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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Anna (Disney)/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Characters: Anna (Disney), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Additional Tags: Hiccanna Month 2023 (Disney/How To Train Your Dragon), Evil Anna (Disney), Evil Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Supervillain AU, side character pov, Warning there is a graphic threat included in this, If you cannot handle that I don't recommend reading this, Metro City (Megamind), Waltzing Series: Part 3 of Hiccanna Month 2023 Summary:
Hiccanna Month, Week 3: Sci-Fi AUs Day 2: Superheroes/Supervillains
What was meant to be a normal night shift as a bank security guard quickly becomes a strange night about a villainous couple being in love.
@lovestrucklyuniverse’s prompt for Hiccanna Month, Week 3, Day 2: Superheroes & Supervillains! This is a thoroughly delightful glimpse into one of the most slept-on genres of all time--Hiccanna as terrifying supervillains! Love to see my children wreaking havoc and leveling cities in the most absurd-yet-effective ways possible ❤️🔥 As much as I endorse Hiccup and Anna fixing each other (they really could, I swear!!!), they could also make each other much, much worse. And it would be absolutely delicious 👀Two traumatized people who grew up friendless and rife with abandonment and self-esteem issues is honestly the perfect recipe for lashing out at and taking some absolutely brutal revenge on the world around them, and well...
Stay tuned for the most hilariously on-point supervillain names ever, Hiccup and Anna slaying as they commit misdemeanors, a local security guard making some incredibly poor decisions, and Anna finally, finally getting to Say Fuck like she rightly deserves!! I am a full supporter and backer of supervillain!Hiccanna, and in fact I think they should up their crime game by at least 20% and continue to look incredibly fabulous while doing it ✨
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#Week 3#Day 2#Prompt: Superheroes & Supervillains#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#rotbtd#rotbtfd#fanfic#fanfiction#httyd#frozen#crossover#supervillain au
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...hey so I heard last month was RotBTD month. I, uh...decided to finally finish this submission for ship week a whole ass month late D: I owe you one for giving me the final push I needed to finish this literally also months late submission for Hiccanna Month XD Y'know. My own event that I fell half a year behind on. Whoops ^^;
Can you tell I'm a hot mess akjdhksuydfu
Fairly long fic, so it's under the cut!!! As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request :3
Truth be told, Sir Goffridus was having a very dull day until he heard a young lady's scream from the cliffside cave.
Sure, he'd saved a village from a nasty bridge troll that morning. And sure, just after lunchtime he'd jarred up a few pixies before they caused too much trouble on a local farmstead. But what, pray tell, was the use of being the bravest, noblest, and most skilled knight in all the realm if there were no fair maidens swooning at his feet?
Indeed, the rest of his company were wondering how he had not yet impressed a noblewoman most beautiful. He was, after all, very handsome, and had slain many a monster! His mother was especially displeased, stating over and over that she and his father simply did not know what to spend their glut of funds on if not a wedding.
No, truly, this was embarrassing. Sir Goffridus needed to find a respectable bride, and fast, if he was to save his great position and spotless reputation.
He urged his steed forth and arrived at a craggy slope. There was a flash of movement on a far-up ledge, and the brave and handsome knight drew his sword.
Sir Goffridus dismounted, creeping toward the rock face. Well...as much as one could creep, wearing dozens of pounds of rattling metal armor. Still, whatever loathsome creature he needed to battle probably wouldn't notice--why, Sir Goffridus had only had ten or so close calls in his career! It was a far greater number for the other knights, he was sure.
Puffs of flame and smoke billowed from the mountainside, accompanied by a fearsome growl. The woman's cry sounded again, this time with distinguishable words.
"Oh, please, someone help me! This terrible dragon wants to have me for lunch and my entire kingdom for dessert!"
A ginger-haired head stuck out over the ledge, gazing down at him pleadingly. The maiden was fair indeed, clad in a dark green gown befitting of any royalty. She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead in distress, looking utterly pitiful.
She's perfect.
"Fear not, beautiful lady!" Sir Goffridus stepped forward, holding his blade high and trying to look as majestic as possible. "I will save you from this despicable beast!"
"Oh, thank goodness!" She batted her eyelashes down at him, and Sir Goffridus straightened proudly. "I knew a brave, brave warrior would come for me someday!"
"Someday, My Lady?" The knight cocked a brow, confused. "If you were concerned about being dragon lunch, be it not today the creature stole you from your kingdom?"
For a moment, the maiden hesitated.
"Well, he's been holding me prisoner and force-feeding me all manner of hearty food to fatten me up for the slaughter!" she finally wailed. "Pastries and fine bread and and sweets galore--and I fear today is the day my meat is tender enough for dining!"
As if right on cue, a wicked laugh rang out behind her. "My fresh entree, your time is up at last! Too long I've looked forward to gobbling you up and spitting forth your pretty little princess bones."
Curious--the beast had a rather nasally and high-pitched voice for a dragon. Not the deep, reverberating snarls of the dragons he normally fought.
But Sir Goffridus's mind was as keen as his reflexes. He knew this was no reason to underestimate the foul creature in battle.
And regardless, this was a princess--it was his lucky day!
"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" he called out courageously. "Not one dragon has faced my mighty sword and lived to tell the tale."
"My hero!" The princess scooted closer to the edge of the cliff. "Come, brave sir knight--I will jump down to escape this wretched place, and you may catch me in your big strong arms!"
"Jump down...?"
Sir Goffridus barely had time to collect his thoughts before the princess was scaling down the cliff face with surprising skill. Her hands and feet went into thin gaps as deftly as a lizard's, going with the speed of someone who has done this climb many a time before.
That was strange. Sir Goffridus had never known princesses to be very competent.
Before he had too much time to ponder, a massive black dragon's head stuck out over the ledge, glowering. "No! She's getting away! My wicked plans are foiled!"
The dragon must have been just as shocked as Sir Goffridus by this turn of events, considering several moments passed and the great beast did not fly down to collect his fleeing bounty.
After a pause, the dragon's presence seemed to register with the princess. She looked up, gasping in horror.
"Oh, no! I've been caught!"
Now that made more sense. Princesses were not often quick on the uptake.
"Quick, sir knight! Catch me!"
And just like that, the princess threw herself from the rock wall. As she sailed down through the air, Sir Goffridus rushed to position himself beneath her.
Curious indeed--the princess was falling slower than what Sir Goffridus would expect, especially one who had been plumped for the slaughter. The dragon only watched, making no move to catch her.
It would seem both princess and dragon were sluggish beings--in every facet of life. Oh well--that would make Sir Goffridus's quest much easier.
The princess landed in Sir Goffridus's arms with a thud, albeit one not as heavy as he'd braced himself for. She giggled, looping her arms around his neck and looking up at him adoringly.
"Oh, my!" she cooed. "How can I ever repay you?"
Sir Goffridus was thinking on an answer when he felt the great swish of wings about them. The ground shook as the dragon landed, glaring at both knight and princess.
"Not so fast, you walking sack of noisy kitchenware! The princess is mine!"
Why, he never...! The quality of his armor was far superior to the pots and pans any run-of-the-mill peasant could use!
Sir Goffridus set the princess down, lightly grabbing her arms and turning her around. "Look away, Your Highness. Bloodshed is something far too ugly to soil your innocent eyes."
The knight held his sword in front of him, gathering every bit of courage he had in his noble heart. "Begone, foul monster! The likes of horrible beasts such as yourself are not welcome among the good people of the human realm!"
Sir Goffridus was, in his heart of hearts, tired of dealing with these nasty reptiles. They had a great propensity for getting in the way, and seemed to believe they had as much right to the land and its spoils as humans--who, unlike dragons, could think and feel and love and build great creations and societies.
The dragon, however, did not seem to realize this. He bared his teeth and charged.
And Sir Goffridus met the beast, unleashing all his training from the glorious royal academy. He swang! He shouted intimidatingly! He advanced and retreated! He hopped to and fro! The dragon hissed in frustration, backing farther and farther away the more Sir Goffridus attacked.
Fortunately for the knight, this monster had horrendous aim. The dragon sent out smoke and fire and plasma balls aplenty--but somehow, none seemed to land on Sir Goffridus, save to graze his armor. Curious, considering he was right in the dragon's line of sight...
He wasn't even landing many hits of his own, yet he still had the beast scurrying in terror. How remarkable indeed!
Well, Sir Goffridus was not one to question easy victories! The princess would likely dote on his valor either way.
"AUGH!" The dragon let out a roar, sending a tongue of flame into the sky. "Foiled again! I've got to hand it to you, sir knight--you have bested me. The princess is yours."
With a mighty leap, the dragon took to the air and returned to his clifftop lair. The princess cheered.
"You've done it, my brave, brave knight! You've won!"
He sure had! Sir Goffridus swelled with pride as he returned to the fair maiden.
"Let us get you from this horrid place, Your Highness." He scooped the giggling princess into a bridal carry, helping her onto his steed. "What kingdom do you hail from?"
For a moment she only fixed him with a doe-eyed gaze, as though trying to gather her thoughts.
"Fair Andaloria, my lord," she said.
"Andaloria?" Despite himself, Sir Goffridus raised an eyebrow as they began to ride off into the forest. "That's quite far from here--a trip across the vast seas and a trek over many a dangerous mountain. That loathsome dragon took you all this way?"
"Yes." The princess looked at him sadly. "The dragon wanted to make it very, very hard for me to get home should I ever escape. Foul beast has a taste for naught but princesses--he'd kidnap a more local one, but he told me every time he's tried, they're rescued but a day later!"
"Not a very good dragon, then, is he?"
The maiden chortled, heartily slapping his chest. The force of it jostled him a tad more than he was expecting.
"Oh, you are so funny, my lord!"
Truly, Sir Goffridus could not find a more perfect lady if he tried.
"Pray tell, fair maiden. Whom do I have the pleasure of rescuing today?"
"Princess Annette, brave sir knight, of the northern lands of Avadoria."
"Annette!" Sir Goffridus threw his hands up in delight. "What a beautiful name! We shall be married in the morning!"
"Oh! my lord!" Princess Annette swooned so hard she nearly falls off the steed. Sir Goffridus nobly caught her just in time.
"Yes!" he confirmed. "I wish you to be my beautiful bride, Your Highness! I will get my finest smiths to craft you a ring of pure gold and priceless ruby. I will shower you with finery and treasure and riches beyond your wildest dreams. The family jewels that have been passed down for generations will now be yours--yours and my children's."
"Oh? I'd...I'd like that very much, sir!"
Princess Annette's lovely aqua-blue eyes shone strangely--a glint Sir Goffridus didn't usually see in proper young ladies. Most likely but an overwhelming of true love in the beautiful damsel!
"You shall have everything your heart desires, and more! A lavish feast? A fortune beyond measure? Wares of unspeakable value? An estate in the country? A garden sprawling leagues upon leagues? All can be yours!"
Princess Annette giggled, kicking her feet as they rode. What a fine day indeed, and what a fine happily ever after they would have!
Perhaps Sir Goffridus had had one mead too many, but he was beginning to feel like something was amiss at his wedding.
The festivities were merry and jovial as ever. The decorations were elegant, the dancing was lively, the performing bards were sweet and melodious, the roast boar was superb. The pudding was nothing short of divine. Everyone, from fellow knights to commoners to the higher gentry and royalty themselves, were congratulating Sir Goffridus on his splendid marriage. A princess, they all said! How excellent! How divine! He was to have some of the most fine-bred children in all the land--strength and valor and noble blood and everything in between!
And yet, Sir Goffridus found himself approaching one of his comrades with his spirits quite down.
"Say, Sir Thurlow," he said. "Perchance have you seen my blushing bride? I fear I've picked up naught a trace of her since I gifted her my family's jeweled heirlooms at the ceremony. 'Tis odd to me she'd slip away into recluse after my generosity made her ever so happy. She was quite taken with the emerald necklaces!"
Sir Thurlow belched.
"Well, you can't go around spoiling a maiden like that," he slurred wisely. "Now she'll only ask for more and more jewelry, and throw a mighty fit when you can't give her any more! You've gone and set her standards far too high."
"Oh dear." Sir Goffridus frowned as it occurred to him that his friend made a fine point. "She did seem awfully fond of those topaz bracelets as well. I suppose as a princess, though, it only makes sense she'd be drawn to finery."
"Maybe it's worth more in..." Sir Thurlow scrunched his nose as he swayed against the banquet table. "Aragonia? Andalonia? Where did you say she was from?"
"Fair Andaloria."
"Andaloria!" Sir Thurlow suddenly doubled over in laughter. "Why, they have some of the finest ore in all the world! Legend says gems are so easy to find that they treat them as common copper, trading a fistful of garnets for a good meal. If anything, your new wife should turn her nose up at something so commonplace."
"Surely the legends exaggerate!"
"Even provided they do." Despite Sir Thurlow's continued swaying, he fixed his comrade with a thoughtful gaze. "Would not Princess Annette be more taken with something novel to her? A herbal tea or meat spice made from a plant she's never encountered? A dish prepared in manners which she's never tasted? The elegant peacocks and swans of the gardens, surely so different from the creatures of her mountainous home? Why!" Sir Thurlow brightened. "She might well be exploring the courtyards or attempting to get seconds in the kitchen as we speak!"
"But I looked in the gardens," Sir Goffridus argued. "And the kitchen as well, even at the great disgrace of having to speak to the peasantry. Not a soul has seen my bride, and despite myself, I grow uneasy.
"What of the bedrooms? Perhaps the lady is impatient!"
And that was when it finally dawned on Sir Goffridus.
"Why, Sir Thurlow, you are a genius! The lady could barely resist me ever since we met. Of course that would be her first desire after our marriage!"
Strange. When he had gifted her the jewels in his bedroom earlier, she hadn't seemed interested then. She'd been all too eager to return to the bustling ballroom, only to get lost in the crowd.
Mayhaps she had changed her mind?
Filled with eagerness, Sir Goffridus hurried to his chamber. Oh, but what a glorious night this was to be! For the rest of his days, this would be remembered as the eve his beautiful wife would be laden with his beautiful son.
He hoped, anyways. But why not, if all his dreams and wishes were coming true already? Sir Goffridus thrust the chamber door open, overcome with anticipation.
There was no sign of Princess Annette. Rather, he was greeted with the sight of a mattress stripped bare and a chest of drawers deprived of the fine golden bust that usually sat atop it.
Alas, it only made sense his things would have been taken for a washing and a polishing on such a big day. Nonetheless, it made the room feel even more empty.
Sighing, Sir Goffridus closed the door and continued his search.
Daegal was getting ready to close up shop when the hunchbacked hag in a hooded black cloak came in.
There was a great deal of clanking and clattering as she made her way over, and Daegal nervously checked the trinket-filled shelves to make sure the lady wasn't knocking them about. But his merchandise all remained still and untouched as far as he could tell.
When she drew close enough for one of the sconces to light her face, Daegal gave a start of surprise. It appeared she wasn't a hag at all, but rather a pretty young maiden with freckles and lively blue eyes.
