#hi hello i got home about two ish hours ago
partiallypoison · 2 years
showing videos that i took of ray toro solos to my dad and brother like you better fuckin agree this is the best damn guitar player in the entire world or else
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ell-alexanderarnold · 7 months
Everywhere I go leads me back to you
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Summary: Two lovers with two different lives and there’s never ending arguments. Y/n asks herself if the relationship is worth saving. What happens when the two lovers paths starts to collide and goes the other direction?
Angst & Fluff
Note: Let me know your thoughts! <3
You sat in the car, hands on the steering wheel and you stared at your engagement ring on your finger. You thought about how it was two years ago when you didn’t study, and were home all the time, always available for Trent. But he was not always available for you. You would travel to watch him play at Anfield and when he was playing away games, but nowadays you have to study really hard if you want to make it.
Then he proposed of course, you two were so madly in love. However, what happens when two lovers paths starts to collide and goes the other direction?
You and Trent hasn’t been able to catch up with each other for a while, and you miss him. You get sad when you think about it and sometimes you wish it could be how it was before you started studying.
You parked your car and noticed that Trent’s car also was parked, which was strange because you knew he had a game tonight.
You exited your car and then unlocked your door. You smelled that someone was cooking, that someone was Trent.
“Hello” You said and walked in the kitchen where Trent stood cooking.
“Hey love, you hungry?” He answered and smiled at you.
“Yeah, a little” You simply answered and Trent lead you to the dinner table where he had lit up candles for the dinner.
“Sit down the food’s almost ready” He soothed and kissed your forehead.
You were surprised but also happy that he did this with so much effort because of the little time you spend together these days.
”Wow T, I’m actually impressed” You praised as you started to eat, once again surprised by him.
He smiled in response as he joined you at the table. It almost felt surreal seeing Trent sitting in front of you, you finally got to get lost in his brown eyes again. Oh how you have missed looking into his eyes. In the middle of your admiration you remembered to ask him why he was home and not travelling to the game.
“Are you not playing tonight?” You asked and took a sip of your water and watched his eyebrows furrowed.
“Y/n the game is tomorrow” He confirmed and you put your glass down, almost in shock.
“Oh, I thought it was tonight” You nervously chuckled, and couldn’t believe how you could get it so wrong. Trent wasn’t bothered but you were. You realised how tired you really are from focusing on uni all the time.
“Well, it’s not easy for you to know babe” Trent comforted and grabbed your hand gently and drew small circles on your palm.
“What time are you leaving in the morning?” You implored, knowing that you’d probably won’t see each other for a few days so you wanted to be awake when he leaves, which means you have to sacrifice some hours of sleep. But you wanted to everything for him.
“I’ll leave at 7 ish” Trent answered and an idea popped up in his head.
“Want to come with me?” He added as you immediately panicked inside.
“Where to?” You wondered.
“We’re playing in the Europa League, Toulouse” He asserted and you scratched the back of your neck, something you always do when you’re anxious.
“I can’t, I have to study” You stated and watched his reaction, he wasn’t happy.
“Come on Y/n, can’t you study anywhere?” He pleaded and you knew that this was getting out of hands.
“You mean anywhere you are?” You sighed as you went to put your plate in the dishwasher.
“Please don’t be like that Y/n” Trent tutted and came up to you, giving you that look of disappointment.
“I really need to give it everything if I’m gonna make it Trent” You said and looked at him, and Trent of all people would know the sacrifices that has to be made if you want to make it.
“I understand, just wished that it would be like old times” He mumbled and sat down by the couch as you followed after him.
“Trent you’re saying that you miss when I was a failure, sitting on this couch all day waiting for you to come home and put a ring on my finger?” You snapped. Perhaps it was too much however, you couldn’t stand being in this position in the relationship any longer.
“Y/n, that’s not what I said” Trent said and scoffed as tears started forming in your eyes.
“It’s not about that it is that you don’t want me to have a life separate from yours! I can’t be available all the time Trent” You went on and Trent sat there and reminded himself that you also have a life that doesn’t revolve him.
“What about us then?” Trent spoke up and more tears streamed down your face and you shot a look at your engagement ring.
“I don’t anymore, I gave up something to be at uni and you should know what that’s like because your football is all that matters and all you have time for nowadays Trent” You defended and suddenly you felt your phone buzzing. You looked at Trent with a tear leaving your eye and went upstairs to answer the call.
Trent slammed the coffee table and started crying. Somewhere he felt that this was going to end and he couldn’t control it.
You sat in your shared bed studying, you didn’t have the energy to sit at your desk working. Trent packed his bag for tomorrow and the both of you haven’t spoken since a few hours ago. The silence was too much for you to handle so you sat with your airpods on full volume. You didn’t even know how much the clock was until you heard Trent turning the lights off downstairs.
You got up from the bed and put your books on your desk and then went to the bathroom. You brushed you teeth and you were lost in your thoughts and your music was still playing in your ears, you didn’t even notice Trent standing beside you brushing his teeth as well.
When you were done you looked over at him and saw that he was watching you too, you had to fight the urge to not hug him and absolutely sob into his chest. But Trent already knew how you felt and walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Although this time it wasn’t you who cried, it was Trent.
“Shh, it’ll be alright” You whispered and rubbed his back.
“You make it so difficult sometimes” Trent sniffled and let go of you. You were left in the bathroom struck with a such strong feeling of emptiness after he left.
You both sat at the edge of the bed, wishing some things were better left unsaid.
“Y/n” Trent called.
“Y/n” Trent called again.
“I heard you the first time” You taunted.
“We promised each other not to go to sleep angry” He said and you pulled the duvet over yourself preparing to sleep knowing it will take a while to fall asleep.
“Well, I guess some promises are made to be broken” You ended and turned of your bedside lamp.
Everything changed after that night. Trent came home after a loss against Toulouse, you wanted to comfort him the moment he stepped through the door. Trent was angry, he always was after a loss but this time it was different because of the situation between the two of you.
You two spoke a few times during the day but it was just small talks and it killed you.
It got more worse later in the day when you were preparing to sleep, Trent would start and argument and then it turned to not saying goodnight to each other anymore. Which you both always did before going to sleep despite an argument.
Now, you stopped saying goodnight and Trent stopped sleeping.
It was like torture to sleep next to him, every minute you thought about to whether sleep in the guest room or go downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You could hear Trent sighing and toss and turn, eventually he couldn’t take it anymore.
Trent got up from the bed and left your shared bedroom and closed the door quietly as he thought you were asleep.
You wanted to go after him, so you also left the bedroom. You heard noise from downstairs and you figured it was the tv, slowly walking down the stairs you could see him sitting in the couch, watching football highlights from the night.
You sat down, not too close to him but not so far away either. You watched the tv and the highlights showed a stunning goal which made Trent turn to you and say “What a goal that” He said and really you couldn’t believe him. Silence between the both of you for about three days and that’s the first thing he says to break the silence.
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes met and Trent’s lips curled into a small smile.
The whole situation was sentimental, and it was because the both of you knew. You two couldn’t work it out, no matter how hard you tried. The both of you live completely different lives, with different schedules. The only thing you could go back to was that you two have so much love for one another, and that’s what will always unite you and Trent in the end. But it has been this way for too long.
You looked at Trent and caressed his face, and you gave him a look that says everything he needs to know.
“At least we tried” You said, almost in a whisper and looked at your ring. It was filled with memories, and as you took it off it felt like your heart shattered. Tears streamed down your face as you handed Trent the ring. His hands were shaking as he received it, holding the ring that he thought would be stuck on your finger forever.
“Give it to someone who really deserves it T” You cried and he sniffed, looking at you with eyes filled with tears.
“But I only love you Y/n” He mumbled.
Trent thought that his biggest mistake of his life may be letting you go, letting you slip through his fingers just like that…
Two years later
You sat tense, waiting for the final whistle. They were almost crowned European champions. You were so proud of the team that they made it this far in the competition.
“Any minute now!” You exclaimed to your best friend beside you.
They won.
You celebrated with your friends and watched all the players run onto the pitch to their teammates who played the match. You could cry of happiness.
You watched Liverpool lift the trophy, fireworks and confetti were everywhere in the air. You watched the players get their medals and you saw him, getting his very own medal. He ran up to his family and they all hugged him.
Imagine if you were there with him.
And then he started to walk at your direction. He showed the fans the trophy with such pride and you always adored that side of him.
Without noticing he stood in front of the crowd that you was in, and he hardly even recognised you until he saw you. His heart stopped.
You looked up from your phone to see him standing there. Your friends were too caught up in their own conversation to notice you seeing Trent again after all these years.
You smiled at him and pointed at the trophy he was holding, he looked down at it then back at you and mouthed “Not bad”.
You smiled again and it felt like the time stopped and that is was only you and Trent in the stadium.
You couldn’t help but let a tear leave your eye, as you looked at him one last time.
You turned your back on him and dried your tears as you started to leave with your friends.
Trent didn’t move, he was still hoping for you to come back.
Maybe in another universe.
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paradiseprincesss · 2 months
something smutty with jonathan crane??
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stole your car | jonathan crane
hello anon, you asked and you shall receive hehe. i hope you like this one.
summary: your willing to do anything to get revenge on your ex-boyfriend - even if it's batshit crazy.
warnings: smut, drugging, toxic relationship, gaslighting, reader is mentally unstable lol, p in v, choking, rough sex, facefucking, oral (m!receiving), it's just filthy lmao but they get their happy(ish?) ending don't worry, mdni 18+ only
word count: 2.8k
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the sirens wailed off in the distance; a sound that signified a job well done on your part. the night was unruly - rain pouring down like the tears on your face when he left you, and the thunder and lighting were crashing down like your world when he told you he couldn't be deal with you anymore.
this is how you made me, you thought to yourself silently, as you watched the car combust into flames from the balcony of an old building in the middle of gotham. that'll show him.
you met jonathan when you were his patient - that's right, he used to be your therapist. ever since you laid eyes on him, you started to fall. hard. you were never really the crazy type - and certainly not the delusional type either, but jonathan knew exactly how to push all your buttons. he did have a phd in psychology, after all.
jonathan was no stranger to insanity - he was the scarecrow, but not many knew of the alter ego he possessed. you sure didn't, and you were clueless to what you were getting yourself into, but so was he.
the taste of his lips were your choice of drug, your fuel, what gave you life. the two of you started off your tumultuous and rocky relationship a little over two years ago. both of you were crazy about each other - unable to keep your hands off one another. slowly but surely, that lovesick craziness turned into actual craziness - bitter arguments, toxic behaviour, gaslighting, abuse - it was driving the both of you to new levels of insanity.
soon, the taste of lips started to make you sick.
after nearly two years of a being together, jonathan decided that he'd had enough. a part of him secretly loved that he was slowly breaking you down; driving you to the brink of insanity, but another part of him hated it. that gorgeous face of yours never failed to make his heart race, but what lied beneath was something that made even the master of fear himself, fearful.
"you're lucky your pretty, you know?" he spat, voice dripping with venom, "it's too bad that inside that pretty little head of yours - you're fucking deranged."
this was the final straw for jonathan. the two of you were having an argument again, and of course, he was the one to start it. he hadn't come home from work when he said he would, and it was almost an hour past 5, which is when he normally returned. understandably, you got worried and decided to fire off some...passionate texts.
you didn't mean to come off as harsh - you were just worried about him, but he didn't take to it too kindly. his loss.
"did you seriously think sending me pictures of you pouring bleach all over my expensive suits would make me want to come home?!" he exasperated, his gaze remaining cold. "and not only that, but you fucking shredded up every other piece of clothing i own, smashed my laptop, and broke every god damn dish in the house - and for what?" he looked exhausted, staring at the broken glass that littered the floor of the apartment.
you looked at him teary-eyed with a pout on your face, "i'm sorry, jonny, i just love you-"
"i love you too, but fuck-" he snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "i just can't do this anymore, babydoll. i can't." he tells you softly, still using the pet name he always used for you. the look on his face told you everything his words failed to.
"w-what?" you ask, stepping towards him, in which he just stayed still, sighing at the mess around the two of you. "but..."
"i'm sorry, babydoll. i am." he tells you, reaching out hesitantly to hold onto your small hands with a gentle touch, "i don't think i'm good for you - don't think i ever was."
and that's how dr. jonathan crane ended things with you last week - but you were determined that this wasn't the end. you weren't one to back down, that's for sure.
now, you weren't entirely to blame here. actually, you weren't to blame at all. as crazy as jonathan liked to paint you out to be, this truly only started because of him. when the two of you met, you were a different girl; a sweet girl. you had a few boyfriends, never long term, but a few. your previous relationships weren't rocky at all, in fact, they were tame - very tame.
throughout the course of the almost two years that you and jonathan spent together, he was slowly dosing you more and more over time with his fear toxin. now, you thought you were going crazy, but he wasn't going to tell you that he was secretly drugging you - no, don't be silly. instead, he gaslit you into believing that you really were going crazy.
it started with just a drop or two in your juice, or even in your food sometimes - then it escalated to something more, it always did with jonathan. slowly but surely, he would up the dose to three, maybe four...five...six drops, and so on.
the side effects of the toxin being ingested were different to what his fear toxin would do when it was sprayed in a gas form onto his victim. the effects were...gradual. they would sneak up on you when you least suspected it.
it started off innocent - you would see shadows in your peripheral, dark, lanky shadows; they slowly turned into figures. dark, shadowy figures that would linger around. then, the audio hallucinations kicked in. voices, whispers, screams - he was slowly tipping you over the edge.
at this point, you couldn't stop him. you weren't even aware.
sighing, you snap yourself back into reality - enough already with the past. the combustion of flames ripping through jonathans brand new benz made you smile with pure glee. he knew he was a target, you smirk to yourself.
and so you stood there, on the balcony of that old building, in your sleep slip, black and lacy, listening to the sirens sound off. thankfully, the balcony had some sort of covering on it, so it prevented you from getting soaked from the rain. "always looking so beautiful - even when committing the most disgusting acts," jonathan would often say to you - perhaps he was right in that instance.
you were suddenly hyperaware of the sound of tires screeching below you, and you glanced down from the high balcony to see a blacked out car coming to a screeching halt, definitely burning the rubber tires, below you.
you couldn't see who got out of the car, as it was too dark out - the only light offered by the flames coming off your ex-boyfriends car in the distance of the twilight.
"so you're stealing cars now?" you hear a distorted voice come from behind you, and you whip your head around to see a man that you don't recognize - at least not yet.
you take a good look at this man who was dressed sharply, in a suit and tie, and what appeared to be some sort of sweater vest underneath. an ensemble you became all too familiar with. but the one thing you truly didn't recognize was the burlap mask on his face, tattered and a little eerie.
you had seen this man on the gotham news quite regularly, the gotham pd was always trying to ease the publics nerves by saying they were working "diligently" to try and find the man behind the serial poisonings in the area - whatever that means.
"you're..." you trail off, the cold breeze nipping at your skin and blowing through your soft hair.
"i could kill you right now, you know." the distorted voice says to you in an eerie tone, but you just stare blankly at him. "it's like every time i think, 'she can't any fucking crazier,' you somehow do get crazier."
"yeah well, you're dumb enough to leave your car keys in your office out in the open. you don't see my car getting stolen and bursting into flames, do you?" you say casually, making him scoff. he was a little taken aback that you weren't too phased about him being the scarecrow, but given your track record - that wasn't too shocking.
"but why?" he asks, voice still distorted. you just shrug softly, "i wanted to get your attention."
"you don't have to steal my car and set it aflame to do that, you know." he says, blue eyes still holding a menacing gaze through the small eye holes in the burlap scarecrow mask.
"but i had enough of wanting your love when you never give it to me." you whine, causing him to scoff out a laugh.
"god, you're so fucked up." he tells you.
"you started it." you retaliate, causing him to become still.
"what are you, twelve?" he snaps, and you respond, still calm as ever.
"you're the one playing dress up, loser." you say gesturing to the mask, and you try your hardest not to giggle at your own joke. he just sighs before stepping towards you.
as you were about to mock him for yet another thing, he grabs you by the neck, pulling you towards him, causing you to choke - his grip a little too tight.
"feeling a little bold tonight i see," he says to you, voice seemingly not distorted anymore, "i can't lie, it does something to me - seeing how far you'll go for my love."
you struggle to breathe, unable to form a response. you just claw at the hand wrapped around your neck.
"oh, you poor thing," he coos mockingly, "it's okay, babydoll. you don't have to say it. i love you too."
and with that, he finally released your neck from his unwavering grip. you gasp and cough repeatedly, chest heaving as you try and catch your breath. before you even have a chance to do so, he drags you inside the old building, taking you off the balcony - taking you out of sight.
he tosses the mask into a random corner of the room, disregarding it as he looked at you with a cold stare. "get down on your fucking knees, darling."
you do as your told, sinking down to your knees - which felt cold against the icy, marble floor of the dimly lit room. he wasted no time undoing his belt, pulling his already hard cock out.
he softly taps it against your cheek, then your lips a few times, a smirk painted on his face. "don't you wanna show me how much you love me? i mean, you went through all the trouble, blowing up my car and all..."
you sigh, slowly taking him into your mouth, sucking him off like you have a thousand times before. he instantly groans at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth, and his hand snakes behind your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
as you were licking and sucking his cock teasingly, he wasn't having it. jonathan decided that, again, he'd had enough. without warning, he shoved his cock down your throat - setting a brutal pace. you felt yourself gag around his length, tears brimming your eyes as you stared up at him; your mouth stuffed with his cock.
the feeing already had you soaked, and you let him use your pretty mouth the way he pleased. finally, he pulled your mouth off his cock - and you were trying to catch your breath.
"stay on the fucking floor, babydoll." he says to you using a gentle tone despite the words that were coming out of his mouth. "you're such a whore, aren't you? but you're my whore, isn't that right?" he cooed mockingly.
"mm, y-yes. i'm.." you swallow nervously, "your whore."
"that's what i like to hear." he smirks, looking down at you. he kneels down to your level, and wastes no time getting you out of your heels and lace slip, pushing you down on the cold tile.
"face down, ass up, sweetheart." he says to you, tone still soft. hastily, you turn around and arch your back, sticking your ass out. the black lace of your panties wasn't covering much, and he cursed under his breath at the sight.
"fuck," he groaned, "look at that." he softly trails a finger down your clothed cunt - your panties fucking soaked.
you felt his leg between yours, pushing them further apart - and you whimpered. he just laughed softly, pulling your panties down - and you felt the tip of his cock brush up against your folds.
swiftly, he pushed his cock all the way in - giving you no time to adjust. you moaned at the feeling of his cock stretching your tight cunt out, and he let out a shaky breath before he started to move slowly.
"j-jonathan..." you moaned, arching your back even more, "f-fuck, faster please."
"you're so desperate for my cock, aren't you babydoll?" he asks you, suddenly fucking you at a much faster pace, knocking the wind right out of you. "mmph! y-yeah, i-" you couldn't even find the words to finish what you were trying to say, the feeling of his cock pounding your pussy making your head spin.
"that's it, baby. gonna fuck you 'till you can't even think straight anymore, fuuuuuck-" he moans, and you could feel yourself just getting wetter and wetter at his words. "i'm gonna fuck you stupid. you want that?" he asks.
too fucked out to respond, you just whine and moan, begging incoherently, making him groan lowly with a breathy laugh. "mm, thought so."
as he continued to split you open on his cock, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. "o-oh, i'm gonna cum, fuck- can i cum?" you beg between gasps and moans, and he pulls your head back by your hair, causing you to whine, still impaling you mercilessly with his cock.
