#high and low story of sword
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sollattes · 1 year ago
"I'm a feminist obviously but..."
"I wouldn't really mind him saving me"
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(Oh, come and save me pretty hot Japanese men who likes to fight with other pretty Japanese men)
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kr-han · 1 year ago
HiGH&LOW Random Fun Facts That You May Not Know
Disclaimer: SWORD only and the list is so random, so bear with me.
Cobra loves cupcakes, he probably has sweet tooth.
Cobra styles his hair according to his mood (not like bad or good but more like he's fired up enough or not).
Cobra has A LOT of red clothing. His real name is Hino Junpei (緋野盾兵) and the first character which is 緋 can also be read as aka which means red or scarlet.
He loves Antonio Inoki (a pro-wrestler) so much and make it his whole personality (including his red scarf).
When Cobra is drunk, he would shout, "Inoki-san, genki desuka!?". In MUGEN era, he would do it with Kohaku for the rest of the night.
Cobra admires Kohaku so much because he thinks Kohaku resembles Antonio Inoki.
Cobra has small appetite not even 1/10 of Yamato's. But he eats cupcakes.
Cobra can't draw.
Cobra didn't use sticker on LINE (the messanger).
Cobra and Yamato can't speak English. They're probably the type who'd say, "We're Japanese we don't need English!"
Yamato is afraid of cats. The reason is cat can get long.
Yamato's insult never sounds like one.
Noboru favorite food is sea cucumber. He's sea cucumber maniac.
According to Cobra Noboru type is a girl with glasses.
Dan on the other hand, can draw well. But he can't draw woman.
Rocky is a little clumsy, he forgot small things like key.
Hyuga always sleeps whenever there's no fighting nor something exciting to do.
Murayama loves corndog.
Murayama dislikes sharing his food.
G-SWORD's leaders alcohol tolerance: Cobra is rather low, Rocky is rather high, Murayama prefer to eat than drink (but according to Nakazono, Murayama didn't make any different when he's drinking or not), Hyuga prefer to sleep than anything else, and Smoky can't.
According to Kizzy, Rocky becomes a foolish/idiotic old man when he's drunk. Kizzy also said, "When he's drunk, he got no dignity whatsoever."
Murayama's favorite alcohol beverage is ryokucha-hai (which a combination of green tea and shochu. Might be wrong though, you can search: 緑茶ハイ).
Hyuga's favorite alcohol beverage is shochu.
When Oya part timer go to karaoke, they sing girl idols' songs.
Masaki do all the house chores in Amamiya's households from cleaning up to cooking.
Hiroto's favorite food is curry.
When Hiroto cooks, he only cooks curry.
Takeru is forgetful. Masaki has to remind him all the time. Hiroto? He waits to be petted by his aniki.
Kaito and Kizzy have a couple ring and they use it as necklace.
In HiGH&LOW The Movie, Kaito and Kizzy joined the fight but there's no single footage of them fighting. But they appeared before the fight and after the fight with some bruises.
From End of Sky to Final Mission, Cobra didn't wear his red scarf anymore.
Despite using his red scarf as a personality, Cobra didn't use it to fight beside for his character introduction scene in episode 1.
Ichigo Milk has been inviting Naomi to join them, but Naomi refuses due to Itokan. She wants to take care what's left by her brother.
Naomi can actually beat dudes.
Murayama keeps the strawberry bag from Oshiage and he uses it as a pillow.
Ice gave Sarah a teddy bear (and a necklace).
Ice can cook and according to Mighty Warriors' member, Ice's curry tasted like seafood when he uses zero seafood ingredients. Apparently, it matched the actor's fun fact: Elly's curry always tasted like he put seafood in it even when he's not.
There was once, Seki dressed up in sailor uniform for karaoke. Of course, they sing girl idols' songs.
Toutetsu brothers cook for Hyuga, but he sleeps almost all day long, so Katou needs to wake him up just to eat.
Ukyou cooks better than Sakyou.
Ukyou needs to separate Daruma's income into envelopes and hide them because if not, Hyuga would splurge the income into zero. Hyuga can't manage money.
Lala reads books for the kids in Mumeigai, and they literally have reading time with Lala.
Furuya has truck driver's license.
Murayama durability is top notch and it resemble his given name which is Yoshiki. His full name written like this 村山良樹 and Yoshiki (良樹) is consist of characters that mean good or skilled, and trees or wood. He's a skilled trees or wood, or whatever but that clearly means that his durability is on another level. That's why he could bear the 100 punches challenge and still fight back after that.
Hiroto and Smoky loves cat.
Murayama talked to a cat. (He's cat, but also puppy; whatever he's cute).
Murayama introduced Todoroki to Cobra in person.
Murayama has 4 vans' shoes and a pair of converse. (Haven't count how many jackets he has though, might count it when I rewatch).
At least, Tsukumo has been hit by the car twice. He should avoid getting near cars. No cars near him, please.
White Rascals' outfit are all white and it's hard to keep it clean. The visual line (Shimura, Bito, Aizawa, and Enari) has a hard time because they spend so much money for laundry and cleaning. Little did they know, Rocky actually could paid 80% of their cleaning cost. But Rocky didn't say it to them because he knows that they would be worried about how to pay Rocky back. (Rocky is so sweet). Probably the only guys that use this privilege only Koo and Kaito.
Rocky paid 100% of the girls' laundry and cleaning cost (including Kizzy).
Rocky's surname, Mutsugi, is actually a word play. It's written as 六ツ木 in Japanese. Which the character 六 can be read as mutsu (mu for short) or roku (ro for short) and it means six; ツ is a katakana for tsu and in hiragana it's written like this つ. When tsu is written small in between characters (it's called sokuon) like っ/ッ it purposes is to geminate the next character; and 木 is ki and it means tree. If we put them together and make the tsu as sokuon, we'll get 六ッ木 which read as ろっき in hiragana and ロッキ in katakana (both are rokki) we got his name, Rocky (ロッキー).
Source: rewatching the series and the movies over and over again so I can get into the useful but also useless facts, and the g-sword manga by CLAMP. If you want to read HiGH&LOW g-sword manga by CLAMP you can read HERE for English translation or DI SINI untuk translasi Bahasa Indonesia. Note: Might add more if I find or remember more. Also, I'm sorry there's too much Cobra, can't help though, I love him a little bit too much.
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enhashoutout · 7 months ago
Please Only Look At Me (Fujio x reader)
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Have I written a Fujio x childhood friend reader post before? Yes
Am I gonna do it again and again because Fujio + this trope is my favorite thing? Absolutely
Genre: Fluff
___ is used in place of y/n to address the reader
Reader is written with female attributes, please feel free to change these while you read if you do not identify as such
Warnings: none other than like a few kisses
I listened to "From The Start" by Laufey while writing if you want to listen to it while you read.
Inspired by my bestie @high-and-low-all-the-way 's post High and Low reactions Them as Love tropes
The one where Fujio isn't gonna lose the girl he's been in love with his whole life to some rando who doesn't know you like he does.
___ and Fujio have been friends since they were kids. The two lived in the same housing estate at Hope Hill and were over at each other's places all the time so that they weren't home alone.
Both kids were very outgoing growing up but ___ started to retreat into a shell as puberty hit because growing up as a girl with people telling you how to act and be took a toll on her. Fujio stayed the same, extroverted and excited to make friends. The only people who get to see ___ extroverted were Fujio, Madoka, Seiji, Arata, Shinya, and Masaya. Yui too once they became friends through Madoka.
Fujio never treated ___ any differently. He saw the changes in her personality but didn't mind because he still got to see your extroverted personality when you were together. Not going separate ways once you grew older was already more than Fujio could ask for because he was scared you would grow up and realize you didn't want to be friends anymore, wanting to hang out with different people.
Fujio staying the same even through puberty, made ___ question her feelings for him. It’s not like he treated her any differently from everyone else, so why does she like him more than a friend? Because he's nice? Well, he's nice to everyone so it doesn't mean he feels the same way. Being nice is the bare minimum, so why is it different when Fujio is nice to her?
Fujio on the other hand thought his feelings were obvious. He waits for ___ to pick her up from school, even on late nights where she stays after for after school club events. He shares his food, and won't let anyone else help him patch up his injuries because "only ___ knows how to do it correctly". Fujio is brave in all situations... except for his feelings for ___; so he thought he would let his actions speak for him instead of saying it directly. She would surely pick up on the signs... right? Wrong. ___ is convinced he's just being nice because he is a nice person.
The only people that know for sure ___ likes Fujio are Madoka and Yui. She chose not to tell the boys because she was scared one of them would accidentally slip and tell Fujio, scared that he might not feel the same. More people know Fujio likes ___. Seiji, Arata, Shinya, Masaya, Tsukasa, Jamuo, and the rest of the boys who follow him. They always hear him talking about you and how much he likes you but doesn't know if you feel the same because you don't show any signs of feeling the same way. You don't blush at his words or actions, and you never seem nervous to be around him. (The truth is that you've been hiding your crush on him for so long you've gotten good at pretending he doesn't affect you in any way when he really does.)
Madoka, Seiji, Arata, Shinya, and Masaya are sure you both like each other but don't know what to do with you guys. The friend group was sworn to secrecy by the respective friend, so they weren't allowed to give the other person a little push in the right direction. It seemed you were both doomed to not know how the other felt until a certain group date was crashed.
Madoka, Shinya, Yui, Sawamura, and a few other girls from the band club and their boyfriends were all going on a group date. Madoka, Yui, and the girls got you to tag along because they said that the boys would bring a few friends who are single also.
"I don't know guys, I don't have someone to go with. It'll be boring if I just sit there while you're all talking to your boyfriends. I don't want to be a third wheel to four different couples."
"We took care of that! The other girls told us that their boyfriends have friends who are also single and a few of the other band girls who are also single are coming too. So, you guys can all do blind-dates or even speed-dating!" (Yui)
"I don't know about this guys...."
"Come on ___, it'll be fun! Maybe you'll like one of them and stop liking Fujio," said Yui.
"Pleaseee, she's liked him since we were 6. I don't know if she'll ever stop," said Madoka.
"No need to call me out like that Madoka."
