#hilda's junkyard
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stoic--rose · 2 months ago
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junkyardpop · 1 year ago
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MEILI AND TWIG!! the runes on the book say ‘LOKI’ :D
my Meili AU !!!
(click for higher quality + some info under the cut :D)
this is probably my first personal post to do with Hilda but i’ve been into the series since waaayyyy before it was a show!! i’ve always related to Hilda’s story in a lot of ways, and back in 2022 i doodled some fanart of Hilda where he was transmasc, and went by Meili (the name of the norse god of travel) + he/him pronouns :) so here is the first non-sketchy Meili i’ve drawn, and i wanted to post him here :D (i need to post my fanart on this blog more :P)
the Meili art and doodled story i’ve made so far include him gaining an interest in norse mythology, and then uncovering some ancient magic to do with the norse gods, specifically Loki (i am 100% projecting my own interest in norse mythology x] ) so i might post the design i made for loki here sometime :D - the story isn’t very finished, but it’s mainly just a fun little Hilda AU where i project onto my favourite little cursed faething, and make him deal with ragnarok types of things
David is also trans in this one, her name is Gwen/Gwenyn in this au :D more on that another time i suppose !!
i’ve also done a LOT of screenshot edits of the Meili au that i’ll post here soon if anyone is interested in this au :) anyways i dont interact with the Hilda fandom a lot but i hope you guys are chill lmao
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years ago
Once in awhile, you can get one over on The Man. Finally, after all these years of toiling under his rule, doing his dirty work, begging for his praise, he has well and truly fucked up. And, it turns out, your entire life has been building up to the moment that you can milk him for all he's worth.
Have you ever seen a Dodge Caliber? They're getting sort of uncommon now, but when they were new, they were pretty hateful cars. Cheap, buzzy, surprisingly uneconomical, steering that felt like telling a funeral home operator how to sign a birthday card over the phone by long distance. And they fell apart all the time. Most cars get repaired, but these things got gleefully shovelled into the junkyard at the first chance the owners got.
Not all of them, though. This is a story about one very special Dodge Caliber. You see, my aunt needed a car. And my aunt is very nervous about owning a car. The skills of shitbox repair never made it into her genes, you see, possibly because she is not related to me by blood. So, in order to get that car, she went to the Dodge dealership, and she asked them: can you do a lifetime warranty, unlimited mileage, no questions asked, cover everything? And they said: for you, ma'am, we absolutely can charge you an obscene, eye-watering amount of money.
Once I found out about this, I was mad. And then I figured it out. You see, what my aunt did have was being insanely cheap. That's why she was a part of my degenerate family. She still is, even though my Uncle Larry exploded that one night at Arecibo. Unlimited mileage. There has never been a sweeter phrase uttered in the English language.
Now, whenever anyone we know needs to go for a long trip, we tell them: take the Caliber. Rack those miles up. Punish those stupid motherfuckers for writing such a terrible, open-ended contract. My aunt runs a taxi service consisting entirely of this vehicle, a fleet of drivers constantly rotating in and out, the thing rolling virtually 24/7. I love driving this car, because every single mile that ticks up on the odometer is more salty tears from the low-wattage pig who thought he was a big-time wheeler and dealer down at Old Time Country Dodge.
To their credit, they figured out the enormous error that they had made fairly quickly. When Aunt Hilda rolled in the thing, smoking and wheezing, for its sixth transmission replacement at eight-hundred-and-fifty-thousand kilometers, they offered to buy it from her and give her a brand new luxury SUV, just for being such a great customer. She laughed, and told them to get started overhauling the Caliber, and don't forget to take a look at the squeaking sound it started making in the back.
When things got real bad during the recession, they tried to go bankrupt, thinking that might get them out from having to maintain this economy car until the sun burns out. Ha! Death won't save you, my friend. My attorney Max picked that one up pro bono, despite hating warranty law, just for the pleasure of watching their attorney read the purchase contract. Her eyes got so big that they stuck that way. The paramedics had to use the jaws of life on her eyelids so she could blink again.
If you see me in the Caliber, make sure to honk. I probably won't stop to say hi, because we gotta keep this odometer rollin'. Rest assured, however, that I will honk back, maybe ten or fifteen times. Really get my money's worth out of that horn.
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byler-endgayme · 1 month ago
yapping about hilly cliff (my ocs & their characterisation, lore, and story) <3333
i'm still working on this story but it's fun to daydream abt sometimes. i don't think anyone will read this but tumblr is my safe space to ramble oh my gaw!!
hilly cliff is inspired by stranger things, gravity falls, hilda, steven universe, over the garden wall and more which i've probably forgotten.
the general vibes? think craig of the creek, think adventure time, think hilda, think gravity falls. grass, nature, a timeless feel, a bit of fantasy, and nostalgia/childhood.
the story takes place in the small town of Hilly Cliff in the 1980s. the town isn't built up much and it's surrounded by the thick Umbral Woods. there are lots of meadows and small clearings within Hilly Cliff. it's very grassy?
in this world, people sprout from plants and they live with their 'plant' on top of their head. it's a whole life cycle and it's complicated to explain, but that's the general gist of it.
basically, this means that people's biological parents are just plants. so, usually what happens is that adults in Hilly Cliff adopt kids who just sprouted. however, this story centres around three kids who got left behind and banded together to survive. they live in a treehouse together and have lots of adventures!
the premise of the story is that these three kids stumble upon a lucky clover with magical luck powers. the lucky clover hasn't sprouted yet, but it will eventually. the kids decide to keep the clover, initially out of curiosity, but then...
OK now to the actual characters themselves! I'm still trying to figure out exactly how old they are... probably 12-14 maybe? i actually don't know. they're all around the same age though, give or take a year or two.
Basil is protective over Clover and does anything he can to keep it safe. As a young child, Basil had an experience of abandonment (??) and now he sometimes struggles with anxiety/trust issues. This manifests as feeling a need to control things - he can get possessive over Clover and wants to do everything himself. He often keeps to himself more and leaves his inner turmoils often unexpressed. Bro represses himself a lot.
However, he's quick to problem-solve and great at thinking logically (most of the time). He quickly takes the initiative and bands the group together to make plans if needed. Basil's great at being an assertive leader, but he often falls short when negotiating with others. He's incredibly stubborn and strong-minded, and it's hard for him to change his mind.
Basil's main arcs are about embracing other perspectives and learning to trust others again.