"yeah? you wanna cum?" he snarls in your ear, making you dizzy.
"please, let me cum for you." you say back, out of breath and all fucked out.
he keeps your head held up, "y-yeah, cum on my cock, babydoll." he says, stammering slightly as he's getting out of breath from the brutal pace he set while he fucked you, his cock reaching places so deep you didn't know if you were going to be able to walk tomorrow morning.
his words had a way at winding you up - and with a few more deep thrusts you were covering his cock in your cum - and squirting all over the floor. jonathan took in a heavy breath at the sight, "fuck, did you just squirt?" he asks breathlessly, "i need to see this, shit-"
you whine at the feeling of emptiness as he pulls out for a moment, slamming you down on the hard, cold, marble tile as he flips you around so that you're in missionary. grabbing a hold of your hips, he thrusts his cock back into your abused cunt with ease, tip of his cock hitting your cervix deliciously - making you cry out.
"c'mon, put on a show for me, babydoll. you can give me one more, i know you can." he almost pleads you, and within seconds, you're screaming his name out again, the clear liquid pouring out of you for the second time tonight. "fuck!" he says loudly, hips staggering as he fills you with him cum, burying his cock as deep as he could.
after a few more slow thrusts, he stops - still buried deep inside, making sure your fucked out cunt takes every last drop of cum he has to give you.
with one hand, he brushes a strand of your hair out your face, looking at you with...love?
"i know you miss me like i miss you." he whispers, and you nod along. "yeah, i think it's o-obvious." you manage to whimper out, still breathless and dazed from squirting not once - but twice.
"be mine again, babydoll." he says, voice barely a whisper; so quiet you don't think you've heard him properly.
"what's the catch?" you respond calmly.
"...go to therapy." he deadpans, looking at you. "god knows you need it."
you take a moment to think about it, before pulling him into a soft kiss, which he gladly returns. "okay," you tell him, "under one condition."
that got his attention, and he looks at you. "yes, babydoll?" he asks, innocently.
"i need you to understand that the toxin you think i'm oblivious to you slipping into my food and drinks is not what's driving me to insanity," you softly say, causing his head to shoot up, looking at you incredulously as you continue to speak.
"it's you."
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a/n: sorry i realized i put in warnings for stuff that wasn’t actually in there because my brain got scattered writing this lmao
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aiizenn · 1 year
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ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who stays standing at the end of the hall with two grocery bags in one hand while the other carries a pink-haired boy. looking at you as the apartment building owner hands you the key to the door that’s in front of his.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who can’t help but stare at you. the strong and sweet aura that pulled him in, the glowing smile you gave the owner as they said their goodbyes made him feel something inside. something that he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who waits until you get into your apartment only for him to speed(ish) walk to his door. trying his best to avoid you, his hair was disheveled, his shirt was wrinkled and he had three days worth of dark circles. he wanted to make a good impression, welcoming you, not scaring you.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who waits two whole days until he goes up to your door. he was partially waiting until you completely settled in. his knuckles reach your wooden door, knocking once and twice. his heart beating loudly as he patiently waits for the door to open. the silence made him anxious, what if you weren’t home? he got ready and practiced different conversations you could have—wanting to make it as perfect as possible.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who smiles as soon as the door opens. meeting the beaming smile he saw a few days ago. “hello, i’m the front door neighbor. we wanted to welcome you to the area. we also made these muffins for you, hope you like chocolate.” you look at him and the tiny pink hair boy he was holding hands with, giving both a small smile, feeling warm inside for the sweet gesture. “thank you both, this is so sweet. and of course, i love chocolate.”
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who you get close to in a matter of days. he tells you that he’s been a widower since his son's birth. you also learn more about the little boy named yuji. how he’s a complete sunshine, bright smiles and pure giggles. his father being the opposite, although he displays smiles, they aren’t as big or as lively as his kid.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who soon makes it a tradition to invite you over every friday night and eat with him and his chubby boy. there’s been times when you arrive an hour before to help prepare dinner. even yuji tags along, sitting in his high chair as he “rolls” bread dough with his mini roller pin. light sizzles are heard as nanami places the butter in the pan, topping it with vegetables. concentrated with every movement, making sure everything cooked perfectly. he was easy on the eyes, there’s no denying that nanami was handsome, a handsome yet lonely man.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who gently and lightly places one hand on your waist as he moves you millimeters away to grab a seasoning from the top cabinet. his touch lingering on you, making you feel various things in various places—chest, stomach…in between your legs. clearing your throat you decide to help yuji with his dough. receiving bubbly giggles from him when you build a tiny doughman.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who stays in a daze as he sees you interact with his son. the moment felt perfect for him, he doesn’t remember the last time yuji laughed as much as he does when he’s around you. the apartment didn’t feel like a “house” anymore, but a home instead. he wants nothing more than to keep you close.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who sometimes asks if you could babysit yuji as he works overtime. you’d pick up yuji from daycare and take him places, time would pass by fast as you two had fun together. the adorable boy would call out for his “dada” or “papa” from time to time. it’d make your heart tighten thinking how hard it must’ve been for nanami to raise yuji all on his own.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who buys you roses everytime he gets back from working overtime. “as a thank you” he says after giving them to you. your heart beating faster every time. nanami would give yuji toys or sweets, kissing and hugging the giddy boy after hours of not seeing him. it warmed your heart seeing them together. and in that moment you made a plan.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who is beyond surprised when your “small trip” was actually a trip to the amusement park. laughter filled the rides, screams of joy and fear were heard from the big ones. children and parents playing games, while teenagers made bets. it was all new to him, it was rare when he had the opportunity to spend good quality time with yuji.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who would anxiously but excitedly get in the carousel horse ride with his boy. you’d take pictures of them everytime they appeared. yuji would wave at you every chance he got, his eyes sparkled as he looked at all the other horses. after a few spins you’d join them, sitting on the horse next to the father and son. nanami would also eagerly wait until his turn to play the ‘water balloon game’ , he’d hold yuji and place his fingers on the tool. aiming to the target and spray the water directly, the balloon getting bigger as seconds passed. a loud ‘pop’ is heard and the water splashes everywhere. both winning two cute fluffy white cats with sunglasses.
ʚ · ◞ neighbor!nanami who looks at the fireworks then at you. the wow’s and awe’s of people made the scenery lively. the fireworks reflecting on your eyes, your smile radiating even in the night light. you turn to nanami, wanting to see his reaction, but he’s already looking at you. his soft gaze making your legs weak, he looked so kissable. both of you lean closer, while he leans down, you tip toe. he looks into your eyes for reassurance, and when he sees the twinkle in them, the space between the two of you is no more. his lips on yours, the final firework forming around the two of you, as if it advertised to the world about you and him with the little boy in his arm.
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@aiizenn ₓ˚. ୨ৎ
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wildrangers · 11 months
Sweet Like Cinnamon // Timo Meier
Word Count: 3.8K
Summary: This is my submission for the wonderful @matthewtkachuk in The Summer Fic Exchange 2k23, organized by the lovely @wyattjohnston! It’s a falling in love story with a dual timeline so I hope everyone enjoys ☺️
Warnings: resolved angst, cursing, accidental hurt/comfort (ish)
Your hands shook as you read the notification lighting up your screen: Timo Meier extended eight years in New Jersey. Click for contract details.
You quickly swiped it away, biting your lip as you contemplated what to do next. Things hadn’t been the best between you since playoff’s but this changed everything. You had to call him, right? Maybe just a text, to be safe.
T, I just saw the news congratulations! I can’t wait to see you in the fall.
It was already mid-afternoon in Jersey, so you knew it had to be late in Switzerland. Plus, he was probably getting bombarded with messages. With those thoughts in mind, you went about your day without worrying too much that a text didn’t arrive by the time you were getting into bed. As your thoughts inevitably drifted back to him, you couldn’t help but feel surprised that you’d only met him a few months ago.
Nico had given you all of three hours’ notice that you’d be having a stranger as a house guest for the next couple months and that had been about two and a half hours ago. You didn’t mind having new guys on the team stay with you, that’d been happening for years, but an earlier warning would’ve been nice.
That was actually how you’d met Nico years ago: your brother, Adam, was a veteran on the team at the time and offered his home to the rookie who knew so few people in the States. You’d been finishing up college and were accustomed to your brother’s teammates constantly coming and going as you juggled schoolwork and internships. Nico had crashed the longest because you two grew so close. When he did finally move out, it was only for the two of you to move into the same building together across town.
You were drawn back to the present as your doorbell rang just as you finished tucking in the quilt in your guest room. Nico really had some nerve being early after springing this on you last minute. You padded over to the door, throwing it open to see him and a bigger guy laughing.
“Hey guys, come on in” you said moving out of the way so they could roll in Timo’s suitcases. “I’m Y/N.”
“Timo, I can’t thank you enough for doing this” he replied, offering his hand once he’d gotten his bags inside. You shook it, unsurprised to find that his hand easily engulfed your own.
“I don’t mind at all, it’s nice to finally meet you” you said honestly; Nico had spoken of Timo often over the years. “Hello Nico.”
“Ouch, that’s all I get from my American sister?” he teased, holding out his arms for a hug. You rolled your eyes but quickly embraced him.
“You’ll get a warmer greeting once you make up for the late notice” you chastised before turning back to Timo. “But seriously, I’m glad I can help. Nico just didn’t give me much time to get the place ready.”
“I think that’s mostly my fault” Timo admitted, grimacing. “I assumed I’d crash with him and didn’t call until my plane was about to take off. I forgot Nina was staying with him for a bit.”
“Ah, I see. So, what you’re saying is I should have had Nina stay with me and leave you two to fend for yourselves at his place” you teased, earning their laughter.
When your alarm pulled you from sleep, your stomach sank that there was no reply from Timo waiting for you. As you got ready for your day, you debated calling him—maybe the text had fallen through the cracks. It wouldn’t be weird if you called, right? You finally bit the bullet and hit his name as you pulled onto the busy Newark streets. More worry flooded your system as your call went directly to voicemail.
“Um, hey T, it’s just me. I sent you a text but I wanted to let you know how I happy I am that you’ll be in Jersey for the next eight years. You deserve it and I can’t wait to celebrate when you’re back in the fall. Um, okay, call me back when you can. Bye!”
Work was crazy that morning so you eagerly pulled your phone out as you sat down with your lunch, expecting to finally hear from Timo. Disappointment filled your chest as his name was nowhere to be found in your notifications. You realized suddenly you hadn’t heard from Nico all day, which was unusual in and of itself but particularly given the good news so you shot him a text:
I’m on lunch, you around to chat? Miss you!
Your lunch hour passed with no reply from either Swiss boy and you tossed your phone back into your bag feeling dejected as another memory replayed in your mind.
You’d jolted awake at the sound of the door opening behind your spot on the couch. Timo had been staying with you for a few weeks at this point but you still weren’t totally used to not having the place to yourself. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, grabbing the remote to turn off the television broadcasting a Devils loss, hoping Timo hadn’t noticed. You turned around to greet him and noticed he didn’t quite seem like himself.
“Hey, you okay over there?” you asked tentatively. While the two of you had grown friendly, this was the first time he’d come home visibly upset after a game. If it was your brother, you knew not to talk to him until he came to you. If it was Nico, you’d already be popping some popcorn for you two to share. But Timo was a wild card.
“Just a shit game” he mumbled, slipping off his shoes and shaking off his jacket.
“How can I help?”
The offer seemed to surprise him, his hands freezing where they worked on loosening his tie. “I wouldn’t want to bother you” he replied but you could tell he was hoping you’d meant it.
“What’s your post-loss treat of choice? Nico’s is always popcorn but I have chips, ice cream, you name it” you offered as you stood and stretched before walking into the kitchen.
“Do we have any of those cinnamon cookies left you made the other day?” he questioned quietly, making you smile. You loved baking for people so it pleased you he had deemed them worthy of softening the blow of a tough loss.
“Go get changed, I’ll get them out.”
Since Timo had arrived, you’d noticed he seemed to hate feeling like a bother. He’d waited almost a week before letting you know he wasn’t sure how to get to the closest grocery store since his car was still being shipped from California. Similarly, he’d apologized on and off for days after dropping his lunch on your rug even though he’d insisted on cleaning it himself and you could never find the ‘stain’ he asserted he left behind. Because of these experiences, you waited until you heard his footsteps retreat down the hall before pre-heating the oven and grabbing the leftover dough from the freezer.
You hummed to yourself as you began lining the tray with cookies, keeping an ear out for the return of his footsteps. By the time you heard them, the oven was almost ready and you were sitting on the countertop. He took in the scene before him and shot you a look, “You didn’t have to make more, it was just—”
“I wanted to” you cut him off. “Plus, I’m comfy up here so you have to put the tray in when the oven beeps, so you’re helping anyways.”
He rolled his eyes playfully but nodded, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
A not quite comfortable silence descended for several moments until the oven beeped and Timo dutifully placed the tray on the center rack.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He sighed as he shut the oven, turning to face you—he looked absolutely exhausted. “Not much to say, I’ve been playing like shit since I got here.”
“Oh, none of that” you chastised him, tossing a towel at his face in protest.
“What was that for?” he laughed in surprise as he caught it before it bonked him in the head.
“That was for being way too hard on yourself. It’s a new team, a new system, a new city all while you’re still recovering from an injury. No one was expecting you to come in at 100%.”
He shrugged, chewing on his lip as he processed your words, “But I’m a free agent at the end of the season, I have to prove myself.”
“UFA or RFA?”
“Restricted. But I like it here so far and it’s fun playing with so many other Swiss guys. I want to do well with what time I have so I can sign for longer here.”
You nodded in understanding, “I know it can be tough not knowing where you’ll likely be long-term but all you can do is take it day by day.”
“You sound just like Nico” he teased and you rolled your eyes.
“My actual brother has been in the league a long time and I’ve been close with Nico for over five years now. So, I have some experience calming down guys I care about while they catastrophize after a loss.”
“Are you going to adopt me like you did Nico?” he asked tentatively and there was something in the way he held himself, avoiding your gaze, that made you pause. You couldn’t quite tell if he was asking because he wanted you to or if he was thinking of something more.
“Nah, I have enough brothers” you tried which earned a grin from him that made your toes curl.
“Good, my sister wouldn’t be too happy either” he joked and a far more comfortable silence settled between you.
“We don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don’t want to but I don’t mind listening if you do.”
His head dipped again but not before you caught the pink tinging his cheeks. “Would it be weird if I admitted a hug would really help?”
You grinned at him opening your arms wide, “Hugs and cookies, that I can do.”
He returned your smile before stepping between your legs and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Yours twined around his middle and you rested your cheek against his broad shoulder. As you rubbed his back, you felt the muscles slowly begin to loosen beneath your touch. Feeling bold, you moved one hand to his hair, massaging the scalp underneath which earned you a grateful sigh as more of his weight settled against you.
“Thank you” he murmured into your hair softly.
“My pleasure” you said just as the oven timer dinged, causing him to draw himself up and away from you. He began to turn to get the tray but paused, looking back at you for a moment before placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. He was reaching for an oven mitt before you could process the tender act and how it made your heart both race and settle itself.
The rest of your work day passed in a blur, juggling your responsibilities with your thoughts constantly circling back to Timo. As you walked to your car and could finally check your phone, you felt your frustration flare as you scrolled through your notifications and didn’t see anything from Timo or Nico.
You hurriedly tapped Nico’s contact as you left the parking garage, hoping to get some reassurance that you were overthinking. But you felt anger rise as it rang only a few times before you were sent to voicemail.
“What the fuck?” you mumbled to yourself, drumming your fingers on your steering wheel as you waited to leave a message. “Nics, it’s me, can you call me when you get this? It’s important. Okay, bye.”
You went out to dinner with friends as a distraction but constantly checked your phone until your best friend finally snatched it away. You were admittedly grateful she forced you to stop obsessively staring at it but your swirling thoughts were another story.
By the time you’d settled into bed for the night, you were certain you weren’t going to hear from Timo. Nico would probably reach out with some excuse for himself and his friend and that would be that. As you tossed and turned, you found you couldn’t stop the memories flooding your mind.
The bass was throbbing and you could barely hear yourself think as you people-watched from your seat in a corner booth. All the guys, their partners, and friends were at the bar celebrating clinching a play-off spot. You’d been there a few hours already and were ready to go home but didn’t want to rush Timo—he’d earned the time enjoying himself and his teammates.
You were lost in this train of thought when you felt a hand land on your shoulder. Your eyes rose to meet Timo’s as he leaned down to speak in your ear. “You look like you could use a break, want some fresh air?”
You eagerly nodded in agreement, taking the hand he offered to help you out of the booth. You were a little surprised when he held onto it as you two made your way to the cool air outside. You took a deep breath as you leaned back against the building, closing your eyes to appreciate what a gorgeous night it was after the long winter months.
Your eyes flew open when you felt him tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His bright blue eyes were intent, the smell of his cologne enveloping you as you took a shaky breath. As his hand moved to rest on your cheek you noticed its slight tremor before he leaned in. When his lips met yours, the kiss was achingly tender and gentle, as if he worried you might break.
Before you could doubt yourself, your hands clasped around the back of his neck, pulling him closer. As the heat of his body pressed into yours, you opened your mouth to his exploring tongue and briefly lost yourself in the feel of him. But all too soon, rational thoughts flooded back into your mind: he didn’t have a contract, you didn’t know where he’d be in a few months’ time, you didn’t want to jeopardize your friendship with Nico, you couldn’t risk him not feeling for you how you did for him.
Seeming to sense your unease, Timo pulled away slightly, eyes searching yours while his thumb gently stroked your cheek.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I can’t do this” you mumbled, turning away from the intensity of his gaze and running your hands over your face.
“What’s wrong? It seemed good and then…” his words trailed off as he waited for you to turn back to him. The best you could do was face him again while keeping your eyes firmly on the ground. “Are you upset with me?”
“What? No, of course not” you replied, finally looking up at him. His face bore confusion, hurt, and worry which made you feel even shittier about your inability to find the right words to explain yourself.
“Do you still want to sign in Jersey long-term?” He opened his mouth to respond but you steamrolled ahead. “I just mean, you’re a free agent come summer. Even if you wanted to be here long-term, it doesn’t mean it would happen. You could end up with a bridge deal or being traded again and I just—”
He cut you off by pulling you into his embrace. You sighed, breathing in his scent as you held onto him tightly.
“There’s too many unknowns aren’t there?” he asked quietly and you nodded into his chest. He held you for another moment, hand gently stroking your hair, before he pulled away to look at you. “I get it, really, I do.”
But there was something shifting in his face, the warm openness you were accustomed to was hardening before your eyes. “No, don’t do that” you begged, hands cupping his face.
“Do what?”
“I can see you shutting me out” you said sadly and he flinched slightly at your words. “And if you have to, I understand, but I really care about you, T. Enough that I can’t just dive in and take it as it comes, because if you end up somewhere else or are only here for a season, I can’t do that…it would hurt too much.”  
He took a deep breath before leaning his forehead against yours, “No, you’re right. If we’re going to do this, I want to do it right. You deserve that much.”
“I’m sorry” you whispered.
