#hi I’m here to flood your dash with this gay nonsense
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squaredbean · 22 days ago
If I had a nickel for every time Fit and Pac were forced to work against each other by a (probably homophobic) all-powerful entity in a team-based elimination game I’d have two nickels
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some-pers0n · 2 years ago
Uhhh....Bio Post?
Hey! Hi! Hello! Any other synonym for ‘greetings’! Nice of you to stop by and read this. If you have, give it a lil' heart so I know you've read it. Means a lot! :]
My name is Some Person, though you can call me Some, Person, Somp, or just SP. The SP stands for "Science Party" of course. What else could it possibly be?
They/she pronouns. Don't wear 'em out, alright?
I’m a blog that just is mostly here to gawk at beautiful art and reblog it. It’ll be just about anything, but mostly as of now it’s going to be TF2, WoF, Will Wood, memes, etc and etc stuff. I do reblog a LOT, just keep that in mind.
I am a fanfic author who mostly just dabbles in TF2 and WoF, though don’t be shocked if I post anything from any other fandom.
No real DNI, I guess. Never saw too much of a point in them. If I think you're insufferable or annoying in some way (terf, exclusionist, etc) you're not gonna have fun here
I am a rambly person. I can’t really help myself but run my mouth off on just about anything. I’ll frequently post rants and gargle up nonsense about anything. I don't really expect engagement since I'm ultimately just rambling to myself
If you couldn’t tell already, I do genuinely type like this. It’s force of habit now, I guess. I always sort of worry that I come off as rude or insensitive, so I'll infrequently use tone tags just in case. You don’t need to use them for me though if you don't want to
I'm also very awkward. I'll say a lot of things randomly or just be really sort of...off in a way. Keep in mind I'm autistic lol
I am 18 and over, however I still am rather averse to NSFW content. No offense to any artists out there who draw it, it just ain't for me. Oh and also minors are 100% allowed on my blog of course
I am also an argumentative person. I try to catch myself before it gets bad, but sometimes I get carried away. My deepest apologizes if that happens
I have a lot of opinions. I swear to god you can press me on just about every topic and I'll have something to say about it
If you go to follow me, just know that I am a very reblog-heavy person. If you do so, there's a good chance your dash will be flooded with TF2 characters and whatever else I'm incredibly obsessed with at that point. I'm sorry to anybody who follows me and is immediately hit with gay old men holding hands
I LOVE ASKS!! I love talking with people! Feel free to DM, ping me in posts and tag game, or just...talk to me about anything. No need to be shy around me. Ask me about my thoughts on something and I'll answer as soon as possible. Wanna talk about something else? Sounds great!
(Highlight: The Interest | Bold - Major Interest | Italics - Moderate Interest)
Wings Of Fire
Will Wood
(Abnormal) Psychology
Disco Elysium
The Magnus Archives
Persona 5
Portal 1/2
Slay the Princess
Gravity Falls
Ao3: SomePerson5
Discord: s0me-person
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caslikescoffeeandfreckles · 5 years ago
Stealing is a Good Habit
#spnstayhome Monday 3: thief @pray4jensen @bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 Read on Ao3
The first time Dean steals from Cas, they’re five years old and blowing off steam on the playground before nap time. Cas is playing with his action figures near the swings, lost in a world of talking puppies and grand adventures. 
He’s distracted for only a moment when a little boy falls off the swing and everyone holds their breath to gauge his reaction. Luckily, he just brushes himself off and jumps back on the swing. No teacher intervention needed.
Cas goes back to his toys only to notice that one is missing. 
Instant panic floods his body and he feels sick, his heart beating, as he gazes wildly around the swing area. He knows he had his toy. It was just here a second ago!
And that’s when he spots it - just a tiny flash of orange clutched in the hand of another kindergartner. It’s not a lot to go on but Cas just knows deep down that’s his toy!
He’s up before he can even think, dashing to the other side of the swings where the boy sits. He’s moving the toy through the blades of grass like it’s on some amazing jungle adventure, whispering nonsensical dialogue to himself, but Cas doesn’t care.
“Hey, that’s mine!”
The boy looks up at Cas’s shout, big green eyes round with fear. “W-what?”
“That’s my toy!” Cas shouts, pointing at the figurine still in the other boy’s hand. “You stole my toy! My big brother says stealing make you a thief!”
