#hey folks i saved a bird today and it gave me a minor spiritual crisis
Before he leaves for Earth, Mebius goes to each of the six Ultra Brothers to ask if they have any advice for him. Of course, he's been given every possible briefing, every informational course, but education isn't the same as wisdom, and the Brothers more than anyone else have that.
He goes to Zoffy first, because Zoffy's very busy and probably won't have much time to talk, and Zoffy looks at him for a long moment and then says, "Accept help when it's offered. Don't assume that you're ready to do everything entirely by yourself."
Ultraman says nothing. Ultraman almost never says anything. He just reaches out and presses his hand to the center of Mebius' chest and nods encouragingly. Mebius doesn't entirely get it, but he does feel encouraged.
Seven makes a face for a moment, stares off into the sky, and then says, "Make sure to get plenty of sleep and drink a lot of water. Try any food you're offered. If you see Anne, tell her I say hello."
Jack makes a different kind of face than the one Seven made. "Keep an eye out for cars around any humans you know. And make sure to watch the sun rise at least once."
Ace grins. "Relax! Try to make some friends. Talk to lots of children. Learn to dance."
Taro is last, because he knows Taro best and finds him sort of less intimidating than the others, and Taro looks at him very closely for a moment and then says, "You're going to have a moment, probably very early on, where you're holding a human in the palm of your hand and you'll be able to feel them breathing and it's going to strike you how small they are, and how fragile. And you'll probably panic and think, why am I the one doing this? What makes me qualified to help these people?"
Mebius nods seriously and tries to turn that thought around in his head. "All right. What do I do then?"
"You save them. Like you were already going to do."
"But what does make me qualified? I mean, I've had all this training–"
"The training's not that important." Taro shrugs. "Training's just training. The only thing that actually makes you qualified to do it is that you're the one there to do it. Everything else comes after that." He claps Mebius on the shoulder. "Just keep that in mind and you'll be fine."
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