“Me too” he replied, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
Since that night, you’d been friendly with each other but things were understandably different. The looming unknowns of his future, as well as that of your relationship, hung heavy between you despite your best efforts. As you watched the boys shake Carolina’s hands onscreen, you busied yourself making a batch of cookies for Timo. You were leaving in an hour for a work trip and he’d likely be home in Switzerland when you returned a week later. All that was left unsaid sat like a rock on your chest.
As the cookies baked, you pulled out a sheet of paper to write him a note to go with them:
I’m so proud of you, T.  I’m sorry I can’t be here with you but I’m just a phone call away if you want to talk. I’ll miss you this summer and hope I’ll see you again in the fall. -Me
When you landed a few hours later, you’d received a thank you text from Timo but nothing more. Over the next week, you did your best to accept that this distance between you two would be the new norm for at least a few months, possibly beyond that. But, when you walked into your kitchen after returning home, a little flicker of hope reignited at the sight of your favorite sweatshirt of his left neatly folded for you on the counter.
That hope hadn’t lasted long as the summer dragged on. You two texted occasionally at the start but navigating this limbo was difficult. You wanted him to make the decision that was best for him and his future—all you could do was wait until then. As you burrowed yourself deeper into the warmth of his sweatshirt, you finally drifted off to sleep.
Only to be woken up a few hours later by incessant pounding on your front door. You nearly knocked your lamp over in your hurry to illuminate your room so you could get to the door and stop the noise echoing throughout your apartment.
“I’m coming!” you called, annoyance lacing your voice. The building had better be on fire for someone to wake you up at 2AM like this. The knocks blessedly stopped and you yanked the door open. You fell back a step at the sight that greeted you: Timo, hair messy, bags under his eyes, two suitcases behind him.
You two stared at each other for a long moment before he cleared his throat, “Can I, um, come in?”
You shook off your shock and opened the door for him, “Of course, I’m sorry, I’m just surprised.”
“Hopefully good surprised?” he asked nervously.
“Mostly exhausted and confused and a little hurt you’ve been ignoring me for over a day now” you admitted then cursed yourself. “I’m sorry, I’m still waking up, I didn’t mean to snap like that.”
“No, I’m sorry, I was going to stay at a hotel and call you in the morning but I just wanted to see you after all those flights.”
As you processed what he said, your brain was finally starting to catch up. “Timo, have you been travelling here since you re-signed?”
His cheeks pinkened and he nodded, nervously playing with the handle of his suitcase. “Why would you do that?” you asked when he offered nothing more.
“I’ve missed you so much” he admitted, eyes meeting yours. “I get why we paused, really, I do, but it was torture being with you here every day, being just friends again. I thought it’d be easier back home with less reminders of you, but it wasn’t. Not at all. I kept wanting to call but I didn’t want to upset you. I knew my agent was working on as long-term of a deal as possible but I didn’t want to get your, or my, hopes up until it was finalized. So, when it finally was, I just wanted to see you.”
“You flew all the way here just to see me?” you asked, emotions tightening your throat.
“I guess I should have asked first instead of assuming” he mumbled shaking his head at himself but you quickly stepped forward and took his hands.
“No, this is perfect, I just can’t believe you’d do that for me” you explained, eyes tearing up. “I’ve missed you too. So much.”
That was all it took—before you could blink, his lips were crashing into yours. If your first kiss was tentative and sweet this kiss was its opposite. All of the emotions of the past few months came pouring out as you desperately clung to him. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you flush against his frame, and you melted into the warmth of his embrace. Your teeth clashed and your tongues fought for dominance and you couldn’t breathe but you wouldn’t pull away.
Finally, he pulled back panting and buried his face into your neck. You soothingly ran your fingers through his hair as you both caught your breath. His hands snuck up from your hips to slide under your sweatshirt, “Is this mine?” he asked and you felt his lips pull into a smile.
“Maybe” you replied and giggled as he tickled your sides in response. “Would it totally freak you out if I admitted I haven’t washed it since you left? I didn’t want it to stop smelling like you.”
He pulled away to place a gentler kiss on your now swollen mouth. “I won’t be freaked out by that if you won’t be freaked out that I only let myself finish that last batch of cookies on the plane ride here.”
You threw your head back in laughter at his admission, “They have to be so stale by now.”
“I didn’t care, they were all I had of you back home.”
Your heart warmed at his words, and you stood on tiptoes to kiss his forehead softly. “If I’d known, I would’ve left behind something of mine that wouldn’t expire on you.”
“I’ll forgive you as long as you let me stay with you for a while.”
“I can do that. How long do you think you’ll be here before you fly home?”
“Only long enough to convince you to take the trip back with me. Nico misses you too, you know.”
A/N: Thank you for reading! Shelbs, I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing 💕 Thank you for the freedom you gave me; I tried to put in details so it still felt personalized you.
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An Alliance of Convenience
Hello everyone, I wrote a head cannon about this awhile ago and decided to write an actual story for it. Just something silly and fun.
As always have a nice day and enjoy the read!
Summary: Due to various reasons, Mayor Lewis's house gets spray painted during election season.
Word count: 1300-ish
Just for clarification, the farmer is referred to as 'farmer' and (name).
CW: swear words. Don't vandalize things.
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The crisp night air was sweet as an autumn breeze blew through Pelican Town, spreading the golden and auburn leaves all throughout the town square. Not a sound could be heard as Gus closed the Saloon and the townspeople were asleep in their homes...well almost all of them.
"Sebastian, can you walk any slower?" Abigail whispered from the bushes.
"Sorry, I'm just making sure no one is following us." Sebastian replied.
"Dude, it's like, 12:30. Who the hell is gonna be up at this hour?" Sam lightly hit his friend in the arm.
"We are," Abigail began going through her bag, "but we are the exception. We are here for a reason. "
Sebastian and Sam sat down in the bushes between Mayor Lewis's house and the graveyard. Sam had to duck to avoid a spider web, but it still got caught in his hair.
"Yearly Tradition." Sebastian pulled three paper masks from out of his hoodie pocket.
"Hell Yeah!" Sam shouted.
"SHHH!" Abigail and Sebastian shushed their friend.
"Ooops! Sorry!" Sam whispered in response.
What had originated as a prank led to a yearly tradition for Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian. Every year when the Mayor is up for reelection the three will spray paint Lewis's house and create a little excitement to break up the monotonous of small town life. Just some harmless fun, as long as the paint is washable.
Abigail looked up at the white house and pulled out a can of bright purple spray paint from her bag, "You idiots ready?"
Sebastian nodded his head.
"Oh! Give me the green one!" Sam dug into Abigail's bag and took the can of paint.
Sebastian quickly took the can away from Sam.
"No way, you are keeping look out."
"Aw, come on! Don't you trust me?"
Abigail shook her head, "No way, dude. Remember last year when you signed your name and almost got us caught?"
Sam reached over to take back the can from Sebastian, "It was really good! An artist should always sign his work!"
"Hey, knocked it off!" Sebastian tried to push Sam off of him.
Sam ended up knocking himself and Sebastian out of the bushes and onto the dirt path that separated the graveyard from the old wooden house. The two had leaves and twigs nestled in their hair and on their clothes. Sam had lost his grip over the can, it rolled down the path and away from the two men.
Abigail stood up from the bushes, she was also covered in leaves and a small twig was sticking out from her hair. "Would you two act like adults for once in your lives so we can tag Lewis's house!"
"What the hell are you three doing?"
Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian froze at the interruption. Slowly the three turned around, it was the farmer. They appeared to have just gotten back from the mines, if their soot covered clothes and stuffed back pack were any indication.
"What'cha three doing up so late?" The farmer tilted their head as they waited for someone to reply.
"Spirit channeling."
"Frog hunting."
"Definitely not spray painting the mayors house if that's what your wondering."
Sebastian smacked Sam's head.
"Why are you all spray painting Lewis's house at 12:35 in the morning?" The farmer picked up the can of spray paint, it was covered in Joja brand logos. Conveniently, there was a logo covering the ingredients list.
Abigail walked over to the farmer and grabbed the can from their hand, "Think of it as a yearly tradition, just something we did as kids that has persisted to the modern day." she answered.
Sebastian stood up and dusted off his hoodie, "Wait a second, what are you doing out here so late? This isn't the way to your farm."
Sam sat up in a more comfortable position on the ground. " Yeah, what are you doing here, (name)?"
How do you respond?
a) scenic route.
b) Spray painting the mayors house.
c) looking for garbage hats.
The farmer held up the bag to there friends, whatever was inside clinked together. "I was gonna spray paint the mayor house...Lewis has been having me fix up the community center without assistance and my wallet hasn't recovered."
Abigail plucked the twig out of her hair, "That fucking sucks...Wanna join in?"
The farmer pulled a bright pink can of spray paint from their bag, "I'll take the back."
Sebastian pulled out another paper mask, "Cool. Sam, you keep watch and tell us when someone is coming by-"
"No fucking way."
The four looked over, Shane was standing down the path by the grave yards entrance. Like Abigail and the farmer, he also had a seemingly full bag of random items. Shane looked at the four incredulously.
"Shane has been spotted about 6 feet from us." Sam chirped.
"Uhm...your not going to tell anyone about this, right?" Abigail asked.
Shane pulled out a blue can of Joja brand spray paint and a carton of eggs from his bag, "I won't tell if you won't."
"I won't tell if you won't."
While Abigail and Sebastian were distracted, Sam ran over and stole back the green can. Sam quickly ran behind the house. "I'll take the garage!"
Sebastian took a can of red paint and handed Shane and the farmer a mask before walking to the front of the house.
Abigail pulled out her own can of paint and pulled on the mask. "Wow, traditions really do bring the community together!"
Shane followed the farmer to the back of the house, the two talking along the way.
"Overworked, huh?" Shane asked.
"Yup, what about you?"
"He yelled at Marnie today, I dunno, something about her being 'clingy.' Still had the gall to come over for dinner tonight."
The farmer pointed at a window on the second floor and sighed, "That one is his room."
Shane took an egg from the carton and threw it towards the window. It exploded into a slimy mess on impact, slowly dripping down the glass and onto the window sill. "Thank you."
"No problem."
The next morning the citizens of Pelican Town were gathered around the mayors house in awe of the sight before them, The normally pristine home looked like a vivid, and eggy, abstract painting.
"Who the heck keeps doing this!?" Mayor Lewis yelled when he arrived home, "I swear this happens every year! When I get my hands on who is responsible for this-"
Both the mayor and the crowd were completely unaware of the five responsible sitting not too far away in the grave yard.
Sam snickered while watching the crowd speculate about the situation, Abigail hit him in the shoulder to stop him.
"Hey, we should go for Joja mart next!" Sam said.
"No, we can't. They have security cameras everywhere." Shane took a sip from his Joja Cola.
Sebastian looked over at the crowd and chuckled, "He's gonna catch on someday."
Sam swayed back and forth from his spot on the bench. "No he won't, he tried to blame us last year but had no evidence."
"And thanks to you, he nearly had that evidence." Sebastian flicked Sam's forehead, "So don't jinx us."
Suddenly someone from the crowd screamed and one by one the people gathered around the mayors house dispersed, including the mayor himself.
The farmer looked over the bushes and sighed, "Looks like a slime got passed Marlon and managed to get out of the mines again."
Marlon walked over and picked up the slime with his gloved hands. He quickly set the creature into a container and closed the lid. Marlon tapped the top of the case, sending the slime into a short frenzy.
"oh no, that was more of a...delightful surprise."
Hope this made ya'll smile!
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juliapark13 · 9 months
this anon is such a loser. anon jimin LOVES his fans, he loves us and appreciates us but he doesn't owe us his personal time. he DOES give back 100% of the effort his fans give him. he works his ass off to make quality music and breaks his bones in hard choreographies so that we can have something GREAT to enjoy and be PROUD to say we stan park jimin. we repay his efforts by streaming and buying to give his hard work the recognition it deserves. our relationship IS equal.
and instead of blaming him for being inactive (compared to the other members) blame his antis who literally ran his off social media. jimin used to be the most active member on bts’ socials but he stopped being so around 3 years ago, when his antis doubled down in number and the hate got more vile. he still comes online to interact with us (his latest weverse spicy food post, hello???) and he posts on insta, he even gave us a house tour on his last live which shows how much he trusts us even though we don't deserve his trust. and he promised to come live more often but excuse him for choosing to work on music instead of coming live every two business days for no reason at all. we know he's currently working his ass off on new music that we'll probably hear soon(ish) and goes home to rest. he doesn't owe us his rest time. he doesn't have to use his resting hours on live instead of in the comfort of his bed.
anon i need you to unstan jimin IMMEDIATELY if that's how you've been feeling about him. you're so ungrateful and bitter. if you want him to have taekook's level of activity on social media go stan taekook instead, but don't think you can demand jimin and force him to act a certain way just for your own benefit. he doesn't owe you shit. fans CHOOSE which artist they wanna stan based on how we vibe with his musicality and personality; so if jimin's personality doesn't do it for you anymore UNSTAN HIM, but don't go around trashing him for not fitting the mold you wish to create for him. he owes you NOTHING.
„He DOES give back 100% of the effort his fans give him. He works his ass off to make quality music and breaks his bones in hard choreographies so that we can have something GREAT to enjoy and be PROUD to say we stan park jimin.”
Anon you said it all pefectly. I have nothing to add.
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marsbar17 · 3 months
Hello! I was wondering if maybe I can old get some sfw/nsfw hcs for mirage x wriath? If you haven’t don’t them already pls ;-;
Of course! Everytime I see this ship I think about the early days of apex back when I was like 13 hdjdhsjka
Also I just like an hour ago I got another anon ask for this ship so this worked out pffff
Anyways I hope you like this, I put my heart and soul into it :)
Mirage x Wraith Headcannons :)
Contains: NSFW further below
• Two bisexuals in love <333
• We all know Wraith holds the reins in this relationship, ain't no way she's letting Mirage boss her around
• Just like in my Mirage x Reader headcanons, Mirage is like a lost puppy looking for affection
• Wraith is the type of person to go up to the fast food workers and tell them that Mirage asked for no pickles pffff
• Wraith is Mirages scary dog privilege, anyone who fucks with him gets a kunai to the throat
• Mirage gets invited to game night with Wraith, Wattson, and Crypto
• He feels very betrayed that they made a weekly hangout without him, and they let him win uno to make him feel better
• I feel like Wraith would have a stutter due to the amount of voices in her head, it's hard to talk while a bunch of other people are also talking in your head
• Mirage is patient and comforting with Wraith's stutter, he knows well enough how embarrassing it can feel to stumble over your words constantly
• Mirage is a great cook, he likes to make fancy-ish dinners for Wraith and he sets the table with like candles and wine and shit and he comes out like "I have your filet mignon with cranberry sauce, ma'am"
• In terms of dates, they probably stay home a lot, but occasionally Mirage will drag Wraith out to the paradise lounge or to a small coffee shop
• Wraith adopts a cat and Mirage pretends he doesn't like the cat but then Wraith finds him baby talking the cat and falls even more in love with him
• I feel like Wraith would lovingly bully Mirage with nicknames, she probably calls him dumbass, idiot, or just Elliot or El, maybe the occasional hun
• Mirage calls Wraith baby, babe, darling, Renee, or Ren
• Mirages love languages are physical affection and quality time
• Wraiths love languages are the same
• Wraith pegs him, no questions asked
• They probably switch top and bottom depending on the day and on the mood, but Wraith is always in control IM SORRY I LITERALLY CANT IMAGINE THAT MAN BEING DOMINANT
• Mirage has an oral fixation and loves having his mouth put to use, Wraith gets piercings on her nipples and her clit just so he has more to play with
• Wraith, on the other hand, isn't as into giving oral. I feel like she wouldn't enjoy the feeling of sucking dick, she'll suck on the tip and kiss all along the length, she'll even suck on the balls, but she doesn't like going too far with it
• Mirage is perfectly fine with this, plus Wraiths hands are enough to drive him crazy
• Wraith doesn't want to be vulnerable in public but she will tease the hell out of Mirage and jerk him off in public spots during the games because she knows he loves it
• Wraith leaves as many hickeys as she can all over Mirage so everyone knows he belongs to her
• Their favorite positions are riding and doggy (Mirage receiving)
• Wraith calls Mirage puppy, good boy, and whore
• Mirage calls Wraith ma'am, baby, mommy, and maybe mistress
• For the most part, even during rougher and kinkier sex, their actually very loving and intimate. Theirs lots of soft kisses and touches, comforting words, and communication
• Aftercare always consists of cuddles and talking about likes, dislikes, anything and everything
• Mirage likes to give Wraith back massages afterwards once he's got the energy back, she doesn't ask him to, he just does because he wants to
I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading! Remember that liking and reblogging my posts takes like 20 seconds and helps me grow as a creator :)
My requests are always open, so if theirs anything Apex, Overwatch, etc on your mind, shoot me a request and I'll do it!
Have a good day!
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paperw0rmz · 2 months
hello, can you talk about ur experience living off grid? i know at least in america it takes 1 million fucking permits to build ur own structure, is that actually enforced? off grid and building my own place is the dream when i can afford land but the more i learn the more expensive it seems and i am poor):
Oh shit this is gonna be a long as fuck post so if you want to read about what it’s like being off grid as a POC/Queer/Disabled person continue on reading.
Some things you need to know before hand:
I literally lucked out, I just so happened to start dating a man who grew up doing this and whose family had bought land when it was “cheap” (it was cheap considering what land cost especially back then (like 30 or 20 odd some years ago I think?) but it was still a lot of money) that graciously let me also live here.
I also have NEVER fucking lived anywhere that wasn’t the hood or like a town before, so I’m used to the city.
I also moved here because it was a manic decision but also because I quit literally had no other safe option to be living anywhere else.
My boyfriend is probably way better at explaining and talking about this, so I will make a follow up post when he is awake and will ask for clarification on years and numbers and shit.
I don’t live as off grid as others (yet)
Living off grid is literally just a short way of saying “good fucking luck! :)” you don’t have septic usually, your water comes from a well, you don’t even have garbage people you have to hire your own dumpster crew, there MIGHT be plows of it snows but if not you’re the one that does it, mail will come but if they can find your mailbox. Usually people mean off grid like hours and hours in the forest with no technology what so ever, I still have electricity (sometimes) and the nearest Walmart is still about a half an hour away from me (thank fucking god) however anytime we drive there we lose connection and any smart phone just says SOS because it just does not know where the fuck you are.
I moved into the woods about two years ago now and when I first got here I lived in a tent and car as we were building our first home. It was a tiny house (10x10) that was originally just supposed to be for my boyfriend to live in, but he met me and brought me along so we both had to make due in this very very very tiny home for the first year and a half-ish.
We live in the mountains ontop of living in the woods, so the snow here can be insane. I remember losing power for the first time and it being a little scary, but because our house was so small and my boyfriend is a bear, a small heater (propane) easily kept us warm, and I even slept on the floor sometimes (which was not insulated and very cold) (I like floor time) and still kept warm.
The 10x10 though started to drive us insane, because we didn’t have really any space and we are both creatives so during one winter we decided to build an A frame which is fuckin like 10 X 20??? And it’s like right next to the tiny house. Still tiny but like, we currently have a full sized bed, a big as shit couch, a recliner, a coffee table, a fridge, two desks (and two chairs) and a dresser in here and it’s still open.
We are now turning the tiny house into the office and our A frame is where we live currently :3
Outhouse!!! (At first) As someone with IBS I am in love with our houses, I don’t have to worry about clogging and stains <333
Now my bf and his family are building a bath house (a building that has two bathrooms and a washer and dryer) and we are getting septic.
