#hey sexies guess who remembered their password
dankmaths · 1 year
artdump for another AU that's been in my head a while (since i got into p4 lmao). yosuke, who Totally Doesn’t believe in the paranormal, moves into a suspiciously cheap apartment haunted by ghost yu.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
The Truth that You Deny // Part 2
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
word count: 2, 442
warnings: drinking?? nothing much more than that
A/N: here’s part 2!! I’m so glad you guys are liking this so far :) I haven’t written in a while so it makes me so happy to see people still like it a bit. anyways, i still have a few more parts to this so let me know if you’re liking it and if you’d like to be added to a taglist for it.  
taglist - @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai
you can find part 1 here!
The next couple weeks are more than awkward between the three of you and everyone is starting to pick up on it, but none of them dare ask anything in fear it’ll make whatever is going on worse.
Truthfully, the twins were still acting like themselves around everyone - they were laughing and joking and just as vibrant as they had been before - but it was how silent you had become that created the tension amongst everyone. It was like you to be quieter than the rest of your group of friends, but you had never been as disconnected from the group as you have been lately.
Granted, you were stuck inside your own head analyzing your thoughts and emotions towards the twins and trying to figure out if you did like them or not. Deep down you know the answer, but you don’t want to admit it to yourself yet because once you do that unleashes a whole new set of problems.
“Y/n!” Lee nearly shouts, snapping his fingers in front of your face.
“What, Lee?!” You snap a bit, not knowing why he’s raised his voice to you.
“Have you heard anything we just said?” He asks, the rest of your friends looking at you.
You stare back at him and then look around the group for any kind of clue yet you find none.
“N-no. I guess not.” You sigh.
“I’m sorry. What were you guys talking about?” You ask, glancing over everyone but settling your attention on Stephanie.
“There’s a party tonight and we wanted to check and see what everyone thought about it.” Fred says as you turn your attention towards him.
“What about it?” You ask, not sure what they’re looking for.
“Like if you wanted to go? If so, when you wanted to go, et cetra”
“Uh, yeah. Sure. I’d like to go. Who’s throwing it?”
“Okay. Uh, yeah. I’ll be there.” You say, giving a small smile to try to give the illusion that you’re totally not lost inside your own head.
He nods and looks back around the group to get everyone’s final opinion.
“Hey, beautiful. How are you doing?” Steph asks as she walks into your dorm.
“Fine. I’m just trying to get ready for the party. What do you think of that dress on the bed there?”
“The white one?”
“Yeah. Do you think it’ll be too much?”
“I don’t think so. If it is then at least you know you’re the best dressed, yeah?”
“I guess so.” You chuckle as you finish applying your lashes.
“Look, y/n, I don’t know if this is really the cause of why you’ve been acting so disconnected lately....but I’m sorry for pushing you about liking Fred and George. I...It’s none of my business and I should have stayed out of it.” Steph apologizes as she sits down on your bed, wringing her hands together.
“No, you were right. I mean you shouldn’t have pushed it so hard, but I...well, I do like them. I didn’t want to admit it to myself because it just makes everything more difficult, but you were right.” You sigh, walking over to sit next to her.
“I’m still sorry. It was none of my business, but what are you going to do now that you admitted it?”
You sit there for a minute thinking about it before you reply.
“Get plastered tonight and hopefully forget about all of it. You?”
“Maybe not get plastered, but get drunk and just have fun.” She laughs.
“You ready? Everyone else is already inside.” Steph asks as you both click your way to the ravenclaw house entrance.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You smile as she gives the password to enter.
Once you do, you’re immediately encompassed by the sound of loud music and overlapping chatter broken apart by a few shouts from one person to another across the room. Besides the sheer volume of the room, you’re also hit by the smell of sweaty bodies, much too strong perfumes and cologne that have muddled together into one scent, and various different alcohols.
“Girl! Ugh, You look amazing.” Some 5th year hufflepuff girl compliments as you start to make your way through the room in search of the alcohol.
“Thanks. You too, beautiful!” You smile, admiring her pale yellow velvet bodycon she’s wearing with nude/clear wedges.
“Where can I find the alcohol?” You ask and nod as she points off into the room.
After a handful of shots taken with a few people hanging around the alcohol table, you find yourself dancing carefree. You honestly can’t remember the last time you’ve just let yourself go and have fun without worrying about the consequences or something else that you should be doing. You’re having an absolute banging time and are thoroughly enjoying yourself for once, which is being noticed by two of your friends across the room.
“Y/n seems to be having a lot of fun tonight.” George points out to his brother as they hang out on the outskirts of a crowd, Fred dancing along with them.
“Yeah, it does. It’s nice to see. It’s not like her to be so down like she has been.” Fred replies.
“I know. I’ve been wondering what’s on her mind. You don’t think we upset her do you?”
“Nah, I don’t think so. We pushed her, but I think whatever it was she’s been thinking about had been on her mind long before that.”
“Yeah. You’re probably right. I’m just glad to see she’s finally getting out of it.” George trails off as Fred nods in agreement, still dancing.
“She looks real nice tonight.” George points out.
“Yeah. She does.” Fred smiles, watching you as you dance with some 4th year ravenclaws and some of their friends both in their year from other houses as well as higher years they’ve met through older ravenclaw friends.
Neither of them could help but look you up and down multiple times throughout the night. You wore a bright white bodycon dress that falls just above the middle of your thighs. That alone is sexy enough, but you had to go even further in getting a dress that had a bit of a slit on the right side that was outlined with a string of crystals that hang over your thigh. Throughout the night, anyone could have found both Fred and George seeming to stare at your thighs, but really they were just in awe with the way the light caught the crystals as you moved. On top of that you wore nude heels that seemed to elongate your already gorgeous legs. Not to mention your makeup. You didn’t wear it often, but in the name of Merlin, you sure knew how to.
As the night progresses, you continue drinking anything and everything you can find that tastes decent enough. As you told Steph, you wanted to forget everything you’ve been thinking about for the last two weeks, and you were almost there.
Way too many drinks ago you found yourself starting to slur, yet you kept on drinking. You’ve started to get wobbly on your feet yet you’ve continued drinking. You’re honestly not sure if you even remember your name or where you are anymore, yet you’re stumbling your way to the alcohol table to get yet another drink.
“Having fun?” You hear someone ask.
You try to turn toward them, but the problem is you’re not quite sure which direction their voice came from.
Eventually you find two...wait four...nope, two red heads behind you.
“Y/n, are you having fun?” The other one asks and you nod even though their words have yet to fully register in your head.
“Y-yeah.” You hiccup. “Lots.”
“What in merlins name? Y/n...are you drunk?” Fred asks, watching as you sway in your spot which he’s positive you aren’t purposely doing.
“Drunk? Not even cl-ose.”
“For merlin’s sake, y/n.” George frowns, catching you as you start to lean too far forward.
“I don’t think we should let her drink anymore, Fred.” George says, taking your cup from you and setting it on the table behind you guys.
“No. No, we shouldn’t. In fact we should probably get her back to her dorm.”
“And how do you plan on doing that without getting caught? I don’t think y/n here is going to be very quiet.” George says as you’re rambling to yourself about one of the songs that just played.
“Uhm, I don’t know? Maybe we could cast muffliato around us?”
“It’s worth a shot.” George says as he picks you up bridal style instead of trying to guide you through the halls.
“Hey! I can walk myself.” You say, awfully slurred, as you try to work your way out of his arms.
He doesn’t budge, counteracting each of your movements and keeping you in his grip. Watching you try to stand still just now proves to him that there is no way to get you back to the gryffindor common room with you walking.
“Hey, you’re strong.” You say in regards to him fighting you and still holding you. “I don’t like it.”