Why, then, did she conceal herself so?
"I'd like to make a trade," she declared. "The sign says you're some kinda curio trading post, right?"
"That's right," he said, slightly taken aback by her casual tone. "This is later than I usually do sales, though."
"Sorry!" She laughed awkwardly. "Sort of an emergency. Hopefully it'll be worth it."
The damsel reached into her cloak, shuffling around until she pulled out something long and white. Daegal suddenly realized she was no hunchback at all--the bulky presence beneath the cape was naught but a profusion of carrying bags!
She must be mighty indeed to shoulder such a load.
Perhaps she wore that cloak so as not to draw attention to her great strength. After all, many of the knights who sought to woo her kind found hardiness unbecoming in ladies.
"I'd like to trade this for safe passage through this town." She slapped the item she'd retrieved down on the table. "And a horse. Preferably one with big saddle bags. And also, uh...if you could not mention to anyone that I came through here, that would be great."
Daegal looked down and gasped.
Laid out before him was a diamond-studded white gown. Easily worth a thousand gold pieces, if not more.
The shopkeeper sucked in his breath. "This is...this is the finest wedding dress I've ever seen. What cause could there possibly be to get rid of it? I imagine it's every little girl's dream to wear this."
The maiden paused, and Daegal could have sworn he saw gears turning behind those pretty eyes.
"It was my sister's." She let out an exaggerated-sounding sniffle. "She was to be married, but then on her very wedding day, she was snatched from the changing room by an ogre and--"
"You jilted someone at the altar, didn't you?"
"I did not!" she said, a tad defensively.
Daegal eyed the dress, wondering if it could buy him a personal carriage and a chauffeur.
"It's okay, you know. My family tried to sell my brother off into this marriage with a noblewoman, but she was an insufferable snob. Last I heard, he ran off with the milkmaid."
"Oh, good." The young maiden slacked with relief. "Well...does it technically count as jilting if you fly the coop after you've said your vows?"
"So you can sell the ring?" Daegal smirked. "Clever. I have to respect that."
He picked up the long dress, inspecting it again.
"At least let me pay you what it's worth. You can have safe passage and a horse, but you can grab a couple of our pricier curios too. Looks like you have plenty of room in your bags."
"Really?" She brightened. "You're too kind, sir!"
And before poor Daegal could process what was occurring, the young maiden slapped a gold necklace full of the fattest, shiniest emeralds he'd ever seen on top of the dress.
"For your troubles!" she chirped.
He hadn't a moment to protest before she skittered off, making a beeline for a nearby cabinet she'd been eyeing. She returned almost immediately with a jarful of glowing goo and a self-sustaining terrarium filled with (as far as Daegal could tell) authentic shrunken ducks.
"Miss, you don't have to--"
"How often do I feed the ducks?" she interrupted.
"Um...just sprinkle some oats in there once a day and you should be fine," Daegal answered numbly.
Well. Apparently Daegal was about to get two new private carriages, plus velvet seat covers.
Far be it from him to look a gift weird-young-lady-advertently-or-inadvetertently-disguised-as-a-hunchbacked-old-lady in the mouth.
"Pin this to your cloak while you ride out." Daegal reached into a drawer and retrieved an important-looking emblem. "People won't ask questions. The stables are just past the grocer, so...help yourself."
"Lovely! You're the best!"
She snatched the pin and clattered her way out the door, probably never to be seen again. Daegal looked down at his newfound belongings, wondering how his wife would feel about commissioning a silken tapestry for their bedroom.
"I can manage from here!"
Anna dismounted her steed, giving the handsome palomino and appreciative pat on the neck. He nickered questioningly as she gathered her things.
"Yes, yes, I know we're in the middle of the forest," she conceded. "It's all by design, I promise. It's not too far to the road, though! Here's a snack to tide you over, okay?"
She handed the patient horse a couple of carrots. He took them gingerly, regarding her curiously for a few moments.
Then he was gone, galloping off into the ether to claim his freedom. Or a spot at a nearby village's stables. Whichever he preferred.
It didn't take Anna long to trek to the familiar cliffside--an isolated little sanctuary where no human being could bother her.
Or at least no full human being.
"BABE!" she shouted, rapping on the rock. "I'm home!"
A swishing and flapping of massive wings filled the air, and Anna couldn't hold back a giddy giggle. It really had been too long.
Darkness swam over her, a great shape blocking out the sun. A gust of wind caught her hair as the dragon swooped down, landing on the grass with an earth-shaking thump.
"What superb luck," he said, tone deadpan. "My escaped quarry has accidentally wandered back to my lair again."
"Oh noooo." Anna let out a mock gasp of horror as she began loading her stuffed saddle bags onto the beast's back. "How does this keep happening?"
"You are exceptionally easy to kidnap, my lady."
The dragon used a wing to hoist her onto his back, and she held tight to his neck as he flew back to their lair. After doing this song and dance a few times, she'd learned how to lay on his back in such a way that she avoided the rows of poisonous barbs.
She'd come to love the feeling of his cool, smooth scales against her skin. They felt like comfort. Like peace.
Like home.
Some said love was a wild, neverending journey full of ups and downs, and a simple "happily ever after" was a silly hope. Anna was rather enjoying hers, though.
And sure, their love hadn't been an easy one. One of the least easy in all the land, in fact. But the worst seemed, at last, to be behind them.
The dragon landed in the entrance to the mountain cave. Anna dismounted, slinging her bags over her shoulder.
She could barely wait until the sitting room--an alcove consisting of neatly-arranged furniture stolen from palace parties across the realm--to admire her newest spoils. At last, she dumped her prizes across a magenta velvet couch and rifled through them.
Thin arms circled her waist, pulling her back. Anna twisted around, finding herself looking into the very pretty eyes of the disgraced Prince Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.
"Hi." She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing their foreheads together. As much as she liked his dragon form, she also very much liked when his body was small enough to fit in her hold.
"And how's my favorite grifter? This one didn't give you too much trouble, I hope?"
"Oh, far from it. It just gets easier and easier, I swear."
"You really think they'd catch on by now."
"Please." Anna snorted. "No one can resist a good damsel in distress, let alone one who's stroking your ego more than like...the world's fluffiest cat."
"You're amazing." He stole a quick kiss, making her giggle. "I haven't the faintest idea how every single time you manage to pinpoint what these idiots want. But we haven't had a bad run yet."
"Mmmm." Anna slid a hand down, grabbing his hand and interlacing their fingers. She led him over to a fluffy chaise, pulling him down onto her lap.
"Remember when we were kids I had that phase where I kept saying I was gonna 'quit princessing' and run away to become a bard?"
"Oh, sure. You always insisted I critique your singing voice by belting the same ballad over and over."
She flushed with embarrassment as he snickered. Of course she was more obnoxious about the whole thing than she recalled.
"Well, uh...I actually got pretty far into secretly training with a local troupe before I gave up on the whole thing. Learned all about reading your audience!"
"Oh yeah? And what did you read on this guy?"
"The usual. 'I'm the finest knight in all the kingdom, and thus must I protect all the poor, helpless maidens from the many monsters of these lands!'"
"And how's that working out for him?"
"Never for too long." She sighed pityingly. "I fucked up and said I was from Andaloria again. This guy didn't even notice."
"So you told him you were from Mining Central," Hiccup said flatly. "And he gave you...more things commonly found in mines."
Anna only gestured to the sparkling mound on the velvet couch.
"So how long did it take for him to fork over the family jewels?"
"Oh, you know. Maybe an hour."
Hiccup raised his eyebrows. "That's about twice as fast as the last two."
"He had to do it before his brain caught up."
"And what brain are you referring to?"
They both sniggered.
"Speaking of, though. I should put these away before I accidentally sit on them."
Anna untangled herself from Hiccup, who grunted in protest as she stood up. While memory served, she picked out which gemstones Sir Geoffrey (or whatever his name was) had said were priceless heirlooms, and tossed them into the Family Jewels Heap.
Almost lost to a crack in the sofa was the ring. It was a loud, insistent trinket. Showy strands of gold and silver wrapped around one of those dark blue diamonds that don't actually look that good--people mainly wear them to seem cultured. Nonetheless, it was one of the more expensive ones as of late. A good 300 gold: A few nights at a nice inn and several lavish meals. Perhaps even a couple souvenirs.
She tossed it in the Ring Bin. A truly boring number of them had the typical silvery diamonds, so the blue at least added some variety.
"We should go into town soon," Anna said absentmindedly. "We're running out of stuff to read. And that wedding feast reminded me how much I miss real food. Or...food cooked by someone else, at least."
"Why stop there?"Hiccup tipped his head playfully. "Last few scams made us a fortune. We could grab a carriage, go to the seaside. Get some of that authentic sea salt caramel chocolate you like."
"And go to the beach?" Anna clapped her hands in delight.
"Absolutely. Swim in the ocean, build sand palaces, the whole nine yards. And if any sea monsters trifle with us, well...we're a pretty formidable army all on our own. But man..." He yawned. "All this conning takes it out of you. I think we've earned a vacation, don't you?"
"Well, duh." Anna stared dreamily at the cave wall, the gears of trip-planning already turning in her head. "Oh, man. With all this treasure and crap, we could get, like, the best meals the coast has to offer. Buttered oysters and honey-baked salmon and crayfish with herbs..." She sauntered back to the chaise, sprawling herself on top of Hiccup.
"And crabcakes," she murmured coyly in his ear.
She leaned back, grinning proudly as he brightened.
"And crabcakes."
He pulled her in, and she kissed him hard.
How many times had they done this now? No matter. It was always just as magical as...well, the rest of their relationship.
They hadn't gotten far into their fit of passion when the sound of what seemed to be tiny yet insistent quacks filled the dragon lair. Hiccup pulled away to give Anna a quizzical look.
"Oh, you know." She waved a hand dismissively. "It was one of those wedding dresses."
"The sell-it-get-weird-items-free variety?"
"Come on. Someone offers you some cool collectible just for throwing a few extra diamonds at them, what are you gonna do? Say no?"
The quacking grew steadily ruder, challenging this.
Anna made her way to their grain collection, lugging a bag of oats over to the terrarium. She sliced it open with her dagger, dumping a handful into the glass.
There was a flurry of tiny bodies and a rustling of many a pair of inch-long wings as her palm was swarmed. She pulled it away just in time to avoid her hand being munched off by an armada of beaks.
Somewhere behind her, Hiccup laughed. She turned to glare, but the stern look melted away as quickly as it came.
He was watching her with a dreamy, far-off expression, chin in his hand. Something that could only be described as adoring.
"What?" She blushed, suddenly self-conscious.
"Nothing. Just..." The dopey grin widened. "Thank you. I don't say it enough, I'm sure."
"Thank you for what?"
"Everything. But special mention goes to living in a damp, drafty hole in the rock for me when you could have a palace."
"You don't need to thank me." Anna shrugged. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
And it was the truth.
Funny, she thought, that her fiance being cursed into a monstrous dragon form turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to them. They'd taken something fated to seal a terrible doom and they'd made it work.
Perhaps the greatest irony was that in the beginning, before everything went sideways, their romance had been one that seemed cut out for smooth sailing. Betrothed since the day they were born and best friends since they could walk, the Prince of Berk and the Princess of Arendelle were rarely apart. They hardly minded the idea of marriage, especially considering it meant they could spend even more time together. Many a childhood afternoon was spent planning their wedding, both prince and princess adding more and more outlandish things to an already very extravagant ceremony.
And then the Dragon Wars happened.
The beasts were certainly causing a ruckus, roaming the land stealing livestock and other such inconveniences. Farmer and merchant alike had less of a haul to bring to market, and people were growing very, very cranky about it.
So, naturally, someone decided to take matters into his own hands.
On top of being an already brutal warlord, King Drago was a man trained in ancient dark magic. When he journeyed far and wide requesting allies to fight dragons, anyone would have been a fool to refuse.
And Hiccup's kingdom were not fools. Or so they liked to believe, anyhow.
They sent forth Berk's strongest warriors, ready to lay ruin to every dragon they found. The prince was set to train with the other aspiring soldiers, and was excited to protect the realm against such a menace.
His fiance, of course, was not far behind. Armed with a fair bit of swordswoman training and a will of steel, Anna wasn't about to let Hiccup charge into battle alone. Princess or not, she would not sit at home attending silly etiquette classes or whatever else was "proper" when there were lives at stake.
Then one day, Hiccup found out the real reason dragons had been antagonizing so many humans.
They were slaves to a tyrant queen, the livestock they stole the only way for them to not become her next meal themselves. What they did was not out of evil, but fear.
Hiccup speaking up for the enemy went...poorly, to put it lightly. King Drago was not one prone to changes of heart, especially when the battle-scarred warrior had lost an arm to the creatures in question.
"If you're so determined to throw your lot in with beasts, then you don't deserve to stand among humans!" he'd roared.
And then the battlefield was bathed in red light. It was only a few moments, but it felt like a long, horrible eternity.
There was growing and stretching and shrieking and thrashing and the dreadful sound of scales ripping free, and then an enormous black dragon stood in Hiccup's place.
"Anna. Hey." Rough-skinned hands cupping her face pulled her out of her head. "You froze up. What's going on?"
Hiccup was peering at her inquisitively, one eye human and one eye dragon. She felt the beginnings of claws on her cheeks.
The latest shift was wearing off.
She sighed. Leaning her head against his and wrapping her arms around his waist, she savored the contact.
"Ah, nothing, I was just thinking about when Drago...you know..."
Some king he was, cursing people who questioned him. He didn't deserve the title.
"It was the scariest moment of my life. I thought those soldiers were going to kill you."
"Ah, well. I guess you could say they weren't counting on me being so thick-skinned."
She snorted, flexing an arm to elbow him in the side. "How dare you make a bad pun when we're having a moment, Haddock."
"It's okay," he murmured into her hair, one hand sliding down to rub her back. "I'm okay now. You fixed all that, remember?"
Berk and Arendelle alike had expected Princess Anna to abandon her fiance, now a cursed, shameful traitor exiled to live among his fellow monsters. Instead, she opted to study witchcraft and become even more of a scandal than him.
It was only the basics at first. Creating bursts of light. Minor illusions. Air manipulation (although that was nothing to scoff at, seeing as increasing wind resistance came in handy when dramatically falling off cliffs for knights to catch).
The magic of changing forms was something that required a bit more practice.
Spells came more easily than Anna expected, what with her sister's natural affinity for magic. It was still exhausting work--going over an enchantment's exact wording over and over, doing practice runs on many an unlucky fern--but in the end, she got it right.
Or mostly right, anyways.
As a novice sorceress, Princess Anna could not reverse a transformation spell completely. But her meddling gave Hiccup a modicum of control of his shifts between human and dragon, and both of them decided that was good enough.
Besides, the dragon form came in handy.
"Best of both worlds," Hiccup hummed, voicing her thoughts. "Like Berk would want back a prince who spent upwards of two years as a giant, fire-breathing reptile."
