#highland systems storm
quaranmine · 4 months
you were in Iceland?? epic! I've been there as well (in 2022), how was it? how was the volcano? (if you don't mind me asking, feel free to ignore this)
Yes! I was there 5/18 to 6/1. I've wanted to go for like a decade and have been semi planning this trip for 2024 for a year and a half, then properly researching and planning since January. It was SO AMAZING. Exactly everything I wanted :) I was ready to go home at the end for like, my own bed and some rest, but now I miss it and want to go back lol
If you went in 2022, did you get to hike to the Fagradalsfjall eruption? I know those were the "tourist" ones that people could get closer to. The current eruptions are part of another volcanic system on the Reykjanes peninsula, Svartsengi. They aren't open for hiking. It erupted again 3 days before I left. I got to see it twice! On our last full day we drove out of Reykjavik and saw it along the highway, and then the day we left we stopped on the way to the airport. I took this with my 250 mm from literally the side of the highway:
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It caused no interferences with our travel. It's a fissure eruption, so the lava is erupting along a fissure and isn't as big and explosive. Initially they were afraid this one might disrupt air travel if the lava flowed to the sea (producing more ash and steam) but it didn't. It was very cool to see! I feel bad for the people who lived in Grindavik though, it’s been months since they had to evacuate and there isn't an end in sight for them yet. The Icelandic government really stays on top of things like road closures, weather reporting, etc so I checked their websites daily. The main concern with the eruption as gas pollution, so I just checked their pollution forecast to see if the wind was going to blow it over us or not (it didn't.)
Our trip went great. We had mostly good weather and apparently left just in time because this last week there's been a pretty nasty problematic storm across the whole country that left a bunch of people stranded. But we left 2 days before that. We drove 3,300 km in our rental car (2,050 miles) and did the entire ring road + some of the Westfjords + Snæfellsnes + Húsavik + Borgarfjörður Eystri as detours. Our rental car was named Jim because that was his license plate. We bonded with him lmao
Here's a few photos :)
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Major things I did: Katla Ice Cave, Vestmannaeyjabær, Silfra snorkeling in 2°C water, Jökulsárlon boat tour, Húsavik whale watching, countless waterfalls, puffins at Borgarfjarðarhöfn, Hvammsvik hot springs & Sky lagoon, and Mulagljufur Canyon.
It was at coldest, 2°C (35°F) with downpour rain being pushed sideways into your face by wind to the point you could hardly open your eyes. It was at hottest 19° C (66°F) and sunny. We mostly got great weather, it was only one day that was particularly bad. Mostly it was between 7°C - 13°C (45°F - 55°F) the whole time.
I NEVER saw it get dark and that was a novelty to me the entire trip. Like it never settled in as something I got used to. Presumably it got mostly dark somewhere around 2 am but I was always asleep by then and even if I woke up to go the bathroom, it'd be like 4 am and already light again. The furthest north we stayed was Ísafjörđur, and according to timeanddate.com by May it never reaches full dark, only civil twilight for 3 hours and daylight the other 21. I can't imagine if I'd actually have been there during the solstice, with just that extra month for the days to be even longer!
Now I want to go back for a short winter trip to see the northern lights and then for a proper summer trip to see the highlands (closed the whole time we were there for thawing season)
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lonestarflight · 8 months
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"STS-32 crew took this view of the moon setting over the Earth's limb. Near the center is a semi-vortex in the clouds - a storm system in the early stages of formation. The moon's image is distorted due to refraction through the Earth's atmosphere. The near side of the moon is visible showing the vast area of the moon's western seas (Mare Occidental), Apollo landing sites: Apollo 14 at Fra Mauro and Apollo 16 at Central Highlands near Descartes."
Date: January 20, 1990
NASA ID: S32-72-050
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addgg-taylor · 6 months
MTG: The Unstable Ground We Stand On
The year was 2013. Gatecrash had just come out to mixed reception, but I didn't even know what Magic was. I was in high school, and my best friend (at the time) was on a vacation to Disney World. So, I went to sit with my second best friend, but couldn't find them. That's when I found an old friend of mine playing a card game with them, and that game was Magic. I learned about it, looked into it, played Duels of the Planeswalkers (remember when that was a thing?), and decided it was for me! Now, I could have gotten a starter deck, but I was laser focused on one thing: A box that said Core Set. This was the M14 Deckbuilder's Toolkit, and I got it because that's what all my friends started Magic with. Granted, that probably wasn't the smartest idea, but I'm the type to jump off the deep end; if I'm getting into a hobby, I may as well make sure I'm prepared for the long haul. The Deckbuilder's Toolkit had everything I needed, the start of a collection, and most importantly? Lands. It had lands. You didn't need to buy them from a game store for up to (or even exceeding) a dollar a pop. You didn't have to rely on people liquidating their collection to stock up. You could just buy a box and have land cards to build decks with, and I remember buying toolkits just for lands and boosters. Now, you can't do that. If you're just getting started, you either have to borrow them, switch them between decks, open them in packs, or buy them on the secondary market. (That last one is pretty ironic, because Wizards of the Coast has a rule against acknowledging the secondary market.) And, yet there's no reasonable, mainstream way to get land cards. Some game stores will let you keep them after an event, but I've only been to one store that did that. (Read: did. They don't anymore because people weren't saving enough for others.)
