#hilarious that you think im the most sane about miq πŸ˜‚ because i think im the most insane about him akdhsjsjd
miquella-everywhere Β· 5 months
okay so i see that your one of the few sane elden ring fans who understands miquellas character and i wanted to ask how you think miquella will end up being in the dlc & if you think if he ends up getting "corrupted" in what way :P
How I think Miquella will be?
Well obviously I have my biases because he's my favorite character lol But I would personally like for Miquella to be a companion character and we will be able to assist him in his goals when we eventually find him in the Realm of Shadow (fromsoft plz 😭)
But in terms of how I judge his character....
If anything I hold Miquella in the same regard as I do Ranni in terms of "the end justifies the means" I see Miquella as someone who deeply understands that in order to enact great change a great sacrifice is needed to achieve it. Like regarding Miquella sending Malenia to kill Radahn to free the stars, it would not surprise me in the slightest bit if Miquella anticipated that Malenia would have had to unleash the Rot in order to gain the upper hand on Radahn(the dude is a beast) Miquella probably wouldn't have wanted it to come to that, but in the end Miquella trusted Malenia to make the call if necessary.
And when Miquella's whole plans hinge on the very stars being freed, desperate times call for desperate measures. Especially when one of his enemies is a Golden God that has a strangle hold on the very fabric of reality of his world.
Mah boi is nuanced to hell and back and that's why I love him. He wants to create a world where the outcasts can live in peace and he will do anything to see that it happens.
But now in terms of if Miquella will be corrupted?
Well, he kinda of already is technically, thanks to Mohg and the Formless Mother.
I've said in a previous theory post about how I think that Miquella is waging is own personal war against the Outer Gods and that he is legitimately the biggest threat to every single one of them thanks to Unalloyed Gold, and who knows what else he is capable of...
But then you hear those theories(πŸ˜’) about how Miquella is manipulating Mohg and how he's secretly evil and stuff....
But my theory is that it's actually the other way around, and that it is in fact the Formless Mother who is manipulating Mohg, using his weird obsession with Miquella, to essentially corrupt and cripple the young Empyrean because he is just that dangerous to them.
Malenia is right when she said he is the most fearsome of all....
As the DLC summary has explained to us Miquella has just straight up ditched his body, and, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Miquella has effectively juked the Formless Mother and her meddling bullshit, and has gone off to the Realm of Shadow to achieve something that has likely been a big part of his Grand Scheme for a very very long time now.
So then Miquella is basically unbothered, moisturized and in his lane lmao πŸ˜‚
And so, okay this is heading into heavy speculation territory, but with the Ranni and Godwyn situation it's been established in Elden Ring canon that there is a Body and Soul dichotomy is going on. And I find it interesting that when I look deeper into Miquella and Malenia curses, that seemingly, Malenia was cursed in soul and is harboring the Scarlet Rot/God of Rot within, meanwhile Miquella was cursed in body, to remain forever a child.
But now that Miquella has left his body he is practically a wandering Soul, and that one voice in the trailer that refers to Miquella as "pure and radiant" I think that could also be applied to Miquella's Soul, meaning that Miquella's Soul at this point is completely pure and practically untouchable, at least from Outer Gods meddlings.
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So no, I do not think that Miquella will end up "corrupted" as in turning evil and becoming a boss fight, because for now, there is just not enough substantial evidence pointing in that direction. And in terms of him pulling a Griffith and betraying everyone and doing something/becoming God for his own selfish gain is just dumb and bad writing πŸ˜’
Like I don't know how else to convey this, but the absolute biggest piece of characterization regarding Miquella is his dedication and love for Malenia. And he will do anything to keep his promise to her.
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