator. the one who made him take you to bed. you were just trying to hold him close and love him.
the only win from the whole situation was the fact he called you his favorite love. that you would always be the favorite.
but to everyone, you were the slut. you didn’t have a choice in that matter. you were the homewrecker. all because you liked a boy.
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liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes and 625,737 others.
ynusername all because i liked a boy. coming out oct 14 (with permission). thinking of dating a boy with an ex? i wouldnt recommend it. especially if stuff happens after you had already broken up!
user and shes gonna eat 😜
user she alr did with ‘skin’ 🤭🤭
_quinnhughes insanely proud of u y/n/n
ynusername thank u quinner 😪
jackhughes AND ALL OF THIS FOR WHAT⁉️⁉️⁉️
user all hughes brothers being her no.1 supporters is so cute
jackhughes can i get you thin mints this time
jackhughes im exless!
jackhughes no im not but my ex forgot i exist!
jackhughes choose me instead!
_quinnhughes jack please this is embarrassing for u
jackhughes SHUT UP QUINN
user i cant tell if quinn is okay with this or not
ynusername he is 😭 me and him are best friends now and have no hard feelings or any romantic feelings towards one another anymore. plus jack will never have a chance 🤷‍♀️
user slut! homewrecker! cunt!
user banned!
user i love i live i laugh
user i alr know this will slap
trevorzegras @/jackhughes shes mine
user STOP.
user puckbunny ass bitch
user i know what im streaming when it comes out!
user i still prefer quinns ex over y/n
user then use her name instead of y/ns xx 😻
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erm..! this lowkey sucks LMFAO
taglist (perm!) @hockeyboysarehot (just ask to be added for perm tags! <3)
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youaintnothinbuta · 6 months
“Are you going to come see daddy’s show, little girl?” — Elvis x reader
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Summary: you take your daughter to her first show of her daddy’s, and she makes quite the appearance on stage with him. a/n I was kicking my feet writing this lawwwwd I love dad!elvis
Pairing: dad!Elvis x mom!reader
Word count: 881
Warnings: fluff!! Dad!Elvis being domestic <3 probs typos tho sorry
Elvis was playing a few shows in Memphis, so he got to relax around the house in the morning before having to head down to the auditorium at lunch time.
“You coming tonight, honey?” He asked, walking into the kitchen, planting a kiss on your head, just as you were putting your daughter in her seat for breakfast.
“We’re coming, Elvis.” You smiled, his eyes lit up as he clocked what you were saying. Overwhelmed with joy and excitement, he coddled you into his arms, kissing you all over, before lifting your daughter up and tossing her into the air, cheering as he did so making her squeal and giggle.
You handed him her bowl of blueberry and honey oatmeal, letting him feed her. He popped her back into her seat, “Are you going to come see daddy’s show, little girl?” He asked, giving her a spoonful. She laughed and nodded in response, reaching her hand out for another scoop.
“What do you think of daddy’s singing, darling? Is he a good singer?” You asked her, placing your hand on the back of Elvis’ neck as he fed her.
“Loud, daddy.” She commented, making you both laugh.
“She’s not wrong.” You added, placing two plates of French toast, decorated with berries on the table for you and your husband.
“She didn’t say bad so I’ll take it.” Elvis laughed, waiting between bites for her to tell him she wants more food.
That night, you and your daughter, Vernon and both your parents sat off to the side, by the end of the front row. Y/d/n sat on your lap with her headphones on, bopping and dancing and singing with delight as Elvis performed one of her favourites, Patch It Up. At the end of the song, the audience roared, cheering and clapping, your daughter copying everyone around her. The audience settled down, with Elvis pausing for a moment to have a sip of water. Y/d/n perked up with a giggle and squeal, her excitement impossible to contain, “Daddy!”
Immediately, as if almost instinctively, Elvis’ attention was on his daughter. Of course, as any good parent would, he would’ve been able to pick his child’s cry out of thousands. She cheered for him again, reaching up as she’d realised he’d spotted her. A grin spread across his face at her.
“That would be my daughter, y/d/n,” he chuckled, his eyes shining with pride.
With a playful twinkle in his eye, Elvis made his way over to where you were sitting, kneeling down on the stage beside you. You rose to meet him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as he leaned in to kiss you tenderly, earning a cheer from the crowd.
Taking your daughter into his arms, Elvis rested her on his hip, taking another sip of water from the bottle, which she quickly stole out of his hands and helped herself to. He took the opportunity of having a free hand to place his mic back in the stand. The audience watched in awe as Elvis interacted with your daughter, his love and adoration for her shining brightly on his face, “Can you say hi to everybody, honey?”
She mumbled a small ‘hi’ and squashed her face against his chest, becoming shy.
“Uh, yeah, this is y/d/n Presley. She’s 4 years old. My beautiful wife, Y/N, is down there too, and my daddy and my in-laws,” Elvis spoke to the crowd, bouncing her around in his arms.
“Blue, blue.” Your daughter mumbled, waving her hands about.
“What was that, sweetheart? Want to sing with Daddy?” he asked, and you could quite literally hear the smile on his face. He pointed to the mic, encouraging her to give it a go. At home, she definitely took after her father, she loved singing, always making noise, much like him.
He held her up, she pressed her lips to the mic, “one for the money, blue blue shoes,” her little voice sung, filled with enthusiasm.
The audience erupted into cheers and laughter at her adorable rendition of the famous song. Elvis and you chuckled along with them, giving each other a loving glance.
“Alright, you heard the boss, everybody this is Blue Suede Shoes,” he declared, shooting a wink in your direction.