George chuckles and shakes his head at you. You’ve never been drunk around them before, and not surprisingly they find it quite adorable. Sure you guys have had drinks together before, but you’ve never gotten drunk drunk.
“Alright, are you ready to go?” Fred asks having cast the spell.
“As ready as we can be.”
“Okay, well then let’s head out. Here’s hoping the charm works.”
“Your charm works.” You giggle as you wink at him.
He chuckles and shakes his head. Never in a million years did he expect y/n y/l/n to be a flirty drunk.
“Well, I know. Thank you.” Fred smiles, joking around.
“Welcome” you hiccup, following it with a burst of giggles.
“I don’t think drunk y/n knows how to be quiet.” George laughs. it’s such a contrast to your normal personality that he can’t help but laugh.
Normally you were pretty quiet. You knew how to speak up when needed, and were often quick to, but you were quiet the majority of the time. That’s not saying that you were insecure or scared, but that you knew how to listen. It’s impossible to count the amount of times the twins have come to you with one problem or another for you to listen and help them figure out a solution. They adored you for it and that’s part of the reason you three became such close friends. You were a voice of reason to their chaotic energies and in turn they were just the right amount of wild to get you out of your comfort zone.
The twins knew pretty early on into your friendship that you were more to them than just some casual friend. Hence why you’ve been over to the burrow at least twice a year since your second year of school. They loved having you around and when you weren’t, they could feel that something was missing.
They both loved you, even though neither of them were quite aware of that fact.
“We’re almost there.” Fred whispers. George nods, adjusting the way you’ve settled into his arms.
Even though you’re beyond drunk, George can’t help but admire the way you’ve curled into him. You’ve somehow twisted just enough that you’re facing him, your head resting on his shoulder.
“Okay, we’re here.” Fred says.
“Where? Are we at another party?��� You ask, really wanting to get another drink.
Fred whispers the password to the portrait so they can get inside and, hopefully, up to her dorm.
“Party?” You ask, frowning as you enter your common room to find complete silence.
“No more parties, unless you wanna have a slumber party. Alright?” Fred tells you as him and George make their way up to your room.
“Is there alcohol?” You ask, stumbling as George finally sets you down inside your room.
“Not anymore. C’mon let’s get you to your bed.” George says, leading you towards your bed.
“But I need another drink. Wanna forget.” You mumble as you fall into your bed.
Both the boys stop, looking at each other confused before looking back at you.
“Forget? What do you wanna forget, love?” Fred asks as he starts taking off your one shoe as George works on the other.
“Thoughts.” You yawn, trying to curl up onto your side but George is still working on getting your shoe off so he keeps you from turning.
“What kind of thoughts?” George asks, finally getting the buckle part undone so he can slide off your shoe.
“Boys I like.” You mumble, finally able to curl up on your side.
Even though you’d deny it if directly asked, you were beyond tired and the twins knew it. If they ever wanted to figure out who you had gone so quiet over, they’d have to keep you talking.
“Can you tell us about them?” Fred asks, looking over at you as you shiver a bit.
It’s honestly no wonder given it’s nearing the middle of winter and you were wearing this. Neither of the twins could say that you didn’t look stunning, but it really wasn’t that hard to believe that you’d be cold. Nonetheless, Fred helps you to get under the covers.
“Can you tell us about the guys you like? They’ve got to be mighty special if you go silent over them for a whole two weeks.”
You smile as you think about them, not realizing that they’re the ones with you right now.
“They’re my best friends.” You mumble, smiling dreamily as you’re half asleep.
Fred looks over to George who is looking over at him. Both had the same thought run through their head - us?!
“They’re funny....and brilliant....absolutely adorable....they’re kind.” You continue mumbling as both of the boys watch you, a warmth igniting in their chest. While they couldn’t place exactly what the sensation was, it hadn’t been the first time they’ve felt it when thinking about you.
“Yeah?” George asks, smiling happily at you.
“Yeah,” You hum. “I love when they’re around and just thinking about them makes me happy, but they’re my best friends....and I don’t want to screw anything up between us, but I think I really love them.”
“You do, hmm?” Fred asks, not able to help a smug smirk play on his lips even though this admission overjoys him.
“She’s talking about us, isn’t she Fred?” George asks, smiling at the thought.
“Yeah, George. I believe she is,” he smiles, looking over your sleeping form. “She won’t remember any of this tomorrow.”
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lovelysugawara · 3 years
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LOVE ME AGAIN; special episode
(Missing him Badly)
Kuroo x OC
You wake up after you dozed off this afternoon, you are tired and it’s a good thing your daughter is so busy playing with her toys with her nanny. You look outside and it's already dark. You felt a bit cold. Then you remember you forgot to put the comforter and even forgot to set the aircon to low. You were so lazy to get up but you feel hungry and at the same time don't want to shower. And your daughter probably wants to eat together with you.
You should have showered at this time. Because at 6 pm your husband will arrive. But not today you think. He's been busy.
Kuroo Tetsuro, the president of the company who recently hit millions of sales in the world market. He is your husband who is currently MIA for three days now. He's not actually missing but he's not been home for days. He's been busy, trying to close a deal with Argentina and Brazil. You're okay with it on the first day but you're worried as days passed. He tends to forget to eat when he's into his work.
You looked at the clock on your bedside table, and it's already 7:15 pm. You got your phone tucked on your pillow and started to speed dial your husband's number.
"Hello, mam." a familiar voice of a woman once again answered your call.
"Is he still busy, Rei?" you asked.
"I'm so sorry mam, but the president is still at the online conference with the Brazil representatives. Do you want to leave a message so that I can deliver it to him later?" the kind secretary feels sorry and offers it to comfort you.
You sighed a bit heavy.
"Thank you, but just let him know I called again." This is your 5th call for the whole day, and you haven't got a chance to talk to him.
"Understood mam." The kind secretary says.
"Did he need something? Like a change of clothes, he's been there for 3 days now. Did he always eat on time?" you added, a bit worried about your husband who always so focused on his job.
"Don't worry mam, he always orders something for the team, he also eats on time. We even heard him muttering something like "I miss my wife's cooking" and he's in a bad mood when his work keeps filling up. We can really feel how he wanted to go home." She said as you both laugh at the man's silent complaints. You felt happy, despite your bad cooking, he still missed it. 
That made your heart feel happy.
"I guess he's still good. Just make sure he eats on time and just tell me if he needs something." You felt a bit relieved from what you heard from the secretary.
"Will do mam. I'll report it to you if he becomes stubborn and won't eat on time." the secretary makes sure about it.
You can't help but giggle a little, he got a good secretary. "Thank you so much, Rei. You too, don't skip dinner. Goodbye."
"Thank you mam, goodbye." and you end the call.
When suddenly Megumi runs towards you.
“Mama, let’s eat! Let’s eat!”
You laughs and you kiss her on her cheeks.
“Let’s go eat dinner then, baby.”
You stand up and walk hand in hand with your cute daughter.
To make the time pass after dinner, you started to fold some laundry and clean stuff. It's night time and only soft instrumental music surrounds your house.
Megumi is also busy “messing” with the clean clothes at the moment.
"Mam, where do we put these plants you bought?" your maid asked you.
"Just put it in the garden, for now, I'll fix it tomorrow." You said it while you folded some of your clothes and put it down on the bed. 
Even if you got 5 housemaids, you at least want to personally clean and wash your husband's clothes and stuff. Tetsu loves the fabric conditioner you used to wash clothes. He even stops using his perfume and it pains you because you love his musk smell. Very manly you may say. It adds to his sexiness. Thinking about that, you started to ponder how you miss your husband.
"Hey kitten, did you miss me?" he whispered to your ear.
"T-tetsu, don't come to me like that! You'll give me a heart attack." You said it as he hugs you from the back.
"Then how should I ‘cum’ to you?" he sexily whispered to your ear.