Back on topic though, long time players probably made note of the time I started Magic; I started with Magic 14, which came between the Return to Ravnica block... and the Theros block, widely regarded as one of the most heavily unbalanced and mechanically awkward blocks of its time. So, after that, people reasonably wanted a palette cleanser, and they had it. The Tarkir block was amazing despite being chronologically confusing, but in the storm of chaos, there was warmth. The Core Sets would always be there to serve as the foundational building blocks, and get this; they gave players a moment to see where the main characters were on their journeys. These weren't just foundational gameplay wise, but story wise, and gave WotC a moment to show everyone what's going on in the background. They also ensured that, between the sets with heavy mechanical ties or complexity, there was always solid ground to stand on. New players could seek out these Core Sets as a good starting ground, and experienced players found themselves in familiar territory with highly desired reprints. However, despite no reasonable player protesting against Core Sets, the vocalization of players wanting more of their favorite planes was taken in a way that was bad for everyone (in my opinion).
After Magic Origins, the game switched to a two set block system, and suddenly lost the Core Set. From a game design standpoint, this is doomsday. This is how TCGs die if they don't have a dedicated, permanent selection of cards, and yet Magic somehow survived to realize their mistake. In the background, however, they were still making a more gross mistake, trying to capitalize on Elder Dragon Highlander. Around the time I got into Magic, they'd begun making Commander decks, and at first these weren't too problematic. They were once a year drops that let players get into this entirely different casual format. While Standard was limited on card selection, and Modern and Legacy a coin flip simulator, Commander allowed players to throw their collection into the ring without regard for the hottest cards. The general consensus was that you could play what you wanted, whether you had a few Standard sets worth of cards or flocked to Modern, Legacy, and Vintage.
Fast forward to War of the Spark. Now, the two block system was dying. The war on blocks had begun, with Mark Rosewater practically blowing off anyone that critiqued the change with the same "this is what you wanted, right?" Players really wanted to see previous planes, but instead of Wizards trying to revisit them in earnest, they shifted into rapid fire mode. With only one set per plane now, they began spitting out half-baked revisits that barely touched upon older planes, and tore through new planes and major events without putting much thought into them. Stories would begin to go undercooked, and with every "you wouldn't want to be stuck on a plane you don't like" from MaRo, an interesting plane or event is left unexplored past the surface level. Additionally, to add more ammo to this machine gun of mistakes, they threw the Core Set in the trash. They tried to kill it off once and realized their mistake, but after Adventures in the Forgotten Realms it was dead for good. Looking at things now, this has all caused Magic to fall apart.
Magic is the worst it's ever been for any player that isn't wholly invested in and unwaveringly loyal to the game. The beginner has the worst footing in many years, with the Local Game Store forced to leverage all the responsibility for getting new players into the game. Players who want to learn can do so for free, but the first step into the door beyond learning is a brick wall. Starter Kits have finally made a resurgence, which is a step in the right direction. However, you likely wouldn't know they existed if you didn't look online, which is antithetical to the fact that you'll usually have to go to a game store in order to play in events anyway. Additionally, with MSRPs being stripped off many products, it's the most expensive (even relatively speaking) it's ever been to start playing. As for experienced players? The story is the hardest it's ever been to keep up with, thanks especially to the fact that an entire plane's story has to start and end in one set. Players should be able to get the gist simply by looking at the set, but instead, hastily written stories with declining storytelling aspects do most of the talking (and it's assumed you've read them). This problem is becoming painfully obvious now; basically everyone that's died recently has been brought back to some extent, making it apparent that the folks in charge of story direction are leaning on old planeswalkers instead of innovating with new ones. Mu Yangling and Jiang Yanggu, Basri Ket, Niko Aris, Calix, Kasmina, Davriel, Dack Fayden, and Wrenn have either been ignored or cut from the story. Meanwhile, every member of the original five planeswalkers has completed their story arc and suffered some major fate that should have ended their tale, and yet they've all come back; Ajani and Jace were compleated, Garruk was corrupted by the Chain Veil, Liliana was hunted down, and Chandra was forced to face her corrupted fling Nissa. All of them are now totally fine, with Jace set to appear in Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
That's just scratching the surface of problems plaguing veterans. From a gameplay perspective, Standard is the most complex it's ever been, thanks to a three-year cycle being introduced and a constant torrent of increasingly complex mechanics. From a financial perspective, products aren't just the most expensive they've ever been, but there's basically a new product every single month now. Unless you stick to a single format (which can still be wallet-busting in its own right), you're bombarded with new content. Experimentation is great, but with the constant output, Wizards is forced to compete with itself; this has led to the worst level of power creep in many years. (You could probably reprint the Mirrodin block into Standard at this rate and only have to ban Skullclamp.) Every format has been turned on its back by the creep, from evoke elementals plaguing every deck in Modern to companions haunting Legacy and Vintage; worst of all, however, has been the fact that Standard is incredibly difficult to innovate in because of just how many blatantly busted cards are being printed. Oko was the thunder in the distance, and a storm has been pelting the format at increasing intensity since. We've reached a point where many blatantly powerful cards are considered fine in the format, because Wizards would rather keep bombs like Sheoldred, the Apocalypse legal than go on a banning spree for every seriously problematic card.