Before that though we also had a compost toilet closet and attached to the outside of our tiny house which was really nice in the winter because I didn’t have to walk longer in the snow to go shit. It unfortunately has broken but is easy to fix. Just a hassle to get out. I do NOT recommend compost toilets if you have more than two people. It just won’t work.
There is what I call the Maine House ( a house my mother in law built with her student housing funding because she’s just gangster like that ) which is one of the first houses she and her husband built for them and their kids because their old home ( a trailer ) just wasn’t big enough for them. That has running water (from the well) and therefore a shower/bath and sink. I’d just walk less than a minute over to do so.
The Maine house also has a kitchen, but we also plan to build a building ONLY for cooking/eating as well. I also have a wood stove that I’m setting up in between our tiny house and A frame.
Porn lol
I also do vending stuff, my bf is part of a union! :D we both want to open a cleaning company though that specializes in hoarding and organizing.
Sometimes? Only when there’s four feet of snow outside. Once it’s all gone I love to go on walks, right now I’ve been training our chickens and rooster to come over to an area near us where there’s tall grass and putting food there, so they think food will always be there, so when it gets warmer they eat ticks. I also have an emergency craft/stim box that has little craft kits I get for cheap along with fidget toys and shit.
I’m also just a creative person, I love journaling, painting, sewing, crochet, all that shit.
Catching frogs and other animals is also fun.
Im mainly just playing webkinz tho these days and watching the muppets bc autism has me on a chokehold rn.
Sex and drugs are also very fun!!! :D
Scary, I won’t lie to you. I fear every day that my disability will cripple me more and that I would need a wheelchair. It’s also amazing though, I never realized how over stimulating the city was for me and how much anger it caused me. Like yes, my schizoid anti social personality might be being enabled, but I also feel like I’m finally genuine with people I come across and befriend. I’m not making false friendships just because I have to and that it’s the societal norm. I’m making friends because they also like things I like which I know sounds silly but is a crazy realization for someone who was delusional 24/7 for 23 years of their life. Im also scared anytime we have to have like a crew of guys (electrical people or like septic people) come over too, because they are usually white cis men and as a POC and obviously Queer person it’s daunting to be seen by them, but I haven’t had any issue personally anytime they come onto our land. I HAVE had issues in town (more like two towns over) with people being racist and phobic to me, but I have a strong personality so I deflect that shit easily.
My boyfriend is also extremely perfect in every way and helps me out a lot, I don’t think I could ever list everything he has done to make sure I’m safe and feel protected. Like I happily go out in skimpy clothes to predominantly white areas when I’m with him because I feel so safe with him.
Thankfully again my mother in law is a doctor and my sister who I call and text is a psychiatrist so those two also help me a bunch.
I can NAWT help you there I’m sorry, I will ask my bf again in the morning, but I know the building permit here starts at like $10? And for our tiny house and A frame it was like $25 each? I think? I forget what numbers exactly. It obviously gets more expensive the bigger you build, but like that’s what I could remember from conversations.
Idk where you live, assuming it’s in the US, but yeah it is mandatory you get a permit, but like….if you disappear and just venture out into the woods literally no one is going to stop you. Like genuinely most people do it that way. I’m not saying do it, but like I can’t tell you what to do also.
Pull a Christopher McCandless
Live in a trailer park for a while to get used to tiny space and also to learn how to take care of your home. It is VERY different than renting a house or apartment.
Find some dude on tinder who just so happened to have a family that owns a shit ton of land
Off grid is hard especially if you’re a minority and you will learn if you can mentally handle it or not really quick. You have to know how to entertain yourself and be okay with things and let shit go. You need to trust people because you can’t do this on your own. You can easily do this, most people can. But only if you work together.
(Communism bf ruined me I’m an anarchist I swear)
Any other questions that I may have not answered feel free to ask. I really don’t know much but I’ll try to help out.
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
Hey, I just dicovered you about two weeks ago, ish, I was wondering; do you ever have a moment where you feel like maybe Lashton isn't together? I have had a lot of moments of doubt, with certain ships and fandoms, and was wondering if anyone else has.
At the beginning of when I became aware of them and I was doing research (because I definitely say people should think for themselves and not just accept things, ask questions of life!), but there was a point where I flipped to a complete 100% of believing they are real. The rings are undeniable, for instance. The standard closeting 101 patterns going on (Hello Modest!). How much the females around them being promoted in the bearding/PR way. The women being the opposite personalities and have attacked the very fandom that 5sos have top priority of and loves. The way they are towards each other, the way it’s not just looks. It’s got partners vibes, and aspects that straight bffs aren’t towards each other. The intensity of Ash supporting, promoting, posting about, love messages to, etc. The expensive gifts (custom leather jackets) of which there’s never been, as far as we know, for either Cal or Michael. The difference Ash is towards Luke compared to the other guys, as well as how Luke is towards Ash. They both hold each other at such a high regard and find each other the true bees knees. Luke finds Ash the funniest person on the planet, even in instances where he does/says are mildly funny. Refer to the post I just did of them during the Amazon Music and the Spilling the Quarrantea livestreams. Example. when Michael had no problem with just willynily searching Luke smut fanfic on Wattpad versus Ash trying to make Luke feel better by trying to make Luke laugh through making up a light hearted entertaining story of his own of Cal. Ash and Luke partnering up together against the other guys, or being in their own world. The moment where Ash agrees to Luke about the movement they did to a nonexistent Try Hard mv (it’s like the moment where Louis Tomlinson just agrees when Harry Styles says some weird line about the ocean waves). The amount of ig and twitter posts that really radiate a love that’s not just bffs. Ash made a post saying Luke is “his Elvis Presley” with a really sweet pic of Luke laying down cutely on a bed and Ash sitting next to him. The way they were when Luke moved in with him. Yes, they were working on themselves but they were acting like boyfriends. Watch the YouTube vids of Lashton moments. Watch interviews and focus on how they are towards each other. The writing of songs about being fake, only loving at night, direct references towards one another. During the soundcheck I attended this year, when a fan yelled out for Luke to marry Sierra during the time off from tour, it’s the way responded deflated was such a raw response, so loud to me. The way Luke gets when ppl bring up Sierra to him compared to how he consistently is with Ash, it’s intensely different. Again, when Luke needed someone supportive, he ran to live with Ash. He’s his home.
There’s just so much… I could go on for hours. I’ll stop for now though.
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no-vamos · 9 months
Hello friends
I have returned
it’s been a week and honestly, today was the first time I like truly talked to CB in like two weeks… I think… anyways
SO today is MCC relief sale where I live and this morning when I was hanging out with two of my friends at their spot on the 5k he was coming down the hill and I waved at him and said hi👋 and he waved back and said hi👋 and ah that was nice
and then
so i was sneaky and changed my volunteer spot to be the same as his (bc technically i had a friend who was volunteering during his slot so i just switched to be with her but really i was switching to be with him)
AND THEN i didn’t even really interact with him during our volunteer shift lol i was always doing something else
but when i had moments where they weren’t instructing me to do things, i was hanging out with him at the cash register making a one person job a two person job
ah he’s so nice
and then after we were done i forget how i started talking to him? i think he was just standing at a table and i walked up to him and started talking
Like i said “have a good weekend” but he heard “how was your weekend” so he said “good” and then i laughed it off and we started talking
and i asked how the rest of his day looked
and he said he was going to go home to clean (bc his family lives in a historical house and they run a b&b in it as well) so i was helping him kill time by holding conversation and about a half hour ish into our conversation his mom comes by with his youngest sister and basically says there’s nothing left to clean and they talk about when he’s coming home and such but that was mostly that and then they leave and it’s just us two again
and we hold more conversation and other people show up and come by and we talk with them but it was always the two of us i think we were together for like at least 2 hours
and then i went off to “help” him find cider and also buy cider myself
and like through all of this he didn’t say anything like telling me to bug off or like that he was gonna leave until after we bought the cider like he waited until i bought my cider before he was like “i should leave” and then left and i’m kinda sad he didn’t walk me back to the donuts but ah that’s wishful thinking i suppose
and yea i mostly talked at him but like i asked questions and he talked and stuff (majority of it prompted but conversation is conversation) and he looked at me the whole time like eye contact and everything
he at least appeared somewhat entertained and yea i was selling it off as helping him procrastinate going home but i wanted to talk to him and it seemed like he wanted to talk to me idk maybe i’m reading too much
but here are things i learned while talking to him:
- he has 4 cats: Pebble, Amber, Smoky(?) and Bear (and i think that’s so fucking cute he showed me a picture of Bear and I wish I had asked which one of his cats was his favorite but that’s a questions for another day)
- if he were to replace one of his sisters he’d get rid of the youngest one (out of love)
- his mom wants him to cut his hair but he thinks it looks nice and she’s the only one who thinks that so he hasn’t cut it (a lady literally walked up to him while we were talking and was like “i like your hair. my son has hair like yours” and it was so interesting. he was really kind about it. i also told him i liked his hair. it’s honestly unfair his curls are so nice and all he does it shower and brush his hair before he sleeps and then wears a baseball cap over it and it still looks nice and like it’s so unfair wtf)
- lmao this is an update from something that happened a while ago but he missed part of junior day out to go to court for this speeding ticket he got a while ago but he has to go back in november bc the cop that pulled him over wrote a) the wrong time and b) had him as general when he’s juvenile and so he has to go get that fixed and he’s frustrated about it bc he’s missing classes he really enjoys
- he’s procrastinating doing church visits for a class bc he doesn’t want to miss our church service (valid so valid)
- his favorite classes rn are Organic Chemistry, Physics, Choir, and there was one more but i’m blanking on which one
- he’s often mistaken as a college student and he’s confused why
- this isn’t about him but it clears something up for me, the girl i was jealous of that was talking to him that one time is in fact “dating” one of his friends so i’m going to assume that means there’s nothing between them (even tho i have no right to be jealous of them)
- we talked a lot about course loads and the like, i like gave him advice and i’m hoping i wasn’t too… idk annoying about it ig
RAHH i talked to him for such a long time but i want to talk to him moreeeeeee
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senbonsol · 3 years
The Calm Before the Storm
Michael Myers x Reader (RZ Michael ‘cause he’s my favorite, but OG Michael would probably work too.)
It got a little long, sorry ;-;
Please be kind, this is my first slasher fanfic.
Note: (y/n)/you; they/them used. Did my best to keep it gender neutral. Slow(ish) burn. Alternating POV between Reader and Michael. Sorry for any formatting issues, I’m an idiot lol. All of the readers pov starts with “ugh”. It was an accident (at first) I swear lol. Michael may be a bit ooc, but I tried lol.
TRIGGER WARNING: Michael being Michael. Kidnapping. Bones broken (reader). Attempted r*pe (but it doesn’t actually happen, it’s stopped before it even begins). Some dude being a disgusting creep. Read at your own discretion, if something listed here is a possible trigger for you, please don’t read it. Your mental health is more important than a fanfiction.
Word Count: 3930
Summary: Reader and Michael are in a somewhat established relationship. Michael is still coming to terms with the way you make him feel. The fact that you make him feel at all. Michael comes home and finds the house in disarray, and you’re missing. Naturally, he’s pissed.
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Michael stood over you, watching as you frantically scurried around the house trying to get ready--already running late for work. He mentally sighed as he watched you search for the keys that were already in your hands. At first he found it amusing, but now it was just getting sad. And he was getting bored.
“Michael, have you seen my keys? I’m already late, and-” 
A rough hand caught your wrist, bringing your arm up to jingle the keys in front of your face. Your face flushed, your embarrassment obvious.
“Thank you Michael.” You smiled shyly. He gave no response, not that you had expected him to. “My shift ends at midnight, and your dinner is in the fridge. I’ll see you later tonight, okay?” You offered, already on your way out the door.
Michael stood in the window, annoyed as he watched you get into your car and leave for the night. You were a good distraction, your voice usually much louder than the others raging inside of his mind. As soon as he was alone again, that oh so familiar itch returned. Michael felt like he was crawling in his skin. His fists clenched tightly, knuckles turning white. It was time to hunt.
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It was a slow night. You turned to glance at the clock behind the register, silently willing the time to move just a little faster. You only had about two hours left and quitting time couldn’t come soon enough. You were ready to get back home to Michael. He had seemed like he was in a decent enough mood when you had left for work earlier on in the day, maybe you could convince him to sit down and relax with you when you got home. Maybe I could even get him to cuddle. You thought, excitedly. A fond smile spread across your face. Just a little longer.
The sound of the door opening and heavy footsteps tore you from your thoughts. You glanced at the door and smiled in greeting.
“Hello, how can I help you tonight sir?”
A tall, scruffy looking man stared back at you. Beady eyed and intense. You swallowed nervously as he sized you up, before breaking his gaze and walking to the coolers in the back of the store. You had just started this job a week ago, part time at a small 24-hour gas station on the edge of town. It wasn’t a difficult job by any means, but it was boring. Since you were the newest addition to the staff, of course you got the shit end of the stick when it came to the schedule. You quickly learned that the night shift, however boring it may be, was also extremely nerve wracking. There were quite a few unsavory types that wandered in at all hours of the night, and you were slowly getting used to creepy dudes checking you out.
He wandered the store for what seemed like forever, before settling on a case of beer and a bag of chips. You had tried to make yourself seem busy, trying to avoid his uncomfortable gaze, but you were failing miserably. Your discomfort is written all over your face, your body is stiff. Something about this man made you uncomfortable. As he finally made his way up to the counter, you felt your heart rate speed up.
He dropped his items on the counter, eyes never leaving yours, and finally spoke.
“This and a pack of your cheapest smokes, sugar.” His voice is deep and gravelly. You involuntarily shudder, but quickly try pushing your discomfort aside. The quicker I get this done, the sooner he will leave. You thought, shaky hands fumbling with the items on the counter. As you turned to grab the cigarettes from the wall behind you, you heard the creep whistle lowly. 
Michael won’t be happy to hear about this later.
You decided it would probably be for the best to ignore it, and just get the transaction over with. You smiled again, but it was less welcoming this time. More forced as you handed him his change.
“Have a nice night, sir.” Your voice betrays you a bit, a small quiver escaping your lips.
This time he smiles back. It isn’t a warm, friendly smile by any means-but a predatory one. One that made the hair on your neck stand at attention, a chill running down your spine. Seemingly amused by your reaction, he just stood there for a moment. Watching. Waiting. Not much different than the way Michael watched you when you really think about it.
But everything about it was different at the same time.
Michael had never made you feel this way, even the first time you had met him. Of course, Michael had scared you a bit. But it wasn’t anything like this.
Finally he had grabbed his items, and had turned to leave. Once he was gone, you let out a shaky breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
God, I hope I never have to see that creep again.
You glanced at the clock again. An hour and a half left until you were safe in Michael’s arms. It couldn’t come soon enough.
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The streets of Haddonfield were quiet. The only sounds to be heard were the soft pitter-patter of the rain, and Michael’s heavy breathing as he stalked toward a small blue house. Glancing inside the window, he saw a young couple inside, people Michael had never seen before. Newcomers, wanting to settle down in a small idyllic neighborhood.
They would soon come to realize how wrong they were about this place.
Not that they would live long enough to regret it.
They were sitting on the couch together, laughing and watching what looked to be a cheesy horror movie. Michael almost smirked. Almost. They had no clue that the real boogeyman was just outside their window. No idea of the true monster they were about to come face to face with.
Michael silently rounded on the small home, sneaking around to try the back door. It was unlocked. The whole situation was almost laughable. He slowly entered the house and had a look around. It’s truly astonishing just how quiet Michael is. This man could sneak up on Death himself. This poor couple never stood a chance.
He slowly edged his way into the living room, walking until he was literally towering over the back of the couch. They still didn’t notice. This was almost too easy. Instead of going in for the kill, he decided to watch them for a moment longer. For some reason or another, the young woman in front of him reminded him of (y/n). They had the same big belly laugh. The same knee jerk comedic reactions to the film. Even the way the woman scrunched her nose at her partner made Michael think of them.
It disgusted him.
The very things Michael found endearing about (y/n), he found revolting in this woman in front of him. She would be first. He then turned his attention to her partner. The young man was sitting with his arm wrapped protectively around her, chuckling a bit at her antics. He was so small compared to Michael. So weak. There wouldn’t be much of a fight, if any at all.
He gently snaked his hand into the woman's hair, prompting a soft giggle to fall from her lips.
“Adam stop that, it tickles!” she laughed.
“What do you mean babe, I haven’t moved.” he replied.
“Right, I’m sure that someone else ran their fingers through my hair just now. Stop trying to scare me! It isn’t working!” she giggled again. The sound made Michael's stomach roll.
Adam stiffened, slowly turning his head to look behind them. Michael tilted his head as their gazes met. Adam’s eyes widened in horror as he leapt from his seat and stumbled backward, tripping over the coffee table and falling to the floor. Really, this was too easy. The young woman froze in place. Adam was on the floor, but the fingers were still in her hair. There really was another person in the house.
She tried to scream, but just as she opened her mouth Michael’s knife plunged into her throat.
Adam screamed instead.
“VAL NO!” he wailed, as he lunged towards Michael. He caught Adam by the neck easily. These people were far too loud. He would take care of that. With what Michael would consider a warning squeeze, he had crushed the man's throat.
Neither of them would ever make another offensive sound again.
Michael stood over their bodies for a moment, gazing down at them. Relishing his kill. Satisfaction coursing through him. The itch, momentarily, scratched. A wave of calm had washed over him, finally. After a moment, he looked around for a clock. It read 12:30 am. He had stayed out later than he anticipated. He needed to get home to (y/n), they should be back by now. With one final glance at his prey, he turned and stepped out the back door.
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Finally, your shift had ended. Time to go home. After saying goodnight to your replacement, you ran to your car across the lot. The soft drizzle outside had turned into a full on downpour, completely soaking you from head to toe. You hopped into the driver's seat and tried starting your car up.
It didn’t turn over.
“Oh my gosh, no!” you groaned, “Why now!”
You tried it again.
And again.
Same result.
Begrudgingly, you stepped out of your vehicle and started walking home.
Michael is going to be upset.
So much for my cuddles.
Between the cool October air and the rain that felt more like ice, you knew you’d end up sick after this. Great. 
Maybe it was because you were so wrapped up in your frustration, or maybe it was because of how loud the rain was, but somehow you didn’t notice a pair of beady eyes on you. Or hear the heavy footsteps following you home.
The sight of the old Myers house was a welcome one. You were desperate to get inside and take a warm bath. You practically threw yourself up the steps and through the front door, stripping out of your soaked clothes as soon as the door shut.
“Michael? I’m home!” you called on your way to the bathroom.
No response.
Usually he was hot on your heels as soon as you walked inside. Maybe he was out? You didn’t even bother trying to hide your disappointment, and let your shoulders sag. Hopefully he’ll be home soon.
You let out a relieved sigh as you sank down into the warm water. Fuck this feels good. This is exactly what I needed after a day like today.
The only thing that could make this any better is if Michael was here to join you. Just as the thought crossed your mind, you heard heavy footsteps walking towards the bathroom.
“Michael! I’m in here!” you called, a wide smile spread across your face.
The footsteps grew closer and closer, and the more you listened the less right it felt. That didn’t sound like Michael. You could tell by their gait that whoever it was, it was not your lover. Your mind kicked into overdrive as you jumped up out of the bathtub and ran to the door, quickly locking it. Your eyes scanned the room for anything you could use to defend yourself, but as luck would have it there wasn’t really anything available. 
