#hey i hope this makes sense bc im tired as hell and i refuse to edit anything ever
loveoaths · 6 years
you have to remember that haku was one of the first characters introduced in the naruto canon as a “ninja prodigy” and “young genius.” he’s fucking brilliant, okay — he figured out how to do hidden jutsus without anyone from his family to teach him and no scrolls left behind to learn from. at the age of fifteen he was considered on par with/arguably stronger than zabuza, one of the elite seven ninja swordsmen of the mist. he’s a product of his era & the only known surviving progeny of one of the most deadly & infamous clans in water country’s history. he figured out how kakashi’s sharingan worked in a manner of minutes, a feat that (the part one narrative implies) has eluded far older and more well-known shinobi. and i think it’s fair to say that like 90% of the naruto cast without wack character nerfing haku would be on par with the other part one young ninja prodigy, such as shikamaru, neji, sasuke, whoever the fuck else. 
however, unlike the aforementioned in his class group, i personally believe that haku’s high intelligence is something that often flies under the radar in his interactions with others. there are a lot of reasons for this. for one, haku doesn’t display the same “young isolated genius” behavior typical of most of the other tragic male geniuses of naruto, though he certainly does have his arrogant moments. haku’s quick as a whip and will call you out without issue, but he’s also far more socially intelligent than many of the other young geniuses in canon. he had to be. as a young, wanted, *effeminate orphan, he had to learn how to read, manipulate, and sway people in manners different than his arguably more protected and masculine presenting counter-parts. he’s a planner, schemer, marionnette-strings sort of guy. strategy is everything if he can help it. he’s more likely to get the things he wants done by convincing you that it was your idea/you want to do it too than swinging his Big Brain Energy around and demanding you do as he says because he’s smarter than you. because even if your idea is the best idea, people tend to rebel when you make them feel stupid or embarrassed. he’d make a great leader or second in command. he also doesn’t make a big deal out of being smarter than most; weapons are less effective when everyone knows they’re there, right?
additionally, haku’s vastly more emotionally developed than most of the other ninja geniuses. he is capable of connecting with people that the others struggle with for the entirety of the series. he is warm and soft and kind and good in a world where such traits are considered detrimental to a shinobi’s success/characteristics of sub-par fighters. because their world is so masculine-coded, traits coded as feminine tend to be seen as weakness. so people are quick to forget that haku is also incredibly dangerous and wickedly intelligent because they choose to underestimate him for his effeminate appearance and compassionate heart. ALSO Y'ALL HE'S JUST SO FUCKIN' NICE LMAO EVEN IF HE DRAGS YOU IT'S LIKE SO BEAUTIFULLY DONE YOU HAVE TO TAKE A MOMENT TO ACKNOWLEDGE HOW WELL HE DID THAT BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN REGISTER ANGER LMAOOOO !!!
ahem. so. finally, i think his smarts go under the radar because of where he’s from and how he’s raised. i hc that people shit on kiri all the time and there’re lots of jokes about how kiri nin are all illiterate and stupid ( there’s truth to some of this, they have a terrible education system, a high mortality rate, and are actively taught not to think for themselves so they can follow orders ). so people hear his dialect and make assumptions. also, like …. i know sasuke and neji had super fucked up upbringings, but haku was like …. literally trained to think of himself as an object useful only when in the right hands. he’s spent a lot of his life not thinking of his own body, himself as his own. this included his intelligence. being smart wasn’t something to make a big hoot about because who cared how big your brain was if you were dead or causing trouble. and how can you brag about something that isn’t yours???????? so he doesn’t. eventually haku does begin to see his intelligence as his and something belonging to him that he can use however he wants, but it takes a lot of time for him to actually believe it. and by that point he’s mostly grown out of the braggy adolescent phase and is content to drink tea and kick your ass in sho any day of the week.
*btw, i only mention this point because the naruto manga makes a huge point of highlighting the vulnerably of kunoichi and young girls solely on the basis of their being female/feminine-presenting, and because the narrative makes femininity a large part of haku’s character and interactions with naruto, sasuke, and sakura.
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parkersbliss · 4 years
If you’re taking requests, can you pls write something about holland!sister being the triplet of Sam and Harry?
