rhydxvenport · 5 years
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DOMINIC SHERWOOD, TWENTY-FIVE, HE/HIM, WEREWOLF – what’s that noise? could it be RHY DAVENPORT ? WAVES by DEAN LEWIS is blaring from the speakers again. the PARADOX is known for being AUDACIOUS and  DISINGENUOUS. HE is a PANSEXUAL MALE. you can see him as a BARTENDER for DUSTYS. his soulmate mark is a CROWN and his soulmate is CORDELIA PREWITT
hi again! this is nichole back at it with my second child who is a mess of a human being, basically the personification of looks like he could kill you is actually a cinnamon roll.
Name: Rhy Alexander Davenport
Age: 25
Species: W E R E W O L F
Birthplace: Cheshire, England
Soulmate Mark: Crown
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Bartender at Dusty’s
Education: Dropped out after 1 year at college
“Some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea.”
Traits: ✔ Altruistic, Audacious, Charming, Adaptable, Versatile ✕ Caustic, Disingenuous, Reticent, Unpredictable, Inconsistent
“Some things are beautiful, but they are beautiful in the way of the sun. If you fly too close, they will melt your wings and send you plummeting into the sea.”
Born in England, Rhy comes from a very wealthy family and influential pack who couldn’t be bothered with their children. They were basically paraded around as trophies, and then ignored. His parents didn’t care as long as their two children didn’t make them look bad in front of others.
Rhy was a happy playful child, until he realised that the world wasn’t all sunshine and butterflies like he had wanted to believe and that no matter how much he tried his parent’s truly didn’t care. Before he turned 7 years old, his younger sibling was born and he realised that no matter what he didn’t want them to have to feel unloved by family like he did. 
When he turned eighteen, he took them away from their home in London. He’s done everything he could to make sure his sibling has the opposite life than what he had to deal with. He wishes he could do more, but having dropped out after one year of Uni to focus on his sibling, he didn’t have many options. 
When they left their hometown, their parents completely cut them off for abandoning their ‘family’ and ‘duty’.It was a big change, but they made it work for them to survive. 
They ended up living in Boston for 6 years, before moving to Keene after hearing whispers that wolves had been living there for years. 
He comes from wealth and knows that money doesn’t necessarily give you everything. 
He hates seeming weak or vulnerable, so his default mode is reticent and caustic (sarcastic and secretive).
He'll try to act like he knows more than he actually does in order to 'fit in' or be liked in certain situations. basically hes fake af.
When he gets defensive, he goes into default sarcastic asshole mode, and tries to use that as his front.... 
But he’s actually more like a grumpy cat with raised hackles when feeling threatened, and caring and teasing with people he trusts
He prefers to keep to himself for fear that they’ll get tired of him and just pretend he doesn't exist like her parents did
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lilxfraser · 5 years
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NATALIA DYER, TWENTY-THREE, SHE/HER, HUMAN – what’s that noise? could it be LILA FRASER ? DANDELIONS by RUTH B is blaring from the speakers again. the HALCYON is known for being AFFABLE and OBSTINATE. SHE is a BISEXUAL FEMALE. you can see her as the ASSISTANT MANAGER for COFFEE’S FOR LOVERS. her soulmate mark is a BORJGALI and her soulmate is ASHER REEVES 
hello! i’m nichole, and this is my precious cinnamon roll sunshine child lila. so please come love me and her. besides normal plotting, i’m a total hoe for angst, so if you ever want that please hmu and i can fill all your angst or fluff needs. 
now, on to a little bit about her; [full bio will be on her page once i can make it coherent]
Name: Lila Adeline Fraser
Age: 23
Species: H U M A N 
Birthplace: Keene, New Hampshire
Soulmate Mark: Borjgali
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Assistant Manager for Coffee’s for Lovers
Education: Double Major in Creative Writing and Photography
“I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.”
Traits: ✔ Affable, Altruistic, Fun-Loving, Ardent, Imaginative ✕ Obstinate, Idealistic, Impulsive, Quick-tempered 
“The moments that define lives aren't always obvious.They don't always scream LEDGE, and nine times out of ten there's no rope to duck under, no line to cross, no blood pact, no official letter on fancy paper. They aren't always protracted, heavy with meaning.”
Born in Keene, New Hampshire, Lila she grew up surrounded by stories of the supernaturals living in her town. 
As an only child, she always tried to surround herself with people hating the idea of being alone.
Her father was the calming presence in her life. He owned a small bookshop and he was the one that instilled her with her love for adventure and encouraged her imagination. 
