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foxesandfairlies · 2 years ago
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One of the best days of the trip was swiftly followed by the worst! It started off promising, a bit damp and misty but with some cracking switchbacks down off the hillside towards Siles. The trail was steep, tight and made more difficult by the bleary morning eyes and damp rocks - just the right side of rideable albeit with a couple near misses.
Once down in the valley the rain came on, and as we rode into Siles to resupply, became heavier and heavier. Since breakfast that morning had consisted of a couple biscuits each, energy levels were low and had significantly dipped after the earlier adrenaline spike. Coupled with the rain spirits were low as we crawled through the winding streets searching for a cafe. Even the dog looked dejected.
Our spirits were briefly lifted as a faint thump of techno caught our ears, and increased as we drew near a small plaza. Rounding the corner we saw an open patio window framing a room of old ladies doing zumba to a techno version of the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack turned up to eleven!
Coffee, cakes and sweets while shivering under a balcony ledge wishing for the rain to stop, though it did not. The rest of the morning was very wet but with some really fun riding on swooping singletrack that traversed through a misty forested hillside which almost made up for the conditions.
A beast of a climb up to the castle at Segura de la Sierra ended in disappointment as we couldn't find anywhere to stop and dry off for a few hours, so we cracked on, only to be faced with the worst hikeabike of the trip.
Three or so hours pushing up steep trails made of boulders and clay - often two steps backward for one forward type of clay. A brief clearing of the clouds added to the demoralisation as we realised we had only covered a couple of km, and could see the village we had been at earlier just across the valley.
Another basic but welcome refuge by the road was our home for the night, and the eventually clearing of the skies allowed us to go outside and have a brisk wipe down in the roadside ditch before bed.
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cyclereview · 5 days ago
April Adventures Await: Subscribe for Dual Slalom, HikeABike, Freeride & Gravel!
...#MountainBiking #SingletrackWorld #FreerideLife #BrageVestavik #MTBAdventures #RideTheTrails #MTBCulture #BikeLife #TrailMagazine #WinterBiking #RideAndExplore #MTBCommunity #EpicRides #BikeAdventures #RideMore Source link Singletrack World Magazine Issue 160: A Deep Dive into Mountain Biking Culture and Adventure Mountain biking is a diverse and multifaceted sport, and the April edition of…
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bbiking · 7 months ago
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 Дмитрий Петровский 12 дней SRMR2023
триатлонец, без подготовки перед самым стартом, первая неделя привыкание а потом даже легче
расчет дистанции очень важен чтобы проезжать высоту где холодно (ниже 0С) или где есть ВОЛКИ а вдруг укусят ночью, овец задирают
hikeabike - толкаешь велосипед вверх, зажимаешь тормоза, подтягиваешься к велосипеду. гидравлика опредленно будет легче ))
чтобы на ветру губы не трескались мазать спец мазью ))
расчет еды\воды важен т.к. набирать много кг нехочется тащить их в подъем НО если еды не будет даже на 50км будет тоже очень грусно. расчет не просто по карте но и по времени т.к. НОЧЬЮ магазины могут быть закрыты )))))
месные жители очень гостепреимные
Дмитрий Петровский (Кыргызстан): Интервью по итогам Silk Road Mountain Race. - YouTube
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onecutmedia · 5 years ago
Getting some face shots on the #blackcombglacier in the summer 🤷‍♂️ Opening day 2020/2021 ? - - - First Epic adventure of this summer 2020. Might be one and done 🤷‍♂️. Total time was 7hrs. - #blackcombicecave #blackcomb #whistlerblackcomb #onecutmedia #onecutmediaphotography #onecutmediamtb #onecutmediaskiing #hiking #hikeabike #glacier #creekcrossing - - - - - - #summeradventures #epic #epicadventure #summer2020 #skiing #winteriscoming #darkcrystal #mtb #explorewhistler #explorebc #explorebcparks #winterinthesummer #winter #faceshots #faceshot #faceshotsallday #openingday2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDyxrj0HPv-/?igshid=jgzrprxr3dey
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noreasterbackcountry · 6 years ago
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More brutal hike-a-bikes and more amazing views this morning. . . . . #mtb #mountainbiking #hikeabike #bikepacking #biketouring #biketocamp #taconiccresttrail #taconiccresthikeabike #adventure #newyork #massachusetts #berkshires (at Hancock, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1MUTW5l4cR/?igshid=11k465enfv48x
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caniscioltivaltellina · 6 years ago
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let us stop shouting all over the place that our priority is the fight against unemployment in Europe! . . . #tap #europe #unemployment #pass #fork #hikeabike #gravel #maybewrongvalley https://www.instagram.com/p/BrhP2lsld8P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mutz5zmeioff
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bikestoreclub · 3 years ago
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🇬🇧 rebrand.ly/wfg03ae🚴 £88.99 and FREE delivery next adventure #mtblife #hikeabike https://www.instagram.com/p/CacoosUNsye/?utm_medium=tumblr
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volantebb · 4 years ago
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SLOVENIA WEST LOOP - Día 3 | 2021/08/20
Gozd Martuljek > Kransjka Gora > Vrsic Pass > Bovec
Encuentros inesperados en el valle glaciar; curvas de pavés, rectas de pavor; ‘la montaña no es ni buena ni mala’; cientos de bicis eléctricas; bajar es un placer si tienes los frenos adecuados; el río Soca es un sueño húmedo para el bañista de montaña.
