#hey help a friend out cause they had to text a crisis hotline this morning
studentandfox · 5 years
Help Me Move Out
Or move back in with my parents if you wanna be technical.
My mental health right now is a dumpster fire. My roommate is emotionally and financially abusive and I literally Cannot anymore. Nearly every day I or my other roommate get yelled at for something. Old rickety blinds break? Yelling at how they need to be replaced cause he’s not losing his part of the security deposit. Dishes left in the drying rack too long? Yelling about how we’re lazy and why can’t we manage to do anything around the house despite him never mopping or doing his dishes or taking out the trash or feeding his cat. Asking him to not yell at his video games at 11 at night? Yelling about how he’s just a loud person and he can’t help it. Telling him his comments are hurtful to us? Yelling about how he’s depressed too and why are we being so mean to him? My partner @sasra-the-magimin can attest to me walking through the door after work and my roommate immediately yelling at me about something even though I’m on the phone. Not to mention that he now only wants his part of the rent in cash because checks take too long. I’ve seen Judge Judy and I’m not stupid - I know paying in cash can fuck me over if he decides to say I didn’t pay my part.
My job is also not helping my mental well-being. I work at a pretty posh veterinary clinic where my boss knows I have ADD. I’ve also gotten three write-ups for not managing my time in appointments and failing to meet expectations. They’ve seen me folding laundry while crying and then guilt-tripping me about asking to leave work early. When I was calling the cops about a loved one self-harming I was told to clock out while making personal calls and that my next appointment was in 5 minutes. While telling my boss I had ADD I was told that everyone had ADD to some degree and to just take my meds. This Monday that same boss and my hospital manager were joking about a person they dislike being “off their meds” and yesterday another doctor made the same joke. Coincidentally, I am also off my meds because until my next paycheck, I can’t afford a recheck appointment ($200) or my prescriptions ($80 a month.) Veterinary medicine has a terrifyingly high rate of suicide and I don’t want to be the next statistic. I need to get out.
Getting out means quitting a pretty decently paying job with benefits and breaking my lease. Getting out means finding a new doctor and paying out of pocket for the visits and medications (tbh I can live without the Adderall but I need my anti-depressants.) Getting out means losing my part of the security deposit and having to pay extra fees.
Now I know we’re all in a rough spot and there are plenty of people worse off than me. I don’t want to guilt anyone into donating or spreading the word. I’d honestly even appreciate a kind message or prayers at this point - anything to help me keep away the darkness.
My PayPal is hjern11 at gmail. Any money donated will first go towards getting at least a 30-day supply of medication and then go into a savings account to help with my move.
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