The Triplet
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
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ok so you're the triplet of harry and sam
they call you thing three
they go by thing one and two
you guys are obviously very very close
always relying on each other for everything
and I mean everything
sometimes maybe too much
you guys definitely have those like triplet senses
when you know somethings off
you just know
you guys went on that one trip to Australia, no adults
because you were the adults
it was... different
you decided to get connecting rooms, harry and sam in one and you in another
never again
it's 2 AM you're sleeping and then next thing you know
"(Y/N)!! Sam's making coffee at 2 AM tell him to stop!"
"'m tired!"
"both of you get out of my room, now."
"can i just please sleep here? please, please, I can't stand him!"
"You shared a room for 18 years!"
"and that was plenty!"
"Get out!"
would you do it again?
maybe just with actual adults who could keep you out of trouble
you even had to call tom for money
of course, they made you ask bc let's be honest, tom trusts you more than those divs
"hey tom... uh - shut up sam! - it's me, your fabulous sister, who you adore with all your heart-"
"how much do you need?"
despite being their triplet, you had your own room
next door of course
when you were old enough you actually moved out and bought your own flat
harry lived with tom and the others and you figured sam would probably move in with his girlfriend sometime soon
at least you hoped he did
but it was good, bc you finally had a whole house to yourself
no boys
or at least you thoughts
more than enough times one of your brothers would show up and raid your alcohol
you mostly stayed at your flat, sometimes going with harry on press tours with tom, but you quickly found that it was exhausting and you'd rather wait until the premiere of a movie
unless it was like Bali or something
you wouldn't pass up that opportunity
sam and harry use to fight a lot when they were younger
(they still do)
and they always tried to get you to pick a side
sometimes this went on for weeks
they refused to talk to each other and kept begging you to tell them who was right
you never had a side, because most of the time, they were both wrong
they've grown out of that phase now, but they still go to you whenever they can't figure out who's right
you have definitely tried to straighten harry's hair and curl sam's
it only worked because you convinced the other to torcher the other
you did it when your parents were gone so they wouldn't think anything of the screaming
"what the fuck are you doing?!"
"it's been three minutes, harry! calm down.. I know what I'm doing!"
"wHY IS IT SIZZLING? you're going to set my hair on fire!"
"and that's a problem, why?"
"i'm working here! trust the process!"
"iM sOrRY"
so it went on like that for an hour
sam was laughing his ass off as he watches his sister tocher his brother and almost burn his hair off
he didn't laugh when you brough out the hairspray and almost made them all choke
"i don't think this is a look."
"I look stupid."
"you always do, what's your point?"
"fuck off."
"sam you're next!"
"can I change my mind?"
sam's was much harder bc you had to straighten his as well
"I can feel the heat radiating off that thing!"
"oh yeah, it's hot."
doused it in hairspray
cue more choking
"ow, shit, sam!"
your parents were not impressed
"what happened to them?"
"I did their hair"
"please never leave us alone with her again"
paddy and tom loved it, thought it was hilarious
"it's like they switched hair! they look worse!"
"shut up!"
always snooped in your room
and they thought they were sneaky about it too
you let them believe they were good at it
you didn't even know what they were looking for, just that they were
you found out later, harry used your shampoo
and sam liked the scent of your daisy perfume
instead of confronting them, you switched your shampoo for dish soap and glitter
and your perfume for vinegar
"What the hell happened to your hair? you look like you just came back from the bloody circus."
"haha, very funny tom."
"no really."
"There's glitter, everywhere."
Took months to get it out
you wouldn't stop laughing
I mean, he looked like a fairy
sam, on the other hand, knew right away
"guys, guys, come smell me."
"are you crazy?"
"no, just do it."
poor paddy choked on the air when he caught a whiff
"mate, did you go dumpster diving?!"
"you smell horrible."
"but.. but I used (Y/N)'s daisy perfume."
"you use her perfume?"
"not anymore."
sam got you back by over-salting your food and you practically had a coughing fit
harry didn't
he was too scared too
they spied on you for your first date
not discreet about it
all they did was tape on fake mustaches and wear sunglasses with baseball capes
obviously, you told your date
who told you it was cool
you gave them an earful later and happily ripped off their mustaches
so, you may slap them, punch them, yell at them, and prank them
honestly, you guys are really abusive towards each other
but they're your brother, your triplets
and you're their little sister
and you protect each other with your lives
unless it's like pushing them in a pool
then you normally just laugh
but really, you love them a lot
even if they still try and take stuff from your room
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imbriums-blog · 7 years
hello my angels ! i’m sorry this is so late but i’m sarah & i’m 18 yrs old & live in the hellhole that is ohio so the est timezone ! i’m ur token harry potter nerd & lover of all things musical... anyways u can hear more about 5/10 of my problematic children under the cut ! i’m gonna try to keep it short but i lov to talk so we’ll see ! if you’re willing to plot give this post a big mf like & i’ll come crawlin’ to ur ims !