You automatically felt hot flowing to your body. He's making you turn on.
You felt your blush, remembering last week's happening.
Sex huh? It's been weeks since you guys did the thing. You can't hide it but you miss him. You miss him and his arms caging your small body, his hands cupping your face as he will deeply kiss you and make you his woman. Oh, you can't wait to see him again. You shake your head and put his jacket on your face, smelling him. Even though it's a new freshly washed cloth, it's still him. You really miss him.
8pm, and you haven't had anything to do. You eat dinner a little and after that, you go to your bed and open your laptop in hopes to see how your friends have been doing lately on Facebook.
You saw some familiar faces who are online.
Some are from the Karasuno volleyball team you befriended way back in high school. Some Nekoma High classmates and schoolmates and from Fukurodani High.
You can't hide your smile remembering some old sweet memories you had in high school.
With those feelings right now, it really makes your heart flutter just by looking at the photo frames that are inside your room. 
You look around and on the other side of the room is the Nekoma VC with you awkwardly standing next to Kuroo, your high school inter-high, your graduation and you and Kuroo's photo when you two are still dating, his proposal, and of course, your wedding picture. 
After your marriage, every day has been so happy and perfect. You really love him.
And finally your picture with you and Kuroo’s sweet girl; Megumi.
Megumi is already 5 years old right now, and she grows quite faster that you wish you can stop time so that she will remain your cute, little sweetheart forever. But you know that’s not possible.
“Mama, where is papa?” Megumi darted at the door.
“Hi sweetheart! Yeah unfortunately he’s still busy. Let’s wait for him for a bit okay?” You said as you sat down in front of her.
“But it’s been a week.” she pouted.
You even smiled seeing her this cute. If only Tetsu sees it, you think.
“Can’t he skip it?” Your daughter still insists.
“That won’t do, baby. Papa works harder for you.” You slightly pinch your daughter’s nose.
“But I miss him, mama.” she then pouts again.
You hug your daughter.
“I know. Me too sweetheart. But I’m sure he will come home soon. Because he missed you too.”
“Really?” She’s so cute asking you.
“Of course, because papa loves you.” and you kissed her on his forehead and she kisses you too.
The time is 8 pm when suddenly, your phone rings. Seeing the name on the screen, 'Hubby', you answered it so fast that you almost threw away what you were holding.
"Hello wife." a deep voice echoed on your ears. It's like that voice can make you calm and you even felt how sweet his voice is. You have to hold on to something so you can support your body, who yearns for him.
"Hey husband, I miss you. When will you come home?" you're smiling while saying husband. It's like you two are just newlyweds.
"I miss you too, wife. Few more and I'm done. I'll let them do the rest since I've done the crucial one. Did you have dinner? Want me to buy you something?" His sweet voice never fails to bring you to your happy place.
"Just come home straight, baby. Plus your daughter is demanding you to skip your work." You can’t help but laugh a little on your daughter’s demand.
You heard a little chuckled on the other line. As if you see him shift his body to the other side. “Is she? Haha, well I guess my little lady is the more demanding one than her mother.”
You laugh at his comment.
“I really wanna see you.” you actually made your voice a bit sexier.
You heard a deep sigh on the other line, and it was so manly.
"Me too, I really miss you." He emphasized the word you. And you know what he means.
"I'll buy you something, I know you will like it." You still have your smiling face and you know he's preparing to leave.
"Just message me if you change your mind and want something else, okay? I'll hang up. Be there soon, my kitten." And it's like a password, you really know he plans something when he calls you kitten.
"Okay then, I'll wait for you." You started to feel hot inside.
You drop the call. And after that, you started to run to the bathroom because you remember to haven't taken a shower. You didn't expect him to come home tonight anyway.
 All you knew is, you are happy and contented with your so called perfect world with your family. Your love for your husband and child will be forever.
A/N: Hello again!  I hope you guys like it, and yeah, I guess i can’t have the courage to post the R-18 version of this episode. Ahahahaha.  Yeah, i did try the R-18.
And I guess I’ll post it on my AO3 account. Thank you for reading, and have a great day! ^^
@dekuspet​ @mkkhaikyuu​ @captain-eagle-art​ @rozesarered @kurooloves @elianetsantana @saamsstuff @seijohsangel @i-vonsnyeeoj
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tenacityreturns · 4 years
aokaga fic alert!
plot: in which kagami and aomine talk about beautiful soul by jesse mccartney and also accidentally injure each other ♥  rating: sfw, very domestic, it’s just them being stupid idiots. also i wrote this in one sitting without taking breaks or reading over it so.... haha.... word count: 2098
it all started with two guys, chilling on the sofa, going through each other’s phones. or more specifically, the music apps (and kagami’s photo reel, but don’t tell anyone because aomine had only gone in looking for something of nigou!). whenever kagami encounters a song title that interests him, he’ll click on it and let about ten seconds play before he changes song again. he gets the idea. 
aomine, meanwhile, will let the songs he finds play in full. not because he respects the skip button and doesn’t want to overuse it, but because he doesn’t understand english and it becomes background noise. he’s just chilling now. legs stretched out over the couch and on top of kagami’s knees, his back leans on the armrest and he thinks about dinner instead. how cheeky he’s feeling with directly impact how extravagant his dining requests will be.
“i just took a screenshot,” kagami says blankly, with a light frown on his face.
“i wanted to remember this song, it’s kinda cool.”
“but you’re using my---”
“yeah i know that, i forgot.”
aomine half smiles, returning to the screen. dummy. “i’ll send it to you later.”
he decides to lightly hack his boyfriend and dives onto his instagram. looks up his own page, saves a recent selfie, uploads it from kagami’s account. first, he thinks about captioning it something like sexy, or why is this guy so hot??? but decides against it and instead writes ‘i’ll never be as cool as him :(’ haha. good, harmless prank. who’s this girl that liked it immediately, huh! well, they follow each other, but aomine doesn’t like how snooping around like this is making him feel. his blue eyes will raise, taking in the sight of kagami tapping his hand against aomine’s shin in time with the song. his lips are moving, then his shoulders.
is he... sort of singing along? but to which song? he can’t hear the music from his own phone well enough with kagami’s so nearby, but then... he doesn’t recognise this american music... hm. aomine’s fond smile is forced into a smirk for dignity’s sake.
“what are you doing?”
“huh?” kagami blinks, and the tapping stops. “i used to love this song.”
“used to? it’s on your recently heard playlist, dude.”
“it’s a classic.”
“is it? i never heard of it.”
“me and niji sing it all the time, y’know, just around.”
“okay,” this emotion, unlike the snooping guilt, is straight up jealousy. shut up about nijimura already! we get it! you’re friends! “what’s it about?”
“uh,” cogs turn. his lips move again, maybe in time with the song’s lyrics? aomine isn’t sure. “like, he’s singing about not caring about looks. just... you know, wanting the person’s beautiful soul. that’s what it’s called.”
“sappy,” what a loser. this sounds like the kind of thing satsuki would be interested in for sure. aomine gets an instagram notification from kise and ignores it, then remembers his prank and that this is kagami’s phone! he opens the app again and that blond bastard has written a comment: 
‘looks like you need a new password kagamicchi!’ 
and seen right through the prank! dumb luck. except--- here’s tetsu commenting: 
‘you should never leave your phone with untrustworthy people, kagami-kun.’ 
shut the hell up!
but his oblivious rival distracts the on-coming fury by starting to sing. the tapping against his shin has started again, and he’s still scrolling through the playlist and changing songs, but singing this beautiful soul song. in english. show off! ah, he’s got a nice voice though. and he looks real cute sitting there like that. aomine doesn’t suspect kagami of snooping through the photo reel or posting to instagram, in fact: the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. aomine’s head rocks to lean against the back cushions of the sofa. his fond smile returns.
