#hey go follow my buddy squid's comic
owlheartt · 3 years
Star Sanses Extended Chapter 3: Error
Here is chapter 1 on AO3
“YOU CAN’T-” Undyne began, her face furrowing together in a sort of pure anger that felt very unlike her.
“PLEASE, WAIT FOR EVERYTHING TO CALM DOWN. MY FRIENDS AND I CAN EXPLAIN IN A BIT, BUT I CAN’T STAY HERE TALKING TO YOU.” Papyrus said, trying to be patient and not show how unnerved he was. It occurred to him that talking to Alphys might help her some, and he used blue magic to carefully grab her SOUL. Then, with full concentration, moved the blue bones and Undyne herself to the blubbering Alphys in the corner who had stayed where Papyrus had asked her to.
Behind him, he could hear a sound almost like a soft gust of wind. Turning around, he found Mettaton’s body collapsed on the floor. There were bones sticking out of his middle, solid ones. His arms looked burnt, like he had been hit with a Gaster Blaster and deflected it using them. Dream and Ink didn’t have blasters or bones, Dream had told him earlier. Therefore, Papyrus could assume Error had done this. Papyrus looked at the black boned skeleton. He had a scratchy grin scrawled across his face, and his expression was comically like a cartoon villain’s.
“Drreeaamyyy boyyy!” Error said, taunting. His voice was glitching in such a way that it sounded like an old radio’s version of nails on chalkboard. Dream threw a mourning glance at Mettaton’s crumpled body, which felt mildly excessive since he had only run out of battery.
“Error! Please! Leave this timeline alone!” Dream begged, stringing another arrow. He didn’t sound exactly desperate, more like he didn’t want to deal with any of these shenanigans.
“Pretty please?” Ink called from the ceiling, blinking his eye sockets and grinning.
“Can it squid!” Error said, his voice no longer sounding so ear-grating.
“FRIEND…” Papyrus trailed off, struggling to find the right thing to say. He wasn’t following what was happening. He wasn’t done training with Dream. He had just plunged into his first Alternate Universe and came face to face with a troubled skeleton he didn’t know that looked horribly like his brother. He just met Alphys for the first time and she was rude and terrified. He just met a grieving Undyne. The Underground felt like it had been flipped upside down and things were moving too quickly.
“Friend?” Error said, laughing. The glitching in his voice made his giggles sound halting. “We’re not friends, you idiot. In fact, I will be your downfall,” Error reached his hands up to his eye sockets, his fingers snagging on something Papyrus couldn’t quite see. Then he pulled them away, dragging brilliant blue strings that matched the permanent tears streaming down his face. He appeared braced to move, and then Dream grabbed his forearm. Error’s expression of glee turned to shock, then the errors and glitches riddling his body multiplied until it was hard to see any bit of him. Dream drew back, looking relieved.
“So. Now you’ve met Error,” Dream said, sighing. “I’m ready to go home, how about you?” He gave Papyrus a tired grin, and his slump showed he was just about ready to drop on the spot. Papyrus nodded, and shot solid bones to cut Ink loose. He reached out his SOUL magic to catch his falling friend, but he missed. Somehow. It was almost like there wasn’t a SOUL there for Papyrus to catch. Ink hit the ground and rolled, coming to a full stop splat on the ground like a puddle.
“Thanks!!” Ink said, grinning. “Ooone moment!” He danced forward (yes, danced) and scooped his brush off the floor. He then splashed bright blue ink all over Error that solidified into chains.
“Ink, the SOUL.” Dream said patiently. Ink looked at him blankly for a moment, his expression mirroring Papyrus’s feelings, then a little light bulb went off on his eye light. He splashed a pool of ink on the floor, just like he had when he made the shortcut, but this time all he stuck was his hand in. Then he pulled out a Determined human SOUL, just like that.
“WHERE’D THAT COME FROM?! DO WE NEED TO RETURN IT?!” Papyrus said, alarmed.
“No, no.” Dream said, walking over to Ink and reaching a hand out. “This SOUL belongs to this timeline. Error took it so that the timeline couldn’t RESET.” Papyrus opened his mouth to ask a question, but Undyne interrupted him.
“Who the hell are you guys?! Let me go and we can have a real fight!!” She yelled from the other side of the room, where Papyrus had left her.
“RIGHT, SORRY FRIEND,” Papyrus said, reaching out a hand to dissipate the bones.
“Paper, wait.” Dream said. Papyrus turned to him questioningly, but before he could ask Dream continued. “I’m going to show you something, alright? Come here.” Papyrus strode over and crouched to see the brilliant red SOUL Dream was holding.
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT?” Papyrus said tentatively.
“RESET the timeline. Do you know about RESETs?” Dream said. Papyrus felt his SOUL drop past his ribcage. The word felt… familiar. It did not feel good. But for whatever reason, he couldn’t place it.
“I’M… NOT SURE. I THINK I DO, BUT YOU BETTER EXPLAIN IT ANYWAYS.” Papyrus said. Dream nodded, his expression saying that he was thankful Papyrus was honest.
