#hey i love the baes and the moons so much
sharkorok · 1 year
heeseung w/ an inexperienced s/o
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cw/genre: this is fluff!!! fluff!!, headcanon format, cursing, fboi au, campus au ig…(?), like one dirty joke or whatnot teeheehoohoo, informal writing, that should be it (I think)
requested: X
a/n: this grown man has me so delulu so take this 😋
-u are well known for being notoriously bad at expressing affection or being in relationships
-you can’t do casual relationships this man once said “hey baby” and you were like “so I think we should lowk end things cuz why u calling me bby…kinda weird dawg…”
-UR JUST SO AWKWARDDDD ITS EMBARRASSING (I’ll write ur character development soon dw)
-anyways so you go to a party and you see heeseung who is notorious for being the craziest charmer ever like he could see an acorn on the ground and seduce it
-he strikes up conversation with you to see what the fuss is all about, he saw a person once talk about how ur so hot w a cold heart but he immediately realized you’re just awkward skssksksks
-he realizes he literally fell in love with you the second he tried to flirt and you were just …? while laughing awkwardly
-so after a month of you flitting around his charming gestures, looking down shyly or avoiding eye contact when he tries to rizz u up, he gets the courage to just straight up ask, “do you like me?”
-and when you explain that u don’t rlly know and u don’t really get into relationships he’s like OKKK LETS TRY THEN!! because he’s so madly in lov w you cuz ur so cute to him
-ok so boom dating!
-he purposely pushes your buttons to see just how much you can squirm, watching you stammer when he has you pressed against a wall gives him a power trip he didn’t think anyone could be this adorable
-and also u as a person…he’s so in love (dreamily)
-no one understands your relationship like, “how does y/n survive heeseung they can’t even say the word baby without cringing”
-ur not innocent or anything ur just new to affection and stuff so it freaks u out a little!!
-he always asks about boundaries before hand or makes sure you’re comfortable when you two are hanging out. the first time you two were cuddling he would ask every now and then if you were alright
-“you just make me nervous, hee” “don’t be nervous baby, it’s just me.”
-you didn’t realize how nice it felt to be loved within your comfort zone, and how nice it was to have someone hold your hand when it was pushed a little
-he’s gonna tease u tho sorry “loser virgin s/o and popular fboi boyfriend what wattpad story are we coming from”
-defends you to death if anyone criticizes the way you two date, he’s happy with you and if anyone tries to say otherwise he’s all up for arguing with them in a parking lot ( ̄▽ ̄)
-he loves you so so much and he dgaf about how slow he has to take it!!
-he takes you on lots of different dates to see what you like and what you don’t like, slowly initiates PDA to see if you’re okay w it or what freaks you out, he’s okay w taking the lead
-got him proud when you explain yourself tho, it means he’s doing a good job as your boyfriend if you’re comfortable explaining your boundaries and understanding them!! (in the least patronizing way possible)
-one time you two were making out and you put your hands on his chest, looking up at him and shaking your head, “I don’t think I want to continue yet.”
-and like a good boyfriend he is he reassured you he dgaf and that you two can just cuddle on the couch for the rest of the night or he could sit five feet away from you and not speak!!! whatever you say he listens bae
-never pushes you for affection, it pisses him off when people say the relationship is one sided, he doesn’t get insecure about whether or not you love him dw
-you say “I love you” every now and again later in your relationship to reassure him just in case tho, which is always super special to him and makes him fly over the moon *bawls eyes out*
-I did not mean for this to be this long ok anyways he’s yours and he knows it and your his and he knows that too <3
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harrysweasleys · 2 years
until the waves call me home // namor
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summary: namor visits you on land and bliss follows
warnings: spoilers for wakanda forever! also not totally proofread sorry baes
a/n: oh. OHhhh besties u knew this was coming i adore him wholeheartedly mwah mwah
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You knew the day was coming. Namor told you he’d be back the morning after the full moon, when the sun peaked above the horizon and chased the stars away, he’d be there.
So you sat on the sand, toes digging in and the ocean breeze blowing softly against your skin at the early hours of dawn, waiting with a shawl wrapped around your shoulders and heart beating rapidly in your chest.
He always made his appearance at the perfect timing — breaking apart the waves, drops collecting down his bare chest. You were pretty sure he knew damn well what he was doing, but you would usually just sit and enjoyed the view.
And that was exactly what he was doing now.
You felt all the oxygen vanish from your body as the water started to pull back to show him slowly walking out of the depths; hair slicked down to his gorgeous skin, golden accessories glinting in the pale orange sunlight, drops cascading down the expanse of his chest. You stood abruptly, dropping the shawl as if it were nothing.
A grin broke its way across his lips as he sped towards you, not even giving you a second to react before both of his hand were on either side of your face, pulling you close to him and pressing his lips against yours.
His skin was so warm, so soft, under your touch, the taste of the salt on his lips giving you all the reality that you needed to confirm he was here. In front of you and under your fingers.
“Hey,” you mumbled against his lips, hands wrapped around his neck and holding him flush to your own body. You couldn’t give less of a shit about the water now soaking through your own clothes. All that mattered was that he was here. With you.
“Hi,” he uttered back softly, large hands splayed across your lower back. It was jarring to you, how he could spend his days so deep under water, in the cold and the dark, yet still be so warm.
He had shown you his world once; the magic of it, the serenity of his underwater kingdom. You would never survive there, but you tried to go as often as you could. To be with him. In his world.
“I have missed you,” he pulled away from the kiss, letting out a breathy half-laugh, and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Not as much as I missed you,” you brought a finger up and poked him in the nose, pulling away and giving him a bright smile, “Nearly signed up for breath-holding classes to see if I could maybe, maybe come surprise-visit you.”
A chuckle reverberated through his chest and he shook his head lightly, “That may take a while, my love.”
“Ah, well,” you shrugged, linking your fingers with him and beginning to pull him away from the shoreline, “Would be worth it, wouldn’t it?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Not yet. We’re working on something.”
It was true — once his semi-alliance with Wakanda was established, the first favour he had asked for was for Shuri and her brilliant, brilliant brain to concoct some kind of water-to-oxygen filter, that way you could maybe stay for longer periods of time while visiting.
“I know, I’m just impatient to see you, my love,” you grinned, still linking your hand with his as you walked back to your beachside bungalow. Your second home away from Namor, away from Talokan. You had ended up moving to this small beach town after your relationship with Namor, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. Being close to the water was ideal for both of you.
He followed you in the front door, grabbing one of the towels you kept for him by the entrance, and stepped inside with you. You always kept the towels there, along with a pile of clothing and some slippers — which he never wore because he said the wings got in the way — just in case he appeared randomly overnight. Which he’s done before. Just.. appears out of the blue and startles the hell out of you.
“I made some muffins if you want,” you stepped behind the counter in the kitchen, leaning forwards on your elbows and resting your chin on your palms.
He stepped behind you, arms wrapped around your waist and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. After nearly two weeks apart, not seeing or touching each other, he couldn’t bear to not be wrapped around you for a single second. Whether that be his hands on you, his lips on you, hands holding yours, he would always shower you with affection when you were together.
There was no way you could doubt that his love language was touch.
“Maybe later,” his lips moved against the skin of your shoulder as he lowered your shirt, sliding it down just a bit so that the fabric wouldn’t be in the way. You could feel the tickle of his facial hair, scratching lightly but still somehow comforting. Because it was him. And he was here.
A light laugh left your lips as he spun you around, dark eyes meeting yours. He was utterly intoxicating. Unique, himself, elegant and gorgeous in every way possible.
They said his name meant no love. That he was a soulless monster. But that was the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, you had never met a person with more love. With love to give; to share with his people, with you, with the world he built. So much love he was willing to burn anything and everything to the ground to make sure those he loved were safe.
You felt like the most privileged person in the world to get to see that side of him. To see him as he is. Himself.
“Alright,” you pressed a kiss to his forehead, “For now, let’s just be together.”
He hummed, leaning into your touch like it was the only thing keeping him alive, “Be together. Until the waves call me home.”
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qiutls · 1 year
In fact the owner of the flower has been decided from the beginning, so there was no need to deliberate. I'll give it to you, okay? Since you helped me attend the banquet as exchange for it. After all I'm a law-abiding citizen of Korea, I don't break my promises.
"Here, Your Highness."
The entrance fee for this banquet.
I gave Belial the white flower with a bitter face. Still, he is indeed a prince, if he didn't get a single flower, it would be quite embarrassing.
"I'm giving it to you as I promised."
Belial glanced at me with soft eyes and smiled slightly with his eyes bent like crescent moons. It seemed like a graceful gaze that would melt anyone who was looked at.
"Thank you."
Hey, don't act too moved. Why are you so touched? It's not like it was a surprise gift.
Belial cut the stem of the flower short and inserted it onbliquely in the front pocket of his coat. I was wondering why despite his flashy clothes, he didn't wear a corsage, now I see why. This bastard planned this from the start.
"Receiving the symbol of respect from a subject of the Blake estate sure feels quite refreshing."
Belial turned his head slightly towards Kyle and asked,
"Don't you think so?"
He seemed to be quite excited to have an opportunity to be condescending. What are you a kid? Are you actually going to brag about a flower?
Kyle on the other hand didn't that much interested in his gloating and replied bluntly,
It was a tone that didn't seem congratulatory at all. His red eyes turned to look at me berating my actions.
What? What was I supposed to do? You already have a lot of white flowers from the citizens of the duchy. Look at your basket filled to the brim. So please spare this one flower, okay?
"What are you going to do with that one?"
Kyle pointed towards me, to be exact, he pointed at the red flower sitting in my hand.
I stood still and continued to grasp the red flower, while everyone else was giving it to others, asking for a dance.
Sen said this flower symbolizes love. But I don't have anyone I 'love' right now. Even as the human Bae Soohyun, I had built a Great Wall around me, rejecting any possible affection.
"I'm not giving it to anyone."
I said flatly.
Why are you asking? I'm not giving it to you. I'm not giving it to others as well. This is mine.
To make matters worse, Belial also anticipated my next actions. Apparently, Sen gave both flowers to him.
I already gave you one, and you still want more? You two brothers have no conscience! Are you toddlers? Stop competing for a flower! 
I really didn't want to give it to anyone, but how am I supposed to reject both the grand duke and the prince.
Can't you guys just pretend not to know? Let's just skip this, get rid of those competitive gazes. I sighed deeply, then put the stem in my mouth.
I am not giving it away! It's mine!
"Euf yeu reely weant it, then teuk it."
*he's biting the flower stem so he can't talk properly XD  'If you really want it, then take it.'*
...Well, I think the pronounciation was fine.
Even if I said it like that, it was understandable right? I turned my head away after seeing the glances from the crown. Get lost! Go and keep dancing, why are you looking this way.
"Pff- hahaha!"
Belial burst into laughter.
"Everything you do is really so strange, I didn't know there was such an interesting person in the North."
Kyle's eyes suddenly brightened, then he stepped in between me and Belial as if to block him, and offered me a red flower.
....Wait, what? Why are you giving that to me?
"Can I have your first dance of the day?"
Wait a minute!
"The music will start soon, will you accompany me for a dance?"
Hey! This isn't right! Why are you asking me to dance out of all the people here. I can't even answer you properly because I'm biting a flower!
Kyle grabbed me by the arm, not even waiting for my reply. Before I knew it we were on the dance floor, and receiving strange looks from everyone.
...That's right, isn't it weird if the Duke of Blake, chose some unidentified man as his dance partner.
I'm doomed.
"I- I heuv never deunced befeur."
I've never danced before! Let me go, you punk.
Of course, there was no way he could have understood.
"Wheuy deu yeu weunt to deunce with me!"
Why do you want to dance me with me? There's a lot to choose from!
This time seems like Kyle understoon perfectly even though I said it with clenched teeth.
"Why do I want to dance with you? Because out of all the people here, you were the only one who...."
Kyle leaned down and whispered in my ear.
"What was it that you said? My companion?"
Fuck. This damn situation is...
I wanted to refute his statement but the flowers were in the way. When I moved my hand to remove it, he grasped my arm and put it on his waist. My other hand was also trapped in his as he lead me to dance.
Soon, at the sound of the music, we along with the other people in the dance floor began to spin like dolls in a music box. 
We moved with the cheerful waltz beat... And I kept stepping on Kyle's feet. I can't help it, I've never dance before. This kind of fast paced beat is sure to break my legs.
I stepped on his foot again, this time it was much harder than before, but Kyle didn't seem to be in pain. Well what else can he do, except endure.
"Why did you say that back then?"
Because I was confessing that I was your pet! Your pet hamster! This mouth of mine is the problem. Ah! Why did you say that Bae Soohyun.
This time I stepped on his foot on purpose, as payback.
"Come to think of it, you look strangely like someone I know?"
Suddenly Kyle lifted me slightly and let my feet step on his. We continued dancing like this. Well, more like he continued, since he was the only one moving.
'Am I not heavy?'
Anyways, thanks to this, I felt more comfortable. Now all I have to do is stick to him and not worry about following the beat.
Of course, the distance between us bothered me a bit. His bangs often brushed against my forehead and it made my heart feel itchy.
By the way, what do you mean I look like someone? Everywhere you look, all the face you'd see are westerners, where could you have found a face that resembles an Asian like me?
'... Don't tell me, you think I resemble your hamster?'
Ey, that's impossible, it's a different species. Hm, I guess there's really someone in the Blake estate who looks like me.
"Isn't that statement quite brazen of you?"
...Oh, you sly man. You're really fiendish.
Kyle said in a low tone,
"So, what do you think?"
His voice was cold and intimidating. I felt extreme pressure and my body was trembling as if my whole body's blood was being drained out.
I shrank reflexively.
N-no, but there's really nothing to say. I was originally going to ask if you thought I looked like your pet hamster, but now I don't think I can.
And this damn flower. This damn flower is my enemy. I'm glad I didn't drool on my shoes. That's right don't talk to me, or else I might drool on your shoes too.
"I think yeur just jeuking."
I think your just joking.
Right? It should be. Don't pry into me anymore, lest you get an idea.
"That's right, I was kidding."
Kyle's eyes narrowed, I didn't know if he was smiling or threatening.
"I guess it's time I take the flower now."
His head got closer and at that moment, I forgot I was on the dance floor. When his face filled my entire vision, I couldn't even hear the music the was originally loud.
It felt like we were the only ones who existed in the world at that moment.
Kyle seemed to move slowly. His face came close enough for us to touch foreheads and his eyelashes fanned my cheeks. He tilted his head slightly and took the red flower that had been in my mouth, our posture looked as if we were kissing.
"This... What..."
I closed my eyes and felt our noses touch. Soon, I opened my eyes and realized I lost the flower. What the hell?
Before I could argue, he pushed me away slightly and spun me around. While I was turning around to the sound of the violin, he broke the stem of the flower and placed it on his front pocket, just like what Belial did earlier.
Kyle did the job skillfully with just one lap of turn, grasped my hand and pulled me back in again. As soon as my body tilted, I stumbled and stepped on his foot again. He's such a great dancer, meanwhile I...
"What are you going to do if a rumour spreads that the Grand Duke of the North is into men?"
It seems like the north will be thrown into chaos as soon as word gets out.
Kyle answered my question blankly as if it was a small matter.
"I can afford to not have children nor a family, unlike some people."
"But aren't you the lord?"
"The North does not rely on lineage to choose it's leaders. Only the strongest can rule here."
"Ah right..."
I answered awkwardly. Let's just keep quiet.
"What's your name?"
"It's... Shu."
I said half-heartedly and looked away for fear that he might discover something.
The first song came to an end, and the crowd seemed to be a bit more active, looking for partners for the next dance. From the gap, I saw Belial and Sen move toward the dance floor.
'Hey System, how much time do I have left?'
[ "Summon" will end in approximately 10 minutes. ]
10 minutes? That's not enough!
[ Would you like to buy an item from the 'Nut Shop'? ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧ ]
There's no choice, the chandelier incident still hasn't been prevented. I sighed deeply and bought what I saw earlier.
[ Long-lasting Acorn cookie, consumes 1% miracle value, purchasing this item grants an extension of 1 hour for the skill "Summon." ]
A small snack came straight into my pocket.
"It really looks like an acorn."
I unwrapped the package and put it in my mouth without hesitation. 
....Tastes like acorns, but a bit bland.
"Well, I guess dancing to one song would be fine. As I told you, I'm not a good dancer."
"Don't worry, it's fine. I'll lead."
Belial bent down and offered out his arm for Sen to hold. The two of them seemed to be going to the dance floor this time.
'... Don't.'
My anxious gaze flew to the chandelier.
'You can't dance there.'
There's really no choice in this damned life, I thought as I reached out to Kyle.
"Please dance with me one more time, Your Highness."
Punk, let's do one more round.
t/n: i might not be able to post tomorrow since i'll be away the whole day, so here's an early update ! :D
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tarysu · 9 months
Hi hi hi hIIIII I have a request! If you could write headcanons? Like what would Tachihara do when his stubborn s/o (reader) is sick. Thank you in advance!
