#hgff facts
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hellsitegeneticsfunfacts · 3 days ago
I have been posting daily fungi facts for about 100 days now, but I am very lazy so I'm going to go ahead and outsource one of the facts to you. I hereby request a fact about Ganoderma formosanum.
Of course!
Ganoderma formosanum, also called black ganoderma or black reishi, is a medicinal mushroom native to Taiwan. While it is edible, it is described as bitter to eat and is most often used in powders, extractions, and tinctures. A fun fact about Ganoderma formosanum is that studies are being conducted to determine it's effectiveness in helping to treat tumors! The mushroom produces exopolysaccharides (EPS) rich in beta-glucan, which can be used to help regulate and inhibit tumor growth, among other things. These same EPS can also be found in other types of yeast, mushrooms, and bacteria, including shiitake!
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(heres the study I referenced!)
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hellsitegeneticsfunfacts · 13 days ago
Hello! This is a female Heliconius congener congener from Sanjay National Park in Zúñac, Ecuador.
Heliconius butterflies are part of a genus including 45-50 species, including the zebra longwing (Heliconius charithonia), cydno longwing (Heliconius cydno), and the common postman (Heliconius melpomene) (not to be mistaken for the red postman, or Heliconius erato)!
A fun fact about these butterflies is that their larvae eat passion flower vines, and that they usually only fly between elevations of 800 and 1500 meters.
(Additional info; the photo that was posted with this species was taken near Pablo Sexto (Canton, Ecuador))
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hellsitegeneticsfunfacts · 13 days ago
Welcome to Hellsite Genetics Fun Facts!
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This is a parody blog off of @hellsitegenetics that posts fun facts about the animals produced by BLASTing posts and asks.
We will also take asks and requests for facts about specific animals or animals from photos :)
Organization tags below:
#hgff general will go on every post.
#hgff facts will go on posts that contain facts about animals and creatures.
#hgff asks will go on responses to asks.
#hgff talks will go on independent posts and rambles.
#hgff extras will go on posts that don't fit into other tags.p
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hellsitegeneticsfunfacts · 13 days ago
Hello! Acidianus brierleyi is a spore-forming archaebacteria found in thermal spring drainage. It is considered an important biomining acidophile due to its potential for industrial applications from it's ability to oxidize ferrous and ability to metabolize sulfur.
Fun fact, it was first isolated from an acidic thermal spring in Yellowstone National Park!
thinking about the time I was 5 and a teacher explained what Heaven was to me for the first time (all the best people are there, recess is forever, and I could eat as much chocolate as I wanted) and I'm like ma'am sign me the FUCK up (roughly speaking) and then she had me pray to Jesus to ask to become an Xtian
And I was SO absolutely excited, because I thought I'd get immediately beamed up into Heaven, Star Trek style. Everyone else in my class may have been excited about recess coming up, but they were SUCKERS because I was about to get FOREVER recess, and INFINITE chocolate
And I'm like man what's wrong with people that everyone doesn't do this. And my teacher was like you are so smart and that's so true and I'm like yeah I AM so smart and that IS so true
cut to around an hour later, and I'm now angry, confused, and hurt, that Jesus was taking so long to beam me up to Heaven and I was expected to go to REGULAR, FINITE, TEMPORARY recess. A little delay, I could understand. The man was probably very busy. But once it got to a whole hour, that was just unreasonable.
So I go and ask the teacher what went wrong, and why Jesus was dragging his feet on this whole taking me to Heaven thing, and she was like oh. I'm sorry. You only go to Heaven when you're dead.
And I asked her something along the lines of, so the only people who know about Heaven are dead people. and we can't talk to dead people
And she uncomfortably said, Yes.
And I just scowled at her and walked away.
She never tried to talk to me about Jesus or Heaven ever again, but I hope the next time she wanted to convert a five year old, she thought about me scowling up at her in my thick rimmed glasses asking what exactly the holdup was for the Good Lord to just fucking kill me already lmao
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hellsitegeneticsfunfacts · 12 days ago
Hello! Acipenser ruthenus, also called the Sterlet Sturgeon, is the smallest species of sturgeon in a group of sturgeons called Danube sturgeons. These fish live their entire lives in the Danube River basin in Europe, and the Sterlet sturgeon is the only remaining native sturgeon in the Middle and Upper Danube due to loss of habitat.
A fun fact about this fish is that during their spawning season (in mid-April to early June), female Sterlets can lay upwards of 44,000 eggs!
sauropoda is a clade of saurischia that includes some of the largest dinosaurs we currently know of. if i'm going to submit something to you it's going to include these guys. they include some familiar faces like the brontosaurus. but the largest specimen within this group is a giant barosaurus fossil.
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credit to Paleonerd01 on DeviantArt
they've inhbabited every continent (including Antarctica!) and give us those comically large prints we're so fond of zooming out on.
another good giant friend of mine is the colossal squid. why do they keep making bigger squids? because i love them. i love their huge eyes and big fights with sperm whales. i love their elusiveness. i love that we went "kraken?" haha very funny. cthulhu? sure guys. and they EXIST <333
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credit to Te Ara in New Zealand
and charismatic megafauna are cool and all but have you considered something a little smaller? maybe a Black Capped Chickadee? they tend to travel in groups or two or more when they're flying outside the nest and their call "chicka dee" functions as a warning call of increasing intensity depending on how many "dee"s they add.
and bugs? here's the thing: i have fought with Polistes metricus for years growing up. have they stung all of my loved ones? absolutely. do they also eat an invasive species of worm in my area? yes. and while these guys will sting you without a second thought and fly away laughing, they are a necessary evil. just like the birds, they stop for a sip of water. they are, i must admit through gritted teeth, an important part of my ecosystem.
String identified: TAC
aa a ca aca tat c t agt a ct . ' gg t t tg t t' gg t c t g. t c aa ac t ta. t t agt c t t g a gat aa . ct t a01 atAt
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at g gat t ca . t ag gg ? ca t. t g a g gt t a. t . tat t "a?" aa . ct? g. a t T <333 ct t T Aa aa
a caatc gaaa a c a a t a c tg a tt a? a a ac Ca Cca? t t t ta g t t' g t t t a t ca "cca " ct a a ag ca cag tt g a "" t a.
a g? ' t tg: a gt t t tc a gg . a t tg a ? at. t a at a a c aa? . a t g tg tt a c tgt a aa agg, t a a ca . t t , t t a at. t a, t at tg gtt tt, a tat at ct.
Closest match: Acipenser ruthenus genome assembly, chromosome: 41 Common name: Sterlet sturgeon
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