"And like Arendelle would want back a princess who learned black magic so she could defy a king's wishes."
He snuck a kiss.
"Say..." Anna grinned slyly. "Why don't we eat out tonight? Word on the road was that the royals in that kingdom a few miles east are having a posh banquet tonight. Sure would be a shame if a fearsome dragon and his scary wizard girlfriend fucked that up, eh?"
Hiccup whistled. "Yes, my queen."
"Queen?" She snorted. "Gave up on that the second I told Drago he could shove his royal scepter up his behind."
"You know, we have plenty of crowns around here. Maybe you're overdue for a coronation." He gasped dramatically, spreading his hands out. "Queen of the Northern Cliffs!"
"I don't know if the mountain goats would be okay with the forced oligarchical takeover."
"Tell you what. If they come storming in and demanding a coup, we'll reevaluate."
"Then...sure! Let's have a coronation!"
Anna's stomach grunted.
"But dinner first."
"Okay, Your Majesty." He patted her arm affectionately. "But go put on one of the disguises, will you? Can't take any chances, in case any of the fine young gentlemen there are in want of a wife at some point."
I wish I was exaggerating, but literally every time I wanted to finish this bad boy up, my life turned into a shitshow ;______; It's been...a rough few months, but luckily finishing my WIPs helps distract me from some nasty personal shit and generally makes me feel like less of a garbage human, so! There's that!
I've missed writing for them ;_____; For whatever reason Dragon-Cursed-Hiccup x Overprotective Scary Sorceress Anna is something that can be so personal??? I've written it like 3 times now and it itches a scratch I didn't know I had EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Anyways!!! This particular fic is based off a plot bunny I got from this post (back during the FIRST Hiccanna month in 2022!) and was like "alas, but I'll never have time to write it, even though it IS their month :(" But I guess I found the time??? Months after their month but STILL. Don't give up on your dreams kids???
I think they'd be great scammers. It's also the exact kind of villain-adjacent bullshit that I feel like slightly-more-morally-flexible Hiccup and Anna would gladly do XD Like it might take a lot for them to feel compelled to do, say, mass murder, but grifting pompous rich assholes??? TELL me they wouldn't eat that shit UP.
Btw!!! Anna liking the beach is basically canon, like. Her complaining about Elsa not having tropical powers that covered everything in "white sand and warmth" is a liiiittle too specific for her to not like the beach XD
And Hiccup really does like crabcakes!!! At least that's some trivia I read on his dreamworks wiki page XD But hey!!! Anna has chocolate and sandwiches, Hiccup needs a food to get excited about, too!!!
Anyways hi I am Making Posts again!!! Sorry I was gone for so long but this account has promised hiccanna tidbits, and so hiccanna tidbits it must give!!!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#aesthetic#moodboard#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover
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AKGHRFIGHLUIFNH I HAD to ramble about this before the end of Mermay or I couldn't live with myself!!! Sorry Hiccanna nation, I will be back on my bullshit very soon!!!
I am so deeply in love with everything about this 💚🤎💚🤎 Like the way the green in Anna's tail matches her coronation dress, but with gold and magenta (like her cape in the first movie!!!) thrown in??? Absolutely baller :O
Also your attention to detail is incredible??? You really took the time to paint every single scale and I can't stop zooming in and admiring it. Love the little splotching of scales around her shoulders--what a fantastic mermaid equivalent of body freckles! Her tiny little sleevelets (studded with PEARLS??? Fancy!!!) are so cute ;_____; Like mermaid!Anna really said that this and a stylish necklace is the only clothing a girl NEEDS when she's got a shiny enough tail!!!
And by god!!! She's even got green nail polish and the iconic white streak in her hair!!! Fantastic!!!
And Hiccup, my boy Hiccup!!! Love how you worked in his red color scheme :O God, he'd make such a good pirate, he's got the pegleg and everything! XD His outfit is so cool and I love his little bandana hat :O But the way he's holding that knife, he also looks pretty badass, so I sure would not want to get on his bad side!!! The pirate's life doesn't leave much room for not knowing how to hold your own with weapons, I imagine.
Speaking of, when I was zooming in to gawk at Anna's tail, I noticed a couple little cuts on Hiccup's back? Looks like his efforts to rescue the mermaid his ship/crew captured did not exactly go unhindered 👀👀👀 Here's to hoping he slides under the radar as he slices off those ropes and swims off to freedom with his future girlfriend!!! Or maybe he'll let her go, resigned to never seeing this gorgeous girl again, and she helps him when his ship goes down or gets marooned on an island :O And then the rest is history ❤️🔥
This really is so amazing, and my deepest apologies for not rambling about it sooner!!! You are such a talented artist and I love how much life and color you put into your AUs and my precious blorbos ;_____;

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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna (Disney)/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Stoick the Vast & Valka, Anna & Elsa (Disney), Anna & Kristoff (Disney) Characters: Anna (Disney), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Stoick the Vast, Valka (How to Train Your Dragon), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Trolls (Disney: Frozen), Camicazi (How to Train Your Dragon) Additional Tags: Prince Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Viking Anna, Viking Elsa, King Stoick the Vast, Queen Valka Haddock, Hiccanna Month 2023 (Disney/How To Train Your Dragon), Roleswap Series: Part 5 of Hiccanna Month 2023 Summary:
Hiccanna Month, Week 4: Modern & Misc. AUs Day 3: Role Reversal AU
Prince Henry of Arendelle has grown up in the castle, the son and heir to two great, beloved leaders: King Stoick and Queen Valka. He's about to be crowned king of his country, but first, he wants to find his mother, who had taken twelve years previously.
Meanwhile, Anna Vilulf is the sister to the Chieftess Elsa of Berk, the leader of the Hairy Hooligan Viking tribe. And she takes it upon herself to try and track down the alpha of all dragons to protect her people.
Little do they know that their goals might align when they run into each other. And perhaps, a bond can align them as well.
Eyyyy, last fic for Hiccanna Month 2023!!! This is @lovestrucklyuniverse’s submission for the Week 4, Day 3 prompt: Role Reversal AU! We’re finally almost ready to get started sharing this year’s submissions, haha!
But this fic...wow. What an absolute banger of a fanfiction grand finale for HiccannaMonth23 :O I’m honestly floored by how well done this is. Anna and Hiccup have always lended themselves pretty well to a role reversal--Anna definitely has the brashness, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and stubbornness of a viking, while Hiccup is a mild-mannered, intelligent diplomatic type who could easily be a prince. It would have been easy to do something relatively straightforward here--"Anna is a misfit in her village and befriends a dragon, Hiccup is a prince who feels inadequate and unappreciated because his father feels more regal and royal"--and that would be totally valid!!!
But Autie really took the time to think about how their life experiences, personalities, beliefs, and value systems would be different if Anna was raised in a viking village and Hiccup was raised in a castle. She put so much work and care into making their personalities fit with the environments they grew up in, and it shows! This was such a delight to read all the way through, and the way their stories’ lore was woven into one another’s backstory was so well done. Also, the “inciting incident” of sorts that got both Hiccup and Anna headed off on the journey where they met each other is honestly genius. The way these two stories were blended and rearranged to make something new and fun was really cleverly done and super refreshing to read.
And the full story’s not done yet--needless to say, I’m excited for even more!
Stay tuned for platonic Hiccup and Astrid being adorable, incredibly poorly-timed flirting, a Camicazi Cami-cameo (*is aggressively dragged offstage with a cane*), Hiccup making irresponsible financial decisions, a local market vendor roasting the shit out of our heroes, Pragmatic Cuddling™️ that is definitely for WARMTH ONLY we promise, Anna and Valka having some very juicy beef, and much more!!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#Week 4#Day 3#Prompt: Role Reversal AU#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#fanfic#fanfiction#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies), Tangled (2010), Brave (2012), Rise of the Guardians (2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Anna (Disney)/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood)/Rapunzel (Disney), Hiccup Haddock III & Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) & Merida (Disney) & Rapunzel (Disney) Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Anna (Disney), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Rapunzel (Disney), Merida (Disney), Elsa (Disney) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Sick Character, Tutor Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Class President Elsa (Disney), Manic Pixie Dream Girl type, Hiccanna Month 2023 (Disney/How To Train Your Dragon), Emotional Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 4 of Hiccanna Month 2023 Summary:
Hiccanna Month, Week 4: Modern & Misc. AUs Day 1: General Modern AU Hiccup has lived across the street from Anna and Elsa since freshman year, but he's never had a reason to talk to either of them before. But it isn't until the high school principal specifically tasks him with tutoring Anna do things change. Mostly for the better, but later becomes bittersweet.
@lovestrucklyuniverse’s submission for the Week 4, Day 1 Hiccanna month prompt: A true classic, the modern AU! I came for the adorable high school tutor AU dynamic (delightfully reminiscent of Bianca and Cameron from 10 Things I Hate About You), stayed for the mystery of What On Earth Is Going On With Anna, and stayed even longer to get my heart absolutely shattered (but in the best possible way!). The ending hurteth real bad, but it is so, so worth it to see these two’s adorably awkward interactions, Hiccup being a bumbling idiot with a girl he likes for like 3000 words straight, and a daring, romantic midnight adventure! Bonus points for the OG Big Four being an iconic squad and some lovely side Jackunzel 🪻❄️
Overall, an absolutely superb fic that packs a hearty emotional punch at the end. Would highly recommend, but have those tissues ready!
(Also, CW for major character death. Technically spoilers, but I figured I’d give a head’s up to anyone who might be triggered by that sort of thing!)
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#Week 4#Day 1#Prompt: General Modern AU#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#fanfic#fanfiction#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover#cw major character death
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Anna (Disney)/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Characters: Anna (Disney), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Rapunzel (Disney) Mentioned, Snow White | Red Shoes Mentioned, Merida (Disney) Mentioned, Mavis Dracula (Mentioned) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire!Hiccup - Freeform, Inspired by My Babysitter's A Vampire, Hiccanna Month 2023 (Disney/How To Train Your Dragon), Fledgling!Anna Series: Part 2 of Hiccanna Month 2023 Summary:
Hiccanna Month, Week 2: Fantasy AUs Day 6: Vampire/Werewolf
Anna has been a vampire, a partial one perhaps, for a few weeks, and it has been challenging to keep a secret about. She's all alone, or so she thinks. What can she do when she finds out the boy she's been crushing on for three years is also a vampire? But is he able to help her control her thirsty desires?
HIIII HICCANNA NATION, I told y’all I would finish reblogging last year’s prompts and giving love before the month was out, and I am a woman of my word!!!
Here is @lovestrucklyuniverse’s prompt for Week 2, Day 6: Vampire/werewolf AU! I am absolutely enamored with this take on vampire!Hiccanna, and the way they interact here is just the perfect blend of wholesomeness, angst, and delicious blood-sucking spookiness. And, of course, a fun supernatural take on the iconic popular girl x weird nerd boy dynamic! Stay tuned for disastrous high school parties, Anna being shamelessly Down Bad™️, Hiccup being the supportive creature-of-the-night mentor we all deserve, oddly charming vampire flirting, and the world’s most ridiculous case of breaking-and-entering 🩸
(Blood CW here but given the genre I feel like this should be obvious lol)
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#Week 2#Day 6#Prompt: Vampire/Werewolf AU#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#fanfic#fanfiction#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover#vampire au
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Getting some ideas for Hiccanna month :O
AU-gust 2023 prompt list is here! 🎉
What is AU-gust? It stands for Alternate Universe August, and it is a creative challenge for everyone. Writers, artists, fans; anyone can join! Be sure to check out our FAQ for more answers! Join us on Twitter, AO3, Discord and under the tags #au gust and #au gust 2023.
Special thanks to @yaoyorozoops for creating the wonderful graphics!
#yes it's still in the works for this June!!!#I'm (sort of) getting my life together so I can hopefully get back on my Hiccanna bullshit soon#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#hiccanna#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#rotbtfd
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Beauty queen of only eighteen She had some trouble with herself He was always there to help her She always belonged to someone else I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door I've had you so many times but somehow I want more
I don't mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay a while And she will be loved And she will be loved
Tap on my window and knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful I know attention gets her insecure It doesn't matter anymore It's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise That moves us along My heart is full and my door's always open You come anytime you want, yeah
I don't mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay a while And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved
I know where you hide Alone in your car Know all of the things that make you who you are I know that goodbye means nothing at all Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window and knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful
I don't mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay a while
And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved And she will be loved
I don't mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain (Please don't try so hard to say goodbye)
It's the perfect night for brooding.
The summer storm is reaching its apex, sheets of rain rattling against the roof and thunder growling overhead. Anna, for her part, is sprawled on her bed with her most depressing playlists on blast.
Family out of town, night closing in, house to herself. No one to scold her for disturbing the peace (like whatever "peace" that existed in her mind wasn't always disturbed). The perfect little bubble for her to puzzle out what's wrong with her.
There has to be something. Year after year, month after month, boy after boy. No one feels anything for her for long.
Always some hackneyed excuse why they can't see each other anymore.
She doesn't really get it. She's not a bombshell or anything, but she's halfway pretty. But apparently a shock of ginger hair and a dotting of freckles is where the appeal ends.
Most recently, a boy she met in Sociology 101 asked her to get coffee after weeks of flirting. And maybe it was her tangent about iguanas, or the overzealous way she ate her pain au chocolat, but...
Ty sat across the lecture hall the next time they had class, and rushed out as soon as it was finished. He stopped answering her texts.
He seemed so nice. But as soon as she showed something a little less palatable--a little less feminine--he was gone. She took 1/100th of a step out of the mold, and Ty headed for the hills.
It's fucking embarrassing.
Anna has a theory. But maybe if she shoves it down hard enough, she can will it out of existence.
Then she won't die alone. Probably.
A crack of thunder sounds above her house. She burrows deep into her blankets, sighing.
She remembers she used to be scared of thunder and lightning when she was little. Seeing pictures of people who were struck on mountains. The scars it left. How quickly some died.
That was before, of course, she recognized logically that she was safe indoors. But also before she felt a strange sort of kinship with the turbulence outside.
Her brain certainly feels messy and hectic and full of high-speed winds and powerline collapses. Never slows down enough for her to take a breath without feeling like she's drowning.
Perhaps that's why the boys keep leaving. They sense that, and they don't want to deal with the stress.
Anna can't blame them.
Still, it seems like someone somewhere along the way would've gotten attached enough to her to stay during her...less-than-picture-perfect moments. Apparently not.
So much for all the internet's claims that dating was easier in college than high school because "everyone is so much less judgmental and insecure."
Just barely audible above the rain, there's a rapping on the front door.
At first, Anna thinks she imagined it. But then there it is again--a firm thunking of a fist on wood.
Well. This is concerning.
A girl home alone in disagreeable weather, with the day moving toward dusk. This is how a good percentage of horror movies kick off.
Fuck that. She isn't going to be a statistic.
Anna supposes she could just not answer. But truth be told, she's lonely--and just about any human contact would do at the moment.