As the band struck up the familiar tune, Elvis pretended to hold your daughter like a guitar, strumming her gently as she giggled with delight. He put her down, letting her dance around. You watched in awe as your husband and daughter danced and sang together on stage, the love between them obvious.
After the song ended, Elvis scooped your daughter up into his arms, planting a kiss on her cheek before turning to address the audience, “Alright, say goodnight, sweetheart.”
With a wave to the crowd, your daughter bid farewell before Elvis handed her back to you, his strong arms lifting her down to you. The audience erupted into cheers and applause once more, as he got back to the show. Afterwards, he was just beaming with happiness. Usually he’d make one or two comments about what needs to be improved or changed be he had nothing but praise for everyone and everything, you could tell it was a very special, very important night for him. Y/d/n was very exhausted, falling asleep in the car ride home, and Elvis just could not stop mentioning how funny she was and how proud of her he was.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 months
The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch4
Next installment will they kiss who knows read to find out. @smoothdogsgirl
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The morning rays hitting your face woke you, and when you took in a deep breath it smelled like Jake. Then you woke up with a start remembering that you in fact were in Jake’s apartment. You looked around noticing you were in a bed and not on the couch where you remembered falling asleep. You got up and walked into the living area seeing Jake sprawled out on the couch still asleep. Gentleman indeed you thought to yourself as you opened the fridge. 
You grabbed the new carton of eggs, thick sliced hickory smoked bacon and some potatoes to make hash browns. As you cooked you turned on the small radio on the counter and turned it low enough not to wake Jake. As Alan Jackson played through the speaker you sang along as you bopped from the oven back to the fridge to put the rest of the eggs away. The station continued to play different country songs as breakfast was almost done. 
When Tennessee Whiskey started to play you swayed back and forth singing along. You hadn’t heard Jake get up as he watched you sway while making food. You happened to see him out of the corner of your eye and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips. His hair was sticking up at odd angles and he looked ridiculous, but also so domestic looking that it had you thinking about waking him up every morning.
“What’s so funny?”, he asked, coming to take the spatula out of your hand. He then laid it on the counter and took both of your hands in his as he started to sway like you had earlier. Both of you smiled at each other as you both continued to dance. Then he let go of one of your hands to twirl you and the feeling in this moment just felt so right. He took hold of your hand once more as the song came to an end and he dipped you back as you laughed. 
When he pulled you back up you gestured to the stove as he let you go. He disappeared down the hall most likely to the bathroom as you finished up making two plates. He rounded the corner as you poured the orange juice into each glass then placed it back in the fridge as well. “Ya’ know I could get used to this. Rooster should bring women home more often”, he joked. “Well if this one holds steady, which I highly doubt it, it may happen more often”, you implied.
You watched as Jake took a bite of bacon and groaned. That groan had you rubbing your thighs together. “This is delicious. I'm seriously thinking about having you move in with me rather than Rooster”, he laughed. “I bet Rooster would have something to say about that”, you respond with a laugh. “Yeah well he should have been more considerate of you last night”, Jake grouched. “Well to be fair it is his apartment I’m just crashing there for now”, you explain.
Jake let it go as you both continued to eat, and you liked being around him. He made you feel good about yourself. “Tell you what. If the date on Saturday goes well. Any time Rooster brings a woman home I’ll crash here”, you say. “Sounds like a plan darlin”, he smiles. You loved when he called you that and there was something about the way he smiled that you loved. Jake was already mentally going through places he could take you out on a date, but all of them seemed dull compared to how he felt about you. 
You got up to take care of the dishes, but Jake beat you to it. “No, you already made breakfast. What kind of man would I be if I made you do the dishes”, he said. You smiled and flicked water at him and the fake shocked look that crossed his face had you laughing again. “I’m gonna head back and see if I can shower and get ready for the day”, you tell Jake. “You start work tomorrow right?”, he asks. “Yeah I’ll see you after you get done with training?”, you inquire. “Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow”, he replies. 
You got back to Bradley’s apartment and didn’t see any evidence that anyone was awake. You went straight to the guest room then it dawned on you Jake also had a guest room, but let you have his bed and he slept on the couch. You shook your head with a smile as you grabbed a change of clothes, put your dead phone on the charger and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. When you got out and changed you realized you needed to do laundry. 
You grabbed a basket and got your clothes together to take down to the laundry room. When you got there the heat was staggering in there, but you would just have to endure. You put them in and walked across the street to the small shops. One grabbed your attention right away and you quickly walked in. The smell of books hit your nose as you started going through the different isles. 
You end up buying a couple of books for something to do on days you were bored. When you get back to the laundry room you have about fifteen minutes left on the wash cycle so you start one of the books you had bought. When the buzz sounds you place all of your clothes into a dryer and press start. The book is actually pretty good as you continue reading not realizing someone had walked in. “So where did you go last night?”, Bradley asked.
When you looked up from your book he stood there putting his clothes into a washer. “I stayed at Jake’s”, you respond. “I can’t believe you would stay with a guy you hardly know”, he gruffs. “Well I wouldn’t have had to if you hadn’t brought a fuckbuddy home”, you explain. “We were in my room and you had a guest room”, he argues. “Okay but I didn’t want to hear any of that while I was trying to sleep”, you sigh. 
“So you slept with him”, Bradley accuses. “For your information I didn’t. He was a gentleman and gave me his bed while he slept on the couch. Not that it would be any of your business anyway”, you seethed. “I’m telling you if you date him he is only going to hurt you later. He is a womanizer (Y/N). I have seen him take women home from the bar dozens of times”, he huffs. “Like I said before, if I make a mistake it’s mine to make. I’m going on a date with him on Saturday and I swear if you try to scare him off I’ll put my foot up your ass”, you reply.
