#hhhh not my best work but I wanted to do something nice for zanarkand bae so akjdhwuadh
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Tidus takes the role of coach for a day, trying to teach Yuna the tips and tricks of being a star player... (for @zanarkandmp4.)
Tidus was fully expecting a lecture today– perhaps, even, an argument. he had promised to teach Yuna how to blitz, and he fully intended to keep that promise, but in his haste to do something fun for Yuna, he had failed to consider what the other guardian’s might say, until now. Rikku would be cool with it, but Kimarhi might snarl. Auron would complain that they didn’t have time for such frivolities, and Lulu wouldn’t trust him alone with her. perhaps most annoyingly, Wakka would probably try to tag along. none of these were things he particularly wanted to deal with, but nevertheless, he had mentally prepared a whole, lengthy speech to be delivered– on how it was important that they have time to let loose and relax, especially for Yuna, who should be able to do things she wanted to do, even though she was a summoner with duties and high expectations. more than anyone, she deserved this. standing defiantly before them when he broke the news, he was more than ready to convince them, but… no resistance came. Rikku and Wakka were encouraging. Kimarhi simply looked at Yuna, then gave a nod of acceptance. “be careful”, was all that Lulu replied. Auron grunted-- agreeing with his surly companion, Tidus assumed... he was confounded. things had gone much better than expected... but he wasn’t complaining! and neither was Yuna. the pair glanced briefly at each other in surprise, but before long, broke out into smiles. “well, let’s go!” Tidus waved a hand at her encouragingly, leading her down the path towards the shore. when they were out of earshot and sight of the rest of the party, he tilted his head at her, wondering aloud. “that was weird, right? nobody yelled at me, or threatened me... it’s like they didn’t even care!” she gave a small toss of her shoulders, trying not to laugh. “it’s not that they don’t care. I think… it’s different now. they trust you.” she had always trusted him, but now, more than ever, his role as a guardian was a special one, and, perhaps, everyone was beginning to realize that as well. since their escape from Bevelle, and the betrayal by Yevon… Yuna found great comfort in her time with him. for those precious few moments, she could forget about all her troubles, and though she never wanted to forget for long– the importance of her journey was always in the back of her mind, as it should be– sometimes, a break from it all was just what she needed. she could hardly remain Spira’s ray of hope, with so little light in her own life. she felt lucky, to have someone so bright to keep her smiling. “yeah... I guess so.” the smile he gave was sincere, like he was pleased by the party’s change of heart. proud, even. rightly so, she thought. he’d become quite the guardian. shyly, her hand reached to graze his gloved one, fighting the blush that begun to form when he warmly, immediately clasped her fingers in his. she was happy, walking the rest of the way in comfortable quiet, enjoying the contented feeling he gave her, until finally, they arrived at the water’s edge...
they dropped the towels they’d gathered, and the blitzball in his free hand fell to the sand, giving it a nudge towards the tide with his foot. he turned to her with eyes shining bright, looking enthusiastic, like he’d been waiting for this for a long time. “alright! it’s time to get this lesson started! ‘you ready to blitz?” Yuna was more subdued, still. “well, no… not quite…” he blinked in surprise, wondering if she was backing out... but then she smiled. she was only teasing; his question implied that she already knew what she was doing, when in fact, she was here to learn just that! “--not yet! but you’ll teach me, won’t you?”
he breathed a relieved laugh, then nodded. “yeah, of course! that’s what we’re here for, right?” his hand tugged lightly on hers, gently pulling her towards the water, but giving her leeway to follow at her own pace. she did, boots tentatively toeing through the sand, until warm water lapped at her ankles. it was only then, as their lesson should have been beginning, that he realized he hadn’t exactly come prepped with a game plan... sure, he’d playd the role of a coach before. but he was usually teaching a new move to an already seasoned player, or a simple concept to an eager fan. in both cases, the students already had the foundation for the game down– they were just perfecting a technique. but how exactly did you teach someone blitzball from scratch… ? he didn’t really know. he had been playing for so long that it had begun to feel like he’d always known how… but when he looked at her, patiently waiting for instruction, hair blowing softly in the ocean breeze… he decided it didn’t really matter. they weren’t really here because she wanted to go professional in the sphere pool. the truth was... they wanted to spend time together. it was as simple as that. they should just enjoy this, a day at the beach, together… because how often would they get a chance like this? (he refused to think about the possibility– the very real one– that they never would again.) he reached for her other hand, two standing united in the waxing and waning surf. “well… we’re here. what do you wanna do?” in a moment so perfect as this one, he could practically forget the whole reason they’d come. and so had she. the truth was, she wanted to stay here, in this moment, for as long as possible. but of course, that couldn’t be. they only had so much time to spare. reluctantly, she spoke, though she was unsure what to say. “I... I don’t think I need much help with my passing, and catching. and I’m a pretty