So as long as there's not an AI-powered drone outside.
She steals off to the kitchen, perusing the knife holder and making a suitable selection. You could never be too careful.
She clutches the wooden handle behind her back Being careful to put on a skeptical-but-not-too-hostile expression, Anna opens the front door.
And there's a face she's only ever seen in Skype calls.
Anna and Hiccup Haddock met their junior year of high school--in an online message forum, of all places, united via love of an obscure fantasy comic book series. They'd discussed meeting up in person--it was only a 3-hour drive between their home cities, after all!--but it never quite panned out. Between ACTs and college applications and grumpy parents paying for gas money, it wasn't really in the cards.
They'd schemed to go to the same college for a while--a big state school with plenty to offer both of them. Ultimately, they decided against it. It seemed like something they'd regret later, making such a big life decision on a relatively recent friendship.
Hiccup ended up running off to the state school, finally breaking out of his hometown and putting two more hours between them. Anna picked a local city college, commuting to campus to save her parents money on dorm costs.
They'd only ever exchanged addresses to send each other Christmas gifts. Anna had no idea Hiccup kept hers.
And yet. Here he was, hours from his campus and standing on her porch with dripping hair. Fully in the flesh, unless there'd been some breakthroughs in hologram technology that Anna was not informed of.
"Wh--what are you doing here?!" She only gets the question out after several seconds of incoherent spluttering. "You--you were driving in this kind of storm?!"
"You sounded really torn up about that Ty asshole. So I thought I'd come check in on you."
He says it so casually. Like they live right down the fucking street from each other.
What the hell.
Despite her parents' absence, Hiccup's car is parked on the street in front of her house. Politely not blocking the driveway.
So his courtesy extended beyond the wilds of the interwebs. Good to know.
But how the hell was he even here?!
"Are you real?" she demands.
"Are any of us?" he responds, not missing a beat. "Simulation theory and all that."
Yeah, he's real all right.
She tries to surreptitiously set the knife down on a dresser. Hiccup looks at her with raised eyebrows.
"Is that--"
Anna blushes. "Well, if you were a serial killer, I refuse to be the ditzy, dumb girl who dies first!"
After a beat, he nods approvingly. "That's a good call."
One last test.
She surges forward and wraps her arms around him for the very first time. Yep, definitely a solid human being made of real matter there, as far as she can tell.
He's more wiry than she would've thought. She always expected him to feel twiggy and brittle (especially considering how he talked about himself), ready to crumple at the slightest force. But there are lean muscles lining his arms and stomach, suggesting he doesn't give himself enough credit.
(Physically, anyways. Anna likes to think he at least has some idea of how smart he is.)
Hiccup hugs back after a moment. Anna very much likes how secure he feels.
"Wait, wait." She abruptly shoves him away, alarm gripping her. "Your physics final...!"
"Eh." He shrugs. "Not until Wednesday. I've got time."
"Yeah, at your campus is a 5-hour drive away!" She crosses her arms and glares.
"I studied last week already. And seeing you was more important."
Her cheeks heat up. "How on earth...?"
For a moment, Anna's lost for words.
"Hiccup, this is your future. Like...income tax, whether-or-not-you-make-enough-to-take-vacations future. There's no way some...half-rate social reject who can't keep any guy's attention for more than 5 minutes matters more than that."
"You do."
He says it with a certainty that's borderline infuriating. How the hell is he so wrong about her?!
And in a self-sabotaging way, at that?
"First of all...come inside, loser."
She tugs him through the doorframe, bustling into the bathroom and getting a towel to dry him with. As she wrings out his hair, she tsks disapprovingly.
"And what's so important about seeing me in person, huh? We talk almost every day, anyways. You could've just DMed me and not had to blow all that gas money."
"I don't know." He shrugs. "I wanted more than that."
He's looking at her strangely--like she's not the worthless piece of trash so many other people seem to think she is. Weird.
Maybe there's something wrong with his standards.
"I don't know why you put up with me," she says, forcing an awkward laugh.
He looks at her like she's a particularly tricky calculus problem he's trying to make sense of. "What kind of question is that?"
She falls onto the couch with a heavy sigh. Grabbing his arm, she coaxes him down next to her.
"I talk everyone's ear off about random shit. I can't stop sticking my foot in my mouth and making an idiot of myself. I'm a messy eater, and I, uh...eat a lot. I'm impulsive and I do dumb stuff without thinking and sometimes my brain lags like those computers from the 90s. Doesn't any of that bother you?"
"Oh, wow." He narrows his eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm. "You have normal human flaws. Whatever will I do?"
Despite herself, she smiles a little.
"Yeah, but it's like...it's more than that." For whatever reason, there's still a pit in Anna's stomach. "I guess having some icky stuff here and there is okay, if you have a cool and sexy enough personality to make up for it. But I don't. I don't have time to watch enough trendy shows or play enough video games and I can't remember shit about cars or assault rifles or MMA or sports or whatever the hell else I'm supposed to know to be someone's manic pixie dream girl. I'm into, like...good food and cute animals and anthropology and botany and stuff like that. Most guys think that's like...lame or pathetic or whatever. Or they just get bored and want to tell you about some Quentin Tarantino movie or football team they like. But you talk about what makes you happy, and they're, like...so unengaged. And you try and you try and you try to find common ground, but nothing works. They just look at you with this like...barely-concealed impatient sneer? Like they're counting the minutes until they're free from this freak."
"Is that what going out with Ty was like?"
Anna makes a face. Trust Hiccup to see your point long before you did.
"Him, and...others," she realizes. "A lot of others. Easy to write off a few as douchebags, but when they all head for the hills...I don't know. It feels like you're this perfect smorgasbord of traits to repel every dude you could ever possibly be attracted to. Too clumsy for this one, too stubborn for this one, too dumb-seeming for this one, too annoying for this one, too clingy for this one, too boring for this one, too emotional for this one, too giggly for this one, too outspoken for this one...you see what I mean?"
Hiccup pauses, as though picking his words carefully. For several moments, there's no noise but the beating of rain outside.
"I mean..." He sighs. "In my personal opinion, they're the boring ones if their heads are so far up their own asses that they don't want to learn about anything outside their tiny, stupid bubble. If any of them did stick around, I'll bet they would have put you to sleep blabbing on and on about...advanced economics or whatever, and then you'd feel too guilty to dump them because you finally found a guy willing to 'put up with you.'" He does the set of air quotes a little more dramatically than he needs to.
"Not true!" she retorts.
"Au contraire. I once rambled about car engines over chat to see how long you would politely engage before you conked out. I think you made it maybe...30 minutes? Which, considering how bad your insomnia is, is pretty short."
Anna gasps in horror, playfully punching him in the arm. (Pretty cool that she can do that now, by the way.)
"Hiccup! You were running social experiments on me? Without my express consent?!"
"Well, I'm not making a profit, so...it's a gray area, right?"
"Still! Incredibly unethical of you. If I snitch, you're never getting into psychology school."
"Oh no. There go all my grand plans of judging people for a living."
She laughs again, shaking her head.
She already feels a little better.
"Bottom line is." He leans into her side...and for reasons she can't quite place, it jitters her nerves a bit. (Probably still getting used to the weirdness of him actually sitting within leaning distance.) "I really think you're giving these guys too much credit. Hell, I'm pretty sure I would think half of them were as dull as a soggy washcloth. Not to mention stupid as hell, too, if they can't see how cute you are when you get excited about something."
"Wh--what?!" If Anna's cheeks were hot before, they're on fire now. "Stop it. I am not!"
She sure as hell hopes he didn't drive all this way to lie to make her feel better. That seems like a huge waste of both their time.
"Bullshit. You absolutely are." He says it with a certainty that throws her off again. He needs to stop doing that. "It's like...it's like that gag in comics where the speech bubble is intentionally not drawn big enough to fit all the text squished inside. Cracks me up every time. But also easily one of the most adorable things I've ever seen."
She stares at the ground, unsure what to say.
"I don't think I'm the kind of girl people fall in love with. Maybe like for a little while, but not love. It's my destiny to be some bitter, lonely old lady with happily-married friends who all ditch me because they like their new families better, or...whatever. You know?"
"Now that...that is some bullshit."
Something inside her finally snaps.
"Would you knock it off?!" She scoots to the other end of the couch and turns to glare at him, arms crossed. "Did you drive all this way just to argue with everything I say?"
His eyes narrow, frustration quickly flaring up to match hers. "That wasn't the plan, but if all you're going to do is be an asshole to yourself and spout out dumb, self-loathing garbage, then I guess I have to. What, am I supposed to pretend I agree that you suck?"
"I don't know! You could act like I'm not crazy for thinking that, given...you know...the available data!"
"But it is crazy to think that!" Hiccup gestures wildly, as though trying to dispel aggravation through his fingertips. "You're fucking awesome! And I have no idea how you got this notion everyone who likes you is going to leave you, or who gave you that impression, but I want to punch them in the nose. It's complete nonsense."
Anna is too late. The tirade has begun.
"No, listen to me, will you?! First of all, you have literally no reason to think your friends are going to abandon you as soon as they get into relationships, or have kids or whatever. Any partners they get are going to love you, too. And you'll probably be the cool aunt and designated babysitter if there're any kids or pets in the picture. So even if you don't find someone to get hitched with, or whatever your endgame is here, you're always, always going to have friends. You're always going to have me, for one. So stop automantically discounting that like it doesn't mean anything. It's kind of rude, and also...be serious. You really think I'm gonna go running after the first hot chick I see and forget all about one of my best friends?!"
Anna sucks in her breath, her thoughts finally catching up with her mouth.
"I guess when you put it that way, I see how that implication could be, uh...kind of insulting."
"Oy moy." He sighs, burying his head in his hands. "Thank you for finally noticing."
"I do appreciate you coming all this way." Anna looks away, studying the carpet. "I guess I feel bad about you doing it to help me with a problem that's probably pretty stupid."
"It's not stupid," he says evenly. "No one wants to be alone. Or at least...no one wants to be alone all the time. It's okay to get scared you'll push people you care about away just by being yourself. I know I have. But hey." She feels him put a hand on her knee, and instinctively feels the urge to slide her own on top of it. "I like hanging out with you, so it's my pleasure to be here. Promise."
"Okay." She laughs uneasily. "I guess if you don't mind my drama getting in the way of your finals week."
"Pffft, are you kidding?! Like I'd rather be practicing integrals than giving you a pep talk."
She shrugs. "Fair point."
"But the other thing you said...about no one ever falling in love with you. That's complete nonsense, too."
And just like that, her annoyance is back.
"What, you can see the future now?" she snaps. "Seems weird, for a man of science."
"I don't have to see the future to know! Can't you just trust me?"
It's her turn to bury her face in her hands, groaning. "You don't have any concrete evidence to support your claim," she grumbles. "Your study is not peer-reviewed or repeatable. You're a bad scientist and you should feel bad."
"I am peer-reviewed, it's just that my peers have asked to remain anonymous."
"Oh, sure! That's what all the phony scientists say!"
She swats him, and he laughs. Slowly but surely, the pebbles weighing down her stomach begin to lift one by one.
"Now!" He abruptly claps his hands, making her look up. "Enough of this self-pitying nonsense and onto better things. Have you eaten dinner yet?"
She gives him a quizzical look. "No?"
"Well, come on, then." He stands up and offers her a hand. "We're going to make pesto pasta and then scour Netflix for the worst low-budget film known to man."
Anna winces. That sounds like a lot of work.
"And why are we going to all the trouble of cooking actual food?"
He raises an eyebrow. "You were going to eat frozen eggrolls for dinner, weren't you?"
Anna sighs in defeat.
"I was going to eat frozen eggrolls for dinner," she confirms wearily.
He grabs her hand and pulls her to her feet, making her cheeks burn. "Come on, I found this recipe online that takes like 10 minutes. And we can make some raw chocolate chip cookie dough for dessert."
Anna lets herself be dragged into the kitchen, almost laughing at how incredulous it is that Hiccup got her excited about chores.
He must really care. For some reason.
"Anna. Anna, hey."
Two thoughts cross Anna's mind as she hauls her tired brain out of the comfy grip of unconsciousness.
The first is that there's late morning sunshine streaming in through her window, warming her cheek. It's early, but not affront-against-every-possible-god early.
The second is that there's another human being in her bed with her.
Anna remembers what a pest she was as a little kid, always hopping into Elsa's bed and waking her sister up to entertain her when her insomnia got especially unbearable. But since then, she and other people haven't spent a lot of time in each other's beds--save for the occasional girls' night sleepover.
So this is noteworthy.
Anna flips over to find a very-solid Hiccup Haddock (she verifies it via kicking him in the leg) grinning at her over the covers. Having migrated from the air mattress she inflated for him the previous night, she realizes.
"What're you doing up here?" she grumbles.
Not that it's a bad thing. She's just a little confused.
"I made you something."
She rubs her eyes, looking at him dubiously. "Something better than sleep?"
Anna really isn't feeling the slog out of bed, but Hiccup looks so uncharacteristically giddy that she can't help but be curious.
She leans on him the entire way to the kitchen, slumping like an injured soldier staggering out of the battlefield. He doesn't seem to mind holding her in place.
And then she sees it.
There, sitting on a plate on the counter, are an arrangement of white chocolate-dipped strawberries. The sweet-smelling pot next to them that look like its contents were ripped out by a hurricane and strewn across the stove twice over are hard evidence they're homemade.
The chocolate is messy--lumpy and smudged with different shades of pink running together in a food coloring stunt gone terribly wrong. Icing guns were used to draw on stripes and patterns, interspersed with clumps of sprinkles.
Amateur, but done with more love and care than most people on professional baking shows.
Hiccup must have started this at 6 in the morning, if not earlier.
Anna's jaw drops. "You did not."
"I did too."
She shakes her head in wonder, trying to gather her thoughts.
"Because you deserve to feel like you're worth it."
"Worth fighting for. Worth loving. Worth caring about."
She turns to stare at him. His expression is almost pained.
"You're a fucking superhero." His voice shakes a little as he says it. "You've always been there for me, and helped me feel like I had something to offer when everyone else thought I didn't. I have more fun talking to you than anyone else I know. Just..." He lets out a breath. "I need you to know that whenever you need anyone, for anything, I'll help. My door's always open. Online, hell, even in person--just say the word, and I'm there."
All she can do is nod mutely.
"You're funny and delightful and you care so much about the people who matter to you and I just wish you could see all that," he goes on. "And I'm going to keep making you snacks until you do."
And then she's running to him, picking him clean off the floor and spinning him around. When she puts him down, he doesn't have time to escape before she's pulling him into a tight hug.
Clutching his shirt, she murmurs into his chest.
"I still don't know if I really deserve all this, but...thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"So for the Lorentz Force Law, what constant do you use for the permeability of free space?"
Hiccup sighs, slumping across the other side of the coffee table and eyeing her glumly. "You know, you don't have to help me study for physics. I promise I'm fine."
"No!" She chucks the last of the chocolate-covered strawberries at him. "I will not be held responsible for you bombing your final!"