“Determined human SOULs have the power to manipulate time itself. They can SAVE, LOAD, and RESET. SAVING is when they place a bookmark of sorts in time itself. They can LOAD and come back to the savepoint. RESETTING is when they go back to the beginning, typically when the human first fell into the Underground.” Dream explained. Pieces were beginning to come together in Papyrus’s skull.
“Exactly!” Ink said, jumping up to sling his arm around the crouching skeleton.
“WHAT ABOUT ERROR?” Papyrus said, looking towards the skeleton, still glitch-ridden.
“Eh, he’ll be out for a while. We could take him with us for lunch though, he might like that!!” Ink rambled. “Do you have any chocolate?”
“We are not bringing Error for lunch.” Dream said firmly, nervously glancing at Error. “Ink, please take him back to his anti-void.” Ink pouted before making another shortcut and dragging himself and Error through.
“MAYBE HE JUST NEEDS A FRIEND,” Papyrus said ponderingly. Dream barked a dry laugh.
“Ink’s his friend. If either of the idiots can remember it.” He said.
“THEN WHY DO THEY FIGHT? AND WHY CAN’T WE BRING HIM FOR LUNCH?” Papyrus said. If Error was a friend, then why did he act the way he did? Error needed to take some friendship classes.
“You know how Ink forgets everything if he isn’t looking right at it?” After Papyrus nodded, Dream continued. “Error’s the same way. He can even do it staring right at you.”
“I don’t know, and honestly? I’m too concerned already to find out. Now, I’m going to RESET then teleport us straight to your place. Don’t worry, we’ll come out right outside of your door.” Dream said, closing his eyes in concentration. Papyrus refrained from saying anything in case he broke Dream’s concentration. A small blip, then two glowing buttons appeared in front of the human SOUL. One said LOAD and the other RESET. Dream brought a hand up and brushed a finger along RESET. A white flash, tinged with gold and red, then they were in Snowdin.
Snowdin looked just the same as he had left it. Nothing was changed, nothing at all. It didn’t feel different like that red timeline. It felt so bizarre, having just gone on this adventure, and home was the exact same. What was he going to tell Sans? The truth, obviously, but where to start? Papyrus’s fantastic mind had barely been able to keep up with it all. But it was lunch time. He could pause and think over lunch. Surely, nothing would happen over lunch.
“Come on, unless you’d like to eat elsewhere?” Dream asked. Papyrus straightened, realizing he was still crouched.
“NO, PLEASE! COME IN. I WAS SIMPLY ENJOYING BEING BACK AT MY FANTABULOUS HOME.” Papyrus said, striding forward to the door. He heard Dream mutter something to himself that sounded a bit like “is… real word?” before his boots thumped in the snow behind Papyrus. Papyrus swung open the door, ready for food (and his brother). Sans was, in fact, inside, and right in front of the door.
“hey bro,” Sans’s eye lights were out, which made Papyrus pause. Sans’s eye lights didn’t go out often.
“SANS, IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG?” Papyrus said, concerned.
“nah, nothin’. but uh, did ya’ know we got some visitors?” He said, turning his skull slightly to the couch that had a broom thrown behind it.
“... friend? as in singular?” Sans said, his eye lights flickered back on, but he still looked concerned.
“WELL I HAVE A SECOND ONE HERE, SAY HELLO DREAM!! THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS.” Papyrus said, only after realizing Dream knew this.
“then uh, why’s he got a buddy?” Sans said, waddling towards the couch. Well, he was really walking, but Papyrus liked to call it waddling. He did look like a penguin. Papyrus followed, with Dream in tow, only to find that Error had been plopped on the couch with Ink.
“Heyyy buddy friend pal!” Ink said excitedly. “What’s for lunch?”
“I thought I was clear, Error is not having lunch with us.” Dream interrupted, stepping in front of Papyrus and his brother.
“Aww come on, why not??” Ink whined. Dream began lecturing him as Sans sidled up to Papyrus.
“hey bro, i’m glad you're making friends don’t get me wrong, but could ya’ have picked… better ones?” Sans said, raising an eyebrow bone (honestly I don’t feel like googling the terminology just shhhh).
“THESE REALLY ARE GOOD FRIENDS! WELL, ERROR ISN’T, BUT I’M SURE WE CAN HELP HIM!!” Papyrus said, trying to be reasonable and look at it from Sans’s perspective. “THEY’RE VERY IMPORTANT, I CAN EXPLAIN OVER LUNCH.”
“aight, guess that brings us back to lunch, huh? whatcha want? i can make it today, so you can keep hangin’ out with your buddies.” Sans said.
“MAC AND CHEESE, PERHAPS?” Papyrus offered. Sans nodded, and was beginning to walk into the kitchen when there was a shout.
“SQUIIIIIIIIID!!!” Error shouted, his voice escalating and glitching hard. Ink paused, looking at the mad skeleton.
“Uhh… yea?” He said, an eye light flipping pale green.
“Why the hell am I here?!?” Error said, glaring at his ‘friend.’ It did not look like they were friends.
“Oh- I thought you might like lunch!” Ink said cherrily, throwing his hands up.