<OMG OMG?! I love to write tachi headcanons and this request is so GRAHHHHHHH /pos (I love you anon) I'll feed you sm shit I swear. I hope you enjoy these headcanons!! I'm trying to work fast on my other requests so this is a quick one for you sugar booger ;3333> yes....there maybe a small nsfw (hey bae i tried my best) Tw: vomiting, cussing, getting bathed, slight nsfw, fingering 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 || 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 !! (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬)
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✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ ✦ Surprise, surprise! you caught a mild flu!! and you refuse to let a minor sickness (well that's what you considered..) get in your daily activities! ✦ You lasted only a few minutes in your workplace, you had a mild fever and you could barely function normally. Your boss even had to call your boyfriend over, Tachihara. You insisted you were fine, but those feeble words didn't persuade your boss otherwise. When Tachihara came over to pick you up from your work district, he was in a hurry and you were in terrible shape. ✦ You were stupid to test your durability, he was livid. You didn't want to tire him out more since it was his day off. He didn't care whether it was his day off or not, he had to prioritise getting you home and treated. ✦ Sweaty and disorientated, your boyfriend took care of you. Since you barely mustered the strength to take a piece off of your garments. Tachihara was there to do it for you, of course, while chastising you. ✦ He grabbed new clothes from his drawers, something to your comfort. His palm against your forehead, your temperature was beyond regular body temperature. He had prepared a cold bath for you, at least to regulate your temperature. ✦ You resisted to his attempts in bathing you, it was childish. You were really stubborn, you were already embarrassed the fact your boyfriend has to to scrub your ass down. ✦ Eventually, you had given in. It was relaxing actually, Michizou rubbed your temples while your muscles eased up. Though, he resumed to rant about how much of a complete dumbass you were to go off to work. ✦ There you lay cozily on bed, a cold, wet cloth placed on your forehead. You had previously thrown up in the bathroom, Michizou's right hand rubbing circles on your back while his left (if not long hair , then he's bent down rubbing your back) held your hair up in case you get some retch on your hair. ✦ He'd run his hand through your hair, stroke your cheek and give small kisses on your knuckles. He tried to cook something to fill you up (he's a shit cooker LOL) but he fucked up on a simple porridge dish. ✦ ..You still ate it! Even if the taste wasn't so pleasing, it did fill you up for sure. ✦ He was rarely home, given his job (he's pretty much at work for months and occasionally comes home). But you were just so fucking needy, every time he walks off to do something. It only takes a few steps out of the bedroom and you'd be whining his name and attention. ✦ Sure you'd whine his name during bed sessions, but even when you were sick. You have a desire to pull him into bed and let yourself savour his body. However, no way in hell he'd fuck you in this state. Chances of him getting sick is a 50/50, he's avoiding that. ✦ Could he really leave you unsatisfied on his free days? He does come home once in a blue moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ Your hips moved with a subtle rhythm, your hands gripping his thighs. Seated on his lap, your soft whimpers and moans were like a melody to his ears. You felt the sensation of two fingers exploring your cunt, your inner walls stretching with pleasure. His thrusts were just right, matching the perfect pace. You poor thing. Suffering from a mild flu, they say the cure of it is plenty of rest. But the cure to yours was him fucking you. His lips trailed along your neck, planting hungry kisses. The sensations were heightened, every touch sending shivers down your spine, intensifying the throbbing pleasure. He played with your edge, withdrawing his two digits from your core of your cunt. His fingers, moist from your warmth, slowly traced a path from your cunt to your abdomen, playing with the fire of desire. You were heaving, exhaling hot breaths. The sensations left you feeling lightheaded, intoxicated by his touch, and impatience began to take over. "M..Michi! Come ..on!"
 Your hips bucked, craving the return of his touch. Nails dug into the fabric of his trousers. You were on the verge of begging and crying, but he was already taking it slow, giving you what you wanted—small marks on your neck, bite marks trailing down to your chest.
"You're so fuckin' selfish," he whispered
Tears welled at the edges of your eyes, just as you were about to plead. A moan escaped when he thrusted back into your spasming cunt. He was pushing your limits, being the good boyfriend he was, intent on hitting every sweet spot. That night certainly brought a cure for you, but the next day marked a sick start for Michizou, all because of you.
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Greed for one More
Fandom; The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Sohn Youngjae, Reader X Bae Jacob, Reader X Kim Sunwoo, Reader X Kim Younghoon, Reader X Lee Sangyeon.
Characters; Sohn Youngjae, Bae Jacob, Kim Younghoon, Kim Sunwoo, Choi Chanhee, Ji Changmin, Moon Kevin, Mentions of Lee Sangyeon, Yoon Keeho aka Stephen Yoon & Kim Hyungseo aka Bibi.
Warnings; Angst, Jealousy, false Accusations, assumed violence, Alcohol Consumption, Wanking, Oral (Giving), Fingering, Blindfold, Ropes, Restraints, Sex Toys, Orgasm Denial, Edging & Sex.
Notes; Chapter 11/12 of Learning Love, earlier chapters found here.
Taglist; @ilovechanhee
“Hey what’s this?” Youngjae asked while mocking your clothing, pulling out the lingerie that Younghoon brought you. “He brought it,” you said pulling your knee in. “Oh, it’s pretty though, so I get why you kept it,” he said looking jealous. “Baby I’m with you not him,” you said leaping off the bed to hug him. “Let’s bin it, I didn’t even realise I had it,” you said watching him smile. Grabbing his hand you pulled him to the living room finding the trash bag and tossing it in.
Turning to kiss him heavenly you was disturb when you heard a subtle cough. Bibi was standing there looking excited with a slight fakeness to finally catch you together. “Oh look it’s the new love birds and heart breakers,” she sniggers as you rolled your eyes. “What you doing here?” You snarl as she smirks mischievously before Kevin and Chanhee walks from the bedroom. “Oh actually don’t answer that,” you say holding Youngjae’s hands to pull him to your room. “Morning,” you hear Chanhee whittle as you pass them. “Like that is it,” he shouts out behind you as you shut the door breathing out.
“What was all that about?” Youngjae chuckles. “There is only so much I can cope with Bibi and her unwavering tongue, but knowing how much a whore my room mate is drives me crazy,” you scoff as Youngjae pulls you into his hold. “Hold out for a sexy person to unwhore him,” he says playfully as he peppers kisses along your jawline. “You calling me a whore,” you growl, “I said was, not is, I’m happy to make you a real woman,” he says letting his kisses fall to your neck. “In fact I want to have another making you a woman session,” he purs as he pulls your ass into him. Wasting no time you pull your horny boyfriend into bed.
You and Youngjae had barely been dating for a month, all had gone well. Every one was supportive minus Younghoon & Sunwoo. Younghoon had attempted to split the group into two trying to find anyone to turn on Youngjae, for what he called stealing his girlfriend. Sunwoo had become almost unbearable to be around, showing to Youngjae how he was cool and relaxed about it, yet cold and suggestive toward you when ever he could slide an insult in.
However, you was shocked when Changmin spilled that Sunwoo & Youngjae got into a fight. “Over what?” You squealed annoyed, however, fearing that you was the answer. “Look it’s fine, emotions just got wild, things between them can get intense you know because,” he said pausing. “Because of mine and Sunwoo’s past?” You added for him knowing full well his response. “Look have faith things will smooth over, Youngjae knows your past, knows your his. Just sometimes Sunwoo likes to drag fear from him momentarily,” he replied leaning against the kitchen side.
“And Younghoon?” you scowl as he mirrors. “He’s just a jealous prick,” he growls as your hands find his. “Changmin you promised not to let me get inbetween your friendship,” you scorn him as he huffs. “I know, I know, just it’s hard sometimes as we’ve been friends for longer, and it was him that fucked up,” Changmin scoffed. “Have you ever wondered maybe he has a reason to not want an actual relationship? Maybe that’s why he behaves like that,” you said softly as he mulls over your words, while you continue to wash up the plates. “Y/N your too good to him, but maybe your right, I think he’s the one that needs lesson’s in love,” he scoffs collecting the coffee he had poured seconds before your conversation. “Right let’s wake the cranky one,” Changmin said as he walked off to Chanhee’s room,
“Come on let’s go out,” Youngjae says hugging on to you after you had finished having sex. “I got no clean clothes plus Go where?” You asked. “Then I’ll find you some clothes and we’re go out and buy you some more, some well, good taste compared to what you have,” he teases as you groan. Leaving the bed he makes his way to your closet as you sit up ready to watch him insult your wardrobe once more.
Jaw tensing as anger rises, he emerges holding the lingerie you binned in his palm. Staring at it he lets it fall to the floor watching as if it was a dead animal. “What the fucks that?” he croaks eyes refusing to meet you. “I binned it, you know I did, you saw me do it,” you protested, rolling your eyes despite being confused how it had returned to your wardrobe.
“Are you sleeping with Sunwoo and Sangyeon?,” he asked from nowhere as your eyes widened. “You know I have, you know about my relationship with Sunwoo and you know I’ve done things with everyone minus Jacob,” you said sitting off the bed. “Have you slept with them at the same time?” He questioned, his eyes looking at you in fear. “No Youngjae, never, you know I haven’t, I slept with them separately, I don’t even think Sunwoo knows,” you scoffed. “Liar,” Youngjae shout’s scaring you at never hearing him lose his temper.
Chanhee barged into the room immediately, Changmin following. “What’s up what’s happened?” Chanhee asks worried as he looks at Youngjae. “She’s shagging Sunwoo and Sangyeon,” Youngjae says with tears in his eyes. “No she wouldn’t, we gone through this she’s committed to you 100%,” Changmin says going to him to place his hand on his shoulder. “I’ve seen the video of her and Sangyeon filmed with Y/N wearing this,” Youngjae said throwing the lingerie to the floor. “An outfit that she binned yet my backs turned and she slips it back out. Unless you washed it?“ he said turning to Chanhee hoping he would say he cleaned it and put it back, his silence told you all he hadn’t.
“Younghoon brought me that and we used it when he filmed me and Sangyeon having sex,” you explained hoping that would calm his fear down. “Again liar,” he shouted, as you shook your head in disbelief. “How am I lying that happened, asked Sangyeon, he’ll tell you,” you cried. “He told me Sunwoo gifted you that, the fact it’s lilac and it’s his favourite colour tells me all I need to know,” Youngjae said shaking.
“No, no he’s lying ask Younghoon,” You plead walking towards him as he stepped back. “Done that too and he also confirmed he was never filming that session and he never brought that,” Youngjae growled as Chanhee looked at you also with accusation in his eyes. “No he’s lying, there both lying, ask Sunwoo,” you plead as he laughed. “As if he would confess when it’s clear you two are still Involved,” he snarled. “Once a whore always a whore,” he adds. “This is Younghoon he’s clearly out to set us up,” you cry. “Yeah I thought that even though it’s not in Sangyeon’s nature to lie, but I gave you the benefit of doubt, till this,” he said pointing at the lingerie. “I swear to you I did not get it back out the bin.” You plead dashing to him.
“Y/N if you slept with them just tell him as long as it wasn’t in your relationship it’s fine,” Chanhee says breaking your heart that he was fooled too. “Chanhee not you too, please believe me It was Younghoon not Sunwoo,” you beg. “It’s too late they’ve turned you into a sex addict, one who clearly doesn’t care for a meaningful relationship,” Youngjae said shaking his head as he puts his shoes on. “Please Youngjae, please I beg you, please believe me,” you cry tears spilling at your eyes as you try to stop him leaving. “You promised to never leave me,” you cry as he walks past you. “And you promised to be faithful to me,” he snarls looking back your way. “You know what I got a call the other day about that job back home, I think I’m going to take it,” he says with tears in his eyes before walking out. “Youngjae,” you cry out as Chanhee gets in your way.
“Calm down Y/N,” Chanhee scolds you, “get fucked, you didn’t back me up at all,” you screech at him. “Do you blame me you was such a cock whore, so obviously when I’m given evidence I’m going to want to analyse it,” he scoffs. “I have never lied Chanhee Never,” you glare at him before he moves from your way. Grabbing your coat you only have one destination, Sangyeon’s to find out why he would lie.
Banging on the door of Sangyeon’s apartment he refused to answer. Sliding to the floor you sobbed refusing to budge till you got what you needed to understand the situation. You remembered throwing the lingerie into the bin, you knew it was Younghoon and not Sunwoo. Knowing Younghoon was likely the reason for the sudden end to your relationship, you needed to know why Sangyeon would lie.
“Y/N,” you heard the soft voice of Jacob. “Jacob,” you cried letting tears fall. “What’s up what’s happened? Why you here?” He questioned sitting next to you. “Younghoon made Youngjae leave me, he’s using Sangyeon to make him believe I’m still seeing Sunwoo,” you sobbed heavily as he pulled you in.
“Right we can’t sit here, we’re get numb bums,” Jacob tried to lighten the mood with a slight chuckle, after holding you for a long time. “Why don’t we go back to mine and talk,” he says stroking your hair, “Youngjae’s there,” you whine rubbing your eyes. “Ok then let’s take you back home,” he suggested, “I don’t want to see Chanhee, he thinks I’m guilty too,” you scoffed. “I have no hope convincing any one if I can’t even convince my best friend,” you cry, sobs heavily returning.
“I believe you Y/N,” Jacob said, as your tear eyes fell on his, “Really?” You sniffled. “Yes Y/N, I know you wouldn’t have done that to someone your madly in love with,” he smiled as you fell into his chest. “I know somewhere we could go talk where no one will disturb us,” he said standing up offering you his hand.
Walking into the flat, Jacob tosses his keys on the table and walks to the fish tank on the other side of the room. “You hiding a secret apartment Cobie?” you ask as he blushes at you using his pet name. “No this is my friends apartment, I pop in when he’s out of town to attend to these beauty’s,” he says as he opens the pot of fish food. “But don’t tell the others because this is where I like to come if they get too much for me,” he says as he throws a pinch of food into the tank.
“So I’m the only one that knows about this place?” You ask walking towards him. “Kevin knows, he’s Stephens friend too, we’re all from Canada,” he says smiling at you as you place your finger to the tank. “There cute right?” He adds watching you intently as you nod letting the fish follow your finger.
“So right let’s talk about this issue,” Jacob said walking to the kitchen, with you following. “Not much to talk about, Youngjae doesn’t trust me, he left me, I just have to get over it,” you whine leaning against the kitchen surface. “That’s what this is for,” he smiles pulling a bottle of whisky from the cupboard.
“But for the record he is blooming stupid if he believes you would cheat on him,” he adds grabbing some glasses from the side. “I’m just angry that Sangyeon would lie for Younghoon,” you said clasping your hands around the kitchen side in anger. “I’ll talk to him, I promise I’ll find out why, but it’s obvious someone’s making him lie,” Jacob said walking into the living room. “Well obviously i had already gathered that, I just don’t understand why he would lie for Younghoon,” you said following him.
“How do you even know it’s for Younghoon?” He asked as you tilted your head in confusion. “Who else could it be?” You scoffed, “I refuse to believe Youngjae would just take there word, something else must have happened,” he said sitting down on the sofa. “Well yeah, look if I tell you please don’t do that concerned elder look at me,” you said frowning. “My what look,” he sniggered filling in the glasses with the brown liquor. “When you look like you disapprove but won’t say anything because your too kind,” you said rising your eyebrow. “I don’t have that look, but anyway continue I promise to look neutral,” he smiled warmly passing you a large glass of whisky.
“Me and Sangyeon well yeah,”, “is that it, it was obvious you done him, you did everyone but me,” he cut you off smiling. “Well he filmed me, Younghoon filmed for him us having sex,” you said taking a mouthful of the liquid. “It was on the deal that Younghoon dated me properly and That it was done away from Sunwoo so he could come home,” you said before tsssking in to the air from your second sip as your throat burned. “But what has that got to do with this affair you’ve been accused of?” He asked taking a sip of his own with no reaction to the burn.
“Younghoon brought me some lingerie to use, he then showed Youngjae that video and apparently it’s Sunwoo filming and he brought me it,” you explained as he shook his head in confusion. “Wait so that would only prove you slept with Sunwoo at one point which he knew, I’m still confused here,” he said sinking into the sofa to face you.
“Youngjae found that same lingerie and saw me bin it, yet found it hanging back up in my wardrobe which is when this argument started,” you said looking at your glass. “Oh so he didn’t believe it till he saw the lingerie?” he asked as you nodded taking another sip. “So he’s mad you took it out the bin?” He questioned as you looked deadpan at him. “No that’s the thing Jacob, I really did bin it he saw me, even Chanhee did and he still don’t believe me either,” you replied as tears threatened. “So what your saying is Younghoon made Sangyeon lie, put story’s in Youngjae’s head and then sneaked in to your apartment to put an outfit from the bin back on the hanger,” he questioned like an accusation.
“This is what I’m on about Jacob you don’t believe me neither,” you said placing your drink on the table to stand. “Y/N I’m not saying I don’t believe you, just trying to find a time when Younghoon could have entered your flat. Especially when Chanhee has made it very aware he is not welcome,” he said as you thought for a second.
He had been too focused on causing a divide that he avoided your flat. “I’m confused if it’s not Younghoon that put it there then who?” You asked feeling confused and overwhelmed. “Look Y/N I believe you but please don’t accuse, you know what it feels like to be accused of things you haven’t done,” he said as you took another swig. “I will look into it for you. I know every single one of them so I’ll find out who’s clearly against you,” he said reassuringly as you sat back down.
