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All our chocolate products are currently available for pick up at El Buen Cacao through our website! At checkout you can chose the date and time for pick up and your order will be ready at your convenience. Also, per Riverside’s County Public Health Department we are open at our shop normal business hours with a max. of 10 people inside the shop, that excludes our back patio which allows for extra seating. Most of our business is in and out, but if you want to sit down and sip on chocolate you are welcome to do so without fear. Peace and love in times of Corona! Bonus, it smells amazing due to our cacao roasting happening at El Buen Cacao.
#elbuencacao #beantobar #chocolate #singleorigin #organic #ethicallysourced #sustainablysourced #cacao #darkchocolate #unapologeticallydark #madeinidyllwild #haystack #coconuthaystacks #silverlining #cacaoroasting #roasting #highqualitybeans #chocolatemakers #inthemountains #eatchocolate #shopchocolate #drinkchocolate #craftchocolate #upinthemountains #sanjacintomountains #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmall #idyllwild #california #ebc
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International Coffee Day 🔹🔷BlueNoseCoffee.com . . . #internationalcoffeeday #international #internationalcoffee #internationalcoffeeday2017 #tanzania #mexico #ethipoia #columbia #guatemala #elsalvador #papuanewguinea #brazil #india #costarica #jamacia #loosecoffee #highqualitycoffee #highquality #highqualitybeans #coffeebeans #coffeebean #minnesota #minnesotacoffee #mncoffee #bluenosecoffee #coffeemn #coffeefromaroundtheworld #aroundtheglobe #aroundtheworld (at BlueNose Coffee)
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Taste buds change and coffee is a crop susceptible to change. Together we will also decide on terminology, because my definition of "light" might be different from your definition.- Personal Roaster Notes . . . #personalroaster #bluenosecoffee #coffeebeans #lightroastedcoffee #mediumroastedcoffee #darkroastedcoffee #highquality #highqualitycoffee #highqualitybeans #mncoffee #fairtradecoffee #organiccoffee #coffeebeans #primetimecoffee #butfirstcoffee #coffeeaddict #freshlyroasted #farmingtonmn #lakevillemn #applevalleymn #northfieldmn #rosemountmn #burnsvillemn #eaganmn (at BlueNose Coffee)
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I always tell people as they are leaving the shop with a pound of coffee, “Please let me know what you think of that coffee, even if you hate it, seriously we will find something you will love, maybe not the first time but we will get it.” #bluenosecoffee . . . #customerservice #freshcoffee #highqualitybeans #highqualitycoffee #chooseyourroast #roastedtoorder #onlinecoffee #smallbusinessshopping #loosecoffee #lightroastcoffee #mediumroastcoffee #darkroastcoffee #coffeetalk #coffeeislife #coffeemn #mncoffee #coffeebeans #loveyourcoffee #minnesota #coffee101 #coffeeroaster #masterroaster #coffeeroasters #farmingtonmn #applevalleymn #lakevillemn #minnesotacoffee #minnesotasmallbusiness (at BlueNose Coffee)
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Non-Profit of the Month is Project Healthy Smile - 25% of PHS Coffee Blend Goes towards this Non-Profit - BlueNoseCoffee.com Project Healthy Smile mission is to create sustainable oral health programs for underprivileged children worldwide. These programs will focus on preventative care by providing oral health education and dental supplies. . . . #coffeeforacause #specialblend #specialcoffeeblend #projecthealthysmile #savingsmiles #worldwide #coffeemn #mncoffee #coffeelover #coffeefirst #nonprofit #nonprofitorganization #nonprofitsupport #highqualitybeans #highqualitycoffee #lightroastcoffee #mediumroastcoffee #darkroastcoffee #nonprofitofthemonth #mnnonprofit #minnesota #childrensdental #dental #dentalwork #oralhealth #education #dentalsupply (at BlueNose Coffee)
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Check us out in Dakota County Tribune @bluenosecoffee https://issuu.com/dakotacountytribune/docs/dct5-18-17 . . . #minnesota #localpaper #dakotacounty #dakotacountymn #farmingtonmn #farmington #cofeetalk #personalroaster #applevalleymn #lakevillemn #newspaper #frontpage #frontpagestory #sunthisweek #bluenosecoffee #extraextrareadallaboutit #localnews #localnewspaper #coffeemn #mncoffee #coffeetime #highqualitycoffee #highqualitybeans #coffeebeans #rosemountmn #mnnews #newsmn #minnesotanews (at BlueNose Coffee)
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Don't forget your Coffee for your Cabin this weekend #memorialdayweekend Order Online and we will Roast & ship your Coffee to you within 24hrs. BlueNoseCoffee.com . . . #onlinecoffee #bluenosecoffee #coffeebeans #coffeemn #coffeeathome #cabin #cabinlife #memorialday #memorialweekend #threedayweekends #remember #dontforget #24hourshipping #roasttoorder #roasttoordercoffee #highqualitybeans #highqualitycoffee #bonfire #bonfirecoffee #lightroastcoffee #mediumroastcoffee #darkroastcoffee #minnesota #mncoffee #blackcoffee #milkandcoffee #ordernow #organiccoffee #coffeeroaster #cabincoffee (at BlueNose Coffee)
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