“Just be careful”, Bradley sighs. “I will”, you say. “Sorry for what I said about sleeping with him”, he apologizes. “Apology accepted”, you conceded. When the dryer buzzes you take all your clothes and start folding them putting them in the basket when Jake walks in with a basket of his clothes. Bradley stiffens as Jake smiles at you and winks. You give Bradley another glare to make him stay quiet. You say goodbye as you go back to the apartment.
“So what is your plan with (Y/N)”, Bradley grills. “I plan on taking her on a date and hope for more dates after that”, Jake replies. Both men sizing each other up as they wait on their laundry. “Did you sleep with her last night and don’t fucking lie to me”, Bradley growled. “No Bradshaw I didn’t. I let her have my bed while I slept on the couch. Not that it’s any of your business”, Jake replies. “I know you think I’m some kind of skirt chaser and yeah I’ve had my fair share, but I do like (Y/N) and I intend to treat her with respect”, Jake admits. 
When you enter the apartment you decide to go ahead and clean up. Vacuuming took longer than you expected when Bradley comes in and gets ready to head out. “I’m going to meet with Mav, I'll be back later”, he said. You nodded as he headed back out the door, and continued to clean moving into the kitchen. You decide to go to the beach and swim for a while, and then lay out in the sun. 
When four thirty rolled around you made your way back towards the apartment and shower again. You're sitting on the couch when a text rolls in on your phone. It’s from Jake asking if you like chinese take out and you reply with a thumbs up emoji. It was such a random text, but you wondered if he was trying to figure out date ideas for Saturday. A few minutes later another text rolls in and you open it expecting it to be Jake. 
Unknown number and when you open it the text reads ‘YOU THINK YOU’RE SO FUCKING CLEVER! OF COURSE YOU WOULD CALL THE POLICE, BUT I AM GOING TO FIND YOU BITCH AND WHEN I DO YOU’LL BE SORRY FOR LEAVING!’. You snapshot it to keep records if you ever take it to the police. At least your brother and his family are safe now. “Bring it on fucker I’m not scared of you anymore”, you say out loud to no one. A knock on the door has you looking through the peephole.
Jake stands there holding bags in his hand and when you open the door he looks sheepish. “I picked you up some food so you didn’t have to cook tonight”, he says. “Come on Bradley’s out for a while and I was watching some reruns”, you explain. You sit down on the couch and pull the coffee table closer to you all as he sets everything down on it. “What are you watching?”, he asks. “I’m watching M.A.S.H.”, you respond. You both grab what you want and share different things from the little to go boxes. 
At some point you both end up lounging on the couch with you under his arm watching The Lost Boys. “I’m not going to lie if I was to go back in time Kiefer Sutherland would be my hollywood crush”, you say. “Okay, who is the best batman of all time?”, Jake asks. “That's easy Michael Keaton and he was also amazing as Beetlejuice”, you answer. Jake seems placated by your answer as you continue to watch the movie. 
It isn’t too much longer when Jake admits it’s getting late and that he has to go. You walk with him to the door and close it behind him after your good night. Once in bed you started reading your book and must have fallen asleep. When you woke you heard noises coming from the kitchen and looked at the clock. It was way too early and you knew it had to be Braddley getting ready to go to training for the day.
You went back to sleep and didn’t wake again until your alarm rang to get ready for the day. Your shift didn’t start until 1PM and ended at 9PM so you had a little time to kill. You decided to go to the local grocery store to buy some food items that you were going to make dinner with. When you made it back home you made your dinner so you wouldn’t have to make it when you got back home and put it in the fridge. 
You left the apartment and were thirty minutes early for your shift. When you went in Penny was happy to see you as she explained that they had needed a waitress for so long. When the first wave of people came in you went to their tables and waited on them. Everything was going smoothly even though this was the first time you had ever waited tables. By five the bar was starting to get crowded as the bartenders worked to keep up with drinks.
You felt like you were running from table to table to keep up with the influx of people when someone reached out and grabbed your arm. “Hey sweets, how about a date after you get off?”, a gruff man asked. “No thanks I’m super busy and don’t have time”, you politely replied. “Oh come on just one date I’ll make sure you feel real good”, he insisted. “Like hell, Now I done told ya’ I’m busy. Don’t make me ring that bell at the bar”, you hissed. 
The man let you go calling you a bitch under his breath, but he got the message. Penny had been watching the interaction and knew that she made a great choice in hiring you. “Hiya Penny how’s (Y/N) doing her first day on the job?”, Maverick asked as he sat down. “She is doing great. She is handling the rowdy guys and has even threatened some of them with ringing the bell”, Penny responded. “Told you she could take care of herself”, Mav sighed.
You had just waited on another table when you spotted the dagger squad come in. You waved at them as they waved back and headed for their usual spot. Jake watched as you took the table's order and headed back to the kitchen to give the order to the cook. When you came back out Jake two fingers saluted you and you smiled back at him. He seemed to be enjoying watching you work as a man got mouthy with you. 
You walked behind the bar and rang the bell, and Jake started making his way over with Coyote to deal with him as the patrons chanted overboard. “What do ya’ think darlin’?”, Jake asked. “Overboard soldier, that's an order”, you said. “Yes ma’am”, he replied, and you noticed his pupils dilated slightly. You would have to remember that for possible future use.  Watching him in his khaki uniform was like looking at art as him and Coyote tossed the man out. 
An hour later and you took your break to grab some food and sit with the squad. They were discussing their next mission, and you watched as they took bets on who would be picked as mission leader. Jake seemed upset when they all bet that it would be Rooster. You finished eating and then looked for a place to sit and had the perfect idea. You walked right up to Jake and sat down on his lap. “Relax soldier I just needed a place to sit”, you explain as he tenses under you. 