The worst part about this is that we likely wouldn't have reached this point if we still had a Core Set every year. The intentionally dumbed-down power of Core Sets is part of what helped keep power creep in check, as they couldn't go too far if they wanted to make the cards relevant. The ability to reprint many cards back into Standard gave players a comfortable baseline, let new players enter the game more easily, and made it easier to acquire classic cards. The break in the story allowed us to get a better look at where planeswalkers were and what they were doing, or it let us step back to see their history. It let Wizards introduce new characters more freely, not having to worry about their immediate implications. And, most importantly. if it was still around, there'd be far less arguments for one set per plane.
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corvidus-fr · 1 year
Idk much about wires and shit so I can't talk about that, but maybe they're using underground cables instead of overhead cables to avoid sabotage? Idk if that's lore that's been scrapped with the Beastclan rewrite, but I seem to remember that that was a thing. At the very least, other elements may try to damage Lightning infrastructure as part of dominance warring, which would be more difficult to do if the cables are hidden underground. Maybe. Idk. That's my first assumption, at least, but who knows.
sure - there are plenty of potential reasons they might use underground cables in some parts of the region! defense against sabotage is one. more off the top of my head: maybe there's other important infrastructure underground that the cables are needed to supply (like Sandsurge lairs, leyline monitors, seismic detectors, or an underground transit system). maybe it's because out in the Barrens, overhead wiring would disrupt the formation of the thunderstorms rolling in towards the spire. maybe the air itself is too charged in some parts of the Expanse, and overhead cables randomly discharge themselves too often for them to be a practical solution. maybe some areas are prone to extreme weather (storms, hurricanes) that could easily damage or destroy overhead cable lines, and so on and so on.
i guess where i'm coming from is that, for me, any of those would be a great jumping-off point for more lore! like, let's run with your suggestion, maybe near the borders of Lightning territory there are frequent attempts to disrupt the infrastructure from rival flights. how does that affect the clans that live there? do lairs out in the Highland Scrub frequently have to build their own energy generators, because they can't rely on the supplies from the Spire? are those places fundamentally just lower-tech than elsewhere (and if so, how does that affect the regional culture between there and the heartland)? do Earth mercenaries fetch a premium because they can seek out and disrupt the buried cables?
my favourite kinds of fictional worlds are the ones that declare something to be true, and then build out the consequences. it's like a domino effect! if X is true about your fantasy world, what does that imply for Y and Z? i'm not saying FR has bad lore or worldbuilding at all, i just wanna see it built on in a little more detail! i'm aggressively gesturing and yes-anding every time we get a new story drop because yes, okay, now where's the rest of it
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raychelsnr · 9 months
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Higher resolution models are beginning to roll in, showing an uptick in snow potential across the Southern Plains as a more southern storm track looks increasingly likely.
High-resolution models are showing a pretty likely bullseye of 4-8” of snow from Northeast New Mexico into the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles, as well as adjacent portions of Colorado and Kansas. There aren’t any winter weather advisories or winter storm watches out for the Panhandles just yet, but that may come by afternoon.
Winter storm warnings are out for the highlands of New Mexico. Travel impacts should be moderate to major in the affected areas, with some impacts to travel on I-40 being likely. 
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samanthahirr · 2 years
First Lines
runnRules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3 (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
Thanks so much for tagging me in, @stinastar & @ato-the-bean! My last 10 fics are all 00Q, and I'm clearly an in medias res kind of writer.
The guards shove him into the showroom, hard enough that the hobbling chains bruise his ankles as he stumbles. —Off the Books
James makes the handsome blond fellow at the hotel bar as an operative in under three minutes—and CIA within five. —Flirting with Danger
"I've already spoken with R about staff availability," Tanner says, and pauses to acknowledge her with a small nod before continuing his explanation to Q. "There's a limited roster of staff qualified to run the system they need set up for the meeting, and of those qualified, all but one have already been granted leave for Christmas." —The Highland Holiday Set-Up
His lips are swollen from hours of kissing, his neck so warm from beard burn that he leaves his scarf tucked in his pocket. —Roman Holiday
Bond carries the two heaviest bags while Q carries the lighter one and unlocks the front door. —Groceries and Other Conundrums
"007, Shen just got on the highway heading East. Your on-ramp will be coming up on the right. You must intercept him before he reaches the airfield," Q says into the microphone. —The Laws of Road and Reason
The heavens open ten minutes after the pickup truck—and his erstwhile pursuers—explode. —In from the Storm
"The joystick is highly sensitive, so a light touch—" —Please Ask (for Help)
The new quartermaster is young, attractive, and endlessly creative. —Touch It, Stroke It, and Undress It
James wakes from a heavy sleep to his mobile buzzing in an unfamiliar room. It takes a second longer than it should to reach full consciousness and pull together the clues—dawn light, a soft tropical breeze from the open window, the faint edge of a hangover, James naked and mostly hard, and Q sprawled over his chest…wearing a ring on his left hand where his fingers curl over James’s heart. —Above Honey and Everything
I'm tagging in @pterawaters @sweetbabyangels @stinastar @wantonlywindswept @arasigyrn @emiliasilverova @aprettyspy @stormofsharpthings and anyone else who wants to participate.
Tag, you're it!