“You are perfectly welcome to leave,” Dream said in a voice that would’ve been icy had it been used by anyone else. Dream himself was so warm though that it was impossible for his words to have the same edge.
“Fucking hell squid, how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?!” Error growled, standing up. As much as he was pretending to not be listening to Dream, he seemed about to accept his offer.
“I HAVE CHOCOLATE.” Papyrus said, remembering what Ink had asked him. Error whipped around and stared straight at Papyrus, locking eye sockets. He glared for a moment, and Papyrus got worried that Ink had remembered something wrong (again). Then, Error sat back down.
“Fine, I guess I can stay for lunch.” He said, scoffing, pointedly not looking at Ink. Sans grabbed Papyrus’s arm, yanking him into the kitchen.
“papyrus, where did these guys come from?” Sans said, keeping his voice low enough that the others couldn’t hear.
“THAT’S… HARD TO ANSWER. ELSEWHERE, I SUPPOSE. MAYBE HERE. THEY ARE ABLE TO EXPLAIN BETTER.” Papyrus said. It felt like he was telling a lie, or avoiding the truth. Even though he just couldn’t find the right words. He hoped Dream would clear everything up. Sans just sighed.
“that’s aight. go back to the living room, i don’t want your glitchy buddy tearing up the couch,” Sans said. Seeing Papyrus’s look, he added, “i’ll get the chocolate for him, don’t worry. and i won’t burn anything.” Sans relaxed his expression, the previously strained smile looking a bit more natural. As Sans turned to the cupboards to search for food, Papyrus walked back out to the living room.
“MY CARING BROTHER IS TAKING CARE OF LUNCH, IT WILL HOPEFULLY BE READY SOON.” Papyrus said. Error scoffed again, turning to look at the door in what appeared to be longing. “ERROR, I DON’T BELIEVE I INTRODUCED MYSELF TO YOU EARLIER.”
“You did.” He said dryly.
“I- I DID? REALLY?” Papyrus said.
“I’ve got no clue if you did or didn’t, but I know who you are and I’m sure golden there told you who I am.” Without moving his head, Error drifted his eye lights back over to Papyrus. They were mismatched, Papyrus realized. Dream huffed.
“Don’t bother Paper. Error’s a prick.” Dream walked over to Ink, shoved him closer to Error, then sat down at the very edge of the couch.
“He’s not a prick per say…” Ink said in a wheedling voice.
“Sure, go ahead and talk about me as if I’m not in the room.” Error said, his eye lights gliding back to the door.
“I’m Error. I’m an outcode. Leave me alone.”
“I call Error’s AU Errortale!! There are others from his timeline out there I think…” Ink said, trailing off into thought that would surely be forgotten.
“They don’t fucking matter.” Error grumbled, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“Would you lighten up on your language?!” Dream said, snapping a little. He had squeezed his eyes shut.
“Fuck shit damn,” Error said, and Papyrus could see a little smirk appear on his face. Error was proving to have… a difficult personality.
“keep the cuss words down in m’house please!” Sans called from the kitchen. Papyrus winced, realizing that this was Sans’s first impression of his new friends.
“HOW ABOUT THIS- DREAM AND I CAN FIND A BOARD GAME WE CAN PLAY WHILE WE WAIT FOR FOOD!” Papyrus threw a glance at Dream. His eye lights had reopened and he stood up. Error rolled his eye lights and Ink just looked passively happy. Papyrus walked behind the couch to a tired bookcase. It had puzzles, games, and cards that he and his brother played with when their free time lined up. Or when the snow outside was too much to go anywhere. While Papyrus and Dream pursued the games, Ink blathered to Error in the background.
“What about this one?” Dream said, pulling out a tan box titled “Munchkins” with cartoon humans on the front. Undyne had given it to him a few months ago, he and Sans had played it once.
“AH, ALRIGHT. FRIENDS! WE’RE PLAYING MUNCHKINS.” Papyrus said, walking back over to the couch and sitting down uncomfortable in front of the TV. Ink slipped to the ground happily, and Error made a big show of getting up and sitting back down, dragging a pillow Sans had left from the night before to the floor with him. Dream plopped down between Papyrus and Ink. It was game time, and Papyrus was ready to be competitive.
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 002
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Hello all~ Down the rabbit hole. TW: Teenagers can be the worst. Bullying. Fatphobia. Slut shaming. Cruel boys being cruel boys.
Chapter 2: A Million Dead Stars
   All Evie had to do was wait patiently. For Heather to pop out back and for Billy to swoop in and make his bold move.
   The goofy grin Heather walked back in with did not disappoint. Not at all.
   “Hey, you.” Curls bounced when Evie cocked her head and Heather plopped down with a drink. They tapped red plastic cups.
   “So, I just had an...amazing conversation.”
   “Yeah...?" Evie sang softer. "Pray tell."
   “Just...wow. Billy Hargrove. Him too, huh?”
   “We knew it would happen. He was being way too cool around us at lunch when the guy has been nothing but shitty toward me since moving here. He gave me a ride home, it was obvious. And so…?”
   “Where to start?” Heather put her arm up on the couch and took a long drink, laughing. Pretty in pink girl. “First he brought up Jane Austen. Said they were studying it in English which was a total bluff.”