His eyes become hooded as he watches you talk with Nat about the mission, but not anything classified. He thinks he has this under control until you shift on his lap and he can feel your heat radiating from your jeans. He feels his blood start rushing south as he tries to will it away, but it doesn’t seem to help. He is totally screwed when you turn your head to smile that tantalizing smile at him. “At ease soldier”, you whisper. You can feel him twitch under you and you let out a small laugh. 
“I think we should take things slow”, he says. “I can do that”, you reply. A few minutes later and you have to get back to your shift. When you get up you notice Jake adjusts himself under the table and you smirk at how easy it was to rile him up, but if he wanted slow you could do slow. You also couldn’t wait to see where he was going to take you on your date. The mission was in two weeks so if the first date went well you were going to set up more before he had to leave.
The rest of the night goes smoothly and the dagger squad leaves except one. Jake sits at the bar waiting until your shift ends. He is talking with Maverick about something, but quickly stops talking when you clock out. Jake stands and comes over to you and explains he wanted to walk you to your truck. “I’m sorry if I overstepped earlier by sitting in your lap”, you apologize. “It’s alright darlin’ I didn’t mind”, he responds.
“Thanks for walking me to my truck”, you tell him. You turn to open your truck door as he turns to walk to his truck. “Wait”, you say. He turns right as you lean up on your toes and place a quick kiss to his cheek. By the time Jake registers what happened you’re in your truck and backing out of your spot. You can’t believe you just did that. What was happening to you? You had never done anything that bold before, and you haven’t even had a first date. 
The rest of the week is mostly the same except the dagger squad only shows up a couple more days. Nat and Bob give you their number if you ever need it, and you have to admit Bob reminded you of your brother before he became resentful of you. When Friday rolls around at the Hard Deck Nat pulls you away from the others asking what you're going to wear on your date. “I was just going to wear my usual”, you reply. “You are not going to wear Jeans and a t-shirt for your date even if it’s with Bagman”, she sighs frustratedly.
She insists that she is showing up to take you shopping in the morning. When you get home you shower and head to bed. Nat is at your door at eight in the morning and she hands you a coffee. You thank her and head off to go shopping at one of the local consignment shops. You are at a total loss as dresses aren’t your thing so you let Nat go crazy. She searches for what feels like hours as she brings a whole bunch of them for you to try on.
None of the dresses feel right, but Nat doesn’t give up as she continues searching. When she comes back with a vintage floral dress you try it on and step out of the dressing room.”Holy shit that is totally the dress you need to wear”, she beams. “I don’t know do you think Jake will like it?”, you question. “If a man doesn’t like that then they are dead sexually”, she laughs. You end up buying the dress then realize you don’t have any shoes. Nat takes it upon herself to help you in that department too. 
You refuse heels much to her dismay and so she goes and finds some cute beige lace flats that go perfect with the dress. She treats you to lunch as she asks if you know where Jake is taking you. You tell her he didn’t tell you and she smiles as if she knows more than she is letting on. “I’m sure you’ll love it”, she responds. When Nat drops you off you thank her and tell her you will let her know how the date goes. You then take time to relax until you have to get ready. 
“Are you going to be coming back tonight?”, Bradley asks. “I don’t know, but if your fuckbuddy is coming over I can crash at Jake’s”, you explain. You can see him warring with himself as he is trying to decide. “You know what, I'm sure Jake wouldn’t mind. I'll just ask to stay at his place if the date goes well. If not I can text Nat real quick as a backup plan”, you explain. He accepts that answer and that’s all the reassurance you need.
You go and get your sundress and flats on then apply a little lip gloss that Nat bought and slipped in your dress bag. When you exit Bradley is at the kitchen counter texting. “Hey Bradley, how do I look?”, you ask. “Holy shit you look great! I don’t think I have ever seen you wear a dress. Jake better not fuck this up or I’ll shoot him out of the sky myself”, he says. With that there is a knock on the door and you go to answer it. Jake stands there with a sunflower and lilac bouquet and you smile as he takes you in.
“You look gorgeous”, he breathes. “Thanks you look handsome”, you smile. Bradley makes a gagging noise behind you as you turn and flip him off. Jake offers you his hand as you make your way to his truck. He opens the passenger door for you and when he drives off you make small talk. You notice the picnic basket in the back seat and something large rolled up in the back floorboard. “So where are we going?”, you ask. “You’ll see when we get there”, he replies. 
He ends up driving up to a spot overlooking the beach and backs into a spot. “Here, take the basket of food and I’ll be down in a few minutes. I have to get the other stuff out of the truck”, he tells you. You do as he says and after taking off your shoes find a beautiful spot. Within fifteen minutes he comes down the stairs and over to the spot you picked, but you noticed he is carrying an inflatable pool and a small plastic bin. 
He puts the pool down and tells you to wait after he takes the picnic basket and sets it in the pool. He then walks to the water's edge and scoops some seawater into the bin. He brings it back and sets it right outside the pool. This way we can wash the sand off before getting in. “Jake this is amazing”, you say. “Thanks, should we eat now or later?”, he questions. “We can eat later if that’s okay with you”, you say.
You both walk down the beach and when you hear the roar of an engine you look to the sky as a jet flies over. Jake loves the way you light up and get excited about the jet. “Holy shit and you fly those. I bet it feels so liberating being able to fly”, you sigh. “Yeah it is”, Jake says, but he is taking in your every expression as the jet flies out of sight. You start walking ahead of him and stop to look out at the ocean. The light is hitting you just right and he quickly pulls out his phone and snaps a picture. 
