#hi skeem
energonnaccinos · 7 months
puddlebath by prisonsuit-rabbitman on DeviantArt
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bagofcheetodust · 1 year
Ai gives me ideas sometimes and I got a paranoid Kallamar while using one so have at thee lil doodle before I pass out for the night
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He's so pathetic ♡
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kira-kui-n · 2 years
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sg skyfire holding skeems spark like he just caught a bug very amusing 2 me
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apollo11fangirl · 1 year
Cars 3 au
So after Lighting's third cup win, Doc has a heart attack and ends up in a coma for years. Lighting visits him when he can, but in his mind Doc is all but dead. A living corps if you will.
After Storm comes onto the scene, Doc wakes up and begins the process of recovering. He doesn't tell him since he wants to supperise him by showing up at Daytona. Just like the first time. Saddly he doesn't get to do that. Just as he getting the mic on to talk to him, Lighting crashes.
Doc is frozen in fear for a moment as he takes a breath to focus himslef. He then runs to Lighting as emergency personnel come to get him. The last thing Lighting sees before he passes out is Doc's face telling him that he will be alright.
Doc takes this crash hard as he stands watch over Lighting. He waits for him in surgary and plans how he will recover from everything. When Lighting wakes up, he is in shock that Doc is alive and is funtcing well. The last he heard Doc wasn't doing well even in his coma, yet some how when he heard Storm over take him and will, Doc woke up.
The two of them start the road of recovering. Rustezs on the other hand starts demoing Cruz as a new driver. They see her to be a better driver in the long run as Lighting and the team is getting older. Doc hears the news and decides to take Lighting to his hometown to get some practice in.
They meet up with the Barn Stormers, and Lighting starts to learn how to draft. Doc keeps up there old training regimen as they try and get an edge. One night the two of them get into an argument about how lighting thinks this won't work since Doc crashed and never got the chance to recover. Doc keeps trying to tell Lighting that, that's what he trying to avoid.
Unfortulatly for the two of them they here the news that Cruz is the driver for Rusteze and that they dropped Lighitng. At this point Lighting just runs off. Leaving Doc to find him.
Smokey tells Doc that he saw him dash to the trailor. Doc follows that and sees Lighitng pack everything up. Doc ask why and and lighting says what else can he do and trys to leave. They then have a long conversation about how Lighting can't leave and that yes Doc has no clue what to do now, but they will make it through together.
After that they make there way to Smokey's Garauge and Lighting sees all the leters that Doc sent and how they knew of Doc's plan to come back to Lighitng after recovering from in the hospital.
At that moment, Louise comes past telling them to get on the phone. Tex after hearing what happened to Lighting tells him he didnt' forget the prosmis that he made all thoese years ago. Lighting is now going to be racing with DInaco. Doc then gives his permission to use his number and paint skeem on Lighting's car.
Doc and the rest of the Barnstormers head south to Daytona. Once they get there Ramone quickly wraps the car since they don't have time to paint it. Lighting comes on the track as 'The Faboulus Lighitng McQueen'.
Storm just asumes that Lighitng will be easy pickings that is until Lighitng starts to out smart him. With Doc in his ear the whole time he wins first place.
While Cruz is happy for Lighting, even though she did take his ride. Storm trys and ask how on earth could Lighitng even win. Doc and Lighitng simply say that dirt does help out with that.
The rest of Lighting's career he is consistently in the top ten with Storm, Cruz, Bobby, and Cal. Also, Tex buys Rusteze and Bobby's team as well not to separate the track family they made.
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theqreatorsworld · 3 months
Isabella“Bell” Beaufort in black ops 6
After the events of the Cold War, Bell is said to be dead however, in reality, she survived, all thanks to surgery but that doesn't heal in the fact that there are more problems other than Perseus.
Here’s the real problem
Isabella realizes that adler is a traitor to the CIA, although Isabella is hurt by what adler did she also has a soft spot for him and his team and tries to help them
Not knowing that she's also being hunted down, Not by the CIA, Or Perseus, But by another organization. an evil organization from France known as the l'Assemblée Diabolique, / IAD (The English Version of The Diabolical Assembly/TDA)
Run by their leader, Alice “Storm” Hollow, and her little evil minions to destroy the population of France and to hunt down Isabella,while the CIA is hunting down Adler situation for being a traitor, her reasons are different
Now with the help of adler, Woods, Aguinaldo, and a whole new group of people (aka MY MOOTS OC) stop the bad guys and finish Alice so that her wicked skeems would stop.