"Please, no more. We've been at this for hours now."
"We've been at this for 30 minutes!"
"Can we at least take a break?" His green eyes are big and pleading--nigh impossible to resist. "I never thought I'd say it, but I might implode if I have to see one more line of weird numbers. And this is coming from the engineer-in-training."
It doesn't take much for Anna to relent. Her brain also feels like putty, and she's getting so much secondhand anxiety that she has to constantly remind herself she isn't the one taking a physics exam.
She slams her laptop shut, stomach loosening in relief as the loathsome, math-filled screen goes dark.
"Okay. 30 minutes," she says, knowing damn well that the break will be longer than 30 minutes.
"We'll just do something simple," he says. "Like a walk."
As if being out in the fresh air is going to make them any more eager to return to flashcards later.
They emerge into cool air, making their way down shady, tree-lined avenues until Anna leads them to a sprawling park. She'd gone there all the time when she was little, sometimes even sneaking out without (gasp!) adult supervision in order to be alone with the squirrels and the bugs.
It's a beautiful afternoon. The world still feels fresh from the previous night's rain, a crisp aroma hanging on the breeze and water lingering on leaves and dripping from the ends of twigs like morning dew. The way drops of moisture catch late-day sunlight gives everything a bright sheen.
They come to an open field, smothered in runaway weeds and late-season dandelions. It has a wildness to it that makes Anna pick up her pace, giggling with excitement.
"Hiccup, look!" She plucks a flower, blowing a cloud of seeds into Hiccup's face. "Make a wish!"
He coughs. "I wish these flowers won't activate my allergies."
"You're not supposed to tell me, you dolt!"
"Maybe that's not actually what I wished for." He eyes her mischievously. "Maybe I'm misleading you for my own nefarious ends. Ever think of that, Firecracker?"
"What could you possibly be plotting?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." He wiggles his eyebrows. "Maybe it was world domination. Maybe it was more conservation protection for marine iguanas. Maybe it was for these damn dandelions to irritate your sinuses too, so you'll know how it feels."
"You little shit!"
Before she knows it she's chasing him across the grass, trying to blow as many feathery seeds into his hair as possible. Snickering, Hiccup squats down and arms himself.
Before they know it, it's a full-scale dandelion war. Anna has a feeling they'll both look they took a bath inside a pillow before this is all over.
She also has a feeling not one other physics problem will get done today.
Anna asks herself for the tenth time that hour what the hell she's doing.
Her hoodie is soaked, braids hanging limply out like soppy orange rags. The thunder overhead has been drawing ever closer, bringing a slow-building anxiety attack along with it. And yet here she is, running back and forth outside a dorm building she's never set foot in in her life and trying to figure out which window corresponds to Room 127.
This is so ridiculous.
The internet's in consensus: Acting needy is about the worst thing a young woman can do. In fact, expressing any desire for affection and care and "higher maintenance" than usual is the quickest way to make a man flee in terror.
At least Ty sure thought so.
But this isn't Ty, is it?
A long shot. An absolutely batshit plan. But Anna's done walking on eggshells in her pursuit of true love.
And then she sees him through the glass. Tall, lanky, sprawled on his bed with his face in a comic book.
So she did time it right. His physics final was over with, and he was busying himself catching up on Spider-Man.
Well. He could be procrastinating something.
But in that case...he wouldn't mind procrastinating just a tad longer, would he?
Throwing subtlety to the wind, Anna bangs on the window.
He bristles like a startled cat. When he turns, his alarm morphs into confusion.
He splutters incoherently as he cracks open the window. "Wh--how did you---what are you doing here, Anna?"
"Just returning the favor!" She beams. "Y'know, the...randomly-dropping-in favor. You're done with your finals anyway, right?"
"Yeah, but...that's a 5-hour drive!"
She scoffs. "And you made it. Why can't I?"
His mouth opens--then snaps shut again.
A complete loss for words. The most sure sign of Anna's victory.
"You gave me an open invitation, mister!" She reaches through the open window, jabbing his chest.
"That I did." Hiccup raises an eyebrow. "I just didn't expect you to take me up on that in the middle of a torrential downpour twice as bad as when I dropped by your place."
"...can I come in?"
He sighs. "Yeah, yeah. Just give me a sec."
Hiccup grabs a towel from a rack on his dorm wall and bustles back over. He half-pulls her into the room and half aggressively dries her soaked hair.
"Sheesh. You're going to get hypothermia or something."
Tutting disapprovingly, he wraps her in an old bomber jacket and an extra blanket.
Anna could get used to how she feels in his clothes.
"You're so dramatic." She pulls Hiccup's belongings closer. It's going to be difficult ripping them away from her now. "It's just a little water and stuff."
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue.
"So what's the occasion, then? To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I..." Anna takes a breath.
Maybe simplicity and mundanity wasn't always a bad look.
"I wanted to see you."
He blinks in surprise. "Me?"
She nods.
"My whole life, I've just...felt like some half-forgotten accessory in someone else's story. My sister's. My parents'. My friends', even, once they get more popular and I'm the 'anchor' keeping it all from getting to their head, I guess. But not with you." She sucks in her breath.
"With you, it's like...I mean something. Just by doing all the boring crap I do every day and drinking basic girl lattes and cheering from the sidelines as everyone else accomplishes these great things. And you don't think less of me for getting panicky about everyone secretly hating me or crying in my car because I worry I'm not good enough. And you're so smart and funny and handsome and just all around a genuinely amazing person, and I just...I'd rather be hanging out with you than doing just about anything else. And so here I am."
For a moment, he only regards her thoughtfully.
"Anna." When he finally speaks, his voice is quiet. "Remember how you said you weren't the kind of girl people fall in love with, and I said you were wrong?"
"Right." She smiles wanly. "And you didn't have any evidence to prove it."
"So I'll prove it, then." His voice grows louder, firmer. "You will be loved. Right here, right now. Because I love you."
She scrutinizes him, confused. "Well, yeah, of course you do. We're friends."
"That's not what I mean." He sighs in frustration. "I mean...yeah, obviously, but there's something else going on here. And I think you know, but you won't let yourself feel it because you don't think you deserve it."
"But maybe I don--"
"So put that aside for a second." His voice is calm, gentle--sounding scarily reasonable, even. "Forget what you have or haven't 'earned.' What do you want, Anna?"
"I..." She swallows. "I think you already know."
Her heart is pounding, and she wonders if this is all really happening.
Then his mouth is on hers.
He tastes like home. He tastes like walking through your front door after being gone for a long, long time, and finally going to sleep wrapped up in your own bed.
It feels like an eon before they pull apart. Anna doesn't mind.
And as they lay on the bed, foreheads pressed together with breathless smiles, Hiccup murmurs in her ear.
"Could I interest you in sticking around a while?"
She grins.
"You could."
...okay so I literally have no reason why this took so long. No real excuse here. I just had a case of Brain No Worky and, in beautifully ironic fashion for the ADHD and Autism Squared Ship, my double-dosing ADHD Autistic ass just noped on me for a hot minute and now here we are. 4 days from the end of this damn event and I just finished my final Week 1 prompt. Absolutely cringefail, yes, but tbh I think this is what Hiccup and Anna would want. Sometimes I just have to be a dysfunctional disaster!!! For them!!!
ANYWAYS. Here it is, several weeks late!!! I've always loved this song for them, and generally the idea of Hiccup propping Anna up and being her biggest cheerleader and just generally believing in her when basically everyone else ignores her, dismisses her, or puts her down (like several characters in F1 do this!!! Especially in some of the deleted scenes!!!). I just think my girl deserves someone who unabashedly adores her and makes her feel good about herself while still having a personality outside of like...blindly simping (sorry kristoff lmao). But also grounds her and kinda keeps her in check when she starts going on a self-loathing spiral or does some impulsive Dumb Shit without thinking.
Not that Hiccup DOESN'T also do Impulsive Dumb Shit but he has like no self awareness about it lmfao
I've actually been meaning to use that chocolate strawberry pic forever XD Was gonna use it for something valentines-themed, but...eh. Oh well. This works too! And of course I had to find some way to throw it into the story XD
Anna and Hiccup cooking pasta together >>>> I would've written that scene too, if I had the energy!!!
Pic credits available upon request!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#moodboard#aesthetic#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#rotbtd#rotbtfd#modern au#httyd#frozen#crossover
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It's that time again!!! I am pleased to report that I'm going to be hosting Hiccanna Month again this year since I got so many lovely submissions in 2022 :3 I have, however, decided to bump it to July this year since I've been busy with a new job and other adult stuff and have only just now come up with a prompts list ^^;
This year is all about Putting Those Guys In Situations: Alternate universes! The way it's gonna work is I have an overarching AU theme for each week, and then more specific AU prompts for each day. And then of course a music week, because you gotta have a music week.
The second annual Hiccanna Month is scheduled to begin July 1, 2023 and will go through the end of the month! And beyond! As y'all know, I am more than happy to reblog late submissions--hell, I'll probably be making a few myself ^^;
So without further ado:
WEEK 1 (7/1 - 7/7) - MUSIC
The Great Escape--Boys Like Girls
Stranger Things--Kygo
Rebel Girl--Angels and Airwaves
She Will Be Loved--Maroon 5 (although I personally prefer the Runner Runner cover in my playlist)
WEEK 2 (7/8 - 7/14) - FANTASY AUS
Norse Mythology
Fairy Tales
Studio Ghibli
Pirates and mermaids
WEEK 3 (7/15 - 7/21) - SCI FI AUS
Star Wars/Space travel
Time loop/Time travel
WEEK 4 (7/22 - 7/28) - MODERN AND MISC AUS
General Modern AU
Historical Romance AU
Role Reversal AU
Performer AU (Actor, Band, Dancer, Social Media, etc.)
Coffee Shop AU
July 29, 30, and 31 are all free spaces to make whatever you want--prompts you missed, prompts you didn't get to last year, anything!!!
As far as content goes, literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related!
See y'all in a month <3
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth2023#hiccannamonth23#prompts#hiccannamonth prompts post#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#hiccup haddock#princess anna#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover
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Paper bags and plastic hearts All our belongings in shopping carts It's goodbye, but we've got one more night Let's get drunk and ride around And make peace with an empty town We can make it right
Throw it away Forget yesterday We'll make the great escape We won't hear a word they say They don't know us anyway Watch it burn Let it die 'Cause we are finally free tonight
Tonight will change our lives It's so good to be by your side We'll cry We won't give up the fight We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs And they'll think it's just 'cause we're young But we'll feel so alive
Throw it away, forget yesterday We'll make the great escape We won't hear a word they say They don't know us anyway Watch it burn, let it die 'Cause we are finally free tonight
All the wasted time The hours that were left behind The answers that we'll never find They don't mean a thing tonight
Throw it away Forget yesterday We'll make the great escape We won't hear a word they say They don't know us anyway
Throw it away Forget yesterday We'll make the great escape We won't hear a word they say They don't know us anyway
Throw it away Forget yesterday We'll make the great escape We won't hear a word they say They don't know us anyway Watch it burn, let it die 'Cause we are finally free tonight
Hiccup has no idea what to expect when a car horn jerks him awake in the middle of the night, but it's certainly not his girlfriend shamelessly idling her mom's van in his driveway.
"Anna? What are you--" He rubs his eyes, trying to put the pieces together with a half-asleep brain. It's not unusual for Anna's insomnia to keep her up at ungodly hours, but usually she just texts him and requests memes. Not...drive over to his house and honk at him from Iduna Runeardsen's sedan.
"Get in, loser!" Speak of the devil. Another blare tears across his front lawn, making him wince. "We're not going shopping, but I have something much better planned."
"Anna, it's..." He dubiously checks his phone. "12:37."
"We're both leaving in a few days."
"Yeah, so?" She's completely unperturbed. He hopes she won't get the satisfaction of seeing him inadvertently smile to himself. "It's not like either of us needs to leave tomorrow. And that's why I'm going to take you on the best date of your life."
"At...one in the morning?"
"Unless you'd rather lie in bed the rest of the night, bitterly ruing that fateful moment you decided to forego having fun to stare at your ceiling."
Hiccup sighs. As his body gradually shuffles itself out of slumber, he starts to smell what she's getting at.
"Please don't tell me you're taking me clubbing."
"So we can thrash around with sweaty strangers and get our butts grabbed?" Anna makes a face. "No thanks."
"I mean...what else is open?"
Anna scoffs.
"The Great Anna Runeardsen and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, adventurer extraordinaires and absolute ne'er-do-wells, are hardly limited by what is or isn't 'open.'"
Ah. So it was going to be that kind of night.
"Well, shit. Should I dress up?"
Unfortunately, his enthusiasm is interrupted with a yawn. Anna snickers.
"I mean. This is the kind of dress code we're talking about here." She cracks open the passenger door, revealing bedraggled jean shorts and a faded t-shirt she's had since 6th grade. Perfect for a hot August night, and a lifetime of not giving a shit about conventional fashion.
One pair of torn jeans and two sweatshirts (he always brings an extra, as Anna's off-the-cuff planning often doesn't account for her getting cold) later, Hiccup's ready to go.
"So what's the plan, captain?" he asks, barely squeezing the question in before Anna's alt rock playlist swallows all other sound.
"Well, first, we're stopping by the gas station to eat our weight in chips and those spinning hot dog things with the disgusting cheese sauce. And then..."
She breaks into a smirk. "I'm taking you on the thrill ride of your life, Haddock."
"That sounds ominous."
Anna doesn't answer, suddenly declaring that the next track on the playlist is "her jam" and breaking into song. Hiccup can't quite tell if the timing is just that serendipitous, or if Anna planned this all out so as not to have to elaborate.
It would take a scheme, considering how eager she usually is to add on to her statements. Something like this was probably the only way she could harness any self-control.
Either way, Hiccup knows he's in for quite the time.
"Anna, what thrilling adventure could possibly be waiting in an empty Target parking lot?"
"Oh, ye of so little faith!"
Leaning on the side of the sedan, Hiccup sighs from behind covered eyes. Crashing and clattering drifts from the trunk, as well as Anna's pained grunts.
"Don't hurt yourself there."
"I'm immune to pain!" she growls. A loud clang of a body part hitting metal and a whimper suggests otherwise.
A noisy crash later, Anna makes a triumphant noise. "Okay! Open your eyes!"
Hiccup finds his girlfriend struggling to right a shopping card, grinning proudly.
"So that's what was rattling around back there."
"It is!" She gives the cart an experimental shove, cheering as it rolls a few feet.
Hiccup smirks. "Anna, I think the Target is closed."
"I'm aware."
"Is your grand plan to have a mid-quality household appliance heist until the first light of dawn?"
"No, although I wouldn't be opposed to trying that some other time." She returns his smirk.
"Okay, genius. What's your aspiration here?"
"We're going to take turns sitting in the shopping cart," she says flatly. "And pushing each other really fast."
And he has to laugh. It's such a painfully Anna idea.
The fact that she looks incredibly smug about this whole thing only makes him laugh harder.