Honeydew is endlessly curious and loves exploring. She's bold and unafraid to express herself. However, sometimes this leads to her overstepping boundaries. Honeydew also loves to take Clover to help her steal food from the markets, to go finding treasure (old junk) from the junkyard, and other stuff. Combined with her strong personality, this leads to many conflicts between Honeydew and Basil. Their friendship can be strained at times, but they slowly work things out between them during the course of the story.
Honeydew loves to joke around and is outwardly confident, which sometimes means she unintentionally hurts others with her comments. She follows her heart but can sometimes be impulsive and unaware of the consequences of her actions. On the surface, her actions may seem selfish, but deep down, she's incredibly selfless and would sacrifice herself for her friends without hesitation.
(ok i would add more to this but im tired lmao)
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demonicallyslaying · 9 months ago
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New OC motherfuckers, his name is Leon/Harvey/Harold, (He has many names, it’s different depending on who you are and how you know him!) and he’s the Hive King of a mind hive of human/cyborg things
He’s actually a Hilda OC for once! He gets people to join his mind hive by promising them friendship, protection, knowledge, etc. I guess you could say they got what they asked for ;) He turns them into cyborgs by eating their skin and muscles and replacing them with robotic parts that he collects from junkyards and landfills.
In his debut episode, Hilda and the gang would meet one of the hive minds first, and from there get to meet Leon/Harvey/Harold, where while David and Frida are distracted, he actually almost convinces Hilda to be his “friend” by offering her protection during her dangerous adventures and kind of causes Hilda to have an existential crisis lmao
If anyone’s wondering there’s about 20-50 people in the mind hive :D
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fictumlibrary · 4 years ago
THERE ARE TOO MANY FOR ALL OF THEM BUT I’M GONNA CLOSE MY EYES AND POINT AT A FEW OKAY most of them will be under the cut because i ramble too much
emmy stray ; descendants
the daughter of buster from lady and the tramp ii, she still has a few of her canine qualities in the human form she’s forced to retain on the isle. she isn’t at home often, not wanting to deal with buster, who is overprotective in the most misogynistic way. plus, he always has people over and she can’t stand them. she’s usually hanging out in some corner of the isle with hazel hiss (sir hiss) and zemora shenna (sabor). on their own they aren’t taken that seriously, buster being the villain from a sequel and sir hiss and sabor being considered secondary villains, but together they have an impact. she smokes whenever she can get her hands on a cigarette, which isn’t terribly often since only half-finished packets get sent to the isle, and most are gone by the time she gets to them. carlos was particularly scared of her growing up since she was supposed to be a dog, though she never really did anything. she, on the other hand, was secretly terrified of cruella. at some point in the story, she’ll end up in buster’s old junkyard and just chill there until she’s found by a few of lady and tramp’s grandchildren.
elizabeth radcliffe ; descendants
the daughter of roger and anita radcliffe, she takes after her father in that she’s a pianist and songwriter, and she’s won many awards since she was young at piano competitions. it’s through these competitions that she met lyon bonfamille, her future boyfriend close friend. she’s roger and anita’s only child, but she considers all of the dalmatian kids her age like her siblings, especially since they use human forms to attend school. most of her personality comes from anita, though she can become a bit snarky like roger when she’s suffering from a particularly bad case of writer’s block. she’s always been against the isle in general, since her parents always have been considering they took cruella away from the help she was supposed to be getting and placed her on the isle. she’s one of the first auradon kids to appear in the story as she actively wants to befriend carlos, though things get complicated when some of her dalmatians get involved (mostly clover, who can be very overprotective of her humans). she’s ultimately just very sweet and wants to help.
arjun khan ; descendants
the son of shere khan, he’s fairly pompous and considers himself a businessman in the making, especially since shere khan considered himself the king of the forest back in the jungle. he wears the best clothes he can find on the isle, which mostly consists of old suits with holes in them, but he treats them as luxury items. shere khan’s hatred of humans was passed down to arjun, but it’s more complicated now that they’re both in human forms on the isle. arjun claims to hate humans, that he can’t wait to get off the isle and be able to turn into a tiger like he’s supposed to, but he also can’t imagine himself as a tiger, walking on all fours. he also can’t imagine his best friend chitra, kaa’s daughter, without limbs at all. when speaking about chitra, he refers to her as his minion, but everyone (including chitra) knows that she’s his little sister by everything but blood and he’s fight anyone to protect her, even though he thinks fighting is beneath him. he also has a fear of fire that comes from his father’s fear of fire, and that will make an appearance in the story.
scout flaversham ; descendants
the daughter of olivia flaversham. she’s very upbeat and has a lot of energy, though people wonder where she keeps it, since she’s so small in both her human and mouse forms. she was sort of spoiled as a child, being the youngest of her family and her grandfather being a toymaker, but it was more of a spoiled sweet situation, as she isn’t bratty at all. sometimes she’s the one of her friends with the calmest head, especially when juniper (basil’s daughter) and sawyer (dawson’s son) start acting like an old married couple when they’re supposed to be working on a case. she isn’t as much of a detective as those two, but she often helps them, and of course as an auradon kid who also happens to be a mouse, she’s part of the mouse brigade at auradon prep. she’s very adventurous and isn’t afraid of much, including ratigan (not that she’s ever met him). that will come in handy when she meets ratigan’s sons.
the unnamed librarian apprentice oc ; hilda
i picked this one intentionally because i know you love hilda koo skjfdlskjfskfj but i only have the basics down, not even a name, but she’s basically a witch who desperately wants to study under the librarian because she loves books and wants to be a keeper of the books too, and basically uses what happened in the librarian season 2 episode as an excuse to study under her, “well you almost didn’t get a book back in time, so maybe i can help !!” and she’s just very enthusiastic. she also loves hilda, frida, and david and wants to know what they’re up to all the time and is like “can i come ?? pLEEEEAAAASE can i come?” and sometimes she actually turns out to be helpful.
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bowsie22 · 6 years ago
Alex Week Day 3
Day 3: Alex interacting with others he hasn’t yet. (ie Max, his mom, Sheriff, etc) 
Summary: Isobel needs some support. Luckily, there’s one person in town who understands what she’s been through. 
Warnings for discussions of abuse.
She didn’t know what she was doing here. She barely knew Alex. All she knew was that Michael loved him, he loved Michael and they didn’t work out. Part of that was down to the stubbornness of her stupid brother but, according to Liz, part of it was down to Alex’s self-esteem and mental health issues.