“you singing about me, bakagami?”
of course he’ll find a way to ruin a perfectly nice moment, and a fleeting glimpse of serenity in his boyfriend. kagami doesn’t look away from his phone, but says something in english that sounded like a comeback. aomine presses his heel into kagami’s thigh, but it incites a more genuine flinch that he’d been expecting and both legs are instantly retracted.
“sorry,” aomine blurts, “i forgot about your leg.”
“what about it?” kagami replies breezily in japanese again ( that is, as breezily as possible through gritted teeth ).
hello again, guilt! aomine rests his knees against the couch, peering around them to watch kagami recover. if he doesn’t in five seconds, aomine will--- no, he can’t last that long. he sits up.
“ah, man, can i get you something?”
“i’m fine, it’s just cramping from sitting so long,”
this guy! they’d not been sitting for half an hour yet! he’s just saying that so aomine won’t feel bad... the bastard... of course he’s going to feel bad!
“wipe that look off your face!” kagami exclaims, “now get outta my way so i can lie down.”
he doesn’t look pissed off, or in pain anymore, which is something. god, wouldn’t it just be easier if kagami could tell him when his half-hearted grumpy statements are genuine or when they’re just him speaking and sounding angry because it’s how he talks? 
aomine rolls himself off the sofa. “is your leg okay?” 
“don’t worry about it,” the redhead returns to aomine’s phone but extends his arm off the sofa. an invitation to join him? but can’t he just say that he isn’t mad right now? ah, look! now he’s glaring at him! “daiki. are you gonna make me say it?”
“say what?”
kagami crunches forward and the arm, still extended, reaches for aomine’s hand. of course he’ll accept the gesture. one second, they’re holding hands ( safe, comfortable, in understanding ), and the next, aomine is falling onto the couch and acutely aware of making sure he doesn’t land on the bad leg.
“be careful!” he scolds, arms bracing against the back of the couch, knees safely avoiding kagami’s limbs. “sheesh!”
“i said don’t worry, didn’t i?”
“i dunno, you talk a lot of shit,” how come aomine’s pissed off at him now!
“what!” kagami launches forward and wraps one of his arms around aomine’s waist, dragging him back as he lies down again.
“taiga!” aomine’s still more concerned about the injury.
“shut up about my fuckin’ leg or i’ll snap you like a toothpick!”
ugh! fine, alright. he’ll give in. aomine definitely sends kagami a look. it’s short-lived, though, and he finds a teasing smile. his hand rests on kagami’s massive bicep. “with these muscles? good luck with a real toothpick, buddy.”
“shut the fuck up, i’ll show you!”
there’s no doubt that kagami hadn’t actually intended to show him, but aomine’s back lasts a total of two seconds of a too-tight hug before it cracks. loudly. it didn’t hurt. caught him off guard, yes, makes him have to pause and stretch his back for a second, sure, but it didn’t hurt. kagami’s staring, aomine notices. not immediately apologising despite the sound, he sees! red eyes are wide, lips tightly turned downwards. he’s waiting to check the damage before damage control kicks in.
“you good?”
“is that all you got?”
“sorry about your back,”
aomine lowers down to lie chest-to-chest. he adjusts so that it’s comfortable to lie with his head on kagami’s shoulder. “yep.”
“does it hurt?”
“good,” and just like that, an arm drapes around aomine’s shoulders and they’re lying in almost silence again. kagami’s phone is somewhere on the other end of the sofa, still playing that muffled song. how long does it go on for?! that beautiful whatever conversation feels like it happened hours ago! of course, it had been the singing that started the teasing which sparked the retort which justified a prod, which had hurt and begun this mess. aomine exhales. kagami starts humming along to what aomine has guessed is the chorus.
“what sorta sappy shit is he saying now?” he closes his eyes.
“uh,” kagami begins to translate the lyrics disjointedly, really having to think about it before he says it in japanese.
I don't want another pretty face I don't want just anyone to hold I don't want my love to go to waste I want you and your beautiful soul
“it sounds better in english,” he then explains, “and when jesse sings it.”
“what do you mean nah?”
oops. well, yeah! alright. so aomine likes kagami’s voice better than this jesse person’s! big whoop! “nothing. so you were definitely singing about me, then.”
“yeah, i got sick of dating hot people and decided to settle.”
“shut the fuck up,” aomine’s smiling, knowing full well that kagami’s not dated anybody before. cheeky little shit!
“all the d-cup supermodels in america, you know.”
“i thought i told you to zip it?” he lifts his head. the stare-off doesn’t last long before kagami just straight up kisses him on the cheek! “hey!”
“can i have my phone back?”
he deliberates being difficult. deliberates telling kagami to get it himself, that he doesn’t know where it is, or just no. for fun, mostly. but then, that kiss had been really cute... and kagami had been kind of nice just now, before the bullshit, about translating and stuff... fine. this once, kagami’s off the hook. saved, even. aomine pushes ( carefully! ) up, finds the phone precariously close to the edge of the sofa, and returns to his place. once comfortable, he’ll hand it over. ah! the prank! he’d forgotten about that. kagami gives aomine his phone too and they are once again silent.
huh. that sure is a lot of facebook likes. his last picture wasn’t even that interesting. or was it? aomine opens the app, trying to recall what it could be about. did he get notifications for likes on things he’d shared? aomine rarely shared anything. oh, to be fair, he did share a video of nigou yesterday saying “he’s the only member of seirin i respect”... was it... that?
a picture aomine absolutely did not post is at the top of his own feed. it’s the seirin team picture, but, naturally, aomine had first seen only tetsu and kagami ( the others are definitely there, but not as interesting or important to look at, you know? ). posted twenty minutes ago. captioned: “i apologise for my last post about seirin, i’m a big idiot. they are really cool”
“hey!” aomine lifts his head up again, though this time, with an expression full of accusation. it meets kagami’s equally offended gaze.
“you posted to my instagram!”
“you posted to facebook! that’s worse!”
“no way!”
“yeah way!”
“everyone knew i got hacked, though,” he grins, “you ain’t slick at all.”
“as if i would ever call myself a big idiot, ever. they would instantly know you posted that to facebook. who else thinks seirin is cool?”
“everyone with brains!”
aomine set his head down again. so much for trustworthy boyfriend, kagami taiga! though... isn’t it kind of funny that they both, separately, decided to post to each other’s social media? he’s trying hard to be pissed off about it, but the smile is too strong and, once again, he’s smiling over something kagami has done. satsuki comments under that hacked facebook post:
‘two sides of the same coin.’
which, to the unaware, means nothing. in reality, it makes him think of that thing he’s still accidentally in the habit of saying sometimes. the only one who can beat me is me. maybe kagami really is similar to himself after all? however, it’s hard to imagine that they’re that similar. aomine really likes kagami, after all.
“hey, taiga?”
maybe aomine will tell him he loves him again. does it cheapen it if he’d said it yesterday as well?
“what’s for dinner?”
“chicken, i think.”
aomine blinks. that was almost spooky.
“still here,”
“love you.”
“pfff,” it’s a scoff! “lame.” insulting!”
aomine pinches him gently in the side. it makes him laugh, even if kagami isn’t that ticklish.
“alright! love you too, obviously. i kissed you, didn’t i?”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. chicken sounds good.”
“are you gonna tell me you love chicken, too? who’s the sap now?”
someone explain why such an irritating response would make aomine’s chest swell as much as that kiss on the cheek? yeah, he’s dead sure if he hadn’t been before. he loves you, kagami taiga, you dumbass, so much. of course he does. they’re two sides of the same coin.
