#hi its 3:35am and i started writing this at 2am...maybe even 1:20am
hisui-cotton · 6 years
RWBY V6E11 Theorizing and Reactions
Sorry it's a wall of text
Knowing that he really at this point- no matter what happened to him, even if he didnt deserve whatever it was that happened to him in the past- will absolutely deserve what Yang and Blake are gonna dish out, is fantastic.
I was pretty surprised about the face reveal actually I genuinely thought itd just never happen. But I'm happy it did because now I have some serious concerns about the world of Remnant.
It feels possible that Adam's semblance is actually artificial and brought on by whatever people branded him at the SDC. I doubt he was born with his sword, and it's safe to assume it's only his sword that works with his semblance since he always has it. Thus I think the SDC probably experimented on him and tested the possiblity or artificial semblances that they could make specifically to "enchnace" people for maybe a cause of some sort, in a way that ensured they'd always have the best possible fighters with the best semblances. Or the best dust test subjects.
That or the weapon has to be passed down through his family and the interest peaked people who research semblances so they poked and prodded him to figure out how his semblance worked.
Or he was just a SDC slave.
And if the artificial semblance was successful, could there be a chance that Mercury will one day be subject to it? Or find out and become interested?
And what kinda of people do something like that to a possible generation of faunus? Even if you don't see them as people, even if you see them as animals, theres got to be some moral kick at some point that tells you that you're the monster and not them. It's likely people of Atlas, who believe in the military power they have and likely want to sustain assisted by the SDC. Or a group that existed in the SDC and then was brought down with the early growth of the initial White Fang, maybe even before that and was a reason the White Fang came to exist.
Bumblebee moving to the possible canon is fantastic though I dont know how likely itll become full out canon right now, but maybe. I mean that with every hope that it will be, I just think that after this they'll simply be closer and feel better about their relationship before going "yes I am romantically interested in you".
But in all hopes I want that ship to SAIL NOW!!! WITH IT BEING SAID STRAIGHT UP! I love the hand hold, I love the togetherness so just say it straight up soon, I don't need a kiss I just need to hear the confirmation.
((As much as I also love Black Sun. Dont @ me please I'm a person who crack ships all the things in a pure AU world where anything is possible I'm sorry))
The fighting was top notch btw, the emotional investment is there and the coordination is so good!! I loved the use of smears and stretch, especially since this is 3D, I do wish the fighting was backed up just a liiiiiittle bit but I understood the use of character expression during the fight too. It just didn't feel like every hit was very big, just very strong so it looked kinda odd? Like you couldn't see much of the wind up while they were moving, only the speed of the attacks. When you did see more of the wind up it was just while they were still. It was still obvious the strength in each hit it just felt kinda off at minor points. Mainly with Blake v Adam.
Adam v Yang though WHEW I WAS GONNA CRY! She was doing really well she didn't flinch during the fight which I found suprising at first and then the hand shaking came in and I noticed that it's only her left, that's ever done it, and i wonder if that just because it has nerves or if she thinks that's something will happen to that one too. Or maybe it's just a general unconsciousness thing with the trauma of losing her other hand (the PTSD of it). But she still took the fight really well and I'm happy she is really learning to control her fighting its absolutely great growth, because while she's fighting with emotion, she's staying calm and not fighting in anger but more in...determination...to protect Blake and I'm sure she knows that things can't be going well at the cliff so she's trying to see the quickest way to finish this for their sake and the others.
Now speaking of the cliff. White Roooose, Flower Pooower, JAUNE BOI WITH THEM PRO STRATS, Qrow and Ren working together was actually unexpected, and Oscar and Maria in the plane has me scared af.
Grandma Atlas (bc I cant remember her name) is very confident in herself, and I would have though that silly if she didn't somehow make the mech move fast enough to catch that missle?? I, tbh, didnt like that but I'll give then the anime fight moment, itll be my one for the season (which is pretty good since there's only one more episode I think).
Maria is too loose of a canon, I literally cannot believe she just mentioned having her drivers license revoked and now shes flying ship. Itll be fine since she pretty much has the ships view but jeez Maria.
Ruby knowing that Weiss would be useful in the fight on the ocean means that she and Jaune are probably thinking very similarly about how to handle the fight. Jaune explaining the fight and reassuring it tells me he was thinking about how to fight it the moment it started approaching.
Jaune grabbing Nora was incredible, like back in V1 or V2 I never would have thought he could do something like that just out off the top of his head. But I think that also says something about how scared he is to lose another teammate. He was pushed away by Phyrra, could only watch initially when Weiss got hurt, but now he feels the strength he needed all those times and dived head first in protecting his teammate over just himself when he saw danger coming.
Oscar's analysis of fighting is likely getting good or getting influenced mildly by Oz's trained eye for that kind of thing.
Weiss's wasp was maybe overused just a tiny bit. I feel like if they amped her aura/semblance, created a surface, and then went with her knight, things would have been a bit easier. Or maybe harder? She and Jaune might have used too much and KO'd themselves if her knight wasn't enough and then they'd just be in the same spot.
MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER RUBY!!! BETTER BE OKAY!!!!!!! She was fighting really well, but I was also surprised by that she took at the glass, she was out for blood with a shot like that. She used her semblance more than I expected but I guess again a giant mech what's she gonna do.
I hope the town doesn't get attacked by Grimm because they're scared of this ruckus the kids are causing.
Also based on the title of this episode are you trying to say that Grandma Atlas is the little old lady who lives in a shoe!
Umm....I guess that's all I have thoughts about? I dont feel like I missed anything that I had a big reaction to.
I look forward to the final ep, whenever that'll be (I think it's this coming sat. But idk) and then after that GEN:lock. But this season has been so satisfying to watch even if it feels like I dont really remember everything (though I'm sure that's from personal problems not anything with the story).
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