You took the rest of the glass back bravely spluttering when it caught the back of your throat with a kick. “You ok Y/N?” he chuckled patting your back as you struggled to catch your breath. Nodding when your throat relaxed you past him your empty glass. “I will be when you fill this one up, I want to forget all this exists,” you said as Jacob frowned at you. “Do you think this is wise Y/N?” he asks with raised eyebrows. “You said this would help me get over it,” you said smiling as he breathed in deeply, moving to refill your glass. “So your going to get merrily drunk and then what?” He asked taking a sip of his drink. “Forget men exist, forget love exist and certainly forget sex exists,” you chuckle taking a bigger gulp of the whisky making a face as you let it finish its burn. “You don’t mean that,” he scoffs finishing his glass. “You could offer it to me on a plate and I wouldn’t except,” you joke. “You make it sound as if I’m just as sexy hot as the others,” Jacob says leaning to fill his own. “Bae Jacob your fucking hot, if you wasn’t out wife shopping I would have pounced on you immediately,” you chuckle feeling your tongue loose.
“Wife shopping?” He laughed sitting back into the sofa once more. “We all know your the sex on a married night kind of guy,” you add, feeling your body warm from the alcohol. “You really have that impression of me huh? He asked chuckling as you nodded. “Don’t get me wrong that’s a compliment Cobie, nice to know there’s a decent guy out there,” you smiled.
Leaning into you he whispers shyly, “if only you knew the hidden real me,” he smirks before sitting back. “Don’t shit me, me and you both know you would run away from some sexy vixen,” you say as your head feels tipsy. “Sexy Vixen, you mean you,” Jacob asks swigging the rest of his second glass back. “You think I’m Sexy?” You ask feeling aroused as Cute Jacob suddenly flirt attacks.
“I think your sexy, you think I’m some good virgin boy, only one of us can be right,” Jacob said placing the glass on the table. “So how come no one’s seen you with anyone,” you asked challenging him to give up his facade. “Take a look Doll, do I look like the kind of person to parade my lovers infrount of others,” he smiled insinuating this place was used for more then fish babysitting.
“I like to keep my victims my dirty little secrets,” he whispers into your ear as your core tightens. You snigger at his remark, despite being highly aroused as he smiles devilishly. “Don’t believe me huh?” He questions opening his legs that you could evidently view his hardening bulge. Thick thighs in your view has your core melt. “What you thinking Doll?” He said as he leans towards you.
“That I wished I saw this side of you when I was free to fuck you,” you said as your eyes got drunk over his. “But didn’t you say you and Youngjae was over,” he said placing a hair behind your ear. The thought of Youngjae piercing your mind cooled your heat down as tears pricked.
“Let me show you what I can teach you, let me make you forget him for a second,” he whispers as his lips found your jawline, peppering gentle kisses. “I don’t know If I can,” you cry, as his lips find there way to burn through your collarbone kissing them. “You wanted to see the hidden me,” he dared you between kisses as he let your hands rest over his bulge. “He left you, but I’m here,” Jacob purred as his lips found there way to yours. “I’ll alway be here, being who ever you want me to be,” he says against your lips.
Moving against you, you feel your haziness let Youngjae blur away. Jacob’s tongue heavy against you as you lose your self into his soft yet yearning kiss. Pulling on your top he pulls you towards him, legs straddling him so your kiss can deepen. Hands finding the flesh of your back, he holds you closer to him as your own find there way to his hair. Rocking on his thighs he thrusts against your clothed core as you feel the hunger in his kiss. Pulling your top from your head, his hands finds your clothed breasts as he kisses along them. Fingers returning back to your spine, he attempts to unclasp your bra tossing them to the side of the room. Hands on your waist he groans heavenly noticing the beauty of your naked top half. “Oh Y/N you are so fucking delicious to look at,” he coos as his eyes glaze over. I want to see these bounce when you fuck my cock,” he says almost salivating. “Then what you waiting for?” you say breathless from your burning building frustration. He lifts you up and carry’s you down the corridor your lips returning to his as your hand tackles at his T-shirt.
Kneeing the door, you enter the darken room between your intimate making out session, his hands struggling to find the light. Blinding you, your lips fall as you see his chest for the first time, defined muscle was clearly hiding as the desire to kiss each inch of his chest pulsates from you. “Jacob you been hiding more then the real you,” you gasped as he blushed. “Only you can go for the sexy death kill, yet blush at the same time,” you smirk as he lays you on the bed.
“Wait we doing this in your friends bed?” You ask looking around as he stood up letting his abs be more viewed. “No this is the spare room that I use when I’m here,” he smiled noticing your expression. “Bae Jacob do you know how fucking hot you are, why do you hide yourself?” You moan as you sit up to pull him closer to you.
Fingers dashing to the jean buttons you tug them and his boxers down. Gasping at his impressive member, you brush your finger down his veiny shaft emitting moans to slip. Pumping his hot throbbing shaft brought hooded eyes and pretty sounds to slip that brought a smile on your face. Parting your lips you take him into your mouth letting your tongue help to massage his cock as you bobble up and down him. Fingers in your hair Jacob loses himself to your mouth. Words of, “fuck,”,“shit,”, “so good,” & mantras of your name spills.
With shakey thighs, he pushes your shoulders back as a darker glaze then earlier covers his eyes.
“I need you,” he growls throwing himself at you that you fall back on to your back. Hungry lips and wandering hands attack your body as he devours you. Like you earlier his hands attack your jeans tossing them and your pants to the floor as a gasp leaves his throat. Biting his lip he salivates at the view of your glistering pussy. Before he gets ready to fully unleash over you, he reaches to his draw pulling out a few items.
“Can I use these on you?” he asks as he switches to his usual caring concerned self. Nodding he smiles as he helps to tie the blindfold around your eyes, kissing every inch of your face once finishing. Pushing your thighs backwards he pressed his knees to keep them up, pulling your hands down tying each hand to an ankle, stricting your movement. “If this is too much doll just say,” he purs with slight concern in his voice. “What’s the safe word?“ You ask as you feel his fingers brush up and down the flesh on the stretched muscles restricting you. “Just say stop, I’m just a simple yet unique in my own way guy,” he whispers as his fingers find your clit.
Rubbing eights into your throbbing nub he lets a few moans escape. Fingers falling to you as he curves them sweetly against your walls till he reaches your sweet spot. Walls clenching around them, your back arches as it pulls on your rope burning your skin. Hissing into the air he stifles a small chuckle as he speeds his rhythm into you. “Doll your voice falling apart sounds so sexy and hot,” he says deeply that you feel your orgasm build.
Pulling his fingers away you hear the sound of lubrication and anticipation hit you. Feeling the plastic stretch you as it pushes into your core has you pulling on your restraints. “Oh Y/N, look at you so feeble and weak, my cock hasn’t even entered yet too,” he mocks as he brings what you worked out is a dildo out to slam back in. Cry’s filling the air, his chuckle sounds more wicked as if he’s enjoying you crumbling at his slow burning torture. But nothing prepares for the evil cackle leave each time he slams it in you, which vibrates up your core.
Hearing the buzz in the air your core tightens around his torture when it hits your nub. The vibration on your clit has his attack on your core from the toy soaks tears into your blindfold. “Doll do you still think me as an innocent virgin,” he asks as he hits the lowest setting. “No,” you wail as your brain try’s to picture your sweet natured Jacob. Slams speeding from the dildo, he sets the vibration of the wand to the highest. Laughter as you scream in attempts to hold the tethering orgasm away, has him struggle to contain his amusement. Seconds before you fall off the edge, he turns the wand off, as your thighs burn from the position.
Silence fills the air as you fear what he has planned next as your throbbing nub calms, but yet burns with frustration. When he thinks you’ve calmed enough he switches the wand back on high. Crys returning to the air, he returns his thrust of the plastic in your heat. “Oh how I’ve imagined seeing you so broken, but now I need you broken under me,” he growls. Tethering orgasm threatening once more, your thighs shaking being your warning signal betrays you.
Stopping immediately once more has cry’s of frustration escape. “Oh Doll what’s up your not an withering mess over sweet innocent Cobie are you,” he mocks. “Cobie please, please,” you whine as he chuckles sounding pleased at your pleading. “Please what, what do you want doll?,” he playfully asks. “I need your cock, I need you,” you beg as he slips the Dildo from your core.
“You need this do you doll,” he teases as he slips the head of his member into your core but slips it out instantly. “Huh baby?” He coos repeating. “More Cobie,” you plead, as he continues. “More what?” He says playing dumb, as your throbbing nub feels on fire. “I need more of your cock,” you cry as he chuckles once more. “What like this,” he asks as he slams deep in you before pulling straight out leaving you empty and frustrated again.
“Fuck me please,” you cry louder feeling the frustration burn through your body at his torture. Placing the head in once more he fucks just the tip in and out slowly deliberately. Pulling on the rope not caring for the burn from frustration has the opposite effect making you more sensitive. “Please,” you beg once more to fall on deafen ears when he continues with the tip of his member fucking into you.
“But if I fuck you, your cum straight away, I can’t have you being greedy,” he whines into the air. “I promise I won’t just please fuck me,” you beg. “Oh doll do you know how hearing you beg really turns me on,” he coos. “But as your begging so nicely I’ll help you out, but you can’t cum,” he says as he slams all the way.
Stilling for a short minute, your thighs pulled further back, stinging your stretched muscles he sets his rhythm. You can’t move to his deep thrusts into your core, equally setting your frustration higher. Orgasm rushing into you, you struggle as your walls clamp around his shaft. “Fuck, shit,” you cry as his speed increases. “Don’t you dare cum,” Jacob threatens as his hands find your nipple tweaking them. Throwing your head back to the overwhelming sensation Jacobs pushing into your body, you feel seconds from snapping. The pain of holding your orgasm back burning your core that you can’t hold on much longer. “I can’t do this, it hurts,” you cry, but he has little mercy speeding into you, his own sounds escaping as he gets lost in his own world. “Don’t you dare,” falls repeated from his lips, “not yet,” he adds as you feel slight relief that he’s close to cuming.
But instead of helping bringing both your orgasm he slips himself from you leaving you empty & burning. “Fuck, fuck,” you cry tinged with anger as being left with no relief. “Oh doll, you didn’t think I would go easy on you did you?” He mocks. “I told you hidden Jacob was too dark for you,” he chuckles as he rubs his hard tip around your clit as you thrash your head into the pillow behind, letting your rope burn you further more. “Stop stop,” you cry not handling any more as the room falls into silence.
You feel the ropes untie as your arms and legs flop to the bed, the sensation of the rope burn making your body rush in adrenaline. Hands slipping under your head he unties the blindfold and like the dark Jacob you never visually viewed, he has returned back to your Jacob.
His lips pressing to your tears sweetly as he tossed his ego away. “It’s ok, I’m here,” he coos letting his lips return to yours the most gentle and soft against you. “Please let me cum,” you beg as his eyes look lost and doe eyed in your expression as he nods. Pressing himself in, he fills your core fully, fingers lacing with yours, his eyes never leave you. It’s like he doesn’t want to miss a second as he rolls himself deep in. “Cum on my cock doll,” he coos, “I promise I won’t deprive you anymore,” he adds and you know that he’s ready to take you softly.
Walls clamping around him as you let your weakened legs wrap around his lower back, you bring your pelvis to meet him. It doesn’t take long for the orgasm previously denied to throw itself in you. Nails digging into his shoulder, that you feel wetted with blood at the tips as you convulse around his thrusting cock. “Oh you look so pretty when you cum,” he compliments before you milk his seed from the orgasm that hits through Him seconds later.
Panting he collapses on you as your hands massage his scalp, words not leaving either your lips as you succumb to the slumber that exhaustion throws in to you.
Waking you find yourself alone, your eyes finding a chocolate croissant, some paracetamols and orange juice on the side. Your clothes cleaned are folded on the chair across the room with your mobile on the top. You crawl still feeling sore from the thighs muscle cramps from being restrained, you grab your mobile.
You find the first message from Jacob.
‘We shouldn’t have done that last night, I don’t regret it, I regret not doing it sooner because I’m now a shitty friend. Please eat and leave when your ready. I’ll fix this I promise, Jacob xx’
There was another from Youngjae.
‘Can we talk please, I know you didn’t go home yesterday so please tell me your safe’
You heart panged in your chest as guilt flooded you. You slept with one of his closest friends the second things got rough. Every one was right you was nothing but a whore. Last night was definitely a lesson, a lesson on how to fuck up and make a mistake.
Youngjae’s face dropped when you let your confession out to him when you met with him at the pond.
“Please tell me I heard that wrong,” he cried pain filling his features that made your stomach burn in pain. “I got drunk and slept with your friend,” you repeated wincing looking to the floor.
“I was wrong about you, totally wrong about you,” he cry’s standing up. “First Sunwoo and Sangyeon and now Jacob, and you have the nerve to blame all that open relationship bullshit on Younghoon,” he growls shaking in anger. “I never slept with Sunwoo and Sangyeon behind your back, I’ve told you this already someone set me up,” you cry standing up too.
“You expect me to believe now after this, after Jacob, the one guy I trusted to not stab me in the back,” he snarls. “Youngjae I’m no liar, if I was don’t you think I would have kept what me and Jacob did a secret, what do I have to gain in telling you?” You pleaded with him. “Look I’m sorry I went there and I don’t expect you to take me back, but I went to him because you left me and broke me,” you said as his eyes widened.
“Left you? I left the apartment because I couldn’t bare seeing you, yes ok maybe there could be a chance you’ve been set up, but now you go off with someone the second you find an excuse,” he snarled. “Youngjae please,” you beg touching his shoulder that he shrugs it off. “Don’t touch me, I came to meet with you to tell you my flight leaves for Los Angeles this evening,” he said as your heart sinks.
You slept with his friend the second the relationship fell upon it sword, you had no right to feel hurt that he was leaving you. But despite that you couldn’t let him go so easily.
“Please don’t leave me,” you cried holding on to him like a desperate puppy. “Don’t Y/N, me and you should have been jetting off together but nope, you and your whoring had other plans,” he growls as he turned with tears in his own eyes. “Please Youngjae,” you cried falling to the floor as he turned his features soft as he contemplated coming back to you. Instead he turned around and walked away, leaving you, your friends and Seoul.
You sat on the bench for what felt like hours silently sobbing as the cold night approached. Looking into the sky you wondered if he had already left, before more sobs fell. Turning your phone off you saw Jacob’s name flash after two refused calls from Chanhee half an hour earlier, you closed your eyes.
It shouldn’t have been Youngjae leaving it should have been you, your life was falling apart because you let those 11 guys turn your head. One taste of sexual experience had turned you into a sex craving whore and ruined your life. Youngjae was right it wasn’t completely Younghoon, you had enjoyed every experience befallen you. Yet the one you wanted to experience every day was currently in the air flying away.
“Y/N,” you heard the familiar voice behind you as you looked up to find Kevin and Jacob. “He knows I told him,” you said, “I’m no liar,” you added as Jacob pulled his hoodie back. “I know,” he said smiling painfully from the split lip, and bruised eye, that from the street lights looked nasty. “He did that?” You asked as he nodded, “sorry,” you whispered. “I deserved it,” he added as he sat next to you.
“He left obviously,” you said tears falling from your eyes as he pulled you into his safe warm chest. “I promised I’d look after you and I will,” he said holding you tight. “I’ll be who ever you need me to be,” he said repeating his words from the previous night.
“However, there’s something you need to know, I got you your answers,” he said as you wiped your eyes listening. “Tell her Kevin,” Jacob said glaring at him as your face turned to look his way. “Y/N it was Bibi, she was the one that made Younghoon & Sangyeon lie,” he said looking sorrowful.
Your head swarmed in confusion but it made sense. She was in the apartment when you binned the lingerie. But why? Why would she ruin what you had with Youngjae?
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lorraineritawarren · 2 months
Hey bae can we ask a 18+ question!? If that's okay with you!! (Dw I'm not under age)
Myself Jasmine, capricorn-sun, virgo moon and taurus rising.
Can I receive some information about our honeymoon? (If my question actually makes sense lmao)
Thankyou so much, anyways have an amazing day ahead sweetie!! 🫶🏻🤍✨🧿
It will be a very healing experience for the both of you. Kind of like a breath of fresh air. Getting away from town and all your worries, resting energy. Intimacy will be sensual, slow, loving. There will be a lot of grabbing, touching, I see hand holding too. They'll kiss your neck a lot during the day, I see laughing from both of your sides. It will be a great and memorable experience for the two of you. Honeymoon seems to be related to colors red and blue and babydoll dresses, teddy dresses. Also roleplay of some sort?
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karimwillia · 2 years
Part 7
Warnings: Plot Fluff
It’s Friday and the soft launch of Shuriri has been excellent. Everyday the girls learn more about each other and they have been forming such cute habits with each other. Ri has fallen into a habit of kissing Shuri’s lips for everything. While Shuri always wants to hold hands or touch in some way. The entire school knows they belong to each other. “Girl, what are you and Bae doing for early dismissal?” Ri is putting up her books and grabbing her bag as MJ pouts on the side of her.
“We are going to the mall. My Mom set my nail appointment for today. Shuri insisted on taking me then we may do some window shopping.” “Ugh jealous but have fun my Mom wants me home. Something about needing to clean my room. Anyway I am curious. I know your Mother is ecstatic about you dating.” Riri panics because she has not told her Mother nor Sharon yet. She’s been so wrapped up in Shuri that she has skipped their sister talks the last few nights.