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Beauty and the Genius Chapter 8
TITLE: Beauty and the Genius Chapter 8 PAIRING: Spencer/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: 8/? SUMMARY: When David Rossi joins the team, so does his daughter Gwendolyn. But what happens when she and the resident genius start developing feelings for each other? How will it affect Rossi and Reid’s team dynamic?
The three of them walked up to Penelope’s bed and Morgan put his hand on hers.
“Hey. How are you feeling?” Morgan asked her.
“Good news, bad news. The morphine’s wearing off. When I was in the ambulance, I could hear the song Heroes playing in my head. I kept flashing in and out of consciousness. Everything was really bright. And I remember thinking, wait…is David Bowie really God?”
The three of them chuckled.
“We have a, uh, we have a sketch artist coming in,” Spencer told her.
“I’m still a little hazy.”
“It’s okay,” Morgan reassured her, “Anything you tell us will help. This guy say what he did for a living?”
“He said he was a lawyer.”
“Did…did people know him where you went?” Spencer asked.
“He said he wanted to show me a place. It was half an hour away.”
“You drove together?” Morgan asked, “What kind of car?”
“White. 4-door Sedan. American. It smelled new.”
“Rental car maybe?” Spencer asked.
“Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t look at things like you guys do. I don’t see danger…”
“Okay. Take it easy. Take it easy,” Morgan told her, “What else can you remember?”
“He smelled good.”
“He seem nervous?” Spencer asked.
“I thought he was just afraid to kiss me good night.”
Morgan wiped away the tear that fell down her cheek. “Hey. You sure you’re up for this?”
Penelope nodded. “I could hear him walking. He leaned over me and I held my breath so he’d think I was dead.”
Gwen wrapped her hand around Penelope’s. “That probably saved your life. If he thought you were still alive, you wouldn’t be sitting here with us today. And that’d just be a crying shame.”
Penelope smiled and lightly squeezed Gwen’s hand.
Despite their best efforts, four days later and they had no leads.
“Penelope, I know it’s gotta be hard to keep reliving this,” Morgan said.
“I just don’t know what else there is to remember,” she told him.
“Let’s start with behavior,” Spencer suggested, “That’s all, that’s all profiling really is, just noticing behavior.”
“Sweetheart, any details you can remember will tell us who he is,” Morgan said, “Okay?”
Penelope nodded.
“All right, so let’s go back to when you first arrived at that restaurant. Was he nervous?”
“No. The opposite, actually. He ordered wine for us.”
“So he was trying to impress you by showing you how he can take charge.”
“I guess so.”
“Tell me about his watch,” Spencer said.
“It’s a fake Rolex.”
“You sure about that?” Morgan asked.
“I know my knockoffs.”
“Clearly he was playing with it ‘cause he wanted you to notice. I mean, he wanted you to think that it was real.”
Penelope turned her head and looked at Morgan.
“Garcia, are you okay?” he asked her.
“I’m feeling really exposed.”
“You’re doing just fine. Just fine.”
“We started talking about work and he asked me if I dealt with murder cases. He started talking about his schooling and all these law schools he went to. He said he was a city attorney and had a murder case dismissed and he kinda became disenchanted with it. He used big words that only a lawyer would use. And then we toasted to karma.”
“That’s good. Really good.”
Reid and Morgan left to go back to the BAU, leaving Gwen with Penelope.
“Stay with her at all times, you understand me?” Morgan asked.
Gwen rolled her eyes and pulled out her gun.
“Fine.” Morgan went to go start the car.
“I don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone,” Spencer said.
“Spencer, go. I’ll be fine. You know what?” Gwen pulled off her necklace and handed it to Spencer. “Many see the pentacle as a symbol of protection. Give it back to me at the end of this, okay?”
Gwen leaned up and kissed Spencer on the cheek. “Now go.”
Spencer left and Gwen went back inside Penelope’s room and sat down on the end of her bed.
“You don’t have to stay with me,” Penelope said.
“Are you kidding? You’re my best friend, Penny.”
“Well, you’re kind of my only true friend at the moment.”
“What about Dr. Sexy?”
Gwen’s cheeks burned as she blushed.
“Look at you! Blushing like a school girl. Haven’t you ever had a boyfriend?”
Gwen looked down at her lap. “Um, no. No I haven’t.”
“Oh, Gwen. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to think I’m making fun of you.”
“It’s fine, Penelope. Really.” Gwen pulled out a deck of tarot cards. “Now, wanna do some readings?”
Morgan and Spencer soon returned.
Hotch stormed in an hour later as Penelope was freshening up her makeup.
“Hey,” Penelope said.
“How are you feeling?” Hotch asked.
“You know, I’ve had better dates.”
“What’s going on?” Morgan asked.
“We found an encrypted file on your computer. Are you involved in something that I need to know about?” Hotch asked her.
“Hotch, what’s going on?” Morgan asked.
“Could this be connected in any way to whoever shot you?” Hotch asked, ignoring Morgan.
“I don’t think so,” Penelope told him.
“I need the password. “
“Is this really necessary?” Morgan snapped.
“Yes. The password.”
“Gilman Street,” Penelope answered.
“Thank you.”
“They don’t honestly think Garcia’s a security risk, do they?” Spencer asked.
Hotch sighed. “I don’t know. We’ve been ordered by internal affairs to stop working the case.”
“What?” Morgan asked.
“And until this is cleared up…you’ve been suspended. I’m sorry.”
Morgan and Spencer looked at Penelope who just said, “Right.”
Hotch left the room and Penelope started pulling off all her monitors.
“What are you doing?” Spencer asked her.
“I need to get out of here.”
Morgan sat down on her bed and stopped her. “Please baby. Listen to me. We’re gonna get it straightened out. I’m gonna find out who did this to you.”
“And when we do, you best believe I’m curing his ass,” Gwen said, making Penelope smile.
“Gwen’s right. I don’t give a damn what I.A. wants me to do or doesn’t want me to do, but right now you need to rest.”
“But…one of the last things I said before he shot me was ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ Derek, if I lose faith in that, then nothing in my life makes sense.” “I get that.”
“No, you don’t.”
Taglist: @imagining-in-the-margins , @subhuman-queer, @anotherr-fine-mess and anyone else who would like to be tagged!
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traincat · 4 years
Could we have a just married snippet?
So I don’t currently have any Just Married installments in the works -- it’s a series I think about going back to sometimes but so far nothing as really “clicked” as another long installment for it. I think the most I would do to add onto at this point would be timestamps, which might be fun for a request meme at some point when I have fewer long WIPs. I did have a WIP that was at one point a Just Married installment though! I decided to change a few things and separate it from that continuity because it flowed better that way, but it was originally supposed to be part of that continuity. Here’s a snip:
“Hey,” he murmured in the little space between them, nipping gently at Johnny’s lower lip. “Happy birthday, beautiful.”
“Aw,” Johnny said, reaching up to tangle his hand in Peter’s hair. “You remembered. That’s so great. Now Ben owes me a hundred bucks.”
“Yeah, well,” Peter said, rolling over on top of him with a playful growl. “He’ll get you back when I forget our anniversary.”
Afterwards, Johnny made them breakfast. Peter protested, but not very hard, and he looked tired and grateful when Johnny slid pancakes and bacon in front of him. After breakfast, they went back to bed.
“Is this my present?” Johnny asked Peter, smiling from the other side of the pillow.
“How cheap do you think I am?” Peter asked, stroking Johnny’s bare hip. His eyes glimmered. “And no, it’s not a car. Who do you think I am?”
“Someone who’s smart enough he could definitely guess my bank password,” Johnny said, widening his eyes meaningfully.
“That’s not me getting you a present, then,” Peter said. “That’s you getting you a present and putting my name on the card.”
“Semantics,” Johnny scoffed. He rolled over, reaching behind him for Peter’s arm and tugging it over his waist, settling his hand against his stomach and sliding his fingers through Peter’s. He closed his eyes, yawning, and murmured, “It doesn’t matter. You’re my present.”