good swimmer!” she didn’t want to sound too full of herself, but she had grown up on an island. he didn’t doubt it. she probably only stayed behind on their aquatic missions as a precaution. if she didn’t need help with that, it left only a few things left to study. “so, maybe... holding your breathe?” after a moment, she nodded. “I think I could use the practice.” so it was settled. he took her hand, leading her farther from the shore, so that she could more easily dip under the surface. gleeful and lost in thought, he hadn’t realized how far they wandered, until the water was nearly to her collarbone. she gave a squeeze to his hand, not wanting to drift much farther-- the sea in Spira was never the safest place to be. he turned to face her, meeting her gaze encouragingly, noticing that her expression had turned a touch more nervous than before. “’is this okay? do you wanna go back a little?” “no-- it isn’t that. it’s just... I’ve never been very good at this part! how do you do it so well...?” “--huh? really? I mean... you seemed pretty good at it to me… ” she tilted her head at him in question, wondering to what time he referred… until the realization hit her like a tidal wave. her cheeks burned bright red. he was talking about Macalania, wasn’t he? “well, that– that wasn’t the same– !” he was laughing, but not having meant to embarrass her, he shook his head apologetically. “sorry! I just meant… well, you know, that’s kinda the trick! you just gotta distract yourself! if you’re worrying about how much longer you can make it, you’re gonna freak out and have to come up for air. but if you’re relaxed, you can do it... I don’t know how, but you just can!” she hummed in thought, vaguely wondering how that was possible. didn’t a body have it’s limits? but he must be right, because she had been just fine in Macalania, despite her lack of experience in underwater athletics… she gave a nod, choosing to trust him. “I’ll try my best.” “don’t worry. just go as long as you can!” with her eyes locked on his, she gave another nod. “okay… I’m ready!” he nodded back, smiling encouragingly. “I’ll be right here. I’ll keep count, okay?“ reassured, she took a deep gulp of fresh air, readying herself… then dived under. he followed with a big splash, hovering in front of her with a cheeky expression. she looked at him questioningly, but true to his word, he kept count on his fingers, and she watched each second passing. it was slow, and a bit tedious, and she wasn’t sure how she was meant to relax when her lungs were silently begging for air. noticing her growing discomfort, he glided forward, until the two were mere inches apart. uncertain, his eyes searched hers. the curiosity in her eyes gave way to something else, like… hope. her nerves melted into a small quirk of her lips. he took it as a sign that it was okay: pressing a quick peck against her lips. she leaned forward, accepting the distraction happily in a soft, slow kiss. her eyes shot open in surprise when he pulled away suddenly. he was giving her some kind of enthusiastic gesture with his hands. she didn’t understand, head tilting at him curiously. he held up a digit, mouthing the words ‘one minute’. oh! her expression lit up. so he was right: time sure flew faster when she was distracted... he gave her a big thumbs up and a grin, doing a little flip underwater. she giggled at his showy encouragement… but unfortunately, this motion accidentally parted her lips, sent her sputtering, seawater pouring into her open mouth. her hand went to cover her mouth instinctively, and his own instincts kicked into action. he pulled her quickly from the water, immediately greeting her with worry, his hands clasped tightly on her shoulders.
“Yuna, are you okay– ?” she managed a strong nod, trying to assure him that she was in no real danger. the water in her throat was more of a nuisance than anything, rendering her silent through coughs, but truly, she was fine. it was no reason for the panic he exhibited, watching her intently to be sure she didn’t need more help than that. when her coughing fit passed, she took a long breath, as if in relief. “mm– that stung a little…” she whined, but lightly, not truly bothered. her pride was hurt more than anything. “sorry– I– I guess I pushed too hard. we should’ve come up earlier–” “no, no!” she shook her head fiercely at the remorse that was quickly coalescing in his tone, and in an apologetic expression. “you didn’t do anything wrong! in fact, I’m certain that’s a record! I’ve never held my breath for so long! well, except for... you know...” she gave him a shy look, eyes unable to hold contact with his. a short laugh was given at her at her bashful avoidance to speak of Macalania. it was almost enough to admonish him of his guilt, but he still felt a little bad. all that trust he’d earned from the guardian’s, and here she was, getting hurt under his watch. his discomfort was clear, and she frowned at him stubbornly, a pouting look, with wet strands sticking to her cheeks. he would have laughed, at the impossibly cute expression, if not so wracked with guilt. “don’t be upset-- please. I... I had fun. thank you, Tidus... for always making me laugh.” “yeah, well...” this was one time she shouldn’t be thanking for making her laugh, he thought, but... the sincerity of her words… it was touching. his heart warmed, seeing her smile at him in the most genuine way. it reminded him why they were here… for fun. she didn’t need another guardian to fuss over her safety all the time; she had plenty of those. she just wanted to laugh… and smile. just like this. his hold on her lessened, hands falling from her shoulders. the gaze he beheld her with could hardly be called anything but adoring. “… anytime, Yuna.” his eyes, so intent on her, rose a blush to her cheeks. she looked down