#hieros elaionas
memoriaedamnatio · 2 years
Hieros Elaionas
Server ID: 692104943309422664
Administrators: adrexia#4444 (340063985632280578), River#4619 (268246998753214466), Agido#1061 (269640174416297984), Devan#0663 (477911195269988353), bellringer#1386 (464837895988183040), Jessica || Τζεσικα#4252 (448226640519102484)
Moderators: Aidan#2567 (157303220597686272), fel🌸🍦💫#1947 (202061942095872000 YouTuber Fel the Blythe), 🌩 Kaz 🌩#0274 (219260662679994368), MADmag94#6191 (313184326252625930)
Multiple staff members fall into the trap of anti-monotheism. Aside from alienating members in and out of the community, anti-monotheism often leads to folkism -- more on this in a bit.
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Promoting known fascist content
Staff promote fascist academic Edward P. Butler. Note that there was an extremely public, community-wide reckoning of Butler's fascist sympathies in December 2021. This month (December 2022), a staff member recommended Butler's page on the Hindu fascist website that came into question in 2021. Hieros Elaionas is promoting fascists and their work a full calendar year after his exposure.
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RSS Feed has a blogger with folkish tendencies
The RSS feed features a blogger, Kaye Boesme, who has shared folkish opinions and retweeted Rhyd Wildermuth's article defending the above fascist Butler. Rhyd Wildermuth has very publicly defended fascists and publicly spewed transphobic rhetoric for at least a year. Boesme posted a screenshot from a folkist website and pinned it.
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This article from Wildermuth's Substack is very explicitly and specifically about the exposure of Butler's fascism (and Wildermuth's defense of it).
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Sorry but Fel the Blithe has no idea what they're talking about. My boyfriend and I have lost track of how many historical, factual errors they've made. For example: Isis is not a Chthonic goddess in the slightest, WTF? Serapis, yeah, but Isis?
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Hey there, just saw your reblogged post about Hieros Elaionas. I've been in that server for a few years and have nothing but positive things to say. They are kind, fair, and one of the most history and fact based polytheism servers I've ever been on. You're allowed to disagree with a philosophical position like monotheism in life, you're allowed to think polytheism doesn't make sense, none of that makes you "folkish". As for posting known fascist content, I have seen plenty of content removed by mods that leans that direction but people miss things.
Just wanted to give my two cents, if you're going to reblog a little slam post might as well post this too. Nothing's black and white, that's a great server and I don't think a Tumblr post will truly bother anyone there other then the hard working mods who are doing their best to create a safe place to discuss Hellenic Polytheism in depth.
Hope you have a good new year!
I don't think being anti-monotheist makes you folkish per se, but I do think it's a gateway to folkism, from my experience with more out-and-out folkists (in Heathenry, Hellenic paganism, Slavic paganism, etc.).
I appreciate your two cents, but I am not the poster of that post and cannot in good conscience endorse any server where moderators actively promote fascist content. That is never okay, considering how loud and public the stuff around Butler was, to the extent that he talked about it (and Rhyd Wildermuth, a literal transphobe who platformed a fascist, who is named in the post). I do not trust "they didn't know" at this point considering how big of a deal it was, and considering I've seen the mods on Twitter in pagan spaces. I'm sorry you're invested in this community, but there's no way they don't know.
By doing this, they are putting their members in danger -- either of interaction with fascists and folkists, or in danger of radicalization into these groups.
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