When he woke up again, Peter was gone, of course. Johnny was used to it; Peter would come from swinging, crawl into bed for a few hours, and then have to get up for his real job. Every time, though – every time, Johnny felt that painful rush of loneliness.
He’d hoped, maybe today, he’d get to wake up in Peter’s arms. But maybe that was asking too much. Johnny had always known who Spider-Man was. It was part of why he loved him.  
The rest of his day passed slow and boring.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Sue asked in the evening, when Johnny was lying around on the couch playing video games. She cast a critical eye over his old jeans and the t-shirt he was wearing with the mustard stain on the collar.
In his defense, it was one of Peter’s shirts.
“Yeah?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Quiet night at home, remember?”
“Oh, come on,” Sue said in that specific tone she got when, one way or another, she was going to get Johnny to do what she wanted. Big Sister Voice, he called it. “Put on something nice and we’ll go out to dinner, There’s this new restaurant I’ve been dying to try. I mean, you don’t want to sit at home on your birthday, you’re only turning thir--”
“Alright, alright,” he said, throwing his hands up in the air. He turned off the game and leveraged himself up off the couch. “Fine, we can go out. Text Peter and let him know where you’re dragging me in case he comes here instead of his place after patrol.”
“Already done,” Sue called out as he left the living room. “Wear that new navy suit! And don’t spend two hours on your hair!”
Sue agreed they could take his newest car, at least. It was a cherry red little convertible that was the current apple of his eye, sleek and sexy enough that it had even gotten Peter to bend him over the hood – not that he’d told Sue about that part.
It was just past rush hour in the city, the traffic heavy as ever, and a boring drive. At least, it was boring until he saw the message.
“Johnny!” Sue said in reprimand as the car screeched to a halt. Someone behind him honked at him. It didn’t matter.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HOT STUFF, was webbed across the Daily Bugle’s building in huge letters, big enough to block out most of the windows. Johnny smiled so hard his face hurt.
“Unbelievable,” Johnny said, laughing. He felt so full of love that he thought he could explode with it. Next to him, Sue blew out a sigh.
“Most men send flowers,” she said.
“This is better,” Johnny said. He dug out his phone and raised it to snap a picture. “You’re just mad no guy has ever vandalized the middle of New York for you.”
I love you, he thought, glancing at it one last time in the rear view mirror. He couldn’t stop smiling. I love you.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
200 Follower Celebration!!!
FIRST, I have 50 MORE dialogue prompts for requests! Go for it!
“Is there a problem here, gentlemen?”
 “What on earth happened in here?”
“You’ve caught me at a really bad time.”
 “Ma’am, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. Please, sit down.”
“Excuse me. Excuse me! Yes, you. You’re sitting in my seat.”
“Ouch, that must’ve hurt.”
 “Well, this is new.”
“There’s blood everywhere.”
“I’m your biggest fan!”
"Will you stay the night?”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Oh man, I’ve had the worst day ever.”
“I know you haven’t done anything, but can you please stop looking so goddamn kissable, my parents are here.”
“That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone call it that.”
“Okay, I think we do need to call an ambulance.”
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?”
“Hey. Look at me.”
“Do you maybe think, in retrospect, that this was a terrible idea?”
“You have to tell her. It wouldn’t be right not to.”
“I made breakfast, but I didn’t know what you liked so I made enough to probably feed a small tribe.”
 “How much of that did you hear?”
“Close the door.”
“Love is overrated.”
“You make me want things I can’t have.”
“People are staring.”
“Are you drunk?”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“How come she loves you?”
"If only I'd just gone over when she called."
“You’re….beautiful.” “And you’re concussed.”
“He went nuts. Started screaming and shouting, banging against the walls and everything…So I got out the house as soon as I could and came here.”
“Is this the moment that we kiss?”
“For the record, killing people: not sexy.”
“It doesn’t do any good to get worked up.”
“How much does he want?”
“Your mother wants us to come down for Christmas...”
“Hey, there. Are you in the witness protection program, or what?”
“Never heard of that being used as a murder weapon before.”
“You found it on the beach? You know, when most people take a walk on the beach, they pick up seashells.”
“What? I meant it as a compliment.”
“Guess who made the evening news?”
“Where are your clothes?”
“I didn’t know you could talk.”
“We thought at first that it was part of the performance.”
“Are you banned from all Taco Bells, or just that Taco Bell?”
“She’s young, fertile, and from a good family. What more do you need to know?”
“Well aren’t you the cutest little thing?”
“Why is that your password?”
“Forgive me if I’m misreading things, but do you want to make out?”
“We’ll need to take a blood sample to be sure.”
(You could also pair these up with one from list A, just tell me which one your taking it from :))
I'm setting up get to know me asks as well! I don't share much on here and maybe you wanna get to know me. If you are asking me about myself (and not requesting for a blurb) just put 'Get To Know' in front of your ask :)))
What does your name mean?
Are you named after anyone?
Where are you from?
Who did you look up to growing up?
Which of your parents are you closer to?
Are your grandparents still married?
What do you look like?
Which one of your parents are you more like?
What is one thing that you’ve never revealed to your parents?
What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
Who is your favorite musician?
What's your favorite food?
What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
What is your favorite candle scent?
What was your favorite subject in High School?
What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
What's your biggest fear?
Are you a dog person or cat person?
What sports do you like?
What impacted you mist in life?
What’s the scariest thing you’ve seen in your life?
Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had?
Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens?
Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens?
Do you remember your dreams?
Do you keep cards and things from birthdays?
Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
Do you prefer kissing or cuddling?
Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where?
Do you have a best friend, if so, then who?
You can ask me any of thse in my ask box!! Or if you have another question, please ask!
I also made this canvas to hang in my room with all of your usernames on it :)
Tumblr media
At 500 followers I'm having a giveaway btw :)
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selfcallednowhere · 5 years
March 6, 2018, Eugene, OR
This was my first time going to a show at this venue, which is to be expected since it was my first time being in Eugene at all. It was all right--smallish, which can be nice.
The initial banter when they first came on stage was also about the venue. Flans said that because they've been touring for 30+ years he always has trepidation when saying they've never played somewhere before, but he was pretty sure they'd never played here before. He said they had played in Eugene before, but the last time they did they were touring in an Econoline van. He said they did a college show and were "doing eightballs of cocaine and heroin."
They once again opened with "Pencil Rain," followed by "I Palindrome I," both of which were cool to see again. Then John picked up the contra-alto clarinet, and Flans said they wanted to remind people that the show was going to be featuring it. John: "'Remind' is a strong word. Notify." Then Flans informed us that it was not the contra-alto clarinet that could be seen on signs put up by the local high school saying one was missing.
JF: We don't even know that custodian! JL: I did take one of the pull-tabs with the phone number to say that I don't know where it went.
Then Flans said the thing again about how they'd be playing two sets, and we should treat them like an opener and hold our applause till the second set. "Talk to your friends about how we're like They Might Be Giants but not as good."
Then he said the thing he also keeps saying that makes me so sad about how they'd be playing new songs and we should just pretend we like them. Then he said Joe Franklin had told them "It's all about sincerity, and if you can fake that, you can do anything." Then they played "All Time What" and then "Damn Good Times" (both fantastic as per usual).
Then they were starting to play "James K. Polk," and John was talking during the intro. He said that on the album he mispronounced the name of this state. "But I'm here to make amends. That's why we're here." He pronounced it correctly as he sang (like he normally does, so it was only notable because of him calling attention to it) and people cheered. Afterwards Flans said, "Well played. They were buying it." John said again that he said it wrong on the album, and then said it the incorrect way, and people booed. "Yes, let's let the dirty laundry air." Flans said that when people ask them how to get to Houston St. (pronouncing it like the name of my hometown and not the name of the street in Manhattan) they just tell them where it is, and John said they give them directions to Texas. Then Flans said that's a New York joke that doesn't really work here.