— ✯ | barbara delaney savenkov ! + pinterest board !
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tw: death, murder
laura harrier, cisfemale, she/her — have you met barbara delaney savenkov yet ? the twenty-three year old is known for being both poised and enticing, but also very skeptical and deceiving. born in san francisco, barbie now lives in soho, waiting tables at the fork and assassinating people on the side for some extra cash. + wanted connections !
so barbara was born n raised in san francisco, california to a solidly middle class family. her parents were divorced growing up, although they were friendly & got along well enough to be friends & co-parent barbie. she’d always been quite an idealist like Yes The World Is Good but when she was twenty, her dad had died due to a rogue heart attack that seemingly happened for no reason & it completely shattered barbara.
that’s when a local gang found her, at her ultimate low, & roped her into their business. she stayed w them for two years or so & at some point or another barbara started to realize that she didn’t think this business & way to make money was a good one. eventually, they starting cutting pay & barbara started to feel like she was bein manipulated. working w the gang kind of made her give up her optimism & is what truly formed her into the stone cold but somehow still elegant & captivating barbie she is today ! her idealistic attitude & never-ending optimism died with all of the shady shit that gang made her do.
then barbara was offered a job as an assassin for a powerful man doin some shady shit & she was unable to refuse even tho her first instinct was to turn it down – it offered great money & stability, & with the impression that she’d only be hurting people who deserved it, barbara shakily accepted the deal & left the gang !
she’s not pleased w the fact that she’s murdering ppl for a living, obviously, but she tries to make do with what she has & tells herself that the ppl she’s killing deserve it but !! messy !
personality-wise, barbara comes off as super intimidating at first n like she just doesn’t have feelings… super proper n always sitting upright n stiff as fuck… scares ppl away bc she seems like a robot at first
she's that kid who studies for the test like 3 weeks before it actually happens and has color coordinated highlighting and bullet journals.. she wants to be on top of everything, constantly – she doesn’t like feeling unorganized or like she’s falling apart ? i think it’s partially bc she tends to over perfect areas of her life like that, and like color coordinating her closet and making sure everything is tidy to make up for the Mess that is her secret career ??
one of the most annoying things ever is how perfect she seems on the surface ?? like, she likes everybody n is probably the type of person who rescues stray kittens from trees n sings as little birdies fly down & comb her hair or some shit but anyone close to barbie in real life knows she is a hardcore mess
that friend who’s like “oh my god i look so fat in this picture” n literally everybody groans bc shut the fuck up karen ur perfect
could literally say “fuck off” to somebody n the tone of voice she uses would make them think she was complimenting them
— ✯ | cordelia esther king ! + pinterest board !
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alycia debnam-carey, cisfemale, she/her — have you met cordelia esther king yet ? the twenty-two year old is known for being both affable and buoyant, but also very whimsical and corybantic. born in salem, delia now lives in lambeth, working as a wedding planner and forming unrealistic expectations of true love.
so ngl cordelia is very inspired by jane from 27 dresses but w/ some twists so i’m not completely unoriginal
she was born to a pastor for a father in salem aka witch town ! cordelia was raised as kind of a perfect goody goody two shoes u know.. classic girl next door who sleeps w a teddy bear even at twenty-two & her entire room is covered in pink, she spends her spare time baking n blushing over boys smiling at her wtvr... she was always strong-willed & opinionated but shut up out of fear of being made fun of u know, kids these days r mean
so then when cordelia is old enough to leave her parents house ( let’s say like a year ago ) she decides that she’s tired of being the nice girl in the shadows & that she wants to live life more on the edge so she vows to start living life dangerously & being badass... whatever that means
it’s actually kind of funny, because she’ll stroll into a bar & bat her eyelashes at the bartender & single ppl in the room to try & get them to order a drink for her solely bc she doesn’t know the names of any drinks... has no common sense & is too naive for her own good ( what is a handjob... what does “on the rocks” mean ) but the girl’s trying to [ troy bolton vc ] break free so who am i to judge ?