Alex was a survivor of abuse. And so was Isobel, even if she had yet to admit it out loud. She couldn’t talk to Michael. He was still too broken up about Max and refused to talk about anything that happened. Instead, he spent all his time at the junkyard or with Maria, just wanting one uncomplicated thing in his life. Isobel understood, even if it did hurt to see Michael masking his emotions again. She was startled out of her thoughts by a knock on the car window. Alex smiled at her, cup of something in his hand. He walked back towards the cabin, leaving the door open behind him. Isobel knew he was giving her a choice. She could leave, or she could go into the cabin and talk. In the end it was an easy decision to make.
“You have tea?”
Alex chuckled at the surprise in her voice.
“It helps me relax at the end of the day. Helps with the anxiety, the sleep, the nightmares. I don’t like sleeping tablets, I can’t wake up. I get trapped in the nightmare.”
Isobel shivered, accepting the warm mug offered to her. She couldn’t imagine Alex’s nightmares. Between his father, the war and his injury, they must be pretty horrific.
“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”
“It’s 9pm on a Saturday night and I’m sitting in my cabin, fire lit with Netflix on. Not exactly a wild night.”
“Anything good?”
“Kids show called Hilda. Pretty good actually, again relaxing.”
Isobel nodded, taking a sip of her tea. Now she was here, she had no idea what to say.
“Your father was abusive.”
Isobel winced. Probably not the best thing to start with. Alex nodded, taking a sip of his tea, gathering his thoughts.
“Yes, I was. Did Michael tell you?”
“He told Max about his hand. Max tells. Told, Max told me everything. After that, I put two and two together. You flinched away from loud noises or fights in the lunch hall, wearing layers and long sleeves, even in the New Mexico summer.”
“You are a lot smarter than I think anyone gives you credit for.”
“Thank you.”
The two smiled, glad they had someone to confide in, even if they weren’t each other’s first choices.
“But yes, my father was quite abusive. Physically, emotionally and mentally.”
“How, how did it start?”
“It was never physical when I was a child. He’d call me stupid, useless, a waste of space. Say that I was the worst of his sons, that I’d never amount to anything. And even then, I started believing him. The physical abuse came about when I started exploring my sexuality. God, I even looked at another boy for a second and he’d beat me black and blue. I still have scars from his belt.”
Alex stopped talking as he realised that Isobel was silently crying, hands clenched in her lap. He handed her the box of tissues he kept on the coffee table.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. You had it so much worse than I did, and my plan was to come here tonight and complain. Noah never touched me, he loved me.”
Alex reached out, resting his hand on Isobel’s.
“Isobel, physical scars are one thing. I can cover them up or ignore them. But the mental scars? They are whole different story. I don’t see a therapist because my leg still hurts sometimes. I see a therapist because I still have nightmares of losing my leg, seeing my friends die. I still have nightmares about my father hurting Michael and hurting me. Physical wounds can heal quickly, but the mental ones, they can be for life. What Noah did you was terrible. And you’re allowed to be angry and pissed off.”
“But I’m not. I’m sad.”
Isobel squirmed as Alex looked at her. Michael was right, those eyes could stare into your soul.
“You know, I loved my father.”
“I know, sounds ridiculous. But he wasn’t always a monster. There were times he was actually a good father. Like when he took me to Disneyworld because there was a Star Wars celebration on, or he’d sit down and watch Marvel movies with even though he hated them, or even just help me with my homework. Sure, next second he might berate me or hit me because I stared too long at Captain America’s ass or got a simple question wrong. But, in those moments, he was my father. And I loved him. And I think he loved me. You thought you had the perfect marriage, the perfect husband. It’s understandable that you take a while to recover or get over what happened.”
“How did you stop loving him?”
“A lot of therapy. I’d be more than happy to give you my therapists number if you want.”
“Yeah, that might be a good idea. Could I talk to you again? You’re the only other person I know who was –“
“Abused by someone who was supposed to love and protect us. I’m always here for you Isobel. You just gotta call.”
“Thanks. I should head home before Michael starts worrying about me. He’s gotten annoyingly protective since Max was put into the pod.”
“You’re his sister and you’ve been through a pretty awful experience. I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t protective.”
Isobel laughed, wiping away the last few tears. She looked at Alex, still sitting on the couch, smiling up at her. God, but this guy was amazing. He really was the strongest of them, wasn’t he? Impulsively, she leant down, wrapping her arms around Alex in a tight hug. Feeling him tense, she tried to pull away. But before she could, Alex stood, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging back.
“Thank you, Alex.”
“Any time Isobel.”
A/N I really hope these two bond next season because I think they could be really dangerous together and it would be awesome!
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shylax · 6 years ago
what tunes would go on a playlist of your favorite video game music?
Oh, this is a really good ask!
A list that includes but is not exclusive to (because I’m prone to forgetting things):
- The entire Windjammers soundtrack- The entire Neo Turf Masters soundtrack- The intro stage theme and Dr. Doppler’s Stage 1 theme in Mega Man X3- Dr. Wily’s Stage 1 theme in Mega Man II- Zero’s intro stage theme in Mega Man X5- “Let’s Go Away” from Daytona USA- Quondam Monitors and Clarification from Zero Time Dilemma- Sonic Boom from Sonic CD- Outride a Crisis from Super Hang-On- Practically the entirety of Battle Grand Prix’s soundtrack- Muladhara, Hideout of the Chickens, and River of Samsara from Digital Devil Saga- Fighting Through the Darkness from Lunar: Silver Star Story- Black Dream from Chrono Trigger- Another Termina from Chrono Cross- Large Map - Real Universe and Large Map - Last Area from Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne- Pepper Steak from OFF- Stage 1 from Super Smash TV- Dribble’s Highway Jazz from WarioWare- Route 99 from Metal Saga- 7th Floor and The Unknown from The Dark Spire- Theme from Cannon Fodder- Jump Up, Super Star from Super Mario Odyssey- Level 0 and Level 4 from Tetris (CD-i) [just listen to the whole soundtrack, it’s an experience]- Atomic Arms from Wild Arms 2- In the Court of the Junkyard King from Dropsy- New World Order and Mr. Monokuma’s Lesson from Danganronpa- 5th Island Theme Song and Alter Ego of the New World from Danganronpa 2- Ex-Death’s Theme from Final Fantasy V- The Decisive Battle and Relm’s Theme from Final Fantasy VI- Opening (Bombing Mission), Underneath the Rotting Pizza, and Those Who Fight Further from Final Fantasy VII- Force Your Way, Deling City, and Mods de Chocobo from Final Fantasy VIII- Basically the entire soundtrack from Final Fantasy IX, with standouts being Beatrix’s Theme, Amarant’s Theme, Airship Hilda Garde The Final Battle (especially The Black Mages’ version called Grand Cross),, and You’re Not Alone- Otherworld from Final Fantasy X- Sazh’s Theme from Final Fantasy XIII- Crazy Chocobo from Final Fantasy XIII-2- Basically the entire soundtrack from Lucid9, with standouts being Rationality, Vision From My Soul, Eccentric Detective, Process of Elimination, Tasteless, and Depths- Aqua Stripe from Ever17- little prophet from Remember11- Pose the Question to this World and Double Bible from Root Double- Policenauts theme- Basically the entire Ridge Racer Type 4 soundtrack- Dire Dire Docks from Super Mario 64- Underground (Super Mario Brothers 3) from Super Mario Maker- Basically the entire Persona 4 OST, with standouts being Reach Out to the Truth, Time to Make History, Secret Base, Heaven, and Corridor- Intro from Phantasy Star IV- Megalomania from Live-a-Live- Basically the entire Undertale and Deltarune soundtracks, with Megalovania and Another Medium standing out- The playoff music from Tecmo Super Bowl- NBA Jam’s soundtrack, especially on Sega CD, and NBA Jam Tournament Edition’s soundtrack, especially on Playstation- Famicom Detective Club II’s soundtrack (Super Famicom)- Gran Turismo uses a lot of licensed music, but the games’ original soundtracks are very good as well
Like I said, NOT an exhaustive list, as much as it may seem, and I’ve definitely left off some stuff, but this is way more than what you expected when you sent the ask.