Flans asked John how his day was, and he said he went to a coffee shop that he couldn't remember the name of. Flans said he went to a bagel shop where the wifi password was "bagelbagelbagel," and John said he would've guessed only two "bagel"s. Then Flans said he'd tried to go to some shoe store called Shoeaholic but he got there just as they were closing, and that he'd wanted to beg them to let him in by telling them "I've hit my rock bottom." John: "I think you've bought enough shoes, John Flansburgh."
Then Flans said they were about to play two songs from their new album, and that before the show they'd been "doing shots of truth serum" and so he could tell us that it's "so much better than it has to be." Then he said this is their 20th album, and when they were making their 18th they'd looked at the list of other bands' 18th albums on Wikipedia and found a surprising number of good ones, but he thinks this one stand alone as the only quality 20th album.
The two new songs they played were "Mrs. Bluebeard" and "I Left My Body," both of which were great (I suppose at this point I don't even need to note the fact that John did mess up the lyrics on the former though).
After "Your Racist Friend," Flans said that he wants to "dedicate my performance to the people standing directly next to my amp. I have a lot of dreams, and one of my dreams is to never have to stand directly next to my amp. I don't want to leave a permanent memory on your left ear. And I noticed you were having a conversation, which seems impossible. I'm making a dedication to long-term hearing loss."
Then Flans was introducing Curt, who was standing at the back of the stage. John said it makes him feel self-conscious when people are standing behind him, cos it feels like they're looking at his hands as he plays his keyboard. "Am I folding my thumb under the right way? Is my total ignorance of technique that obvious? The answer is yes." (Awwwww John, I'm sure you're fine darling!)
Next they played "Turn Around," YES YES YES. There was some quality JL spazziness adding to the usual amazingness of the song.
Next they did "Spy." During the part where they were just playing the song normally (before the improv section I mean) John kept lifting one arm up into the air after he played something--I'm not really sure why, but it was cool. He played the "Here Comes Santa Claus" sample during the improv part when he was conducting again.
Afterwards, Flans was complimenting how well we did the part of the song where he directed us to cheer. "That was nimble. Sometimes it's like directing a dinosaur in hospice. That was delicious."
Flans introduced "When the Lights Come On" by saying it's "relentless," which is a good description. He also reminded us that "Dan Miller's fingers never leave his hands." The song was rockin' and terrific as usual.
Afterwards, people were smoking pot (annoying me as it always does, not because I have any problem with pot in itself but I just hate the smell). Flans: "The pot smell begins. And once the pot smell begins it will never end." He said it smelled like cheap pot, and "this is the HiFi. There are standards." Then he told that one story that's immortalized in the one TMBG Unlimited recording, about how there was a time when they kept smelling cheap pot at their shows but then one member of their crew left and they suddenly stopped smelling it.
Then he said that it reminded him of the next song, and he wanted John to introduce it. He asked John something about making a Laugh-In reference and John said he didn't want to. Then he said that they're older than the rest of the band and they've gotten into fights with them about whether Laugh-In was funny, and that it's like being a parent and defending something you don't really believe. Flans said that it was like saying George W. Bush wasn't really that bad, and that he was, it was just easy to forget, like a scar on your hand is easy to forget. Then John said that he did remember the Laugh-In reference he was supposed to make. Flans: "Jesus christ! Show business professional!" John said he was just confused from all the pot smoke, and he was struggling to find oxygen molecules. Then he said the next song was from a TV show that was on before Laugh-In. The song was "The Mesopotamians" (as expected, since I'd seen him do this joke before).
Before they played "This Microphone," Flans was talking about the percussion thing Marty plays during it that looks like an orange. He said that it was a real orange, and Marty had lanced it with a drumstick and replaced the pulp with magic beads.
Afterwards Flans said that for being a sold-out show in a small venue it was surprisingly comfortable, and that usually at this point in such a show they were puddles on the floor begging for the A/C. John said some people want to see that, and Flans said they were trying to change their reputation of just being puddles.
They once again closed out the first set with "Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal" into "Birdhouse in Your Soul." TOO MUCH ROCKIN'. I CAN'T HANDLE IT. No seriously it is an amazing way for them to end the set, but I'm not kidding about all the excited boppin' around and really really enthusiastic singing along I can't stop myself from doing on both those songs having an intense physical effect on me. I guess I should just be grateful I then got the whole between-sets break to recover.
So then after the break they came back for the Quiet Storm, opening with the contra-alto version of "Older" as per usual. Afterwards, Flans said that even though this was an acoustic set Marty had "opted in with the limitless noise potential of the electronic drums." Then he made him play whatever that bit of that Phil Collins song he keeps making him play is.
After that they played "I Like Fun," then Flans started to introduce "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." He said the hostility of the song is "comforting," because it means people being that way now isn't new, and that things suck right now, but they will get better.
Before "Shoehorn with Teeth," Flans said that Marty was "abandoning his electronic drums manifesto of the last five minutes and returning to his vaudeville roots." He also said that the bell Marty was playing came from the same high school that had put up the signs for the missing contra-alto clarinet.
Then something really funny happened. Flans said John should move over cos he wasn't in the light enough (which he wasn't). John said it's hard to light him when he has his accordion on, because it creates shadows on him. Flans: "The accordion is like Dracula." Then some girl (not me, I swear!) yelled "IT'S SEXY" and John said "No it isn't," which was the part that amused the hell out of me because of course he was DEAD WRONG. Then he said "But thank you for saying that" but did not exactly seem sincere--I think he was rather uncomfortable honestly so that made me feel bad for him, but yeh I was still really amused. But I did also have this feeling of wishing it hadn't happened at a show I was at because I figured anyone who knew about it and knew I was there would figure it was me and I would never do that (I had the same feeling a time I was at a different show and some girl threw her bra at him).
So then they played "A Self Called Nowhere" and y'know, the usual--really really intense and emotional for me, the best part of the show, etc etc.
Flans introduced "How Can I Sing Like a Girl?" by saying it was "about being in chorus."
Next they did "Istanbul." During the crazy jam part at the end, John spent some time playing (using the word "playing" loosely here) his keyboard with both his fists and also with both his hands entirely vertical.
Flans introduced "Bills, Bills, Bills" by explaining how the AV Club Undercover thing works. He said that they'd given them a list of songs "that should never be recorded or even talked about again." He said they'd first done "Tubthumping" but they weren't going to play that tonight. "It's too exciting. It's too exciting for our crew. It makes them burst into tears." Then he said after that they'd covered a Destiny's Child song, which forced them to grapple with the fact that Destiny's Child is a much more popular band than they are. He said they'd considered becoming a band whose entire act was just performing this one single Destiny's Child cover. Then he said they were going to keep performing this song both cos they'd taken the trouble to memorize it and cos it always spreads joy.
So they played that one and then "Particle Man." Then:
JL: We spent our formative years in the greater Boston area. JF: I don't know if you've ever played lacrosse. I've had lacrosse played at me. JL: You've been played by lacrosse. JF: Lacrosse is like it's the end of days and civilization has broken down, and there's still an organized way of killing people. That's basically what lacrosse is like. JL: That's basically what the greater Boston area is like.
So then they of course played "Wicked Little Critta" [insert swooning over all the video closeups of John's hands on the Kaoss Pad and his keyboard here], then "New York City." Afterwards, some guy yelled "THEY MUST BE GIANTS!" Flans was amused--he repeated it and thanked him for saying it. Then he said that sometimes when shows are ending they're getting ready to leave and they'll hear the owner of the club come over the PA and ask everyone to give another hand for "Ain't They Giants," and they realize he cares less than anyone else there.