When you turn towards him he catches up to you. You both talk about how he joined the Navy and what you studied in college. An hour later and your stomach growls so you both start walking back to the pool. When you get back you both wash your feet off and dig into the picnic basket. There was cheese, sandwiches and wine with two glasses. You teared up a little and Jake leaned forward to cup your face and wipe the tears with his thumbs. “What’s wrong darlin’?”, he asked worriedly. 
“It’s just no one has ever done anything like this for me before”, you smile. “Well you’re worth all this and more”, he responds. You had already made up your mind that if he wanted more dates you would say yes. You both ate and drank as the sun continued to lower. About thirty minutes to sunset he was leaning back on the side of the pool with an arm behind his head. You slid over snuggling into his side as he wrapped an arm around you.
The sunset was beautiful and you watched it until the sun completely disappeared making the sky turn different colors. You stayed like that for a while and you were almost asleep when he said something about taking you home. You sat up as he did as well, but put his hand behind your head and slowly pulled you towards him. You leaned in as he looked down to your lips as if asking for permission. You nodded and he took the opportunity to kiss you. It was slow and sensual until you both had to pull away for air. More kisses followed as you slowly straddled him and sat in his lap.
The kisses started heating up as his hands skimmed down your sides to hold your hips. “Darlin I want to be a gentleman but you make it hard”, he said between more kisses. He finally pulled away as you smiled at him. “How about I get you home”, he says. You nod and help pack everything up and take it back to the truck. He asks about a second date after you both are back in the truck which you agree to. A text message comes through and you realize it’s Bradley saying he had company. 
“Hey Jake”, you say. “Yeah sweetheart?”, he asks. “Roo has ‘company’ and I was wondering if I could crash at your place again”, you say sheepishly. “Absolutely”, he replies. When you make it back to the apartment complex you help him get everything put away and he lends you clothes to sleep in. You go take a shower then let him shower while you change into the clothes he gave you. 
Once you've changed and wait until you hear him leave the bathroom you go to the living room where he is lounging on the couch in nothing but gray sweatpants. “I feel bad about you sleeping on the couch. Come sleep in the bed please. I promise I’ll stay on my side and we can take this slow”, you pout. He hesitates until you grab his hand and tug. He rolls his eyes but follows you to the bedroom where you both get under the covers.
Jake watches as your breathing slows and you look completely relaxed. He hasn’t felt like this ever and it’s foreign to him but he likes it. He made up his mind he would much rather have this type of connection with you than any one night stand he has ever had. Your small snores lull him to sleep a few minutes later.
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bookskeepers · 3 months
i like me better - tsukishima kei
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pairing: timeskip ! tsukishima kei x gn ! reader
word count: 932
content warning: fluff? maybe?, established relationship, i headcanon tsukki as the softest man on earth when he's in luuuuuv, yada yada ya
a/n: another writing piece. hopefully people like this one too and people like my characterization of tsukki! ahahah
totally wasn't thinking of the song with the same name while writing this too
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Laughter echoes through the air as you, Tsukishima, and his volleyball friends play the board game. You're sitting next to the tall middle blocker, with Kageyama, Hinata, and Yamaguchi on the other side of the table. There's an open spot at the table for Sugawara too, but he's vanished momentarily to retrieve drinks for everyone.
"Who knew Tsukki sucked at monopoly?" Yamaguchi jokes after the blonde in question lands on one of the green-haired man's properties.
The glare Yamaguchi receives would've killed if Tsukishima had laserbeams coming out of his eyes. "It's a matter of luck, not a matter of skill," he snaps.
His hand, hidden by the table's edge, inches closer to yours. He's not one for big showy displays of affection when he's around his friends from high school, but he takes the time to make sure you know that he's aware of your presence, that he hasn't forgotten you when his friends are around.
You're grateful for the small show of affection that's hidden from his friends' nosy gazes. Tsukishima hands the rest of his fake-money to Yamaguchi, grumbling under his breath about how Monopoly was a stupid game choice.
"Don't go hating us now," Sugawara chimes in as he returns, his arms laden with various bottles. He begins handing them out, smiling kindly at you as he gives you your favorite drink. "Besides, if you grumble too much, you're going to put a damper on the mood." The silver-haired man nudges Tsukishima with his elbow, receiving the blonde's icy glare in return.
The game continues and, ever so slowly, Tsukishima scoots closer and closer to you on your shared side of the table. It's barely perceptible -- every few minutes, he'll shift his position in such a way that takes away a few millimeters from the distance between you two. By the time Kageyama and Hinata have been bankrupted, which was not long after Tsukishima's unfortunate end, your thigh grazes against his.
Within a few minutes, the game ends with you as the winner. Yamaguchi looks absolutely flabbergasted, since he had the most properties -- Sugawara seems less shocked, since he barely landed on anything other than the railroads and the "go straight to jail" options. Tsukishima, you notice, is glowing with pride at your win. He chuckles, shaking his head at Yamaguchi's yapping.
"There's no way you could've won, I had almost all of the properties!" Yamaguchi complains. He crosses his arms and pouts as the rest of you work on cleaning up the table.
Kageyama looks deep in thought, finally speaking up: "Tsukishima hasn't been nearly as mean as I thought he'd be when he lost."
The statement has you covering your mouth with one hand as you struggle to hold back laughter, while Yamaguchi and Hinata both give Kageyama a look of pure amazement. Sugawara, meanwhile, has managed to sneak up on the blonde and give him a good ol' fashioned Sugawara-style bop on the head. "Hey!" Tsukishima exclaims, rubbing the back of his head.
"He's gotten soft since, y'know," Hinata finally says after a few more moments of strangled laughter (from you) and awed silence (from him and Yamaguchi).