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fubbick · 2 years
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My entry for the Storm Hawks Bird OC Challenge: Ardennaise chicken is the December theme :) @far-side-skies
Name: Hirundo Progne
Age: 18
Terra: Coriolis
Occupation: Crystal technician but aspirating squadron member
Living in the most rural area of Terra Coriolis (Freshets Highlands) it’s hard to get crystal technology working properly, so Hirundo’s family take care of electricity systems based on crystal. They are Atmos’ electricians.
Hirundo works along with her parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and 5 siblings but are based on Velum, the “capital” of Freshets Highlands, where the population has a really particular ethnic identity that is different from the rest of Coriolis.
She loves her work and even if she’s not interested in crystal magic itself, she loves the technical aspects of electricity that crystals produce. But she also wants to form a squadron along with her friend Roc and his friends Garuda and Anqa. Only time will tell if this happens or if their lives will make them walk apart, because all of them need to work to sustain their families and the leaders of Coriolis aren’t interested in Freshet.
Thanks for read 😊
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Homebrew Spelljammer setting
Taken from my GM notes: What conflicts or catastrophes have shaped this wildspace system?
The Deimos Invasion, a war of conquest waged by the Duergar Empire of Deimos nearly brought the system to it's knees despite a broad coalition of sentients, however this war came to an abrupt end after the world the Duergar were using as a beachhead into the system was shattered by a meteor carrying strange and deadly beings, as well as valuable materials never before seen. The debris field left in it's wake has become a hot spot of Duergar resistance, pirate havens, smuggling operations, and mining concerns.
The war ended abruptly merely ten years ago, where were you when the tide changed and the coalition beat back the Duergar?
Since the end of the war, the Astral Elves have become the ruling power of the Coalition, and many worlds have begun to chafe under their rule. However, with the threat of another invasion, the strange beings inhabiting the shattered world, the elves own powerful armada, and their magically altered elite soldiers, no world has yet risen against them.
What is the name of the primary star of this wildspace system? Is it singular, binary, or trinary?
The Primary star of this system is Naledi, an ancient red giant orbited by it's two sister stars: A yellow dwarf Timir, and a smaller orange dwarf Kaveh. This makes the proper name of the wildspace system where this game takes place: Naledi-space.
What is the primary world of this system? What is its climate like? What is it known for?
The primary world of this system was once Phaeton, home of the Ssuran, the Dracon, Dragonborn, and True Dragons. However the world was first conquered by a apocalyptic invasion from Deimos-Space, and later shattered by a strange meteor carrying deadly beings, and valuable resources.
Since the destruction of Phaeton, Persephone, home of the elves and goblinoids, has become the primary world of Naledi-space. It is a world of extremes with arid wastes, teeming jungles, and a vast underworld where the true rulers of elven society dwell.
What is the greatest city of this system? What makes it great?
While the elves would claim their capital, Orpheus, as the greatest city of Naledi-space, in truth it is Aegishjalmur that was and remains the greatest city of Naledi-space. Home of the last dragons, preserved from the cataclysm that shattered their lost planet, Phaeton, with mighty magics, Aegishjalmur remains the mightiest city of Naledi wildspace system. The city state toils to reclaim shards of their shattered world and serves as a free and independent port to the myriad peoples of the system.
The Worlds of Naledi-Space
Domovoy - The furthest world from Naledi, Domovoy is a frigid world of taiga, tundra, vast conifer forests, and cold, deep seas. It is the home of the Gnomes, Giants, and Dwarves who have lived in uneasy alliance since the Deimos Invasion put an end to their endless infighting. The three races are proud and powerful in their own right, and view the coalition with disfavor, only grudgingly submitting to the rule of the Elves. The world leads the system in the adoption of steam power and firearms; rail networks now cross the unforgiving expanses, and grand cities have begun to sprawl. Gnomish engineering, dwarven industry, and giant economics have signaled the beginning of a new era in Naledi-Space. Danann - A grey and mist wreathed world of highlands, moors, dark forests, and storm-wracked isles. Here abide the Tabaxi, Minotaur, Kenku, Centaur, and other demi-human races in scattered clans and kingdoms. The Feywild is close here: Fairies, Changelings, and Eladrin dwell in hidden enclaves throughout the world, and magic both noble and sinister threads the land, sea, and air. The Grand Coven rules unseen here, all clans owing fealty to those ancient witches and their daughters. The living dead also hold their mouldering courts in the darkest corners of this world, bound by ancient treaties imposed by the Grand Coven, both vampires and liches hold their council within necropolis kingdoms. Abiding the ancient peace, and taking their due from the living in exchange for vassal-hood to the Coven.
Kronos - A vast gas giant surrounded by myriad moons, it is home to Beholders, herds of Kindori, the Aarocokra, Gith, Plasmoids, and enclaves of minor races from beyond Naledi-space. The Rock of Bral, a notorious free port and pirate haven also orbits this vast world.
The Phaeton Belt - Once the jewel of Naledi-space, Phaeton was shattered in the cataclysm that ended the Deimos Invasion. Now the world exists as motes and shards of earth, as floating continent sized asteroids, broken ruins, and fragile settlements of the world's refugee races. The scattered shards of Phaeton are home to the last dragons, the Dracon, Dragonborn, and Ssuran. The remnants of the Duergar invasion force have hidden redoubts here, and the dark beings that rode the meteor which shattered Phaeton reside here too, hidden beneath the surface, waiting.