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stoic--rose · 1 year ago
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nice going, genghis
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the-gamechangers · 6 years ago
How To Train Your Teacup: 1
“C-c-come on, Tea, let’s visit the docks! Cala Maria’s been d-d-dying to meet you.” Grim exclaimed as they left the junkyard. “Th-th-the sea’s not very far.” Teacup accepted his hand and climbed up onto his back. “Then let’s go! I’m sure she’s lovely.” Grim nodded enthusiastically. “Cala’s pretty n-n-neat. Let’s go!” Teacup hung onto his ears, watching around for any troublemakers. Inkwell Isle Three was famous for the entrance to the mysterious Inkwell Hell- a place Grim had asked Teacup to refrain from exploring (‘No Grim,’ Teacup had chuckled, ‘I’m completely stupid.’ Grim was rather relieved to hear this despite the dripping sarcasm). Grim had proceeded to explain about the Devil’s Casino. From the way he spoke about it, he seemed to have had a bad experience there, but didn’t say what. Teacup was of the opinion that if he wanted to go into the details, he would. and so she didn’t ask. “Is that a pirate ship?” Teacup asked, looking ahead. There was an enormous ship mostly submerged just off of the bay. It looked like something huge had ripped it in half- much bigger than Grim or anything else. “Cala Maria lives there?” “She sure d-d-does, Tea! She’s a mermaid. So she has the b-b-best stories from all over the globe, from when others cross realms and visit!” Grim exclaimed. He landed on a dry piece of deck with an impressive THUMP. “Cala? Are you d-d-down there?” Teacup slid down his neck, squinting into the shadows under the water. “Hellooo?” The water bubbled up at that moment, and an iritated-looking purple octopus peered up at them. For a moment Teacup wondered if this was Cala Maria, but then a rather human-looking pair of eyes popped up as well. The octopus was apparently actually her hair. Cala grabbed onto the boards near Grim and hauled her torso out of the water, making Teacup realize just how small she was compared to both of them.
“Helloooo, you two!” Cala exclaimed as she brushed her octopus’s tentacles back out of her face. She locked eyes with Teacup, her face lighting up. “Oh, you must be Teacup! You’re so adorable!”
Teacup nodded. “Yep, that’s me! Uh, hang on, I’m gonna just climb up on Grim here so I don’t have to-“
Before she could finish that thought, Cala reached down, pinched the hood of her jacket between two fingers, and lifted her up to eye level with herself and Grim. “Of course! I don’t want my absolutely precious guest to lose her head trying to talk to me!” She then set Teacup on her own shoulder, which wasn’t quite what Teacup had in mind. Grim, at least, had the sense to be mortified. “Cala! You can’t j-j-just pick people up like that!” He exclaimed. Cala giggled. “Aw, relax Grim! Teacup knows I didn’t mean anything by it! Don’t you agree, Teacup?”
“Heh, yeah, guess so.” Teacup murmured. Despite the complete lack of physical boundaries, Cala did seem completely sincere and kind. “Grim was telling me on the way over that you know all the best stories?”
Cala giggled. “Of course I do! The sailors who come and go from here always have a tall tale to tell. My favorites are from the ones who came from beyond the sea- but you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Tea?” She winked as if she expected Teacup to know what she was talking about.
Teacup blinked. “Huh?”
Grim wrung his paws nervously. “Wha-what are you t-t-talking about, Cala?”
“Don’t be silly, Tea! A few months ago I was up by the docks and I saw that glittering golden plane of yours fly over. Then next I hear my buddy Grim’s made friends with a golden mug who just moved here!”
A puff of smoke escaped Grim’s nose, forming into a question mark above his head. “Cala, are you saying Teacup is from somewhere beyond the sea?”
Cala nodded. “Yep! It only makes sense! Now Teacup, what’s it like where you’re from?”
Teacup chuckled nervously. “I’m- I have no memory of flying a plane to get here, I just kinda... Woke up. In my house. On Inkwell Isle One. Are you sure it was my plane that you saw?”
“Absolutely positive! No one else has moved in, and no one else matches the gold aesthetic you’ve got!” Cala exclaimed.
“I’m c-c-confused.” Grim said.
“Me too.” Teacup said. “But now that I think about it, it’s weird that you say that. Grim, do you remember what Ron said about the salvage?”
Grim nodded. “The s-s-s-serial number d-d-d-didn’t turn up with much.”
“4-5-4-6-B.” Teacup said. “Do you know what it means?”
Cala shrugged, jostling Teacup quite a bit. ”Sounds like a mystery, all right. 4546B… Nope, haven’t heard of it. Sounds like one of those planets that Hilda’s always going on about.”
“Hilda?” Teacup asked.
“Sh-she’s into astrology. And astronomy. And m-meteorology.” Grim clarified.
“If it has anything to do with the sky, Hilda Berg will know what and how and why!” Cala giggled. Then her expression turned sour. “Except that bird-brain Wally. No one knows what goes on in his head.”
Teacup groaned. “Agreed. He busted up my plane.”