A warm sensation takes over Ri from behind but she is stiff from her panic still. “Hey Baby Girl...Did I startle you?” Riri chuckles at how observant her girlfriend is; it's sort of annoying how much she picks up on. “Shuri Baby it was not you.” Tipping back, Ri looks up at Shuri from below wrapped in her arms. “I just remembered that I haven't talked to my Mother or Sister about us yet. They may kill me.” Shuri nods and smiles. “Yikes! I hope they dont it would break my heart. How about I meet them when I take you out Sunday.” “Sunday? ” “Yes Rihanna Williams, I want to take you on a date Sunday afternoon. Dress cute but comfy for me please.” Riri loves when Shuri is assertive with her but in the gentle way she does it. Ri kisses Shuri on the lips. “I suppose we are going on a date Sunday. But please listen closely on how to get them to like you.”
Shutting the lockers and saying goodbye, they talk about how to prepare for “meeting the parents”. Shuri lost her Father also so she knows not to bring that up. All the facts are helpful. Pulling up to the mall with music blasting the rest of their day is full of more surprises. “So your Mom cannot wait to meet me?” Riri’s warm tone cuts through the music. “She has been expecting to meet you for years now. I talk about you all the time. Now that we are dating, finally she is over the moon.” Turning to face her girlfriend, Ri's eyes are soft, taking Shuri’s hand and she kisses the back of it. “Well I can’t wait to meet her and let her know how good a job she did with raising you.” “Oh please don’t she might cry. Also I have to change what I want to say to your Mom now. I can’t tell her how sexy her daughter is.” Riri pushes Shuri away as they laugh and get out of the car.
While at the nail shop Riri lets Shuri pick out the color she gets on her nails and is surprised to see Shuri wanted to join her and get a manicure. She even gets her right pinky painted to match. Walking out of the shop Shuri hears her name being called. “Yo Shuri! Shuri!.” It’s Xavier. He has been acting so odd the past few days. Making rude comments, about Shuri not knowing how to handle Ri and how she needs a “real man” the attitude is giving real predator vibes. To keep from beating his ass Shuri just has not spoken to him as much but it seems she couldn’t avoid him today. “Xavier what’s good.” Shuri’s hold on Riri tightens and her jaw tenses up. Xavi is wearing a sinister half smile with his eyes set on Ri. Something is not right, even Shuri’s touch does not ease her anxious feeling she gets with his eyes on her.
“What’s good with you? We haven’t spoken in a few days. I know you not icing me out over some bad jokes. You are my best friend. Can you at least just introduce me to your shawty?” Shuri is keeping her body between the two, cutting her eyes at him hard. She is pissed because she can feel how nervous Ri is. It’s time to go but what is the best way? “Hmm that’s interesting considering you've been making all types of comments about her since Tuesday. But I’ll play along. Ri this is Xavier Dalton a homie of mine and Xavi this is my Girlfriend Rihanna Williams.” Riri nods, saying hello tensely. “Hello Rihanna damn you fine. I can’t even believe Shuri was able to get you.” “That’s not how..”Shuri is cut off by Riri who is none too pleased herself. “Actually Daddy knows I’m the lucky one.” Ri turns Shuri’s face to her and kisses her deeper than she ever has. Riri does not want to make a scene but she’s over the nonsense. “It was good to meet you again Javier right?” She quips once they break apart.
Xavi’s smile drops leaving him with a dumb and angry look on his face. Ri takes the lead moving them now in the opposite direction. Shuri stops them once they are out of his sight. “Either you got pissed back there or you just were feeling yourself but Damn. You can’t just kiss me like that with no warning.” Ri was proud of herself. “Maybe a little of both. His vibe was all off. I could tell he was trying to play you and you don’t deserve that.” “He’s always been a little bit of a hater but he really is mad this time. I just don’t like how he looks at you. I wanted to knock his face in.” Riri runs her hands up Shuri’s arms. Touch is genuinely her love language. “You don’t have to stoop to that level. He’s not worth it.”
“You are correct I don’t but I will for you.” Shuri Huffs “Baby you do not have to fight. I am just glad he didn’t ruin my surprise.” Shuri’s face lights up. “You have something for me?” “I do indeed have something for you. I hope you will like it ” After a short walk Shuri and Ri arrive in the tailoring section of the department store. A saleswoman meets them and hugs Riri. The woman offers to have Shuri step into a dressing room and she comes out with a beautiful black suit that is nearly a perfect fit. Shuri is in awe, turning to look at a very comfortable Riri watching her. “I hear all the major players have tunnel fits.” “Baby Girl, when did you have time to do this? How did you know my measurements?” “Rihanna stopped in last night to pick up her honors blazer and saw it. She raved about how she had to have it for a special someone.” The saleswomen answers. Beaming Riri admires her girlfriend in the mirrors. She stands right in front of Shuri running her hands up thes down the front of the blazer.
“Your measurements were not that hard to guess after your little show the other day.” Ri has an eidetic memory, it's nerd shit. The smirk on Ri’s face says it all and Shuri just kisses her quickly as the tailor completes the last adjustments.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shuriris-stuff @shuriristan22
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ageofpiracyrp · 6 months
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When The Prosperity enters the area around Kor'sel'Koo where communications transmissions are most accessible, Muffy and Hero find themselves met with a wave of messages to sift through and sort.
To Skylar and Ali from Karmel: Happy belated anniversary in Earth years. Enjoy a round of drinks at Yggld Drinks on me. [Enclosed is a gift certificate for a round of ten shots from the Water Bar and Alcohol Bar chain Yggld Bars, which is ubiquitous in every major settlement on Kor'Sel'Koo.]
To Beck from "K": If you've made it safely and find yourself with a spot of free time, I'd love if you visited.
To Ali from Zuytri: Hi, Friend! Here's the contact information for that person we were talking about that I think you might want to meet. Medri in room 806 Jallik in the Ulsgian Moon Retirement Community.
To Laurie from Viola Dessamer of Revvly Capsule Hotels: Thank you for signing up for the Revvly Capsule Hotels communications list. If you are in need of a safe space, we are always here for you. Read between the lines, and always feel free to reach out if you need a place to stay or cruelty-free, sustainably sourced, and practical meals.
To Theo from someone in the music business in Different City [the equivalent of about $200 in gixys are included]: Hello, Theo. Enclosed are some royalties from the sales of your music. It isn't that many gixys, but I'm pleased to let you know that some of your songs have been gaining a few fans. We anticipate being able to send you some more in six months.
To HJ from Junyi: Hey, bae!! It's really starting to be a long time since we've seen each other but I don't think I'll ever miss you any less. Work is going so good that I think I might be getting quasi-semi-kind of famous. I got some AH MAY ZING new tsum tsums and I stacked all of the ones I could find into a giant pyramid. Sometimes I think 'hey, Junyi, maybe you have a problem with collecting' but then I make a giant pyramid and everything is okay. I'm sending you a collection of my favorite memes that I've found over the last week and I hope that you cherish at least one of them because they made me smile and think of how nice it would be to look at memes with you. Did you know that "meme" rhymes with "steam"? I didn't know that until yesterday. Anyway anyway anyway I love you soooo much and you're sooooo pretty and sooooo good at communicating, HJ. I think about how happy I was to get to meet you all the time and how lucky I am to get to continue to talk to you.
To Robin from Jayvon: Robin, hello! Just wanted to let you know that I started a new job as a close combat officer on a brand new pirate crew, The Dreamhouse. I love it, and I'm glad that I have someone to tell the good news. If our crews are ever in the same area (I'm on Marloken right now), we should meet up and exchange stories.
To Marshall from her Dads: Marshall! We heard you would be going to Kor'Sel'Koo, so we are sending some of our favorite pictures of you and the family when you were younger and we lived there. Also, enclosed are up-to-date addresses and contact information for your cousins and other family. If you have the time, I'm sure they would love to meet up. All of us send our love!
To Daphne from Muzzain: Coast is clear still. Looking forward to meeting with you. "If you're out on the road Feelin' lonely and so cold All you have to do is call my name". These are poignant lyrics from the Gilmore Girls theme song. My name is Muzzain. Until we meet.
To Samira from Makhaira: How is your life going? We exchanged contact information a while back, but I never wrote. I don't know how much you want to hear this, but I've picked up a new hobby: pickleball. It's the one thing I'm a little better at than most of my family, but they haven't given up on playing. We installed our own court, which sounds completely rich erkuss girl of me, but I'm glad for it. What's been keeping you busy?
To Ian from Marlene: It was very nice to see you, Ian. I'm glad that you seem happy with your new crew, and I hope we can meet up again sometime. I don't like to mean ill will of others, but if I had to pick a different ship to crew on than my own, it would be Prosperity. Safe travels.
To Beck from Julia: Hey, Wanker. I know your birthday's not for a few weeks, but apparently the Three Stooges from the galx got their act together and won't leave us the hell alone. The twins wanted to make sure you got their birthday video messages. While they're starting to be rebellious little buggers (I know I'm getting old when I shake my head and sigh saying teenagers) they do love and miss you. They made me say something nice because I called you wanker but I think you're all right.
To Marshall from Oplo: You fixed our air conditioning, correct? Can you send tips?
To Daniel from Seetha: Hi, Daniel! I've missed talking with you so much, I've come to realize. I wanted to tell SOMEONE that isn't being a big meanie (Leo, he's being a big meanie) that I have a boyfriend now! :) His name is Frodo and he's so darling. I think you'd get along famously if you met. My captain is getting sentimental and sending messages to your ship, so I thought I'd send them too.
To Ryder from Seetha: I heard how Leo treated you from him and I am APPALLED. I know it was a while ago, but he's been so bratty and callous to you and also sweet Daniel and Ian. It sounds like he's cleared the air before, but it still doesn't sound right to me. Let me know if you need me to get a real apology out of that meanie on your terms. I know he'll actually mean it because he's apparently stopping his weird bedroom behavior and slowly but surely coming to terms with that. My goodness. You don't deserve that weird behavior.
To Skylar from Kenna: [It's just a picture of French fries with a digital smiley face drawn over]
By the time the crew touches down on Kor'Sel'Koo on 3/22/24, all of the messages have been sorted and provided and we pick up a new crew member: Mari, a quirky mate who is 4'6" of apparently pure enthusiasm.
The crew doesn't immediately settle down, as there are messages to read and Gilmore Gilrs to figure out.
Muzzain, the far'ly'dae one who ordered all of that Gilmore Girls merchandise, is staying temporarily in Wuunzek, a smallish city about an hour (by underground tunnel train) from Twarvu.
Wuunzek includes a variety of amenities, including Yggld Bars, the Inspired By Earth Waterpark (it's got a lazy river, a waterslide, and a wave pool), an enormous vitamin store aimed at Ly'Daesun called Yonrur, and more.
Wuunzek Population: 89% Far’Ly’Dae, 9% Erkuss, 1% Vanneer, 1% Carrek.
The process of getting the Gilmore Girls merchandise to the right place now will be... annoying because most of it actually needs to go to Twarvu. While it would normally take an hour and a half, the crew will probably take a full 24 hours to get their surreptiously.
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ladyknightskye · 1 year
I have been tagged by @quietwingsinthesky
Your name: Megs or Skye. I accept Meg and Hey You as well.
Your first fandom(s): Saint Seiya. Technically Sailor Moon. They were the first ones I wrote fic for, but Saint Seiya is the one where I had the my first fandom experiences. I used to hang out on Rusty Old Ankh's Saint Seiya Forum all the time. Stayka (A German fan who had her own website) wherever you are out there, shout out, you were always my model of how to act in fandom and I hope life is treating you well.
Your current fandom(s): Active fandoms that I still engage with all the time - Supernatural and Halo. Fandoms that I vibe with and sometimes reblog stuff about - Mandalorian, Reylo, Hannibal, Transformers.
How did you first get into fandom? So, I loved Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon, and decided one day when I had unrestricted access to a school computer to search them up. Stayka I mentioned up there? Her fan fic archive was my first exposure to fandom and I loved it. Mostly because I constructed these elaborate massively multiplayer crossover stories in my head, and how cool would it be to share them with the world?
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces? Y'all, it's been nineteen, slutty, slutty years. Probably a little longer, but my earliest memories of really engaging was in my freshman year of high school.
How often do you read fanfics? Pretty often. I'm horrible about starting long fics and then not finishing them though.
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Supernatural: Dean, Lucifer, Castiel, my poor little sopping wet meow meows. I just, I love them your honor.
Halo: Master Chief John-117, Cortana, and Fred-104. My sweet gentle giants and the crazy awesome AI. They did ya dirty girl. Seriously though, I have all kinds of love for Fred and John. They are bae.
Transformers: Optimus Prime (in all his incarnations), Megatron (also all of his incarnations), Soundwave (most incarnations). Look, Optimus Prime is my beloved, my husband, my knight in shining armor, and I've yet to meet a version I didn't love in some way. Megatron is by turns awesome because he's just so deliciously evil or awesome because bitch has a point. IDW-1 Megs is admittedly my favorite because he had this journey from pacifist to warmonger to atoner that was beautiful. Soundwave, I say more incarnations because there are some versions I vibe with less, but I love that he's the stoic with fourteen kids.
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?
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Have I???? Ever written fic??? I'm pretty sure you can still find my Saint Seiya fics from nineteen years ago on FFN. Look up "Niteskye" or "LadyKnightSkye." I have no shame.
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?
Okay, this one not as much as the fan fic, but yes, I do have fan art of Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, and others floating around.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
Look, I don't care if literally no one else agrees with me, but Lucifer SPN would have fucking rolled over and showed his belly if just one character had shown him affection without overtly mistrusting him and giving him shit. We talk a lot about Dean being a creature of Love (because he is) but so is Lucifer. His entire motivation for everything was love, and yes, he's a selfish bastard, but even selfish bastards want to feel loved. He is also touch starved like Hell because he was stuck alone in a cage for millennia.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Depends on the friend. Also depends on where I met them. I am making my husband start Supernatural from the beginning with me because maybe with his encouragement I will actually be able to start season six.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?
Home. Like, with the exception of college and the SCA, I've never really felt like I've totally belonged anywhere but in fandom spaces.
I am tagging... @heavenssexiestangel @authortobenamedlater and anyone else who wants to do this. :)
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atonalginger · 1 year
bg3 talk.
so Wran, my gloomstalker, has progressed far enough to get Halsin and y'all! Big elf is bae. Not Wran's bae, he chose Gale a while ago and loves that fucking nerd to the moon and back. But also I'm regretting being so hasty. But its fine, its fine!
And choosing Gale was a whole thing for Wran. He'd been flirting up a storm through the beginning drama with the goblins and the grove and at the party got the "oh I'd love to but you know *taps chest*" and he also flirted a little with Wyll because he's a charmer but Wyll was sulking and didn't want to dance so they just kiss. And Gale didn't say shit about that.
So hours and HOURS later I get a cutscene with Wyll and we finally dance and I kiss him. Next day I leave camp with Gale in my party and I get the "!" icon so I go 'hey what's up' and he confront me in front of Karlach and Shadowheart, as well as the whole fucking inn, about the dance and basically asks me to chose. He can't bear sharing and he wants me to be happy so please. I sit there weighing this choice. On one hand Wran hasn't gotten so much as a smooch out of Gale but on the other hand Wyll is maybe a touch too storybook hero and also currently stuck in a pact with a bitch so....I mean neither are perfect but Wran felt the connection with Gale faster. So he chose Gale. Wyll was sad but understanding. Or so he says.
This game is really well written and gives such fun moments and interactions like this. So many little touches and choices to make. And it's beefy! I have 74 hours according to steam. 20 of those were my spore druid. The rest are Wran and he isn't even half way into act two. I haven't even completely combed the mountain pass and I think there's a few spots in the crash site zone. Soooo much to do. And here I am also already dreaming up my next build, next run, new ideas and stuff.
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moon-yeongjun · 4 years
Chuseok || Mu Jun
Summary: On Chuseok, the Baes and Moons gather as is tradition and a secret is revealed... 
Normally, Jun loved Chuseok. It was the one holiday that Jun could always afford to come home for with no guilt, to enjoy Eomma��s cooking and play games with his siblings. Last year’s Chuseok he had to spend it with Tiffany’s family and missed his own in the very fibre of his bones. He called Eomma and talked to her for two hours, nearly crying a few times, but of course, holding it all in. He had been looking forward to this Chuseok, then. Even though Abeoji would not be here...there would still be food and games and the Baes would come over like they always did--and Korean would flow, and the house would smell like egg batter, and he’d be...home.
But this year Chuseok came on the heel of Jun’s greatest shame. All the rich, delicious delicacies of Chuseok, the gifts, he didn’t deserve any of it. He woke up and wanted to walk out into the fields-- banish himself if Eomma wouldn’t. 
He couldn’t, though. Tradition was tradition, town scandal or not. Eomma found him feeding the chickens and gave him his to-do list for the day, mentioning the Baes would be over before noon.
So here he was in the kitchen, chopping vegetables. Onions actually. They burned his eyes, making him sniffle and  turn bright red. He looked up from the cutting board as he tried furiously to blink the onion-stench from his eyes when he heard a knock.
Ah, it was Mu-yeol hyung, sent in here by Eomma no doubt.
“It’s the onions!” Jun declared instead of hello, sensitive about the tear that rolled down his cheek. “Aiya, come here and take over, I need a break.” 
Mu-yeol clicked his tongue like he was admonishing Jun and quickly took over chopping the onions. Aiya, you’d think humans would evolve and immunity to the gasses onions give off considering they use them in cooking regularly.
“Fun fact-” the ‘about fairies’ bit was silent  “-onions don’t bother us. Evolution was kinder to us.”
He gestured to the counter with some shavings of veggie peels on it. “Scoop those into the trashcan before noonim yells at us both.”