Tsukishima aims his glare at Hinata, his frown deepening into a scowl. "I have not gotten soft," he retorts. As if to prove his statement, he stands up. Towering over Hinata, his scowl is replaced with a smirk. "You, on the other hand, haven't gotten any taller."
Hinata turns bright red and begins stuttering about genetics and his height before you get off the floor and grasp Tsukishima's hand, pulling him away from the shorter man. "We should get going," you say in a soft voice, smiling at everyone else.
He nods at you before heading towards the door while you say your goodbyes, shaking Kageyama's hand and giving Hinata, Sugawara, and Yamaguchi a brief hug. "Thank you for having us," you tell them. "We'll see you guys soon!"
You turn on your heel and head over to your boyfriend, who simply waves his hand at the other four before opening the door for you. As the two of you exit the apartment and head for the elevator, Tsukishima entwines his fingers with yours once more. He looks deep in thought, and it takes you calling his name a few times to snap him out of his reverie.
"Kei? Kei. Kei!"
"Huh?" he asks as he looks at you, a small frown playing on his lips. "What?"
"What are you thinking about?"
His thoughts dissipate as he gazes at you, affection in his eyes. His frown softens into a slight smile, shaking his head. A faint pink dusts his cheeks out of embarrassment. "Just wondering if I've really gone soft."
"I think you have," you tease, poking his side with your free hand as you both enter the elevator that's finally arrived. "So soft, all because of me!"
He grabs your hand with his other one and pulls you close to him, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I'm okay with that," he says simply, nuzzling his nose into your hair. "After all, I like me better when I'm with you."
You smile against him, enjoying the brief peace before the elevator opens and the two of you exit.
You're greeted by the cool, wintry air as you exit the building and, with Tsukishima's hand in yours, you smile at him. He notices your look and tilts his head like a puppy, asking a question with his eyes.
"I like me better when I'm with you, too," you say at last, giving his hand a squeeze.
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harrywavycurly · 11 days
Sarah so not that SC needs drama BUTTTT Thomas Rhett has a new song called Country for California and it so could’ve been written by someone from SC girlie’s hometown and I’m just imagining her hearing it and wondering if she should tell Harry? And then him not knowing how to handle it and imagine him writing a response track?!? 👀😳💓💓
Hiiii lovey!! Okay so I do love drama but I feel like my little Southern Comfort babies just need to be protected from it (mainly Harry he is enough of a mess ya know?) BUT I did do this in a fun-ish kinda way that you still see Harry’s reaction to the song and it ends fluffy so I hope you enjoy it! 💖
Find all things Southern Comfort here✨
Disclaimer: In this I don’t mention Thomas Rhett being the singer nor the songwriter, all that’s mentioned is your ex has an album out and it’s about you and I use the song mentioned above as well as the album it’s on so I’m in NO way shape or form saying your ex bf is Thomas Rhett ✨
CW: Language
A/N: Harry calls for an emergency meeting at the studio where things get a little out of hand, enjoy jealous Harry and the very first look at how you interact with the one and only Mitch Rowland✨
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“I'll be sittin' right here at this bar with a drink, waitin' on ya,” Harry clenches and unclenches his jaw as the words spill from the speakers in the studio, he closes his eyes and tries to calm himself a bit as the song comes to an end.
“Oh If you find out you're too country for California” Once the music begins to fade out Harry hits the stop button as he chews on his bottom lip, he looks up at Niall who is standing next to him with his arms crossed over his chest and Harry quirks a brow when he notices his head still bopping to the beat of the song that Harry just played for him.
“S’good.” Niall says with a shrug as one of his hands fall to his hip while the other reaches over to the bin of cookies that’s sitting on the edge of the control panel that Harry’s sitting in front of. “You covering it or s’mthing?” He asks as he grabs a chocolate chip cookie from the bin and Harry has to fight the urge to smack it out of his hand. “Or did you write it? Tryin to get into the country scene are ya?” He questions once he sees the glare Harry gave him at his first question but when Harry just stands up with a huff Niall knows the answer to his questions are clearly a no.
“Her fucking ex wrote it you knob.” Niall raises an eyebrow as he takes a bite of the cookie in his hand as he watches Harry begin pacing around the studio. “He wrote a song about how he’s going to be there waiting for her when she realizes moving to California was a mistake…that I’m a fucking mistake.” Niall lets out a scoff making Harry turn and glare at him but Niall just ignores it as he finishes off his cookie before he takes a step towards his bestfriend.
“Harry this song has literally nothing to do with you mate.” Harry rolls his eyes as he runs both hands through his hair tugging at his roots and letting out a frustrated sigh. “I’m serious this song is just his way of saying that if she decides that this wasn’t a good idea he’s there for her and I mean s’kinda romantic if-”
“Romantic? You think some twat writing a song about how he’s waiting for my girlfriend at a bar with a drink and a smile is romantic? Get fucking real Niall.” Niall places a hand on Harry’s shoulder trying to get him to relax but all Harry does is shrug it off as he heads for his phone that’s on the little table in front of the couch that’s on the back wall of the small space.
“I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion mate I mean when was this even wri-”
“This year.” Harry snaps as he grabs his phone off the table and when he turns around he sees Niall rubbing his lips together and rubbing the back of his neck with his hand that’s not resting on his hip he thinks maybe now Niall understands why he’s taking this so seriously.