“I’m not a thief!” the other boy shouts back, looking less scared now and more angry. “I found it!”
“No, you stole it!”
Unlike the kid falling off the swing, this argument does require teacher intervention. Cas and the other boy are taken off to the side where they continue screaming at each other until Ms. Summers is finally able to get them to take a breath and explain themselves. 
“I’m sorry,” the boy who Cas has learned is named Dean says, in a very soft and quiet voice. “I’m sorry for being a thief.”
Big, fat tears well in his green eyes and Cas can’t find it in himself to be mad anymore. “Hey, it’s okay,” he soothes, the way his mommy speaks to him when he gets upset. “Don’t be sad. I’m sorry for yelling.”
Dean had relinquished the toy a while ago but now Cas offers it to him, smiling brightly and moving closer. “We can share if you want?”
Dean doesn’t seem to believe him at first but when Cas tilts his head and keeps smiling, Dean starts to smile too, all crooked teeth and crinkled eyes. “Okay!”
Middle School
Cas is sitting alone at his unofficial lunch table. His tray sits in front of him, mostly untouched, as he chooses to immerse himself in the library book he brought with him. He knows most people find him weird for liking to read, especially when he could be eating or talking to friends, but Cas had never minded. He prefers stories to the company of others. Well, except for one person.
Another tray claps down across from him and Cas waits until he finishes the paragraph he’s on to lower the book and greet his best friend.
“New book?” Dean asks casually before shoveling a handful of fries into his mouth.
Cas hums and flips it so Dean can see the title. “I got it from the library yesterday. It’s about a boy who rides dragons.”
Dean’s eyes sparkle. “Oh, dragons? I’ll have to check it out after you!” Dean has always been a sucker for tales of fantasy and anything with a dragon is a literary masterpiece to him. 
Cas smiles. “I’ll make sure to hide it for you.”
They both grin, remembering the last time they got chewed out by the librarian for deliberately putting books in the wrong spot so no one else could find them. 
“You going to the game Friday?” Dean asks as he continues to eat. 
The mention of it makes Cas wrinkle his nose. He’s never been a fan of sports and has nothing but bitter memories of his older brothers’ hectic schedules and stinky laundry and late nights spent shivering on cold metal bleachers while people kick, throw, and hit balls in every such direction. 
It was not what Cas would consider the ideal way to spend a Friday night. 
But then Dean had joined the soccer team. At first, Dean hadn’t been happy about it either, knowing his mom was making him do it as a way to blow off some of that 12-year-old energy. But over time, Dean has come to actually enjoy the sport and his teammates, likes the competition, the motivation it gives him to keep working and building his skills. 
And Cas likes anything that makes Dean happy.
“I’ll be there,” Cas says at last, not trying to hide his put upon sigh. “But will it take forever like the last one.”
“Depends on how good the other team is,” Dean says.
“Then I hope they’re just awful because I would like to get home before it becomes an ice age again.” It was getting too late in the fall for these kinds of games and Cas could only carry so many blankets into the stadium. 
Dean chuckles and reaches over to Cas’s tray to pluck some of his fries. “Told you to join the cheer squad. They always manage to stay warm,” Dean teases, his eyes sparkling, and he tosses the fries into his mouth.
Cas rolls his eyes and whispers, “Thief,” but then smiles. “And I’m not joining the cheer squad. I would look awful in those skirts.”
Dean laughs, head thrown back and eyes watering, and Cas watches, a voice deep in the back of his mind whispering about how he hopes he can always have Dean like this even if he’s too young to understand what that means. 
High School
No one ever talked about how oddly relaxing school dances could be. Cas has always avoided them, always believing they were loud overwhelming affairs, too hot and too crowded. And they certainly are, he notes as he steps into the high school gymnasium transformed into an impressive ballroom for their senior prom. But there’s something about the volume of the music, the darkness, the heat... it’s like being deprived of your senses and so Cas is able to quietly melt into the background, surrounded by people he’s known all his life and yet alone at the same time and he just watches.
He watches friends and couples dance, line up for picture, toast sparkling cider in their plastic glasses like this is the last and greatest night of their lives.
Dean finds him at some point, face covered in sweat and grumpily pulling at his collar.
“I’m so fucking glad I never have to come to another one of these again,” he grumbles before stealing Cas’s water bottle and guzzling half of it.