   “We’re not.” Evie confirmed. “He’s in my second period.”
   "You gave up choir for that specific period with Bowers." Heather recalled more so to herself.
   "No, I just," Evie scrambled, "I just didn't want to do choir anymore. The teacher played favorites. Got sick of it."
   Another longer drink and she went on.
   "So, continue..."
   “He brought up Pride and Prejudice. Which, okay, but Emma is way better.”
   “You’re wrong, but I still love you.” Evie curled up to face her friend. Heather laughed and took her hand, leaned her head on the couch to gather herself in a fit of giggles. 
   “He said Mr. Dancy.”
   “No?” Evie died there. "And I hoped he might learn something."
   “Yes!” Heather smacked at her. Music pumped behind them. Teens roaming and making a mess of the nice mansion. "I felt bad because...I snorted about it. In his face."
   “You know, I’ll give Billy a point. Go on.”
   “Museums. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I love you...but I’d soon jump into a pit of alligators before going to a museum for a date. Bowling or mini golf please.” Heather was chuckling. “Ballpark hot dogs are way better than cheeseburgers. Popcorn over cheese fries and a damn milkshake? Slushies or nothing. I’m lactose intolerant. He was trying to bore me to death or poison me, Eve.”
   Evie broke to laugh again, barely able to speak.
   “I know! That’s why I suggested all of that.”
   “You bitch.” Heather was giggling still into her shoulder. Hands clasped. They broke to drink. “Oh! And campy action adventure movies or rom-coms only for Heather Holloway. I don’t get why you even go for horror, you wouldn’t hurt a fly and you squirm.”
   “He bombed.” Evie covered her eyes, wiped a tear aside. “I almost pity him.”
   “What’s funny is you like all that stuff. I’m not sure if he was faking it well, but he seemed kinda into most of it.”
   “I’ve been running out of ideas when your followers scramble. Sue me, Heath.” Evie pushed up. “I definitely need another drink.”
   “Fine, fine. Hey,” Heather laced their pinkies together, “teen boys are the worst. Thanks for bouncing another off me. Billy’s cute and all, but hell, I have too much on my plate for a boy right now.”
   “Got that right.” Evie weaved between dancing crowds to the punch bowl. Passed some guy puking into a vase and another group cheering on an arm wrestling match. Spooned herself a full cup. Was mid gulp when she turned to a pair of scathing blue eyes. Oh, Billy.
   “You fucking-”
   “I’m going to stop you right there, Hargrove, and walk that a-way.” She gulped again and passed him.
   “You think that shit’s funny?” Billy had a fistful of her jacket collar. Snarling like a mad dog. "She laughed at me."
   The humiliation of it seemed to make Billy the angriest.
   Evie felt that resonate bitterly because he sounded wounded and oblivious to what life threw her way.
   “Funny? Only after the first ten boys.” She shrugged. “Now it’s just sad. I’m not stupid.”
   “I’d say jerking me around is pretty stupid.” Billy was clearly smashed. Smelling of beer and weed. Eyes red to hell. “Maybe you’re so fucking single and miserable, you make sure your friend stays that way too, huh.”
   Billy knew a nerve was plucked at that by the way she stilled to go colder. Brown eyes molten at him.
   “You don’t know me. You’re a fucking asshole, you know that? I think we both know which one of us is miserable. Go show off for the school all you want, you don't fool everyone with those pretty blue eyes.” Evie shoved off him. Wondered if she caught that same frayed nerve.
   "Hey, we got a problem here?" A Hawkins football player towered. Couple of his buddies from other schools that weren't Ridgemont made a barricade between Billy and Evie.
   "I'm talking to Fenny, dickweed. You mind?" Billy spat. Evie huffed and rolled her eyes.
   "You're talking to the girl who kicked Brock Tannen's ass. Show some respect." Another meathead joined in. Evie hid amusement because this was an odd change over the year.
   "Guys, stand down, you really don't have to do this for me." It was...weird. Frankly, Billy looked like he was about to take on all of them.
   The boy in front gave Billy's shoulder a comical brush and they went off like a herd of happy buffalo.
   "The fuck, are you teen royalty somehow?" Hargrove made a face at her tired expression.
   "No, just some lucky idol they keep around. I still get stepped on in the hallway and I pass everyone's love notes for them." Evie sipped. "I don't care that you like Heather, I care that you pretended to be something close to kind with me to get at her."
   "Don't worry, I'm not interesting in being kind to you again." It came out nastier than he meant it too. Alcohol did that to his old man as well. Disgust welled and Billy had nowhere to put it so it flowed out. "No one here gives a shit about what you have to say, Fenny. Don't count on them trying either just because you're some freak they keep around for one sick story. They're all gonna laugh at you."
   Evie blinked a few times. Saw Billy's shoulders sink while they stared into each other, both searching long and hard. Finished her drink in one swig and tossed the cup at his shoes.
   “You fucking insecure asshole, check a mirror in five years and let me know if you like what you see. Not like you even do now, I bet, so enjoy denial. And stay away from me, Hargrove.” She went down the hallway beyond a spiral staircase and almost ran into a huge chest. As if this night couldn't get any worse.