Vasundhara - The throne world, the land of a thousand kings. It is a green world of deep forests, high mountains, and vast steppes. Humans, Halflings, and Orcs call this world home, and their wars have not ceased even in this time of peace. Fractious even amongst their own races, the myriad kingdoms of Vasundhara scarcely held their peace long enough to oppose the Deimos Invasion with the rest of the Coalition, and the moment the threat passed they returned eagerly to their politicking and feuding. More than any other world, Vasundhara is known for it's gods. Each kingdom worshiping their own pantheons of entities, who's powers wax and wane with the city-state's fortunes. Planetouched, such as Aasimar, Tieflings, and Genasi are common sights on the world, children of the many gods in mortal guise who walk among their people. Shrines and temples to new gods are built over those of the dead and forgotten, and the title of archpriest and monarch are often interchangeable. Persephone - Home of the Elves and Goblinoids, heart of the coalition, and prime power in Naledi-space since the shattering of Phaeton. It is a planet of extremes: Of teeming jungles and arid wastes, tempestuous seas and searing deserts, and beneath the surface a hidden world abides, the deep realm of Asphodel where the true rulers of elven society dwell in darkness. It is a world that has long known war: The Elven Empire and Goblin Free States balanced on a razors edge between Elven magecraft and Goblin warcraft. There is a fragile peace in the current era, but little doubt that the Elves have become the prime power of the world in the wake of the Deimos Invasion and their acquisition of the life-shaping arts. Ulupoka - A vast oceanic world, whose landmasses are small and scattered. It teems with life and civilization beneath the waves, as well as terrible dangers. Here the Triton, Merfolk, Merrow, and other aquatic sentients dwell, tending to their own affairs, and rarely traversing Naledi-Space in their Aquarium vessels. The Aboleth maintain great power in the darkest reaches of the world, a continual hidden threat that the worlds beyond can scarce conceive.
Buru-Enmeli - The closest world to the triple suns, Buru-Enmeli is home to the Tohr-Kreen, Thri-Kreen, and Xix-Chil, as well as Shifters, Leonin, and Loxodons, it is a hostile world of vast savannas, deep deserts, verdant oasis, and tropical seas. The Xix-Chil, the strange masters of that world, did not join the coalition during the Deimos Invasion, instead destroying any vessel which approached during the conflict. They have since permitted trade once more, and remain independent in the current era by virtue of their ages old mastery of life-shaping.
What is the embodiment of evil in Naledi-Space?
The Devourer, Grand Tyrant of Death and Overlord of the Beholders of Kronos. The Devourer Lurks deep within the gas giant, where it's hordes of beholders and beholder-kin dream of ruin amidst titanic storms. Their meteor ships sailing flying forth on campaigns of extermination against all non-beholder life. All worlds bear scars from their omnicidal scourging, and they were the single threat that could unify the disparate worlds of Naledi-Space prior to the Deimos Invasion. All worlds pay a tithe to the Grand Giff Armada to hold a strict interdiction of Kronos and hold back the Beholders. A strategy which has limited, but not halted, beholder aggression in the system.
Other species and nations from beyond Naledi-Space have been gifted moons of the gas giant Kronos to colonize, with the understanding that they too will aid the defense of the system against the depredations of The Devourer and it's children.
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Locations for this god forsaken AU :D
I finally figured out names for locations. Specifically where the Dragon Elders lives and some original towns.
Fluriss- Roaring Ice Fields, giant glacier
Essos- Spotted Oak Woods, speaks for itself
Lios- Tinted Bog, marsh/swamp/bog
Divinos- Moonlit Peaks, mountain
Aura- Light Heights, mountain
Heinios- Dreaded Hallows, cave system
Scaldris- Red Highlands, mesa
Huricus- Bellowing Hills, mountain range
Typhos- Drowned Sanctuary, ruined temple
Now for some town names and who's territory they're in.
North Land
Ice Frost
Oaken Horn
Thorn Shire
Swamp Haven
Mud Horn
Castle Muckhouse
Star Valley
Moon Keep
Crystal Vale
Light Peak
Raven Land
Stinking Rich and Happy Hill
Dust Bourne
Flame Horn
Storm Point
The Halps
North Point
East Call
Whale Moor
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roofingandsidingutah · 3 months
Roofing and Siding Contractor Orem Utah | Snowbird Roofing and Siding | Expert Roof Installation and Repair
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newstfionline · 3 months
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Car theft crisis plagues Canadians (BBC) Logan LaFarniere woke up one October morning in 2022 to an empty driveway. His brand new Ram Rebel truck was missing. His security camera captured two hooded men breaking into the pickup in the dead of night outside of his Milton, Ontario home, and driving it away with ease. A few months later, that very same truck appeared on a website of vehicles for sale in Ghana, an ocean and some 8,500km (5,300m) away. A pandemic-related global car shortage increased demand for both new and used vehicles, leading to a spike in car theft. Canada is feeling that problem acutely. In 2022, more than 105,000 cars were stolen in Canada—about one car every five minutes. Among the victims was Canada’s very own federal justice minister, whose government-issued Toyota Highlander XLE was taken twice by thieves.