But how would that happen?
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yourlocalqreator · 4 months
Isabella “Bell” Beaufort in Black ops 6
After the events of the Cold War, Bell is said to be dead however, in reality, she survived, all thanks to surgery but that doesn't heal in the fact that there are more problems other than Perseus.
Here's the real problem
Isabella realizes that adler is a traitor to the CIA, although Isabella is hurt by what adler did she also has a soft spot for him and his team and tries to help them
Not knowing that she's also being hunted down, Not by the CIA, Or Perseus, But by another organization. an evil organization from France known as the l'Assemblée Diabolique, / IAD (The English Version of The Diabolical Assembly/TDA)
Run by their leader, Alice “Storm” Hollow, and her little evil minions to destroy the population of France and to hunt down Isabella,while the CIA is hunting down Adler situation for being a traitor, her reasons are different
Now with the help of adler, Woods, Aguinaldo, and a whole new group of people stop the bad guys and finish Alice so that her wicked skeems would stop.
But how would that happen?
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drawnwithrage · 6 months
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Hello hello! I’m here to share my beautiful ocs! From left to right we have: Kitty (jumping off), Karlos (climbing the tayaki while judging his sister), Gardenia (at the very top), Idyllic (below her looking at a fruity pebble), Emery (swinging himself from the spoon) and Evan (trying to catch Emery). I’m trying to draw my ocs more. I love them for being with me for over 20 years. I’m going to share them with everyone 🧡🧡🧡! Oh and Skeem is my vicious cat. Yes in universe she started her own brand of dessert 🤣
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yuristarwars · 2 years
Bro after Andor S2 they should make a LEGO Andor/Rogue One video game. I would love to play missions such as:
Reckoning (The end of EP 3 where you fight corpos with Luthen in the warehouse)
The Eye (Episode 6 where it starts out as a stealth mission and then you have to kill Imperials, before you escape with the credits in the box ship. Playable characters are Vel, Nemik, Skeem, Gorn, Tamaryn, and Cassian)
Politics (Play as Mon Mothma and Tay Kolma at her dinner party where you try to recruit more and more senators)
Announcement (Episode 7 where you play as Cassian and B2 running around Ferrix trying to pay back his debts)
One Way Out (Episode 10 where you can play as Cassian, Kino Loy, and Melshi, all escaping the prison)
Segra Milo Escape (Episode 10 where you play as Luthen and Two-Tubes destroying the Cantwell-class cruiser)
Nasty Narkinians (Fight the Narkinians as Cassian and Melshi while trying to get to the Quadjumper)
Rix Road Riot (Play as Cassian, Bix, Pegla, Willimon, Brasso, and B2EMO as you try to escape the planet and fight stormtroopers, death troopers, and destroy a tank.)
Assuming Andor S2 would have 7 levels as well, that leaves about 6 levels for Rogue One, which I think is appropriate. (Saw’s Rescue, Escaping Wobani, Attack on Jedha, Erso’s Assasination, Battle of Scariff, Vader’s Control)
There are different “classes” in this game, but they’re more loose like TCS. Bix has mechanic abilities, Luthen and Willimon have explosive abilities, B2 can access droid panels, Imperials like Gorn and Dedra can access Imperial control panels, and politicians like Mon Mothma and Tay Kolma can pay off invincible guards to let them in places. Characters would include all of the Andor main cast and all the Rogue One main cast along with special missions to unlock side characters.
Possible unlockable ships are Cassian’s Y-Wing, The Rebel U-Wing, Narkinian Quadjumper, Luthen’s Fondor Haulcraft, Preox-Morlana Troop Transport, TIE Boarding Craft, TIE Fighter, Aldhani Box Ship, The Andors’ Scavenging Ship, Two-Tubes’ X-Wing, Krennec’s Shuttle, and Niamos Prison Transport.
Explorable planets would be: Ferrix, Scariff, Yavin IV, Jedha, Coruscant, Aldhani, Kenari, and Narkina 5. On Ferrix you can go around the city and hotel, along with the scrapyard. On Ladhani you can either visit the highlands or the Imperial Base. On Jedha you can go to the Temple or Jedha City. On Kenari you can go to the Camp, mining site, or crash site. Yavin IV, you stay at the Temple. On Scariff you can visit the tower or the beaches. And finally on Narkina 5, you can visit the Narkina Mountains or the prison.