Today is really not my day.
Suddenly the footsteps stopped. Right in front of the door. Fuck.
A long silence followed, the only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. The silence was deafening.
Then the door handle started to shake, gently at first, but it soon turned wild and frenzied. You couldn’t stop the startled scream that left you. Unfortunately, that only seemed to make the whole situation worse. It was now panicked. Desperate. Violently shaking the whole door.
And then it gave, and there stood the same terrifying beady eyed man who had shown up at your workplace just a few hours ago. You were stunned for a moment. He had waited for you, followed you home, and was now staring at your naked body with the same predatory smile he had given you earlier.
You screamed again. Louder this time, hoping against hope that somebody, anybody, would hear you. But who could hear you over the rolling thunder outside? The heavy droplets of rain crashing down like a waterfall, loud and unforgiving. You were on your own.
Where in the hell was Michael when you needed him?
The man suddenly lunged at you, and you very narrowly avoided his grasp. You threw yourself to the side, slipping and falling against the wall. In your haste you had sloshed a fair amount of water onto the bathroom floor when you jumped out of the bath, and it seemed like luck was finally on your side for once today. The intruder didn’t seem to notice it until it was too late, also slipping and falling face first into the bath. You didn’t waste any time standing up and running out of the bathroom, realizing this was probably your only chance to escape. You sprinted through the house as quickly as you could, desperately calling out for Michael. The man was much quicker than he looked, however, and caught up fairly quickly--tackling you to the floor.
You hit the ground hard. The impact had taken your breath, and by the time you came back to, the man was on top of you. Choking you. Dark spots began to cloud your vision as you hopelessly fought back, nails clawing at his hands.
Is this it? This is how I die? I’m so sorry Michael. I love you.
And then everything went black.
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Michael returned home, secretly a bit excited to see you. He isn’t sure when he started caring about what you thought. Whether you were angry with him or not. He had grown fond of your smile. Fond of the way you seemed genuinely happy to see him. It used to not matter. But it had grown on him. You had grown on him. His life had been very strange since he met you. A rare, small smile graced his lips.
His train of thought was interrupted, however, as he walked up the drive. Something wasn’t right. Your car wasn’t there, and the front door was wide open. Had he left it open? Was the clock in his victim's home wrong? Michael started walking a little faster without realizing it, dread rapidly enveloping him. He basically flew up the steps and into the house. It was an absolute wreck, furniture tipped on its side, water soaking into the wood flooring. The dread was quickly replaced by a new emotion. Rage.
Huffing, Michael turned and trudged back out onto the streets of Haddonfield. The storm outside was getting much worse, but nothing could compare to the storm raging inside Michael’s mind. Someone had come into his home. Put their hands on his partner. They would pay for it, Michael would make sure of that.
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You woke with a start, head pounding as a loud crash of thunder shook the house, covering you in dust. You opened your eyes and looked around, momentarily confused by your unfamiliar surroundings. Hot tears welled up in your eyes as the night's events came flooding back.
Fuck... What am I going to do? 
You started to panic a bit, quickly hoisting yourself up to look for an escape. You didn’t make it very far though, a thick shackle clasped around your ankle. The room you were in was dark. Too dark to see much of anything at all, the only illumination coming from a window too small to fit through high above you. The smell of mold was overwhelming. A basement. I’m in that creeps fucking basement. Great.
You sat on an old, worn mattress waiting for the next flash of lightning to come. Your eyes darted hastily around the room when it did, looking for something--anything--to help you escape. The only thing in your reach was an old musty blanket. Shuddering, you wrapped the near rotten blanket around your shoulders and stood to test the length of the chain hoping you could make it to the window. Unfortunately, it was just out of reach.
 “I really am just a walking cliché.” You whispered to yourself, laughing mirthlessly.
You needed a new game plan. Sitting back down you began to test the strength of the chain, and the strength of the pipe it was wrapped around. It wasn’t budging. You could feel the tears pricking at your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. You had never felt so helpless, and you had never been so frustrated in your entire life. You moved on from the chain, to your foot. Twisting and turning, desperately trying to wiggle free to no avail.
You finally let the tears spill over. Only two options were clear to you at this point. Wait for that creep to come down here and do God knows what to you, or break your foot and try to wiggle free. But then what? How were you going to get away with a broken ankle? Surely he would hear you? You doubted you could stay quiet. Another crack of thunder broke you from your thoughts. That was the only way. You would have to time it just right to avoid being too obvious. Taking a deep breath to try and center yourself, you bit down on the disgusting blanket and grasped your foot with shaky hands and waited.
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Michael stalked the streets, eyes sharp, looking for any sign of you. He didn’t even know where to start, but his rage spurred him on nonetheless. Before he knew it, Michael was standing in front of your workplace. His chest tightened slightly when he saw your car in the parking lot, quickly walking up to peer inside. It was empty. Slowly, he turned to face the gas station. Gazing into the window, hoping to find any sign of you. There were none.
 He turned to leave and noticed a pile of half smoked cigarettes and crushed cans of beer near the dumpsters. At first he gave it little thought, and turned away from the mess. As he was walking though, Michael recalled seeing a similar pile of cigarette butts on his front porch on the way out. Michael stopped in his tracks. Whoever had taken you had been waiting for you. Michael made his way back to your car and popped the hood. The battery had been completely removed. A fresh wave of anger washed over him. Slamming the hood back down, Michael turned and began following the trail that asshole had so graciously provided.
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Your scream slightly muffled by the fabric and weather outside still rang out pretty loudly in the near empty basement. You twisted your ankle back toward you as hard as you could. There was a sickening crack, and the pain was almost enough to make you black out. Sobbing quietly, you strained your ears listening for any movement upstairs. Thankfully, there was none. Slipping your foot out of the shackle was as bad as breaking it, maybe even worse. After catching your breath for a moment, you stood up on your uninjured foot, using the pipe you were attached to to balance yourself. Your eyes were burning with tears that wouldn’t come as you slowly hopped toward the small window. You made it to a small table to the right of the window. Carefully, you scooted the table closer to the window and climbed up on top of it to peer out. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but the moment they had you had thought you were hallucinating.
“Michael?” You whispered, breathlessly.
Just outside the house, standing in the middle of the street was your behemoth of a boyfriend. No chance! How could he have found me? The pain must be making me crazy, right? You reasoned with yourself mentally. There was just no way. Was there? Heavy footsteps caught your attention, and you turned toward the stairs. A soft click was heard, and the door swung wide open.
“You awake yet, sugar?” The man’s gravelly voice echoed, “I think you’ve been keeping me waiting long enough.” He chuckled as he started to descend the stairs.
You whipped your head back around to the window, desperately searching for Michael. Praying that it hadn’t been your imagination. When you saw him again, he was closer to the house, standing in the yard off to the side. You started banging on the window without hesitation, and called out to him. You were profoundly relieved when his gaze finally met yours. You were thrown to the floor with force enough to knock the breath out of you again. The man cautiously looked out the window, then straightened up and turned to you.
“Fucking idiot, there ain’t nobody out there. Nobody is coming for you.” He laughed, kicking your side.
Another crack.
You cried out, clutching your side. 
I think he broke my ribs.
“Now then, why don’t you just behave yourself so’s we can get to the good shit?” He taunted, circling you until his back was to the stairs in an attempt to block you if you tried to escape. Luckily there wouldn’t be a need to try. Your eyes drifted past your attacker and landed on your savior. Michael was here. He had found you!
“Ya know, I’m not sure who this ‘Michael’ you keep crying for is, but I am sure I can make you forget all about ‘em.”
“I really doubt that.” You said, your voice small.
The man looked down at you and smirked, unbuttoning his pants. His smirk is quickly replaced with a grimace, however, when Michael’s hand wraps around his throat from behind. Suddenly the man is on the ground and Michael is on top of him, stabbing him with an animalistic fury. The man is shown no mercy as Michael rips into him, still plunging his knife into him long after he is dead. It was a sickening sight.
“Michael?” You called out softly, “Michael please, that’s enough.”
Michael whipped his head around to look at you, breathing heavily, his whole body shaking. You had never seen him so worked up. As you looked into his eyes, you barely recognized the man in front of you. Michael wasn’t himself in that moment, and was possibly far more dangerous than he had ever been.
“Michael, please. Please come back to me. Please take me home baby.” You coaxed, gently. “He’s dead, please.”
Cautiously, you reached out to your lover. He stared at your hand, and after a few moments he took it. Michael seemed to melt at your touch, finally losing interest in the body beneath him. With a surprising gentleness, Michael scooped up your battered body and held you close. He had come so close to losing you. It was in this moment he truly realized just how much you meant to him. He made a silent vow that no one else would ever touch what was his again. Never. Slowly, Michael stood and the two of you turned to go home, shutting that vile man in his rotting basement where he belonged.
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izukus-sugar-baby · 3 years
Checked out!
WARNINGS: fluff-ish, eventually will be smut, mentions of getting sick twice
word count: 2k
Heres my first writing for tumblr! Hope you all like it!
Part Two, Part Three.
"Hey Miss!!" You peered down at the smaller voice, simultaneously feeling a book slip from your hand and onto the ground. The bookshelf was at least 5 rows high, and you had been standing as far as you needed to reach the top. You were dusting off and replacing the books on the shelf, which... hadn’t been so pleasant with children running around before their daily read. Regardless, you had a job to do. It wasn't gonna stop for a ton of kids. You had been rearranging the books in alphabetical order before the kid startled you. Thank god it didn’t fall on their head.
"Are you gonna read to us today? Or is Miss Maggie?" The kid didn't look over six years old, blue eyes and long brown hair with freckles littering her face in a wonderful way. She wore a small dress full of sunflowers with bright pink shoes on her feet. She had been here before... Although, her name wasn’t ringing a bell.
"I wanted to read one of those pigeon stories you read us last time!" You let out a sigh of relief that the book didn't smack the kid on top of her head prior to climbing down to the ground and leaning down be eye-level with her.
"Pigeon stories?" You've read dozens of books about dozens of creatures and characters. What on earth would relate to a.. pigeon? Leaning down a bit farther to snatch up the book you had dropped, she pushed another book into your arms. The title read The Pigeon Needs A Bath!
"This book is pretty thin, You sure you want me to read just this one book, sweetheart?" You stood up straight, handing the girl the book back before cocking your hip to the side and placing your hand onto it.
"Me and Emmie can go find some more!" She hurried off to find her.. friend? Knowing it had been a child, it could be a stuffed animal! But she sure did leave too quickly to ask any questions about it. You sighed, climbing back up to finish your organizing. Thank goodness I’m already close to being done. You thought to yourself, dusting top to bottom and moving onto the 4th row. Their reading wasn't for another.. what? 20 minutes? You had time to knock out another shelf. Time flew by as you finished the 4th row. It was already time to read.
"I have to stop by Goodwill and get some more books. I also gotta stop at the post office and some.. other errands? You got this reading?" The owner of the store, Maggie, looked over to make sure she had gotten your attention before naming off a few things that needed done in the shop before you closed up shop.
"Yeah! What time will you be back?" You climbed down the last step of the ladder, patting off the dust from the bookcase that had gotten on your apron. It was some cutesy hello kitty apron you wore so the dust wouldn't ruin your clothing but it really just made it look like it was some mini cafe. None the less, you wore it.
"I'll be back in time for that uh, Pro hero guy. I don't know- my wife wrote him in. Ask and she'll tell you!" You weren't too involved with all that hero bullshit, the whole who can save more lives?! You get the most money AND an award. The system in itself was ass and it wouldn't make a difference in your everyday life for one of those snobby people to stop by. You walked around the shelves, watching Maggie leave as you sat down on a small rounded couch. A small chime rang through the shop as it called the children over for their reading, a few already sitting and ready to hear you.
It wasn't a big library, it seemed like a corner store had gotten torn down and then completely renovated into a library for children. The second floor had been where the owner and her wife stayed. It was a cozy little place where about 8-12 kiddos would visit for a read. There were bookshelves in the walls for more book space and 5 separate shelves more towards the middle of the place. They held less books than the ones on the wall. Only two of the five reached over 3ft. Parents would come in just to rent a few books. But more often than not, the owner would go out hunting for new books for everyone to enjoy. Along with cute little toys and those foam floor mats to sit on. All of the children in the shop had sat right in front of you, including the girl from earlier who held 4 books in her hands. A few other kids held thin picture books in their hands as well, but only having 15 minutes to read to them, it might be hard to get around to all of them.
“Alright, Who's first?" You asked, smiling down at them. Every single child raised their hand, some even raising both so your attention was on them. Of course this wasn't going to be easy. You thought to yourself as you put a hand over your eyes, pointing to some random kid. He held a small book, standing up slowly and handing it to you.
"My mom reads me this sometimes.." Poor boy was only about 5, and seemed pretty shy. You gave him a reassuring smile before he went back to his seat. You began to read and in no time at all you finished reading the few books children selected. Thank god it was a Friday, Most children would be picked up right after the reading for afternoon preschool etc. But it seemed like no one wanted to leave. Was it that hero Maggie had mentioned? You sighed, hopping up and heading to the check out desk where you saw a few children wanting to check out their books you previously read to them. You leaned down over the desk to reach for the book, scanning it and doing so for each person. The store bell jingled, as if the creak of the door didn't give away someone walking in.
"Welcome to 'Children's Magical Bookshop,' You paid the person no mind as you spoke, handing the last child their book and letting your gaze fall upon the... very tall man in front of you. Noise filled the small shop, children running up to him screaming-
"Deku!" As loud as their little lungs could. He gave a flashy smile, leaning down to hug the children that ran straight for his legs. He laughed and lifted a few of them in his.. very strong arms. Was it hot in the bookshop? Was the AC fucked up? You force your eyes from the tall man.. Was he looking at you too? Your mind screamed at you to introduce yourself, Quickly walking towards a shelf to do something. Anything bust stand there and gawk at him.
"Are you Maggie?" There were hopping children behind him, playing with his gloves and such as you turned to him.
"No- I'm y/n. Are you that.. pro? She had been talking about.?" You huffed through your nose, turning to him. He extended a hand, nodding with a cheesy grin on his face as soon as you had taken his hand into yours. It wasn’t like you never saw him on the news, but you sure did skip the channel as soon as it was some bullshit hero chart over who had been number one. He was so much hotter in person..
"Yes! I'm sorry I'm a bit early, I finished patrol sooner than I thought! I hope I'm not interrupting anything? The woman on the phone said before six, I told her I was sure I could make it around five!" His eyes traveled to your lips for a moment, listening to you speak back to him.
“You’re fine, There’s plenty of time for you to hang out and sign all of their t-shirts and such. Make yourself at home big man. You can sit in the reading area,” The kids dragged him to where you were just moments ago.. But he couldn't get you to leave his mind. You were beautiful. He needed to make you his.
The poor hero stayed until about six o’clock to talk to you, since all of the kids finally left to go do their summer homework or whatever they had to do. Deku had been leaning over the counter for almost an extra hour to make some conversation with you, he just couldn’t help himself. You cant blame him either! You had this smile that he couldn’t resist. And quite frankly, he wasn’t used to this feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He fought some shit villain every day! What's a few butterflies? Especially as pretty as you. Why wouldn't he want to stick around?
“I really didn’t think it would be so chill this week! It feels like I've done nothing but catch up on papers!” Izuku scratched his neck with his index finger, shaking his head lightly. “I guess I really am doing a good job!- Of course other pros are doing their jobs as well!” He let out a relieved chuckle, looking at you with a big, sincere, smile on his face. “How has work here been? It must be so nice working with so many children!”
You feel your eyes involuntarily roll, shaking your head and leaning against the wall behind you. “It’s nice until some kid gets sick on themselves and their mother isn’t here to help. We have extra clothing in the back because it’s happened more than once.” You groaned as your eyes trailed to the door leading to lost n found, clothes, and other things. You had an unamused look on your face talking about it. He noticed and let his eyes follow yours until feeling your eyes rest upon him once more. Maybe texting would let you come around to him a bit more? Were you bored?
“Yikes- I’ve seen adults get sick after villains show up. But I probably should head back to my agency.” He looked out of the store window before right back to those beautiful e/c eyes of yours. “Do you have a number I can text? I would love to talk to you more y/n..!” He was already prepared for rejection. It was kinda weird to be hitting on you after dealing with kids wasn’t it? Maybe he should take it back. Was he coming off as some sleazy ass hero?
Your eyes widened in the slightest- Enough for him to notice. “Sure, Let me see your phone,” You stepped closer to the counter, seeing him fumble on the pouch of his belt before unlocking and giving you his phone. You went to his contacts, making yourself one of them and handing it right back to him. He had an even bigger, cheesier, grin on his face after he took it back.
“Thank you, y/n!” He bowed his head before quickly leaving out to his agency. Finally, you could go home as well. Not that he was a problem, but that man sure could talk. It was endearing. Maybe I can put enough of those stutters in mind tonight. You joked to yourself, grabbing your keys and walking out to lock up the small bookshop. There was no doubt that you were attracted to him. Every woman in America and Japan was attracted to him in some way.
You let out a small sigh, driving home and turning your radio up until hearing your phone ding. You glanced over at the screen to see an unknown number texting. Assuming it was Deku, you waited until you were home to answer him. By the time you had texted him back, he was quick to reply. You two made plans to hang out soon and have dinner together. You talked for hours until one of you had fallen asleep. He was ecstatic. You really enjoyed his company.
taglist: @tenyaiidasslut @hi-rubi @devilsbooksworld @flamingpastapotatoes @arleneeene @blacklotussai @akam4recs @prinvilmain
a/n: I fucking hate tumblr KWJCHDH ive had to re-write this more than once because they changed the layout if the save and post. Its not my best work and was mostly edited on here instead of Google docs. Learn to edit the first version first i guess 💀 The second part will be much better!
Please Reblog!!!!
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donutloverxo · 3 years
Yes captain
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Note - this is part three of corrupting a good boy but it's mostly porn so can be read as a standalone as well. Sorry about all the jealousy stuff its just what the muse calls for sometimes. Comments/reblogs are really really appreciated🙏🙏 Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
Summary - You ask Steve to keep it on while doing it 👀👀
Warnings - 18+ only explicit sexual content, uniform kink, captain kink, daddy kink, roleplaying, jealousy, insecure reader.
Pairing - CEO!Steve x reader
Word count - 4.5k
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“Ooo,” you yelped, trying to run away from his firm grip across your hips.
It only made him hold onto you tighter, his nails digging into the flesh of your hips. “There’s no where to run, babygirl,” he chuckled at your misery, delivering another harsh slap to your naked bottom.
You shrieked in pain as your flesh burned in agonising, but delicious pleasure. As if you’d ever want to actually run. “I’m sorry, daddy.” Since you were allowed to call him daddy now, which seemed to always make him forgive you, but you added your princess voice just to be safe and not make it any harder on yourself.
“You should’ve thought of that before you decided to make fun of my team, but you had to be a dumb baby and run your mouth,” he scolded you, slapping you twice before slipping a hand between your legs, the squelching noises of him gathering your slick on his fingers made your ears burn.
You had gotten too bored of him watching the game and not paying attention to you so you might’ve said some mean things about his team, but the jokes on him since your diabolical plan seemed to have worked.