Beryl Leaves Millions Without Power in Houston (NYT) A day after Tropical Storm Beryl struck Houston with deadly force, flooding roads and highways and killing at least four people, officials in Texas were struggling to restore power for millions of residents as hot weather returned to the region. The storm, which made landfall in Texas as a Category 1 hurricane around 4 a.m. on Monday, weakened as it passed through the sprawling city and its suburbs. But the force of its winds still left Houston residents reeling for the second time in two months after a deadly system of thunderstorms crashed through the city in May. The storm had sustained winds of 65 m.p.h. as it passed through Houston but also produced damaging, hurricane-force wind gusts above 80 m.p.h. in and around the city. That was enough to rip branches and topple trees across the city. Beryl brought heavy rains to Houston. Floodwaters filled many of the city’s drainage bayous to the top of their banks and, in some cases, overtopped them. Elsewhere, sections of highways and underpasses filled with water. Officials said at least 47 people had to be rescued from high water. Once the storm moved on, the biggest issue for Houston residents became the widespread lack of power. The main provider, CenterPoint Energy, said on Monday that more than 2 million customers were without electricity and officials did not immediately provide a timeline for when people could expect to get power back.
Tropical Storm Beryl Spawned a Symphony of Toads (NYT) Amid the cacophony of pelting rain, exploding fuse boxes and cracking tree limbs, another sound followed Tropical Storm Beryl across the Houston area on Monday: The mating call of the male Gulf Coast toad. This species of toad is rotund, about the size of a tangerine, and speckled brown with a vanilla-colored belly. But you don’t see them as often as you hear them. On summer nights around Houston, they chime in a competitive chorus. But it’s unusual to hear them during the day. Beryl seems to have changed that, though. As the storm crossed the metro area on Monday morning, the call of the toads echoed from flooded street corners.
Insurers in the Medicare Advantage program pocketed $50 billion making questionable diagnoses that triggered extra taxpayer-funded payments. (WSJ) Some diagnoses were outright wrong, including for potentially deadly illnesses for which patients received no subsequent care, as well as for conditions people couldn’t possibly have, a WSJ analysis of Medicare records found. Often, neither patients nor their doctors knew about the diagnoses. Medicare Advantage, in which private insurers oversee Medicare benefits, was designed to provide healthcare more economically, but instead it added tens of billions of dollars in costs, researchers and some government officials have said. One reason is that insurers can add diagnoses to ones that patients’ own doctors submit. Medicare gave insurers that option so they could catch conditions that doctors neglected to record.
Pamplona’s 2024 running of the bulls (New York Post/Sky News) The Pamplona Bull Run 2024 continues the tradition of one of Spain’s most exhilarating and historic events. Held from July 6 to 14 as part of the San Fermín Festival, the bull run attracts thousands of thrill-seekers from around the globe. Every morning at 8 a.m., six bulls are set loose from their corral to charge through the narrow streets of the old town towards the bullring. Participants risk their safety by sprinting ahead of the bulls, aiming to stay close, creating an electrifying and perilous display that has enthralled spectators for decades. Six people were injured on the first day of the annual bull run. The festival was made famous for many English speakers by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel “The Sun Also Rises.”
Jean-Luc Melenchon: Star of France’s hard-left poses problem for election victors (Reuters) France’s left has a Jean-Luc Mélenchon problem. The towering firebrand of France’s hard-left, Melenchon’s France Unbowed (LFI) party won the most seats of the leftist alliance that scored a shock victory over the far right in Sunday’s snap legislative election. His party’s top position gives him a credible claim to be France’s next prime minister. But his hopes of dragging France sharply leftward appear dead after mainstream party chiefs quickly ruled out forming a coalition with a tax-and-spend, pro-Gaza figure who many in France view as an antisemitic radical. Melenchon, who denies accusations of antisemitism, “is the most divisive figure within the NFP,” said Socialist leader Olivier Faure, referring to the New Popular Front (NFP) leftist alliance. Other members of the NFP, speaking on condition of anonymity, were even more frank. “Melenchon is a problem,” a Green party lawmaker told Reuters.
Russia Strikes Children’s Hospital in Deadly Barrage Across Ukraine (NYT) Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital was destroyed by a Russian missile on Monday, shaking Kyiv, the capital, with images of bloodied and injured children, and sending hundreds racing to the scene to help clear twisted metal and smashed concrete in a desperate search for survivors. The hospital strike was part of a barrage of bombings by Moscow across the country, including one of its deadliest assaults on Kyiv since the first months of the war. At least 38 people were killed across the country, including 27 in Kyiv. More than 100 people were injured. The Ukrainian air force said it shot down 30 out of the 38 missiles launched by Russia during the attack, which began in the midmorning.
Myanmar’s ethnic rebels say they captured an airport in a new setback for the military government (AP) One of Myanmar’s most powerful ethnic minority groups battling the military government said it captured an airport serving the country’s top world-class beach resort, marking the first time resistance forces have seized such a facility. Residents of the area in the southern part of the western state of Rakhine, along with local media, also reported the seizure of Thandwe Airport, also known as Ma Zin Airport, about 260 kilometers (160 miles) northwest of Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest city. It’s the latest major setback for the military government that took power in 2021 after ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. Armed resistance to military rule is taking place in much of the country, led by pro-democracy militants as well as guerrilla groups affiliated with ethnic minorities.