Her mother, on the other hand, was the free spirit that showed her love for photography always taking her out into the woods or on little adventures to find things to photograph.
At the age of 10, Lila realised how short life truly was. Losing her friend first, and then less than 5 years later; her mother.
While it took her a while to heal from the pain, she always reminded herself of her mother’s words: “You need to convince your mind that it has to let go... because your heart already knows how to heal.”
She talks too much when she gets nervous and sometimes it comes off as too blunt.
She is not afraid to do what it takes to protect those she cares about. 
She loves photography and how she can capture a moment and show other people how she sees things.
One of the walls in her bedroom is covered in pictures of strangers, friends, food, nature, etc; anything that catches her attention or that she finds beautiful.
When she turned 18 she took a gap year to travel to any places she could on a limited budget. 
She hides her emotions behind a smile a lot and bottles them up. The only way she knows of how to let out her emotions is by writing poetry.
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dmnedbstard-blog · 5 years
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BILL SKARSGARD, TWENTY-FIVE / A HUNDRED AND TWO, HE/HIM, ROGUE VAMPIRE – what’s that noise ? could it be DAMIAN COOPER ? FAIRLY LOCAL by TWENTY ONE PILOTS is blaring from the speakers again. the BLACK HOLE is known for being INTELLIGENT and ARROGANT. HE is a PANSEXUAL CISMALE. you can see them as the OWNER of TWISTED MELODY. their soulmate mark is a MELTING MOON and their soulmate is POLLY-ROSE BARNES. – OOC INFO: D, GMT +3, 19, SHE/HER
hello there, lovelies ! this is d back at it again with another mess of a character. i swear that i do not have an obsession over asshole characters. i swear. maybe. damian represents a character of mine that i thought i’d never use again but here we are now. unlike rae  ―  damian will have at least several trigger warnings which i will list before this mess starts and below in the tags as well. read at your own risk !!
TRIGGER WARNING : blood, death, cancer, depression, mention of suicide attempt, alcohol, drugs
          Damian Cooper  ― a man that was born in Malmö, Sweden in a loving family that took care of him as if he was their most precious jewel that was so fragile and so small that it’ll break with one small mistake. Being an only child for a few years felt like Heaven for a boy like Damian  ― he had all the attention he needed, he had the perfect grades in school and was disciplined by his parents to become the most well-behaved boy his age  ― and they did not fail to do that.
          Perfect in every way of the word  ― Damian was adored by girls and some bold boys that would express their feelings publicly. He was constantly asked out to hang out but it was Damian that often refused; he didn’t want to get involved with anyone and have a bad influence over him and his grades. He had seen how his peers acted around one another  ―   and frankly Damian did not want to become like them. He wanted a future. He wanted a meaning of his life, rather than a fling that’ll come and pass. Maybe after he achieved what he wanted he could finally settle down.
          However, that never happened.
          He was only fifteen when his father was diagnosed with cancer  ― an invisible monster that tore the Cooper family from the inside. Mr Cooper was strong; he kept a smile on his face while his wife and son tried their hardest to get enough money to help him. Damian had a job as a waiter and often because of his charms and looks he was given extra tips to help him out. 
          But all of that was for nothing because only a few years of battle and finally his father was taken down by that monster in his body. That scarred and both motivated Damian to do better, to not let himself be taken down as well. He now had his mother  ― his only family; and now being the man of the family it was his job to take care of her. But no matter how much money he took home  ― he knew his mother was torn down from her husband’s death. Several times she tried to take her own life but was stopped by Damian.
          The grown man found himself a job that he could do from home which was perfect because that way he can have money and take care of his depressed mother. He was only nineteen then.
          Another tragic thing to happen to Damian was the biggest and most fatal one  ― when he met bloody Axel; an attractive and mysterious man that swept Damian off his feet from first sight. It was the first time Damian was seen as shy and unable to form one sentence, and Axel found it amusing and cute. He was the first one to make the first step. Damian and Axel had grown a friendship over the next few years; he even told him of his father’s death and his mother’s condition and Axel lend him a shoulder to lean on.
           He took care of him.
          He made him feel light.
          He made him fall so hard on the ground he was never unable to stand up.
          Axel taught Damian the luxury of life; alcohol, cigarettes and drugs in parties. Axel taught Damian to loosen a little bit, to enjoy life, to embrace it and move forwards. If only Damian could see the younger version of himself who had worry all over himself and was constantly shouting ‘ Bad ! Bad ! Bad ! ‘ but Damian never saw it, until it was too late.