Feel free to add whatever you think would make this game better!
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
Who are the two gay robots btw
The red guy and the blue(?) guy
HELEPEHEPRLP OK SO the red guy is knockout and the blue one is breakdown and I HAVE NOT READ THE COMICS THIS IS FROM ME SKEEMING OVER THE TF WIKI BE WARNED‼️ so basically there's been like a bunch of irrelevant knockouts i think (like diff chars with same name but they don't matter) until transformers prime knockout, who's the decepticon medic with his "assistant" breakdown (I'm not spoiling stuff because. Lol) but basically on the show they were kinda around but there was like hints of knockout being gay (mostly in the form of mildly homophobic jokes which. Yikes) but yadda yadda they don't really interact much in a meaningful way?? BUT in idk what comics i think it was idw2??? I am literally so lost on comic continuities but on there they ARE husbands and they kiss on the mouth i think and they love each other. Also iirc knockout runs for senator or something but that's what I know i REALLY want to get to reading the comics though
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energonnaccinos · 1 year
oh yeah, autobots? well get a load of THIS:
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onefaris · 1 month
Milli Major - Skeem Set Pt. 2 ft. JME, Scorcher, SeriousXSyikes & Crazy Titch
Milli Major has been holding Grime down for a while now, with an array of content from a short movie, music and events, but ultimately the uniting a host of acts within the genre has to be applauded, with Skeem Set Pt. 2 being another great example of his position in the game. Few can bring together legends like JME, Scorcher & Crazy Titch with the addition of SeriousxSyikes, if any, over the…
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kira-kui-n · 2 years
transformers husband ranking if it were up 2 Me
who fuckign cares about the rest of those losers...................
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adversaryfighter · 4 months
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The True History of the Beginning of Creation Until Today
There is so much mankind has to unlearn because of the hidden agenda to conceal the Truth by ha satan and changing the narrative and hiding facts that would change our perception of Our Heavenly Abba and what has been happening since ha satan was cast to the Earth. Here is what really happened.
When our Abba created Adam, He made him a Living Soul and he was given dominion over the Earth. It is his inheritance. Our inheritance. Then Eve was tempted to take of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now many things written in scripture are literal, but then there are those that are symbolisms. I can't say that this is an actual tree or a statement that dumbs down the process for humans to understand better. Technologies can look supernatural or like "magic" to those who were made lower than the Angels. Out of the blue a couple of years ago I got a message from the Holy Spirit and asked if I wanted to know how He made everything? I gladly said yes. He said only three words to describe how He created all things, "Math and Mechanics".
Now Adam had greater abilities than modern day people. He was able to name every creature on the Earth. After Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden in Eden, their sin had caused the death of other creatures. The Lord slaughtered animals for clothing to cover their nakedness. As time went by Adam and Eve had children and after Cain killed Abel, Seth was born to Eve and took over the lineage that Noah came from.
There were two lines and they are those from Seth and from Cain. Now the fun part begins. Cain was driven from the presence of his family and eventually started having children. Then in Genesis 6, it states that after beautiful daughters were born from men that Watcher Angels saw and desired them. About 200 of them made a pact to do it all together. At the base of Mt Hermon they made this pact and then they took wives from those whom they chose. This was not only lust, but also a skeem to dominate mankind through their sons as proxies. They not only polluted the gene pool in humans, but with birds and animals as well. This is where the "dinosaurs" came from. They made monstrous creatures of men who were Giants and terrifying animals with angelic genes. The Earth became a bad place. People were doing all their best to feed the Giants, but when they failed, the Giants or Nephilim began to eat the people. It was not just sexual immortality but the violence was out of control. Even these "demigods" started fighting among themselves and warring with each other. They used nuclear type weapons to destroy one another and humans were caught in the middle plus they were also Giant kibble. Then mankind cried out to the Lord. The Lord had had enough and spoke to Noah and told him to build an Ark, a survival boat for the animals and his family because the Lord was going to destroy man, nephilim and beasts in a global flood. And part 2 will come shortly.✨
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sistamagza · 9 months
Murderers of Skeem Saam Actress's Mom and Grandmom Arrested!
