#hey does anyone recognize that earring Vera is wearing?
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nikoteani · 4 months ago
„Uh, hi, Ashen!”
„…Yes, hello Miss Stiles.”
„Yyyup, t-that’s me! How… are you doing today?”
„I’m… fine. Are you- are you okay boss? You’re acting a bit strange.”
„Oh, I’m doing juuust fine, great even! Never been better!”
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I Didn’t Mistake Your Finger for the Moon, I Just Chose to Look at You Instead
Tim Drake x Reader Oneshot
The title comes from zen buddhism (maybe chinese? i’m sorry I don’t know), the idea is I am pointing my finger at the moon to show you the moon don’t look at my pointed finger, look where I’m pointing.
Heavily inspired by the play Frankie and Johnnie in the Claire de Lune
You can’t believe it’s only 8:30pm, just two hours into the night and you’re already bored out of your skull. Around you, the huge ballroom swirls with sparkling socialites keeping themselves busy by incessantly talking shit and guzzling Bruce Wayne’s alcohol. Everybody has their lips to someone’s ear and a glass in their hand, except for you, which is quite stupid on your part. But that’s why you’re at the bar. 
Behind you, the positively charming laughs of the Wayne Gala’s guests dot the conversations that spill out through the room in concentric circles, rippling over each other in waves that ebb and flow right up until they reach you. Then they stop short, leaving you alone and trying to order a drink from a bartender who seems to be too busy to chat you up out of pity.
Not that you’d do anything with her, obviously. But still. Some attention would be nice.
Christ, you were so shit at knowing what to do with yourself at these parties. You’d think you’d have them figured out by now, but no such luck. Your funeral.
“Hey, have you seen Tim?”
You turn to face the speaker and your eyes fall on Dick Grayson, dressed gorgeous in a sharp suit complete with a dark blue bow tie. He looks incredible, but then again, he usually does. And miracle of miracles, the folks around you are now eyeing you up, trying to figure out if it’s worth skydiving into your conversation to get in a word with Bruce Wayne’s heir. Dick does that to people, has the sort of happy, positive demeanor that makes folks want desperately to talk to him, to be part of his group. You’ll probably never get used to it. Or to how beautiful he is.
“Yeah.” Yeah, you know where Tim is. You resist the urge to point across the ballroom, motioning with your chin instead. “He’s over there, schmoozing with some LexCorp folks.”
“Schmoozing? With LexCorp?” Dick’s face takes on a slightly disgusted hue in the light of the chandeliers.
You shrug. “Schmoozing, making thinly veiled threats, planting the seeds for some light corporate espionage, but not the sort anyone can prove. You know Tim.”
Dick chuckles at that. “I guess I do.” He takes a step away from you, then doubles back. “Are you all right, over here? You look a bit...”
“You can say lonely, Dick, it’s okay,” you say with a bit of bite, too many teeth in your voice, but he’s not wrong. “I’m fine, you don’t need to babysit me.”
His eyebrows raise. “Jeez, y/n, I didn’t mean--”
You cut him off. “No, it’s fine Dick, I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry.” You press a hand to the bridge of your nose and try to take deep breaths. Starting a fight with your boyfriend’s oldest brother is not exactly on your to-do list for the evening. “I am a bit lonely, but it’s cool, I get Tim back in...” you check your watch, a cheap analogue that clashes something awful with your cheesed-up attire. “Eight in a half minutes. Then he’s mine for at least an hour.”
Dick quirks his lips in a half-smile. “You guys time how long he spends doing W.E. business at these galas? That’s--”
“Adorable? Or just anal?” Try as you might, you can’t keep the cynicism from spreading thick over your tone.
“I was actually going to say very Tim,” he says back warmly. You grin at him, bad mood abandoning you for the moment. “It was his idea. Wouldn’t be much of a date if we didn’t spend any time together.”
Dick laughs again. “No, I suppose it wouldn’t.” Across the room, Tim turns away from the circle of business harpies and shoots you an apologetic smile. Dick must’ve clocked it as well. “Maybe Tim’ll turn knight-in-shining-armor and rescue you,” he suggests.
You wrinkle your nose. “I doubt it. As much as I don’t like it, the business stuff needs to get done.”
Dick eyes Tim’s back. “Yeah, something tells me you’d be the one doing the rescuing.” He clears his throat. “Well, I hate to be rude, but I gotta skip out on you.” Dick’s down-to-earth manner of speaking always surprises you, especially because he manages to get away with it at these swanky events. When you do it everyone seems to look at you sideways. “Need to go find Damian,” Dick explains further. “If he’s not antagonizing your boyfriend, he may be up to something worse.”
You nod in agreement. “Go get ‘em, Tiger.”
He sighs. “Yeah, wish me luck.” And then Dick makes his exit, leaving you with seven and a half minutes to wallow before Tim comes back.
You chide yourself a bit, picking up the Gin and Tonic that the bartender had just placed in front of you. Were you seriously going to wallow in self pity at a gala half of Gotham would kill to attend? With Tim Drake as your date? Hundreds of girls and quite a few boys probably daydream about being in your place, especially after he made the Forbes Thirty under Thirty list last month. Still, his spot on the list doesn’t change the fact that exactly no one at this party, striking Dick and the bartender, has said a single word to you.
You stifle a sigh. It isn’t your fault Gotham’s socialites always prove to be uninterested in Timothy Drake’s thoroughly middle-class girlfriend. They had found you just fascinating when the relationship was new and Tim’s move of dating so far below his class had actually made headlines. But, six months later, your novelty had worn clean off. God, you wished you had someone to talk to. You were feeling so small.
