#hey please stop ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” like genuinely please stop i dont wanna see my favorite guy taken away from me like this
codecicle ยท 1 year
i love charlie's new lore so so sosososoo much but also I can and will take this character away from you if you people don't behave. he's going up on the fucking shelf if you don't start treating him right. "oh my god codeflippa's corrupting him from his grief!" โœ…๏ธ yeah that's what's going on "she's evil!! / the codes are evil!!!! / codeflippa is manipulating him and trying to get him to do the code or federations bidding!!!!!!!! / hes such a horrible dad for not realizing this isn't his kid / he's always been a bad parent"
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oh would you look at that there he goes.
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