          One night, on December 21st, on Damian’s twenty-fifth birthday, Axel confessed his feelings and gave him a promise that he won’t have to worry anymore, about anything. Damian had butterfly in his stomach. Axel told him they could run away together and that he’ll handle his mother for him, which Damian protested about but Axel knew just how to shut him up. It was eight in the evening when Damian decided to go visit his mother and see how she was. Her condition was getting better, she talked more, she smiled, she did a lot of activities in the house like cooking, cleaning, reading some of Damian’s old comics he collected over the years.
          Damian never taught that he’d never see the bright smile of his mother’s. What he found on the couch was the corpse of his mother with two dots right on the nape of her neck. But Damian did not have time to process everything; from the blood changing the color of the couch, soaking it, to the arms around his waist that pulled him towards a warm chest and a voice in his ear that he grew to despise.
          ‘ Now we will be together forever, with no worries. ‘
          And then pain ran through him in sharp waves that shook his body, his heartbeat slowed down, his muscles felt too heavy, his eyelids were closing slowly, slowly until  ― it was over.
         The years after that went by in a blur. Damian woke up with an indescribable hunger but no human food could satisfy him; until he realized just what he needed. He spent a few decades with Axel only until he learned how to control his hunger and his strength; his emotions secretly as well. Bad influence, he was a bad influence, Damian would tell himself. Never cared about him, never loved him  ― never. Those words were the only encouragement for Damian until he was strong enough to end his own maker. And once he did  ― he did not feel any better.
          Becoming a specialist of hiding his emotions, of faking them  ― it became like a routine for Damian as the years passed. Perfectly knowing pain and anger but emotions like happiness, love  ― every good emotion was so foreign to him to this day that he’d never know just how to react to it. That was the reason he built a new Damian Cooper; a heartless man that would become more cautious around the people he’d meet and dig more into their background before choosing to trust them.
          But the thing was  ― he was never able to trust anyone anymore.
          The same was in Keene, New Hampshire where he decided to settle down and own a club that went by the name of Twisted Melody. The young boy wouldn’t like clubs, he even disliked the smell of alcohol then but now he drank it like it was water. His hunger for human blood was not as strong as before but he still had a few humans that willingly gave their blood to him so technically he wasn’t doing anything against their will.
          Enemies are far easy to maintain than friendships for Damian. He hoped he’d make an enemy from his soulmate as well, as he personally would never believe in the power of his melting moon mark right on his collarbone and he can’t have anyone get close to him. The fear of being taken in the sky and let be fallen down on the ground was too much and had a firm grip on the vampire. If he was to trust anyone in particular  ― he won’t make the journey really pleasant. 
An enemy  ― Someone that Damian managed to anger to the point that person would want him dead. It could be simple rivalry in the business or something more personal.
A one night stand gone wrong  ― Since Damian is not a fan of long-term relationships or even relationships at all; he’d go for a one night stand but this one could be more than once until Damian was to learn that person grew feelings for him and so he left them without saying a word, no calls or texts after.
Someone that used to work at Twisted Melody  ― The perfect worker, had the best tips and was an excellent promoter for the club. However, due to certain circumstances that could be discussed further on  ― Damian fired that person and separated with bad feelings.
His most loyal worker/spy  ― Since Damian has trust issues like never before; he’d want someone to keep an eye out. So this role is for the people who’d be loyal to Damian, despite whether they hate him or not, and when he says something  ― it happens. It doesn’t have to be a worker at Twisted Melody.
A past interaction back in Sweden  ― This is possible the most emotional out of all connections for Damian because his birthplace remind him of what he lost. This connection will break his mask, but only briefly. They don’t have to be friends then, though. They could’ve attended one school and briefly interacted with one-another.
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slfdstruction · 5 years
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DANIELLE CAMPBELL, TWENTY-TWO, SHE&HER, WITCH – what’s that noise? could it be RAE FALCONE ? REVOLUTION by DIPLO FT FAUSTRIX & IMANOS AND KAI is blaring from the speakers again. the DAREDEVIL is known for being DETERMINED and RECKLESS. SHE is a BISEXUAL CISFEMALE. you can see them as a BARTENDER for CLOUD 9. their soulmate mark is a FOUR POINTED STAR and their soulmate is MAXWELL LOMBARDI. – OOC INFO: D, GMT +3, 19, SHE/HER
hello there, my loves ! i’m d, coming at ya with this mess whose name is rae. rae comes from a long time, she’s been my rock from the very start of my roleplay years ― since i was sixteen. she is dear to me, one of my first characters that i sat down and created on my own, along with the help of other players as well. it’s exciting for me to bring her back and introduce you all to her !! so without waiting any longer, let’s head over to her :
TRIGGER WARNING : mention of death
          Rae comes from a long line of witches that were known for casting spells from books with dark magic. When the name ‘ Falcone ‘ was mentioned ― humans and supernaturals alike turned their heads. The Falcones had a reputation of causing trouble that would normally go too far but no apology would come out of their mouths. They were too proud ― and so their pride caused the death by burning of over half of the family.