Cas smirks and eyes the crowd. “I think it’s charming.”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Because it’s your first and only high school dance. Trust me, the charm wears off by your second one.”
“But this one is different, isn’t it? It’s just for us. The tired seniors about to embark on the journey of adulthood.”
“I guess so?” Dean shrugs and turns so they’re pressed shoulder to shoulder. “Where’s Meg?”
“Making out with someone somewhere,” Cas says, waving his hand toward the locker rooms. “Said it was one of her last chances to finally get through the sad art kids before they go discover what a personality is.”
Dean throws his head back and laughs. “Carpe fucking diem.”
Cas hums. He knew the risk of being ditched was high when he invited Meg to accompany him to the dance as a friend. Well, really when Meg made him ask her because, as she had reminded him so kindly, just because you can’t find a date with a dick doesn’t mean your gay ass can’t suffer with the rest of us. No one could ever accuse Meg or being unthoughtful.
She didn’t need to know that Cas had had his eye in a date. The perfect date, really. Someone he’s known since he was five. But someone he also couldn’t have because, well...
“Where is Lisa?”
Dean snorts and glances around the gym. “Hopefully somewhere with her friends forgetting who the came with.”
“Do I sense relationship problems?” Cas asks, trying to sound concerned but playful.
“Yes... no,” Dean amends. “I mean...” He runs a hand through his hair, letting it rest on the back of his neck. “I don’t know. I think I just haven’t been feeling it for a while? I actually kinda... wanted to break up.”
“With Lisa?”
Dean nods and Cas can see his shame, feels his own shame for the coil of excitement warming in his chest.
“Why did you come with her?” he makes himself ask.
“Because she asked me to prom before I could end things and I didn’t want to be a dick. But I think I’ve just made myself a bigger dick by leading her on?”
Cas can only hum and nod gravely like he understands. He’s never had to deal with relationships, one of the few reliefs when you’re one of the few gay kids at your school. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to do the right thing,” he assures his friend.
“Even...” Dean starts rubbing his neck, nervous now. “Even if it’s because I think I might... like someone else?”
Well this is interesting news. “Does Dean Winchester have a crush?”
It’s not that Dean’s never had a crush before, but with his looks and personality they never had to wait long before something came of it (i.e. Lisa, Tessa, Anna, even Cassie from sixth grade — that one had stung for reasons Cas had been too young to understand).
Dean glowers at the teasing. “Don’t be a jerk. It’s... I really like them. I think I’ve liked them for a long time.”
“Like a few weeks?” Cas hedges, trying to get a grip on both his and Dean’s emotions. “Months?”
“Um,” Dean looks away, “more like years?”
“Years?” Cas nearly shrieks. “Dean that’s really significant. And you never told me?”
“I didn’t really figure it out until a little while ago. It’s... hard to explain.”
He’s looking at the floor so intently, hands into his pockets now and Cas knows a defeated Dean Winchester when he sees one. Whoever this person is, they’ve done a number on his friend without even realizing it.
“Dean,” Cas says at last. “You know you don’t have to tell me anything, but if you ever want to talk about it, I’m always here for you.”
Dean nods. “Yeah. I know, Cas. Thanks.”
The way Dean says it is as if Cas’s offer is fruitless and it hurts to think that he can’t help his friend.
Dean looks up suddenly, eyes guarded and pensive ans Cas doesn’t look away. Dean is thinking about something, deeply and carefully, weighing his options. Cas knows because he’s seen this look when Dean is playing soccer, trying to figure out the best next five moves. He’s always been a critical thinker, scarily so.
“Cas, I-”
Cas doesn’t even have to look to know it’s Lisa, could recognize her pleasant tone anywhere. What does surprise him is Dean’s reaction because he practically bristles at his girlfriend’s voice. And he doesn’t look away.
“Dean?” Cas asks carefully, eyes shifting to wear Lisa and her friends stand just outside the throng or dancers, looking at them expectantly. “Lisa is calling for you.”
Dean’s eyes close and when they reopen, gone is heavy burden of his unmade decision. He looks crushed. Lost. And then smiles. “Yeah, I guess I better go.”
“I’ll be here,” Cas calls after him, more than a little confused at the way Dean walks way from like like he’s marching toward his death.
He’s left alone again with nothing to do but ponder the news that Dean has a crush. A pretty big one from the sound of it. He can’t help but wonder who she could-
Wait. Them. Dean has said them, not specially she. Interesting.