Yells was used liberally here, as Eun-jung was more likely to go ‘omo, boys what a mess!’  and quietly do the spot cleaning herself while Jun insisted they were ‘about to do it, eomma!’
“Yah, you really took something out on the onions, didn’t you?” 
Jun rolled his eyes at his hyung, though it was a good-natured kind of gesture (for Jun, at least). Of course fairies were unaffected by onions. You know, sometimes he wouldn’t mind so much being something like a fairy. It seemed idyllic from where he stood-- a kind community, lots of holding hands, one specific thing to do, even if that was, eh...garbage-talent! Or something. But anyway. 
He obeyed his hyung and put the food waste into the food waste bucket, since he would add it to the Moon’s compost pile later. Then he moved to the drawer to pull out another knife. He’d go for the mushrooms, eh. 
“Ah, just getting warmed up, hyung,” Jun said almost cheerfully. With a snort he took his place next to Mu-yeol and put the mushroom’s on another cutting board. “It’s election season. Plenty to be upset about, eh.” He began his furious chopping again. 
Yes, the election was what got Jun worked up. Nothing else! 
“The election? Oh.” Mu-yeol nodded slowly.
He almost forgot about that seeing as he never cared enough before last year. His son of course had only been going to human school for a year so it was just last year he cared enough to vote. If he recalled correctly he’d voted for Hades Acheron.
This year? He didn’t even know what seats were going to be open or who all was running yet. Of course that had yet to be announced but he imagined townsfolk had heard gossip of who may run.
“Are you looking to run?” He asked Jun, an eyebrow quirking up.
“Ha!” Jun barked at his hyung’s ridiculous question. 
Honestly, he could laugh even harder than that.
Jun, see, never had political aspirations. Politics were a bastard’s business-- necessary evil, yes, but not for him. Before his market was attacked though, he had hoped to help Al McWiggin with a campaign. Now? He wasn’t sure. It might be too dangerous. His store was targeted already. What if Swynlake went after his family next? What if Tae-yah was harassed at school? Jun fretted over these questions, and cursed himself for even caring in the first place--for ever wanting to make Swynlake better. 
Why did he care about Swynlake when Swynlake did not care about him? 
“Please, don’t you know we’re public enemy number one right now?” Jun said bitterly as he swept his mushrooms into the boiling pot. He reached for the carrots next. “I run, I get chased out of town with pitchforks.” 
“No? No, I didn’t hear. Who could be mad at your mother?” Mu-yeol wrinkled his nose in disbelief. Eun-jung was the kindest, most loving person. “Or is it you? You can be...abrasive.”
As Jun’s hyung, he can say something so brutally honest.
“Of course, part of that is our culture. We're blunt people. What makes you think people are so angry with you?” 
Being in the Hollow, he hadn’t heard of the vandalism. 
He scoffed again.
Was it a good thing that his hyung was clueless? Maybe, maybe not. Mu-yeol didn’t really count when it came to Swynlake. He avoided the town unless he was 1. Working; 2. Watching his son dance; or 3. Picking up Korean-specific groceries from the Moon Market. He had not come by recently and so he did not see the RACIST accusation nor did he go on Twitter or read the newspaper. Maybe it was a good thing talk did not reach the noisy dance halls of Pixie’s then? Or Jun should not count his luck. 
He began to furiously chop the carrots. 
“The store was attacked, hyung. A girl--she hated my petitions against vampires--against vampires, you know, the one many people signed! And so she vandalized the Market!” Jun brandished the knife very unsafely as his anger grew. “She said I was racist! I’m not racist, eh, I just don’t like vampires. You don’t like vampires!” Jabbed the knife toward Mu-yeol. “But I’m not racist. But no, now everyone is saying that we are unfriendly to Magicks and some are saying they won’t shop at our store-- but we are not, eh, we’ve never--we serve anyone who comes in, vampire, werewolf, fairy, sorcerer, we have never turned away a customer--all because I just wanted to make Swynlake safe against dark magic, dark magic, not all magic-- so I’ve ruined my entire fami--ah!” 
He hissed and his hand jerked away. He’d sliced into his skin with the knife as tears had blurred into his eyes once more. At least now he could blame such tears on the pain. Jun spat a very explicit Korean curse as he made to move over to the sink.  
Now, Mu-yeol was about to tell Jun it would be okay but then he had to go and damn near slice his hand off and that kicked him right into healing fairy mode. Jun swore and Mu-yeol followed him to the sink and turned it on so the water would rinse the cut. 
“Hey, hey, sh it’s okay. Don’t think about it.” Mu-yeol said gently. “I’ll fix it, give me your hand.
With her bare hand - which was not human medical practice - Mu-yeol took Jun’s hand in his and waved his other hand over the cut which in one motion stopped the bleeding. To seal the cut however he had to rest his other hand on top of Jun’s until it felt like they held sunbeams in their hands, complete with a little golden glimmer.
He pulled his hands away, still covered in Jun’s blood, and nodded to the hand. “Good as new.”
And with a flick of his wrists so that his palms faced up Jun’s blood disappeared from his hands. “And clean.”
Jun did not say this.
He’d grumbled the entire time Mu-yeol tended his gash, tears stinging in his eyes. He had not heard the kitchen door open. He did not see Eomma enter. Only now he heard her soft exclamation. Jun jerked his head to see her holding freshly picked cucumbers from Appa’s garden. She had obviously brought them for Mu-yeol and Jun.
She had also, obviously, seen Mu-yeol perform magic. 
“Eomma,” Jun blurted and instinctively stepped in front of Mu-yeol as if he could hide--
Eun-jung blinked several times and then scurried toward them. “Aiya, already using both our cutting boards! Where am I supposed to cut these, hmm?” 
Jun blinked. He glanced at Mu-yeol--
Eun-jung pushed her way between them. “Junnie, the gim please.” 
“Stop standing there with your mouth open, you’ll eat a fly,” Eomma huffed. She looked at Mu-yeol. “Does this kid have rice stuffed in his ears? What?” A pause. “Are we still pretending I don’t know?” 
Mu-yeol stood there frozen like an ice block as his eyes flitted between Jun and Eun-jung. He used magic. He used magic on Jun (to help him!) and she didn’t even flinch. Apart from a soft exclamation of sur— no, not even surprise. She’d sounded impressed. Amazed? But not surprised.
And most importantly she didn’t seem angry. 
“I— what. Wait, what.” Mu-yeol finally stammered, looking at Jun as if to ask if he knew she knew. 
“You knew?” He asked quietly, barely above a whisper. “And you don’t care? For how long?”
Jun watched his mother sigh, then smile gently at Mu-yeol.  
They had a rule in their household, very vague as to apply to many things. The rule was this: don’t talk about it. It could mean the recurring billywig blight that kept attacking their lettuce. It had meant Abeoji’s cancer. It definitely meant the many strange clients the Moon Market served, ‘strange’ applying to couples like Simba and Berlioz and to fairies like Mu-yeol. While these things were not altogether strange to Jun, he understood his parents’ stubborn silence as a conditional acceptance, for Swynlake had been what Abeoji could afford, and now that they were here-- it was home, flaws and all. They must respect those flaws. 
At least, that’s what Jun thought. Now? He felt like he’d just sliced his whole thumb off, even though the pain had vanished. What the hell was going on, eh?! 
“Oh, I don’t know!” Eun-jung said as she shrugged and laughed, though something in her sweet eyes remained sad. “Nam-minnie would always lose his hats, running around the store! You two aren’t so clever as you think. But you never said anything; I didn’t think you wanted us to know. It isn’t our business.” She shrugged a second time as she skinned the cucumber down. 
“You’re okay with it?!” Jun blurted. 
Eun-jung shot him a glare. “Eh, why wouldn’t I be?” 
“They’re the Baes! What was I going to do, stop talking to them?” And though Jun knew she did not mean to, his Eomma blushed and looked back at her cucumbers, sucking her teeth as though Jun was ridiculous.
But--he understood at once. It was like he had always thought, the same reason why Jun had never said anything, following the rule of the Moon household to the strictest letter. The last thing he had wanted to do was take away one of Eomma’s friends. She hadn’t wanted to lose Mu-yeol, either. 
“Didn’t I tell you to get the gim?” 
Jun made a face. “Eommmaaaaaa.”
Eun-jung knew. 
Either she’d always known or she came to know and it didn’t matter to her, because she still invited them over for Chuseok; she still let Nemo sleep over with Tae; she still gently scolded Mu-yeol for telling Nemo to always help with dishes when he sleeps over. 
Had it not been for his being well-versed in Korean human culture, where showing the emotions he wanted to display now was frowned upon, he might have burst into tears and hugged her. He still almost did. 
“Tae eomma…” he said quietly — of course getting back to chopping onions because Chuseok meals waited for no touching revelation — “And you...don’t have any questions? It’s okay if you do. I owe you that much for intending to lie.”
Eomma went quiet for a moment, but her hands didn’t stop. The knife banged against the cutting board as she sliced up the cucumbers, her movements quick and even. Jun watched, but those hands did not hesitate. Eomma did not seem to be uncomfortable either-- just focused on her task. Though he would be the first to admit that there was more he didn’t know about his parents. After all, he hadn’t known this! He’d foolishly kept a secret he didn’t need to keep. All this time, thinking he was protecting the Moons-- yah, what good was his gesture now? 
Though he wondered. About Abeoji. What about Abeoji? 
Eomma glanced at Jun first, probably sensing the loudness of such thoughts, but then smiled at Mu-yeol. 
“Eh, only if you want to share. I’ve lived in this town too long, I know such things are sensitive. It’s best to be polite.” 
Jun’s cheeks heated, hearing the lecture for him in it.
“Though--” she paused again, dropping her eyes. She tried to sound casual. “Can all fairies do that? What you did for Junnie? Is that why you look so young?” 
That was the one thing about Korean human culture that really, truly, clashed with fairy culture. The whole ‘don’t ask about anything’ thing. He gave her permission, with his previous statement, and was incredibly thankful she did bite the bait, if only nibbled at it.
He chuckled low in his throat and got back to cutting vegetables, albeit slowly, before Eun-jung scolded him for just being a decoration in her kitchen.
“Not all fairies, only fairies like me. We’re all born with what we call Talents, and that’s our magic. Mine is healing, just like my youngest brother and one of my grandfathers. My parents were - are, they’re still alive - a Scout talent and Pixie Dust talent. Which means my father helps protect the Hollow, and my mother harvests and maintains the pixie dust supply for the whole Hollow. I look so young because once we hit about twenty-five we age slower than humans; a fairy’s lifespan is generally 150-200 years. Our Hollow Queen or King lives for centuries. My father is 103 and my mother is 75.”
Mu-yeol awkwardly cleared his throat. “Sorry. That was probably a lot.”
Yah, talk about overexplaining. Though Jun only thought that because he was so used to underexplaining-- to excuses and hand-waving and looking the other direction. All such things became habits and habits were hard to break, even when there was no reason to keep them now. He saw the same behavior in his Eomma-- as she blinked and looked uncertain as to react to any of that. 
He wondered if she was thinking about Abeoji. 
Jun was thinking about Abeoji. 
Jun was thinking about how he had begged Mu-yeol to do something, and Mu-yeol said that he could not. It was hopeless, of course it was, and it was not Mu-yeol’s fault, but bitterness filled Jun anyway as his hyung spoke of living so long after healing Jun’s hand like it was nothing. Why did some creatures get such blessings when humans were forced to labor for the mere handful of years? Abeoji had only been sixty-one. Sixty-one. And he was gone. 
After a brief pause, Eomma nodded as though no such pause occurred. “Ahhh, I know about talents, of course. I did not know they weren’t all-- I though it was all in nature and we could get you to help our tomatoes grow.” Her eyes twinkled, all in jest. “But healing, yah, that’s very important. You must be so respected.” 
Mu-yeol had already unloaded on Jun how very much not respected the Baes were in the Hollow, so he wasn’t sure how to answer Eun-jung. 
“At the clinic I am.” He didn’t lie because that was true. 
This was Eun-jung’s first Chuseok without her husband. He wouldn’t depress her by telling her about why outside of the clinic he and Nemo were a little...not everyone’s favorite. 
“Talents are unpredictable. None of my siblings have the same as my parents. But, Nemo is the same as his mother was. It just depends. On what, I’m not sure.”
Jun was still watching his eomma as if she might transform in a moment-- turn from the sweet woman he knew that she was into the woman who ripped the covers off the bed and started shouting at her children if they stayed asleep for too long.
But of course Eomma didn’t. Why would she yell at Mu-yeol? There was no reason to yell at Mu-yeol. They were very different people, his eomma and his hyung, and yet it seemed there was enough similar between them that they both wanted-- to be kind to each other, to forgive each other for the things they might disagree on. 
It made Jun’s heart felt so soft and tender. He rubbed at his chest. Maybe it was just heartburn. 
“Ooooooh, I see. Well, that’s children for you anyway. Junnie takes after Appa, doesn’t he?” she smiled at Jun and turned Jun’s whole face red.
Jun sucked his teeth as if he were disagreeing.
“Who knows why they do? Eh, Junnie, start rolling these.” 
Jun had no choice to come forward to arrange the gimbap. 
Eomma turned to face Mu-yeol then-- and her face looked much more serious. “Mu-yeol ssi, I do hope… I think-- I am sorry,” she finally settled on. She bowed her head slightly. “If you felt that our family would not welcome yours if we knew about your heritage. I think, when we were younger… Yoon-seok and I, there was a lot we didn’t know how to talk about. There’s still so much. But I hope you will still feel safe here.”
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
When U 2 Hang Out With Each Other In Halloween Night 🕸(short ffs)
S͜͡p͜͡o͜͡o͜͡k͜͡y͜͡ ͜͡M͜͡o͜͡n͜͡t͜͡h͜͡
Pairing: you x ta member
Genre: fluff and Halloween theme 🎃
Warning: one bad word
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"It feels nice laying on the ground and looking at the stars...the fresh air hitting our faces and you beside me-"
"Shhh don't speak and let's kiss"
"Yorch~mmm~" Your boyfriend shut you by a deep kiss. You sat up and hit his arm. "Omg don't surprise me like that! Next time warn me so I can be ready!" You whined. Yorch bit down the bottom of his lip as he stare at your red face. He chuckled. "No I won't warn you, it is fun watching you get fluster. Here have some KitKats" he teased and pass you the chocolate bars. " we got so many candy,  we should have dates like this every Halloween day!" You said admiring how handsome he look in his pirate costume. " I agree my death bride" he smiled.
You two spend the last 20 minutes kissing each other passionately under the light of the moon who seem to be looking at you two like this "🌚". Your dad came out of your house and saw you two. "HEY LEE SANGWON WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY PRINCESS- HEY STOP!" He shriek running towards you two. Sangwon immediately let you go and bowed all the way down. " I'm sorry Mr.LN! I didn't do anything without her permission!" He said seriously. "DAD! Calm down, you know he is my boyfriend! We were just kissing! Oh! And my precious boyfriend got you the snickers you love so much! He thought of you!" You said as you gave your dad a bag full of his favorite chocolates. " OH MY- * coughed* Sangwon, thank you...umm you two can stay one more hour... but I'll be watching!" He said going back to the house. "Ugh! My dad can be so annoying...Wonie~ how about we go to the backyard!" You peck his lips. He blushed and nodded. "Let's go!" He held your hand.
" 1, 2, 3..." you counted how much you got of your favorite candy but you felt like you are missing more of those candy. You saw how suspicious Woochan look as he sat there quietly. " Bae! Are you stealing my candy?!" You yelled. "What? No...pfff why would I steal your candy when I have my own" he proceeds to eat one your missing favorite candy. "Hey! You liar!" You hit him with your witch hat. Woochan laughed as he started to tackle you down on the grass with tickles and small kisses on your face and neck. Everything was going so well until you two started to smell something awful. "Ugh! It is coming from you! Did you farted?" Woochan said as he step back from you holding onto his nose. "Noo! but but..." you gasped when you saw a chunk of your hair covered in poop...dog poop. "WOOCHAN HELP ME! I HATE MY LIFE" You started to cry like a baby. " you're gonna leave me because of this!" You cried harder. " WHAT?! Of course not! I will always be with you in the good days, bad days, and even the days you get poop on your hair" he said kissing your big forehead.
James, you, dressed like clowns and a bunch of little kids walk towards a house to get candy " TRICK OR TREAT!!!" All of you said except that You and James were the ones shouting louder. The kids look up at you two with weird looks. " they're so weird" a little boy dressed as a ghost said. "You're weirdER!" James fought back as he eyed the little ghost. The door open and the old man came out with the basket. "Little kids first..."he said and you laughed. "I can't believe this! We were here before them! We should get the candy first! Right James" you nudge James on his arm. "So Santa Clause is real?" James was in awe as he run his finger through the man's white beard. "But Santa, Christmas is in 2 months after this one, why are you here?" James question raising his eyebrow. The man gave him a dirty look and coughed on purpose. "Here kids, get some candy!" He smiled. " I WILL ACCUSED YOU FOR DISCRIMINATING  AND IGNORING TEENS!" You grabbed James by his arm and walk away.  " what was that about?" James wrap his arm around your neck.  " nothing, I just felt like fighting someone....WHAT ABOUT YOU?! "sO sANtA cLAusE iS ReAl?" You mimicked him. " Babe! I was just clowning like you!" Both of you laughed together. "Now which house should we clowned next?" James asked.
