The person was walking by minding their own business. Tilly was seated on the troll statue, leaning back watching. She was not minding her own business. She never did. It was pretty much how she made a living. Weaver always asked her for some off the wall information. So she found it better to just pay attention to everything.
Plus she was curious. She loved watching people and all the curious things they did. Of course, maybe she was the curious one. Watching people. Not always saying much. Tilly knew she was weird of course. But she didn’t really mind. 
Finally though the person drew near enough, not seeming to notice her however. So she spoke up. “You look like someone who could use a time piece. I happen to have one. Right here.” She patted the box sitting next to her.
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brckenbelief-blog · 7 years
all henry had ever really, truly wanted was a family. a small group of people to call his own, to come home to at night, to love and cherish the way he didn’t get to be when he was growing up. when the universe decreed he couldn’t have that kind of peace, all he’d wanted was to be alone. and when the universe decided that he couldn’t have a simple life of solitude, henry had stopped asking anything of the universe. it was clear that it wasn’t going to answer favourably. as for today, he was taking the opportunity to have a day off. the one benefit of working as a swyft driver, rather than working for a firm, was that he was essentially his own boss in a fashion. he worked when he chose to work, and when he decided he needed some time to write (or think, or any other tidbits needed doing - usually when he had enough to pay the rent and set a little aside), he liked to turn the app off and just relax.
which was why he was sat outside a coffee shop in hyperion heights, doing his best to relax with a good book. he didn’t usually come down to the heights - at least, not before lucy forced her way into his life, but now it was like he had a draw to the area whereas before he effectively avoided it as much as possible. it wasn’t a great neighbourhood, but as more and more developments from belfrey herself came about, he had to admit… it was starting to look nice. maybe even the kind of place he wanted to live himself. any such thoughts were cut out as he felt something push against his shoulder, forcing his arm to shake violently and coffee to spill all over himself. “jesus,” he hissed, putting his coffee down on the table as he turned, an incredulous expression on his face. “was that necessary?”
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flightofreedom-blog · 9 years
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      “Whoa there, cowboy, you’re going to hurt yourself.” 
      Alfred gently mocked the student that had come very close to crashing into him. However, he was quick on his feet and had managed to dodge it effortlessly. It helped that sports were a pretty big part of his life. “What’s the rush?”
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   “Come on Sebastian, usted no está en tan mal estado, sólo tiene que ir.” The silence of the Ivy Trail was broken by these words. It was early in the morning, no birds had started their singing yet and Sebastian was already on the hiking trail, psyching himself up at the base of a steep cliff which was perfect for some cardio exercise. The Latino was jumping in place, shaking his hands and taking deep breaths as he analyzed the hill; True, he had ran these things with ease when he was still a quarterback but he hadn’t done it in a while. And with a last mental kick, Seb dashed up the hill.
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   It was not as easy as he remembered it though, and a few times he almost toppled over and was mere inches away from slamming his head against a rather pointy rock, but he made it. As he triumphed the 200 yard sprint uphill, Sebastian stopped next to a tree that thankfully held his weight. as he leaned into it, a smile on his face. After catching his breath a bit, he started laughing, jumping in spot and doing fist pumps into the air. He was ecstatic of course, he hadn’t been doing fitness that much after he moved to the city and even that small feat was huge. His voice echoed over the trails as he jumped about, immensely proud of himself and he felt like he could take over the world. 
   He opened his eyes only a moment later, a huge grin still on his face. It faded quickly and turned into embarrassment when he saw someone looking at him. The Latino hastily grabbed the shirt he had tied around his waist and put it on, wiping his damp face against the cloth before trying to not look like he was dying. “Uh, holá. Nice day out here, no? Can I help you?” He asked, trying to catch his breath between the sentences. He let out a long sigh before leaning to his knees, trying to take the blush away from his face.
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arielle-hill · 9 years
Fluorescent lights || Open
She’d just gotten back from a second MRI. They doctors told her she definitely slipped a few discs which wasn’t great news considering she couldn’t feel it, along with some swelling in the brain that they determined was only a mild concussion. And the whiplash left her in a neck brace to prevent herself from hurting herself anymore than she already was. At least she hadn’t hurt anyone else, that’s what the cops said and it seemed like all she’d have to do was pay a fine which Arielle could handle. 
Along with a broken wrist and some cuts and bruises Arielle thought she turned out alright after waking up in her car upside down. The healing was always the worst part of her getting hurt, because everyone else said she should be in pain, said she shouldn’t be able to do things because it would hurt but Arielle felt fine and wanted to act normal. She couldn’t remember if Racey got her text, she didn’t know what Kaiden had said in those messages, for all she knew he was dumping her, wouldn’t surprise her after the scene she’d made at the party.  Her phone hadn’t been recovered from the car, and with nothing to do and nothing on tv this time of day, Arielle decided she’d try to sleep.It seemed just as she closed her eyes she heard the door to her room open and a familiar voice along with it. “Huh?” she mumbled, lifting her head slightly off the bed and opening her eyes again. 