Cala smirked. “So I heard. Even the cup brothers had trouble with that guy. But not as much trouble as they had with me!”
Teacup gasped. “You were a casino debtor?”
Grim coughed awkwardly. “How about we don’t talk about this?”
Teacup nodded. “Alright, Grim.” She took her spoon, holding it out for balance as she slid down Cala’s arm and went back to Grim. “That means new topic. What about fighting? I’m an absolutely terrible shot. And I can’t parry.”
Grim looked relieved, despite the fact that Teacup couldn’t see most of his face from the top of his head. “I c-can vouch for that. She tries to d-d-double wield shots. It works, kind of, b-b-b-but…”
Cala giggled. “I bet if you can’t get close to your opponent it won’t be very effective.”
Teacup nodded. “I figured out how to shoot Grim down just to make my way work. That counts for something.”
Grim nodded. “Shooting wings should be illegal.”
Cala looked impressed. “Huh, why didn’t I think of that?”
Teacup waved her spoon to catch their attention. Grim caught the sun flare off of it and tensed, doing his best not to try and grab at the dot on the planks. “So? Maybe you can help teach me?”
“Of course!” Cala exclaimed. She grabbed Teacup again, dragging her underwater. Teacup was suddenly very glad that she didn’t need oxygen. “Come on!”
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im-just-velvet · 6 years ago
The Reunion (Part 6)
Note: this fanfic contains headcanons and Werner x Kahl. If you dont like this fanfic, then don’t be rude to me.
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3 months has passed after Werner's separation with Kahl. Werner was still fixing his tank after the cups collected his soul contract. After he finished, he looks at picture from 3 years ago.
"Ah, zhe day ve got married." Werner thens takes the picture frame from the wall. "I vill be back, Kahl" Werner said, touching the photo.
Then the town bell was rung. "Oh! iz zhis zomething important?" Werner said to himself.
"Attention, everyone!" the announcer said, "There will be a ceremony that wll be held right now!"
"Right now?" the rat said, Werner then gets inside his tank and start the engine to get to the ceremony. He raced to the ceremony and makes it before the clock hits 3. Werner parks his tank and stands next to Sally.
"Psst, did I mizz anyzhing?" Werner quietly whispered to Sally's ear.
"No, Werner" Sally whispered back. "You're just early." she said.
Then the ceremony starts with Cuphead and Mugman comes up to the stage with big grins. "Your souls are now free from the Devil's hands from now on!" Cuphead announced to everyone.
"Let's give it all for Cuphead and Mugman!" Elder Kettle shouted. 
"Hip-Hip-Hurray!" Everyone shouted, lifting Cuphead and Mugman into the air.
As Werner was celebrating, he was searching for his husband's face. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Kahl, upsetting Werner. Werner then comes out of his can ands runs back to Inkwell Isle 3.
“Werner, where are you going?" Sally said as she notice her friend running from the crowd. "Wait!" She shouted and followed the rat as the crowd took eyes on Werner running.
"Im coming too!" Hilda said running along.
"Count me in!" Cagney said as he went off with Hilda. The rest of the crowd followed Werner back to Inkwell Isle three.
Werner then comes to the junkyard, seeing his husband fixing the robot.
"Kahl?" Werner said with a small smile.
Kahl looks back at the familiar voice and smiles. "Werner?" he said.
Werner runs to his husband with arms, wide opened. Kahl stands up and opened his arms too. As Werner hugs his husband, Kahl lifted Werner a few inches from the ground.
"I miss you so much!" Kahl said to his husband.
"I’m happy zhat im back vith you." Werner said, tearing up.
The robot smiles saying, “I KNEW IT WERNER WILL BE BACK!”
The crowd gathered to see Kahl and Werner reuniting. "Awwwwwww!" said the crowd. "This is just.... precious" Sally said as she hugs her husband. "Im glad their back together again."
The crowd continues to watch the happy moment of the couple’s reunion
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agnosticanimist · 7 years ago
Cuphead Magic Masterpost
A collection of all of the spells/curses/spreads/etc. that I’ve made based on the bosses, characters, and locations from Cuphead.
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Inkwell Isle 1:
The Root Pack - Botanic Panic Stew
Goopy Le Grande -  Ruse of an Ooze Power Pouch
Ribby and Croaks - Good Sportsmanship Spell
Hilda Berg - WIP
Cagney Carnation -  Floral Fury - Carnation Curse
Inkwell Isle 2: 
Beppi the Clown - WIP
Djimmi the Great - Pyramid Peril Cartomancy Spread
Baroness Von Bon Bon - Sugarland Shimmy Sweet Jar
Wally Warbles -  “Protection Egg” Curse-Breaking Spell
Grim Matchstick -  Fiery Frolic - Dragon’s Curse
Inkwell Isle 3: 
Rumor Honeybottoms - Honeybottoms’ Honey Potion
Werner Werman - WIP
Captain Brineybeard - “Smooth Sailing” Safe Travel Spell Pouch
Cala Maria - Mermaid Glamour and Gorgon’s Glare
Dr. Kahl’s Robot - Junkyard Jive Poppet
Sally Stageplay - Dramatic Fanatic - Prima Donna Curse
Phantom Express - Railroad Wrath - Safe Travel Spell
Inkwell Hell: 
Tipsy Troop - WIP
Chips Bettigan - Stacked in Your Favor
Mr. Wheezy - Smother and Smolder Curse
Pip and Dot - WIP
Hopus Pocus - WIP
Phear Lap - WIP
Pirouletta - WIP
Mangosteen - WIP
Mr. Chimes - WIP
King Dice - WIP
The Devil - “Pay your Dues” Curse
Delicious Last Course Bosses:
WIP (the DLC isn’t even out yet!)
Extra Cuphead Magic:
Safe Flight Spell 
Note that all of these spells, curses, spreads, recipes, and workings are merely inspired by Cuphead. You don’t have to like the game or know about it to use them. They are spells, they are curses, they are magical workings and they’re valid in their own right.
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luluguardainofcreative · 7 years ago
Cuphead: The Little Cala Ch.3
Bon Bon was waiting for Hidle at the fairgrounds, she was a little uneasy since she didn’t want to run into Beppi of all people, but it was also good for her since most of the sweets came from her and it did helped the fair to keep going even if she had to run into unwanted friends more or less. “Hurry up Hilda..” She said to herself when Hidle walked up to the bench that the baroness was sitting on.