" Justin Jay push meeee!" You yelled. You were sitting on a swing waiting for JayJay to push you from behind. JJ put a candy on his mouth. "Here I go..." he said pulling you against him and after a second he push you hard. "This is fun! JayJay get on one!". Your boyfriend obeyed you as he got on one of the swings and started swinging. "You look so cute in your Spider-Man clothes!" You shouted with a smile. "And you look sexy in that purple emoji costume " JayJay teased you and laughed. "Jay I dare you to jump from the swing!" You joked but it seems that JayJay took that seriously and jumped from the swing in Spider-Man way. "I'm Spider-Man!" He shout. You felt your heart stoped. "JAY!!!!" You immediately stop your swing and run towards him. " JUSTIN JAY I WAS KIDDING I DID NOT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!!" JayJay stand up and laughed. "Baby I'm okay! I knew you were joking, I was already thinking in jumping before you did!" You pouted and hugged him tightly. "Be careful next time!" You cried.
You clapped hard feeling so happy that Jihoon won the small competition him and James made against each other. Both of them were dressed as the scream ghost and wanted to prove the people around them which scream ghost is better at dancing which Jihoon won. You run towards him and peck his cute cheek. "I'm so proud of you my baby!!" Jihoon laughed and hug you tightly. " I'm proud of myself too! Let's go get some candy before James beats us!" Jihoon took your hand and made you two run towards the next house.
" trick or treat b!tch!" You said out loud as you model your devil costume in front of him. "That was unnecessary to say..."he rubbed his temples and gave you a weak smile. " Do you like it? Look it even has a tail..." you smirked. Leo laughed because in his eyes you look silly but of course he won't tell you. " yeah you look very attractive, now....you told me you bought me a costume? Where is it?" He asked. You giggle as you pull out from a bag a 🌮 suit. " ARE YOU FOREALS!" Leo shouted. "Nah nah nah! I'm not putting on that! Why-...YNNNNN!!!" For sure you can hear his scream all the way from your apartment. "I was expecting a Batman or Iron Man or even a vampire-....why a taco?" He asked. "This year you're gonna be the taco man, and you know how much I love tacos...." You bit down your bottom lip. Leo just laid in the couch and laughed and cried? He was thinking of all the decisions he made in his life and met you.
(Also on IG and Wattpad)
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Fake dating thing
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Prompts : fake lovers to real lovers
“I’m easy. Buy me a nice ring and I’ll lie to your parents.”
“Are you doubting my acting skills?”
Summary || Chris family can't stop bugging him on when he's going to get a GF or not so he use you to shut them up
Genre || fluff
Warnings || fake dating
Pairing || Chris Evans x reader
A/n || please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission!
Comment and reblogs welcome
・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Chris paced back in forth in his living room as he thought. Thought about how he was going to do this. See his family wouldn't stop asking him when he was going to get into a relationship. It was so often to the point where it was getting extremely annoying to him.
He was really concerning having a fake relationship, but he had no idea who he was going to do it with. Everyone that crossed his mind was in a relationship.
He sighed to himself and walked over to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and grabbed a beer out of it. It then hit him who he should do it with.
You were single, lived in Boston and his family didn't know you (except Scott). He walked over to the counter and sat his beer down as he grabbed his phone. He dialed your number waited a few seconds before you picked up.
"um hi Chris."
He said hi back and began to request his plan. "So I know this is weird and probably dumb, but y/n I need your help." On the other side you scrunched your eyebrows, "okay, what do you need?"
Chris sucked in his breath. "Y/n, I'm going to need you to be my fake Girlfriend."
Your eyes widened, "your fake Girlfriend?"
"yeah, my family won't stop asking me when I'm going to get one so I need you to be my fake one to shut them up." Chris finished and there was a silence between you two.
Chris soon started to Panic. "You don't have to I'm just-" "Chris, it's fine, I'll do it. When do you need me?"
Chris breath a sigh of relief. "Um this weekend. Can you do that?"
“I’m easy. Buy me a nice ring and I’ll lie to your parents. I can do it." Chris Chuckled on the other end. "The ring part is something I'm not sure about yet, but if you're down I'll see you Saturday, my house okay?"
"okay, I'll see you then."
Chris hung up the phone and placed it back on the couch. It was show time.
Saturday rolled through fast. You woke up early to make sure you were ready. Even though this wasn't real it didn't stop you from making yourself look appealing.
Later that morning you left to go to Chris' house. When you arrived there Chris was already waiting for you.
"hey, y/n, come in." You let yourself into his concord home and turned around to him. "So um Do you know how to fake a relationship?" Chris asked as he tucked his hands in his pockets.
"are you doubting my acting skills?"
Chris smiled, "no, I'm not, sorry." He stepped around you and Walked to the kitchen. "Well I'm going to grab my stuff and I'll be ready to go." Chris ventured off into his house for his things. You stayed in the foyer giving Dodger some pets.
Not long after Chris returned to the foyer. He was dressed in a button up flannel, basically his usual style. "Alright ready?"
You nodded, "yeah." Chris opened the door and walked outside with you.
He took the few minute drive to his mom's house in silence With you in the car. It was a little awkward, but it was nothing you both couldn't handle by playing a little music.
Chris pulled into his mom's driveway 20 minutes later. He put the car in park and turned it off. "Alright," he turned to you. "Here goes nothing."
He got out of the car and shut his door before he ran to your side and opened the door for you. He was really trying to keep up with the sweet boyfriend act and you were loving it to be honest.
You both walked up the stairs together. Before Chris could even lift his hand the door swung open revealing his mom.
"oh, you both made it."
She pulled Chris into a hug and then you. When she pulled away Chris spoke. "Ma this is y/n, y/n this is my mom."
Lisa turned to you, "it's very nice to meet you, heard a lot about you." You turned to Chris a smirk on your face as Lisa told you both to come in. He just strugged and followed her.
You both walked into the house that used to be chris' childhood home. Pictures of his family hung on the wall, some that look recently, some that didn't.
You followed Lisa to the living room where chris' sisters were. When they saw you they got up. "you must be y/n."
Carly was the first to hug you then Shanna. They were sweet and it made you feel a lot more comfortable than you were.
After greeting, you took a seat on the long sectional sofa bedside Chris.
"so y/n, we've heard a lot about you." Shanna said. "He said you were very beautiful and he wasn't wrong."
You turned to Chris for a split second with raised eyebrows before turning back to them. "Thank you, you all are very beautiful and sweet."
You all made conversation for a while until dinner was ready. You very much blended in with them and Chris saw it. You were possible the first woman to ever get along the first time you meet his family, sadly your relationship was fake.
You all ate dinner together. Chris was of course showing affection to you to make it look as real as possible.
After dinner you all returned to the living room. Lisa and Carly showed you some of Chris' old pictures. They were adorable as well.
Chris sat on the other couch watching you. He had a grin on his face. Somehow he started to feel something else for you, something that wasn't a friendship kinda feeling.
Later that day the sun was down, the moon was out and it was time to go. You and Chris returned to the car. You buckled yourself in a sat back with a sigh.
Chris got in, shutting his door. "Well that wasn't so bad was it?" Chris asked turning to you. You smiled and shook your head. "No, we just need to do this faking thing for I don't know, forever."
Chris sighed as he Brought his hands to your knees. "You know we don't have to fake it. It can be real."
You turned to him, "you wanna be in a real relationship?"
Chris nodded, "yeah I mean seeing you interact with My family better than any other woman I dated sparked me with happiness so um yeah."
Chris grew quiet as he grew nervous.
You sighed, "well I don't mind that at all actually." You looked over at Chris, "I like you a lot and I'm more than willing to be in a relationship with you."
You placed your finger under chris' chin and made him look at you. "So yeah, I want a real relationship."
Chris Chuckled before giving you a long, passion kiss. Something he's been wanting to do for years.
@chris-butt @patzammit @bval-1 @raveviolet @mrsbbarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captianamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @lovepeacefood @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @rororo06 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @adriannajackson123 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @hhiggs @katiew1973 @andreasworlsboring101 @skepticnovak @funfickgirl22 @hxnesthxneybee @christhickevans @melchills-j @franchesca-791 @moonlacebeam
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ the boyz reaction to s/o bringing home a pet / interacting with animals
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↳ a/n: hello my darlings! we are back at it with another tbz reaction! this is for my lovely anon who requested this. i hope you don’t mind i altered the request a little bit. i’m so sorry that requests are coming out slowly but bear with me i’ll get through them. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy! also, all my reactions are canon to my boyfriend series so i highly recommend checking those out as well! ☻
↳ genre: fluffiest of fluff
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 2.7k
↳ the boyz x fem reader
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「 Lee Sangyeon  」
it had been a week since you last saw sangyeon and you were finally going to see him, but you never would have guessed the unexpected to happen one rainy evening when it was nearly 35°F
as you were walking up to the dorms that’s when you heard tiny meows and spotted a small white kitten near the alley trying to make cover in a box
you instantly felt bad for the poor kitten due to the harsh weather conditions and it looked like it was lost from it’s mother
you swiftly picked up and tried your best to cover the tiny kitten with your jacket as you made your way inside the dorms
as sangyeon open the door he instantly smiled seeing your face giving you a cheek on this kiss
“what’s that sound?” he wondered as he heard the faint meows coming from your jacket
removing your jacket sangyeon saw the small kitten that was in your hands
“i found him outside, i couldn’t just leave him out there. do you think we can keep him?” you asked hopefully giving sangyeon your doe eyes
he sighed “i don’t know baby, we’re both really busy with our schedules.. he should be with a family where they can properly take care of him”
you nodded hating that he was right, you knew that you couldn’t take care of pet when you had a full time job and sangyeon had his idol responsibilities
sangyeon noticed your sadness and lifted your chin to look up at him “we’ll make sure that he’ll go to a loving home okay?” he promised
you smiled in response giving him a small peck setting the kitten down on the floor where he quickly ran under the table
「 Jacob Bae  」
you were excited, it was the day of your birthday and jacob wanted to make it extra special for you
he knew you always wanted a pet so he decided that you could go to the pet store and get any pet you wanted with his card
he wanted to go with you but unfortunately practice overlapped
nevertheless, you were ecstatic looking at all the different animals that were for sale, when your eyes finally landed on some caged rabbits
you smiled as you saw a light brown one with his long whiskers, in a way it reminded you of jacob
as you told the seller that was the animal you wanted, you bought all the corresponding items you would need like food, treats, toys, and a cage with a matching bowl set for his food and water
once you had everything you needed you made your way to the dorms to surprise jacob with your new pet
as you knocked on the door jacob answered noticing the huge cage covering your entire face and half your upper body
he laughed “what on earth did you buy?” trying to peek through the cage grabbing it from you with ease setting it on top of the dining table
“something that reminds of me of you” you smiled
“that’s funny because i don’t see a golden retriever anywhere” he teased
“this is better! just close your eyes” you instructed as jacob did was he was told
once you knew his eyes were closed you opened the cage and grabbed the rabbit holding it in your arms “okay open!”
when jacob opened eyes he saw the small brown rabbit in your hands “aw… you got a rabbit?” he asked scooping it from your hands wanting to see it closer
“yes!” you squealed not hiding your excitement as jacob set him down on the floor so that he could hop around
“well it’s super cute, and it suits you so well” he said giving you a kiss on the cheek before he continued “now c’mon i have more surprises for my birthday girl”
「 Kim Younghoon  」
you loved younghoon, you pretty much had the perfect little family including your little poodle bori
but when your friend texted you that her maltese dog had a litter of puppies you couldn’t deny that you wanted one, they were just so precious
you kept hinting at younghoon all week that you really wanted to snag one of your friend’s puppies
“younghoon look at this cute picture again” you grinned showing him your phone
“they are cute baby but we already have bori” he said glancing at the picture
“but bori needs a friend” you protested leaning your head on his shoulder “pleaseee?”
he let out a light sigh “we can go and look at them but no promises okay?”
you shrieked “yay that’s perfectly fine! i love you so much” you repeated grabbing his face giving him kisses all over
as expected when you and younghoon went to go see the maltese puppies he was excited and couldn’t deny their cuteness and agreed that you could get one
you ultimately decided on the runt of the litter which was a boy and the smallest out of all the puppies
「 Lee Hyunjae 」
it was fun weekend when your sibling asked you to take care of their pet hedgehog
at first you weren’t even going to mention it to hyunjae since he was busy but he decided to surprise you at your apartment one evening
that’s when he noticed the small cage in your living room that definitely wasn’t there before
“hey babe what’s this? did you get a pet?” he wondered curiously
“oh! no i didn’t i’m just watching him for the weekend while my sibling is out of town” you replied heading to the kitchen to get dinner started
as hyunjae opened the cage to get a closer look at the hedgehog it quickly curled up into a ball out of anxiousness pricking hyunjae’s fingers
“ah! it feels like needles” he nearly screamed closing the cage quickly
as you ran back into the living room to see what the commotion was all about you saw the hedgehog still curled up in a ball in the corner of his cage
“aw hyunjae you scared him” you said opening up the cage grabbing him carefully
the hedgehog slowly peeked out of his little ball and started to relax in your hands
hyunjae came up behind you laying his head on your shoulder trying to get a better look at the hedgehog’s face
“it looks cute, but he still hurt my hand” he whined playfully
rolling your eyes at him you set the hedgehog back inside the cage where he started to walk freely
you grabbed hyunjae’s hand giving it a small kiss trying to make him feel better
“it hurts here too babe” he said pointing to his lips smirking
you chuckled as you leaned in giving him a small peck
「 Lee Juyeon 」
you were visiting juyeon during practice when he finally met your pet turtle for the first time
it was a yellow-bellied slider turtle and it was still small enough that it fit in the palm of your hand
you walked in the studio with your small portable cage and saw juyeon practicing alone to new dance moves for the boyz next comeback
he smiled when he saw you through the mirror reflection turning around walking towards you giving you a peck on the lips
when he pulled apart he noticed the tiny cage in your hands
“hey babe, you didn’t have to come all this way to see me. i was gonna head to the dorms after” he said
“i know, but i wanted you to finally my meet my pet turtle. i’ve had him ever since i was little” you smiled taking your turtle out of the cage handing him over to juyeon
“he’s super cute” he commented as the turtle kept sticking its head in and out of his shell
as you both sat down on the floor you grabbed a little bit of juyeon’s fruit from the table and started to feed your turtle
juyeon laughed at how slowly the turtle was eating
“that was all the food i had for practice and it’s gonna take him at least 5 years to eat it all” he teased as you giggled in response
「 Kevin Moon 」
after dating for about a month kevin finally decided to visit your apartment for the first time
you were a bit apprehensive at first mostly because of your pet since you weren’t sure how he was going to react
as you walked into your apartment he casually looked around
“wow i’m jealous i think your place is bigger than our dorms” he commented
you laughed before stopping in front of your bedroom door
“okay, so don’t freak out but i have pet snake..” you told him hesitantly
“no way for real? can i see?” kevin asked excitedly
you nodded opening your bedroom door as you and kevin walked up to the medium sized cage in the corner of your room
“wow he looks really cool can i hold him?” kevin asked
“absolutely he’s actually really sweet” you replied taking out the medium green snake and handing him over
kevin held the snake in his hands while sticking out his tongue copying the snake as you smiled
“i actually have to give him away soon since i’m moving to another building and they don’t allow pets” you mumbled
“aw that sucks [name] i’m sorry, how about i help you find him a good home?” kevin asked placing the snake back in the cage
you nodded happily wanting nothing more
「 Choi Chanhee 」
you weren’t expecting that this was the way that chanhee would meet a pet mouse for the first time
it was a memorable experience to say the least
when chanhee was on vlive you figured now was the time for him to meet the cute little mouse
“i’ll be right back deobi’s i’m gonna bring a friend” you smiled
chanhee gave you a confused look as far as he knew it was just you and him that were gonna do the vlive together
once you came back into the room chanhee turned his chair to greet the new acquaintance but the first thing you heard was his screams
“love what is that? is it a rat?” he shrieked as he covered his mouth in disbelief
“no! it’s my pet mouse, doesn’t he look cute deobi’s?” you asked showing him to the camera
“look at his cute little round ears” you added as chanhee was still giving you puzzled looks
“oh love, i don’t know…” he finally said looking at the mouse from afar and at his phone reading deobi’s comments
you giggled responding “relax chanhee it’s my neighbors mouse, i just wanted to see your reaction”
he sighed putting his hand over his chest dramatically “love you almost gave me a heart attack in front of deobi’s”
“sorry deobi!” you apologized sincerely leaving the room
“what just happened?” chanhee asked the camera jokingly
「 Ji Changmin/Q 」
it was a nice sunny day when you and changmin decided to take a walk through the city
it was a spontaneous day, doing everything that caught you and changmin’s eye like the cafe and shopping
as you both were making your way home that’s when you spotted the pet store asking changmin if you can go in
“changmin-a, can we go there?” you asked pointing to the pet store
“of course babe, i was thinking about getting some new fish” he grinned grabbing your hand
as you both walked around the store looking at the various fishes and reptitles that’s when you saw a cage full of adorable hamsters
“aw changmin look how cute these are, they look just like you! especially that one” you pointed laughing at the individual hamster in the corner eating with its cheeks puffed
changmin laughed showing his adorable smile agreeing before asking the seller if he could hold one
the seller opened the cage and handed changmin a hamster to hold
you quickly took out your polaroid camera as changmin started to pose with the hamster
the rest of the day was spent taking pictures with all the animals in the pet store
「 Juhaknyeon 」
it was a chill day spending it haknyeon on his rare day off
as you two were watching t.v with your head on his lap you were casually scrolling through your phone
that’s when you saw an ad for a chameleon that was for sale
you didn’t know much about chameleon’s besides thet fact that they were really cool looking and that their skin camouflaged itself to hide from prey
you gently tapped on haknyeon who was slowly starting falling asleep
“haknyeon look someone is selling their pet chameleon” you said lightly trying to wake him up
“hmm? that’s nice babe” he replied still half asleep
“can we go and see it?” you asked hopefully
“mm, sure babe” he murmured bending down to kiss your forehead before falling back asleep
a couple of days later you were seeing the chameleon for the first time even though haknyeon barely rememberd the conversation on going
“this is him” the older lady introduced you two to her loving chameleon adding “would you like to hold him?”