"How on earth did you come up with that?!"
"I asked Jack and Punz for date ideas, and they said there's really no beating this."
"Oh my god." Hiccup shakes his head, smiling fondly. "Of course Jack would encourage this tomfoolery."
"Don't knock it 'til you try it." Anna gestures to the cart. "Get in, nerd. You're going first."
"Eh, fuck it." Hiccup trots over, slotting himself in. "I've got nothing to lose but my dignity."
"Oh, you never had any to begin with," Anna says cheekily. "Neither do I. Pretty sure that's why we like each other."
"You may be onto something," he admits.
"Wait, wait! I almost forgot!"
Anna claps her hands, letting go of the cart handle. The shopping device begins to drift away across the pavement.
Before Hiccup can plead for help, Anna's already scurried back to the car.
His makeshift vehicle has nearly collided with a streetlight when Anna returns. Even with a box of something tucked under one arm, she catches him easily.
He takes a closer look, raising an eyebrow. "Canned palomas?"
"Canned palomas," she confirms. Anna dumps the box into what was once intended to be a baby compartment.
"Is that what you were being all shifty and sneaky about at the back of the gas station?"
The implication takes a moment to dawn on Anna. She scoffs, offended.
"I paid for these! That clerk looked like she was running on, like, 4 hours of sleep tops. Last thing she needs to deal with is alcohol thieves."
"So how did you even...?"
"Elsa's ID." Anna snickers. "Perks of looking like you and your older sister are twins. I get a kick out of talking about my 'bleached hair punk phase.'"
"...does Elsa know you have it?"
"No." She narrows her eyes. "And neither do you, if you know what's good for you."
"All right, all right!" He raises his hands in defeat. Anna slips a drink into one.
"So let me get this straight." He watches as she cracks open a paloma and takes a swig. "Our itinerary is to get plastered, take shopping cart joyrides around an abandoned Target parking lot, and then...drive home?"
"Of course not!" Anna looks aghast. "I wouldn't chug these and drive! Don't worry--we can easily walk where we're headed next."
"While...drunk. In the middle of the night."
She shrugs. "I have pepper spray, a swiss army knife, and my on-and-off boxing training. We are so totally fine."
Just as a protest is bubbling in his throat, Hiccup's hit with a strange wave of calm. It's one of those nights that feels strange enough that something as off-beat as this might as well happen.
He opens his own drink and downs half, shuddering as the bitterness slithers across his tongue. "All right, marshal. Mission is a go."
"Aye aye, admiral!" She gives him a crooked salute before scanning out her route, leaning back like a cat about to pounce.
"Fast as fucc, boi!" she shrieks. Hiccup howls with laughter.
And as they fly off across the pavement, cool night wind rushing past them and brains growing fuzzy and inebriated, Hiccup decides that Anna was right to be proud of this.
"Ugh." Hiccup wrinkles his nose as they walk past a group of cigarette-laden teens, the odor making his buzzed head throb. "Please tell me wherever you're taking me, there won't be a lot of that."
He feels a little rude as soon as he says it. He isn't trying to be judgy--he just doesn't want to have to deal with gross smells on the best date of his life.
Apparently the smoking teens are not particularly understanding about this. Apparently he's also a bit louder when he's a few canned palomas in.
The group of adolescents turn and sneer, rightfully clocking how ridiculous Hiccup and Anna look. A belching and giggling teenage couple, stumbling along and pushing an empty shopping cart with them.
(Hiccup isn't sure why Anna insisted they bring the cart along, but at this point, he knows better than to question her. Girl clearly knows what she's about.)
Hiccup tries not to make eye contact. Anna is not rolling over and showing her belly that easily.
"Hey!" she yells. "What the hell are you looking at?"
Hiccup bites his lip. "Anna, I don't know if you want to--"
"Don't worry." She gives his arm a reassuring squeeze. "I've got this, babe."
And that's when Anna Runeardsen lets out the longest and most guttural pterodactyl screech Hiccup has ever heard in his life. Entirely unsure what to do, Hiccup opens his mouth to widths that would thoroughly impress his dentist and mimics her bellow as best he can.
And damn, does it feel good. Like a release of some pent-up energy he didn't even know he had.
You really can't go wrong with "when in doubt, follow Anna's lead."
(Well...you very much can in that it wouldn't be out of character for her to lead them to their demise by means of Preventable Freak Accident. One of these days, she's going to try leaping a gap a little too big. But the sentiment remains that it's usually in your best interest to run with her schemes.)
Their newly-appointed rivals, the slightly-cooler chainsmoker ne'er-do-wells, are suitably frightened. They turn away with their eyes wide, breaking into uneasy whispers.
"Insanity card." Anna leans on the cart, doing finger guns at him. "Works every time. People think you're off your rocker? They leave you alone real fast."
Hiccup snickers. "We should yowl at the next person who looks at us funny. I need to see what happens. ...for science."
Anna gives him an approving fist bump. "Sounds like a plan, love!"
A breeze picks up. Hiccup accidentally breathes another puff of whatever noxious chemicals their rivals are guzzling. He does his best to cough it back out.
To no avail.
"This part of town is so sketchy," he complains. "Are we going to get murdered?"
"Don't be so dramatic." Anna rolls her eyes. "The local serial killers have better things to do than hang out where we're going. You will need these, though."
She reaches into a jacket pocket, retrieving something and pressing it into his hands. He looks down, blinking in surprise to see one of his own pairs of leather working gloves and some safety goggles outlined in the light of a nearby gas station.
"Wh--how did you--"
"Oh, these?" Anna snorts. "Nicked them from your room months ago. You have like 15 pairs of each. Didn't even notice they were gone. You really gotta keep better track of your stuff."
He struggles to respond, simultaneously impressed by his girlfriend's sneakiness and baffled as to what midnight activity in the most run-down corner of the city could possibly require these items.
And that's about when he sees approaching silhouettes of smokestacks and powerlines, backlit by moonlight and light pollution alike. A bright, artificial glow cuts through the gloom, guiding their way to the vast building.
"The electric plant," Hiccup muses. "You're not suggesting we..."
Anna's expression is devilish. "Wait and see."
As they get closer, she laces their hands together and begins to forcefully yank him along. "Okay, close your eyes."
He complies, but not without an exaggerated grunt of doubt. "Anna, are you going to feed me to a computer assembly machine so I can become a cyborg or something?"
"Psh, like I'd give the cyberenhancement companies a free test subject! You can get paid hundreds of dollars for those kind of clinical trials, yannow."
"True, true."
It feels like he's been dragged for hours (with multiple suspicious crunches beneath his sneakers) when Anna finally stops. "Okay! You can look now."
Stretching before them are rolling hills upon rolling hills of every type of scrap metal and electrical component imaginable, from circuit boards to microwave parts to dingy desktops from the '90s. Batteries and wires and hard drives probably ripe with fascinating half-forgotten, half-deleted data.
"You...you brought me to a scrapyard?" Hiccup is so in love he could cry. His fingers are itching already, wondering what wild new contraptions he could throw together.
"I did!" Anna beams. "I looked into it, and no one's working at the plant this time of night. All the lights and stuff are just for show." She blushes, looking away. "It's, uh...it's my going-away gift to you."
"So this is what the cart's for?"
"Duh! We don't have enough arms to just carry everything you'll need to make something fucking awesome. Y'know. Just like you always do."
He looks around, frozen in awe for a long moment. When reality finally kicks in, he starts spluttering.
"But--the guy who runs this place--aren't there security cameras?! And there's so much rust--what about tetanus? Is there, like...anything radioactive here?"
Anna is unfazed. "First of all, we've had our shots. Second of all, the nuclear plant is in the other industrial district. Third of all..." She pulls out a long metal rod. "That's why I brought the signal jammer you and Jack made freshman year."
"You stole that too?!"
"Well, yeah. We've already established you don't keep tabs on your doohickeys."
"Does it even still work?"
"I mean...I hope so. I sacrificed one of my dad's old work computers to find out." She scratches her head, smiling meekly. "I had no idea he still used that thing."
Hiccup flexes the fingers on his gloves, breaking into a slow smile.
Fuck it. This is their night. If he comes out with a few grease smears or mild electrical burns, so be it.
"I don't know, I just...this doesn't feel like that satisfying of an ending."
They're sprawled on a blanket next to what they've called Old Flatscreen TV Mountain, several drinks and a few failed gizmos later. Hiccup turns to look at Anna.
She's frowning up at the few stars visible beyond harsh industrial light, eyes as distant as the sky.
"What do you mean?" he asks.
"Like if our lives were a movie..." Anna gestures abstractly. "There's all these narrative loose ends no one bothered to tie up. Like--like all the time I wasted trying to get Elsa to be close with me again, just for her to run off to college 3 states away and still barely talk to me during breaks. Never actually figuring out what the hell I even did to push her away. And you..." She turns, biting her lip. "You busted your ass trying to get that sports scholarship so you could impress your dad, and it never like...amounted to anything. And you still have no idea if he's gonna cut off your tuition payments when you tell him you want to ditch getting an MBA to study lizards. There's all these unknowns and all these dead ends we went down and all this crap we haven't resolved at all. And I always thought...I don't know. I thought there'd be more finality to it when we walked across that stage and got those diplomas."
Hiccup laughs dryly. "Ah, but that's just the base expectation now, eh? Not something we're allowed to actually take any pride in."
"Sure, but like." Anna sighs. "It's kind of stupid, but...I always hoped graduating high school would feel like those coming-of-age movies. Suddenly everything makes sense and my character arc is all wrapped up and I know where I need to go next. But it's like...the older I get, the less I have any idea what's going on. It feels like someone was trying to paint a wall, and just, uh...splattered a bucket of paint on it once and called it a day."
"I don't know." Despite himself, Hiccup smiles. "Paint splatters are a lot more exciting than boring, solid-colored walls."
"Maybe." She scrunches up her face, thinking. "But it's like I get to the end of the rope and I've been so excited to get there but when I do it's all frayed and flimsy. I try to hold onto it and I barely can."
Anna turns back to the sky. "Ugh, I'm sorry. My metaphors aren't making any sense."
"No, no." He reaches over, brushing an unruly hair from his girlfriend's face. "They make perfect sense. I feel the same way."
She whips back toward him, pretty eyes shining hopefully. "Really?"
"Oh, yeah." He chuckles. "I'm always worrying about how to tell my dad I don't want to be some...high-end douchebag corporate guy, money or no. And I hate how I still care so much what he thinks about me, and I worry I'll end up regretting all the sheer time I put into impressing the man. That I'll wake up someday and realize I can never be exactly what he wants, and my whole life's just like that stupid soccer scholarship--all for naught."
It stings, watching the growing pain on Anna's face as he speaks. He knows she worries about him even more than he does.
Any demons he's battling, she's battling tenfold. On top of her own.
He wishes she'd take a load off sometimes. Not exhaust herself beyond reasonability, taking on his struggles as her own. She's far too kind and vibrant a person to be weighed down by other people's crap. Fully believing her loved ones' happiness is her sole responsibility somehow.
And it can be hard, loving someone so fiercely only to watch them love themself so little that they always always put themself last.
Well, to hell with it. He won't let her tonight.
"And I don't want to think about how much I'll miss you," he adds, emphasizing the statement carefully. "I mean...I think we did the right thing. It probably would be dumb to pick a college based on your significant other. And we wanted different environments. Had different places offer scholarship money. It's just how things play out sometimes." He lets out a breath. "But that doesn't mean I don't get jealous. Thinking about all the cool people you're going to meet and worrying you'll like them better. Worrying what I have to offer isn't as impressive anymore."
"Of course it is!" Anna scowls, offended. "It always will be."
The confidence in her voice almost puts him at ease. Almost.
"You say that now. But all my relatives and neighbors and whatnot...they're always going on about how much people change. How I won't be the same person 3 years from now, and being with my high school girlfriend won't make any sense anymore. Like two diverging lines that just get farther and farther apart as they have more experiences away from each other."
Anna's scowl deepens. "And why the hell should they get to tell us what's going to happen? We decide that. No one else. Especially not a bunch of old people who're probably just bitter about The One That Got Away and don't want 'kids these days' to be happy."
She scoots over, pressing into his side and resting her head on his chest. He drinks in her warmth, trying to simply revel in the moment without worrying about the future.
It's still so strange sometimes, being tall enough for her to burrow into him. He remembers when Anna was a giant, casually resting her chin on his hair and wrapping her arms around his toothpick waist.
"I won't leave you behind." He kisses the top of her head, relaxing as she melts further into him. "Anna, I fucking refuse. You're too important to me for me to just hit the road as soon as we both...I don't know. Get more life experiences or whatever. No reason we won't still like each other once we've seen more of the world. Like why would our preferences for whose company we enjoy randomly do a 180? Seems pretty illogical."
She's silent for a beat, nestling closer and staring at the sky. Clinging to him like an anxious lemur on a tree branch.
"I met my roommate at orientation," she says finally. "She seems nice. But, well...she was teasing me about some guy I was chatting with and of course you came up. You had to sooner or later." Anna chuckles. "I love to brag about you."
"Wow, already?" He playfully pokes her temple. "Gotta leave something to the imagination. Make everyone desperate to hear about your mysterious, faraway tech genius boyfriend."
Although she laughs, it sounds a bit forced.
"I wanted to. But my roomie started bombarding me with questions. Asking whether you were a north campus major or a south campus major. What dorm building you were in. Finally I had to admit we weren't, uh...we weren't going to the same school. She kind of, um...started laughing a little and making these passive aggressive comments like 'oh yeah, long distance always works out SO great' and stuff like that."
Hiccup stiffens.
So that's what this night was all about. It suddenly makes perfect sense--the timing, the spontaneity, the date of carefree fun nearly perfectly catered to his taste. The late night environment that felt eternal--a liminal paradise that dawn could never disturb.
A desperate plea to remind him why he loved her.
As if that was ever going to be something he needed.
"That's pretty rude," he settles for. Because it's true--Anna shouldn't ruminate over a stray insensitive comment from someone trying to nettle her. This girl isn't worth it.
"That's what I said, too. But then...well, she gets kind of quiet and apologetic, and she admits she's been feeling shitty because she had a high school boyfriend, too. And he called it quits not too long ago because he didn't like her enough to keep dating her across hundreds of miles. Although he was also rushing a frat, I think, so it probably had something to do with him wanting to...you know." Anna makes some truly obscene gestures with her hands, and Hiccup can't help but snicker.
"Anyways. She said that putting stock in high school relationships ends in heartbreak usually. Or at least it did for her and a lot of her friends. So it just got me worrying."
"So." Hiccup studies a gibbous moon as he puts the pieces of the puzzle together. "You go out of your way to plan and take me on the most epic date of my life to...convince me not to dump you?"
"Uh...yeah." Anna's cheeks flush. "I guess I did."
"Well, mission accomplished." Hiccup smirks again. "I am, in fact, not going to dump you."
"Big fan of that."