she’s a wedding planner who’s actually in love with the idea of love & has watched the notebook 1 too many times... despite her being wildt nowadays she’s still into the whole “when i meet the one for me my foot will pop when we kiss & i’ll feel fireworks” thing.. it’s cute but also sad but ! cute !
personality-wise... she’s outspoken & friendly & incredibly flirty, but at the same time she probably either assumes you’re flirting w her when you’re really not or has no clue that you’re hitting on her when ur literally kissing her
is totally sandy at the end of grease when she’s like “tell me about it, stud” acting all badass but then doesn’t know what to do w her cigarette butt & looks nervously at her friends like WTF DO I DO
please come corrupt her or fuck her up... or be nice 2 her & teach her how to be a human being
— ✯ | dexter leroy bates ! + pinterest board !
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torrance coombs, cismale, he/him — have you met dexter leroy bates yet ? the thirty-one year old is known for being both inventive and idealistic, but also very farouche and indecisive. born in hackney, dex now lives in croydon, editing badly filmed videos and gluing himself to a camera 24/7.
basically a nerdy starving artist based on mark from rent with a lil bit of peter parker in him
a broke ass bitch living in croydon trying his best to make it as a photographer / film maker
he has huge dreams of hollywood but his films r probably kinda bad... but he tries his best n i love him for it
kinda nerdy & word vomit-y... super cute... would die for his friends but also would kill u for insulting one of them
is that nerd that is actually hot n buff n shit but u never notice bc he wears hoodies n hides behind a camera bc i lov stereotyping apparently
i don’t really have his backstory worked out yet tbfh so really ? go wild w connections for my son
— ✯ | davina leigh cordero ! + pinterest board !
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lauren jauregui, cisfemale, she/her — have you met davina leigh cordero yet ? the twenty-one year old is known for being both intuitive and diligent, but also very seclusive and obstinate. born in whitby, davina now lives in soho, studying journalism and avoiding as much human interaction as possible.
100% based on rory gilmore bc apparently even tho i’m on season 2 i luv the characters Too Much
basically everything i aspire 2 be in a person... hardworking as fuck, loves school so fricking much, antisocial as hell ! 
davina is deadass brilliant & her idea of wild is staying up past 11 on a school night or waiting to do her homework on saturday instead of friday
sweet, a lil bit awkward, but the cutest ever n i would die for her
would much rather be chillin w her books than anything else tbh & doesn’t know how to hold proper interactions but it’s more charming than anything else
grew up with only her dad mostly, since her mom worked full time & lived out of town for reasons but they both love her a ton. her dad would give her the whole world if he could, & owns a quaint little coffee shop in whitby & is constantly calling davina to check up on her... when she got older her mom moved back in w her dad so since then she’s gotten a lot closer to her but there’s still just such a bond between her dad & her u know
what is romance ? davina doesn’t know
come fuck her up
— ✯ | sawyer maisie pitman ! + pinterest board !
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josefine frida pettersen, cisfemale, she/her — have you met sawyer maisie pitman yet ? the twenty year old is known for being both undaunted and driven, but also very apathetic and blunt. born in bristol, sawyer now lives in wandsworth, being a tragically pathetic starving artist & student.
so sawyer was adopted as a baby, unnamed, to two moms who love her more than anything in the world. one’s a publisher & one’s an english professor, & they’re both huge fricking nerds, so she was named after tom sawyer !
as soon as she could walk she was talented with art & everything that had to do with it & not long after entering high school she decided that that’s what she wanted to do & nothing was going to get in the way of it
now, as a student & hopeful artist, sawyer is dead set on getting where she wants to be & has no tolerance for bullshit... like if u ain’t helping her further her career, ur unimportant to her
relationships ? cancelled. romance is a DISTRACTION from her work & only complicates her life !
blunt as fuck & doesn’t sugar coat things. she says things like they are & expects others to do the same bc she has no time for drama or whatnot
stubborn as fuck & nearly impossible to talk to sometimes bc she’s so set in her ways but hey love me a strong woman amirite
sharp-tongued & sarcastic as fuck but can be incredibly kind when the time is right !
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