just-her-furry-self · 4 years
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(TRIGGER WARNING: risk, reckless behaviour, implied potential mutual harm)
He watched her pop about the room lost in her own world and whatever tune was playing on her headphones with a wry smile.  She was up to something, but there wasn't any point asking about it.  Whatever it was, it would be within the established rules, if only by half a hairs width, and that would be that.
They were wrapping up morning coffee and getting ready for a run on the bike.  This spring she'd finally persuaded him to personally own a vehicle younger than he was, and they'd picked out a touring model with a one-up seat that fit them both.  He'd never be the first to say so, but he had to admit it was a fine piece of iron, even if it had far more bells and whistles than he'd initially pictured.  He'd been ready for a little while, checked and warmed up the bike, parking it next to the door and hauling their gear (matching jackets, at her insistence) out of the closet.  She, on the other hand had already made several secretive trips back up to the loft, and was (she promises this time!) almost ready to go.
Down in the garage, he kicks the bike off it's stand and chuckles as she uses him like a boarding ladder to step up from footboard to peg and swing a leg over behind him.  Once she's settled, he brings the bike to life, taps the button on the fairing to raise the door and idles into the alley.  They ride, enjoying the sunlight as the day unfolds ahead of them.  Claiming space in an outbound lane they clear the city and settle in on a wide stretch of divided highway carving north to nowhere in particular.  Her leaning on his back, peeking over his shoulder, him with his feet up on the pegs just sliding along for the joy of the ride itself. Before they left, he noticed she'd dropped her phone in the cradle on the bike's bars, and although he assumed it was for music, she hasn't made any effort to request a track, or sneak around him to poke at it.  Still, she's not done that before.  Her reasoning becomes clear enough after a few more miles, and sets a far more entertaining tone for their morning.
When they've settled into a rhythm and she's comfortable and feeling secure perched behind him, she leans over one shoulder and leans up to swipe and unlock her phone.  On screen is the app for her Bluetooth connected vibrator, synced and in standby.  With a flourish, she gestures that this is for him, not her, and scoots closer to his back, wrapping her arms around his waist to see what he'll do with this opportunity. with a quick glance to catch her eye in the mirror, waiting for the nod that she's ok and good to go, he reaches out and nudges the slider up to a low, but insistent buzz, feeling her squirm and cling a little harder, he grins and wonders where this particular plan came from.  Before he can puzzle out her intentions, he's snapped back to a sharp focus as he feels one of her hands slide down the front of his jacket and rest firmly against his cock, rubbing his jeans, and adding her own distraction to the equation.  On a whim, he nudges her vibe a little higher, and feels her pick up her pace and stroke a little harder, a little faster in turn.  So that's her game.  Good thing their new toy has cruise control...
Thinking back to when they've played with this particular toy in the truck, he picks a compromise and dials in a setting that won't _QUITE_ set her off in short order, but at the same time doesn't have her groping him until he can't focus on the road either.  She shivers against him, squeezing her thighs tighter, and squirming.  Stroking steadily, running her hand over him, rubbing him through his pants, she seems determined to get them both off at full highway speed.  This isn't a side of her he's seen often, only once in a while...  Welcome any time though. He sighs contentedly and makes a decision for them both.  Every major road sign, he'll up the speed on her buzzy little friend another notch.  Seeing one slide by for a roadside turnoff, he makes eye contact with her again, grins and shakes his head, before bumping the slider up and rolling right on by.  It's not until the next offramp announcement that she sees the pattern, squirming against him with anticipation of how far he might take things this fine morning.
Three signs later, he's pitching a tent in his jeans, she's squirming and rolling her hips against him and he's had to lower their cruise to the minimum allowed on this interstate in order to keep their velocity within his admittedly VERY distracted state of mind.  They've passed or been passed by numerous vehicles, most of which have been _VERY_ aware of what she's doing to him at 50 miles an hour atop their big silver and red Harley.  He feels her hand leave him, and both her arms clamp around his waist HARD and she shakes, shivers, and bucks against him as the toy buried up inside her finally becomes too much to handle.  They're only 2/3 of the way up the dial and he's pretty sure there's another off ramp before long.  No stopping yet... And OH but her hand's back, dancing along his length, rolling her palm on the head of him, everything but actually jacking him off.  And by god it feels magnificent.  The wind around them, sun shining, road stretching out ahead full of promise, and the pressure in his balls pushing well into the yellow, headed for a VERY enthusiastic explosion before long.
As the overpass flashes past in a blur of concrete and signage, he gives her another shot.  Feeling her tense like an electric current just passed through her whole body straight to her pussy, he groans and arches his hips slightly, encouraging her to get back to her task.  Grateful when her hand starts moving again, he white knuckles the bars and rolls on, hoping for another sign real soon.  Things are getting good, and he wonders if she'll be able to feel it through his jeans when he goes off...  As if reading his mind, she slides a hand up, undoing his belt and the top button on his jeans and slipping a hand inside.  reaching down to take things truly in hand, she feels him slick and sticky with pre cum, rubbing his cock and wrapping her fingers around his length, stroking slowly, but FAR more effectively.
Throwing caution, or what's left of it, to the wind, he inches his hand along the handlebars, and thumbs her speed setting to the max, alternately hunching forward or arching his hips against her.  Close now, feeling her shiver and squirm on his back, both of them so close.  Still in his lane, but taking up ALL of it, he mirror checks to make sure they won't be rear ended, as fuse runs out quicker than he'd thought possible.  And just when he thinks she's out of surprises, she finds one more to seal the deal.  Feeling the pressure from her thighs slack momentarily at first has him worried she's slipping from the bike, then in a flash her legs are up, and crossed around him, clinging to him and wrapping herself around him as she loses her bid to hold out any longer.  Shuddering and holding on as best she can, he hears her scream in his ear, over the noise of the wind rushing past, over the rumble of the big bike, he hears pure triumph and lust and follows her across the finish line.
She cries out again as she feels him explode in her hand, hot, sticky and without any attempt to hold back.  He blows his load into her palm, feeling her rub it all over him.  Struggling to maintain some of his wits, he toggles cruise control off, pulls clutch and coasts to the breakdown lane, coming to a shaky, unsteady stop and barely getting the stand down before flopping the big bike over, stalling like a rooky and groaning in pleasure as he fills his own lap with his cum.
Staggering to his feet next to the bike, toggling her vibrator back to idle, he pauses only long enough to zip and belt up before helping her down to stand in front of him, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her to his chest.
"Jesus kitten, that was intense.  You trying to find the edge, or just felt like rolling some fucking large dice today?"
She shrugs, and reaches out to push the slider back to about 1/4 and moaning happily when her toy answers the call.  Rolling his eyes, but with a grin plastered to his face and a visible dark spot on the front of his pants, he gets her attention and presses the issue just a little.
"That might have ended badly, y'know.  Not that I mind in the slightest, and if you're ok we can DEFINITELY add this to the list for as many times as you like.  Just making sure you're aware."
She smiles up at him, still in a happy haze from adrenaline and afterglow, and with a saucy little grin...
"So?  Felt worth it to me...  Tell you what.  Don't touch that dial, and let's loop our way back.  If you reload before we get into traffic, I'd be more than happy to help out again and see if our luck holds..."
With a hungry growl, he plucks her off her feet, plunking her down on the back of the bike and swings a leg over.
"Deal.  Hell with it, let's ride and see what happens."
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