"It's true! You've liked him since we were kids. But take what Yui is saying into consideration. Maybe you'll like one of the guys that comes on the date."
"Okay fine." The other girls hugged you, squealing with excitement; happy that you agreed to come along.
The next day after school, you guys walked to a café nearby, meeting the boys there. Your friends ran to give their boyfriends a hug, you following behind.
"Hey ___." (Shinya)
"Hey Shinya."
"Hey ___! What are you doing here?" (Sawamura)
"Madoka and Yui convinced me to come and join the blind dating. Told me it would be fun. I figured it wouldn't hurt to just mingle."
"Guys, let's go inside!" (Yui)
The group began to file into the cafe, but not before Sawamura looked at Shinya and mouthed "Text Fujio" before they all went in. Shinya didn't need to be told twice, he was already thinking about it, Sawamura just helped double confirm his thoughts. All the boys who were friends with Fujio knew he liked you, everyone was surprised none of them have spilled the secret to you. I guess that comes with being loyal to Fujio. Both guys knew that Fujio would flip if he knew you were here on a blind date.
As everyone was waiting to be seated, Shinya pulled out his phone to text Fujio.
Hey Did you know that ___ is also here?
Fujio was hanging out on the rooftop with the others when his phone buzzed. He picked it up and read the notification from Shinya, almost spitting out his drink after reading the messages.
F: What do you mean ___ is there?! Aren't you on a group date?! S: Yeah. I guess some of the other guys here brought their single friends and the girls and guys who are single are blind dating while the rest of us are on a group date. Sawamura and I just wanted to let you know she's here. F: Where are you guys? S: The café near Seiho Girl High School.
"Guys I have to go!" shouted Fujio as he ran out of Oya. The others looked at him, a bit baffled because he ran out before any of them could answer. Fujio began running towards the café. He ran and ran and didn't stop until he had arrived outside of the café. Fujio quickly entered and looked for you, seeing you talking to some random boy from another school.
"Fujio! What are you doing here?" Shinya asked out loud, pretending like he wasn't the one who notified Fujio of your whereabouts.
Fujio walked over to your table and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the café with him without a word.
"Fujio? Fuijo, where are we going? Fujio I left my date back there by himself because you pulled me out of the café!"
Fujio turned around to look at you, not letting go of your wrist. "Don't look at anyone else."
"Don't look at anyone else. Don't look at other boys. Please only look at me."
"Fujio what are you talking about?"
"I like you ___. I've liked you for a long time ___, since we were 6 years old. I've liked you every day since we met and I've been trying to show you I like you since we were 10. I haven't been able to tell you because I was scared you didn't feel the same, but I'm telling you now. All the boys know I like you, I told all of them. When Shinya and Sawamura saw you here they texted me and I came as fast as I could. I can't lose you to someone else when I've loved you my whole life ___. I love you ___! So please don't look at anyone else."
A moment of silence passed between the two as they continued to stare at each other. "Well at least accept or reject me ___. Don't leave me hanging," said Fujio.
___ grabbed a hold of Fujio's other hand, getting up on her tip toes, and kissed the boy. Fujio let go of ___'s hands to wrap his arms around her waist as he melted into the kiss. ___'s hands going up to grab his shoulders. The two finally pulled away when they needed air.
"You should've just told me that from the beginning Fujio."
"I know. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. Be my girlfriend?"
"Yes, I would love to finally be your girlfriend."
Fujio hugged ___ and spun them in a circle. "I've been waiting my whole life to hear you say that."
"In my defense, you took a whole lifetime to ask."
He let go of the hug to look at her. "But I've been showing you that I liked you since forever!"
"Showing me how?!"
"By being extra nice to you!"
"That's not valid! You're nice to everyone!"
The two held hands and walked off, continuing to bicker back and forth about whether or not Fujio's actions spoke loud enough to convey his feelings or if he should've just verbally confessed sooner. Behind a bush, Tsukasa, Jamuo, Todoroki, Yuken, Tsuji, and Shibaman hid to look at the two.
"Well, now they're dating, but they still bicker the same way they did when we were all 6." (Jamuo)
"I don't think that'll ever change about them." (Tsukasa)
"Finally! Now we won't have to hear him mope about how ___ doesn't return his feelings anymore!" (Tsuji)
"Yeah but now it's gonna turn into him talking about how much he loves her instead." (Shibaman)
Yuken was taking a picture of the two walking hand in hand.
"Uhhh what are you doing?" (Todoroki)
"Sending it to the Housen-Suzuran group chat obviously." (Yuken)
"You guys have a group chat?" (Todoroki)
"Yeah. It's new. Made it since Rao and Sachio are friends now." (Yuken)
"Are you updating Rao on Fujio's love life?" (Tsukasa)
"Yes. And making Binzo jealous." (Yuken)
TA-DAH! You made it to the end! This was just something small and fun I wrote today when I got a break from class and training at my new job. I miss writing😭 I need to get back into writing more, I didn't get to post anything in the Summer. This blog is gonna see an insane amount of self-indulgent fluff fics being posted because I'm gonna need those to get through my Master's program this year (help I'm dreading it already and this is only my second day)😭😂
© This work is copyrighted by enhashoutout. I only post my work on this Tumblr account. I do not allow people to repost or translate my work without my permission. If you do see anyone doing so, please let me know. Writers work hard on their stories, please don't be a crappy human and take our work. ♡
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tiredlittlewriter · 8 months ago
(Sorry for yelling I've had a very stressful 2 weeks)
- Starting off strong with for some reason all Oya full-timers think that just because it's summer, all areas in S.W.O.R.D are free game
- Like why the fuck is Nakaoka in White Rascals territory???¿¿ how did he get here??
- Cobra has known Kaede (Shibanee) and Shibaman his whole life, so he used to take Shibaman to the beach when he was younger
- He smiles when he sees Shiba doing the same thing now for the younger kids in S.W.O.R.D
- Smoky hates the summer because he can't wear his jacket
- Fujio keeps popping up places randomly in S.W.O.R.D
- Hyuga found the kid at the temple
- Fujio did not in fact know how he got there
- Tsuji is temporarily rich over the summer cause lots of people come to his mother's cafe and he gets tons of tips
- Noboru takes summer classes and had to take an exam in the middle of a fight
- Mighty Warriors and White Rascals often compete for the summer club rush
- No, Rocky will not take his coat off you will never see his arms he doesn't care if it's 100 degrees out
- Kizzy and Kaito definitely do freaky shit on a beach at 3 am
- Todoroki plans a beach date for Tsujishibaroki which gets crashed by Yuken of all people (he doesn't live in S.W.O.R.D??? Why the hell is he here???)
- Murayama cried his first summer after graduation it was very dramatic and emotional
- Fujio asks to fight Cobra. He is promptly denied
- Hyuga doesn't have any problems fighting kids tho and they fight the second time Fujio ends up lost (for fun)
- Of course he got his shit rocked Hyuga is crazy
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quirkychaoticraptor · 5 months ago
Guys....! Assistance, please! It's the Rude Boys....! They're trying to drag me further down the "HiGH & LOW" rabbit hole, and into their wonderland!
*screams of terror*
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akq96618 · 4 months ago
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it seems like my artstyle has changed a little from past year, so i tried to draw SWORD leaders again....
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oyaluv · 1 year ago
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Living rent free is a huge understatement he’s my current get to sleep fake scenario guy
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ddorokking · 1 year ago
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the-chaotic · 1 year ago
「— A Stranger Savior 」
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「Resume ― 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟 a mysterious stranger appears and saves Tatsuya and Tsukumo from the accident? 」
「pairing ― Kohaku, Tatsuya and Tsukumo. 」
「カオス ― Writing from Kohaku's perspective is so difficult, I hope I did it well and didn't mischaracterize him. I also tried to keep a consistent chronology of events. 」
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Kohaku is still trying to understand what happened.
He thinks that it was all just a hallucination induced by stress and anxiety, but seeing Tatsuya and Tsukumo being checked by paramedics and giving statements to the police, he knew that none of it could just be his imagination.
Everything about that week was sending him into a collapse; first Tsukumo talking about how Tatsuya was worried about him and Mugen and then the fight against the Amamiya brothers among the other many problems. Kohaku felt like she was going to explode at any moment.
When Tatsuya asked to meet with him the day after the fight, Kohaku didn't expect much, he knew that his friend would talk about the path Mugen was taking and he thought he was ready to hear everything that could be said.
But when Tatsuya, the person he valued most, confronted him with the truth, he knew he had enough.
Tatsuya was right, he was scared. Afraid of change, afraid of his friends slowly leaving, afraid of being alone after everything. And all of this led him to be trapped in a spiral of constant anxiety that was preventing him from see what's really happening around you, especially with Mugen.
His breaking point was when he arrived at the Mugen base to relax and by chance overheard a member who was there with another person using his name and that of his gang for dark things.
It was at that moment that Tatsuya's words reached Kohaku and led him to an epiphany.
The next moment, it was as if a part inside him said that he was ready to start accepting the changes that were happening around him, that even though it was difficult, in the end, he was not alone because he had friends who were there for him and that they wouldn't leave him behind. He hopes it's not too late.
Collecting her thoughts, Kohaku decided to go after Tatsuya to apologize about his behavior and the things he said before.
While looking for his friend, from afar on a deserted street he saw him with Tsukumo by his side, which was a perfect opportunity to apologize to him too.
“Tatsuya!” he ran to a stop in front of the two and took a minute to gather the words, “I…”
Kohaku couldn't finish before Tatsuya forcefully pushed him to the side and that was when he no longer knew if he had hit his head on the ground and passed out or if he was delirious because he had no idea how to explain what he saw.
He saw a car coming at high speed about to hit Tatsuya and Tsukumo when, without him knowing from where, a figure appears in the middle of the two, pushing them to the ground and, with inhuman strength, slams both fists on the hood of the car completely kneading.
The brute force of the pack causes the car to fly over the three, skidding frantically with a sharp sound at least 60 meters away, completely crushed and destroyed.
Tatsuya and Tsukumo looked as shocked as Kohaku at this moment. Looking back, the car was completely destroyed and smoking with a strong smell of gasoline, there was no way in the world that whoever was driving it could have survived.