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greyvictoriachase · 9 years
PSLs || Open
Grey was trying to find new ways to fill up her time since she got back to Haven Hallow though she hadn’t exactly been successful. Other than getting paid a few extra hours to help the two kids she babysits by her apartment carve pumpkins. She loved that nothing about her job ever felt like work, unless she was changing diapers which was lucky not too often since there was only one baby on her list of children she took care of and his mom was still taking so many days off work to take care of him herself. 
What she had found out though, was that The Grind was finally selling Pumpkin Spice Lattes and they were somehow better than the ones she used to get at her usual coffee fix stop in California. Which meant that her attempt to fill up her time had just resulted in her sitting at The Grind and drinking more Pumpkin Spices than she probably should. But she’d also been reading books, which she thought wasn’t a complete waste of time. Today had been just like any other, after her first drink Grey had gotten up and ordered her second. As she walked back to the table she had her ipad sitting on she noticed someone else standing next to it. “Did you want to sit down?” she asked, thinking the person may have possibly been looking for a seat since there weren’t any completely empty tables at this time of day. “I mean, I’m not leaving but that chair is totally open if you want it. I’m just reading.” she admitted, taking a drink of her coffee and offering a warm smile.
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“I don’t think you should be going through that.” She turned her head, an eyebrow arching up as she eyed the perpetrator with her eyes slightly narrowed. 
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penn-nickols-blog · 9 years
Surprise || Penn & Open
One mile.
Two miles.
Three miles.
The trees flashed by blurs of green, some spotted with color signaling cooler weather was just around the corner. Despite the cool air, beads of sweat rolled down her forehead as her sneakers pounded into the dirt, each step followed by a deep inhale of mountain air. Running had always been Penn’s escape, a way to clear her head, even more so now that she could do so without having to worry about tearing a jogger’s throat out. Plus being out here so far from everything, everyone, it was a good time to feed – which is exactly what she had done. Animal blood was definitely going to take some getting used to because frankly, it was horrible.
The young blondes watch buzzed yet again, signaling her fourth mile just as she reached the entrance of the woods once more. Slowing to a stop she took a deep breath, resting her arms against her legs as she let her breathing return to normal. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the sign off to her right. Satan’s Garden. Letting out a laugh, she shook her head a bit. ‘How appropriate’, she thought to herself.
Penn took one last deep breath before straightening up. When she did, she noticed the person standing a few feet in front of her and almost stumbled back. Trying to mask her obvious surprise she reached up and wiped the back of her hand across her mouth, out of pure habit, before offering a slight smile. “I uhm..hi,” she managed, still trying to regain her composure. “I didn’t expect to see anyone else out here,” she added honestly.
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teresa-faye · 9 years
Intermission || OPEN
There was a round of applause as the lights brought the room back into focus, brightening the theatre back to its usual setting allowing people to disperse for the intermission. It wasn’t often that Teresa found herself in places like this but tonight she’d made an exception in favor for Haven Hollow’s own performance of her beloved Cabaret. Perhaps it was the irony, a cold a humorless reminder of her own existence, or perhaps it was the provocative tease of flesh portrayed in the form of art, but either way it had been more than enough to draw the blonde from the lull of her repetitious daze she had settled into as of late. Things just felt so muddled, things she couldn’t even begin to explain, and mostly now she just felt lost within a haze of opium dreading having to return to the norm of society. It was easy sometimes, to forget, to forget and be forgotten, if only for a while, but Teresa knew that it wouldn’t last.
Sucking a deep breath, Teresa waited, watching as the theatre below her cleared, her private box looming in one of the darkest corners of the Apollo, hidden in the shadows, waiting until at last she too felt the need to stretch her legs. It wasn’t so much of a need as it was a scratch, and she wanted to itch it. She was lonely and in her loneliness there was that perverse tendency to seek out something to help alleviate the aching sensation in her chest whenever she watched happy young couples as they spoke in hushed whispers about the performance thus far. If only they knew how it all ended. How everything ultimately ended. But even as alike as the two of them were, between Teresa and the female protagonist of the show, Sally Bowles, unlike Sally, Teresa didn’t have to worry about the inevitability of death. Both a blessing and a curse, she mused, making her way through the crowd to stand along the bannister, peering down at those beneath her.