Before he can think more of it, Meg crashes into him and he can smell the liquor on her breath before she even speaks.
“I take it sad art boy and his friends managed to sneak something in?” Cas asks.
Meg just grins. “We all have our role to play,” Meg says. “And speaking of roles, I’m about to roll out.” She thumbs over her shoulder to the the doors.
“Will you be safe?”
Her snort is not surprising. “Please. I had like one beer. I’ll be fine, Cas.”
Cas doesn’t bother to argue. Meg has always been bullheaded and impulsive but never reckless. “Okay. Call me when you’re home if you remember.”
She stretches out on her tiptoes and smacks a kiss on his cheek. “No promises!” And then she’s gone.
The dance starts to wind down in another half hour, the music slowing and inviting couples to wrap each other close and sway.
Something in Cas’s chest drops as he watches the show of high school love and affection, marvels at how simple it looks but knowing just how complicated and nerve-wracking it truly is.
And how he’ll never have it.
Deciding that’s his cue to leave, Cas finally pushes himself away from the wall and starts for the door.
“Wait, Cas!”
He turns when he hears his name and waits for Dean to catch up with him. He frowns when he sees the near panic in his friend’s eyes.
“Dean? What’s wrong?”
“Are you leaving?” Dean asks instead.
“Yes? Figured I’ve experienced about all I can at a dance by myself. Are... you leaving?”
“No- I mean- I wanted to uh...” he trails off, hand rubbing his neck again.
“Dean?” Cas asks again, carefully.
Dean’s shoulders shoot back and he sucks in a deep breath before looking Cas in the eye and asking, “Cas, do you want to dance with me?@
It takes Cas a moment to decipher the words and even once he knows what Dean said he’s still not sure what Dean meant.
“I... what?”
“Dance,” Dean repeats, face falling. “I understand if you don’t want to but I- I wanted to ask.” He starts to back away. “I’m sorry, I’ll just-”
“Dean,” Cas says, just barely catching his friend before he can escape. Dean is terrifyingly still in his grasp and when he looks back at Cas with fear and apprehension, pieces start to fall into place. Cas smiles. “I would love to dance with you.”
They stay near the outside, not really interested in sharing this moment with their classmates. It’s awkward at first, neither sure where to put their hands until Cas finally decides to wrap around Dean’s shoulders and Dean’s arms naturally fall around Cas’s waist.
They sway slowly, not attempting any turns or fancy steps, it’s enough to just hold each other.
“I know this isn’t the time to ask...” Cas starts slowly and hates himself for asking at all, but it will drive him insane if he doesn’t. “But where is Lisa?”
Dean blushes something furious. “She went home with her friends.”
“Oh.” Cas nods. “Is you two... okay?”
“We broke up,” Dean confesses. “I told her I might... be interested in someone else. That there’s always been someone else.”
Cas’s breath hitches and he looks down at his toes where Dean’s word have warmed his entire body. He feels like he’s tingling all over, body alight with excitement and longing and every feeling he’s ever kept repressed and secret.
“Hey, Cas?”
Cas looks up and before he can blink there are lips on his, so soft and Cas’s enter body temples under it, under the weight of his first kiss with the first boy he’s ever loved.
He thinks even saints don’t get moment’s this perfect.
When the kiss ends, they’re both blushing.
“I-I- I’m sorry,” Dean sputters. “I should have- shouldn’t have asked before...”
Cas feels a little drunk, his body looser than before and leaning closer, until their lips just barely brush again and he whispers with all his affection, “Thief.”
Dean huffs a laugh. “Bad habit.”
Cas pushes his lips closer, taking a kiss for himself. “Never stop.”
College: cas steals dean’s sweater
The alarm clock is utterly unpleasant and Cas feels no remorse slapping it into snooze mode multiple times. Until he sees the wrong number in the hour position and has to scramble up. He starts throwing on clothes before running to the bathroom to brush his teeth and throw some water in his face.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Dean greets from the kitchen as Cas barrels out of the bedroom.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Cas snaps, struggling to slide his shoes on.
Dean arches an unimpressed brow. “Because I would like to live to see the grand old age of 22.”
Cas just rolls his eyes and starts looking for his backpack. At a whistle, he turns to Dean who is holding it along with a thermos and some toast in a napkin. “There’s a granola bar and an apple in your bag too.”