The Yen Is Plunging. So Is Japan’s Defense Budget. (NYT) The yen’s collapse this year to a nearly four-decade low is undermining Japan’s plans for its largest military buildup in postwar history. The government has slashed orders for aircraft, and officials warn that further cuts may be imminent. Japan buys much of its military equipment from American companies, in transactions done in dollars. The government’s purchasing power has been drastically eroded by the yen’s diminishing value. Japan’s currency headache comes at a critical juncture. The country’s large boost in military spending was intended to fortify defenses as Tokyo confronts mounting missile threats from North Korea and other challenges posed by China, including fears of a potential China-Taiwan conflict.
Rescuers search for dozens buried by an Indonesian landslide that killed at least 23 people (AP) Rescue workers dug through tons of mud and rubble on Tuesday as they searched for dozens of missing people after a landslide hit an unauthorized gold mining area on Indonesia’s Sulawesi island, killing at least 23 people. More than 100 villagers were digging for grains of gold on Sunday in the remote and hilly village of Bone Bolango when tons of mud plunged down the surrounding hills and buried their makeshift camps.
A departing Israeli general condemns violence by Jewish settlers in the West Bank (NYT) Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fuks, the outgoing chief of Israel’s Central Command, on Monday condemned rising “nationalist crime” among Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank and criticized the Israeli government for efforts to financially cripple the Palestinian Authority, which administers some areas of the occupied West Bank. At a departure ceremony, he said that Israel’s security relied on a “strong and functioning” Palestinian Authority and expressed dismay over the settler violence in the territory, which is home to about 2.7 million Palestinians. An extremist minority, he said, was undermining Israel’s reputation internationally. “That, to me, is not Judaism,” he added, “at least not the one I was raised upon in my father’s and mother’s home. That is not the way of the Torah.”
House keys carry symbolic weight for Gaza families repeatedly displaced by war (AP) On his key chain, Hassan Nofal keeps the keys to two homes. One is to the house of his grandparents in what is now southern Israel, which he says his family was driven out of by Israeli forces in 1948 and to which they’ve never been able to return. The other is to Nofal’s house in northern Gaza that he had to flee last year after Israel launched its campaign of bombardment and offensives in the territory. Over the nearly nine months since, Nofal and his family have been uprooted four times, driven back and forth across the Gaza Strip to escape the onslaught. Nofal said he is determined to make sure his key doesn’t become a keepsake like his grandparents’. Israel’s assault in Gaza has driven some 1.9 million of the territory’s pre-war population of 2.3 million Palestinians from their homes. Most of them have been uprooted repeatedly since then, fleeing over and over across the length of the strip to escape a series of ground offensives. Each time has meant a wrenching move to a new location and a series of crowded, temporary shelters. Along the way, families have struggled to stay together and keep a few possessions. In each new site, they must find new sources of food, water and medical treatment.
3,013,413 (WSJ) That’s the number of people TSA said it screened Sunday—a new record and the first time the total of daily travelers topped three million. In recent weeks, cheaper flights, a stronger dollar and younger people eager to vacation have helped fuel some of the busiest air-travel days ever.
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emergencyplumbingil · 4 months
Understanding Storm Systems: When Do You Need A Storm System ?
In plumbing, storm systems are crucial components designed to manage excess rainwater and prevent flooding. They include drains, pipes, and gutters that direct water away from buildings and properties. When these systems malfunction due to blockages, damage, or heavy rainfall, immediate action is essential to prevent water damage and ensure safety.
Our Emergency Plumbing services are here to help you maintain and repair storm systems promptly, safeguarding your home or business from the unexpected.
Reach out to us today for expert assistance and peace of mind during stormy weather!
We service Highland Park, Glenview, Deerfield, Mettawa, Lake Forest, and all North Shore suburbs.
We are trusted by the local communities in Buffalo Grove, Inverness, Barrington , Lake Zurich and beyond.
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nikjmiles · 4 months
Mazda's CX-70: Luxury Downsized or Just a CX-90 in Disguise?_NEWS from Test Miles on Vimeo.
Mazda has decided to make a bold move with its latest offering, the 2025 Mazda CX-70, shrinking the larger CX-90's ambitious design into what may just be the right size for those not needing a caravan-sized vehicle. Priced between $40,445 and $55,950, this mid-size luxury SUV straddles the fine line between the more compact CX-50 and its bigger brother, the CX-90, seemingly tailored for those who've bid farewell to the bustling household era and now revel in the quiet after the storm.
At the heart of the CX-70's charm is a choice of two engines. The traditionalists can opt for the robust 3.3-liter six-cylinder, or, for the eco-minded, a plug-in hybrid that promises efficiency with a 2.5-liter engine paired with an electric motor, whipping up 323 horsepower and 369 lb-ft of torque. The latter not only caters to the green-hearted but does so with gusto, boasting up to 56 miles per gallon equivalent (MPGe) and covering 26 miles purely on electric zeal—a perfect companion for city sprints and countryside jaunts alike.