          Her grandfather was a Falcone; he was the last family member alive that inherited the powers of a witch. However, due to the reputation that that name had and the bloody past ― he kept it a secret. He had a normal life, he grew old under a new name, had children ― one of which took his powers. It was Rae’s father who took it upon himself to clear the name Falcone. Despite that to this day some people tend to be wary whenever they hear that cursed family name ― her father is technically the very reason Rae is able to live a somewhat normal life.
          However, Rae never got the chance to be raised by her parents. She was abandoned as a child and her parents were never seen again. Nobody knew where were they or if they were even alive in the first place. The brunette was raised instead by a family that treated her like their own child. Rae had the perfect family and the sibling she’d die for ― people figured she’d grow up a peaceful sunflower.
          Her powers made a performance when she was only ten during a birthday party of a classmate of hers. The same birthday girl tripped over and the apple juice in her cup was going to spill on Rae when her magic prevented from it happening. Despite that many decided to ignore it ― Rae didn’t. She wasn’t afraid of her powers, she was EXCITED when they finally decided to show their presence.
          Due to the blood of a Falcone running through her veins ―  Rae was bound to cause chaos one way or another. It wasn’t necessarily her fault; her parents abandoned her, everyone put the label ‘ daredevil ‘ on her without really getting to know her ―  how could she not give them the title they gave her ?
          The thrill, the adrenaline ―  Rae quickly got addicted to them. A girl that would not take anyone’s advice, even if her life depended on it. Somewhat tolerable towards people who did not do her harm but extremely sarcastic and vengeful towards those who seek her harm or the people she’d do anything for. Protective when the brunette let someone close to her but at the same letting a certain person inside her small circle was extremely rare, to the point it won’t exist.
          The first news she learned of her parents was of their death caused by a werewolf. It brought the first sparks of hatred towards the whole kind, even though Rae perfectly knew it was no werewolf specifically in Keene. Although she’d seem a bit more cold towards them  ― she wouldn’t physically harm them, unless she was provoked by them. Many mourned her father who was a different Falcone than his ancestors but many others are a bit relieved of the news that no chaos would be caused, at least by him. Rae hated the ones that felt any sort of relief from the death of someone, especially a stranger to them.
          Despite that she could easily join the coven of her best friend and also partner in crime  ― Rae never did, because of the reason that she didn’t trust anyone in that coven except for her person that she was proud to even call sibling, even though they were not related by blood. Plus, she’d rather be independent and on her own rather than rely on the coven.
          The Four Pointed Star on her left hip was like a constant reminder of the whole soulmate thing the town was known mostly for. She never understood the fuss of it, perhaps because she had gotten close to love but never actually went over to it; only small crushes that ended badly. Rae never got the taste of the different kind of rush which was love so she’ll be pretty inexperienced if that were to happen, but she’ll make sure that it will not. Love was holding Pain hand in hand and she had zero to no interest in meeting those two monsters.
A frenemy  ― Something like hating each other but still unable to fully stop talking to one-another. I can imagine this connection bringing lots of pranks on the plate, along with arguments, but also a shoulder to lean on if something was to happen.
One of her crushes gone wrong  ― Basically what it is that Rae had a small crush going on but it was never returned or it did but Rae was too scared for a commitment so she stopped talking to them. To make it worse for them, that person can be working at Cloud 9 but it’s completely optional !!
A drink buddy  ― Someone that Rae could go to parties with and be as crazy as she is. She won’t trust the person so much as to give them the story of her life or what’s happening in her life but she could always count on them if she was in need of a drink or do something stupid. 
An angel on her shoulder   ― She desperately needs but Rae would never admit it out loud. Someone that will lead Rae down the right path, teach her how to express her feelings without the need to lay out hexes or get drunk if something bad happened.
A demon on her other shoulder  ― Opposite of the angel; someone to encourage her to do stupid things, to be reckless, be herself. Someone that would tell her how it’s not in her nature to be a good citizen, how worthless it’ll be because of how many already viewed her badly because of her name.
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