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/murderers-of-skeem-saam-actresss-mom-and-grandmom-arrested/
Murderers of Skeem Saam Actress's Mom and Grandmom Arrested!
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The murderers of Skeem Saam actress’s mom and grandmom have been arrested! Skeem Saam actress and presenter Amanda Manku has confirmed that the suspects who killed her mother and grandmother are behind bars. Apparently, one of the suspects arrested for the gruesome murder is her father.
It’s been reported that Amanda Manku’s father, William Manku, who is a police captain, appeared before the Lebowakgomo Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, January 10.
Amanda Manku released a statement yesterday to confirm that the three people who were charged have now been arrested in connection with the murders.
“On 10 January 2024, three suspects appeared in the Lebowakgomo Magistrates Court in connection with the murder of 2 women, aged 70 and 45.
The mother and daughter were shot and killed by unknown men on 04 May 2021 at Makgophong Village, Zebediela.
In light of these events, we have been inundated with media requests which we wish to address through this statement.
The family can now confirm that three suspects have been arrested in connection with the case.
This is a difficult time for the family, but we are trusting the SAPS and Judicial System to run its course as is necessary to bring the matter to a close.
We wish to thank the public for their support during this time.”
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According to the Limpopo Chronicle, David Khoza, a 40-year-old Mozambican national suspect, was arrested on January 8 at the Lebombo Port of Entry (POE) in Mpumalanga. He was attempting to cross over to Mozambique. [Source: The South African]
The sportscaster’s father, who is 53, was arrested while at work at Sandringham police station in Gauteng. In addition, his 42-year-old girlfriend, Nonhlanhla Ngubo, who is a police sergeant at the Linden Police Station, was arrested in Lenasia South on Tuesday. [Source: The South African]
Amanda Manku had previously opened up about the pain she has been feeling after losing her family. She shared how difficult it was. burying her mother and grandmother at the same time.
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It is without a doubt that she will find peace knowing that justice has been served.
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unathingada · 9 months
African Dystopia: South Africa's Dispositions Depicted in Selected Telenovelas
South Africa's popular television shows, such as Skeem Saam, The River, and Scandal!, are marked by the social and cultural dispositions in South Africa. These dispositions, I argue, edify what I theorise as the 'African Dystopia' complacent in African communities. In this essay, I argue how the theory of 'African Dystopia' is applicable to selected South African television shows. I signpost two popular television shows, Skeem Saam and The River to argue this theory and refer to significant scenes that edify the theory of African Dystopia.
The theory of 'African Dystopia' suggests that the selected television shows depict a bleak and rather oppressive reality within African communities. I would therefore argue that this depiction is evident with the way(s) characters such as Dimpho Mokoena (played by Matshepo Sekgopi)[before morphing into Kalashnikov 2.0], Thuso Mokoena (played by Presley Chweneyagae), Mabuto Dimba (played by Thembinkosi Mthembu) and Jacobeth Thobakgale (played by Elizabeth Serunye) struggle with poverty as a plague in their communities, the secondary ramifications corruption, and the various landscapes of violence. These, are in essence, overarching themes applicable in both Skeem Saam and The River which showcase the challenges South Africans face on a regular basis in post-apartheid South Africa.
I further advance the theory of African Dystopia by arguing that The River explores the marginalization of black South Africans; the mine and Refilwe being a site for the marginalization of black South Africans. To elaborate on this further, the establishing shots innovatively captured by the drone(s) when scenes transition to these sites are (re)presentations of the ongoing marginalization of black South Africans. At this point, one can assume that the creators of this show, Phathu Makwarela, and Gwydion Beynon will end the show by applying Slavoj Žižek's theory of Symbolic and Systematic Violence. In addition, I would also include the Cycle of Oppression as a theory applicable in the (re)presentations of marginalized black South Africans.
African Dystopia in Skeem Saam can be traced to two important scenes. First, we [the spectator] witness the challenges Leshole Mabitsela (played by) Thabo Mkhabela experiences towards his 'dream' of becoming a pilot - a site of escapism. In essence, escaping from the cycle and I would argue, the 'generational curse' of poverty. It begs one to question whether the notion of escapism suggests that it is a reality marked by Western ideology and way(s) of living that contrasts African individuality.
