throughthethickets · 7 years
Hello, folks! Welcome to my little corner blog here on WordPress. Had a bunch of new followers over the past few days, and wanted to say hi! Right now I’m revamping this whole blog, adding new pages, getting things organised, and writing up gear reviews as well as documenting my daily routine to get back in shape – not only for the AT  – but for me in general.
One of the social media platforms I’m most active on would definitely be Instagram. So far, I’ve documented the first 1/3rd of the AT on my iPhone 7+. I wish I was able to bring my Canon 7D, but that’d be a death sentence to my pack’s weight. I’m hoping in the future to own a Sony Alpha mirrorless system – kind of the UL version of professional camera gear – and be able to take better quality and detailed images.
For now, my iPhone 7+ is gonna be my workhorse as I make my way up the AT over the next year. Here’s some photos from 2017’s section of the trail.
Amber Redfield on Instagram
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Instagram Hello, folks! Welcome to my little corner blog here on Wordpress. Had a bunch of new followers over the past few days, and wanted to say hi!
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throughthethickets · 7 years
Hello, everyone! It’s been a long time since I’ve updated anything on this blog. Life got in the way… well… injuring myself on the AT got in the way and I’ve been healing for a few months. Getting off trail due to an injury bummed me out to the point I couldn’t update this blog without feeling so depressed. Instead, I’m going to start revamping this to share the 1/3rd of the trail I hiked and how…
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