Still in shock and a little desperate, Tatsuya called the police while Tsukumo looked for any injuries on the other. Kohaku got up to go to the other two when he quickly remembered the mysterious savior.
He looked around the space looking for the person when he saw them standing far away. Even with the distance, he tries to record what he can of his appearance, which isn't much. What made him even more incredulous was that even with the loose clothes, the figure didn't seem to have any muscles that could justify its strength.
In the end, none of the three came away with any serious injuries other than a few scratches on their hands. When the police asked for their statement, Tatsuya took the lead and said what had happened but not telling them about the person who saved them, he just said that at the last second the car lost control and overturned. The police officers accepted this excuse.
Neither Kohaku nor Tsukumo questioned him about why he didn't tell the truth, because they also didn't know if they should. Besides, who would believe it? Maybe it would be better this way.
They were walking away after being released when something caught Kohaku's attention. On the sidewalk, there was a blue and white bracelet with a broken clasp. He quickly picked it up without the police noticing and put it in his pants pocket. That accessory probably belonged to that mysterious person and was the only clue he had, so he decided to keep it. Something told him that it would be important to keep that belonging.
You punch the wall behind you in frustration creating a large hole.
You almost ruined everything.
You took a few deep breaths to regain control and stabilize yourself. You weren't sorry for saving those guys, but that action would have consequences and it didn't help at all that two of them were wearing the vest of the infamous Mugen gang.
I hope dad doesn't get upset.
You knew that as soon as you got home you would get a lecture from your father for being reckless, for exposing yourself like you did, but trying to think positive, your identity was safe thanks to the large hood of the sweatshirt you were wearing.
You take off the sweatshirt you were wearing and put it in the backpack that you had left hidden in an alley, although those guys had left by a different route than you, prevention was never too much.
Your phone vibrates and when you pick it up and turn it on, a simple and straightforward notification of a message from your father saying 'I'm waiting at home' glows ominously.
Well, Shit.
After putting away your cell phone, as a form of consolation, you touch the beloved bracelets on your wrist only to notice that one of them was missing.
Please, somebody kill me now!!
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zeeohyi · 1 year ago
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smokey (or is it smoky???)
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sollattes · 1 year ago
"So why did you decide to take psychology?"
To fix them duh 🙄🙄🙄 I can fix them fr fr
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kr-han · 7 days ago
Fall, When I Fall for You
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A 4351 words worth of fic of Cobra and Akari slowly falling written by Khairunnisa Han
Canon Divergence, Post-Canon with a whole lot of new original characters, to which are The Hasegawas
Fall, When I Fall for You
Those beautiful, yellow and brown leaves fell down to the ground, some were flying by the wind. It was slowly getting colder, as it was closer to winter—but not yet. Days still went like usual, nothing major happened since the downfall of Kuryu Group. Safe to say, SWORD Area had become a safe place—or some sort like that since little conflicts still very much happened here and there.
Cobra was still going with his day like any other day, sitting down in the gas station while supervising his employees. They, Sannoh, hadn’t had a chance to ride again—not this fall. They have to wait, at least until spring. It would be boring and he was already dying from the boredom.
Sometimes, his mind wandered around and somehow, he ended up thinking about that one particular girl in red. Ever since that day, he never saw her around again. Such a shame, he thought, he wanted to see her with her oversized bike again. But she never came until summer ended, and from her social media, he could tell her schedule was packed.
It was strange, since he only saw her that day, but he thought about her almost every single day. Perhaps, because of her red hair in the heat of summer, he remembered her. Silly, he thought every time her and her red hair popped out in his mind. Her cocky smile reappeared again and he smiled like a silly teenager that ended up making him want to punch his own face.
He went to ITOKAN again once his shift ended, almost like a routine. There, he found the same faces again. He raised his hand, enough to greet everyone before taking a seat in his designated seat at the corner. “Naomi, the usual drink,” he said casually—he didn’t have to say it since Naomi remembered already, but he did.
“Eh? What’s wrong with you?” she asked as she brought him the drink in a red cup. The way Naomi phrased it made everyone tilt their head to Cobra almost immediately. Sure, he got a frown on his forehead, a telltale sign that something was wrong—or so they thought.
Dan, out of everyone else dashed towards Cobra. “We got someone to beat again, huh?” he asked as he rolled his sleeve. He was ready, everyone was ready to beat someone up. “So, who’s messing with us, Cobra?” he asked again, but got no answer.
He wasn’t talkative, but he never let a question unanswered. Something was really wrong, the other Sannoh’s guys thought. But Naomi snapped Cobra out of his mind when she swatted his head with a tray. “Idiot. Answer when you’re asked!” she scolded him. Perhaps, she was the only one who should scold Cobra.
“That’s hurt!” Cobra snarled, but Naomi just shrugged as she went back behind the bar. He scanned the guys in ITOKAN, only to find curious eyes waiting for him to tell them something—anything. “Well, I kinda think of someone,” he started, and his voice was lower than usual. It seemed like he didn’t want to talk about it, and he had to do it because somehow, they were demanding him to.
Cobra wasn’t a kind of man who talked about someone, moreover with the hint of longing in his voice. Unless, he talked about Inoki-san. But that wasn’t the problem because, here, Cobra was trying to be open about what happened with him. Perhaps, they really needed to beat someone up since it has been a while for them.
“This girl—”
“GIRL!?” everyone shouted, didn’t even let Cobra finish his words. No one guessed that Cobra would talk about a girl, ever. “Damn, you have interest in a girl? For real?” Yamato chimed in, he was as bewilder as the others. “A fucking girl?” he repeated, as if mocking Cobra.
Noboru chuckled softly, initially before he waved, trying to calm everyone down. “Come on, guys. Listen to him first,” he said. Naomi nodded, agreeing with him. “Cobra, you can go on.”
Uncomfortable wasn’t the right word to describe something within his ribcage; perhaps, it was nervous. “So, yeah, I’ve been thinking of this girl almost every day. I don’t know what’s interesting about her. But she got red hair, cool piercings, and her bike—well, I think she could do better than that.”
“Oh, is it about that girl you talked about, like, weeks ago?” Noboru asked, and Cobra nodded almost immediately. Noboru nodded as well, knowing that he may have heard about it some weeks ago. He expected it to be interesting.
But not interesting enough for Yamato, because he scowled. “Wait. You talk to Noboru but not to me? Why? Are you trying to exclude me?” he accused, pointing his finger to Cobra.
“Shut up, Idiot! Listen!” Naomi, again, scolded.
Yamato rolled his eyes as he said, “Okay. Okay. I’ll shut the fuck up. I just don’t appreciate not being included before okay. I mean, I think we’re friends?” It looked like he was whining about it, but couldn’t say much after being scolded. Not that he wanted to stop Cobra from talking either.
As Cobra continued talking, Naomi scoffed, followed by Noboru’s soft chuckles. Meanwhile the other was confused with both Naomi and Noboru’s reaction. Not Tettsu, though. “Oh, you got a crush on her, eh?” Tettsu teased the leader as he pulled a mischievous smirk.
“Huh? No fucking way,” Cobra replied. He tried to brush it off. It couldn’t be true, could it? He didn’t know someone would develop a crush from just short encounters. Not to mention that he never saw her anymore since that day. That sounded bizarre in any way possible.
Despite his insistence, no one took it. “Cobra-san, your face is red,” Chiharu pointed out, making Cobra gasped and buried his face down in his palms. They all immediately knew, Cobra was overwhelmed and his crush was likely true.
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Dotonbori Area was still lively as ever, it was packed with tourists from all over the world. Amongst them, there was this girl with a pack of takoyaki in her hand. “Ojou,” a middle-aged man called out on her, walking behind her with a concerned look. “We need to go back to the mansion. It’s already late,” he insisted.
The girl chuckled, completely ignoring the man’s plea. “Sugiyama, no need to hurry,” she said as she kept going. Of course, she wouldn’t be done with just a pack of takoyaki in the midst of Dotonbori. “I rarely come here, let me go around and spend some money Jiji gave me,” she added.
Granted, Sugiyama, the man, couldn’t do anything other than walking behind her to make sure she was safe. It was his job and had been his job for a few years. Meanwhile, she just walked around and chose from other tenants to buy. At the end, she ended up with several packets of food. But finally, she was back inside the car.
“Sugiyama, you want taiyaki?” she asked, ready to give him some of hers. But Sugiyama politely refused and she went back enjoying her snacks while Sugiyama drove the car for her. “Do you think Gramps would give me work again? Like, going back to that Kuryu area, for example,” she started mumbling.
“Maybe,” he answered. “We’re late, Ojou. I’m afraid Big Boss would be mad,” he added. They were running late, yet she was indulging herself freely. Sugiyama sighed as he saw her from the rear view mirror. “Ojou—”
Akari, the girl, was intentionally being careless. She was already known for her bad reputation amongst the core members of the family and she didn’t mind at all. “I hear you,” she replied curtly. “I don’t care about them. I only need a reason to be back there,” she said, shrugging.
“I know, Ojou.” Akari’s indifference towards her own family was widely known, at least within them. He understood that greatly, yet also didn’t understand why Akari didn’t cut the ties with them or why the main family didn’t disown her. She had a strange relationship with her family.
The Hasegawas had ruled Kansai Region’s underworld businesses for decades, and they were one of the richest families in Japan known for their hotel chain. Hasegawa Akari was one of their descendants, yet she wasn’t set to inherit the business even though she was the first born in her generation. Hence, she paved her own way as a photographer and yet was still lowkey involved in the family’s business if necessary. She was known for being a nuisance since her young age.
Talking about the family business, all of it was still under the head of the family, Hasegawa Tatsuhiro. They had that hotel business mainly as a cover for their other businesses and it was under Tatsuhiro’s son in law, Hasegawa Hideto—yes, he was married to the family. Meanwhile, the underworld business was under Tatsuhiro’s one and only son, Tendou. They maintained the business well and already decided the heir and that was Tendou’s son, hence Akari wanted nothing to do with it.
