It goes without saying that Hilary Hahn is an excellent violinist. I vaguely remember hearing her name around 10-15 years ago, because my parents introduced us to classical music from childhood. It was only until around 2016 that I listened to her performance of Bach’s Chaconne, which was stunning in its clarity and emotional depth. I always respected the fact that she plays Bach more than any other composer, and plays his music daily. Afterwards, I became a staunch disciple of Baroque violin technique, to the point of wincing whenever anyone used vibrato in Bach. (Yes, I was that person). But ever since Hahn has released her new Bach CD, I have returned to her interpretation and I find it completely sound: she respects the structure, the polyphonic phrases, her stops are clear, and her use of vibrato does not obstruct the counterpoint. She plays the faster movements with astonishing accuracy and an even sound, giving value to every note. It is very strong, clean playing, filled with the emotion and depth that Bach naturally inspires. I think one reviewer said that even Bach himself would be astonished by her playing. The highest compliment one can pay to a violinist, and well-deserved to someone as humble and genuinely nice as Hilary Hahn. (Bonus: she is multi-lingual: English, French, German, and Japanese!). 
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