#hiiiiii heeeyyyyy hiiiii ^_^
deathspremonition · 1 year
He's carefully wiping blood from Red's long, tangled hair, as best he can -- she would probably need to wash it later, alongside her clothes: if he has any judgments of her attitude or habits, his completely blank expression certainly doesn't show it. "You're always so happy. Even when you're angry, you're happy. It's like there's nothing in you but sunshine."
The burning kind of sunshine, he means; the kind that scorched, burns, ruins crops, harms skin, is so intense it could kill. He doesn't exactly know how she manages it, or what goes through her head: is this just some normal form of emoting, or is she as outside the norm as him? Lodi wouldn't be able to tell regardless. (After all, there's nothing that reflects back at him when he looks in the mirror, and nothing inside when he tries to come up with something beyond the eye-bugging too-wide smile.) "I don't get it. I don't dislike it, though. You shouldn't change."
The last sentence sounds almost like it's only half a phrase - like it should be followed by "I almost wish I could".
"Hm?" and she tilts her head, confusion stuck between the notion of not understanding what he was talking about and why he didn't get it. All she did was play with her friends! And playing with friends made her happy! Talking, laughing, singing, cutting—until her friend wasn't moving anymore. Red across the ground, red across the trees, red across her. That always made her a bit sad, but with each parting a meeting awaits, and closer and closer she comes to her wish. When she resurrects her author she could ask for a perfect playmate. One who didn't break, one who didn't lose their guts, someone stronger than the wolf, stronger than the hunter, stronger than grandmother—the perfect friend who would play with her lots, and lots, and lots, and lots! Hehe, haha, ahahahaha!
And then, then—! she'd never be alone again.
"I don't get it", Red Riding Hood continues and playfully kicks her feet in the air where she sits. She didn't get him either. Someone who sometimes is selfless, someone who sometimes didn't show anything. Not a teeny-weeny bit of selfishness! How strange. How weird. But wasn't everyone she knew just that? To be normal, to be like everyone else, to fit in, what was that? Somehow, she had the feeling she never had.
Oh well!
And like that she jumps down from her seating, not caring whether his hands were still in her hair or not. "I'm hungry! Let's catch fish!" the girl with a red hood wouldn't change, but change was never what she wished for.
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