Despite that, in the current timeline, she was the only adult of their generation. With her underage cousins, she had no choice other than being involved at least until her cousins were old enough to take care of it themselves. It was just a matter of time until Akari could be free and live her own life without being tied down to the family. No one really knew how their relationship works, except the adult core members of the family.
The car was slowly driving into the large mansion, Hasegawa’s main house. She immediately went inside, barging in the middle of the dinner. Everyone was there as she was the only one living outside. “Maido!” she greeted as she took a seat, grinning like an idiot. They were looking at her as if she was a ghost.
No one seemed pleased to see her there, except for her two young cousins. But they had to be silent for some reason. She stayed until the dinner was over and the underages went back to their room. “You’re late,” Tatsuhiro hissed. “At least you could dress like a lady,” he added, showing a clear distance.
“Cut the crap,” she snarled, as if she had no respect for her elders. Instead of looking at Tatsuhiro, she looked at Tendou instead. “Otchan, you got a job for me?” she asked right to the point. “Come on, y’all only calling me here because I have to do something, right? What is it now? I don’t mind killing, anyway.”
That was right, she hardly visited the main house if it wasn’t for the job. However, this wasn’t the reason they had called her to come. They were looking at each other, resulting in Hideto clearing his throat to assert his presence in the room. “How’s Tokyo, Sweetie?” he asked, trying to be as soft as he could.
She raised an eyebrow as she realized it wasn’t about the job at all. “Well, yeah, it’s just a city,” she answered. “Really, cut the crap and tell me what the fuck is going on? It’s not about a job, is it?” Akari was agitated, looking like she disliked being there with her family. “I can’t spend my time more than this. I have another job, remember?”
“Ricchan,” her mom, Chihiro, called softly. Her hand reached her daughter’s, holding it as her other hand caressed it. “Listen carefully, okay? We were talking about your future. You’re already at the age to settle down. It’s time for you to be back to the family, settle down, and build a family.”
Hell, she was here, expecting a job so she could meet that one specific guy, but fate had another thing in store. “Really?” That was all she could muster after her mom’s explanation. Her family didn’t spare her any confusion and immediately shoveled a thick document right under her nose. “What the fuck is this?” she freaked out.
Who doesn’t? She wasn’t here not for this and as she opened the folder and her eyes widened; she freaked even more. There, she could see a bunch of men’s personal data which made her look at everyone in disbelief. She, rightfully, shook her head. This wasn’t what she wanted.
“What the fuck?” she repeated as she scanned through the documents. “How the fuck did you guys get their … dick size?” she asked, baffled beyond measure. “Name, date of birth, weight, and height are fair enough. But … the fuck? I don’t want to know how big their dicks are?” It made her physically ill to see that.
The adults were silent, they looked at each other with shame on their faces. How dare they? She thought as she looked at them. “Well….” her uncle, Tendou, broke the silence. “We thought that would matter for youngsters like you,” he said, and that was their reason. “We’re old, we don’t know what you’re into since you’re not here.”
Akari buried her face in her palms, she wanted to scream. “Are you fucking serious?” she asked again as herself slowly drowned in embarrassment they caused. They had no clue, so did her, and she was at a loss on what she had to say or do or whatever. “Listen, I don’t need this, okay?”
“But if you end up alone with no husband? No child? No nothing?” her aunt, Saki, chimed in. Everyone nodded in agreement and Akari almost wanted to slap herself out of it. The fact that they all agree was baffling, but it didn’t surprise her somehow. Akari expected it, yet it still very much baffles her.
She needed to come out with a reason, just to get out of it as quickly. “Well, actually, I have someone in mind,” she blurted. She didn’t. No one and nothing flashed in her mind, except that one girl with brown hair who, arguably, makes the best omurice on Earth and that one blonde guy at the gas station—or her bodyguard, whatever.
Instead of brushing it off, her family looked at her expectantly. Their eyes already tell her who this someone she talked about and she regretted it almost instantly. “You know what? Fuck you. No more talking about settling down or whatever. Everything is up to me whether you like it or not, I don’t fucking care. Now fuck off!” she doubled down and left the room feeling embarrassed.
Shit, she should’ve just walked away and ignored them. But here she was, regretting the way she handled things. She knew very well she was always hot headed and words came faster than thought, but she made the same mistakes over and over. It would be the matter of time, either they forced her into arranged marriage with a spoiled brat or she had to find her own boyfriend. Sure, because they would never accept her swing both ways.
Fall almost ended, there weren’t so many leaves to fall down anymore, and now Akari found herself back in Tokyo. But she couldn’t just stay in her studio with nothing to do, nor could she escape from Sugiyama. That man would always put an eye on her just because her grandfather told and paid him to. If only he could leave her alone, or … she could just leave without him knowing.
Being 23 and still playing escape wasn’t something she would casually expect. But it was also something she had expected since she was born as a Hasegawa. It had been a while since the last runaway, but here she was, inside the car she stole from Sugiyama and just drove all the way down the road mindlessly. She wasn’t sure where she would end up.
Years ago, she escaped from the men her grandfather sent to pick her up from school and at this very moment, she ran away from their Tokyo house. Dawn broke as she drove down the road and she didn’t stop until it was the place she remembered from months ago, Hino Gas Station. It was still closed and she looked at it from her window. “Well, here I am again,” she muttered under her breath.
She just sat there, waiting until people started filling up the street and some employee finally opened the gas station. But she didn’t spot him anywhere—there was only a middle aged man among the employees in uniforms, supposedly his father. Her eyebrow raised, then she let out a sigh before a shrug. Perhaps, she needed to walk a few blocks away just to get to that specific diner.
Reluctantly, she went out of the car, stepping her feet outside as she realized something was off. A single sweater and a pair of shorts wouldn’t suffice in this cold weather. It is what it is, she sighed again as she started walking away from her car, hoping that a little walk would warm her body up. Guess it wasn’t and it started to feel cold yet she couldn’t just stop, maybe if she spotted a clothes shop, she would stop and buy something from there.
But a hand reached her shoulder, pulling her back as if they wanted to strike her or something. She grabbed their wrist, stopping their movements as she took something from her pocket—a small pocket knife. “HOW DARE—” her words hung in the air as she realized who they were, albeit her knife was already pointing at them.
“Whoa,” they—he stepped back and raised his hands. “Chill. It’s me,” he said. There he was, the guy she had been looking for that made her unintentionally drive herself down here, far away from Tokyo. “Sorry, though. Never meant to startle you,” he added.
She put down her knife and put it back inside her pocket. “It’s hard to be a woman, sometimes—all times. Sorry,” she said. It was an awkward silence under the cold breeze, a sign that winter was almost here to catch up with them. “Wanna catch up?” she asked, still very much awkward.
He didn’t know why they were acting so awkward, perhaps because he had been expecting her to be here for months. But why would she be awkward as well? He didn’t want to ask her that. “Well, yeah,” he replied and they continued to walk, somehow he knew they would walk to ITOKAN for a reason or two. “You seem cold, though.”
“I am. Winter is coming, isn’t it?” she replied. “Know where I can buy some clothes?” she asked as the awkwardness started to wear off. It started to feel like a reunion, even though it was only the second time they met.
“Indeed, it’s coming.” He walked alongside her. Should he offer her his scarf? Perhaps, no—not now since it would be a little too awkward. “Let me escort you there,” he said, showing her the way to the nearest shop available. He couldn’t help but pity her shaking legs.
 It was such a relief for her, and for him, after she dressed up right for the weather. “So, sorry, what’s your name again?” she asked. “I feel like I forgot your name, lowkey. Anaconda?” Her head tilted as the question flew out. “I’m not good with names,” she added.
Déjà vu, he thought, since he felt like he heard the same question before. “Cobra,” he replied shortly after. “Please do remember that, Hasegawa,” he added, to which Akari answered with a nod. “Are you here for Kuryu again?” he asked, couldn’t help it. As much as he was infatuated by her, he didn’t want Kuryu to make a move again, not in his watch.
To his surprise, she shook her head. “Just because,” she answered. “There’s a lot to unpack, actually. But in short, I was busy—well, I am always busy, then the main house called me. I thought they would give some odd jobs or whatever but all hell broke loose—don’t want to talk about it, though. It pissed me off and I ran away, somehow, here I am. How about you?”
The story didn’t add up and Cobra was unsure what happened to her. Whatever, it didn’t matter at all. What mattered was she was here and he could finally talk to her, no matter how nonsensical it may sound. “Nothing much,” he replied. “As long as Kuryu doesn’t make any movement and none of us get into trouble, we’re just chilling and doing whatever we do. We got jobs, after all.”
They walked into ITOKAN with a few pairs of eyes looking at them with curiosity. It was Cobra, walking in with a girl. The Cobra, walking in with a girl. “Is that the girl?” some people whispered to one another, curious yet they didn’t want to spoil their leader’s mood. “She’s … small,” and the whispers continued.
“So, I guess, your real surname is Hino, eh?” she asked as they sat, again at the corner with Cobra on his designated seat and Akari right next to him. The question met with a nod; his real name wasn’t a secret, but perhaps not everyone knew it since he had been Cobra for so long. “And your given name, if I may know?” she continued.
Since it wasn’t a secret, he just shrugged and said, “Junpei.”
“Basic,” she reacted with a slight chuckle, to which Cobra only smiled—and it baffled the rest of the people in the diner. “Well, who am I to judge? My name is pretty basic as well,” she replied. There’s a lot of Akaris in Japan, for sure, as well as Hasegawas. But Hasegawa Akari? She was the one and only he knows.
The conversation wasn’t as awkward as before, yet they didn’t have much to say since their life wasn’t something extraordinary and Akari didn’t want to speak openly about her family situation, neither did Cobra. In the meantime, though, they put an order to Naomi and Cobra introduced her to other Sannoh guys who are present.
But since Cobra hardly talked to girls, they were all in ITOKAN, no exception. “Stand up,” Yamato said out of nowhere—this is the same girl who hit on Naomi and somehow made him jealous. Akari shrugged and stood up, it wasn’t a great deal or so she thought. Except, it was since Yamato frowned. “How tall are you?”