you nodded enthusiastically as she grabbed the chameleon and placed it on your forearm
haknyeon lightly touched his back commenting on the odd texture
you then placed it on top of haknyeon’s forearm and saw the chameleon changing colors to haknyeon’s jacket
“wow, this is officially the coolest pet ever let’s get him” haknyeon’s said smiling
「 Kim Sunwoo 」
kim sunwoo loved you, in fact he adored you. in his eyes you could do no wrong
but he also loved the two lovebirds you had together as pets as they reminded him of your relationship
the birds were always together, eating, sleeping, and flying simultaneously
the male lovebird had a black face with a grey body and his name was jae
while the female was light blue with white body with her name being eun
he especially loved it whenever he would come home from practice and they would fly all over the dorm
“sunwoo wait, jae is on top of your head” you giggled as sunwoo entered the apartment taking off his shoes
you pointed your index finger outward as jae flew on top of it landing easily
jae quickly flew over to his wooden play stand walking to eun as she was eating from the bird feeder
sunwoo pulled you close wrapping his arms around your waist pressing light kisses in the crook of your neck from behind
“how was your day?” he murmured in between kisses
you moaned in response “so much better now that you’re here”
sunwoo smiled as you both heard the the faint chirps from jae and eun in the background
「 Eric Sohn 」
one of the reasons you loved hanging out with eric was because he always made you feel like a little kid again
it was his idea to spend the day with you at an amusement park where you two went on countless rides and ate all the junk food you can eat
you both decided that it would be best to take a break from all the rides and go to the park’s animal exhibit
“wow babe come look a this” eric exclaimed excitedly pulling your hand running towards the reptile exhibit
you giggled in response at his energy following right behind
you both took in all the different snakes, lizards, and turtles before you finally stopped in front of an exhibit where a worker was explaining one of the lizards they had which was a bearded dragon
“now would anyone like to hold him?” the worker announced to the onlookers
“i would!” eric grinned raising his hand in response
as you both walked closer to get a better look the worker handed eric the bearded dragon where he was also explaining more fun facts and instructions on how to hold him properly
“hold still eric i wanna make sure i get a picture of this” you smiled taking out your phone
after you took a few snaps you sent it to the boyz group chat where texts started to flood in
you laughed when you read hyunjae’s comment saying that the bearded dragon looked like eric
eric peeked at your phone to see what was so funny until he read hyunjae’s text
“just wait, he won’t laugh once he finds a bearded dragon on his bed” eric chuckled mischievously
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
a partridge in a pear tree -> a jersey under the tree | b. boeser
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a/n: happy december 1st everyone and welcome to the first day of 12 days of christmas! as a reminder here is the whole list. these will be posted every other day through christmas eve. this one is where this whole thing started, a gift for my bestie bae, the apple to my peanut butter forever, @brockadoodles​​. i hope you like it most of all!
word count: 3,740
wine drink pairing recommendation: hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows
warnings: pregnancy. some seriously wholesome content.
You took a deep breath and pulled the sleeves of your sweater over your hands, then pushed them back up again when you started pulling at the threads at the edge. Your sweater didn’t deserve to take the brunt of your stress in that moment. You bounced your foot up and down nervously instead as you waited what had to have been the longest three, absolutely agonizing minutes of your life. When the timer on your phone went off, you lurched forward to grab it, turning it off, as your other hand reached for the small, plastic test. You took a deep, centering breath before glancing down at the word in the small window.
You were actually pregnant. You knew everything had felt wrong for a few weeks now, food didn't taste the same or sit right, you were absolutely exhausted all of the time, and you had snapped at Brock a time or two for well-meaning actions. You knew something was wrong, but your mom had been the one to have to tell you to take a test before going to the doctor’s. You had told her it wasn’t possible; you and Brock were doing the opposite of trying since you had only gotten married over the summer. You agreed to wait. That single word, which came with a lifetime behind it, wasn’t in the plan for another few years, but it was here now and it would be your reality in seven short months. 
How were you going to tell Brock? 
You knew he would be overwhelmed, his eyes glazing over as the timeline of his life abruptly shifted forward several years, yanking him right along with it. You knew Brock though; you wouldn’t have married him if you didn’t know him as well as you did. You knew that glazed over look would give way into a smile so broad it practically broke across his face. The waiting a few years, the shattered plan, was mostly you with a dash of Brock trying to make you happy. If you suddenly changed your mind and wanted to try for a baby tomorrow, unnecessary now, he would’ve dragged you to bed that instant. In full truth, your husband had baby fever as soon as he slid the wedding band onto your finger, probably before that really. Brock was going to be over the moon. You didn’t have any doubts about it, you really just needed to get yourself on board with this more than anything, this new timeline. 
You grabbed your phone, fingers hovering over Brock’s name in your contacts. You debated calling him then, letting the nervous words spill out of your mouth, letting him wash away your concerns with words of love and affirmation. But you knew Brock. You knew Brock wanted the cliché, cute surprise. His scavenger hunt of a proposal set the standard for how big news was delivered, a cliché bang of sorts. You were more of a whimper than a bang sort of person, but you could lean into the cliché of it all for him.
Instead of calling him, you dropped your phone into your purse and grabbed your keys, needing to make a last minute trip in order to make this happen before he got home later that day from his road trip for the Christmas break. Two stores and one confused holiday worker later, you had everything you needed for your last minute announcement, letting the excitement of the anticipation of seeing Brock’s happiness calm your nerves in place of him doing it in only the way he knew how. Slowly but surely, as you carefully wrapped everything up, you could feel yourself getting more excited, hands shaking a little as you wrapped. A family with Brock was always the real plan; everything else was secondary, including the timing of it all. 
You and Brock had found each other by chance, a complete accident four years prior to the day actually. A department store the day before Christmas was a terrible place to be, but it was the only place in your area that said they had the last gift you needed before you could head off to spend Christmas with your family. You spotted it in the store, the last one on the shelf, and made a beeline for it. As your hand reached for it, a large hand reached for the item as well, grabbed onto it the same time you did. You both recoiled, and turned to face each other. 
You would have been furious with him if it wasn’t for the everything about him when you saw him. Blond hair peeking out from a gray beanie on his head, blue eyes that reminded you of the sky the morning after a snowstorm, bright and beautiful, and a small baby in his arms who was already reaching out for your hair, even though he didn’t know you at all. 
“Whoa, Easty, don’t grab the pretty girl’s hair,” he laughed as he intercepted the baby’s hand on its way to fist into your hair. “Sorry about Easton. His parents are trying to teach him not to grab, but you can see it’s not going well.”
He readjusted the baby in his arms, hoisting him up a little higher, before continuing, “I’m Brock, by the way, and this is my nephew, Easton.” 
“Um, hi,” you mumbled out, tucking your hair behind your ear as a blush rose to your cheeks as you added your name at the end of your half statement. You had a warmer smile for Easton though. Brock, a terrible name for a cute boy who liked babies to boot, who on the other hand was trying to take your gift that you needed. He was on the naughty list for sure. “Hi there, Easton.”
“I see we like Easton best,” Brock laughed, picking up on the stark difference in the tones you used. “Look, you want that, right?” 
Brock pointed up toward the shelf where the gift you desperately needed sat, taunting you, daring you to reach out and grab it. You nodded in response to Brock, unsure where he could possibly be going with this. 
“How about I let you have that if you’ll grab a drink with me?” Brock asked you, completely stunning you in the middle of a department store in the middle of the holiday season, a lawless place where one should always expect the unexpected. 
“I’m sorry?” you laughed, a look of disbelief clear on your face. 
Brock let a lazy smile roll across his face, “I get a drink with a pretty girl for the price of a Christmas gift for one of my cousins who would probably break it the day after I give it to him? Yeah, I’m coming out on top here, if you say yes.” 
You had said yes and the rest was pretty much history, an accidental meeting led to all of this, so maybe the accidental baby you were carrying just in time for Christmas was just the right thing for the two of you, a nod to your past in the setting up of your future. Just as you finished tying the bow around the box, the front door jingled, the sound instantly followed by barking from Milo and Coolie, and then followed by cooing from your husband at the pups. 
“Hey bud, hey bud. Yeah, Dad missed ya too,” he managed to get out as he was being practically tackled by the pups, like they did whenever he came home. 
You slid the surprise gift under the tree, tucking it in the back, before Brock could notice you were adding one more gift after you said you were done a few days ago. You lifted yourself off the floor, tucking the wrapping paper under the couch to hide it from Brock, as he rounded the corner into the living room. Brock looked at you like he always did, like you were his entire world, like you were his first breath of fresh air he’d had in years, like you were the living embodiment of a Christmas miracle. He shuffled across the floor to wrap his arms around your waist, and you gasped as he lifted you up. He laughed, but you were just panicking that maybe your stomach wasn’t as flat as you thought it was and he was going to find out about the biggest surprise he was ever going to get a little earlier than you wanted. 
“Hey, baby,” he breathed out as he set you back down, tilting his head down in one another motion to capture your lips in a soft kiss. 
“Hey, handsome,” you smiled as you pulled away from his kiss, a hand threading into the long strands of hair at the back of his neck. 
Brock smiled down at you, and gave you another quick kiss before saying, “How were the last couple days? Were the pups good for you? Do I need to be bad cop with them?”
You laughed and shook your head softly, “Brock Boeser, we both know you’re not capable of being the bad cop with anyone, let alone Milo and Coolie.”
Brock was laughing as he kissed your forehead, “Sorry you’re going to have to be the bad guy all the time when we have kids. Whenever that is, no pressure.”
Your heart picked up in your chest and your breath caught in your throat. You tucked your face in his neck to try and hide the expression on your face, letting the ease with which Brock brought up kids calm you. He wanted this baby, even if he didn’t know they existed yet. Your nerves that maybe he wouldn’t want this baby were just misplaced anxiety coming from your own feelings about becoming a parent yourself; they weren’t about him. Brock was here, again, being your perfect partner, comforting you and assuring you, even though he had no idea he was actually doing anything at all. 
Sliding into bed next to him later that night, his heavy arm slung over your stomach made you as nervous as when he picked you up earlier, even though nothing had changed since that afternoon other than everything that had already changed since the morning. Brock kissed your shoulder and relaxed into his pillow, letting his eyes flutter closed. He was out less than a few minutes after closing his eyes, as per usual. Your husband was a creature of habit, and you were about to throw the most welcome wrench into his routines that you ever could. Your nerves had shifted into ones of excitement, of wanting a beautiful thing to happen on the morning of Brock’s favorite holiday. You wanted to see him open that gift. You wanted to see the moment he realized everything was changing, the moment he realized he was going to be a father, the one thing he’d wanted for so long, under the lights of the Christmas tree, and the dawn of a winter Vancouver morning in late December. 
All you had to do to get to that moment was sleep, but it was the one thing that eluded you most of the night. The combination of excitement, nerves, and the fact that this baby seemed to have the goal of making you incredibly nauseous all of the time, all working in tandem to rob you of sleep. You tossed and turned most of the night, and slept terribly when you did manage to sleep, but it was Christmas after all Brock didn’t feel any shame in waking you up when he normally got up. He woke you up with a soft kiss to your shoulder, and a comforting arm around your waist. 
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he mumbled softly against your shoulder when you stirred. 
“Merry Christmas, husband,” you breathed out and you felt Brock smile against your shoulder. He loved when you called him by his favorite title, his words not yours. “What time is this?” 
Brock laughed lightly against your skin, “Early,” which was what he said when it was before seven thirty in the morning whenever you asked, “but it’s Christmas early, so it’s appropriate today.” 
You groaned, making him laugh deeper in response, “Still not sure how I married an early bird?” 
“But you love meeeee,” he muttered against your skin, voice soft with an edge of youth that perfectly fit the holiday, his days old stubble scratching across your skin as he talked. “And I love you so much.” 
“I do love you,” you smiled as you spoke. “It’s the only reason I can tolerate you waking up this early on days that aren’t Christmas.” 
“Well, today is Christmas, so we’re putting our matching pajamas on. I’ve got Milo if you take Coolie, and we’re opening some presents, baby!” 
One torn set of dog antlers, one discarded set, two embarrassing adult pajama sets Brock loved so much, and two cups of coffee since neither of you could function without it, later, and you and Brock were sat by the Christmas tree together, legs crossed, each with your first present for each other in yours laps. You had an order in mind for Brock’s gifts, saving the last addition, the announcement of your new addition, for last. Brock usually just grabbed whatever was closest to him with your name on it and handed it to you. 
“Sorry I still can’t wrap things,” was how he handed you the first one, snagging the box with his name on it off your lap in one smooth motion.
“Wouldn’t be from you if it wasn’t wrapped like you ran over it with your car first,” you joked. 
“Ho, ho, ho,” he rolled his eyes. “So kind of you, wifey.”
“I’ve got to keep you honest.”
You smiled brightly at him, earning yourself a quick peck on your lips before he ripped into your impeccably wrapped present, sending bits of paper and ribbon everywhere. You eyed Milo carefully as he started ripping up some of the paper Brock had torn off the box, but he wasn’t creating more of a mess than Brock was making himself, so you let it slide under a watchful eye. Brock loved his first gift, and his second, and his third. You cried at the first, and laughed at your second, and your entire chest felt warm with your third thinking that Brock Boeser was made for Christmas. He was warm and unfailingly kind and hopeful in the face of absolute hopelessness. You didn’t really believe in the idea of the magic of Christmas, chocking it all up to people making the holidays feel special simply because they wished for them to be special, but you believed that sometimes people were greater than the sum of their parts, of even their experiences, of their very atoms. There was something else to Brock Boeser, something so indescribably wonderful, that had drawn you to him in the first place, and that reminded you of what people said was the magic of Christmas. It was pure and good and so astoundingly bright that you thought maybe Brock Boeser was made of stardust from better stars than anyone else you’d ever known and maybe Christmas was made for Brock Boeser instead. 
You were just hoping that your little surprise was going to make this Christmas his best one yet, rather than derail Brock’s favorite holiday and every repetition of this holiday after. 
“Okay, I know we said three gifts,” and Brock was already groaning as you reached for the small box you hid behind Coolie and Milo’s gifts at the back of the tree, “but I had to get this one. It’s technically not really for you actually, but it’s kind of for you.” 
Brock gave you a curious look, eyebrows furrowing down and lips pursing, but you waved him off and shoved the pristinely wrapped box into his hands. You grabbed your phone and opened up your camera, knowing if you didn’t film this moment and it was as good as you hoped it would be, you would regret it for the rest of your life. If it wasn’t as good as you hoped, well, you could always delete it. 
“Oh, we’re filming me open a present that’s only sort of for me?” Brock laughed as he asked the question and you just shrugged in response and waved him on. “Okay then, weirdo wifey.” 
You rolled your eyes as he opened up his last present. Your breath caught in your throat as he popped open the tape keeping the lid on the box down. Your eyes bounced back and forth between his left hand and his right as he slowly pulled at the tissue paper, going painstakingly slowly for the sake of the camera. You groaned at his actions and whined his name, which just made him laugh, but at least he finally picked up the pace. You watched with your breath held and your body tense as his soft blue eyes looked over the contents of the gift. His brows furrowed together in confusion as his shaking hands picked up a small Canucks jersey, an incredibly small Canucks jersey that wouldn’t fit anyone in your household with your shared last name on the back.
“Baby, what is this?” Brock asked you, his voice tense, his emotions screaming behind the wall  he’d haphazardly built to try and keep the hopefulness out of it, but it was seeping in through the cracks in streams. 
You took a deep breath, your first one since he’d started opening the present, and whispered, “I’m pregnant, Brock. We’re having a baby.” 
Brock’s bottom lip quivered as he looked at the small jersey in his shaking hands. His brows softened and his chest started to heave as his breathing picked up. 
“You’re serious, right?” he managed to get out. “You’re actually pregnant? We’re actually having a baby?” 
He lost his voice a bit at the end, pitch going so high that he thought you didn’t even understand him, but you were listening and watching every single facet of him right now to miss what he said. You nodded slowly, letting out an unsteady breath as you did. He wasn’t angry, not that Brock had ever been angry with you even once in all the time you knew him. He was far too patient and by the time his patience wore thin, he loved you too much to ever be angry with you. But you couldn’t place how he was feeling, the emotions flashing over his face in the faint light of the Christmas tree and the Vancouver sunrise too complicated and changing too quickly for you to understand. 
You understood when Brock dropped the jersey and reached for you. It wasn’t really a reach. It was a tackle, your back ending up flat on the rug with Brock hovering over you. 
“We’re having a baby!” 