The blonde had only just settled into place, gaze moving intently from person to person before she felt the presence of someone else looming just behind her. The heat of their body in an already heated room, it made Teresa smile, but only just as she turned, her prismatic gaze narrowing carefully as she blinked. “Quite the turn out, wouldn’t you say?” She asked, her voice low and soft as she folded her arms across her chest, her hands rubbing the bare skin of her arms. “Who would have thought something like this would be so popular in such a small and simple town.”
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emmett-rowan-blog · 9 years
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Emmett was onto his third beer, his finger swirling the dripping condensation into the smooth wood of the bar. His date long gone, after catching sight of someone blonder and skinnier and more handsome. Leaving with the barest of goodbyes and a twenty on the table, the near forty, balding accountant had seen himself out and after the blonde. Emmett had been left to pay for the rest of the meal before finding himself out on the street and walking towards Molly & Jack’s, a bar nestled further down town on a corner that straddled the night life and the surrounding suburbs. Never again would he be tricked into blind dates, no matter how many but he’s so sweet and I promise, Em, he’ll be gagging for it’s he hears.
He sat nearby, broad shoulders that led to muscled arms and tapered down to strong wrists and elegant hands, and Em felt his stomach rise to his throat before the bartender coughed and mimed wiping drool off of his chin. Emmett glared, nose scrunching up as he downed the shot placed in front of him, beer already empty and forgotten as a glass of amber whiskey was shoved into his fist and a hand pushed at his lower back, encouraging and laughing. He got up with a soft huff, shooting the surrounding bartenders and drinkers another glare. Twats. It was one dud date, the man had been bordering on overweight and his teeth were yellowing, besides he had spoken dully about his job and God, if Emmett would have had to listen to another story about how Angela in receiving lost his client’s number again he would likely have stabbed himself with a fork and been done with it. Emmett had men crawling to him, literally, only stopping until their lips peppered his boots and their tongue lavished the leather in worship. He could do this, and then the man, the beautiful one, turned his way, and Emmett gasped, and fuck. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. He chanced a glance back at the bar only to be greeted with thumbs up and wide, mocking smiles. Closing his eyes, he squared his shoulders before turning back towards the man, letting out a deep breath. Luckily, he was momentarily alone at the round pub style table, and Emmett let a soft grin spread across his face, leaning against the table ledge, close to where the beautiful man now sat. His fingers tapped rhythmically, nervously, and he looked out from beneath his eyelashes, “Hello, stranger.” He drawled, his typically smothered brogue rolling off his tongue in a deep, gritty purr. And he let his fingers venture further, caressing the inside of a soft, pale wrist, the skin delicate and begging to be touched with lips. “Emmett Rowan, and       your friends are back, yeah? So my number.” Emmett slipped out a pen he always kept in his jacket pocket, scribbling his cell out on a damp, beer stained napkin. “If you ever want to…get to know each other, give me a ring, love.” As the other men neared, Emmett backed away with a wink and a feral grin. He turned swiftly on his heal then, downing the rest of his whiskey in one go and slamming the glass onto the bar before shouldering his way towards the loo.
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xxcelestelovelyxx · 9 years
Something That I Want || Open
Celeste was relaxing beside the pool. She was trying to clear her cluttered mind. It was vacation after all. So there she sat with a magazine and a bag of chips. She flipped through the pages trying to distract herself from the variety of thoughts that fluttered through her mind; what am I gonna do with my life, wonder if my dad thinks about me, how can I make this mermaid thing a reality, what if I am a mermaid and don’t know it? Are mermaids even real? Maybe that is why I like Tuna so much...
As Celeste’s mind wandered and turned over and over on itself. As she contemplated the chances that she could find a book on the origins of mermaids she realized someone was standing in front of her. Without a word she held out her bag of chips to them. “Want one?” She offered.
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arielle-hill · 9 years
“I mean how hard could it really  be to potty train a cat? Or teach them to walk? Like dogs I mean.”
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“I can officially say I’m never camping again.”
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“I like my dirt contained to a large bag and a flower pot.”
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clarke-redwood-blog · 9 years
Swim || Open
“Why don’t you go into the water miss?” The attendant asked Clarke with a smile. Clarke did not return the smile, because Clarke felt this person had some deep knowledge of the fact that Clarke did not enjoy the water. When she was a kid she would often have dreams involving being submerged and drowning. They were more accurately nightmares. 
“I am good here thanks so much.” She rolled her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest. Clarke was also unfortunately incredibly fair so getting a sunburn or some form of heat stroke would be inevitable for the redhead. Sure she wore a very modest bathing suit beneath her t-shirt and shorts. But she was not about to take off her clothes and parade around in her pasty white skin looking like a ghost. 
Clarke, was not a fan of cruises. 
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