   Brock Tannen. Poster boy of rich asshole quarterback from their main rival school. Chestnut hair and chiseled good looks covered evil.
   “Fat Fenny. Oh, sorry. Old habit. Evie. Missed you around these parts.” He nursed a can of beer and leaned into the wall. “Go psycho on anyone lately?”
   “The year isn’t over.” She moved to pass him.
   “Look.” He jolted in front of her. “Admittedly, I was a real shithead. I know that now. My folks even got someone for me to talk to. I'm working through all my shit. But, I was an ass to you.”
   “We knew this.” Evie tried to go the other way, but his shoulder blocked her. She caught sight of his chain. A silver playboy bunny charm he loved to show off.
   “Listen, the year is almost up. I want you to know I don’t hold it against you. You went through some shit at home too. Truce?” No response. A beat before his chin lifted. “You never went crying to your slut mother about me. My dad said she sucks the mailman off.”
   "Don't say shit about my mother." Evie was on her toes. Hands clenching.
   "Didn't cry to daddy either, oh...my bad. You can't." Brock's laughter rang sirens around her head. He was begging her to go off again. "Why didn't you tell mommy about me? We almost had fun."
   “You didn’t get far with me if that’s what you mean, you think I’d give you my tears? Just embarrassed that you bat at fat chicks and get turned down. Eat shit, Tannen.” She got around him, staggered away.
   “Maybe I’ll convince you. I just want to be friends. It’s going to be a new year soon.” His voice lingered along the hallways. "Just messing with you cause I like you is all." More chuckles followed.
   Guys like Tannen secretly wanted her. Unobtainable and strange girls who didn’t conform to stupid high school stereotypes, it really pissed people off. Exotic, which was truly the worst word. Evie was easy to fetishize. 
   Billy got over Heather because Evie passed him moments later with his tongue down some Ridgemont girl’s throat.
   The boy was all mouth and hands. Sucked face like a fucking giant squid attacking a ship at sea.
   "Ick. Fucking Cthulhu." She got away from that, drank more to forget.
   Heather pulled her friend into the dancing. Lights blasting all directions. Music pulsed. Couple more drinks and they were stumbling to Heather’s place. Sneaking up the stairs to fall into a queen sized bed.
   “Can’t believe we didn’t wake my parents.” Heather rolled to her front, smudged the pillow with makeup. Evie was on her side snickering. “Hey, you’d tell me if something was wrong, right?”
   “Nothing is wrong.” Brown eyes blinked. Heather nuzzled her pillow and breathed even, searching.
   “You changed last year. After, what happened at home… I know you miss your dad.” Delicate fingertips ran over Evie's arm. Slipped away.
   “He left.”
   Evie remembered coming home from school. He was just gone. Clothes and all. Mona crying at the table. Pictures down. Like he never existed.
   And her mother never really explained why. Just said they had problems and her dad wanted to be with someone else. He never called. Mona cried that day and hasn’t cried since. Evie couldn’t even remember the last thing she said to him. 
   People vanish. They have that power.
   “After...what happened with Tannen. You got all distant with me. I just worry about you a lot.” Heather’s fingers curled into Evie’s sleeve. “Kids are cruel, I don’t understand why. Why they're so mean...”
   “Some people don’t know where to put it when they hate themselves.”
   “I don't think I hate myself. Sometimes I hate that myself isn't enough, you know? Enough to please my parents all the time and enough to help other people out."
   "You're more than enough for me, Heather." Evie heard a sniffle.
   "D-Do you hate yourself?” An airy tone slurred.
   “I don’t know.” Evie sighed. “I’m fine, Heath, I’m happy. I dealt with it.”
   “Happy or pretending to be?” Heather mused, pulling at her hair scrunchie to relieve brown locks. “I just don’t see you a lot, like you’re always with someone else. You never wanted to hang out over the summer.”
   “I’m just busy with stuff, it’s nothing.” Evie peered at the walls plastered in their friendship. Felt every smiling version of herself in those old photographs wince at her lies. Stars exploding in total silence.
   “You’re going to leave Hawkins and sing your songs for people on a stage. You’re going to be world famous and I’ll get to point and say, that’s my best friend.” Heather grinned. “Keep breaking that shell. I can help you.”
   “I’ll try.” Evie scoffed. “You’re so drunk.”
   “I am…” Heather hummed. “Just talk to me, okay? I want you to be so happy again. Like we used to be when we’d go to the park. Play on swing sets.”
   “I won’t shut you out.” She replied as Heather settled, started to snore. “Goodnight, Heath.”
** ** **
   Billy was still raging into that night. Stumbled out of a bedroom pulling his tee back on, rooting around for his jacket. Most kids were starting to pass out on floors and couches.
   “Hey, this belong to you?” Brock plucked up leather so Billy snatched it. “Good to see you, Hargrove. You know, they say Hawkins would have finished out the basketball season with the title if you stayed on the team.”
   “They played favorites. Got sick of it.” Billy passed him, lightning a cigarette.