 “Sorry for being a little late, still tired from yesterday.” She said sitting down and noticing the candy cane shotgun next to her friend’s side. Hilde already knew who it was meant to be used on. “It’s fine.” Bon Bon said  holding her shotgun in her hand. 
“I wanted your help talking to Djimmi.” Hilda raised her brow a little, she wondered why Bon Bon wanted to talk to Djimmi for some reason, till the thought hit her for a moment. “Does this have anything to do with Cala Maria’s crush on Mugman?” She asked as Bon Bon just smiled at her. Hilda pinched the edge of her nose for a moment till she opened her mouth.
“First off, I don’t think we should get involved, knowing who Mugman is related to, I’m sure he’s already involved. Second, how is Djimmi going to help?” She asked giving the baroness her disapproving look. Bon Bon stood up as she was loading up  her shotgun. Hilda was a little questionable about the methods her friend was going to use, but then again she could have other plans. Hilda noticed that Beppi was not too far away from them and didn’t seem to notice them yet. 
“Well since Djimmi is a genie, maybe he could help Cala to be on land and hang out with Muggy.” She said readying the shotgun and aiming at the balloon clown. “Or he might have something that Cala could use to maybe have legs.” Hilda thought about this for a moment till another thought came to her mind as well. 
They could ask Dr.Kahl who lived in the junkyard. He had built a robot, maybe he could make Cala some legs, but then again she always had a uneasy feeling about him, maybe Djimmi was the best choice after all.
 “Alright, I see where you’re coming from, but hurry up and shot that clown’s head.” Bon Bon was pleased to hear Hilda agree with her, she shoot at the clown’s head as it pop. “Let go!” Bon Bon grabbing hilda’s hand running before Beppi could see them when he blow up a new head for himself.
They arrived at Djimmi’s home, if it could be called a home. The girls entered the pyramid like home to find all sorts of treasures which were all genie related with a few Inkwells treasures if they could be called that or they were things that Djimmi just happen to have. 
“For a genie does he need two homes?” Hilda said out loud to find what seem to be Djimmi’s lamp which was sitting on a small plier with a pillow on two of it as the lamp was careful place where a sign sat next to it which said “Rub First” on it. Hilda and Bon Bon look at each for a second till Bon Bon pick up the lamp and rub her hand against. 
The Lamp jumped out of her hands as it landed on the pillow when some smoke was coming with some bubbles. Soon the smoke took a form which was Djimmi wearing a shower cap and towel around his waist with rubber duck in one and sponge in the other scrooping his back. “Never fails, take a bath there a rub at the lamp.”
Hilda was chuckling at the sight as Bon Bon covered her eyes, just  in case she saw something she wasn’t supposed to. Djimmi dressed himself with a snap of his fingers looking at his two guests. 
“What can Djimmi The Great do for you two ladies today?” He asked getting out his pipe as he summoned two chairs for them, alongside a gun rack for Bon Bon’s shotgun as a table appeared with some tea and cookies for them. 
“Well we wanted to ask you something.” Bon Bon said as Djimmi took a set as well. “It’s mainly for Cala Maria.” Hilda said leaning in the chair as the genie took a sip of tea. 
“We were wondering if you could help her hang out with Muggy more.” Djimmi choking on some tea appearing between the girls. “I can’t make anyone fall in-” “Woah woah we didn’t mean it like that.” Hilda said about to lose some steam. 
Bon Bon cleared her throat to correct him on what they meant. “We just want to know if you could give her something so she could be on land.” Djimmi soon pulled out a book as he look through it, the girls watched him as he went through page after page like a child looking at a picture book.
Soon he pulled out scrolls after scrolls, then another book and another floating beside him which started to become a tower.  Bon Bon and Hilda sat there waiting for a response till Djimmi was buried under scrolls and books. 
“Djimmi?” They called out till he appeared between them again. “I don’t think I could help, just not right now. Gotta make sure what I’m looking for is what I’m thinking of.” The girls looked at each other confused then looked back at the genie. “And that is?” Hilda stared at him waiting for an answer.
 “Well, might take me a week or two, maybe even a month.” He said as the girls confused looks turn into sadness. “I want to make sure I find what I was looking for, I don’t want Cala turning me into stone or turning her into something else. Genie magic can be great and tricky.” He said. 
Hilda sat there crossing her arms giving him a glare as steam could be seen coming out of her. “What you’re saying is...you can’t make it happen.” She asked as Djimmi appeared on her side smoking his pipe. “I didn’t say that. Just gotta make sure I’m doing it right. I’m not called Djimmi the Great for a reason.” Bon Bon sighed as she pick her shotgun.   “Well thank you for your help Djimmi.”  
She sat up as Djimmi appeared in front of her. “But, doesn’t mean I can’t at least find something Baroness.” He said as Bon Bon smile at him.  “In the meantime, some practices might be a good idea.” Djimmi pulled out a puppet  as he handed it Hilda. She looked at the puppet seeing how it almost looked like Mugman or maybe Cuphead in some ways. 
“I’ve been meaning to get rid of it, but since you girls have a friend in love, this might help. Off to see what I can find, so Bye Bye!” He disappeared  back into his lamp just as the girls left and as Hilda held the puppet by it’s strings. 
“I bet this is the puppet he made when the boys were getting his soul contract?” She giggled a little as Bon Bon tried hard not to giggle as well, but Djimmi had a good point about practicing with Cala and he was nice enough to give them the puppet. Maybe it was a good idea till he figured out something to help her to get on land without a problem. They smiled at each other as they headed down to the beach.
Cala didn’t seem to be in the mood for swimming, she just sat in her cave just staring at the surface of the ocean as the sun was shining against the water. “Oh Muggy...I do hope you’re okay up there.” Her snakes snuggled her cheeks when she heard Hilda and Bon Bon calling her name.  She took a deep breath as she swim up to the surface to see them on the pire. She smiled at them as she pop out of the sea. She notice Hilda was holding a puppet that look like Mugman.
 “We thought about doing some practice?” Bon Bon told her. “That way you can ask Muggy out or you make the first move.” Hilda said winking at her as Cala giggle and blush. Cala never thought about this could help to break that wall that was holding him back or maybe he was too shy like that time they really talk to each other. 
“Alright but...who going to..play Muggy?” She ask looking at the Puppet when Bon Bon look at her friend. Hilda let out a long sign as she play with the puppet a bit till she got the hang of the puppet.  She clear her throat a little as she did her best Mugman impression. 
“Howdy Cala.”  Bon Bon and Cala try to hold in a giggle,  it was a little too good of an impression. 