In a technical sense, African Dystopia is captured in the establishing shots (both in Skeem Saam and The River), as well as the close-up and medium-close-up of characters who are victims of this African Dystopia. It would be very innovative and compelling if the cinematographer or Director of Photography would make use of over-the-shoulder shots (which we only witnessed in the opening of Season 2's The Republic), single-shot sequences, especially when drama unfolds, and substituting cameras with drones when panning from angle to angle. With these techniques in place, not only would our stories look better visually, but they also might offer a new insight into the African Dystopia which is the common theme running through all these dramas. For example, the use of over-the-shoulder shots would help an audience be immersed into characters' experiences more deeply in their suffering. Additionally, single-shot sequences during high moments of drama would give a sense, of the "hurry-up and wait" feeling as it were—which then heightens what on screen comes up as an emotional impact. Last but not least: exchanging a television camera for drones means that over long and sometimes very long panoramas, a dynamic quality of imagery comes streaming in—another vibrant reminder that this place called Africa is after all indeed a huge complex place.
About the Author
Unathi Ndlelantle Ngada is a published writer and a playwright. She completed her Masters in Creative writing from Rhodes University and is currently doing her PhD in English at the University of South Africa. She has written and directed two plays in her lifetime and has since published ten books. Some of her notable books include: A South Afri(K)an Psycho, Utopia, Shame(Less): A Play, Complete Stories and Skin: Anima Vestra. She is particularly influenced by magical realism, absurd theatre and some of her personal favourite writers are Sarah Kane, Sammuel Beckett and Antonin Artaud.
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buzz-africa-media · 1 year
Pitsi from Skeem Saam: Biography, Real Name, Age, Parents, Salary
Pitsi from Skeem Saam Biography Skeem Saam, the beloved South African soap opera, has captured the hearts of viewers with its compelling storylines and memorable characters. Among them, Pitsi stands out as a fan favorite, portrayed by an incredibly talented actor. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing world of Pitsi from Skeem Saam, providing valuable insights into his real name, age, biography, and even shedding light on the highly debated topic of his salary. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind this fascinating character and the actor who brings him to life. Who is Pitsi from Skeem Saam? Pitsi, a prominent character in Skeem Saam, has won the hearts of viewers with his unique personality and compelling storylines. But beyond the fictional world, many fans are curious about the actor behind the role. Let’s explore some of the most searched keywords associated with Pitsi from Skeem Saam. Pitsi from Skeem Saam Real Name When it comes to Pitsi’s real name, fans are often left speculating as actors frequently adopt stage names or aliases for their professional careers. Unfortunately, the real name of the actor who plays Pitsi in Skeem Saam has not been widely disclosed. However, this air of mystery only adds to the allure of the character, leaving fans eager to uncover the actor’s true identity. Despite the lack of information about the actor’s real name, we can still delve into Pitsi’s biography within the context of the show. Pitsi is a multi-dimensional character with a rich backstory. He is known for his charming and sometimes mischievous nature, which has endeared him to viewers. As the plot unfolds, Pitsi’s struggles, triumphs, and relationships contribute to the show’s dramatic and emotional appeal. Pitsi from Skeem Saam Age Fans often wonder about the age of their favorite actors, including Pitsi from Skeem Saam. In the context of the show, Pitsi’s age is not explicitly revealed. However, the character appears to be a high school student, placing him within the typical age range of late teens or early twenties. This age group aligns with the challenges and experiences faced by Pitsi within the storyline. It’s important to note that an actor’s age in real life may differ from their character’s age. Unfortunately, reliable information regarding the real-life age of the actor who portrays Pitsi is not readily available. Pitsi from Skeem Saam Salary The topic of an actor’s salary often generates significant curiosity among fans. However, details about Pitsi’s salary or the actor’s earnings remain largely undisclosed. The intricacies of actors’ contracts and compensation are typically kept private, making it challenging to obtain accurate information regarding Pitsi’s salary in Skeem Saam. Conclusion Pitsi from Skeem Saam has left an indelible mark on viewers with his captivating performances. Although the real name of the actor behind this beloved character remains a mystery, fans continue to appreciate the depth and complexity Pitsi brings to the show. As we continue to follow Pitsi’s journey in Skeem Saam, we eagerly await further revelations about the character and the talented actor who portrays him. Read the full article
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