You had gotten too lost in slight tinge of pain in the roots of your hair, that he was pulling, and his fingers teasing your core, you yelped forward when he slapped your pussy, gasping as you throbbed for more of it.
“Honey,” Steve shook your arm causing you to jolt awake.
You had a habit of talking or mumbling nonsense in your sleep and since he was a light sleeper it usually woke him up. He found your incoherent rambles and the little faces you made in your sleep cute, they were particularly intense tonight for some reason, and while he loved you with all his heart he was not about to let you talk nonsense about the Yankees.
“What? Where?” you sat up, rubbing the soft sheen of sweat on your forehead with the back of your hand.
“You were talking in your sleep, sweetheart,” Steve said, rubbing his hand up and down your back, “Come here.” He circled a hand around your waist, pulling you down and back against his chest, kissing the back of your head, “What were you dreaming about, hm?”
“Um...” you blinked, “How much of it did you hear?”
“You think your so clever, don’t you,” he teased, pinching the side of your hip as you giggled.
“Yes, I’m very smart.”
You shut your eyes, ready to go back to dreamland and to your daddy, who was just a version of Steve who liked being called daddy. Which was something Steve would never be into. Not that you’d ever admit to having such a shameful kink.
But you felt Steve grind his excitement against your ass, “You wanna go back to sleep, or...?” he asked, biting the shell of your ear before snaking a hand up your cami to grope your breast.
“You woke me up with such debauch intention?!” you gasped in fake incredulity. Deciding to indulge him and that any time spent with normal real Steve was much better than being with dream daddy Steve.
You fixed his tie, tightening it just a bit around his neck. His golden hair was smoothed back, your eyes caught a glimpse of his rosy pink lips. So pouty and perfect. You could spend hours just looking at them, his smile was what truly made you fall for him. But you pulled away when he tried to steal a kiss from you.
“Gloss,” you argued, puckering your lips. Instantly feeling guilty as his pink ones pouted, giving you his sweet puppy eyes.
“Come on, doll, just one kiss? Don’t you wanna wish me luck?” He bent to capture your lips but you moved your head away at the last second, making him groan as his nose bumped against your cheek.
“I spent over two hours getting ready for this!” you huffed, smoothening a hand over your puffy tulle dress, finally having a chance to wear it out in public.
“Did you just smudge my blush?” Gasping, as you looked into the mirror, picking up your rouge and patting it on again.
You loved the dress Steve had gotten you for Christmas, it was so pretty and princess and you felt like Cinderella wearing it.
But it was too... girl-ish, Steve had insisted that you wear it. So he could show off his beautiful new wife.
Tonight though, you had to look like a woman.
A strong woman.
Who is not to be fucked around with. And not someone who is vulnerable and weak.
Because you knew she was going to be there.
“You always look gorgeous,” he mumbled, looking in the mirror and patting his hair to make sure it was in place.
You had convinced him to grow it out. Having more courage to express yourself since the Christmas gift mishap a couple of months ago.
Tucking a loose golden strange behind his ear, you wondered how someone as breathtakingly as beautiful as him could be yours.
But as beautiful as Steve was, he could also be naive. He wanted to see the best in people, which often didn’t let him see what was right in front of him.
How his ex Peggy had been trying to cause problems between you two from day one.
At first she had welcomed you with open arms, with a treacherous smile her red lips had told you that she wanted to be best friends with you. Taking you to the MET museum, of which she was a board member, asking your help in organising a couple of galas and the fundraisers. Shopping with you to make you more presentable to be a CEO’s wife
You were prepared to be wary of her. The fact that Steve was still good friends with his ex, who he had dated for more than five years, didn’t exactly sit well with you, you knew you’d face some troubles there, but then you met her and spent time with her you knew that you did had nothing to worry about.
That was until she, and Steve’s mother, had tried to get you to sign a pre-nup before you both got married.
While Sarah was always nice, you could always sense a tinge of hostility, your intuition told you how she preferred Peggy over you and would much rather have her as Steve’s wife.
With a heavy heart you had told Steve you couldn’t do it. That there was no point in getting married if you would end up divorced eventually. You were ready to cut your losses then, to pack your bags and go home, preparing for the worst. But he understood and said that he wouldn’t be marrying you if he didn’t trust you.
You were glad to have worked out everything, but decided to play nice with ‘Judas', whom you learned had infamously betrayed Jesus from a mass you attended with Steve and Sarah, and pretend that you didn’t know anything about her betrayal.
You shook your head, there was no point in letting her ruin your night, or dictate what you wore. The dress was what you liked and who you were, there was no reason for you to pretend to be like her. Steve liked you because you were nothing like her,
You looked over to Steve, tugging his pants up and securing them, you had never once thought you’d be someone who’d have a thing for men in uniforms, they were simply doing their jobs, what the fuck was sexy about uniforms anyway, but that was until you saw your Steve in his...
He really could pull off any color, even something as boring as army green, his chest and built looked almost too broad. Numerous medals adorning his chest. He certainly looked the part of a soldier.
He kissed your temple when he caught you staring at him and you only hoped he couldn’t decipher what was going on in that horny brain of yours.
Steve rarely ever talked about his days in the army. If he did it was about the friends he made and the good times he shared with them. And how army whipped him in shape, made him the man he was.
He had been honorably discharged a couple of years ago, all his army friends only ever spoke highly of him--which wasn’t really surprising.
“Hello, darling,” she smiled to you in her classy British accent, kissing your cheek before hugging you, “How have you been? Haven’t seen you since new years!”
“I’m good and you look amazing.”
Which wasn’t a complete lie, she did look elegant in her uniform, a lot similar to Steve’s but her coat had flares at the end which gave it a more feminine feel than that of Steve’s.
“So do you,” she beamed, “Oh, you have a little something,” she gestured to the corner of your mouth before wiping some white frosting from your cupcake off with her thumb as you tried to keep your face from cringing.
So far the strong woman act wasn’t coming along so well...
“So...how is married life?”
Wouldn’t you like to know. “It’s very good. You know Steve, he’s just amazing. I’m lucky to have him.”
“Oh, I did heard about your little goof with your erotica from Natalie, and the gift slip up!” she laughed, hooking her arm around yours, she walked with you towards your husband. “And here I was thinking you are a good girl,” she winked.
“I... guess I’m not...”
“I must say though, unfortunately for you I don’t think Steve would like any of that. He’s always been so traditional,” she rolled her eyes, “He has an old soul.”
Yes, you knew that. You knew that he was traditional and an old soul. Of course You did, he was your husband. Why she felt the need to point out the obvious was beyond you. “Well, you know people can be unpredictable,” you countered.
“Yes, well you’re free to explore of course, I just didn’t want you to get your feelings hurt,” she put a hand over yours.
“Peggy,” Steve greeted her.
“Oh don’t mind us. We’re just gossiping about you,” she smirked.
“Really?” he looked over at you with a quizzical face, “All good things I hope.”
“I don’t have anything bad to say about you,” you said giving Peggy a side eye, “Can we dance? Please?”
It didn’t take a lot of convincing because he loved dancing. After a couple of dances it was time for him to give his speech.
Seeing your husband up on the stage, hearing everyone talk about his accomplishments made your heart swell in pride. You really couldn’t believe you were married to someone like him.
You suppose that you understood where Sarah was coming from. It would make sense for someone like Steve to fall for and marry a classy worldly lady like Peggy. There really wasn’t much you could offer him.
“Steve,” you huffed, trying to yank on the zipper for like the tenth time, while you loved the dress you needed to get out of it and breathe for a while.
“Yes, doll?” he called for you, entering your closet, smiling at your struggling form. “How can I help?”
“You can get me out of this thing!” you said, turning your back to him.
You were really feeling yourself tonight, you had gotten a facial and a manipedi, a blowout, spending hours on getting ready for battle. You thought you looked good and fierce. But then you took off your makeup and your extensions and were reminded of how Peggy was much more effortlessly beautiful than you. She had often been dubbed as a ‘natural beauty’.
“Is something bothering you?” he asked as he unzipped you.
“No. Will you let me change now?” you turned around, to politely ask him to leave.
“You’ve changed in front of me before.”
“Yes, well I can’t right now.”
“Why not?” he frowned.
“Because...” You couldn’t stop your eyes from turning misty, “I’m ugly...”
“What? Who told you that?” His face instantly flushed with anger as he held onto your forearms, and when you didn’t push him away he pulled you in closer to his chest.
“No one needs to. I know it because I’m not blind,” you confessed, the cool metal of his medal digging into your cheek.
“Then maybe we need to get your eye sight checked. Because you’re the prettiest girl in this whole world. I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.” He stroked your hair, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“You’ll have to fight the whole world then.”
“If it comes to that then I will.”
You couldn’t help but smile at how protective he was. Propping your chin up on his chest you blinked at him. “Why didn’t you marry Peggy? She’s so much more beautiful.” Your heart was heavy with so many emotions, usually you wouldn’t give in and ask something so dangerous--a question you weren’t sure you wanted the answer to.
Judging by the frown on his face, you were afraid that you had upset him, but then it softened as his pale baby blues twinkled at you, “Why would you say that, doll? Peggy is beautiful, but I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. I could never even dream of marrying anyone else.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. “I know I shouldn’t be comparing myself to others.”
“You really shouldn’t. They don’t measure up to you anyway,” he teased.
“It’s just...” you gulped, not being able to hold his gaze you played with the olive green buttons on his coat, “I heard at the party from Tony, that she will be working with you from now on. Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“You don’t trust me?” his voice cracked.
You whipped your head up, frantically shaking your head from side to side, “No no of course I do! I’m just saying it’s a risky game. To be around her so much... what if old feelings resurface?”
Your heart almost broke as he let go of you, putting some distance between you both, “You know all I ever ask for is that you trust me... and love me. I don’t think it’s a lot.”
You scoffed, “Yeah well, I don’t think me asking you not to work with your ex is a lot. No woman would be okay with her husband spending that much time with her ex.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Why can’t I get through to you?”
“Maybe try speaking at a fourth grade level. Then I’ll understand. Since I don’t have a masters in literature from Sorbonne,” you rolled your eyes. Maybe he was intimidated by how smart Peggy is and decided to go for someone younger and dumber.
“I’ve never... been in love with Peggy or anyone but you really,” he told you, his broad shoulders hunching as he let out a sigh, “Not the way I’m in love with you. We were always more like friends than... lovers.”
“Is that better or worse?” you wondered out loud. Isn’t it important for husband and wife to be friends as well? Was that supposed to be a compliment?
“It’s much better. We would go months without seeing each other, and I didn’t miss her. Like I miss you when I’m at work. I can’t wait to get away and come home to you. Peggy is amazing, and I’ll always have a special place for her in my heart, but I would never even think about cheating on you.
But... I understand where you’re coming from. Maybe I would react the same way if you were to work with an ex. So I can just tell her that she’ll have to work with Nat, or someone else.”
“No,” you blurted.
Absolutely not.
Because A - You really did trust Steve not to stray. He wasn’t that type of man. And B - That would be admitting defeat. Admitting to her that you are afraid of her.
“I do trust you, Steve. I think... I just need to work on myself. If we don’t have trust then we don’t have anything right?”
“I trust you too, honey,” he kissed your forehead. “Just talk to me about this stuff okay? You can’t keep it bottled up.” You nodded as he worked on loosening his tie.
“Um... is that uncomfortable?” you asked, watching him pop open the first button of his shirt.
“The uniform? A little. It’s been a while since I put it on.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t wear it at our wedding.” You smiled. Maybe it was a good thing that he didn’t. While he looked so handsome in the black tux he had worn, the uniform would’ve made him irresistible. You would’ve spent the whole evening swooning over him.
“It didn’t feel right, I just wanted to be myself. Uh... doll,” he quirked a brow as he caught you staring at his crotch, “Hey,” he snapped his fingers, “My eyes are up here.”
“Yes, um, of course,” you whipped your head up as soon as you heard him, since you were too busy trying to make out the outline of his johnson, “And what beautiful eyes you have!”
“Tell me something. What is your obsession with this uniform?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” You decided to feign ignorance.
“Really? You’ve been staring at me all night. Do you not like it? Do you like it? Sometimes I think I don’t understand women at all.”
You probably would’ve appreciated his suit even more so if you hadn’t spent so much time festering in your jealousy. “I think... it’s... kinda hot,” you sighed dreamily as he blushed a crimson red. “You’re like this big strong Captain, and I’m like this small woman, like a damsel in distress type of thing.”
“Oh.” Was the only thing that he said. He never believed you would be into something like that, not from all the feminist rants you tend to go on.
“Oh god. You think I’m a weirdo, don’t you?” You put your hands over your face to hide it from him.
“No no, hey, don’t be like that,” he cooed, pulling your hands away so he could look at your pretty face, “I can be your... big, strong Captain. And you can be my damsel in distress.”
“Yeah. So... how would it work? Do I save you from a burning building or something?”
“No, sweetie. You’re thinking of a fireman.”
“Oh, right,” he blushed, scratching the back of his neck, “We can do the fireman thing if you like. I can... be a fireman.”
“Steve, we don’t have to do anything.”
“I know. But I want to. Come on! Give me something to work with.”
“Okay,” you cleared your throat. “How about... you keep the suit on?”
“On for how long?” he tilted his head like a cute confused puppy, looking down at his suit, “Oh! You mean on while we’re...”
“Yes. And I could, I don’t know, thank you for serving my country.”
“Yeah. I mean medals and all are nice, but I want a special kind of thanks from you, doll.”
“Ooo,” you felt up his biceps through his coat and shirt, he really was strong. “Do you have anything specific in mind?” you asked, batting your lashes.
“Um... yes.... You get on your knees, miss... I mean ma’am, shit,” he cursed as he awkwardly stumbled over his words. “What do I call you? Are you my wife in this scenario?”
“You can just call me doll, captain. I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” you smiled, cheekily pressing your lips to his in a quick peck but he held onto your waist before you could pull away. Sliping his tongue inside your mouth.
“Alright then, doll. Show me how grateful you are,” he puffed his chest out, so he could appear a bit more dominant.
You only giggled, taking your dress off because there was no way you could kneel in so much tulle.
Standing before him in just a strapless bra and a nude thong, you were vulnerable, but not scared anymore. He was your captain, he’d never ridicule you.
“I’m already feeling appreciated,” he said as he ogled you.
You dropped down to your knees, unbuckling him with some help from him, “It’s so big,” you gasped when you looked at his length, pretending to be seeing it for the first time. Although, you were still always surprised with the sheer monstrosity of it.
“We’ll make it fit, doll. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that,” he smiled, tapping on your mouth, “Open,” he commanded.
You’re a natural, captain. You took a deep breath before opening wide. You’d been having sex regularly for the past three months or so, he had gone down on you more times than you could count, you felt as if he could live between your legs if he could. But he had never once asked you to return the favor, you didn’t have it in you to be the first one to bring it up either.
Licking your lips, you tasted someone of the preejaculate leaking out of his tip before wrapping your mouth around his head, moaning at the salty taste and the essence of him.
“That’s... ugh,” he groaned, “That’s good. Keep going,” he spurred you on, a hand on the back of your head giving you the slightest bit of push.
You took as much of him as you could, stopping halfway through when he hit the back of your throat, you pumped the rest of his length with your palm, holding onto his thick thigh for support, you bobbed your head, increasing your pace when he started moaning loudly.
Rubbing your thighs together to relive some pressure, your throbbing core desperate for some attention and friction, you knew your panties were ruined.
You had read your fair share of cosmos, and the many sex tips they offered, you knew they’d come in handy someday. You swore you remembered reading something about balls... to suck them? Bite them?
You fondled his balls, feeling him tightening in your palm, you were ready to swallow all of you. That was the only proper way of saying thank you.
“Wait,” he growled, pulling you off of him.
You looked up at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, doll,” he heaved, “But I gotta come in your pussy.”
Your jaw dropped, to hear the golden boy using such filthy language. “Whatever you say, captain,” you rasped.
Gasping when he yanked you up, pulling you over his shoulder and carrying you to the bed before throwing you down on the mattress.
Although Steve had always been dominant in bed, it was somewhat lowkey and subtle, he was never rough with you, he treated you as if you were made of glass, right now he was treating you as if you were literally a ragdoll.
“Take off your panties,” he ordered you.
You followed quickly, desperate to have him inside you asap, rolling your thing down your thighs and then getting rid of your bra before he even had to ask. You looked at him through your lashes, waiting patiently for his next command.
He hesitated for a moment before saying, “Now touch yourself.” It had always been a wet dream of his to watch you, instruct you as you got yourself off. Since your intention was to please him... he might as well make most of it.
You blinked at him before nodding, “Yes, captain.”
Fondling your breast you pinched your nipple, pulling on it before hissing exaggeratedly, smirking when you saw his hand twitch to touch you.
“What do I do?” you looked up at him with big doe eyes.
He shook his head, circling a hand around your wrist he shoved two of your fingers inside your mouth, “Suck,” he told you. “You like having your mouth stuffed, don’t you?” he asked as you noisily suckled on his fingers.
You shamelessly nodded, hoping that you’d get more opportunities to suck his cock from now on, he pulled your fingers out, bringing them down between your legs, pushing them into your willing channel. His own thumb rubbing on your clit working you up even moreso.
You threw your head back as you felt your climax approaching. “So close... captain.”
But he pulled your hand away from your pussy, tutting at your disobedience, “I didn’t tell you you could come.” He shook your head, giving you a minute to catch your breath before pushing two of his, much larger fingers inside you, “Gotta get you ready, doll. Since you’re so small.”
“Oh! It’s too much...” you moaned, holding onto the bedding.
“How're you gonna take my dick then, doll,” you watched as he licked your slick off of his fingers, “You taste like heaven, honey.”
“Thank you, captain.”
He unbuttoned his coat, he would be much freer without it and fuck you properly like you deserved.
You rolled your eyes when he folded his coat setting down on the floor, when you were literally lying naked before him with your legs spread wide, waiting as his tie and pants followed, “Really?” you scoffed.
“Can’t have them getting dirty, doll.” He knelt on the bed, now only in his shirt, spreading your legs a bit further so he could make room for himself, nudging your intimate lips apart with his length before slowing sinking into you.
He stayed like that for a bit, inside your heat, it felt as if he would explode then and there but he had to savor the moment. To have such a pretty girl wrapped around him.
Hovering over you he placed his elbows on sides of your head so he wouldn’t put too much of his weight on you, and so he could look at your as he fucked you.
He moved his hips against yours, rocking slow and steady, “You like that, doll?”
“Yes,” you nodded as he pulled on your hair to bare your neck to him. Biting your neck to mark you as his, “Do it harder, please, captain.”
“Harder?” he spoke against your neck, pinning both your hands above your head as he started rigorously pounding into you. “That hard enough?”
You were too fucked out to give a coherent answer, or to do anything but nod pathetically and take whatever he gave you.
“Ima come...” you clenched around him as your orgasm washed over you, rendering you immobile and weightless.
He thrusted into you a couple of times before filling you up to the brim - just as he had promised.
“Thank you, doll. That was really nice,” he smiled, laying beside you and pulling you closer to him, he kissed your forehead.
“Thank you, captain. You sure know how to treat a lady right...”
“Maybe we can do this more often,” he suggested as you nodded in reply.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm.
Shout out to my friend lizzygal (you can find her on ao3) who gave me the idea of Steve folding his uniform. It was too hilarious to leave out! Thanks for reading.
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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kamino-blues · 3 years
Hey, how you doing?