“Oh okay I mean still it’s just a song.” Niall explains trying his hardest to reason with Harry who is opening up his notes app on his phone as he sits back down in the chair he was sitting in when Niall walked into the studio not even half an hour ago. “People are allowed to write songs about their ex girlfriends ya know? You’ve done it yourself so you can’t really be that-”
“It’s a whole fucking album Niall not just a song it’s an album. Want to know the name of the album?” Harry doesn’t wait for Niall to respond before he messes around on his phone and brings the album up and shoves the screen in his friend’s face. “Something About a Woman…the woman he’s referring to? Yeah that would be my fucking girlfriend so I don’t want to hear how people can write about their exes because no shit of course people can write about whatever or whoever the fuck they want but now…now Niall I have to respond.” Niall’s eyes go wide as he looks from the phone screen that’s been aggressively shoved in his face to Harry who’s cheeks are pink and nostrils are flared and if Niall were to look at his free hand that’s resting in his lap he’d see it was clenched into a fist, all clear signs that Harry is pissed off.
“You-what? Respond?”
“Yes I can’t have someone writing albums about my girlfriend and not say something.”
“You’ve gone full fucking looney mate this album has nothing to do with you.”
“It has to do with her therefore it has to do with me Niall don’t be a wanker.”
“Harry be so fucking for real right now…this isn’t some rap beef okay? He wrote about his feeling for his ex that’s all…it’s not like he insulted her or anything.”
“That’s not the fucking point!” Niall rolls his eyes as Harry tosses his phone to the side letting it land on the table with a loud thud. Harry takes a few deep breaths and lets them out through his nose doing his best to calm down because Niall isn’t the one he’s upset with so he doesn’t want to take his anger out on him.
“I’m not sure I see the point Harry.” Niall tells him as he reaches for another cookie but this time Harry can’t help himself and he snatches the bin away just before Niall’s hand can reach it. “The fuck is wrong with you?”
“I swear to god I will ban cookies from the studio if you don’t start actually helping me figure out what to do.” He knows this is a dramatic way to get what he wants but he also knows that if there’s one thing that can get people to do something it’s his girlfriend’s baking.
“That’s harsh man.” Both Niall and Harry turn their heads to look towards the couch and see Mitch sitting there with his hands resting in his lap as he just shakes his head at Harry.
“When the bloody hell did you get here?” Niall asks with a raised brow making Mitch just sigh as he stands up from the couch and walks over towards the two of them.
“Been here the whole time..H said something about an emergency so..I showed up.” He answers with a shrug as he places a hand on Harry’s shoulder making him look up at him. “You know that if you really do want to respond to the song or album…which is a really bad idea by the way…it has to be in the same genre as the original right?” Harry purses his lips for a moment as Mitch’s words hit him and Niall can’t help but let out a little chuckle at the idea of Harry trying to come out with a country record.
“The fuck you giggling at? I could make a country record you bad knee having twat.” Niall rolls his eyes as Harry glares at him while Mitch just gives Harry’s shoulder a pat before he reaches down and uses Harry staring at Niall as a distraction and takes a cookie from the bin he has clutched in his hands.
“You’re very British.” Mitch states before taking a bite of his cookie making Niall’s eyes go wide as he looks from the cookie to the bin in Harry’s hands. Harry looks down at the cookie bin and then back to Mitch with a raised brow because when did he even grab one? How did he not notice it?
“Post Malone just dropped a whole country album.” Harry states as if it’s a valid argument and Mitch just takes another bite of his cookie before responding.
“Yeah but he’s from Texas and he pretty much sounds the same singing as he does when he’s rapping.” Mitch explains before finishing off his cookie and brushing his hands off on his shirt all while Niall is just staring at him with a hint of jealousy in his eyes because he could really go for another cookie but no way in hell is he getting one while the bin is still in Harry’s hands.
“I’ve sang country songs before.” Harry is grasping at straws now and he knows it but he refuses to give up so Mitch just nods before turning and heading back for the couch.
“I mean yeah you’ve covered them so they sound like your style of singing and not their original traditional country sound.” Niall watches Harry’s face as Mitch speaks and it’s like watching a balloon deflate. Harry slowly starts to slump in his seat as his shoulders relax and the corners of his mouth are dipping downwards in a frown and normally Niall wouldn’t like seeing him look so upset but honestly anything is better than how angry he was a few minutes ago.
“So you’re saying…I shouldn’t do anything about it then?” Harry asks as Mitch takes his seat back on the couch while Niall slowly reaches towards the bin that Harry has loosened his grip on.
“Take it as a compliment man.” Mitch says with a shrug making Harry roll his eyes just as Niall’s hand touches a cookie. “We all know she’s song worthy and I know it sucks someone else is singing about her but just let it go.” Niall’s hand freezes when he looks up from the bin and sees Harry glaring at him.
“Put the cookie down.” Niall lets out a loud groan as he drops the cookie back into the bin. “No more cookies for you since you didn’t help me at all.” With that he grabs the lid to the cookie bin but before he can close it Niall reaches over and grabs the bin from Harry’s hands and rushes over to the coffee table in front of Mitch and stands on it holding the bin just out of Harry’s reach. “Real fucking mature Niall.” He snaps as he stands up and places both hands on his hips as he glares at his bestfriend who just shoves a whole cookie into his mouth with a shrug.
“It’s a rational response.” Mitch defends making Niall turn his head and give Mitch an approving nod since his mouth is still full. “The cookies are the main reason half of us even enjoy coming to work.” Harry takes a step to the side so he can raise an eyebrow at his friend’s admission while Niall just takes a bite of another cookie before bending down and handing one to Mitch who takes it with a smile and a nod of appreciation.
“Oh and the muffins.” Niall adds looking at Mitch who nods in agreement because he does love when he walks in and there’s a basket of muffins on the coffee table.
“And the bread-“
“I get it okay? You lot only come for the damn snacks.” Harry says while throwing his hands up in the air out of frustration, not enjoying the two of them listing off the baked goods they enjoy coming to the studio for more than the idea of actually working on something with him.