“Usually, around 159 cm. But I actually only 154 cm,” she revealed, showing her thick platform shoes. “Not so tall, I know,” she added. Somehow, she could see everyone trying their best not to burst into laughter as they were all towering over her. She scowled, it wasn’t fun when everyone thought your height was funny.
 Yamato scoffed and asked, “What are you? A small bean?” He laughed over his own question, as well as the others. “I’ll call you An, then,” he added as he played a smirk on his face, to which annoyed Akari very much. The nickname wasn’t nice either, at least for her.
“Yamato-san, please have mercy on her,” Chiharu chimed in, still very much trying to hold on his laughter. The other nodded, agreeing, albeit still laughing as if it was the funniest thing on Earth. Men are weird.
“What the fuck!? Have you never seen anyone short before? So funny, huh?” she huffed, putting her hands on her hips. It didn’t look opposing to them, since she was definitely the shortest person they had ever seen. “And what the fuck with An? Fucking An? Bean? I’m not that short!” she retorted, fuming.
Dan gave her a pat on the shoulder, as if giving her reassurance—he didn’t. “You’re that short, I’m sorry,” she said.
“In fact, you’re the shortest person I have ever seen,” Tettsu added. “And you know what? I think An perfectly suits you,” he added.
The statement left Akari’s jaws dropped as she glared at them one by one. “The fuck with you all!? Men are fucking weird. This is why I don’t fuck with men because you’re just a bunch of animals. What the fuck?!” she rambled, sighing, glaring, and shaking her head. “Cobra, what the fuck with your friend?” she asked, and she soon took it back. “Whatever! You’re also a man. Your name is fucking weird and your friends are also weird. Fuck you all!”
Cobra laughed, which was quite rare, but having Akari in ITOKAN somehow felt nice. They hardly got girls around other than Naomi and Ichigo girls, this was such a good little change. There was a nudge on his side from Noboru, who took the seat after Akari stood up. “You really like her, huh?” he teased.
He knew it—Noboru just knew it from Cobra’s gaze. “I guess so,” he murmured under his breath. “It’s been a long time since I like a girl and she’s just there, for some reason,” he revealed. “I want to know more about her,” he added.
“Right,” Noboru replied. He looked at Cobra and Akari back and forth; Akari was still bickering with mainly Yamato and Cobra was just looking at him, with a smile plastered on his face. “Ask her for a date,” he suggested. “It would be worth it, I promise.”
His head tilted, looking at Noboru with a puzzled look—as if it was a weird thing to suggest. “But I told you, she’s like … princess,” he said. “Do you think she wants to go with someone like me?” he asked. “She might as well already have a boyfriend. I mean, look at her.”
This was Cobra, someone who didn’t panic even when Kuryu kidnapped him, yet he was panicking because of a girl. Funny. “If you never try, you’ll never know. Try it first. Either she accepts or rejects you, I’ll have your back,” he offered.
“Yeah.” Cobra nodded, it wasn’t a bad deal. It was rather good and he knew he would regret it if he never asked her out. “Maybe this Christmas,” he said. “Might as well go to Tokyo to see illumination,” he murmured, in which Noboru gave him a pat on the shoulder for reassurance. “I’ll try to ask her out.”
↳˗ˏˋNotesˊˎ˗ ↴
Never have I ever thought of writing this long, but I did. It has been posted before on AO3 and I, somehow, forget to upload it here. But better late than never.
See you in another adventure!
Find me on another platform as well! X main acc (I talk A LOT bout HiLO, you won't get bored) X writing acc (well, mostly in Bahasa Indonesia, so not necessary) X yume acc (archive for Akari!) AO3
Anyway, if you don't mind, please help me! (because I really need some help) https://www.tumblr.com/kr-han/775170283212505088/help-a-struggling-student-pay-for-their-tuition
9 notes · View notes
enhashoutout · 7 months ago
Hate You (High & Low ver.)
I had "Hate You" by Jungkook on repeat for a while and it sparked some ideas so let's go.
Genre: She's a lil angsty
Warnings: relationship issues, character deaths, swearing (let me know if I missed anything)
___ is used in place of y/n
The one where a High&Low character is in a relationship that corresponds to the lyrics of "Hate You" by Jungkook.
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𝕊𝕠 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖
It's a quiet day in S.W.O.R.D. as Cobra and the rest of the Sannoh Hoodlum Squad sit in the Itokan diner with the TV playing in the background. As Naomi is drying plates, she turns and sees your face on the screen along with the headline " ___ a daughter from the Kuryu group marries the son of a congressman". Your wedding is being reported to the whole world. They must think you're about to live the most luxurious and happy life coming from money and marrying into even more money. That fake smile is fooling everybody. Everybody except one person; perhaps a few.
"It's her wedding day... and yet she looks miserable," says Naomi. The rest of Sannoh Hoodlum Squad hum in agreeance.
"Cobra, isn't this the part where you crash the wedding and object their marriage?" (Yamato)
Cobra thinks back to three weeks ago after the casino project exposure. As Cobra was getting back on his motorcycle, your father stopped him. "You won this round, but you're gonna lose her, I'll make sure of that. Be honest with yourself, what can a delinquent like you give her? She's better off with someone else. If you know what's good for her, for you, and for S.W.O.R.D., I suggest you never contact her again. Don't let the work from all this go to waste." Since then he's been avoiding you. Whenever you came into Sannoh looking for him he would hide. When you asked his friends where he was they had a lie ready to tell you. When you called him he would let the phone ring. You would leave him voicemails daily. He would ignore all of them. He couldn't act in the best interest of Sannoh or S.W.O.R.D. if he heard or saw you, you were his love.
One week ago, something told him he should pick up your call. Maybe it was a gut feeling, or maybe that he missed you. He hit the "pick up" button, but didn't say hello. He thought maybe you would start with scolding and ask why you couldn't get a hold of him. Instead, he listened to you talk through your tears.
"Cobra? Cobra he's forcing me to get married. He arranged my marriage to a congressman's son for easier connections and money. I don't want to marry him. I want to come stay with you in Sannoh. The wedding is in a week. Please come save me." He let out the breath he was holding after the line went dead.
Last night you called again, but this time he didn't pick up. He was scared to hear your voice. Scared that if he heard you ask him to come and save you, he would drop everything and come to your rescue. Scared that if you asked him to take you away he would whisk you so far away no one would ever find you guys again. He couldn't do that. He couldn't sacrifice the safety of his friends and S.W.O.R.D. for his own selfish reasons. The notification of a voicemail came through, and he clicked on it.
"Junpei, you're so mean. After everything we've been through, you won't even come back for me."
He threw his phone across the room, and then he cried. He cried because he was angry. He cried because he was frustrated. He cried because the only thing he wanted was to take you far away to a place no one knew your names, but he couldn't do it.
Cobra's mind came back from his thoughts. "No. She's part of the reason we got into that mess with Kuryu in the first place."
"But Cobra-"
"She's gonna marry a rich man and continue to live a good life. Who cares what happens to her?" Sannoh Hoodlum Squad watched as their leader stormed out the door. Everyone knew that he didn't really think that way. You had been with him since you were teenagers, before he even joined Mugen; much to the disapproval of your parents. You were there for him on his darkest days when Mugen's disbandment affected him and supported him when he built Sannoh Hoodlum Squad from the ground up.
Truth is that Cobra is mad at himself. Mad that he couldn't be your knight in shining armor to save you from the life you always told him you hated. You always told him how a life of money and lies tore your family apart, even if you guys looked perfect on the outside, and how you didn't want to live like that. You told him how a life with him in Sannoh was more than you could've asked for because there you had love and a family; and yet here you both are. Cobra was condemning you to a life of darkness letting you go like that, but he couldn't let S.W.O.R.D. fall, not after everything they did to expose Kuryu's cover-up and the death of so many people including Smoky. Cobra was mad that he couldn't have everything. Mad that he was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. So he did the only thing he could do, he would paint you as the villain you never were in his mind. He would pretend to hate you so that everything would hurt less.
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𝕄𝕒𝕪𝕓𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟' 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕚𝕥 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕥
Sannoh was your home. You had lived here before S.W.O.R.D. was even a thing. Your parents always promised they would make enough money to take you out of there and give you a better life. You never complained about the life you had here though. They weren't home often and you would've liked to spend more time with them yes, but you didn't complain because you got to spend time with your friends.
At the age of 7, Cobra, Yamato, and Noboru had befriended you. Noboru had told his friends about the nice girl in class who spent her extra time at school just like he used to. It didn't take much convincing for the other two boys to decide they wanted to be your friend as well. From then on you spent your afternoons at either Cobra or Yamato's house rather than alone in the school building.
The four of you stayed friends throughout school. When high school came around, you and Noboru would attend school while Cobra and Yamato were off riding with Mugen and would meet up later in the day. (Keep this in mind for later) Their association with Mugen brought in Naomi. You loved the three boys but finally having a close friend who was a girl was great. You told each other everything. Naomi was the first to get you to spill about your crush on Yamato, in return telling you that he felt the same. She along with the other boys knew that Yamato liked you; he's always liked you, even as kids he had a crush on you. He was attentive towards his friends, but even more attentive to you. Yamato could be doing absolutely awful but will still go out of his way to make sure you receive the best. The thing about Yamato's attentiveness towards you, is that he always wanted the best for you, even at the expense of himself.
Remember how I said only you and Noboru went to school? Not only did you both go to school, you both are amazing academically. The boys always told you how you guys were their stars, that there was more for the both of you out there. Noboru was aspiring to become a lawyer whereas you were aspiring to become a beautician and eventual business woman running her own beauty salon. It wasn't as extravagant on paper as Noboru's dream job but you would always talk about how you wanted to make others feel better. A haircut might not be much but maybe it was exactly the pick-me-up a customer needed. You wanted to make other people feel beautiful.
Maybe that's what made Yamato choose to do what he was about to do. He loved you dearly and admired the way you cared for others, putting other people first, so he would be the one to put you first for once.
It was cold that day and you had forgotten your sweater, Yamato had offered to pick up your sweater form home and bring it to you when he and Cobra came to pick you and Noboru up from school. Having been friends for so long, you all just walk into each other's homes like it's no big deal. Yamato walked into your home, greeting your parents who were in the kitchen. They stopped their conversation to greet the boy back and then continued. Yamato walked to your room to grab your favorite sweater. As he was coming back, he caught your parents' conversation.