So, could you please write something we’re the reader is a princess who needs to be escort by The Bad Batch, but she is also a fan of them?
Thank you, and sorry if this is confusing 💕✨
I'm doing extremely well love thank you so much for asking! I'm sorry that this took so long & I hope that you enjoy!! I had a lot of fun writing this, hopefully I didn't stray to far from the prompt <3
Word Count: 2,746
Warnings: None 💖
As a princess of a Mid Rim planet, you were often required to attend banquets on the regular
Usually you would just attend these on your planet, as your parents preferred not to put you at risk by having you travel off world
So suddenly you found yourself swept up in getting prepared for one of your first trips off world
However, this next banquet was extremely important
It was only being held on Coruscant, as it was a chance to have royalty, senators, and Jedi interacting in one safe (-ish) venue
Due to you not traveling off world, that made you a huge target
There were many people who wanted you dead as your planet was important to the republic, and this was their opportune moment to do so
So it was decided by your parents that you would have to travel undercover, not accompanied by your royal guard or anything to give away that you were of royalty
Your kingdom had gotten in contact with the republic, trying to see if they could get you a safe passage to Coruscant
There were no squads available, but in a moment of luck, the royal guard stumbled upon Clone Force 99
They were on planet to refuel and restock on supplies
So your parents were contacted about this new piece of info, and after a call with the republic, Clone Force 99 suddenly had a new mission to do
They were informed that they would need to get you to coruscant, having to pass through a rogue checkpoint set up by enemies of your planet
As this was all going on, you were getting ready to leave for your first ever off planet banquet
You were excited, your home world was lovely but you had read about so many other planets
After your servants had helped you pack up what you needed for your trip (your actual items for the banquet were being sent on a different ship, you just had some spare changes of clothes and other necessities), You quickly got changed out of your royal garb into something much less conspicuous
Dressed in maroon leggings, black boots, a dark gray undershirt, and a black poncho, you felt completely different then how you usually dressed
You quickly tied your hair back into a bun, throwing the bag with your stuff over your shoulder as you walked to the main hall
You heard many voices, one in particular that was booming through the halls that you couldn’t put your finger on
You stepped into the main hall, stopping as you noticed five men standing with their backs to you
You recognized the armor right away, and let out a small gasp
In the past, the 212th has come to your kingdom to help and protect at banquets
You have had Commander Cody assigned to you personally a few times, and over the years you have become pretty close friends
As you were pretty sheltered from the war, you would always pester him to tell you stories about everything
At first he refused, but over time he started to open up and tell you the stories he had
It was interesting hearing about the 212th
But the stories that really stuck with you were the ones surrounding the clones who dubbed themselves ‘The Bad Batch’
The crazy antics, the fact that they just charge head-on into battle, it was nothing that you have ever heard of before
Especially compared to the clone troopers you knew, it was just so,, out of character
So needless to say you became a big fan (and Cody knew it)
The most recent time Cody had visited, he showed you a holovid of the batch fighting
You were completely and utterly awestruck by them
So seeing the men who donned the armor that you had seen in that holovid weeks ago made you completely stop in your tracks
You quickly take in a deep breath and made your presence known
When Hunter turns around to see you, he was taken back by how pretty you are
He noticed your increased heart rate, at first he figured that it was because of the armor, but it didn't seem like you were scared?
He just mentally shrugged it off, raising an eyebrow under his helmet
He would then take the initiative and introduce himself and the Bad Batch to you
He carefully took his helmet off, giving you a small smirk as he walked towards you
Seeing his tattoo in person put you in a state of awe, he was gorgeous - Intimidating, but gorgeous
You would go to stand in front of him, giving a smile and sticking your hand out for him to shake
Throughout the entire trip, you were intrigued by Hunter
You thought that he would be a lot more intimidating, but he was honestly extremely laid back
He gave you a tour of the entire ship and made sure that you felt safe and comfortable before he gave the command to take off
When you had to go through the checkpoint, he had to leave you to talk with the guards, but when he could he would sneak glances back to make sure that you were ok
The checkpoint went smoother then expected, and Hunter was able to come back pretty quickly and sit by you on his bunk (he had allowed you to stay on it while you were being transported)
After a few hours on board, you finally mustered up the courage to ask him about his senses (you were dying of curiosity) - which deeply confused him since he had never mentioned them
You would then confess how you knew Cody and that he told you about them
He would chuckle, mumbling under his breath about how that explained why your heart rate went up before
Hunter would then put his hand on your shoulder teasingly, just so he could see how it would affect you
Of course it made your heart rate go up, which made him chuckle
He then went into explaining his senses, and mentioning how he could feel your heart rate
You were a blushing mess! Especially when you realized that he could tell how you were being affected by him
But the moment ended to quickly, him getting up to prepare for the landing on Coruscant
When you land, he would lead you out with his hand on your lower back, making sure you safely got off
And then when it was time to depart, he pulled you in for a hug, lowering his mouth to your ear
“Hopefully we’ll see you again sometime Mesh’la”
When he notices Hunter turn around in the throne room, he automatically follows suit, holding in a gasp when he first saw you
He could not get over how beautiful you are, living for how your outfit is matching the Batches color scheme
It took all of Wreckers self control to not yell out a greeting, realizing that you are royalty
But when Hunter introduced him to you, he automatically gave a wave and a hearty hello
Honestly it was so adorable, it caused you to grin and wave back (much to your parents dismay, you weren’t acting very princess-y)
When you shake his hand, you are absolutely baffled by how big his hand is compared to yours
Your were expecting to feel intimidated by him, but honestly you felt the complete opposite
Hunter led you on a tour of the ship, and Wrecker automatically tagged along, curious of you
He pointed out small items around the ship, introducing you to Gonky and showing off Lula
Lots of laughter came from him as you glanced curiously around the ship, not used to being on this type of transport
Wrecker definitely made you giggle, and made you feel safe as you crossed the checkpoint
He stayed back with you, pulling you behind him when the guards entered the ship
You had a light blush on your cheeks as you stood behind him, feeling completely and utterly safe in his presence
When the guard was off the ship, he quickly pulled you into a hug and spun you around, picking you off the ground
You let out a little squeal at this, never being picked up like this in your life before (but you really liked it)
He held you against him for a little longer, hesitant to let go
When you did, you gave him a wink, turning when Hunter came back from the cockpit
You left this man a blushing mess
When it was time for you to leave, he was visibly upset
You gave him a hug, and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek (to the best of your abilities, this man is tall)
You assured him that the Bad Batch would be your go to whenever you needed help with anything
Wrecker smiled brightly at this, quickly kissing you on the forehead and stepping away
While you were walking away, Wrecker brought his hand up to his face
“Have fun at the banquet!!!! Eat as much food as you can for me!!!”
Tech was fidgeting with his datapad when you arrived in the throne room, trying to figure out the schematics of the transport mission so that your parents would be reassured that you would be safe
He’s the last to turn around, when Hunter introduced him to you
Tech gave a small greeting, reaching out to shake your hand, then going automatically back to his datapad
You raised an eyebrow at this, but you weren’t bothered
Cody had told you about how Tech was always like this, focused on his work
You two didn’t interact again until you were on board of the Marauder, him piloting the ship
You sat down in the co-pilot's seat, staring out into space
This was one of a few times you got to see it in person, so you were amazed
Tech noticed this, and was honestly confused why you were so infatuated by something so simple
In fact, he was so confused, he decided to state that out loud
You described how you barely left your home world, for your safety according to your parents
He raised an eyebrow at that, but noticing how your eyes were flashing from every object you saw, he started giving you facts about what you were seeing
It was extremely comfortable, you were excited to be learning about concepts you had never seen until now, and Tech was excited to share facts with you
After a while, you asked him if he could tell you about different planets he had been to recently, and Tech happily obliged
When Hunter came into the cockpit to prepare for the checkpoint, you got up to excuse yourself
As you passed Tech's seat, he grabbed your wrist, squeezing it slightly and giving you a small smile, before pulling away
You replayed that moment in your mind for the rest of the evening
When the guards came into the ship, you weren’t able to see Tech
But in the cockpit he was bouncing his leg, flicking his eyes between the guards
When they left, he mentally let out a sigh of relief, piloting the ship towards Coruscant
Soon it was departure time, sadly not being able to see much of each other since of him being the designated pilot
He stood off to the side, and you quickly ran over to him
You pulled him into a hug, him tensing before wrapping his arms around you
As you pulled away, you noticed how he fixed his goggles, fidgeting slightly before he looked back up at you with a slight tint of color on his cheeks
“Thank you for listening to me”
You hadn’t seen Echo before, he wasn’t on the holovid that Cody had shown you
But as he took his helmet off to properly greet you in the throne room, you were in awe of him
He had a small smile on his face, reaching forth to grab your hand with his intact hand, and bowed his head slightly to you as you shook it
Echo seemed like a complete and utter sweetheart (and you were slightly mad at Cody for him never mentioning Echo to you)
When you were first boarding the Marauder, he offered to take your bag, and was overall being such a gentleman
You thanked him multiple times, and after you took a tour of the ship, you plopped down on one of the boxes in the main area
Echo was sat across from you, and gave you a small smile
He was honestly taken aback by you, he had worked with royalty before, but they had usually been extremely rude to him
So meeting someone so excited to be in his company made him slightly flustered
Crossing your legs, you looked up at Echo to ask him about himself- You let him know how you had known of the Bad Batch from Cody, and from that he quickly rubbed the back of his neck
He talked about how he had just recently joined them, and how his bsttalion often worked with Cody's in the past
That made your eyes widen, excited to meet a friend of your friend
You got up quickly to make your way closer to him, standing in front of him with your hand out with the intentions of having him shake
"Well hello Cody's friend, I'm also Cody's friend nice to meet you!"
He quickly grabbed it, letting out a chuckle and stood up, but he didn’t let go of your hand
You reached out with your other hand to hold onto his arm cybernetic, giving him a small smile
He was about to say something, before Tech yelled for Echo to join him in the cockpit as they were making their way to the checkpoint
Echo quickly squeezed your hand, before quickly moving away from you
The checkpoint went well, you were unable to see Echo during it though as he was sat in the co-pilot chair, fiddling with the ship (You honestly had no clue what he was doing, you weren’t that ship savvy)
He stayed up there until you all arrived at Coruscant, and as you were leaving he quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you towards his chest
Echo then pulled away, before handing you your bag, patting your hand as you gripped onto it
“Stay safe please, if you need anything comm me”
Crosshair was not that excited to be doing a transport job
They had done it a few times in the past, and the people have always been rude
But when Crosshair turned around, he mentally couldn’t avoid how beautiful he thought you are
He didn’t let it show though, giving you a small smirk as he shook your hand
“Nice to meet you princess”
You blushed automatically, stepping away from him and giving him a slight nod
You gave a quiet response, respectfully giving a slight bow
Crosshair could tell how he affected you with his words, and he decided that he was going to use it to his advantage
He could tell you weren't going to be like the other passengers they've had in the past, and it was only going to be for a day so why not mess around with royalty?
So when you tripped going the ramp of the Marauder and he caught you, he held onto you and leaned down to your ear
“You better be more careful princess, you wouldn’t want to damage that pretty look you got going”
Needless to say your face was bright red, and ran into the ship while his smirk widened
You could hear Hunter chastising Cross, and you let a small giggle out, holding your hand to your face
This is not how you thought your interactions with the sniper would go at all
You didn’t see him until the checkpoint happened, Cross joining Wrecker in protecting you by keeping you behind them
He didn’t say anything as the guards came on board, but he did move slightly back towards you
When the threat was over, he plopped down into his bunk, taking his gun kit out and started to clean it
Wrecker had stepped away to go and check on what was happening in the cockpit, making sure everything was good
You watched curiously, not saying as you both sat in silence
It was relaxing until he looked up at you and raised an eyebrow, not understanding why you were just staring at him
He figured he might as well continue messing with you, and sent you a wink
With your face bright red, you rolled your eyes and walked to the front of the ship away from him
Crosshair let out a chuckle at that
When it was time to leave the ship, you walked out behind him
Cross purposely stopped halfway down the ramp, forcing you to run into him
He turned around, feigning a look of surprise with his eyebrow raised, leaning his face near your ear
“I guess you are just drawn to me princess, sad I can’t join you at your fancy banquet”
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lebrookestore · 3 years
tape 5: play
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Pairing: Zhong Chenle x reader
Themes: angst, ex! au, college-ish au, small town au. It goes back and forth a lot
Warnings: heavy angst, bittersweet ending, swearing, its very sad, chenle is a jerk
Wc: 6k
Playlist: 2 kids by Taemin, Gone by Rosé, Instagram by Dean, I still do by Why Don’t We, Believed by Lauv
Taglist: @danishmiilk @channoticedmeuwu @chicksung @1-800-seo @blueprint-han @jenosslut @cupidluvstarrz @kkakkdugi @sweetlyjaem @vera-liscious @leetaeyonglover @kunrengui @unknown5tar @kisshim @intokook @mrkcore @coco-riki
Summary: A year after your boyfriend moved away, you find yourself sitting in your room with five tapes, earphones, a cassette player and what you hoped, and feared, was closure.
Authors Note: hello! this fic was supposed to be a small blurb but then i got inspired and lo and behold its a full fledged fic! I can’t believe I wrote this in two days sdfjfjkfjk. Feedback would be very much appreciated for this, since I’ve never written anything like this before ;-;
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Midtown, almost got a place out of midtown, Instead I took a plane out of this town, And missed out on us 
It was a sunny Saturday morning, as you pulled into your driveway, coming back from the store. 
Parking the car and getting the bags, you walked up to the door, knocking it and waiting. You were met with your mother’s smiling face as she took one of the bags of groceries from you.
You lived in a small sleepy town, and attended the college there as well, which meant you still stayed with your parents. You were fine with that, you liked living there, and you could forgo the stress and anxiety of having to re adjust to a new place.
This was your home. It always had been.
Of course, you had been on holidays to other places, you had visited the other town, but when it came to it, you had always found yourself back where you started. There was no other place for you, there never would be.
It was the truth, but it held something bitter.
Then again, you had enough going on already, with being in your freshman year, straight out of high school, college life was very different. You had been to a total of two parties so far, courtesy of your best friend— Lia— dragging you with her. 
You had enjoyed them, but it wasn’t something you would voluntarily participate in again.
The workload was something that had definitely changed, bogged down with mandatory lectures and assignments, tests popping up like a bad smell, you had more than enough to occupy you.
“Something has arrived for you!” Your mother said, almost excitedly, “It’s on the table.”
You helped her put away the groceries, walking to your living room, eyes falling on the package sitting on the table. It was somewhat shabbily wrapped, with tape haphazardly stuck on it to keep it together, and a tag pasted on the top.
Picking it up, you pass it from your right hand to your left, feeling its weight, reading the little tag. It held your address, your name and another name you hadn’t seen in almost a year.
Your mind ran at a hundred miles per minute, wondering why it was here, why his name was on it. It made no sense to you.
“Darling? Are you okay?”
Your mothers voice snapped out of your reverie, nodding slowly, “I’ll be in my room, finishing off a project”, you said carefully, trying not to show any sort of emotion as you climbed up the stairs of your house, two at a time, making sure not to drop the package.
Closing the door, you place it on your bed, reading over the tag again, a bitter taste filling your mouth. A name you hadn’t thought of in a year coming back now. It was so random, so absolutely unnecessary.
You curled your fingers around the messy brown paper, tearing it open as your mind reeled. The crackling sound filled the silence as the contents of it make itself known to you.
A shoebox.
It’s dusty, a dark blue colour with a line of red running at its side. There were two holes on either end, lined with metal piping and you could just about make out the nike symbol on the top. You brushed your hand over it, the dust coming off easily and sticking to your fingers.
Why would he send you this?
His name sticks out on the tag like a sore thumb, reminding you of what you lost, mocking you. Always content with where you are, hmm? His voice comes back, as clear as day. It’s as if he’s standing there, giving you his chesire cat grin as he spoke the words.
Zhong Chenle.
Lifting the lid off the box, you’re thrown into confusion. A cassette player, a pair of earphones, and five tapes. Picking up the player, you smile briefly at the dramatic set up. He could’ve called you, or sent a message, so why did he take the pains of sending you something as old and unnecessary as this?
Then again, it had been a year since he stopped picking up your calls, since you stopped trying to call him.  A year since all contact had been cut off, as if he had never existed in the first place.
Sometimes you wondered if Chenle had been a hallucination. An imaginary friend.
The questions filter in. Why? It had been a year, so why had he sent you this now? You had finally told yourself you were over it, that you didn’t need an answer, but somehow as soon as you did that, you found yourself sitting in your room on your bed with what could be it.
The tapes were numbered in permanent marker in his messy handwriting, from one to five, indicating the order in which they were to be listened to in. You picked up the first, slotting it in the player and waiting.
You didn’t know what you were waiting for.
You pressed play. There was crackling, but only for a moment, until  it went silent. Maybe this was all a mistake, maybe this wasn’t even happening. Maybe-
i] tape 1: you deserve to hate me
His voice cut through your spiraling thoughts as you froze in place. He sounded the same as you last heard him, a little muffled due to the recording but the same. At the same time he sounded like a stranger. There was silence for a moment again, before he spoke up.
This is stupid isn’t it?
You felt the urge to answer, but your mouth went dry. It had been so, so long, and even though you had adequate time to get over him, it suddenly felt as if you were treading unfamiliar territory once again. 
I-I don’t know why I’m doing this. I think it’s because I feel so horrible, I need an outlet. I guess speaking it into existence and recording it makes is my outlet. Making it all real.
But that’s fucking terrifying.
You don’t think you’re following, confused once again. 
You hear him take a deep breath right after your name, and it sends a chill down your spine, hearing him say your name once again. You had almost forgotten how it sounded.
I don’t know if you’ll ever hear this, or listen to it. If you don’t I’ll actually be glad. You don’t deserve to, I’ve been a jerk to you. I’m sorry. I hope you hate me, I definitely deserve it.
I’m moving in two months.
The realization hits you, this had been recorded a year ago as well, two months before he left without a word or warning. It was old, he was here when he recorded it.
You didn’t quiet know how you felt, not yet anyways.
And you won’t know until I’m gone.
I’m moving to Korea, and I refuse to tell you, even if it makes me the bad guy, even if it feels worse, because that’s my dream. 
I got signed by a record label after sending them that demo I did —remember it? We both went to the studio together, you listening outside as I sang. You were right by my side, all the time.
Except now when I record this, except when I leave. 
I refuse to tell you, because the moment I do I know it’ll be real, realer than it is now as I say it. I don’t want to see the look on your face when I say I’m going, I know it’ll make me want to stay, but I don’t want to stay.
You knew exactly what he was talking about, you could recollect that day clearly. There was a small studio a little outside the town. That day, he had booked it for two hours to record a demo, his singing mentor with him and you tagging along.
It had always been like that, the two of you against the world, until, of course he left.
I physically can’t stay, I hate it here Y/n. It’s not for me, I want to get out, that had always been the plan. I want to get out and be free, I want to achieve my dreams. Maybe it’s selfish, maybe I don’t deserve a minute more of your time, but I want it all.
That’s why I’m not going to tell you —so I can have it all, at least until I don’t have you.
But you, you don’t deserve this, do you? Of course you don’t, but I suppose you’re the one with the shitty luck, you’re the one who ended up with me and now I’m going to hurt you. 
He laughs a dry, breathy laugh. It was half hearted, as if he was trying to get himself to believe the situation was funny. 