Cas is not unused to Dean’s we’re gestures but he still finds himself tearing up as he slows down for the first time since his feet hit the ground and approaches his boyfriend.
“What would I do without you?” he asks, burying his face in Dean’s neck.
“Probably starve,” Dean says lightly. “Other than that though, you’d be fine.”
“No,” Cas argues. “Not even a little.”
He shifts so he can kiss Dean, short and sweet but just as loving as their first and hundreth.
Dean’s hands have fallen to his hips he he looks down with a dopey smile, eyes lighting up. “Is that my sweater?”
Cas looks down and recognizes Dean’s high school soccer hoodie. “Oh. I hadn’t realized.”
“Now whose the thief?” Dean teases.
Cas rolls his eyes and steals another kiss for good measure before accepting Dean’s offerings. “I’ll see you later. Thank you!”
“Love you,” Dean calls after him.
“Loved you first,” Cas returns, smiling and dashing out the door.
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crying-saeyoung · 8 years ago
Can you write the RFA and minor trio reacting to MC's little brother (around 12) who is very attached to his older sister and does not like the RFA? (All men/women are wolves MC!) How would they win him over?
I’m so sorry this took so long, anon!! I hope you read it even though it’s been awhile since you asked;; It’s been in my drafts forever and I haven’t ever been able to write the minor trio for this request, and i’m so sorry for that!!! I might make a separate post for them later? I hope you like this.. -Green
-you brought up one day that you weren’t going to be really available because you were going to babysit your brother for the day
-he didn’t know you had a brother!
-he asks if he can join you, and of course you say yes.
-you two drive to your parents house and Yoosung briefly talks to them before they leave, and you two are alone.
-then suddenly you shout from the TOP OF YOUR L U NGS,
-yoosung is.
-he doesn’t even know.
-but suddenly your little brother is dashing downstairs and you guys are wrestling so???
-what does he do help him
-once you guys had your little. reunion? ??? yoosung still doesn’t know what happened but is too afraid to ask
-you tell both him and your little brother what you have in store for today so you all don’t get bored. You’ve planned a movie, arcade, and fast food for the night and Yoosung thinks it’s great!
-but he can’t help but notice your brother hasn’t said a word to him?? and won’t even look at him??
-o h  g  o d
-then he sees overall that your brother. does NOT appreciate him here
-Movie: he tried to run ahead with you in the dark theater so Yoosung couldn’t find you and had to sit alone
-I mean, it didn’t work, but what the F U Ck,
-Arcade? Your brother will not let him play any games with you and constantly hogs your attention and literally tries to get you to ditch him and go back home
-you don’t even NOTIC E?
-kind of takes it personally and is super done with this fucker by the end of the night
-when you go and tuck him in bed Yoosung just can’t wait to go home and cuddle with you, get back all the attention he lost today
-but then you come down stairs and you bring him to your old room and he’s like. what.
-”oh, did I not mention? we’re staying for another two days.”
-”I’m sorry I forgot to tell you! You can head back home if you want?”
-he’s not about to LOSE so easily.
-talking about losing, he hasn’t played LOLOL all day….
-he feels bad about asking to play but you’re chill with it so. you know.
-he plays literally all night
-and into the morning
-suddenly your coming out of the room to make breakfast ?/
-he sees your brother come down and he’s about to shut down the game before your brother D A S H ES FOR HIM
-Yoosung is ready to scream .
-before your bro stops and starts babbling nonsense about LOLOL and how
-oh y e s.
-yoosung is literally praying the Gods above as he shows your brother all his cool stuff
-after that, breakfast is super nice and now your brother won’t stop talking to Yoosung
-he thinks it’s amazing and is so happy he got your brother to like him even if he really didn’t even try
-It’s at a family reunion you practically beg Saeyoung to go to that he meets your brother
-right away Saeyoung is like
-he knows.
-he k n o w s
-all night. literally all night he is trying to trick Saeyoung and play pranks
-and he happily indulges in all of them, KNOWING that yes, a bug is in his drink
-but does he care? NO
-he knows your brother hates him and Saeyoung finds it hilarious
-and then randomly your brother takes his hand and looks him right in the eye and is like
-”you better not hurt her all right? you’re pretty stupid, but you shouldn’t be stupid enough to hurt MC!!!”