"And furthermore, I'm pretty sure I'm never going to dump you. Not when you're funny and hot and smart and charming enough that that sounds like a fucking stupid idea."
She giggles--and god, he could listen to that for the rest of his life.
After another moment of thinking, Hiccup clears his throat importantly.
"So here's the deal." He rubs her waist--a small thing, but something he's learned makes her feel a little more secure. "We could lie here until morning, fretting endlessly about our judgmental acquaintances and relatives and agonizing over whether they're right that we're doomed. Or we could put all that aside for now, say 'fuck 'em,' and continue to have the best godsdamn night of our lives. Because tonight?" He grins. "Tonight belongs to us, and I'll be damned if I let anyone else take it away."
Anna climbs on top of him, pinning him down.
"I like the second option," she says, grinning back.
"Thought you might." He leans up, giving her a lingering kiss. "Now! Where do you think we have the best shot at finding 12-by-9 circuit boards and AA batteries?"
...whoops, I got carried away writing this and it turned out much longer than I was planning ^^;
Took another crack at writing Established Relationship Hiccanna...and I actually really fuck with it??? Like their insecurities and issues and whatnot aren't magically solved, and Anna especially still has doubts about Hiccup changing his mind (F2 basically proved she thinks like this lol), but it's kinda nice to write them navigating their way through life after they've gotten past the whole inevitable "cannot fucking admit they like each other no matter how obvious it is to everyone else" phase. Which they'd readily stay in for years ^^; But in established relationship fics, these kids have one (1) less life problem to deal with, so...good for them!!!
I've been trying Hiccup's POV out more lately just for shits and giggles, and it's honestly not as hard as I thought. I usually favor Anna's POV (because She Is Just Like Me FR FR), but Hiccup would definitely be equally smitten. And Anna deserves someone with an actual discernible personality (sorry Kristoff lmfao) to look at her with stars in their eyes, after all she's been through ;______; And Hiccup is so fun because he's the perfect balance of Smitten Idiot and Voice of Reason (although we know he ain't always as reasonable as he thinks he is lol). Like he's one of the only people (the other maybe being Elsa) who can tell Anna "hey, this idea seems unwise" and she'll actually listen. Anyone else is like "hey, don't do The Thing" and Anna's like "actually no fuck you I do what I want." Speaking as someone who's also pretty stubborn and occasionally prone to Dumb Shit, literally the only way to talk me down is to treat me with respect and not act like you know better. If you come across as even a little condescending, I will double down on my bullshit and that is a promise XD
Yes, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Princess Anna of Arendelle would go on dates to electronics junkyards and spontaneously screech at judgmental strangers and I would swear to this in a court of law.
Can confirm that the transition period between high school and college is turbulent af, and there's definitely a lot of general anxiety that you won't maintain friendships and relationships because (probably well-meaning) middle-aged people try to reassure you by being like "oh, high school friendships don't matter, you'll meet all your lifelong friends in college!" or something similar. The irony is that I realized I'm posting this on my old high school boyfriend's birthday...who did, in fact, dump me a few weeks before college because he didn't want to do long-distance XD Anna's unnamed roommate, I feel you girl, even if I would be less of a little shit. I actually went on my ex's socials to see what he's been up to. Apparently he's a bartender now??? Good for him honestly! Never would have expected that from him but he seems happy ❤️❤️❤️
And finally, shout-out to the "unruly teenagers having low-budget city adventures at 3 am" genre. Gotta be one of my favorite aesthetics 🌃
As always, moodboard pic credits available upon request!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#moodboard#aesthetic#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#rotbtd#rotbtfd#modern au#high school au#httyd#frozen#crossover
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Love the selfie-esque super close-up here--I don't see you draw that too often and it's adorable ;____; The lil smattering of freckles is so!!! Love these cutie patooties very much. Love that we're close enough to see different shades in their eyes, it's just 👌👌👌12/10, no notes. Also, this whole thing very much captures the Vibe of impulsively deciding to take photos on your phone and struggling to find a camera angle that doesn't totally suck XD
I love the way the window light is reflecting off their hair :O It looks like they're doing a photoshoot during golden hour, and that is SO incredibly valid of them.
And the orange and green background??? That didn't get past me 👀 THIS 👏 GIRL 👏 KNOWS 👏 HER 👏 COLOR 👏 MOTIFS 👏💚🧡💚🧡
"Why are you looking at me? Look at the camera for the selfie!" LMAOOOOO CLUELESS QUEEN
"Perhaps it was because she hasn't smiled in a while after she broke it off with her toxic ex. Or perhaps it was because she was just blooming in a way he couldn't figure out right now. Or perhaps it was because she was Anna. As simple as that." Son, you are down bad. Down horrendous, even!!! And worst of all, the poor boy doesn't even know it yet 💔 Is it denial??? Is it genuine obliviousness??? Who knows!!! But this guy sure ain't leaving Pineville, USA for a cool minute!!
Also GOD DAMMIT HANS, why you gotta be like this!! Time to go bitch-slap him, or whoever made my girl sad D:< I'm coming to GET you!!
What if we...? Held hands...? After taking 60 selfies together and shit-talking my ex...? Just kidding! Unless...?
I am so very late to the party here, but I hope they really did have the best day of 2023 ;_____;
Another wonderful submission by you 💚🧡 I never get tired of seeing your art, Haru!!! Keep making some of the most quality content on this webbed site 💗💗💗
"Why are you looking at me? Look at the camera for the selfie!" Anna laughed, mesmerizing Hiccup even more.
Perhaps it was because she hasn't smiled in a while after she broke it off with her toxic ex. Or perhaps it was because she was just blooming in a way he couldn't figure out right now. Or perhaps it was because she was Anna. As simple as that.
"Yeah, yeah, I know where the camera is." Hiccup rolled his eyes when she cooed at him.
She laughed again and aimed her phone at them once more, determined to get one good picture. Or maybe a few dozen with the way she rapidly clicked the button.
"Anna, oh my god, how many pictures do you even need?"
"As many as I want! It's going to be a new era from now on because I refuse to let that fucking ex of mine ruin my life!"
Hiccup smiled at that. "Yeah, that's the spirit!"
Anna grinned from ear to ear then, pocketing her cellphone then grabbing his hand. "Yeah, and you're gonna help me make today great. Or, hell, maybe even the best day of 2023!"
If possible, her eyes gleamed at that as Hiccup realized he was going to be in it for the ride. Whatever that may be. And honestly, if it was Anna, he found that he wouldn't mind it one bit.
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I don't think that passenger's seat Has ever looked this good to me He tells me about his night And I count the colors in his eyes
He'll never fall in love, he swears, As he runs his fingers through his hair I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong And I don't think it ever crossed his mind He tells a joke, I fake a smile But I know all his favorite songs
And I could tell you His favorite color's green He loves to argue Born on the seventeenth His sister's beautiful He has his father's eyes And if you ask me if I love him I'd lie
He looks around the room Innocently overlooks the truth Shouldn't a light go on? Doesn't he know that I've had him memorized for so long?
He sees everything in black and white Never let nobody see him cry I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine
I could tell you His favorite color's green He loves to argue Born on the seventeenth His sister's beautiful He has his father's eyes And if you ask me if I love him I'd lie
He stands there, then walks away My God, if I could only say I'm holding every breath for you
He'd never tell you, but he can play guitar I think he can see through everything but my heart First thought when I wake up Is "My God, he's beautiful" So I put on my make-up And pray for a miracle
Yes, I could tell you His favorite color's green He loves to argue Oh, and he kills me His sister's beautiful He has his father's eyes And if you ask me if I love him If you ask me if I love him I'd lie
Anna has been best friends with twins Hiccup and Rapunzel for as long as she can remember. When their no-nonsense kindergarten teacher forced the inseparable siblings to make friends besides each other, the off-kilter redhead eating glitter glue in the corner of the room was the one they made a beeline for.
Now, the three of them do everything together. DnD campaigns. Video game nights. Getting themselves sick off candy and junk food when their parents travel out of town and leave them with meal funds they're told to "spend wisely". Hanging out with Hiccup and Rapunzel's spirited shelter dog Toothless, so enormous, gangly, and overzealous that many of the other kids at school are scared of him.
Not Anna, though. She makes it no secret she would die for Toothless and every single one of his lopsided teeth, and to hell with anyone who doesn't love him like he deserves.
Going into their junior year of high school, their friendship is so solid that it's almost unthinkable to imagine it as anything else. Might throw the universe out of whack, even.
Which is why Anna is keeping a potentially world-shattering secret tucked away where no one will ever find it: A name in a heart-shaped box under her bed.
"I am never falling in love," Hiccup tells her dejectedly one morning in Weights class. As he trains with the smallest barbels available, his gaze flits to where Astrid Hofferson is pumping iron across the room.
Anna snickers. "Little late for that," she teases.
"No." Hiccup scoffs. "I was only crushing on her. I got out of that situation before it was too late. I'm fine now."
Ah. Still taking the rugby captain's rejection hard, Anna sees. When Hiccup finally gathered the courage to ask Astrid to Homecoming the previous month, she'd told him she preferred dates with a little more meat on their bones.
Hiccup's attempts to make that happen were not going well.
"I'm only trying to show her what she missed out on," he says snidely. "To hell with dating, honestly. Too much drama. And love? Good gods, as if I need that kind of emotional rollercoaster in my life."
"I don't know. Could be fun."
Anna puts down her barbel. Despite not being quite ready, she graduates to the next one.
Maybe if she speed-runs the curriculum for this class, she'll be lifting the same weights as Astrid in a couple months.
"Sure, until they get tired of you." Hiccup sighs. "Then oh boy! It's time to spiral, and not get any scholarships because you were too busy moping about getting dumped to apply!"
Anna forces a chuckle. He's not always the comedic genius he thinks he is, but far be it from her to ever let him know that.
A whistle blows. With some relief, Anna starts to pack up.
"Hey, you never told me how Spiderman 4 was," she says. She didn't make it to the movie with Hiccup and Punz--too much damn trigonometry homework--but she hoped they'd had a good time.
"Oh, it was great!" Hiccup brightens up immediately. "I have to show it to you. You said you don't care about spoilers, right? Because there's this Mysterio and Kingpin teamup that's fucking awesome, and this really shady new mentor figure shows up and tries to bribe Peter with an Uncle Ben clone, and--"
Hiccup has really pretty eyes.
A deep, rich fir tree green around the rims, and a more gleaming, vibrant ferny color in a blot around the pupil. Like sunshine glowing through summer leaves. Unreasonably gorgeous, really.
"Uh...earth to Anna?"
She blinks several times, shaking off embarrassment. "Right! Sorry."
"You good? You were staring off into the void for a while."
At least he didn't notice what exactly I was staring at.
"Yeah, yeah." She sighs. "Just tired. Insomnia, my old foe, our battle never ends!"
Hiccup is, fortunately, none the wiser. But trouble strikes again after school.
Hiccup can't make it to their weekly Friday night Bad Movie Marathon. That in itself is understandable enough--he has an AP Bio exam on Monday, and like hell he's going to screw up his GPA. But when she and Rapunzel drop Hiccup off on the way to her place, Anna apparently looked after him a little too long.
"So." Rapunzel gets a smug look on her face that Anna does not like.
They've been going home from school together since elementary. Their houses are a couple blocks apart--a 10-minute walk, at most.
Nonetheless, Anna gets the distinct feeling this otherwise ordinary stroll is going to feel very long. And very unpleasant.
"When were you planning on telling me you're in love with my brother?"
"What?" Anna snorts as loudly and dismissively as she possibly can. "Punz, that's ridiculous. Where even did you get an idea like that?!"
Because it is ridiculous! ...right?
Maybe if she says it with enough conviction, she can will it into reality.
Rapunzel laughs airily, shaking her head. "It's all over your face, Ans!"
Anna just scoffs. "The only thing that's all over my face is acne and concealer. I mean yeah, you and Hiccup are my best friends, but I don't love him like that. That would be weird."
It very definitely would be. Hiccup's own sister was sure to think that more than anyone.
Would it complicate their friendship if Rapunzel became her sister in law? If Rapunzel ever had kids, would Anna be an honorary aunt, or...and actual by-marriage aunt?!
It's all very strange to think about. Anna aggressively banishes the notions to her head's most isolated corners.
"Okay, then." Rapunzel turns, crossing her arms and blocking Anna's path. Her smug grin deepens.
Anna's chest fills with dread.
"What's his favorite color?"
"Dark green." Anna answers without even thinking.
"Favorite food?"
"Favorite animal?"
"Oh, easy. Crocodile skinks."
"Planned college major?"
"Torn between engineering and herpetology. He likes herpetology more, but engineering jobs are more in demand right now."
"Favorite DnD class to play?"
"Dream hiking spot?"
"Amazon rainforest."
"Dream car?"
"He thinks cars are dumb and every city should install high-speed rail immediately. But if held at gunpoint, he'd want an electric one--preferably one that doesn't randomly catch on fire like your average Tesla."
"Scented candle of choice?"
"Something piney, or kind of a subtle earthy or berry scent. Also sandalwood."
"Instrument of choice?"
"He's not crazy about any of them, but...you two took guitar lessons for a while when you were little. If pressed, he can play a bit. But he doesn't like it because he's got sensory issues with the finger callouses and he feels kind of self-conscious about using a pick."
"Favorite band?"
"Probably Linkin Park, but he'd never openly admit to being that much of an edgelord."
"Leap year, but he celebrates on the 28th. He's technically only 4 years old."
"Perfect." Rapunzel is now looking like a cat that devoured no less than 10 canaries, and Anna does not like it one bit. "Now! Do all of those for me, your other totally platonic best friend."
Oh shit.
Rapunzel clearly revels in the panic that flashes across Anna's face. Nonetheless, Anna takes a breath and does as asked.
"Your favorite color's lavender. Your favorite foods are hazelnut soup and cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Your favorite animals are chameleons, but you have a soft spot for horses, too. Your planned college major is communications, but what you really wish you could do is art history. Your favorite DnD class is cleric. Your dream hiking spot is the Black Forest in Germany. Your dream car is a hybrid--you don't care what type as long as you can get a cute pink or purple paint job. Your scented candle of choice is something flowery but subtle, like...magnolia with a tinge of lilac or something. Your instrument of choice is also guitar, except you don't care about the callous thing. Your favorite band is Walk the Moon. Your birthday is--hey, that's a trick question! You're twins--you have the same birthday!"
Rapunzel snickers, and Anna glares at her. "What are you laughing about? I answered all the stuff you wanted me to!"
"Yeah, but...you hesitated."
Anna hopes to every god that might exist that the blood isn't rushing to her face. "What are you talking about?"
"You answers for Hiccup were a lot faster. Completely instinctual, almost. You took a liiiiittle longer to remember all the same stuff about me."
"So what?" Anna bristles. "That doesn't mean anything!"
"I think it does," Rapunzel sings. She giggles and twirls like a silly anime schoolgirl, relishing the victory Anna has no intention of actually giving her.
