#high key Mattheo works as his sons name cuz its like a modern version of Marvolo
The Dark lords nanny - upcoming fic
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-(y/n) had known Tom during school, being his age and in the same house, she'd grown up with him and watched him become a dark, tall, and handsome young man. He disappeared soon after graduation and soon after the name 'Voldemort' began to echo through the wizarding world, the new dark lord.
And (y/n), a for-hire nanny/governess, gets a curious call from someone she once knew, an offer to be Voldemorts, or as she knew him-Tom Riddle's, live-in nanny for his newborn son, his heir.
she takes the job, it's good money with a nice room and free food, and the place she moves into, the dark lord's new manor, is very nice and big-she hardly interacts with him anyway, giving all her attention to young Mattheo who grows quickly and gets attached to her like super glue. so far, she has no regrets about being the Dark lord's nanny, and she's only 3 months in.
What she doesnt know however, is things between her and the dark lord-her boss-are about to change.-
yeaaah i wanna write this so bad-just gotta figure out the actual story line first, i just have little flashes/scenes in my head rn lol
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