It’s not your fault I-fuck I’m sorry.
You heard a click and the tape died off, he had stopped recording there. The first tape was finished, and honestly, you didn’t know how to react. One part of you wanted to feel nothing, you wanted to put the player and the five tapes back into the box and send them away, or lock them in your closet to never find them again.
But the other part of you wanted to know more. You wanted to know how he felt, what went through his mind during that time. You wanted to know just how you lost Chenle, the first boy you ever loved.
Suddenly you felt overwhelmed, vulnerable almost. It was as if someone had opened up an old wound and left it open.
You got to your feet abruptly, pulling the earphones from your ears and dropping them on your bed, taking a step away and blinking rapidly. You couldn’t get caught up in the past, you couldn’t put yourself through that again.
But it was hard when the past was in your present.
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Wasted, and all of my regret, I can taste it, If I had a time-machine, I would take it, And make it back to us
That night you couldn’t sleep.
The box sat on your desk, right next to your laptop, staring at you. You turned around on your bed, looking the other way, only to be met with the white of the walls.
You never liked the colour white.
It was too plain, too open for interpretation. It never had a solid answer. You liked stability, you wanted something permanent. You were the type of person that needed that reassurance.
Perhaps that’s why you were happy where you were, you didn’t find the appeal in starting over, because that meant nothing was certain. You stayed where you were because everything was already laid out for you.
It was like a colouring book in your little town, the lines all set out, everything drawn for you. Change meant you had to sketch everything from scratch. What if you messed up?
Needless to say, it was a good thing you weren’t an art major.
“This is ridiculous”, you whispered to yourself, sighing at the fact that you were now talking to yourself. You rolled over so that you were lying on your back, staring at the ceiling. The glow in the dark stars shone with their dull green light. You remember the day you had put them up, with Chenle.
You shared a lot of memories with him.
“Fucking hell”, you hissed, sitting up, swinging your legs off the edge of your bed and walking to your desk, sitting on the chair. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you picked up the second tape, inserting it in the player and putting the earphones on, waiting for it to begin.
ii] tape 2: milk before cereal
I know I’m making some terrible decisions, I really do, but if there’s one thing I stand by, its the fact that milk definitely goes before the cereal.
Why am I talking about this?
Well, because today you came over, Y/n, you came over and the two of us were watching a movie, and in the middle of it, you decided you wanted to have cereal, specifically frosted flakes.
So what do we do? We have cereal because I can’t say no to you. You’re welcome by the way, honestly, I deserve the boyfriend of the year award.
A moment of silence.
No I don’t. I really don’t.
You bit your lower lip, shutting your eyes. It was the way he switched, the way his demeanor changes so suddenly that made you want to scream. Sometimes it felt like he was telling a story, one you knew and loved.
Only for the next moment to bring you down to reality, reminding you that all stories don't have happy endings.
Anyways, we got the cereal and you objected when I put the milk first, saying that it was wrong, but how? In what way? Here me out Y/n, I shall tell you why I’m right, even If I’m not actually talking to you.
You couldn’t help but scoff at this, shaking your head at Chenle. He had always had a flair for being dramatic in the littlest ways possible. It was endearing.
Putting the cereal first means it sits in the milk for longer! If you put the cereal last, you can have it crunchy! Isn’t that ten times better? Unless you’re one of the devils spawn and like soggy cereal. If so I’m hypothetically breaking up with you right here right now.
Ah...bad wording. I keep forgetting I have to break up with you. I don’t want to, is that selfish?
You deserve the truth, if only I was strong enough to give it to you. Staying silent is so much easier.
It’s not lying, not completely anyways. I’m not lying if I don’t tell you at all. I suppose it’s a half truth then, with the truth hidden in plain sight. 
Lying. That’s what he did, even though he spent the last few minutes of the tape trying to justify it, he lied. He trampled all over your heart without a single warning.
You had trusted Chenle, having known him since you were thirteen. He had completely destroyed that trust. Something like that couldn’t be fixed so easily, not even if he had sent you these tapes.
Then again, you didn’t know why he sent them.
You retreated to your bed, turning away from the tapes, the words and memories they held, facing white once again.
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You had met Chenle when the two of you were thirteen, in eight grade math. The boy was failing the class, and one day you found him sitting early morning in class, with his head in his hands as he groaned over some sort of equation.
You had offered to help, and the smile he gave was the brightest one you had ever seen, he was practically grinning from ear to ear. That was the beginning of your friendship, and the two of you were inseperable.
Ninth grade it was confirmed that the two of you were best friends, sitting together, complaining about teachers together, going places together so your parents didn’t need to tag along.
In your last year of high school the two of you started dating, and when you had told your parents, they were ecstatic, confessing they had always thought the two of you would end up together.
He was always there for you, every time you needed him. You could give him a call and he would be outside your door. If you were feeling insecure or scared, he was always there to hype you up.
You had been best friends before, you were lovers then, and it was amazing. You loved everything about being with Chenle. You loved everything about him, from his toothy grin to his obnoxiously loud laugh.
You loved the way his eyes sparkled when he had an idea (which, for the most part, were absolutely terrible. Needless to say the two of you got in trouble a lot), when he sang for you when you stayed over, the way he would always make sure you were never cold.
You loved him.
It was written in the stars, you were meant to be, it was the perfect combination. Chenle was the right person for you- the perfect person.
A year later you woke up with him gone, no texts, no warnings. He had just gone, leaving you alone.
Right person, wrong time.
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Monday came around sooner than you thought it would, the weekend passing in a blur as you walked out of your first class, spotting Lia leaning against the wall outside your class, scrolling through something on her phone.
She was an exchange student, not originally from your town, but had fit right in. Sometimes you wished you could be like that.
“Oh! You’re out! Listen, there’s a party on Friday and you’re coming with me”, she stated. It wasn’t a request, it was a fact, you were to go with her. In her own words, ‘if I didn’t exist you’d probably have no social life.’
To be fair, she wasn’t wrong.
You nodded defeatedly, walking with her down the hallway, “I assume you want to go because of the cute new guy?”
She glared, but didn’t refute your accusation, “His name is Mark”, she said, “And that is none of your business.”
You snickered, “Oh it so is, you like him don’t you? Is this going to be another one of your crushes?”
Lia was notorious for having a new crush almost every week, being a very flighty person, her mind changed before you could even say her name. This was a bit of a problem, considering you went to her for advice a lot.
Her indecisive nature was not the best for that.
She rolled her eyes at this, “He’s cute, why not? Wonder if I can get him to dance with me at the party. You’re going to be my hype woman-”
“And the sober buddy?”
Lia ignored that.
“Also there’s this new singer”, she said, handing you one of her earbuds, “apparently he came from here!”
Taking one of the earbuds, you were hit with a familiar voice. It sounded amazing honestly, catchy, everything a song needed, but it was the voice that hit you. You didn’t even need to ask Lia for the singer, swallowing the lump in your throat and glancing at her phone, which confirmed your suspicions.
Filling with some sort of dread, your hands immediately went to hold your hand, specifically the bottom where the cassette player and the tapes were. You had been carrying them around with you, as if scared they would disappear if you left them alone.
“Isn’t he good?”
You nodded, not daring to answer as you bit your lower lip, “Hey Lili, I need to use the washroom so see ya later”, you said, handing her the earbud and taking off in the other direction, pushing open the doors to the washroom and getting into one of the stalls.
You had stalled listening to the next tape all Sunday, you didn’t even know why, but hearing him sing, that fact that he had actually made it, it struck something in you. You wanted to feel proud of him, but all you felt was bitter.
Was it a coincidence that this new singer had come out- Chenle himself- right when you received the tapes?
Pushing the top of the toilet down, you took a seat, taking the player out and plugging in, you pressed play for the third tape, waiting for it to begin playing.
tape iii] ill miss our dates
Remember when we went for that field trip? Ninth grade? We sat in the back of the bus together avoiding the stares of our teachers when they told us to sit down?
Then they pulled us apart? Yeah, mean fuckers.
Anyways, that’s not what I wanted to talk about, I just felt like reminiscing for a sec there, but today we went of a date! Well, I mean we got ice cream and then went to the park, but hey, it was fun.
You smiled. He had always jumped from one topic to another without any meaning to either. Sometimes it was a frustrating habit, (you had been on the receiving end of these useless conversations several times, which ended with you glaring at him exasperatedly), but for the most part, extremely comical.
I’m going to miss that. I’m going to miss you. Your little smile — have I ever told you just how pretty your smile is? Your eyes light up and crinkle at the sides and its something I don’t think I’ll ever forget, even when I’m gone. 
You clutched the cassette player, marveling at the irony. He was talking about your smile, but why did you want to cry?
It’s a month left now, and I want to make the most of it. Tomorrow I’m taking you to the amusement part and then next week I’m surprising you with dinner. I guess doing things for you —for us — makes me feel better, like I’m compensating.
You deserve the world Y/n, and I want to see that world while you’re happy where you are.
You don’t deserve having to deal with me.
Your eyes burned, because you remembered each of those events. You had been so happy, so overjoyed at them. They burned with tears because there it was again, that reminder that you were destined to be stuck right where you were, because you were that idiot who was content.
But if someone, anyone, asked you at that very moment if you were happy, the answer would’ve been an outright no.
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“Hey Chenle?”
“Why do you want to leave?”
The boy thought about this for a second, before smiling wistfully, “Don’t you want to know how it is outside home?”
“But everything I need is here.”
Your eyes held a question, you were genuinely baffled by his reasoning, the way he was so stuck of getting out. You studied your bewildered expression, shaking his head. “You’re lucky”, he said finally, “You know exactly what you want.”
“Of course I don’t, but I know what I need Chenle, and that’s all around me.”
He shook away his other thoughts, “Hey maybe we’ll go exploring the world together some day. 
You blinked, “You want me there with you?”
He nodded, grinning widely, “I want to take you along, Imagine, it’ll be fucking awesome, and hey this time there will be no teachers to separate us. We can even stand in the bus-if we’re taking a bus, that it.”
You laughed, “Maybe”, you mused, looking back down at your phone, “While I don’t exactly see the appeal, it would be fun to be with you.”
Chenle’s smile faltered, but he didn’t let it fall completely, wrapping his arms around you and sighing, closing his eyes and whispering something just loud enough for you to hear.
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Why did it feel this way?
Chenle was right- you didn’t deserve this, you didn’t deserve to feel this way at all. It had been a year, so why did it affect you?
Why was it all happening at once?
You clicked your tongue, eyeing the player with contempt. You felt pathetic for being curious, for still feeling so attached to old news. It wasn’t as if it was going to change anything, so why?
Why did you still want to know?
Curiosity killed the cat. You wondered if knowing would somehow kill you.
No one was at home currently, so you sat in the living room on your couch. The items you were trying so hard to ignore were sitting on the small table in front of the couch, as if waiting for you to pick them up once again.
You wondered if you should tell Lia and ask her opinion about the situation. She may not be that helpful, but hell, she could help you burn the tapes if worse came to worse.
Sometimes you wished you had never met Chenle, that your history with him could be erased from your memories. You wished it never existed because fuck, it still hurt.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself and pressed play.
tape iv] firsts with you
Do you remember our first kiss?
We were eighteen, in my room, playing Jenga. That was a year ago, oh god, I can’t even imagine, how has it been a year? You were wearing one of my shirts and jeans, your hair was in a ponytail. The two of us were sitting on the carpet on my floor.
You had successfully gotten one of the wooden pieces out of a risky area of the tower, but then it was my turn, it feel to the ground, destroyed.
I blamed you, and you laughed, and our banter continued. We argued and at one point I started tickling you to get you to shut up, because honestly-Jesus Christ Y/n you’re fucking stubborn.
Anyways I ended up on top of you and the two of us were laughing. You looked so pretty, hair messily scattered around your face as you attempted to get out of my hold. 
I leaned down and kissed you.
Your throat closed up as he spoke. Your eyes stung and you raked your hand through your hair, biting down on your lower lip. The way he was speaking about it, as if he would do anything to go back, it struck something in you.
Because if you had the chance, you would go back as well.
You tasted like that strawberry chapstick you liked to wear. I could tell you were surprised, because you didn’t kiss me back for a good two seconds  —which, by the way sent me into a panic for a moment there.
But then you kissed me, and fuck, it was like everything had stopped. I couldn’t think for a second, it was like the world had started spinning around me, and the only thing that was keeping me grounded, was you.
Was it supposed to hurt like this?
You sucked in a sharp breath, fingers fisted the material of your shirt as you tried keeping your composure. You didn’t want to cry, but he was making it so, so hard for you. 
You remembered how it felt when he kissed you, you were legitimately so confused, was he really kissing you? Your best friend, the boy you had loved quietly for so long, kissing you?
Chenle was your first kiss, and it was the most perfect first kiss you could have ever asked for, even if you were on the floor, with random Jenga blocks scattered around the two of you.
The smile you gave me after I pulled away, I wish I could remember it forever. It was goofy as you burst into giggles, and asked me, “What was that for?”
I blinked in surprise, wondering how you seemed so normal, when for me everything had changed. I had kissed my best friend, the one girl I care the most about.
I must have looked like a tomato oh god.
Instead of waiting for my to answer, you sat up, pulling me into another kiss. This time it was me who was unprepared. The kiss was messy, it had no structure or plan, but I realized in that moment, that I really liked kissing you, and I wanted to do it more often.
You became my girlfriend.
The wistful tone he was using was starting to affect you. You had loved Chenle, almost too much. You could almost feel that nostalgic happiness you felt that day when he kissed you for the first time, the disbelief and joy that wrapped around the two of you. 
A wave of sadness followed that nostalgia.
Our first date was so fucking awkward. We were at that little cafe you loved, you ordered a cheesecake and I got a smoothie, and then we sat in silence for a good five minutes.
It really shouldn’t have been that painful, considering we knew everything about each other already, then again that might be why it was awkward, I had nothing to ask you about.
So naturally I brought up school and that started it, the two of us complaining about the amount of assignments we had, and Mrs. Choi’s annoying squeaky voice- I swear to god that woman took a second for each word.
But I digress.
Slowly our conversation felt normal again, it was just us, eating cheesecake and drinking smoothies, together.
That wave of sadness crashed down upon you like a tsunami, trying to snuff you out. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, you were struggling to keep yourself together. You were struggling to stay afloat, you had lost any leverage you had that was holding you up.
You couldn’t fight the waves.
My flight is in two hours. It’s four in the morning and we’re about to walk through the door and get to the airport, but I wanted to talk to you once again, even if we’re not really talking.
I’m pathetic.
You’re sleeping, in your bed at your home, you don’t know I’m going because I’m the coward that refused to tell you the truth. I’ll be gone by the time you wake up and then you’ll know.
You’ll know how much of a waste of time I was.
And then you were angry.
You were angry because he had no right to just come back into your life like this, no fucking right to make you cry. He wasn’t even here, but somehow he had managed to make you fall apart just with his words, with his voice.
He had no right to tear your world apart, the little composure you had standing. You had finally accepted the fact that he was gone, you had moved on, and even tried to forget.
But here he was, making sure you could never forget.
You hated how selfish he was, how absolutely fucking oblivious. He had no clue, not even one as to how you felt when he just disappeared from your life, as if he never existed. He had broken you and here he was, breaking you again.
With trembling hands, you stopped the tape from playing any further, angry tears making their way down your face as you flung the player across the room. You had no intention of listening any further, you didn’t want to, you didn’t care.
Closure hurt more than him leaving.
You buried your head in your hands, letting yourself fall apart, but just this once.
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tape iv] continued [unheard]
I’m sorry Y/n. I’m so fucking sorry. 
You don’t have to believe me, because I’m leaving anyways, so I suppose that cancels out my apologies huh? I’m the worst person you ever met. I’m not stopping, I’m not going to leave you a text.
Because I don’t want to hurt you anymore.
I’ll be gone before we could ever be.
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Should’ve believed in us, while we existed, cuz now the whole things fucked, and just a figment of my imagination
Time heals all hurt, and reminders bring them back, cutting through your skin like a knife, making you bleed.
A week later, you found yourself sitting in your favorite cafe, the same cafe Chenle talked about in the last tape. You ordered a cheesecake and a smoothie, inserting the fifth and final tape into the player.
The last time you did this, you were left hurt and distraught, promising yourself you would never go back to listen to him again. You had put the shoebox in your closet, hiding it behind your clothes that hung from the rack.
Yet here you were.
You didn’t bother finishing the fourth tape, you didn’t see the need to. 
This tape, you observed, was newer looking, with less scratches on the plastic, even the marker on the side looked more recent, a little rushed if you went into detail. 
The cheesecake and drink arrived, and you took a bite, pressing play.
tape v] play
He sounded a little different too, older perhaps. His voice was smoother, but he sounded unsure of himself. It sounded as if he was trying to figure out how to approach the topic. He was being cautious.
It’s been a while. I...I don’t know why I’m doing this. There’s no point- you’re not even here. I found these stupid tapes yesterday in my dorm when I was cleaning out and gave them a listen.
I envy you, Y/n. I wish I was like you, happy wherever I was. But I’m not, and I probably caused you great unhappiness while trying to search for my own- but I was happy with you, so happy it was ridiculous.
I sabotaged that.
You sighed, realizing you felt nothing. You were tired of crying over Chenle, you were done doing that. Instead you felt empty, like you had been tired out, like it didn’t matter anymore. At this point you were to get it over with, to finish it off on  clean ending note.
My song comes out next week, and it’ll be done. I’ve made it Y/n, I’ve gotten to where I wanted to be, the place I had worked so hard to get to. I’ve sacrificed so much for this and it’s all been worth it- except one thing.
I don’t expect you to listen to my song, I just wanted to tell you. I..I hope you’re proud of me. Even if I was a jerk, I hope you can be proud, at least a little bit, because then I’ll have finally made it.
I miss you.
The same words are at the tip of your tongue, I miss you, I miss you so fucking much, but they never came out. They didn’t have to, it would be useless. He would never hear them.
Instead, you swallowed them back down.
And even though I made fun of you for staying home, I hope you’re happy like I am, I hope we’ll meet again one day. If we do I challenge you to a game of Jenga, loser buys the winner ice cream.
I-fuck this is the hardest part- but I hope you’ve moved on. One of us has to.
You don’t take the tape out of the player, you don’t touch it at all. You feel oddly calm as you take another bite of your cheesecake, savoring the strawberry reserve that it came with it. You could almost imagine yourself at eighteen again sitting opposite your new boyfriend.
You missed it, the memories that came along with it. That was it, you missed the feelings you had.
But you were okay. You would be okay right where you were, because that’s where you belonged. It hurt, yeah, but it had hurt back then as well. Now it was just a dull ache, all that was left was regret.
Regret that it didn’t work out, regret over unspoken words and unnecessary pain.
A familiar song filled the cafe as you smiled somewhat sadly, leaning back in your seat and closing your eyes.
“I’m proud of you Chenle”, you whispered, “Because you did what I couldn’t”
You left the cafe a little later, with the cassettes in your bag, an empty plate and the smoothie sitting on the table, untouched. After all, that smoothie wasn’t for you.
There was nothing to wait for anymore. You had loved and you had lost, Chenle was a stranger with your secrets and a familiar voice and that was it. 
You had forgiven him a long time ago, even without him being deserving of it. Now with all the loose ends being tied up, it felt like you could finally let go of him, you could finally move on.
And forget.
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