   “Come outside, sit with the guys.” Brock cocked his head, square jaw setting when he smiled.
   “Hey, B.” Tommy was stoned out of his mind. Looked at Billy like he was trying to find him in a haystack. Not with Carol so they must have had some fight. 
   Billy eyed the clear covered pool. Lights played up to touch his face before he plopped into a metal chair. Boys from Hawkins and other schools gathered around a glass table, drinking and shooting the shit. A joint was passed. Mostly rich, sporty types.
   “Hargrove. Hear you’re the Hawkins Keg King. What the hell happened with Harrington?” Brock faked interest, hands clasped.
   “Crashed and burned, man.” Tommy chortled, smacking Billy’s arm.
   “Who?” Just play dumb.
   “Don’t play coy, man, we all know you beat the shit out of him. Knocked the pretty boy down a few pegs.” Brock only grinned there. “So, you’re in the circle now.”
   “Oooh, do I get a medal?” Billy flicked his smoke aside and swiped Tommy’s beer to drink.
   “I like this guy, Hagan.” 
   “We can trust him.” Tommy winked, sitting back.
   “You’re not going to hunt me for sport, are you?” Billy inhaled sharper, unworried. Laughter erupted.
   “It’s funny you say that,” Brock took the floor, “because we are going to let you in on the deepest secret between the high schools. Something that brings all the boys together. Hawkins. Ridgemont. Hill Valley. Bates. We have this little tradition we do between Homecoming and Prom.”
   “Skirt Safari.” Brock’s right hand man chuckled, sucking the joint down. Few boys echoed it with laughter.
   “The hell is that?” Billy drank, shaking his hair out.
   “Some of us guys throw this big dance party. Rent out a nice place in town, pour some good money into a pool.” Brock shrugged. “You take a girl and we vote.”
   “Vote?” Billy puffed. More cruel smiles.
   “Yeah, on which girl is the ugliest beast.” Hyena cackling followed. Billy just stared with his brow raised.
   “Ah...What the fuck is this? Are you joking?”
   “Open season, man.” Another boy chimed in.
   “Walk with me, Hargrove, you have something special about you.” Brock got up, swiped the joint to finish it. Billy looked irritated and followed. Fresh air cleared his head. Behind them, teens chattered. “I think you’ll fit right in here. You live on Cherry Lane, right?”
   “What’s it to you?” Billy chucked the beer aside.
   “Next to that Fenny girl. Kinda cute in her new little outfits if you like something extra to grab onto.” Brock shrugged. Turned from Billy to eye the sky clearing up.
   “Didn’t she beat your ass last year?” A sly grin crossed.
   “Ah, you heard. Rumors have been exaggerated. Just like you and Harrington I’m sure. Getting booted from the team over a tiff.”
   “I left on my own, fuck them.”
   “Fenny had a thing for me and I said no because I was with someone, so she got emotional. Girls are like that. They get attached and upset when we don't give them what they need.” Brock stuffed his hands into his pockets. “She’s untouched, you know, so I heard. Flaunting her shit now and not letting us grab the goods. Asking for it man, but too afraid to follow through. I hate that teasing shit. They say the bookworms are wild in the sack. Bet you that musical girl can sing too.”
   “You obsessed with her now and her little outfits?” That earned Billy a brief heated expression. The boy was more observant than he was given credit for.
   “I just wanted to raise a challenge for you. Get Fenny to go to Skirt Safari as your date. New Years Eve, we’ll give you the address. Kiss her before the clock strikes twelve. She won’t earn you the win, but I’ll bet you money that you can’t get the famous ice queen to go.”
   “Man, this is so fucking stupid.” Billy clearly didn’t fit with this crowd of uppity shits. Heels spun to go.
   “Is three hundred dollars stupid?” Brock watched Billy skid. Blue eyes shifting to see him again. “Ah, I have your attention.”
   “Cash?” Billy could use it. Three hundred would go far for him. Brock Tannen knew that immediately about him.
   “I can show it to you if you like.” Brock displayed his teeth, almost glowing and sharp. “Show us that Hargrove charm and break the unbreakable. If you're the Keg King. Prove it. Let us see you in action.”
   “I take her to the shitty party and you give me three hundred bucks?" Billy asked carefully, eyes darting. "She doesn't have to find out about this vote shit you guys do?”
   “No, not a word from us. I'll even pay your end of the pool as a token. Just an innocent kiss before the ball drops. You don't have to screw her, unless she's your thing. Easy enough?” Brock held out his hand. Billy eyed the campy bunny chain around Tannen’s neck, huffed out his nose.
   Took the offer with a hard expression.
** ** **
   Evie rubbed her eyes the next morning and said bye to Heather, raking fingers through curls as she was dropped off. Jacket pulled close while she fumbled for keys and Heather drove off.
   Not even a second after, a blue Camaro was pulling up next door. 
   It was annoying how great Billy looked even with a hangover after a hard night of partying. He stunk of beer and smoke and his hair was ratted, but glowy as always. Evie groaned when he spotted her and got the key in the door.