“Don’t blame em you’re a right fuckin twat in the studio sometimes Harry and you-”
“Honey I’m sorry for-“ All three men turn to look at you as you walk through the door making you immediately stop talking when you see the scene in front of you. “Niall James Horan why the hell are you standing on the coffee table holding the cookie bin?” Niall’s cheeks go pink as you place a hand on your hip but then you take a step further into the room and see Harry who is doing everything in his power to avoid looking at you.
“Harry said I couldn’t have anymore cookies because I didn’t help him write a song.” Niall blabs as he remains standing on the table pointing at your boyfriend who is looking down at his feet. “Said he was gonna ban them from the studio.” He adds just to really make sure you understand the severity of the situation because in Niall’s mind this is a serious issue and this isn’t even his studio but he’s here enough that if there’s no more cookies he really just doesn’t see himself ever wanting to come back.
“Things have gotten a little out of hand.” You turn your attention away from the Irishman on the table and smile when you see Mitch sitting on the couch with his hands folded together in his lap.
“So I’ve gathered.” Mitch just gives you a small smile as you reach down and give his knee a gentle pat. “You mind giving us the room precious?” You ask and Mitch doesn’t hesitate to just stand up and head for the door giving you a little pat on your shoulder on his way past you. Niall follows him, quickly stepping off the table and heading for the door. “You leave that cookie bin on the table Niall James.” You hear a low sounding whine coming from behind you making you just roll your eyes at Niall’s dramatics.
“But I-”
“But nothin Niall you know you’ll eat yourself sick if I let you take the whole bin with you now be a good little puddin pop and close the door behind you please.” You don’t even look at him as you talk, too concerned with the way Harry is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and looking down at his feet but you know Niall did what you asked when you hear the soft click of the door closing.
“I wasn’t really going to ban cookies from the studio.” Harry mumbles as you take a few steps towards him. “I know you enjoy baking them for everyone.” You smile at his words because of course he’d never ban your cookies or baked goods from the studio because Harry knows how happy baking them makes you.
“Sugar is this about the song?” Harry’s head snaps up and his eyes go wide as you reach out so you can try to grab his hands.
“You know about the song?” You give him a look and he just lets out a sigh and uncrosses his arms allowing you to grab his hands. “Of course you know about the song.” He half mumbles to himself as he feels you pull his arm around your waist, placing your hands over his so he keeps them there.
“It’s just a song honey.” Harry wants to believe you, he wants to just be able to brush it off as just some song but he can’t and he hates how it’s making him feel. “Harry.” His name sounding sweet and soft as it slips out of your mouth is what makes him finally give in, you smile when you feel him pull you into his chest making your cheek press against the soft material of his hoodie as your arms snake around his middle giving him a nice squeeze while his stay locked around your waist.
“I know you’re upset and that’s fine sugar because you’re allowed to be upset about this but please know it doesn’t meant anything to me okay?” You feel Harry place his lips on the top of your head as you begin rubbing his back trying to soothe him.
“I just hate knowing someone else is writing songs about you.” You can’t help but chuckle making Harry pull away from you a bit so he can look down at you and you just roll your eyes playfully when he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Oh come on honey you have a whole album written about you and you don’t see me all huffin and puffin.” You watch Harry’s face as he tries to think of an album that could possibly be written about him and you just laugh and go back to resting your head on his chest. “It’s a great album I’ll give you that much so maybe that’s why I don’t mind but also it’s Taylor Swift so what exactly am I supposed to do? Bake her an angry cake?” You feel Harry’s arms go stiff as it finally clicks which album you’re referring to so you just tilt your head so your chin is resting on his chest and you’re looking up at him. “You think she’d like a cake? Or maybe some cookies?” You ask in an attempt to lighten the mood and when Harry just looks down at you with a playful glare you know it’s worked.
“If you send her cookies I get to send him a strongly worded letter.” You bite back a laugh at his suggestion as you get up on your tiptoes making a small smile appear on Harry’s face when he leans down to meet your lips in a sweet little kiss. “Or maybe I’ll just let it go?” He asks as you try to pull away but he’s quick to bring one of his hands up to cup the side of your face keeping you from going too far even when you drop from being on your tiptoes. “Yeah I’ll just let it go.” He answers before he presses his lips against yours for another kiss.
“Smart thinkin sugar plum” Your voice is reassuring and Harry smiles as you turn your face and place a kiss to the palm of his hand that was cupping your cheek. “Have you written any songs about me?” You ask as Harry places a kiss to your forehead before standing up straight, he gives you a little smile as his thumb begins gently brushing against your cheek.
“Just a few hundred.” You want to roll your eyes and shove at his chest and tell him to be serious but something tells you he’s not joking or at least not totally. “But the fun is watching you try to figure out which ones they are.” He teases and you just stare at him for a moment and it’s as if all of a sudden it dawns on you that he actually has written songs about you and you can’t help but feel your eyes begin to get watery and your bottom lip starts to tremble.
“Oh my god.” Normally Harry would be panicked if he saw you on the verge of tears and heard your voice crack but he knows what’s happening and he understand it’s a lot to take in, the idea of someone caring enough about you to write a song about you is a lot. “You really like me huh?” Your voice is watery but it just makes Harry smile and chuckle a little as he brings his other hand up to hold the other side of your face.
“I do yeah.” He answers with zero hesitation as he leans down and kisses the tip of your nose. “I’m a bit obsessed with you baby.” He adds with a smile as you reach up and place your hands over his that are on your face just as he leans a bit further down and gives your lips a sweet kiss that leaves you with a grin when he pulls away.
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