"But will she want to move dear? Or would it be better to let her stay here? She'll be devastated to leave her friends. You have to remember that while we were always gone and working the kids practically raised each other spending all their time together."
"We've always talked about working hard and then moving to give her a better life. This new job in Tokyo will give us that. We'll move to a better area, I'll have a better job, and we can send ___ to a better school."
Yamato bid your parents farewell, pretending he didn't hear what they were talking about. Your father was offered a job in Tokyo, it meant more money, a bigger house, a better school, a better life, but your mother wanted your input. She's scared to separate you from them because you've grown up together. Knowing you, you wouldn't take that opportunity. You would find an alternative that allows you to stay in the area. Yamato didn't want that for you. As he was getting on his bike, he got a text from Cobra
Hey, Noboru has to run to the bookstore for a textbook. I'm gonna take him there, you take y/n home.
Yamato got on his bike and drove to the high school. What Yamato didn't know was that today was a big elaborate plan so that you could confess to him.
As he arrived, you smiled at him. "Yamato, before you take me home, could we stop by the park for a bit?"
"Sure why not?"
Yamato didn't question when you asked to go somewhere before going home because it was normal. He didn't know that this time Cobra, Noboru, and Naomi were hiding, waiting for you guys.
You led the two of you to a bench and sat down. "___ you know it's not good to come to the park to procrastinate your homework, right? You have to graduate and go to a good college."
"I know, I know. You and Cobra tell Noboru and I all the time. A few hours won't hurt. I, um, wanted to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Yamato I really like you. I've liked you since we were kids."
"Oh... I don't like you the same way ___."
"That's okay, I just wanted to tell you because-"
"I hate that."
"Hate what?"
"That you like me. I hate that. Why would you think that I liked you the same? Or that you needed to tell me? Now that makes it weird between us."
"Well then, I guess it's good we got that out of the way then isn't it?"
An awkward silence fell over the two of you. You broke the silence first. "I'm gonna go home and go do homework." You grabbed your bag and began walking in the direction of your house. You plugged in your earphones and put on music to keep yourself from crying. Were they all playing a prank on you telling you that Yamato felt the same? Had you stayed just a little bit longer, or walked a little slower, you would've heard Naomi and Cobra tackling Yamato to the floor and start yelling at him.
The other three had helped you arrange the confession in the park because they knew that Yamato wouldn't tell you how he felt first, but didn't expect what had happened. When Yamato had replied, it took all of Noboru's strength to hold the other two back from jumping out from behind the bush they were hiding behind. Once you had walked away, Noboru had lost his grip on Cobra and Naomi who jumped out and attacked Yamato.
Once Noboru was able to get Cobra and Naomi off of Yamato, they all looked at each other. (More like Naomi and Cobra were glaring laser eyes at Yamato.)
"How about we all go back to Itokan and talk about it there?"" suggested Noboru.
"Yeah, let's go so I can tell Tatsuya and Kohaku so they kill you for hurting my best friend," said Naomi.
The whole ride back Naomi was trying to call ___ but to no avail. When the four got back to Itokan diner, Cobra and Noboru separated Naomi and Yamato so she wouldn't attack him again.
Tatsuya and Kohaku were confused by the tension in the room and confused why you weren't present either. You never caught one of you missing from the group after school so to the two of them, this was weird.
"How are you kids doing today?" (Tatsuya).
"You've got to find a better way to ask what's wrong that doesn't include awkwardly asking these teenagers how their day was." (Kohaku).
"You want to tell us why you rejected ___ like that when you've liked her since we were like 7? I didn't even want a girl in the friend group, but you and Noboru convinced me that ___ should be our friend too. Then as we were growing up you always told me and Noboru that ___ was off limits because you liked her, FOR YOU TO PULL THE SHIT YOU DID TODAY! SO WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Cobra never lost his cool with Yamato but today he was absolutely seething.
Before Yamato could continue, Naomi's phone rang; it was you. She motioned for the boys to be quiet and then picked up the phone and put you on speaker.
"Hey ___, are you okay?"
"Um, yeah, I think so. It's okay I'll get over it."
"___ I don't know why he said that I-"
"Naomi it's okay. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just wanted to call to tell you that my parents want to move to Tokyo, so I won't be seeing you often anymore. Tell Tatsuya and Kohaku thank you for always letting me hang around you guys and being my older brothers. Tell the guys bye for me, okay? I'll come back and visit when I can," and then the phoneline went dead.
"She took the offer," Yamato said to himself.
"I FOUND OUT EARLIER! I found out earlier, before Cobra and I went to pick her and Noboru up from school. When I was grabbing her sweater I heard her parents talking about it. Her father was given a better job opportunity in Tokyo. He wanted to move them there but her mother said it would be best to ask her first. I knew she wouldn't want to go so I-"
"So you lied to her?!"
Naomi and Yamato continued screaming at each other until Tatsuya and Kohaku stepped in.
"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO! Naomi go to the back and calm down. Yamato step outside and get some air."
"YOU BOYS ARE ALL SO STUPID!" shouted Naomi as she stormed off to the back room. Yamato stepped outside and Cobra and Noboru looked at each other with a "What did we do?" look on their faces.
Once everyone cooled down, they met back up in the diner again.
"I didn't reject her because I don’t like her. I like her, a lot. I think I even love her. You guys know that! But I said it because I knew she wouldn’t take her parents offer. It's better if she goes somewhere where she can live a better life, I've always wanted the best for her." Yamato walked out after that. Naomi was still seething from anger.
"He may not have gone about it correctly, but he did what he did out of good intentions," said Kohaku.
"I know that but it's wrong! Yamato can't just make decisions for ___ like that!"
"Naomi. Let's respect her decision to move out of here. It's okay, she'll still come to visit."
Truth is you never went back to visit. Naomi would try to call and text you but you never answered. She got Cobra and Noboru to try texting you also, the only time you answered Noboru was if he asked about school. After he stopped attending school you lost contact with your friends all together. You pretended to hate Yamato just like how he pretended to hate you so that his words would hurt less.
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𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕀'𝕞 𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙
Smoky will never forget the day he met you. You were only 7 years old when you were abandoned in Nameless City. Your mother had left you there in the dead of night and never came back for you. As you roamed around the city crying, a boy your age came out of the shadows. He introduced himself as Smoky and comforted you. Smoky became your first friend in this new life you had to live. Here, neither of you had much but you did find a family and you had each other.
Smoky will never forget the day he realized he cared about you more than family. He loved the children, the elderly, the Boys, and Lala all the same, but not you. You were different. Smoky caught himself looking at you a little longer. He caught himself wondering where you were and what you were doing if you weren’t near. Smoky caught himself wanting the day to end faster so he could return to you. Everyone else caught on too, everyone except you.
Lala would try to tell you and you would laugh. “Smoky likes me? No you’re lying. He’s just overprotective. He looks at me and still sees the little girl who walked around Nameless City crying.”
You were proven wrong though. One night as you and Smoky sat alone on one of the buildings stargazing as lovers best friends do, he told you. He told you how he liked you as more than a friend and you explained that you believed he just saw you as a sibling like everyone else and tried not to like him because you didn't want to let yourself down. One thing lead to another and now you guys are dating, congratulations.
Smoky will never forget how he admired your ambition. How fast you learned how to fight so that you could join Rude Boys whether or not Smoky allowed it. How you dealed with Nameless City’s shortcomings and how you could use the limited resources to better your family’s lives. But Smoky will also remember how your ambition to always be better and do better drifted you apart.
The day of your 16th birthday, two cars drove into Nameless City. Out of one car stepped out a couple, the other an old man with a briefcase. The Rude Boys formed a circle around the trespassers, ready to attack. The old man let out a nervous laugh as he looked at the scruffy teenagers. “Hello children… we don’t want any trouble… we’re just looking for a girl named ___.”
You stepped to the front of the group. “That would be me, what do you want.”
The woman gasped as she looked at you. “Oh you look just like her.” The group of teenagers looked at these adults as if they were crazy, how do they know you? “I’m your aunt ___. Your mother is my sister. I was out of the country when she abandoned you and didn’t find out until many years later. I tried to find you and now here you are. I want you to go live with me and my husband. I’ll be your mother.”
You looked at this stranger, hesitant to say anything. Maybe she was lying. Or maybe she was telling the truth. Smoky looked at you with a longing look in his eyes, a part of him felt selfish hoping you would stay in Nameless City with him.
“Thank you for the offer but no thank you. My family is here in Nameless City. Please leave.” The woman and her husband stared at you in disbelief.
“Dear, you surely can’t be giving up your aunt’s offer of a home, education, and money for… this,” said her husband as he gestured to Nameless City.
“A house. You would be giving me a house, not a home. This is home. This is family. Please leave before we make you.”
“We’ll let you think about it and come back.”
“Don’t. My choice won’t change.” Smoky would never admit it to anyone but he was glad you chose to stay with him them. But come back they did. Your aunt was persistent in getting you to live with her. Every time she came she brought gifts. After she left you would give the gift to someone else in Nameless City who could use it, you didn't need any of the things she was bringing. She had noticed that you gave your gifts away and would ask why you did that and you would explain that you gave them to someone who would benefit from the gift better than yourself. If this bugged her she didn't tell you, not that you cared, it wouldn't change your actions.
Today when she came, she took a different approach. "How about you just come to visit? You can come stay with my husband and I for a day or two and see how you like it. If you like it you can move in, if not you can stay here and I will not bother you anymore but our house is always open to you."
"I'll think about it."
That night as you and Smoky were sitting on the building top, Smoky asked if you wanted to go live with her.
"Of course not! She has a house and lots of money but she doesn't have anything Nameless City has. If I went with her I wouldn't have my family and I wouldn't have you."
"But you would have a house, food, running water, an education, nice clothes."
"Yeah but I wouldn't have you. Fuck all the riches in the world if I can have you Smoky."
"Now that's corny."
"You asked a question and I gave you an answer!" The two of you laughed at each other.