Brock’s voice shot up several octaves and decibel levels when he shouted. A wide, gorgeous smile broke out across his face, one so true and joyful you’d only seen it a handful of times before; when you agreed to be his girlfriend, when you agreed to marry him, and when he saw you walk down the aisle. But here it was again, his “overwhelmed to the point of absolute elation” smile. And with the Christmas lights making a halo of light twinkle around his head from your position on the floor, Brock looked like every bit of the angel he was to you. 
“A baby, baby,” he breathed out as he slowly sat back on his heels, pulling you up with him, keeping your faces close. “We’re having a baby, baby.” 
You nodded as his hand reached out to cup your face, “We’re having a baby, Brock.” 
“Well, you’re having a baby,” he smiled at you softly as his thumb ran over your lips. “I’m here for physical, moral, and emotional support.”
“Thanks for acknowledging that I’m doing all of the heavy lifting here,” you laughed with a teasing roll of your eyes. 
“Are you happy?” His question was so soft, so hesitant, you always didn’t catch it. “I know you didn’t want this for another couple of years and I just, I’m thrilled, I’m over the moon and the stars and the whole freaking universe that we’re having a baby, but are you happy?”
Hearing Brock’s words, feeling the steadiness of his hand on your cheek, and the excitement absolutely radiating off him, you knew you were happy. The prospect of becoming a parent was terrifying, especially when you hadn’t been trying to become one, but knowing Brock Boeser, the man you loved more than anyone else you had ever met, the man that outshone all the lights on the tree and the stars in the sky, the man that was made of brighter stardust than anyone else, the man that Christmas could only hope to be as magical as, was your co-parent. And what was there to worry about after that? 
“I’m so happy,” you told him, your voice shaking as tears began to fill your eyes. “I’m so, so happy.” 
Brock nodded as his eyes matched yours, glassy and threatening to overflow with tears as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. He slowly pulled back and lowered himself down, bending over until his face was in front of your stomach. Brock let out a long, slow breath before reaching out a hand to place gently on your still flat stomach. 
“Hi, little one. It’s me, Daddy.” Brock’s voice cracked at the last word that left his lips and your first tears spilled over. “Your momma and I are so happy and so excited you’re on your way and we can’t wait to meet you. Thank you for showing yourself for Christmas. You’re the best gift I’ve ever received in my entire life. Can’t wait for next Christmas already, even though this one isn’t over, because you’ll be sharing it with us then. We love you so much, little one.”
The tears were flowing freely as Brock looked back up at you. There was so much to do, so much to plan, so much to figure out, but right now it was just you and Brock and your little Christmas surprise, the best gift you had ever received either. 
“Merry Christmas, Brock.” 
“Merry Christmas, baby, and Merry Christmas, baby.”
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Que the new lesson
Wordcount; 3,043
Fandom; The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Choi Chanhee, Reader X Ji Changmin & Choi Chanhee X Ji Changmin. (Series is 011)
Characters; Choi Chanhee, Ji Changmin, Moon Kevin, Bae Jacob, Sohn Eric, Kim Sunwoo & Lee Hyunjae.
Warnings; Angst, Fingering, Oral (giving & receiving) & slight Cum play.
Notes; Chapter two of Learning love, previous Chapter here.
Taglist; @ilovechanhee
“Are you two?” Changmin said dangling his finger being confused catching his two friends being intimate. “Infact scrub that I knew it was going to happen, how long?,” he added tapping his feet slightly amused. “Nothings going on,” you whittle shamelessly covering yourself as Chanhee spoke over you. “It’s just fun, it’s training,” he smirked facing you with a wink over his fading blushed features.
“Training?” Changmin asked eyebrows raised as he tilted his head. “Misses I’m a virgin needs some lesson’s in,” “Chanhee,” you cut him off throwing the pillow into the back of his head, your face heating with embarrassment. “There’s nothing to get your knickers in a twist over,” Chanhee said rubbing his head. “What knickers I don’t think she scooped them up yet,” Changmin chuckled as he made his way towards the bed. “Plus it’s what us friends sometimes do,” he winks at Chanhee.
“Wait i recognise that look, no,” you say shocked yet not surprised with them always being in Chanhee’s room, door locked & music loud. “Wait are all you knocking each other off?” You add with what your sure is horror on your face. “Some are some aren’t,” Chanhee said confirming your suspicions. “So all this time you two?” You add mirroring Changmin’s expression when he caught you. “Not all this time, don’t be melodramatic,” Chanhee scoffs standing up from the bed. “Since when?” you ask looking between there faces both of them looking like they wasn’t ready to admit there secrets.
“It’s since those Boyz isn’t it?” you scoff bending down to pick up the pants Chanhee threw on the floor. “What is your issue with our friends?” Changmin said his jaw slightly tensing. “You’ve both Changed, you’ve turned in to some sort of sex freak,” you said folding your arms on the bed, annoyance running through you. “It is not our problem we want to grow up and you don’t,” Chanhee bit out while smiling sweetly to insult you. “How is getting your cock dipped grown up?” You scoff.
His eyes widen as he takes a step towards you. “As if you falling apart at my fingers just now didn’t make you feel a whole sense of a women,” he gloated as your cheeks warmed. As if your heat spoke on your behalf you felt your core spring to his words. You knew it was every bit the truth and he knew you knew it.
“Well that’s enough for one day I got things to do,” he said ending the conversation as he turned to walk away. “What Boyz things?” You asked and despite the unnecessary tone you was simply just intrigued. “Us to know and you to not,” Chanhee said turning around momentarily. “Or to find out, happy to help teach,” Changmin added with a wink following the elder out.
You was woken to the sound of laughter as you emerged tired eyed to the living room. Chanhee, Changmin and three of there friends was laughing with beers in there hands. “Hello there I’m Kevin,” one of the guys said waving in your view, you smiled briefly and continued walking to get yourself some water. “Ignore the cranky anti sociable house mate,” Chanhee hissed as you rolled your eyes. “It’s ok, I would be grumpy too if I had some idiots waking me up” the other replied. “Jacob she’s grumpy 24/7,” Chanhee added as you folded your arms to face him before flipping him off.
“Hey why don’t you come join us I’m sure we can help find something for you to smile about,” the other guest said. His smile was so fresh but his voice despite being welcoming was much more intense against your senses. Your core responding instantly that you realised that would no doubt be the guy to avoid. “No thanks,” you smiled momentarily before taking your glass and continuing to leave the chatter behind you.
You barely got into bed when Changmin barged in the room as your eyes rolled in response. “What the hell man?” you huffed. “Hey stop being grumpy I’ve come to help,” Changmin said making his way towards the bed. “It’s almost midnight and I’m sure I’m too old for you to sing me to sleep,” you said sarcastically. “Hey don’t knock my singing but, hey move up,” he said indicating to the bed. You seemingly obeyed as if your body was connected to his orders. “I thought maybe I could help you relax this sexual pent up emotions you have, and help teach you,” he said with a wink.
Though his words was abrupt and to the point you felt it coming. The teaching comments over the past few days, his heavily flirting, simple touches. You had already imagined what his fingers could do yet too scared to be the one to make that next move. “And if I don’t want you to,” you said softly testing his response. “Then I’ll go back to them for entertaining,” he added with a wink. “But you won’t because we both know you want to be like Chanhee, you want to be adventurous but your just too scared,” he adds cupping your face. “Let us help you open up a little more,” he said before pressing small kisses along your jaw line.
The smell of his Melograno aftershave suddenly became enticing. You pressed your lips against him, your friendship following the blurred path of Chanhee the couple nights before. His kiss much more longing yet rushed, teeth resting on your lips gently as he pulled away. “No feelings,” you pant as you witness his mischievous smirk. “Don’t get ahead of yourself your not even my type,” Changmin scoffed as he slipped between your legs rolling himself against you, his teeth finding there way towards your neck. Suckling against your skin he steals a cry before his lips are kissing the mark and pain away. “I don’t think I’m ready for that,” you moan after he rolls himself in to you, his bulge pressing hard against your flannel pj’s. The stretch of Chanhee’s Fingers slightly terrified you of being filled up with something much more bigger. “How about a taste then,” he says as he sits up to help you out your bottoms as you nodded blushing.
Eyes lightening at the sight of your wet glossed pussy he licked his lips. Wasting no time he dives between your thighs lifting them above his shoulder. His lips kissing the skin of your inner thighs that left your body jolting. “Baby if your all sensitive at just my lips you wait till my tongue is finished with you,” he teased as his thumb rolled eights into your nub. You close your eyes while his thumb starts lubricating you, which your grateful when his fingers, with more force then Chanhee, is plunged into you. Moans are slipping gently as he attacks, which are nothing compared to the ones once his tongue swirls around your nub. Removing his fingers so he can lick your juices he looks at you with hunger in his eyes. “This is going to be more painful for me then you,” he growls as his hands rest over his bulge.
Licking up a strip up your fold his mouth latches around your clit that has your pelvis rolling to meet him. You can feel the similar feeling from the previous night start to erupt as his tongue plunged into your core. The tip of his tongue against your walls as he suckles your juice is heavenly that you can’t hold your moans away. In that moment you couldn’t care less that Chanhee was entertaining. As his tongue picks up a speed you feel yourself going crazy as you chase your orgasm. Changmin knows this as he makes humming vibrations to throw you over. Cry’s hitting the air your hand balls the bed sheets as you fill his mouth with your juices all while he continues relentlessly. “Shit Changmin, fuck that’s,” you whimper as you begin to feel sensitive. “Please I can’t take no more,” you beg convulsing against him.
Instantly letting your mouth leave your core he smirks devilishly. “Your lucky your a virgin because I liked those whimpers,” he threatened with lust in his eyes. “But right now I have needs,” he cry’s as he palms himself. “I can’t,” you panic not ready to go the full way, Changmin chuckles softly. “I mean can I run to sort myself out,” he pleads looking vulnerable. It’s your turn to smile now, “You mean to someone to sort out,” you stifle a laughter. “Something like that,” he says as you smile at him warmly, he runs off to your house mate and there friends your sure will help to satisfy him.
Chanhee had been relentless inviting the guys over, each visiter had you fled to your room the second after arriving home. Hyunjae and Sunwoo was leaving as you arrived home from work. This time Sunwoo rolled his eyes when you just nodded coldly at Hyunjae’s warm greeting. Sunwoo’s equal coldness was doing nothing to bring you fondness of these guys.
“Evening my Bonny lass,” Chanhee said sweetly that it unnerved you with the way he bounced towards you. “What’s wrong with you,” you said anxiously as Changmin chuckled behind him. “He’s got a idea to help teach you,” he said playing with the controls of the tv. “Really, I told you both I’m not ready,” you said placing your bag on the kitchen side. “Told you,” Changmin said changing the channel of the tv before Chanhee took it back. “You haven’t even let me explain, we’ve taught you what it feels like to be devoured but no one taught you how to help our experience,” Chanhee said devilishly that scared you a little. “Huh I’m confused,” you said as you felt your brain go to mush. “We’ve both entertained you it’s our turn, this is a friendship, it goes both ways,” Chanhee declared as your eyes widened in confusion still.
When words was shortcoming Chanhee grabbed your hand placing it on his crutch, his bulge hardening under your palm. “Our needs need to be met,” Chanhee said as he left your hand there to stroke down your cheekbone.
“Told you she would say no,” Changmin said picking up a pillow to place on his lap, obviously hiding his own rising friend. “I never said that,” you snapped looking at him, feeling brave. “What you don’t even know what we’re asking,” Changmin’s said standing up to walk behind his hyung, hard bulge tenting in his trousers. “I trust you,” you said looking at them both and you knew you meant it, Chanhee would never push you.
With that he grabbed your wrist taking you to his own bedroom, you didn’t get a chance to note the change of items since you was last in there before he swung you into the door.
Tongue stroking yours he kissed you feverishly, his hands finding there way under your T-shirt towards your breasts. Changmin’s own lips was gliding down Chanhee’s neck and your thighs tightened. The younger caught his Hyung’s attention, earning Chanhee to remove himself from your lips. There own lips clashing suddenly hit your inner core as you melted over there intimacy. Kisses angry and lust felt as they moved each other’s T-shirts between there moment. There hungry hands helping to remove there jeans as you fell back into the wall, eyes primed to every move between them. The way Changmin dropped Chanhee’s boxers letting his cock spring towards his stomach has a gasp leave your throat.
“Oh we are naughty we forgot you was there,” Changmin teased as he looked pleased with the view he was witnessing. “I forgot this is a lesson,” he added as he held his Hyung’s member in his hand as he slowly pumped him. He continued to slowly torture Chanhee as teeth was biting into his lip hiding his moans. “Why don’t you try,” Changmin said dropping Chanhee’s Shaft to grab you towards him as you was roughly thrown into his arms, his lips clashing with yours. The clash of tongue and teeth due to both your excitement was paused when Chanhee coughed. “Oh I forgot you don’t like not having the attention,” You teased earning Chanhee to leave a divaish huff. “Hey I can take my teaching elsewhere,” he scoffed before you pressed a slight kiss to his lips before Changmin manoeuvred your hand to Chanhee’s cock.
“Slowly at first,” Changmin whispered as you pumped him. The skin of his shaft was so silky and soft that it felt good beneath your palm, the veins hardening as you continued. “Speed up a little,” Changmin ordered watching with you as his hyung started spewing high pitched moans into the air. You soon realised the faster you pumped the louder he got as Changmin attempted to suckle down his moans with his lips. The way his balls tightened as his thigh began to shake had your other hand hold them with a desire to feel them under your skin. Nails digging into your arms from Chanhee’s clear struggle told you he was enjoying the new action. “Do you like that Chanhee baby,” you cooed with sudden confidence. “Fuck,” he cried as he spilled cum into the air hitting the carpet as some dribbled down your hand. You continued to pump him rubbing his cum into his softening shaft as he convulsed to the feel.
“Fuck, you don’t need any training in that subject,” he said lolling his head into Changmin’s chest. “What we giving her?” Changmin teased, as Chanhee continued to pant. “B,” he whispers as he fights to catch oxygen, “Is that it?,” you scoff arms folded. “Because Changmin had to help start you,” He said winking as you growled at him.
“Hey baby I’m sure your get higher marks with me,” he said letting his own member stand to attention losing the boxers that held him. His was much thicker as you gulped at the view, the veins angry and throbbing.
You wrapped your hands around him as you started to slowly pump. “Wait we haven’t shown her?” Chanhee said pushing you out the way as he slid to his knees. Placing his lips around the head of Changmin’s cock, he took it to his mouth hollowing his cheek as he started a slow rhythm.
“See…. He starting slowly….. fuck….. be careful of the teeth…… just take me well,” he pants losing his breath as Chanhee bobbles up and down his cock. The way he is looking up towards him is full of bliss and Changmin feels it as he’s lost in the view of his hyung. “Fuck don’t do that with your tongue I’m going to cum,” Changmin said after a few minutes as you got lost as a spectator in there sexual pleasures.
“Oh shit,” Chanhee says letting his member fall from his mouth. “We forgot Y/N again,” he sniggers. “What did you do with your tongue?” You asked intrigued as Chanhee stood up. “Stick your tongue out,” he ordered as you furrowed your eyebrows. “Just do it,” He added as you obeyed sticking your tongue into the air like a mischevious child. Chanhee places his own lips Around your tongue as he bobbled up and down against it. Curving his tongue he slide’s it up and down your wet muscle helping to make you understand.
Falling to your knees so Changmin’s cock was in your face you pumped him softly as you took the tip to your mouth. You parted your lips around his head remembering about Chanhee’s tongue tip, deciding to swirl it around the head. “Fuck,” Changmin groaned as you started to bobble up and down him taking an extra bit more with each sweep. Once you had taken as much as you could you felt your throat rebel against you. The gagging reflux so intense that his shaft fell out while you was left spluttering as Chanhee chuckled.
“Oh I forgot to explain that that’s your gag reflex, your get use to it, infact challenge it,” he added as you reassumed around his cock.
This time you pushed through the gagging, slowing your pace each time you pushed too far. You increased your speed letting your tongue slide up and down his shaft. Changmin’s hands laced with your hair as he helped thrust himself into you disturbing your rhythm that your throat gagged around him more. Tears falling from your eyes you glanced up at him & Chanhee meeting there eyes. Chanhee’s full of excitement and Changmin’s looking fucked out as his teeth dug into his lips.
“Shit I’m going to cum,” Changmin warns, “ok Y/N you get to be creative, you can either spit or swallow take your pick,” Chanhee sniggers. He kissed Changmin’s neck that pushes him over the edge as your mouth is filled with his salty creamy seed, that leaves a bitter essence but somewhat not gross.
Changmin continues to thrust slowly as he finishes his comedown before he falls to sit on the bed behind him, you and Chanhee joining him. “Ok guys that was super hot, ok I’m down to watch you two have fun or even some of those guys,” you tease as they chuckle. “Oh now you want to know The Boyz,” Chanhee scoffs. “No I said I’d watch you fuck one of those Boyz, I don’t want to be friends with them,” you chuckled as Changmin rolls his eyes. “Only friends enjoy there fucking fun,” he adds pulling you in to leave a rushed last kiss.
Once again your moment of intimacy is interrupted when a tall dark haired figure walks in blushing like crazy as he apologises.
“What the fuck Younghoon how did you get in?” Chanhee jolted. His face red as a beetroot that makes you want to laugh at him if your eyes could leave the beauty that just stole your breath for more then a second. “Sorry the door was just open,” Younghoon stuttered.
Younghoon hey, how come you never noticed him before? He had a face of a prince, yet a sight of mysterious that had you crave to know more. Maybe it was time to get to know these Boyz after all.
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