-fucker doesn’t even acknowledge him
-instead he brings out a DS and is like
-”i bet I can beat your ass in super smash bros”
-he was about to start crying from stress you have no idea
-family is important!!!! that saying is literally EMBEDDED into your brain
-so better believe your ENTIRE family is invited to the wedding
-which includes your brother
-and you have never been so nervous in your entire life
-Jaehee notices it at the wedding and thinks your having cold feet but then you just take her hands
-”you don’t understand. my brother. will r u in the wedding. he’s a little BRAT??? Jaehee please god help me”
-at first she’s confused because like MC what
-but when she looks outside and sees your brother practically boiling in his seat she understands
-so instead of Jumin’s father walking you down the isle you have Jaehee
-you discussed it with Jumin’s father but not with your husband so when he sees this he is HIGH KEY STRESSED
-W H A T
-how D A RE,, his FATHEr???
-he makes a mental note to scREECH later
-now is not the time, Jumin
-you’re shaking like a leaf and holding onto Jaehee for dear life
-you almost want to make her stay with you as you exchange vows
-you almost do, she has to rip you off of her arm
-Jumin now sees how worried you are and the whole time he’s whispering to you not to worry and how happy he’ll make you
-finally the rings come out and you’re more relaxed now because your brother hasn’t been a BITCH so far
-but then you see him start to stand
-before Jumin can put the ring on you your brother yells
-are you serious
-you’re literally groaning and throwing your head back in agony, about to fall to your knees as your brother makes his speech that you are completely sure he was thinking of all day
-you can see Zen nodding his head and silently agreeing with your brother and you’re going to have to talk to him later oh my GOD
-once your bro is done you’re so humiliated like. p l ea se just put the ring on me and go
-but surprisingly Jumin is totally calm
-and gives the snarkiest and best reply ever to your brother and now you’re blushing because aww babe
-your brother never said anything bad about your marriage after that
-little brat you love him tho
-this one is a little more ,, tame
-your parents were actually coming to see the coffee shop you had made with Jaehee, and happened to bring your brother along.
-he was pretty chill the entire time, but Jaehee noticed his little glares and snarky comments
-she didn’t really pay it any mind, because 12 year olds will be 12 year olds.
-but after awhile… it was really starting to get on her nerves how rude he was to her.
-she had asked you what your brother would like to eat or drink, and you gladly told her what his favorite snack and drink was
-it was so sweet of her to get something!!
-bitch u thought
-she did make the food, but didn’t offer it to him.
-she just sat it on the counter and waited for him to come to her.
-she had to wait practically an hour
-but eventually YES he did come up thank god
-”do you want a snack? your sister told me what you like.”
-she could see him trying to make a fuss. she could SEE it.. but he didn’t
-he tried to just grab it and leave
-nnooononono not in my house
-she literally grips his hand so tight that he lets out a little squeal
-”do you have a problem with me, little man?”
-he’s shaking his head so hard oh god please Jaehee don’t kill him
-she let’s him off with the food because Jaehee figures she’s scared him enough to leave her alone
-just kidding now he won’t leave her alone
-wants to know how she got so badass and cool
-she guesses… this is better than before
-not really the outcome she was looking for?? but okay??
-recommends her judo studio to him and the next time they come over to the shop he shows her his new moves
-now they’re judo buddies
-so you invite the family over for one of Zen’s performances! yaaayyy,,,
-your brother is just flat out complaining the whole time
-he reaaalllyyy does not want to see your boyfriend
-he also reaaaalllly does not want you to see your boyfriend
-you just grab his ear and tell him to shut up so he does
-you all go over to the performance and head backstage; you want to wish him luck!
-when Zen sees you all he politely introduces himself and gives your parents handshakes
-and when he sees your brother Zen kind of like… just knows
-silent agreement. All men are wolves. Instant respect
-which kind of throws your brother off with how cool Zen is him
-you all leave for your seats and your bro is still like. wut..,
-the play is amazing!! you weren’t expecting anything else!!
-you greet him after the show and he’s flooded with compliments from your parents which of course Zen totally gobbles up into his rat tail
-the more his ego grows the longer that fucking thing gets. 100% canon
-and then Zen straight up goes for a handshake with your brother with some kind of gay admiration in his eyes so your brother takes it feeling so conflicted because his performance was really great and he was actually pretty cute?
-oh god i think Zen made your brother gay
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