"Here's an idea. How about you take up her offer to visit, that way she'll leave you alone. I don't mean to push you but her arrival always startles some of the residents and P keeps complaining about having to also take your patrol route because you have to carve out time in your day to spend time with your aunt."
"Okay, I'll get it figured out so that we can go back to our normal lives."
A few days later when she came back, you informed her that you would visit but you would be coming back. Your aunt simply smiled and said "alright". Before you entered the car, you ran back and hugged Smoky. "I'll be back by tomorrow morning, don't miss me too much okay?"
"I'll see you tomorrow morning my love."
Smoky would forever remember how that was the last time you ever saw each other. The next morning you weren't home, so he waited. Every day Smoky waited and you never returned. It might be seen as wrong, but he had a few of the boys follow you to see what you were up to. The boys would observe you from the shadows. They saw you attend school, expensive socialite parties, and the most expensive after-school academies. One day they had overheard some security guards talk about how you were flying to America to become an exchange student. Alarmed they ran back to Nameless City to report back to Smoky.
Smoky let out a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "She chose the better route." When the other Rude Boys talked about how you had abandoned Nameless City and your family, nice words didn't leave their mouths. Smoky would just tell them not to speak of you because you were no longer a part of the family, but deep down he missed you. Smoky knows that you are an ambitious person, always striving to be better. This route and this new life would be able to give you that, he couldn't, he knew that. Smoky wasn't mad at you for choosing a better life. He was still in love with you. He loved you to the end of his days even if he pretended to hate you.
What you failed to tell Smoky and the Rude Boys was that they were all wrong. Yes, you enjoyed having basic necessities at your disposal and attending school, something you didn’t get when you lived in Nameless City; but you missed Nameless City, your family, and Smoky even more. Rude Boys tailed you but only from a distance, they didn’t see everything else you went through aside from living lavish. The socialite parties were suffocating. The names people would call you and the way they spoke of you because you were adopted were horrid. What no one understood was that this mansion was no mansion, it was a prison. You had expressed wanting to leave to your aunt but she refused, telling you that she was giving you a better life. You tried to escape when night time fell but her security guards found you and brought you back. You had fought her workers, knocking everyone down. As you started for the door she called out to you again "___ wait!" You didn't turn around. If she wasn't going to drive you back then you could walk back to Nameless City on your own. "STOP RIGHT THERE LITTLE GIRL! IF YOU DON'T STOP RIGHT NOW I'LL HAVE MY MEN GO INTO THAT CITY AND KILL YOUR FRIENDS." This time you stopped.
"Excuse you? And what makes you think that'll get me to stay here? I don't want to be here! I WANT TO GO HOME TO MY FAMILY!"
"Family runs deeper than blood. Family members don't threaten each other like that. DON'T TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY LIKE THAT OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU! I WAS ABLE TO BEAT ALL YOUR MEN. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WON'T DO THE SAME TO YOU?!"
Her face changed, her eyes darkened, and her smile became more sinister as she walked closer to you. "If you don't listen to me, Shion will die first. P will go next, then Lala and Takeshi, AND EVERY RUDE BOY WILL DIE AS THEIR LEADER WATCHES. Then, Smoky will die in front of you, and it'll be your fault. You don't want it to be your fault do you? No one cares about Nameless City. The city is a dumpster and its residents are trash. You should be thanking me really, I'm saving you from a life of poverty. Now what is it gonna be? Are you gonna be a good girl and let me adopt you or should every last person you care about die before you let me become your mother?"
From then on, she had someone watching you 24/7. You would try to escape but never made it far. She had threatened the life of your family again, telling you how she had ties to a group called Kuryu and a man named Nikaido who was very willing to kill all of them. It wasn't until much later you found out that you did in fact know Nikaido, once upon a time he was your brother Cain. You were obedient but still defiant. Bad manners, bad attitude, skipping class, you name it. She eventually got tired of your antics and sent you abroad. You had cried and begged her to at least let you visit Nameless City before she sent you away but she refused. By the time you reached adulthood and could legally get out of her grasp, Smoky wasn’t waiting for you in Nameless City anymore.
I was gonna make the main character really just enjoy being out of Nameless City and forget about her old life but I couldn’t do it 😭 I can’t do that😭 Not to Smoky and my Rude Boys😭
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𝕎𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟'𝕥 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕨𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕝 𝕀 𝕡𝕦𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕚𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕡𝕖
Smoky's passing had taken a huge toll on Nameless City and Rude Boys. Now you were all trying to repair Nameless City to create new homes for everyone. All the captured residents were released, having no more use as Kuryu's plan was exposed.
Takeshi took Smoky's passing the hardest. Being Smoky's right-hand man he was automatically given the position of being the new leader. Not only did Takeshi feel not worthy, the overwhelming responsibilities that came with the role were taking a toll on Takeshi. You understood though. You understood that everything being thrown at him was a bit much. Everyone was trying to help him the best they could, but no one was really able to help each other. Everyone had to grieve what once was in their own ways. This required a lot of alone time for most of the Rude Boy members.
Lala spent a good amount of her time outside of Nameless City so that it would hurt less. P would exercise in silence, not wanting to be bothered. Yu would hang out with the kids as a distraction. Takeshi would leave for alone time right as his duties as leader were finished. This left you. You knew everyone needed their alone time, which left you to be the glue that held everyone and everything together. You were working overtime trying to make sure everyone else was okay. At the end of the day, it sucked that you would pick up everyone else's pieces, overwhelmed with mending together everyone else's hearts while yours lay shattered on the floor. It was okay though, because once everyone else was better, you could come back to your own heart and piece it together; at least that is what you told yourself.
It felt selfish of you to be thinking of yourself when everyone needed help during this time, but a small part of you wanted to scream and cry for help because what about you? This was slowly weighing down on your's and Takeshi's relationship. He spent so much time alone, and again, that's fine, but you missed him. You wished that you could go on your patrol routes together again. Or that he would at least return to you at night, or that you could wake up and he would be by your side in the morning.
It was late, everyone had gone to bed. You decided that tonight you would talk to Takeshi about how you felt. He was always very understanding of everyone's feelings so you weren't expecting his reaction.
You had sat down with him on the abandoned building he often occupied.
"Hey, how are you doing?"
"I'm still adjusting.... I guess."
"Oh, never mind then. Let's talk a different night."
"No, we can talk. I've missed talking to you."
"That is what I wanted to talk to you about actually. If that's okay..."
He nodded.
"I just wanted to tell you that I miss you and I miss when we got to take our routes together. I know things have to be a little different now but-"
"So why bring it up?"
"If you know that things have to be different now then why bring up the past?"
"I was gonna ask you if we could work something out to where we could at least see each other every once in a while. I never see you anymore."
"I'm busy during the day trying to be the leader of Rude Boys ___, you know that."
"Yes I know. I'm not saying that you have to change that I think you're doing a good job I just wanted to ask if we could do this more often and speak and be together at night."
"I need my alone time."
"It wouldn't be every-"
You were stunned. A stiff silence passed between the two of you before you spoke again.
"You know what? Forget I asked. Forget this conversation even happened Takeshi. I wasn't asking you to drop all your responsibilities for me, I'm not that stupid or selfish. I was coming to talk to you so we could figure things out like how a couple is supposed to but clearly you don't want to."
You got up and walked away without looking back. The next couple of weeks you didn't talk to or acknowledge Takeshi either. If he needed alone time so did you, especially after all of that.
Today was your day to watch the kids in case Kuryu or any other shady organization felt like coming in to kidnap the kids. As you were playing with the kids, one of the younger girls came up to you to ask you to braid her hair. As you were doing her hair she began talking to you and asking questions. You never minded answering these curious kids' questions as the only way they really got to learn was to ask all of you questions considering they didn't get to attend school. Today however it led to a topic you didn't quite know how to respond to.
"You're really good at braiding hair ___."
"Thank you, Hina. I don't know if I'm doing it right but I tried to learn from one of the grandmas that used to live here."
"I don't know what a braid is supposed to look like but I think you're doing it right. You make it nice. You make everything nice, like a mom does."
"Like a mom does? What's that supposed to mean? Are you calling me old Hina?" you jokingly asked her.
She giggled before answering you. "Nooo I'm not calling you old. I'm just saying you make everything better like a mom would. You're our mom and Takeshi can be our dad! You guys love each other and care for us like moms and dads do."
You didn't know how to respond, so all you did was let out a small laugh and pat her head. You continued to braid the girls' hair and play with the kids but those words continued to replay in the back of your head.
You never brought up the conversation that happened again. Takeshi didn't either. You don't know if it's because he forgot or just didn't feel the need to. You saw the small changes in his behavior though. He would spend one night a week cuddled with you and leave you with small kisses before leaving on S.W.O.R.D business. It made you feel better... a little. Not a lot, but you would take what you could get.
The kids continued to tell you how they loved having you as their mom, the elderly residents would continue to need your help, and you would continue being a therapist for all the Rude Boys members when they needed it. The only times you would be relieved from your duties of keeping everything and everyone together was in the comfort of your makeshift bed. Takeshi wasn't here tonight and you couldn't sleep, so you were left to drown in your thoughts.
Maybe none of this is working anymore....
You thought to yourself. You pushed that thought away quickly, turning to a different position and closing your eyes to try and sleep, trying to distract yourself from those thoughts. Takeshi and you weren't perfect, you knew that much, but you always thought that you guys came in close to what perfect could possibly be in your situation. That was until you put the pain of everything under a microscope and realized just how much everything was killing you. Your pain and personal struggles eating away at you on the inside, but you couldn't tell anyone that. You had to be the glue that held everyone together. If you fell apart, it would affect everyone else. There was so much going on you felt guilty if you added to it. You continued to push the thoughts away. When everyone else is okay you can come back and pick up the pieces of your own heart and put it back together, right? You just hoped that by the time you came back, the broken pieces of your heart were still lying there on the floor and not blown away with the wind.