  “How are you today?” Hilda made the puppet move to mimic little bow. Cala couldn’t help but giggle as she play along with this. She couldn’t help but say hello to it. Hilda made the puppet walk up to her like Mugman would do. Cala smiled as she try not show some sadness since there was so much her friends could do.
“So Muggy..how do you feel about going..on a date?” She ask the puppet as Hilda made it something Mugman would do getting all flustered the moment Cala talked to him. “Golly Cala!~ Yes!~” Cala giggled as Bon Bon chuckled a bit too at Hilda’s Mugman’s voice she was doing for the puppet.
 “Well...I guess..the usual spots..beaches...seasides…” She was beginning to cry as her friends stop for a moment seeing a tear run down her cheek.  “What’s the use! How is this going to work?” She asked feeling hopeless as Bon Bon gave her hand comfort pat on it. 
“Oh sweetie, don’t worry.” She said as Hilda sat the puppet down. “Well we did ask Djimmi to see what he could do,..at the moment notting.” Hilda said  “So don’t give up, we’ll find a way for you and Mugman to hang out more.” She said cheering her up and trying to give her hope again.
 “Right now, ask the puppet out.” Hilda hold up the puppet as Cala and Bon Bon giggle lifting the mod up now.
Cala just tried not to get thought in the way, they went on with the practice, she wondered what Mugman was doing right now, maybe he was doing something like what she was doing? She just try different ways how to go about asking him. She just enjoy her time with him, she did wanted to give him a real hug, she wanted a real everything with him. 
This went on till it was sunset as the water turn oregano and red. “One more time, Cala, I think you got this.” Bon Bon said as she sat down as Hilda made the puppet move again speaking in her Mugman voice. 
“Hi Cala.” Hilda act again what seem to be the 100th time now saying the same line over and again. Cala smiled as if she was seeing the real Mugman now. 
“Muggy’s would you like to go on a date with me?” She asked smiling as Hilda made the puppet jump up and down with excitement. Hilda sat down on the ground feeling her stream fading out of her now. “Are we done?” She ask as Cala took the puppet from her. “I think I could do this by myself now, thanks Bon Bon, Hilda.” She said smiling.
“And thanks for trying to find a way for me to get on land.” Bon Bon and Hilda smiled at her as they stood up. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure out something.” Bon Bon said holding the shotgun to her side.
 “I have a good feeling Djimmi will find something if now, I’m sure there are other ways too.” She said as Hilda stood up too. “Well...might wanna keep an eye out too, don’t want to tangle up with The devil again.” All three of them started to feel a chill down their backs, the remembrance of being in debt still gave them some bad memories. 
Cala promised herself to never go to that casino, she had friends now and she didn’t want to sell her soul again even if was just to spend one day with Mugman. She would never do something like that again.
 “Well, thanks for doing this with me and the fact you two were trying to figure out a way for me to get on land.” She said as Hilda gave her the puppet. “Well it’s better you keep than us.” She said as Cala took it into her hand looking at it giggle as she said thank you to them.  
Hilda and Bon Bon said their goodbyes as Cala swam a little bit heading towards the beach. She looked at the puppet sitting on the rocks where the waves wouldn’t hit it.
 “Oh Muggs...if there was some away for me to just to spend time with you. I would do anything just to get a moment with you.” She said smiling till she dove to her underwater home.
Her splash hit the puppet causing it to fall off the rocks, some of the waves push the puppet onto the beach without a care as it lay among the sand. Unknown to Cala she didn’t realize that someone was hiding on the beach picking up the puppet.
 “Anything just to get a moment with him?” King Dice smiled as he threw the puppet back into the sea as an idea was beginning to form into his mind.
@kyzer-aqueron Mugman...worry now.
Cuphead © StudioMDHR
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geminicblue · 7 years ago
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TZ Epilogue/Junkyard Jive Page 2 Preview
I spent a lot of time on this panel so it's going up without word bubbles on it D< This is Hilda's house. As the guy said back at the beginning of TZ, she "practically lives at the observatory" so this place isn't in the best shape! I actually wasn't going to get to this page for a few days yet but over the weekend we visited an art gallery with some really nice landscapes, so I was inspired. I figured I'd better work on this particular background-heavy page while I had the motivation
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emmagottlieb52 · 7 years ago
Cuphead Magical Girl AU
This is not a Sailor Moon crossover! This is an AU where everyone in Cuphead is a magical girl and lead rather undercover lives. My inspirations are from Cuphead,Emily Martha Sorensen’s Magical Mayhem series,and old magical girl series such as Himitsu no Akko-Chan,Majokko Tickle,Miracle Shoujo Limit-Chan,and Sally the Witch. It will also be based on Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou-ii Desu-kara.