Anna puts on her sourest pout. "You're nuts, Punzel. Like I'd ever be in love with your dorky brother."
God. Anna feels a pit in her stomach, glancing back and forth between the Haddock household and her aggravatingly self-satisfied friend.
I'm such a fucking liar.
So I actually almost decided to forego TSwift day because I have pretty much maxed out making posts for all the Taylor songs I think are the most Hiccanna-coded, BUT!!! Then I realized I almost forgot I'd Lie, the OG Hiccanna TSwift bop that practically describes Hiccup to a T!!! So naturally I had to make a Thing about it. And, of course, I had to make the moodboard green-themed, since, well...his favorite color's green 💚
Even if that's not actually Hiccup's favorite color, it might as well be, for how much it's worked into his character color motifs and such aksjhdksufhuyh
I usually have Toothless as a cat in modern AUs (or maybe a pet lizard, if I'm feeling especially adventurous) because I just generally don't think he's that dog-coded, BUT! When I found a pic of a ginger cuddling an absolute dog!Toothless if I ever did see one, what was I supposed to do??? Like this dog looks like a lanky little ink gremlin, I wanna be his best friend, too :O Also, the girl with periwinkle nails holding his paw off to the side is Rapunzel, of course!
Speaking of which! It's funny, I've always seen Rapunzel and Hiccup as having a sibling-like relationship (they are just so Dipper and Mabel coded fr), but I've never actually tried writing them as siblings. BUT THEN with the "his sister's beautiful" bit...I needed a sister for Hiccup anyways, so I took a stab at writing him and Punz as twins! Ironically I'm not usually a big of the "falling for your best friend's brother" trope (mainly because if I had any siblings, I would feel like...SUPER weird about them macking on my friends with tongue lmao). But with Punz and Hiccup, I feel like they'd have a pretty close and good relationship, even among some typical sibling squabbles, and would be equally close with Anna. So Rapunzel wouldn't be that put off by Anna being into her brother. In fact, she'd be a little shit about it, I think >:D
Putting that chocolate in the moodboard was a mistake. Now I'm hungry for sugary foods, and my mom's already started giving me enough of a hard time about getting fat XD Luckily I'm poor, so I don't have much extraneous cash to spend on the kind of junk food I write about my blorbos eating!
Although I still smell A Little Treat incoming the next time I go to the grocery store, RIP
Pic credits available upon request!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#moodboard#aesthetic#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#rapunzel#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#rotbtd#rotbtfd#modern au#high school au#httyd#frozen#crossover
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We used to run around this ghost town Always thinking out loud "Are we gonna get out?" I remember We'd dream of places that we could go Castles with a strange glow People that we don't know I remember
We left a life that's ordinary from the start We looked for stranger things 'cause that's just who we are Found me the edge of something beautiful and loud Like I'm picturing now
Castles glitter under Spanish skies But I'm just looking out for you tonight Snow white mountains in a foreign state Tell me someday we'll get there Someday
I see a technicolor shadow Underneath your window Just in case you don't know I can see it You cast an unfamiliar day glow Different than what I know Shining like a halo I can feel it
We turned our back on ordinary from the start We looked for stranger things 'cause that's just who we are Found me the edge of something beautiful and loud Show me the sky falling down
Castles glitter under Spanish skies But I'm just looking out for you tonight Snow white mountains in an ancient place Tell me someday we'll get there Someday
Ever since she was a kid, Anna's had cabin fever.
It's not that she can't go outside. Her family isn't that draconian. But when her older sister's general issues and unconventional ways of "acting up" culminate in a bipolar diagnosis, Iduna and Agnarr Runeardsen tighten the already-short leash they keep their daughters on. Anna can't even circle the block without her parents fretting about kidnappers and cars driving too fast and anything else that might be dangerous.
But Anna doesn't just feel trapped because of her overbearing family. She longs for more than the gray halls of school and the boring, repetitive streets of suburbia, dreaming about everything else the world has to offer.
Her peers are largely satisfied with a small-scale life, making peace with a measly downtown and a handful of weekend activities available to pass their time. Some spend their Saturdays wandering past strip shopping centers and through fast food parking lots, sometimes ending up in the ritzy part of town and window-shopping for things they could never afford. And they're content.
Anna doesn't understand how they're not mind-numbingly bored. Or depressed. Or both.
There's one person who understands, at least.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III comes from a long line of Haddocks who have staunchly refused to move to a bigger, better city with more job opportunities. With a family tracing all the way back to Ancient Scandinavia, Hiccup cites ingrained, genetic "stubbornness issues" as the cause.
Hiccup has no interest in following in his father's footsteps, living out his glory days doing high school football before taking over the family pest control business.
To his credit, he tried both. He failed miserably both times.
He didn't make the cut for the football team every time he tried out--not even junior varsity. When he built his own rat traps to impress Stoick, he ended up feeling so bad for the one rat he caught that he let the poor thing go."He didn't make the cut for the football team every time he tried out--not even junior varsity. When he built his own rat traps to impress Stoick, he ended up feeling so bad for the one rat he caught that he let the poor thing go.
(And Odin forbid his dad ever found out he's now much more inclined to leave snacks out for the town vermin than exterminate them.)
Hiccup gets it. He knows what it's like to want to break out of the same dull, single-minded town he's always been stuck in--and that his bloodline would be stuck in forever, if his dad had his way. He knows what it's like to want to see new things and new perspectives, and meet people who haven't already insistently made up their mind about the world (like that rats are "gross," and not intelligent and good-hearted animals who deserve more respect!).
All the adults in Anna's life treat her like some fragile and helpless little songbird, something dainty and frail that needs. to be kept safe in a cage. Hiccup is the only person who wants to open the damn cage. Trusts her to handle herself if he does.
He likes that she's loud. He likes that she's bold and strong-willed and says exactly what she thinks. He likes that she isn't a "lady," and refuses to do anything just because girls are expected to. He sees her as a bright, powerful force to be reckoned with, glowing in hundreds of colors and providing a breath of fresh air after the monotonous monochrome of everyone else.
He alone knows what it's like to be drawn to the strange and the uncanny. To turn your back on expectations and restrictions and everything about "the normal." Hiccup and Anna see the simplistic picket fence suburban life their parents want them to follow them into, and they unapologetically refuse.
And that's why they slave away at summer and weekend jobs, saving every penny. That's why they both vanish off the face of the earth a week after high school graduation, sending the entire town into hysterics.
No one knows they're on a plane to Spain, itineraries loaded with castle tours and mountain hikes and ski lodges and tapas bars and Mediterranean coves. Their hands are linked over the armrest as they swap a conspiratorial glance.
Anna glances into her purse, gaze landing on shiny green plastic. She smiles down at their train pass, the little helper that will move them around until the money runs out.
And truthfully? Anna has no idea what they'll do then. Where they'll go. If they'll find a better place to settle down where things are a little more lively.
But in the meantime, they're going to have one hell of an adventure.
Aaaaand here is yet another late submission from the person running this damn event! XD As you can tell, uh. I'd be literally the biggest hypocrite on earth if I cared about deadlines at all ^^; Feel free to keep sending in submissions through August and September--or until next year's Hiccanna month, for that matter!
ANYWAYS! I remember I first heard this song years ago while I was studying abroad (the irony XD), long before it had ever even crossed my mind to make a Hiccanna playlist. Then I heard it again in a store maybe a year ago and I'm like "wait, this is a Hiccanna song???" Like they would be THE wanderlust couple, Hiccup canonically likes to fly all over the place to chart new dragon species, and Anna definitely would travel as far as she could if she had the freedom to!!! Like if she got THAT excited about meeting a handful of new people at a coronation...girl is just so fucking restless.
Went for kind of a multicolored color scheme here with an emphasis on green! Since that's their color <3 Very very big fan of the middle pic. Literally just Hiccanna spotted in the wild??? And the way she would climb into his lap and yank him in by the neck XD Girl gets shit DONE!!!
Also y'all would not believe how hard it was to get a good quality version of the top left pic D: Like I saw it and I NEEDED Anna Walking Along Train Tracks Somewhere In Europe, but like!!! The internet only wanted to give the the grainiest possible versions or versions blocked behind "get an account"!!! But here it is now--a success story in the stubborn tenacity of moodboard makers.
Pic credits available upon request!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#moodboard#aesthetic#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#rotbtd#rotbtfd#modern au#httyd#frozen#crossover
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So ah. As you can see, I am. A bit behind on reblogs.
What is my excuse, you ask??? Did you make an event and then fall behind on your OWN EVENT??? Did you know you are going to fail at being a Hiccanna month administrator, tumblr user fuckyeahhiccannamonth, something that is both fair to fear and possible to achieve????
So, in no particular order, here are my three very flimsy reasons I will give when sternly asked why I am So Very Behind on my own event:
I spent a whole-ass month-long event working on Week 1 prompts. Y'know. Like a terrible planner?
I fell victim to a terminal case of Brain No Worky. I wish I knew why! My neurodivergent brain simply went "time to do prompts extremely slow!" and despite all my protests of how I Did Not Want To Do That, it was to no avail. Brain No Worky is a very serious condition, you see. I do, however, feel like this is in keeping with the spirit of a ship that is so insanely and ragingly ND4ND. Like this is something that could and would happen to both Hiccup and Anna and I have to respect that.
IT TOO DAMN HOT OUTSIDE. Climate change my beloathed. I get home from work and collapse onto my bed with the AC on and there goes like an hour or two. I've been running on like 60% battery since the stupid heat dome got here. I also work outside, which!!! Does not help!!! Call me an astrology bitch the way I blame the stars for my problems (or one star in particular. Hey sun can you tone it down a notch. Please)
SO. Because I acknowledge this is mostly my fault (although a solid amount of blame falls on oil executives, my natural brain chemistry since birth, and celestial bodies), I'm determined to make it up to y'all. Since many of you have not yet gotten the adoring comments you deserve on your submissions, we're going to pretend that Hiccanna month is on a month-long time loop!!! That's right--y'all now have until the end of August to get in any prompts you didn't get to, or wanted to expand on!!! In return, I will reblog all of your lovely submissions by the end of August, or be extremely Cringefail.
I myself will probably not get in any more submissions than what I originally had planned (which is still a few more, don't worry!) because I'll be busy with another writing event in August. BUT I will still do my very best to look at and reblog all of your lovely submissions as they come in <3 <3 <3
Happy Hiccanna Month Part 2: Electric Boogaloo!!! Y'all have done so great so far, and I'd honestly be content if we capped off at what we already have :3 But I'll give y'all some extra time because you deserve it <3 Reblogs are coming your way very soon!!! Just remember to tag any new posts with #hiccannamonth23 or #hiccannamonth2023, and @ this blog for any new submissions :3
Your extremely ADHD event planner, fuckyeahhiccannamonth
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccup#anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#princess anna of arendelle#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover
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EYYYYY look at my kids, walking the streets of San Fransokyo on a lovely spring day!!! As they should!!!
So let's hope there are no troublemaking nanobots or scheming supervillain plots around interrupt their date XD They deserve to just chill and have a good time!
You're honestly so right that Hiccup would wear those button-down overshirt things. I know a very Hiccup-coded dude in real life who has a nigh-endless collection of those XD I love that he kept his dragon rider arm guards here, too. It's JUST the right amount of punk to make sense in a Hiccup modern AU outfit XD Like he don't need to guard those arms, he's just doing it for the Vibes. And that is beyond valid. I see those knife holders, though 👀👀👀🔪 I hope he doesn't have plans to go explore the world outside San Fransokyo today, because he's definitely not getting past airport security with those aioasluhlihiuyg
And Anna??? My god, she looks so cute it's unreal!! :O Her in a chic little white crop top with matching floral shorts, so true 🤍🌿🌼💚 And matching white nails, too??? FASHION ICON 🤍💅 You're so right yet again, by the way, I just know Anna would be obsessed with pink drinks if she had access to them XD Particularly if it was hot out! Girl cannot get enough icy, creamy beverages when the sun is out. Especially if the sun is out for too damn long and just refuses to take it down even 1/10th of a notch D: And hey, it even matches the spring trees in the background! 🌸🌸🌸
Can you tell I'm a little salty about the summer heat we're having where I live aisdlhubhk
ALSO??? Anna looks so fucking adorable with fluffy, shoulder-length hair, like oh my god??? Never thought of that style for her, but shit--it suits her so well, and I'm kind of in love :O And the hoop earrings also??? She absolutely ROCKS them. Her whole look here is so damn solid and she could legit model for a fashion magazine. I love our girl and her cute-ass outfit and I'm very happy she's having such a fun day with her mans 💚🤍🩷🤎
Wonderful job on this, as always!!! This might be one of my favorite Hiccanna month edits you've done, it's just so damn smooth and well put together. It looks like a legitimate screencap from an actual movie, and I love that. But it also makes me sad because I'd give anything to will this movie into existence ;_____;
All of your Hiccanna month entries were such bangers!!! I'm sorry I took so long to reblog them--I truly wanted to do them the justice they deserved and have the spoons to ramble at length about all the things I liked. I hope you'll join us again for Hiccanna Month this year!!!

City Date ✨
Hiccanna month: General Modern AU 🤍🧋
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Frozen (Disney Movies), Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons), Shrek (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna (Disney)/Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Anna (Disney) & Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Anna (Disney), Puss in Boots (Shrek), Archie (Tales of Arcadia) Additional Tags: Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Hiccanna Month 2023 (Disney/How To Train Your Dragon), Hiccup is Alice, Anna is the Mad Hatter, Alternate Universe - Alice in Wonderland Fusion, And You Were There setup, romance is there if you squint - Freeform, College Student Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III Series: Part 1 of Hiccanna Month 2023 Summary:
Hiccanna Month, Week 2: Fantasy AUs Day 2: Fairy-Tale
One second, Hiccup is studying for a test that counts for ten percent of his grade. And the next, he finds himself in an unusual world. Along with an unusually intriguing woman with the biggest hat, he's ever seen. The only question: How is he going to get out of it?
@lovestrucklyuniverse‘s prompt for Hiccanna Month: Week 2, Day 2: Fairy tales! This Alice in Wonderland AU was an absolute blast to read, and I loved loved loooooved having Hiccup as Alice and Anna as the Mad Hatter!!! Makes perfect sense to have Hiccup as the tired logician who gets frustrated when the fantasy world he’s dropped into doesn’t make any sense, and Anna as the zany, offbeat fantasy world resident who manages to win him over, despite her weirdness XD Stay tuned for purple grass, a reptile-centric tea party, fictional beverages that frustrate me with their lack of availability in my nearest grocery store, weird creatures doing their best to be helpful, and Anna being a shameless fashion atrocity for 3,104 words straight!
#hiccanna#hiccannamonth#Week 2#Day 2#Prompt: Fairy Tales#hiccup x anna#anna x hiccup#hiccannamonth23#hiccannamonth2023#hiccup#anna#hiccup haddock#princess anna#hiccupxanna#annaxhiccup#fanfic#fanfiction#rotbtd#rotbtfd#httyd#frozen#crossover
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