#hhhhh. anyway. also ive been giggling about the rabies joke far more than is warranted ty asdkfjdsjfk
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un-pearable · 3 years ago
season 7: the thoughts continue
i feel like the quantity and quality of brief stupid & irrelevant team exchanges went up and i am SO here for it. jay has redeemed his poor choices from last season purely by virtue of being part of 50 to 75% of these, for the record. this has been so extremely enjoyable i dont even know where to begin.
the concept of the "hands of time" being twins with symmetrical time powers is honestly. so cool and even if the execution was mid i am still so Extremely glad this exists. because its very cool. i do wish they had better designs though usually the ninjago designs are. well most of the time theyre not spectacular but they're generally fine. these guys are ugly tho.
the snake dudes / one dudette whose names escape me at the moment annoyed me. i dont like them. also why is it that 1) they gave the snake girl titties. real question. i dont think she needs tits made of snakes. stop it and 2) there was only 1 (one) girl. where are my useless female grunts !!!!!
so many time puns. too many time puns. infinite time puns. you can watch my sanity wear away in real time. NO WAIT I SAID TIME DAMMI
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^ responding to a message unrelated to ninjago
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anyways yeah no i am very very disappointed. three pairs. Three of them. and not a single foil in sight. like man why'd you even bother. its like they wanted to do something with them all being siblings but couldnt think of anything past them all being siblings. yknow. its like "ohh wow kai and naya are fighting those time guys !! oh huh what? you mean we should have some thematic or narrative reason for this? ah screw that they're both sibling pairs thats good enough" NO ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. ITS NOT
regarding kai and naya it also annoys me because we didnt really get much of them bonding as siblings because 80% of it was about their parents, who i am ALSO supremely disappointed in, even if im not particularly surprised. like . ok . ok ok. head in hands. they just Left kai and naya because time brother #1 (whose name again escapes me), who, notably does not have any more elemental powers, said "haha im gonna kill them" despite the fact that BOTH of them were there and definitely could've taken him out, and instead decided to go help him build weapons for him to take over ninjago with. for real. really. Really . like MAN at least if they were evil that woudlve been INTERESTING. come ONNNNNNNN. come on. come onnnnnn screw that. and then all kai and naya got this season was "oh wow epic our parents are still here. ok well since the writers arent going to do anything interesting with that we're all gonna be buddy buddy now. tee hee"
really annoyed with wu this season btw. take this discord screenshot that encapsulates my thoughts pretty well
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like okay i dont hold him not telling anybody anything at the beginning of the season against him too much because like thats the beginning of the next tacked on season that the authors had not originally had plans for and whats a ninjago season if it doesnt start with wu saying "there's something i havent told you yet" + usually they're stories that he could've reasonably thought wouldn't have become relevant again, but this is just unacceptable. bro get a grip if their master dies out of nowhere when they weren't expecting it then methinks it will distract them. just a little bit.
also this
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the ninjago timeline is honestly a joke. its like . MAN it doesnt even begin to make sense its like wu and garmadon's dad is a sort of demigod who created the whole world but also they're only 80 years old and apparently ancient ninjago was 40 years ago and lloyd fits into this picture. somehow. (????????????????????????????) because to say it is terribly unclear when garmadon went full deranged is. well. an understatement of the century. and . yknow what why am i even bothering, honestly. whatever. who cares (me i do)
i didnt like. dislike the season but this one really suffered from a lack of a coherent vision. most of the season kind of felt like they did nothing and WAIT I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT THE DAY OF THE DEAD SPECIAL. IM SO MAD I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT COLE BEING A GHOST NOW. AND THEN THEY DIDNT. NOT AT ALL. NOT EVEN LIKE A PROPER IDENTITY CRISIS OR ANYTHIGN. THEY FIXED IT IN A SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay that aside. im glad pixal has something to do now instead of just being inside zane's brain. good for her good for her.
im also SO glad they didnt just undo the whole arc with the reversing time blade. thank the lord above i was half expecting them to despite the fact that they literally just did that Last Season. also also i LOVE jay's mom she showed up for .4 minutes, was terribly annoying, and i love it. i love her. i want more annoying women in media please and thank you you can really tell she's jay's mom. i want them to meet so bad.
btw lloyd deserves such a break. he needs it. he should go on vacation or something let everybody else figure it out. they'll probably die without him but idk he needs it. actually speaking of, this was my takeaway from this season
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also question about the reversing time blade. theoretically if you punch a recently deceased corpse with it could you bring them back to life?
and, on a final note, take this
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the goofiness the ninja deserve. if the show isn't at least 45% silly character interactions by runtime it isn't even ninjago anymore.
they are!!! they are such a great concept. execution mixed and yeah the designs are. lacking. but once again they knock it out of the park with the show's concepts. notwithstanding the snitties.
i see my pun riddled future. i live in excited fear of it. you are also the funniest person on the planet adksfjds
mhm. mhhhm. what i wouldn't give for this show to figure out what they're doing with the character foiling bc half the time its got a good start but fumbles bc time/medium constraints but 99% of the show's good potential foiling?? is completely squandered??? their reliance on the secret parent reveals over time only gets more frustrating as it continues but for a show that's so oriented on familial bonds BOY do they constantly ignore any and all actual meaning they could explore about them. comparing nya and kai w/ everyone else could be fascinating but that means confronting character traits and we've been. heh. watering down kai ever since he stopped being the main character so that's not allowed.
there is sooooo much to be said about their parents and while there is solace in it does get addressed a little. it is very much in ninjago's special way where they pretend nothing happened for multiple seasons. so that's fun. also now i want kai and nya to have to bond with lloyd over evil parents that'd be funny as hell.
glad you got your cardboard cutout parental figures guys. go ignore your potentially complex emotions about this experience over with jay in the lobby. it'll be your turn to be important again in 2-5 seasons and by then half the world will be retconned again <3
ahh yes. wu. tbh while i get its incredibly frustrating and purely a plot device i do think he's funny as hell for never telling them shit. 100% this guy never actually figured out what being a mentor was beyond how his god-dad treated him and his god-dad was omniscient and ominous about it so. yeah i get it. but any situation where misako can give you valid criticism is a bad one.
the infamous ninjago timeline... in one of the comics it fucks it up so bad that cole is born after lloyd. this place is a dumpster fire of time discrepancies this is what happens when you make time a manipulatable element. what the hell FSM. they have fuckin FOSSILS and also ancient history that the grandpa down the street lived through. either these legos have fuckin long ass lifespans or im just gonna keep blaming it on the fact that TIME IS AN ELEMENT. gravity is a fucking element. speed is a fucjin element. what's next is inertia an element. can their newest villain stop their spinjitzu in its tracks by sending them flying off in a single direction forever. mr self styled god what the fuck were you doing
everything about cole is a tragedy. and also confusing. obligatory return to the status quo i hate you.
I haven't even watched the entire season yet but oooooh jay's mom lives in my brain. she got her grubby little electricity master fingers on my synapses and i can't stop imagining melodramatic fic about her and her confusing as hell life. smthn smthn the lightning rod versus the storm that strikes it. miss child abandonment two, electric boogaloo, i would give you my house for an inch of your life story
the only takes on the ninja's braincell capacity I respect. people putting nya at the top of the list are missing out on her chaotic girl swag and the fact that she has recommended some of the stupidest shit imaginable. queen shit girl but cmon
yes. yes i believe it should and someone should go grab morros abandoned body to test it. this is a universally bad idea
lastly, tragically, i take back my earlier statement, zero offense meant but you have been dethroned as the funniest person on the planet
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