shyly, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. though she was not looking at him, she could not hide the smile on her face– nor did she see him approach. being pulled into a warm embrace surprised her, an abrupt sound– almost a squeak– escaping her. it would have worried him, if not for her arms raising to return the hug, burrowing closer for warmth against the water chilling her skin. (and for less practical reasons, like the safe, eased feeling she got in his arms.) “you did a really good job. maybe you can come play with Wakka and me next time!” “I… think I’d rather cheer from the sidelines. at least, for now.” “hey, that’s good, too– as long as you cheer real loud!” “I will!” even in their warm embrace, the growing chill of the water on their skin was becoming obvious. concerned, he pulled away, letting his hands rest on her shoulders, carefully drifting up and down to keep her warm. “it’s getting kind of cold. should we… call it a day?” much as she was enjoying the comforting touch… from a practical standpoint, she had to agree. catching a cold wouldn’t do. “I think so…” he nodded, taking her hand, drifting back to the shore with her in sight. “but we’ll do this again! right?” “mhm! I still have a lot to learn!” her quick, immediate response gave him hope. without hesitation, she was imagining a future, one where she was alive. maybe… she was starting to believe in him. to believe there was another way… at that realization, his heart was full, his smile was bright enough to outshine gold. when they arrived back on the sandy beach, he reached down for the towels they’d dropped there in preparation. the first was draped over her shoulders, and the other, he playfully mused her hair with, as if trying to recreate her infamous bedhead. she gave a light huff of argument, placing her hands on his wrists to stop him.
“what? I was just making sure you’re dry!” she shook her head at him incredulously, unconvinced by his plea of innocence, but too amused to fight it. instead, she removed the towel from around her shoulders to rise slightly on her toes, reaching for his hair and ruffling in return… though much more gently. she was smiling, but her actions were gingerly, and sincere. he just watched her, enamored, his hands falling to rest lightly at her waist. when the droplets of water were gone from blonde strands, she was a little disappointed. with that, she lost her excuse to be close to him. her cheeks were pink with embarrassment, but she knew she had no reason to apologize, seeing the joy in his expression, so she said nothing at all, simply lowering the towel to rest on his shoulders. the gentle attention was missed, but it was reason enough for him to be bold in his own way, leaning forward for a soft, meaningful kiss... just like in the water, time stood still for them. a minute may have passed– an hour, for all she knew. they were in their own world... until a sound in the distance, like a branch cracking, startled them both, jumping slightly in surprise. his hand reached for sword, pushing her back, guardian instincts taking over. but no fiend emerged from the greenery, nor even a person. slowly, the tension faded, and he whistled in relief. “‘must have been an animal, I guess...” “maybe…“ her voice drew on, almost suspicious. he looked back at her, a question in his eyes. "you don’t sound convinced...” “oh, it’s nothing… I’m just surprised... no-one has come to check on us yet, have they?” “ah…” he laughed. that was her nice way of saying that it might be one of her loyal companions, come to make sure they were safe. so much for trusting him. “it was probably Rikku being nosy like always.” she tucked a stray hair behind her ear shyly, hoping not, though… at this point, did it really matter if anyone saw? everybody must already know how they two felt for each other, didn’t they? it was getting more and more difficult for her to hide. she had him thinking of the rest of the group, though, and he shot her a wiry smile. “sorry for almost drowning you. don’t tell Lulu on me, okay?” “oh– never!” “good-- ‘cause she’d never let you out of sight again!” she was chuckling, but the thought almost seemed to bother her, her head bowing. she appreciated all of her guardians, and their protective nature-- she really did. but she was not quite ready to return to the careful cocoon they had constructed for her. yes, Tidus may have put her in harm's way a bit more than she was used to... but if he hadn't, would they have had as much fun? she was enjoying the brief feeling of freedom, and didn't want it to end. the subtle shift in her mood didn't go unnoticed by him, prompting his careful questioning. "Yuna...? what’s wrong?" she began to open her mouth, to protest that anything was wrong at all. but after a long moment, she settled on honesty. "...we don't have to go back yet, do we?" "--ah?" he was surprised-- eyes widening momentarily-- but hardly saw a reason to protest. "not if you don't want to..." his hand reached for hers, smile glaring again. "... we can stay here forever if you want. that'd be fine by me!" she looked up, meeting his eyes, mirroring his glowing expression. “me, too...” they both knew they couldn’t stay forever. soon, they would have to move on. the sun was setting, and they had a duty to fulfill. but for now, they could dream. a towel was tossed to the floor, seating themselves comfortably in front of the sea. before long, she had shifted from her place beside him, to lean her back against his chest, their hands clasped together tightly. and they watched, the sun melting into the sea, giving way for the moon to shine...
#hhhh not my best work but I wanted to do something nice for zanarkand bae so akjdhwuadh#HAVE THIS LIL DRABBLE#hopefully it makes someone smile :)
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