Cuphead-Name stays the same,transformation phrase is “Formal Open Wave Cup Power!”powers over care and love,transformation item and weapon is a wand
Mugman-Name stays the same,transformation phrase is the same as Cuphead’s,powers over the stars and light,transformation item and weapon is a wand
Elder Kettle-Cuphead and Mugman’s mentor,can transform without need for a phrase,has psychic,light,and energy-based powers,transformation item and weapon is a wand
Legendary Chalice and Porkrind-Elder Kettle’s mentors,the ones who gave him the charms in the first place,the Chalice apparently is Kettle’s mascot
Root Pack-Name is the same,have not detransformed ever since,powers are the same,plus agrokinesis,have no weapons
Goopy le Grande-The Goo of The Grave,transformation phrase is “This is what I live for!”,powerful super strength and immortality,plus shapeshifting,transforming item is a pill bottle,weapon is his magic box gloves,which can break any substance apart
Hilda Berg-Starshine,transformation phrase is “You lost too soon and I was only half-moon!”,can see the future and has space and sky based powers,transformation item is two star bracelets,weapon is the weather vane on her head
Ribby and Croaks-New Super Frog Bros,haven’t detransformed since,superstrength and ninja fighting skills,have no weapons
Cagney Carnation-The Black Rose,transformation phrase is “Extreme pollination and total domination!”,plant and flower-based powers and agrokinesis,transformation item is a compact,weapons include his Flower scepter and his intimidation skills
Baroness von Bonbon-Sweet Tooth Witch,transformation phrase is “Magic powers of the sugary,lend me your strength!”,sweets-based powers,transformation item is unknown,weapons included her candy rifle and a scepter
Beppi the Clown-Name is the same,hasn’t detransformed ever since,shapeshifting and magic abilities,has no weapons
Djimmi the Great-Name is the same,hasn’t detransformed since,powers stay the same,weapons include his magic and his dreaded sense of humor
Wally Warbles-He and his son are The Breakneck Bird and the Brainchild,respectively,both haven’t detransformed since,Wally has velocity and speed-based powers while his son is psychic-based in power,weapons include a stopwatch for Wally,X-Ray glasses for Junior,and each other to pitch in
Grim Matchstick-Puffin the Magic Dragon,transformation phrase is “1,2,3!You’d b-b-better flee!”,has fire-based abilities and can cast spells and illusions,transformation item is an amulet,has no weapons
Rumor Honeybottoms-The Golden Hope,hasn’t detransformed since,shares her empathy with bees and can control them to use for attack or defense,also has love and hope based powers,weapons include her scepter and her magic brain
Captain Brineybeard-Captain Silver,hasn’t detransformed since,powerful super strength and can use his living ship as a weapon,his ship can fire energy beams from its mouth,weapon is his precious ship
Dr Kahl and his robot-Dr Kahlenstein and the Holy Iron Giant,transformation phrase is “Junkyard Society Rag!”,Dr.Kahl has electricity based powers while his robot has powers of the light,transformation items are power gloves for Kahl and a heart pendant for the robot,weapons include a lightning rod for Kahl and the robot’s Holy Arrow and a sword for the robot as well
Werner Werman-Name stays the same,transformation phrase is “Ze magical power ov ZE BANANA!”,has a working can tank to travel around in to use as an extra weapon,and his “useless” “veapon ov love” is a tiny toy gun that can shoot energy beams,transformation item is,you guessed it,a banana,weapons include his tank and his gun
Sally Stageplay-The Dramatic Disguiser,hasn’t detransformed since,can disguise herself into any form she wishes using her cloak and can attack using her umbrella,which shoots spells from its top and can teleport her to any location she wishes,weapon is her umbrella
Cala Maria-Princess Siren,transformation phrase is “Holy Mermagon power,make up!”,has control over water,can transform into her gorgon form at will,and can summon her sea creature minions at will,transformation item is a scepter,weapon is a water staff
Phantom Express-Eyedrop(Blind Specter),Charon(T-Bone),the Power Rods(The Blaze Brothers),and the Iron Hearse(The Head of the Train),Specter’s transformation phrase is “Crystal...Divination...Death Power!”,T-Bone can transform without a phrase,the Blaze Brothers haven’t detransformed since,and the Head uses the spell “Mahal Tamala Folampa”to transform solo,in other cases,the other members must combine their powers to transform him,Specter can see beyond space and time through his wand and his eyes,plus has powerful telekinesis,T-Bone has density change in self,an additional broomstick to fly,and his wand can transform into a microphone for singing or a scythe for that final blow when the Head isn’t around to do the job,the Blaze Brothers have powers over electricity and the weather,plus strong radar/satellite-like telepathy between each other and limited-range telekinesis,and the Head has super strength and speed and can control the dead in any form possible,all express members can cast spells and illusions,transformation items are unknown but Specter has a pendant that does his magic in earth form while the Head needs the others to aid him to transform,weapons include a pendant/scepter for Specter,T-Bone’s wand also doubles as a transformation item,and all members but the Head carry magic wands
King Dice-The Snowflake Gambler,hasn’t detransformed since,has luck and ice-based powers,weapons include nimble luck and ice scepter
Tipsy Troop-Names stay the same,all three haven’t detransformed since,liquor-based water-like abilities,Cala’s former mascots
Chips Bettigan-Name stays the same,transformation phrase is “ALRIGHT!”,uses his hat as a weapon,which can slice anything it comes in contact with and can generate many other things inside it,Goopy’s former mascot,transformation item is unknown
Mr.Wheezy-Name stays the same,hasn’t detransformed since,has fire-based powers,Grim’s former mascot
Pip & Dot-The Dominators,transformation phrase is “Two VS One! Try that on for size!”,hide a third mouth,have acrobat combat moves,super strength and speed,hypnosis for Pip and permanent promise sealing for Dot,Ribby and Croaks’ former mascots,transformation item is a small radio which also is used as a normal radio,mini mascot and weapon is their domino bird
Hopus Pocus-Name stays the same,can transform without a phrase,can cast spells and illusions,the Head’s former mascot, transformation item and weapon is his own wand
Phear Lap-Deadman of the Derby,transformation phrase is “And they’re off!”,has sonic and undead-based powers,T-Bone’s former mascot and Wally’s first mascot before the bird had his brainchild son,transformation item is unknown,weapons include a gift gun and his own greed
Pirouletta-Babushka’s Death,hasn’t detransformed since,has ballet-style combat moves and wind-based powers,Sally’s former mascot
Mangosteen-8-Ballderdash,hasn’t detransformed since,powerful psychokinesis and ESP,Specter’s former mascot
Mr.Chimes-Name stays the same,transformation phrase is “I am Mr.Chimes!”,uses his cymbals as weapons and has empathy with stuffed toys and can control them to do his bidding,Beppi’s former mascot,transformation item is unknown
Pachinko(deleted Casino boss)-Name stays the same,transformation phrase is “Cling cling,clang clang,your bell has rang!”,has fire,mechanical,and electric abilities,the Blaze brothers’ former mascot,transformation item is unknown,has no weapons
The Devil-Main antagonist,duh! Name stays the same,hasn’t detransformed since,Has ill-Defined fire and darkness based powers
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daily-dose-of-kahlcium · 7 years ago
🔬 starter for @a-threatenin-zeppelin​ 🔬
-upon entry to kahl’s junkyard workshop a tune loudly plays over the speaker system kahl seems to have installed. wait...was that song....- 
👓 “I'm never gonna dance again!!! Guilty feet have got no rhythm!!!!” 
-yes, it is indeed careless whisper and kahl was “singing” along on the top of his lungs absolutely off key while working on god knows what. he seems to be multi-tasking on welding two big plates of metal together while also messing around with a chemistry set that contains multiple beakers and bottles with unidentified pretty coloured liquids- 
👓 “ Though it's easy to pretend!!!!I know you're not a fooOOOOoool!!!!“
-wearing a welding mask kahl didn’t even see hilda enter. he just kept singing while bringing the blowtorch he used to weld to one of the bottles  causing it’s contents to boil. he turns off the blow torch and grabs a pair of tongs and picks up the beaker. finally he’s turned to face the other- 
👓 “HILDA?!” 
-being startled causes him to let his grip slip on the tongs causing the beaker to crash onto the concrete floor and simply explode. the explosion causing such a rumble the record scratches and stops playing- 
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