Gif Credits:
Cobra: Pinterest
Yamato: hlgif-blog
Smoky: subtract-me-from-your-heart
Takeshi: ldh-headcannon
You made it to the end! Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated <3
This work is proofread but there might still be some mistakes here and there. I originally wanted to do all the S.W.O.R.D leaders but couldn't think of stories for some characters so I went with what I could do. I also wanted this to be a 3 part series where I write for the S.W.O.R.D boys, Amamiya Brothers, and then the H&L the Worst X boys but I don't know if that's something anyone wants to read. Let me know if you would want to see the other 2 parts!
Please don't take my work and claim it as your own or repost it anywhere. Writers work hard on their stories, it's not fun to get your stuff taken so please don't do it.
© This work is copyrighted by enhashoutout. I only post my work on this Tumblr account. I do not allow people to repost or translate my work without my permission. If you do see anyone doing so, please let me know. Writers work hard on their stories, please don't be a crappy human and take our work. ♡
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tiredlittlewriter · 10 months ago
Rocky: What makes you all smile?
Smoky: Friends and Family.
Murayama: Snacks.
Hyuga: Victory and success.
Cobra: Face muscles.
79 notes · View notes
quirkychaoticraptor · 4 months ago
I wish the entire "HiGH & LOW" series was on other streaming services, other than Netflix...because I, sadly, no longer have Netflix. I know...it's a damn shame. Just like, during times when I'm not at my laptop, I would love to just switch on my boys. I'm just sayin', it would be real neat.
At the same time, though, I totally understand why it's not gonna happen. Or, maybe it will...someday. I don't know. I'm just wishful thinking, over here.
28 notes · View notes
sliceofcake-cupoftea · 2 years ago
Hi! Just wanna say i really like your writtings and i'd like to make a request only if you dont mind 💖
Could you please make lao x housen! Femreader where they meet each other for the first time (during 3 aliance) and reader was abt to be targeted by reiji himuro but Lao was there taking over thinking she couldnt fight eventhough she shows she's a good fighter at the end. Both shock seeing each other since she only heard bad rumours abt lao and lao dont know this is the girl from housen people been talkin abt. Kinda awkward at first but reader has this easy going but lil cocky persona. They then meet each other for several time unexpectedly and started to like each other secretly.
Anyplot will do cuz i'll leave it to you. Sorry for writing to long to explain the plot that you might take as inspo 😘
Love you 3000 xoxo
Big Mouth
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Character(s): "Rao" Misaki Mario (x reader), Ueda Sachio (slight x reader)
Plot Line: As per usual when Seibang's Kendo team showed up at Housen for practice, the gym was locked. Having to track down the boys yet again for the keys, you run into an unusual male.
Warnings: High and Low Violence
Note: Thanks so much for the request! I didn’t use everything you said because I like to go with the flow when writing (a stylistic choice on my part not your fault) so I hope you like a couple of surprises I sprinkled in.
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“All–” You huff as another student comes barreling towards you causing Jamuo to let out a girlish yelp as he gets out of the way. Quickly, you snap your bokken down right on the back of the guy’s neck chasing him, making the guy instantly collapse to the ground in pain, “I wanted–”
Kicking in the door to a classroom, you see three more Senomon tech students inside–all instantly turning around at the commotion–but no Housen students in sight; more specifically no Odajima. A fact that makes you let out an aggravated sigh as the students begin to come at you,
“--Was the gym keys!”
It was true. That was all you wanted. 
Hailing from Seibang Girls’ High School, your school had a lot of prestige and, most importantly, class. Two elements you tried your hardest to embody when you entered high school as a first-year. Though, it was at times like this even two years later, that you failed miserably at that.
Due to your close relationship with Ueda Yui and eventually the boys at Housen, the girls Kendo team you were captain of often borrowed Housen’s gym for practice. Most of the time caused by the fact the softball team was taking up your original practice space. Which is normally fine until you show up to Housen and no one is there to unlock the gym for you guys. 
Meaning as the closest to the Housen members, you had to go track down the keys. 
“I swear to fucking–” You start feeling an aggravated twitch go through you as someone kicks you in the back. One you instantly return ten fold by kicking the guy in the nuts, “Odajima! When I find your dumbass you are dead! Dead, you hear?!”
You really lost your class in situations like this. Really. 
As Jamuo yelps about some other students coming after you two, you instantly grab the cowardly male by the collar and jump through a window. Landing on the roof of an area down below. Jamuo sputters, attempting to catch his breath after what you just did, but you are more interested in something else.
Based on the black and gold uniforms amongst the red, you could only guess the six males fighting on the ground in front of you hailed from that chaotic and unruly boys’ school. 
“What…” You mumble, already feeling a headache come on as you attempt to wrap your head around the situation, “How the fuck does Housen get in some much trouble…? Oi, Hey!”
Not allowing the Senomon Tech guys on the ground in front of you enough time to turn around, you leap from the roof and onto the group. Kicking most to the ground and hitting a guy in front of you with your wooden sword in the process. 
“Wha–” You jump in surprise, stopping you from going after another student, as a person–a full on person–is thrown past you like a ragdoll. As you turn to your right to look at the source, you see a rather tall and looming Suzuran male standing there; who freezes in his tracks as he sees you, “Oi! Watch it!”
However, it wasn’t in the way the male at first thought intended as you threw your sword, smacking a student that was sneaking up behind him. Quickly, the Suzuran student turns around and chucks the knocked out one through a window; putting him out of commision and out of the way as you get closer to him. Not even bothering to jog to go grab your sword, you take the opportunity to look the male over, beginning to realize that he looked oddly familiar. Not in the way that you have seen this male before but that he looks exactly like someone Sachio once described. 
“Hey, Oi. Pay attention next time, pretty boy.” You say, huffing as you grab your wooden sword poking the male in the chest as he continues to stare at you. Raoh, slightly taken aback by your words and action, seems to freeze once more, “We don’t need you getting injured. I’m too busy today to be kissing any boo boos away.”
“There they are!” Scrunching your eyebrow slightly in annoyance, you begin to curse Housen out in your mind as backup for the opposing group arrives. All armed with pipes and wooden weapons; Kamasaka students. Of course.
When would Sachio be back again? He never forgot to leave the keys at Housen whenever you had practice that day. 
“Oi!” You yelp as while kicking some guy in the gut, a strong arm suddenly wraps around your waist, lifting you up and bringing you around as he spins. It takes you a moment to realize it was this Raoh guy grabbing ahold of you. In his other hand a Kamasaka student, who he swung around before eventually throwing into a crowd of them. 
“A little warning next time?” You say, raising an eyebrow at him as he places you back down on the ground. You can tell Raoh is a bit flustered by your confrontation and sarcastic attitude. However, he was no were close to how flustered he became at your next words, “I like to be manhandled but jeez take me on a date first, will ya?”
Without another word, you kick a metal pipe away from a twitching injured student on the ground and walk off. Leaving Raoh without an opportunity to ask what you mean. Allowing him to just ponder with all the chaos going on around him.
Little do you know the impact you had on him just from the brief moment in time.
“Ow. Ow.” Odajima curses as you continue to look through his pockets. The young man dangling off Jinkawa, quite bruised and battered from the fight. However, you don’t pay it any mind, instead lighting up when your hand comes into contact with familiar metal. You nearly scream with joy as the jingle of keys is heard as you pull it out of Odajima's front pocket. “Oi, watch your hand–”
“Thank you, God,” You yell, cutting the Housen student off from his whining as you kiss the key to the gym. Finally–fucking finally–you got the keys. “I need to call the girls.”
“Oh? Sachio?” 
As you begin to pull out your phone, Housen practically erupts in excitement as they see their leader–Ueda Sachio–at the front of Senomon Tech. A sight you are relieved to see as well. No more days of chasing down the keys to the gym.
“Sachio,” You whine, not hesitating on jogging up to male. Him seeming quite taken aback that you are here, “You need to make a copy of these keys. I can’t keep on tracking down Housen for them. Do you know how long the ride was here?”
At your whines of agony, Housen begins to laugh. Not taking the pain you go through in trying to find them seriously. Even Sachio can’t help but let out a chuckle as he brings up a hand to wrinkle your hair. 
“I’ll be sure to–” Suddenly the smile on Sachio’s face wipes clean as he spots something behind you, “What is Suzuran doing here?”
Turning around, you nearly jump in shock at the group of black uniformed males standing behind you. More specifically Raoh, the boy you were fighting with earlier, that literally was towering over you. 
“Hey– Oh.” You are taken aback as Raoh suddenly pulls out his phone and hands it to you. As you stare at the blank contact on the screen of it, It takes you a moment to put two and two together, “Oh… Do you want my phone number?”
Raoh nods his head, seeming patient despite what you’ve heard as you begin to slowly put it in. All the while Housen and Oya look on confused. Wondering what in the world was going on and how the two of you knew each other.
“Are you free this saturday? At three o’clock?” Raoh asks, his deep voice catching you off guard once more as it is the first time you heard him speak today. With a small and meek nod of your head, the Suzuran man smiles. Though only for a moment before he gently takes the phone from your hands.
“It’s a date.” You let out a small gasp as Raoh leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead; unable to stop your heart from doing a summersault at the romantic gesture. One of his large hands running down the back of your hair to the tips of the strands as he pulls away; bringing some hair to fall gently back to your face as heat rises to your cheeks, “I’ll pick you up at two.”
As Suzuran begins to walk away, leaving everyone stunned at what just took place, it is–of course–Fujio that breaks the dead silence of the situation. 
“Oh, good job Raoh!” He cheers, giving his friend a thumbs up. While he didn’t understand what just took place or the context behind it, he knew the Suzuran male just asked a girl out. So like every male, he was supportive of the heroics and guts behind it. Well maybe not every male in this situation. 
It is as Raoh gives Fujio a thumbs up back, that everyone else breaks out of their stupidor. Especially Sachio who instantly challenges Raoh. Declaring that you were friends of Housen, thus part of Housen. Even Odajima hopped off Jinkawa to challenge the other students of Raoh’s faction.
It seemed like an all out brawl was about to commence with everyone present.
Well… everyone but you. You, still shell shocked, couldn’t believe getting in a fight for Housen got you a date with the Misaki Mario of Suzuran. You couldn’t wait to tell the girls about this one. They would be so excited. 
Though… Yui might be a little disappointed as she has been trying to set you up with her brother for as long as you remember. 
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