They closed the main set with a run of familiar but still always very fun songs: "Number Three," "Twisting," and "Doctor Worm."
When they came back for the first encore, John said they'd come back sooner than it had taken them this time. Then he said that next they were going to play a quiet song, and it was "inappropriate because everyone is all hopped up." The song they played was "Dead," which I was most certainly not going to complain about seeing, quiet or not!
I was hoping they were going to play "Don't Let's Start" next since that was the second encore song for almost all the shows I'd seen so far, but instead it was "Fingertips," which I know is always a big hit live, I've just seen it many, many more times than I've seen "Don't Let's Start" so yeh not as exciting for me at this point.
They closed the show with "The Guitar," which is definitely one of the all-time best show closers!
So yeh great show overall, and I had some personal excitement afterwards too--Marty gave me a setlist!!! This was my first time managing to snag one in an exceptionally long time. I also managed to get the show poster that had been hanging in the venue's front window, which also rarely happens and featured one of the new promo pictures I'm quite fond of, so that was also thrilling!
The all-important JL wardrobe report: For the first set he was wearing the same black long-sleeved shirt he wore the previous two nights (he always wears the same things over and over, but the same shirt three nights in a row is a bit much even for him), and then for the second set he was wearing that red-and-blue stripey t-shirt he really loves, which made me happy because I really love it too and think it looks fantastic on him.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
 Original title: Phone challenge.
Prompt: Penelope and Luke tries a social experiment.
Warning: none.
Genre: funny, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: part 74 in Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💑.
Song mentioned: none.
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 -And now I would like to play a game with you, or rather a social experiment.- the magician, a man dressed in a way that looks much more like a pianist, makes his gaze slide over the audience. -You've certainly heard of it.- he seems to be looking for something specific. -Before: raise their hand who is here with boyfriend, wife, husband, partner... etc...- Penelope and Luke are among the first to do so. -Well, more than half.- he comments. -How many of you would be willing to exchange your cell phone with your partner's?- he then asks, and this time everyone is quick to lower their arms. -No one?- he chuckles, then changes expression. -Think about, after all, you have exchanged or you will exchange much more important things than a telephone, yet you don't want the love of your life to see what you have in there.- many people look at each other embarrassed and someone blushes too. -A nice paradox, but calm down: you are in good company, as you can see.- the atmosphere is relaxed again. -Then, nobody wants to come?- he tries again.
In the third row, Penelope nudges her boyfriend lightly. -We go, come on.- he is part of those who blushed at the last reproach of the presenter, although among them there are no secrets or passwords to prevent the other from finding who knows what code message.
-But, love, you know that I don't like being the center of attention...- he replies, speaking in a low voice. Penelope, however, she plays rough, looks at him with her puppy face.
-Can you make an exception for me? Please?- the second part also turns out to be like a question and that lip out there just can't really say no.
-Ok.- he sighs and watches her raise and wave her hand to get noticed.
-Hey, we have volunteers.- he doesn't have to wait long. They go on stage. -Good evening guys. What are your names? - the magician asks.
-She is Penelope and I am Luke.- he answers for both, keeping her hand in his.
-Good, a round of applause for Penelope and Luke! How long have you been together?- he asks.
-Just over two years.- this time she was faster.
But the other turns to Latin. -Luke, tell me the date of your anniversary.- he asks.
-September 22nd.- Luke, however, is quick to respond, earning himself a small smile.
-Wow, he remembered it! This is true love, people!- laughter from the public. -Guys, could you deliver your phones to my pretty assistant? Thanks.- then, another theatrical break. -Are there contents that would be better our audience could not see? Remember that there are also children present.- both shake their heads. -No? Then we can proceed. While we wait for your data to be processed, we chat a little.- she hears Luke sigh. -What do you do?- he asks.
-I'm an FBI computer analyst and he's a special supervisor, both at the BAU, Behavioral Analyst Unit.- she explains, increasing her grip on his hand.
-Wow, now I understand why you two proposed yourself. Luke, I bet you could not even trade sinful messages with your lover if you want to, because Penelope has definitely hacked your phone and installed one of those apps that send an alert for any suspicious activity or something... I guessed it.- more laughter. -Well, they show me that everything is ready. Let's start with that of the beautiful computer technician. Let's see what you have as a screensaver. A unicorn. Cute. And now the background... it's a dog, right? Is it yours?- he asks.
-Yes, a Belgian shepherd.- she replies. -It's called Roxy. She is our little girl.- she smiles.
-Compliments.- they look like proud parents. -Even she is a federal?- he asks.
-Yes, in fact she is also a former decorated ranger.- Luke is keen to point out.
-We didn't expect anything less. We see the gallery now.- on the screen behind them appear the last photographs he took. -Is it a cat with a hat?- he asks, really surprised for the first time. Both laugh.
-Yes.- the woman nods. -Sergio.- another exchange of glances with a little heart.
-Isn't he at least a cop?- she shakes her head.
-No, but almost.- he answers in her place, just above the laughter. Then follows a series of photos of the team, of Penelope among the girls, one with Ariana, some with Phil and Sammie on the first date in four, and then an infinity of Sergio and Roxy, Luke dressed as a chef, one with abuela, some at the wedding of Jose with the Alvez family and in particular those shoes, one of them three at the walk-run, some of them kissing each other, some of quotes taken from books or places that are difficult to recognize and then one that attracts the attention of the magician. Penelope with Morgan and Hank. Luke frowns and the man immediately notices.
-Ouch ouch, we have discovered anything?- he almost seems to hope, for sure a scandal would do more success, it would increase the interest in his show. -Is this her lover?- he asks.
-Yes, definitely dangerous. My rival number one.- Luke pretends to encourage him.
Penelope, however, nudges him. -He's my best friend and former federal agent.- she emphasizes in a serious tone of voice.
-We'll go to the messages. Anything to object, Penelope?- she doesn't answer. -We only see the screen with the last received. Who is chocolat thunder? Why does something tell me it's not you, Luke?- but the blonde can't help but giggle.
-In fact, it's Morgan, her best friend.- the Latin repeats like a robot.
-Wow, you have to be a really not jealous guy.- the magician comments.
-Right.- she replies in a low voice, in fact no one but him hears it.
-Well, we tortured Penelope enough. Let's move on to Luke's.- he turns to better face the other man's gaze. -Worried?- he asks him.
-No, I have nothing to hide.- he comments, quietly.
-We’ll see. Screensaver: a forest? Very picturesque.- Luke just blushes. -And background... uh.- what he sees shuts up him. Penelope with Sergio in her arms and Roxy that is licking her face, practically her family. -Romantic. Gallery.- photos of Roxy appear, about half of the space are images of the dog, the other part of Penelope in a thousand different costumes, among the many we recognize that of Ophelia for the show taken from Hamlet, some in sexy pose, irreverent but never vulgar, one with the cook's uniform and also the hat, in many it is spontaneous, not built, as if the subject wasn’t aware of being observed, some where they kiss. -I don't think there are words to add. And now, finally, the messages.- on the screen you can see: Phil: Did you buy tickets for the match?; Matt: So it's fine Saturday, unless a case arrives. -All men.- he comments, almost disappointed. -Penelope, you should be happy .- the blonde nods but just looks at Luke.
-And indeed I’m.- she says, barely resting her head on his shoulder.
-A round of applause for Luke and Penelope.- they finally come back to their seats.
-Next time, we'll sit in the last row.- Luke says.
TAGS:  @arses21434 @martinab26 @reidskitty13  @thinitta  @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower @criminalminds14 @pegasus-scifichick @paperwalk  @inlovewithgarvaz @the-ellen-stuff @astressedwriter @kdramanmore @kamieshep  @sk1l4targ @badrwadan
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