   “Hey, Evie.” Was that her name he just used? “Hey, wait up.” Boots clicked to hurry toward her house. A stronger hand yanked the front door closed and Billy held his ground there. "Wait a second, I'm trying to talk to you."
   “Aren’t we both too hungover for this?” Already on the defensive. Makeup smeared around her eyes. She turned, applying some chapstick and sighed out. "What?"
   “Look.” Billy pushed his hands into his back pockets, eyes flicking away and back. “It was a dick move. The whole Heather thing.”
   “Yeah.” She waited for him to go on.
   “And I’m…” Sorry? “It was shitty.” He craned down toward her. "The stuff I said, I was fucking wasted."
   "And you're..." She tried to spell the word out with her eyes. Billy blinked innocently.
   "An asshole."
   Evie flattened.
   "Yes, but not what I was...ah, look, it doesn't matter. I was drunk and I jabbed too. And I am...sorry." A shrug before she tried the door again.
   Billy pulled it shut once more like this was a game, earning a sigh of irritation.
   "I'm still talking at you. I was...I am...a shithead." He couldn't wrap his squid tongue around a fucking apology. Christ.
   Evie looked expectantly, leaning in as if more should come.
   Billy sucked at this so he decided to jump right in.
   “I wanted to make it up to you. There’s this dance up in the city. Real bar. Real drinks. New Years Eve bash. Go with me.” It sounded like an order.
   “Go with you?” She blinked in shock. Grew pointed. “Ah, no, Billy.” Evie got her front door open again and pushed by him. Wondered if he was used to rejection in any form. So, she pushed pride aside. “But, Heather thinks you’re cute okay. Just ask her. It’s fine.”
   She got around the door and hid half behind it. Billy’s hand went flat to stop it from shutting.
   “I don’t want to ask Heather, I’m asking you.” He shrugged with big eyes. Bet ladies fell for it. Evie searched him, beyond confused. She hated confusion. It was too much. “You’re single, it’s this or some lame ass high school party.”
   He noted she opened her mouth and decided not to protest the single part. The hesitation was odd.
   "I...I happen to like lame ass high school parties." She stammered out.
   "Oh, sure." He winked.
   "Y-Yeah, I just love them actually because kids our age are very stupid. It's better than public television."
   "Right. Right." He sounded not convinced.
   "And, you're Billy Hargrove so any girl will jump at the chance, just ask-"
   “I’m asking you, Angel. Deal with it.” He lowered his tone and got closer. Flashed a darling smile then bit his lip. Slid that tongue over it. "Don't make me beg. You know I will."
   “You...I… Look, I’m...flattered but, I can’t. I, uh, have a thing.” Her voice trailed off. “Sorry.” The door shut.
   Billy gave this growl low in his throat. 
   “We have time, Fenny, I’m fine asking again.” His voice picked up. Silence. "All you gotta do is nod that pretty head of yours."
   Billy knew she heard it. He turned and dropped the grin when he spotted Max there on the sidewalk, skateboard in hand. Watching.
   "Are you asking Evie out?" She narrowed on him.
   "Mind your fucking business, shitbird." Billy stepped off the porch. "She's going to a party with me."
   "Sounded like she just said no to you."
   Billy swerved to get angry. Remembered a nail bat crashing between his legs. Shut his mouth.
   "Whatever." A puff.
   "She's nice," Max trailed after him, "you should, you know...ask her to something if you... She's cool. Cooler than you."
   He slowed, eyebrow raising.
   "Doesn't matter."
   "It's Saturday." Max explained, red hair catching the sunlight to flame up.
   "I know what day it is, Max, leave me alone." Billy was going up toward their house.
   "She probably said no because you stink so bad."
   "What the fuck?" He wheeled around again, chest puffing.
   Max smirked at him and Billy found himself matching it. Bold little shit.
   "I know what I said. And it's Saturday, that means she'll probably be helping her mom at that salon later. You should shower and show up. Girls like spontaneous stuff, it's thoughtful and you suck at that."
   Billy scrunched at her.
   "Since when do you care about...?"
   "About what?" She shuffled there on the grass. Peered at Neil's car in the driveway. "We're family now whether we like it or not. Which means I'm stuck looking out for you. Right, Billy?" Max dropped her skateboard, popping it up with one foot. "I like Evie and I don't want my brother being a jerk to her. Or anyone."
   Billy scoffed, near amused.
   "Right." He grumbled. Went up and paused to turn once more. "Max."
   "Yeah?" She readied to ride off.
   "Watch the board around my damn car, will you?" Billy heard her snort. "I got shit to do now, stay out of the way."
   "Take a shower and show up. Try asking instead of telling. See what happens." Max rode off with a clatter of wheels on concrete. He only shook his head again. Smiled to himself without thinking before he went in.
   Billy decided to take the advise on all accounts. She'd go with him.
   Certainty crept the more he looked at himself in the mirror and applied his aftershave. Maybe he forced the feeling so often, it was second nature. Fuck, looking at his reflection was never this difficult. Evie's words rang harder this morning.
   He didn't blame her for once.