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llittle13 · 7 years ago
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Deep and crisp and UNeven #snoway #snowride #snow #lakedistrict #lakes #cumbria #noplacelikehome #ontheridge #hikeabike #adventure #fitness #motivation #fitnessmotivation #hopetech #nukeproofbikes #4playcycles (at Grisedale Pike)
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stage1cycles-blog · 7 years ago
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#mountanbike #hawes #yorkshire #yorkshiredales #rideordie #bike #cyclelife #hikeabike #wensleydale #reasonstoride #adventure #outsideisfree #getoutside #getinvolved #dontjustsitthere (at The Firebox Cafe Hawes)
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ryansmo · 6 years ago
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Merchant’s Basin. Okanogan National Forest.
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foxesandfairlies · 2 years ago
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Felt like a long day made harder as we ran out of snacks. A bit of hikeabike and getting lost in the scrub. But we had a big resupply and meal of soup, meat, chips, red wine and ice cream in Riaza before finding a spot for the night in the woods next to a small stream. 
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epicshangrila · 6 years ago
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No pain No gain 💨💨💨💨💨push or hike a bike up to the top and ride down 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Contact @weridemountainbikes for the September 2019 trip Australia and to my partners around the globe @californiaexpeditions for USA @andikuhr for Germany 🏔🏔🏔🏔🏔🏔🏔🚵‍♂️🚵‍♂️🚵‍♀️🚵‍♀️🚵‍♀️ #hikeabike #mtbeveryday #extreme #thankgod #thankgoditsfriday #hardworker #extrememountainbiking #extrememtb #wilderness #mtb #explorewithus #TGIF #tgif #allmountain #trailbike #trailbiking #offroad #exploringtrails #twowheels #riding #rides #cycle #cyclingholidays #tuesdaytrails #exploremore #explore #keepexploring 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 #travelwithjoy #travelforfun #ridebeyond #downhillriders #welovedownhill #downhilldreams #dreamtrails #Dream #dreamer #liveeverymoment #intothewild #intothethinair #joy #moment #epictrails #epicmtbtrail #gopro #goprovideos #goprobike #followcam #flowmtb #downhillisawesome #trailslikethese #specializedmtb #iamspecialized #globalmtb #weride_mtb #happytrails #mtblife #lifebehindbars #tbt #gopro #gopromtb #goprovideos #followcam #throwbackthursday #mtbfun #trails #wildernessnation #wondermore #adventureenthusiasts #trailslikethese #bestjobever #hardwork #bikemore #wilderness #adventurelife #guidelife #mountainbikes #lifeofaguide #nepal #outdoors #offbeaten #holidays #trails #epictrips #epicmtb #epicmtbtours #himalayas #nepal #epictrails #epicmtb #hiking #biking #cycling #dreamtrip #fromwhereweride #fromwhereiride #epicmtb #epic #mtnbike #motivationmonday #mtnbikes #mtb #mountainbiking #mountainbikinglife #mtbtrails #mtbtrips #shred #awesomemtbtrips #nepal #travel #guidelife #adventure #culture #himalayas #nepal #outdoors #mtb #mountainbiking #mountainbikinglife #mtbtrails #mtbtrips #epictrails #epicmtb #epicmtbtours #epic #epicmtbtours #himalayas #nepal #epictrails #epictravels #smile #smiles #lifequotes #life #lifestyle #lifeofaguide #trek #trekking #mountaineering #climbing #motivation Join us www.mysticlandadventure.wordpress.com Australia www.weridemountainbikes.com Germany www.mtb-andikuhr.bike USA www.cali-exp.com https://www.instagram.com/p/ByHxiprHpwo/?igshid=194bleui1jw5z
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slothlete-slothfit · 6 years ago
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@eligius_mjolnir you would have loved my shortcut today. Axle deep soft sand, but it was 2km shorter! #bikepacking #cycling #hikeabike (at Mannum, South Australia) https://www.instagram.com/smudgemonkees/p/BwrQ0i4F2Uk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=obwjf7alhuy8
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onecutmedia · 5 years ago
Made it to the ice cave @whistlerblackcomb It was a bit of a journey to get up there in bike shoes 🤦‍♂️. Hiking boots might have been a better choice 🤷‍♂️😂 - - First Epic adventure of this summer 2020. Might be one and done 🤷‍♂️. Total time was 7hrs. - #blackcombicecave #blackcomb #whistlerblackcomb #onecutmedia #onecutmediaphotography #onecutmediamtb #onecutmediaskiing #hiking #hikeabike #glacier #creekcrossing - - - - - - #summeradventures #epic #epicadventure #summer2020 #skiing #winteriscoming #darkcrystal #mtb #explorewhistler #explorebc #explorebcparks #winterinthesummer #winter #hikingboots #glaciers #coldwater (at Blackcomb Ice Cave) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDyxRMrH9uG/?igshid=1xhrwlai9okds
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noreasterbackcountry · 7 years ago
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It wouldn't be a proper mixed terrain ride without a soggy, rutted and overgrown powerline scramble. . . . #mtb #mtbvt #nek #northeastkingdom #powerlines #vermont #bikepacking #bikestagram #hikeabike (at Vermont's Northeast Kingdom)
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