As we delve deeper, the CX-70, which begins at a premium entry price of $54,400 for the PHEV Premium trim, doesn’t shy away from showing off its sophisticated attire. Available in eye-catching hues like Soul Red Crystal and Zircon Sand Metallic, it stands proudly on available 21-inch wheels, framed by a striking wide front fascia and black contrasting accents. It's quite the looker but doesn't just play to the gallery. Inside, the cabin mirrors the upscale ambiance of the CX-90, adorned with options such as black upholstery festooned with gold stitching or sumptuous red Nappa leather, all underpinned by Mazda’s commitment to ergonomic and aesthetic finesse.
But it's not just about looks or lounging in luxury. The CX-70 is as practical as it is plush. Absent a third row, it offers a spacious cargo area, complete with remote-folding rear seats and hooks for bags—ideal for those who travel with more than just a briefcase. The technological suite is nothing to scoff at either. A 12.3-inch central infotainment display ensures connectivity and control are at your fingertips, featuring wireless Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and an array of driver-assistance systems including radar cruise control and a novel unresponsive driver support system.
Competing head-on with the likes of the Honda Passport and Toyota Grand Highlander Hybrid, Mazda’s trimmed-down transporter raises a compelling argument: does bigger necessarily mean better? In the arena of mid-sized SUVs, where every inch and option is scrutinized, the CX-70 presents a contrarian viewpoint that less might indeed be more, particularly for the discerning empty nester or the environmentally conscious driver.
Despite some naysayers describing the CX-70 as a possibly lukewarm makeover of the CX-90, the optimism surrounding its driving dynamics and high-quality interior suggests that Mazda may just have trimmed the fat rather than the muscle. So, while it might not be reinventing the wheel, with the CX-70, Mazda reinforces that sometimes, a little less is exactly enough.
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kirtijadhav · 5 months
Discover Luxurious Living: Veer Vishwa by VB Group Real Estate
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Veer Vishwa, a flagship project by VB Group Real Estate, offers an epitome of luxurious living in Thane. With its prime location, impeccable amenities, and modern architectural design, Veer Vishwa has become a sought-after choice for homebuyers seeking comfort, convenience, and style.
Location Advantage of Veer Vishwa in Thane
Situated in the heart of Thane, Veer Vishwa properties in thane enjoys excellent connectivity to major landmarks such as schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs. Its proximity to major transportation routes ensures easy access to the rest of the city, making daily commute hassle-free for residents.
Narayana E Techno School – 300 m
Jupiter Hospital Thane – 1.6 km
Tatvagyan Vidyapeeth – 200 m
Kapurbawdi – 400 m
Grand Thali Restaurant – 4.5 km
R Mall Thane-800 m
Highland Park – 400 m
Property Options: 1, 2, and 3 BHK Flats
1BHK – 483.00 sq.ft
2BHK – 622.00 sq.ft
3BHK – 767.00 sq.ft
1 BHK Flats
Veer Vishwa offers thoughtfully designed 1 BHK flats in thane that cater to the needs of individuals and small families. These compact yet comfortable living spaces are equipped with modern amenities to provide a cozy and convenient lifestyle.
2 BHK Flats
For those seeking more space and comfort, Veer Vishwa presents spacious 2 BHK flats that blend style with functionality. With well-lit rooms, elegant interiors, and ample ventilation, these flats offer the perfect sanctuary to unwind after a long day.
3 BHK Flats
Ideal for larger families, the 3 BHK flats at Veer Vishwa exude luxury and sophistication. Featuring spacious living areas, gourmet kitchens, and serene bedrooms, these flats redefine urban living and provide a harmonious environment for residents to thrive.
24X7 Water Supply
Children’s Play Area
Energy management
Rain Water Harvesting
Power Backup
Storm Water Drains
Community Buildings
Recreation Facilities
Veer Vishwa: A Sustainable Living Option
Committed to sustainability, Veer Vishwa incorporates eco-friendly features such as rainwater harvesting, solar panels, and waste management systems. By promoting green living practices, Veer Vishwa strives to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for its residents.
In conclusion, Veer Vishwa by VB Group Real Estate is not just a residential project—it's a lifestyle choice. With its prime location, luxurious amenities, and commitment to sustainability, Veer Vishwa offers the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and style for discerning homebuyers in Thane.
For more details visit our website :-  https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-thane/
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chronicinnature · 5 months
Peacock Herb, Findlater Castle and Cullen Skink: Scotland Reflections Part 3
Returning to this series after a busy week away teaching in western Saskatchewan. This part of our journey along the east coast and into the Highlands was pursued and directed by Storm Babet. Luckily, we only met the edges of this system on our routes, staying about a day ahead of it. As Babet began to pick up speed and roll into the east coast, we took advantage of the morning to head from our…
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hoagmaster · 9 months
January 9, 2024
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Today was busy for a multitude of reasons, productive and less so. I was part of my department's group at the local celebration of sorts and I was out there for the better part of the day. It was fine enough, but plagued by some plumbing mishaps both at the office and then at the homestead. Gave a brief bit of unease, but I'm sure I can rebound and get past them.
The game time was mostly in the morning with a bit more Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade and diving back into A Highland Song to unwind. They both did their jobs!
The snow did relent and I was able to drive to town for dinner with family after missing the past few days. But wouldn't you know it, there's another storm system coming in.
Not as much stuff otherwise as the combination of stuff above left me tired. Still have stuff to do in the coming days, so it won't be too much slower.
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