   All these false fronts Billy showed the world. Old photographs flashing like a million dead stars. That was all we ever saw of them. Somewhere else, Evie heard those same stars dying too. Decayed and twinkling too pretty even still. It sounded almost like a cruel fate.
   A tongue swept over his lips before he tried something new. Eyes averting to speak quietly like someone might hear. Fingers twisting the silver ring about his middle finger.
   He resumed fixing his curls. Polished up that Hargrove charm until it shined bright.
   What Evangeline Fenny didn't know couldn't possibly hurt her, Billy reasoned.
Thanks for reading, chat with me if you have time! Tried to push another chp out quick. Imma pass out now XOXO TAGGED: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​ @orxhidshavana​  
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ryleejam · 2 years
Squip out of water
Part 2
Summary: clip gets an update about his friends's lives and new changes on his home while collecting his mind
Warning: old internet references
As Cindy is walking down a newly built Street Squip is right by her side like if he was a little duckling following its mama, due to the fear if he was left alone him getting beaten up by other squips.
"so a lot of things have changed after my last visit huh?"
"yep the crater think it was a good idea to have living quarters for squips who are not used that much or scripts who are waiting for our house or Squips who just want a house, my apartment is just up the street you could live with me until you can get your own place"
Squip smiles at Cindy's nice gesture, even if he didn't want to he couldn't say no to her, she's a ball of joy, perfect for any squip or host who needs a mental pickup
"thank you Cindy, I don't know what I would do if I lost you as a friend"
"you're very welcome buddy , plus I couldn't never stop being your friend!, we've been friends since we're binary codes!"
Squid chuckles
"we weren't sentient when we were binary codes you know?"
"probably but if we did we would probably be friends then"
They finally get to her apartment and step inside, and a red grouchy old squip at a desk reading something but he turns his head up to look at them
"hey he can't be in here!"
Cindy stares at him with cold eyes
"I think I can have him here because I'm the only one who's considered paying you to live here, Mr.capaccio"
Mr.capaccio shut up real quickly there and look back at his paper that he was reading
"fine ,but expect you to get a few extra payments this month if you want him to live here"
Cindy changes her cold expression to a very warm smile
"sure thing Mr.capaccio, come on squip you're going to love my apartment"
Cindy grabs his hand and leads him to her apartment and when she opens the door it's exactly as he expected, a very nice pastel pink walls with white and pastel baby blue furniture, shelves of either stuffed animals or comic books, a TV that kind of looks like hello Kitty, yep this is definitely Cindy's apartment all right, he chuckles a little bit
"this feels like I walked straight into your head"
Cindy giggles
"don't flatter me squip"
Then he sees a big dark pink fluffy cat walking towards them making "mmmmr"noises
(@incorrect-squip head cannon that Squips could have digital pets and I love it and in the future any head can that I like from them I will credit them)
"who is this little baby?"
Squip smiles and bends down to pet the pink fluffy kitty
"it's based off my host's pet, he is a mountain Norwegian cat, I named him Zeke 2.0 my host loves it"
"dam it now I kind of wish I could have a pet, but Jeremy never had any pets for me to base off from them, except for madye that Corgi from one of his shows he like to watch, cheddar I think that's his name"
"I love that dog! you know it's not that hard to create them, you just need to go to the right place I can take you there tomorrow"
"thank you, but anyways how are you and SQ?"
"we are doing just great, he actually lives with me but he's at work right now he'll be home later tonight, maybe we should try to get you a room, you would probably have the closet, but the closet is big we just need to find a place to put all the weird stuff in there and get you a bed"
Squip smiles, he appreciates the nice things that Cindy offering and her doing great and he's happy that SQ isn't living alone, he was always kind of a loner before they all started being friends
"that's great and thank you for the offering ,anyways is it okay we could watch some TV ?I'm curious what's on here"
"you're welcome, sure but there not much, yes there is a couple of shows that squips made on their own, but most of the time it's just shows on the internet and YouTube videos"
Squip turn on the TV and start scrolling
"oh hey there's some like My Little pony stuff on here, there seems like to be a fan animation too, smile HD are you wonder what's that abo-"
Squid jumped a little bit at his friend's sudden tone
"w-what happens if I w-watch it???"
"you don't want to know trust me...."
It's a long period of science before SQ a tall somewhat skinny orange guy with long hair walks in for the door
"Cindy bby I'm home-oh hi squip wasn't expecting you to be here"
Squip turns his head to look at his tall orange friend with a little bit of surprise look in his eyes
"wait you guys are dating? when were you going to tell me this?"
"I was going to tell you a lot sooner, but I wanted him to be home so we could tell you together because it would be somewhat special"
Squip smiles and hugs both of them
"it's all right, I'm happy for you guys, you guys deserve each other"
Cindy walks off to get them drinks while Squid leans into SQ and quietly whispers to him
"I know that we're friends here but if you break Cindy's heart AKA my best friend I will break every digital bone in your BODY,got it?"
SQ nods his head a little shock but he prepared for that little talk for a long time now
Small Time skip after everyone got drinks and talk about stuff everyone went to bed, leaving squip set up on the couch,
"you know what I want to see what smile HD is about it can't be that bad"
*showing outside of the apartment*
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