Swallowing a sip of G&T, you think back to your first gala at the Manor. The glitter and glamour of the evening had left you breathless, whereas now it’s making you sick. Some parts of the evening never seem to go stale, though. You still love playing dress up in gorgeous clothes and parading around with your boyfriend, who was also dressed up in gorgeous clothes. Tim usually bought your dresses for these events, since there was no way on the planet you could afford them. You’d gotten used to Tim being stupid rich early in your relationship, and it doesn’t bother you that you can never match him in the money department. 
Occasionally, Tim likes to spoil you, although neither of you are too keen on outrageous gifts that are ultimately useless. He tends to avoid getting you things that are overpriced and unnecessary. (Cheap and unnecessary is where you operate. The two of you are currently having a competition over who could get the other the smallest, most useless gift for under two dollars. Your last gift to him had been a yellow plastic shovel that fits in the palm of your hand)
Tim doesn’t like buying expensive, frivolous things on principle, and you don’t like receiving them, also on principle. But if you’re going to attend these galas, you need an expensive dress point-blank, otherwise you’ll stick out like a sore thumb. And you want to attend, you want to be Tim’s girlfriend, public appearances and all. So Tim just has to buy you the dresses, which you secretly love because they’re gorgeous, and you have to accept them, because you can’t attend the gala without them. It’s a neat way for Tim to give you something expensive and make sure you’ll have a need for it. Plus, you know he loves seeing you wear the clothes he’s bought you.
Tonight, however, you’re not wearing one of Tim’s Vera Wang’s or Alexander McQueen’s. You’ve opted instead on something you’d bought yourself, a bridesmaid’s dress you’d worn to a friend’s wedding earlier this year. It just about fits in with everyone else’s attire, and besides, the dress was expensive. You wanted to wear it at least twice. A great plan, except it isn’t as beautiful as some of the other dresses in the room tonight. You’ve recognized more than one from a runway fashion account you follow on Instagram. Nice as your dress may be, it can’t compare with any of those, and every time you see an exceptionally beautiful gown you wonder what you were thinking, wearing a dress like this.
The negative buzzing in your ears dissipates as you catch Tim’s eye again. He’s got the same stupid look on his face he’d worn when he picked you up this evening. Like he’d been punched but he didn’t exactly mind.
“Are you sure you’re my date for tonight?” he’d whispered, after doing a cartoonish double-take at the door of your apartment, because he really is a good boyfriend. “I’m not sure other people will believe it.”
“Of course they will,” you’d scoffed, cheeks glowing at the compliment. “We look good together. You’re pretty stunning yourself.”
He’d look down at his own clothes with a worried expression. “Really?” Following your advice and urging, Tim had stepped out of his comfort zone tonight and was sporting a patterned tux. It’s a dark blue checked with thin black stripes, waistcoat and bow-tie to match. “I think I look like Al Capone.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you look very dapper.” You had taken his hand, then, smiling up at him and leading him out of your apartment. “Charming, even.”
“If Jason’s there he’ll make fun of me. Damian definitely will.”
“They were going to do that anyway. And besides, who cares? I think you look great.”
“I guess you’re the only one that matters.”
“Damn straight.”
He really does look incredible tonight, you think to yourself as you check him out from your position at the bar. Nothing short of beautiful, with the long lines of the tux sitting pretty on his sinuous, willowy limbs and gorgeous frame. His shoulders are holding strong under the fine material of his jacket, and presiding over everything are his sharp cheekbones and even sharper eyes. Which, you note in satisfaction, are now fixed on you as Tim extricates himself from the suits and makes his way to the bar.
“Is this seat taken?” he asks, plopping down next to you and casually hooking a foot around your ankle.
“Nope,” you smile happily, thrilled to be spending time with him again. “I was saving it for you, and as you can see, I had to really fight to keep it free.” You motion around yourself to the people ignoring you. 
Tim winces. “I’m sorry, y/n, if I could do anything--”
“Stop, stop,” you wave him silent. “Don’t worry about it. You’re here now, it’s okay,” you reassure him.
“I don’t like that you end up spending so much time alone at these things,” he says, wrapping an arm around you. “If you even think I’m going to let you come to this thing by yourself,” you say, shaking your head. “Some of the other ones, maybe, but if I don’t make an appearance at The Wayne Gala, capital T, W, and G, the public will think I’m out of the picture.”
“Defending your territory, huh?” Tim grins sidelong at you. “Keeping the society pages off my back, more like.” You shift in your seat, sensing an opportunity. “But maybe I am defending my territory, hmm?” You give him an obvious once over, let lust show in your gaze. “Maybe you’re too pretty to let out of my sight.”
He flushes, color overrunning his cheeks and spilling down his neck and making him look even more edible. You let out a breath. “God, Tim, I could just...” you lean over, easily catching his lips with yours. Holding him there for a just a second, you run your tongue quick over his bottom lip and then pull back, spending a few moments just looking at him, with him looking back. 
You wait for some of the sparkling energy to fade before you speak again. “It’s important to me that you know I’m here to support you as acting CEO.”
He laughs at that, spell broken. “I know sweetheart.” He turns from you to order a drink. “I’m very proud of you,” you say to his back. He rolls his eyes at you over his shoulder.
The bartender makes the drink inside of twenty seconds, because Tim Drake asked for it, and then your boyfriend spends a few more moments staring at you, taking the glass in his hand and eyeing you over the rim.
You meet his gaze. “What are you thinking?” He presses a finger to his ear. “Going off comms,” he murmurs, then surreptitiously fishes the device out of his ear and stows it in his pocket. If you hadn’t known what to look for you would swear he was just running his fingers through his hair and then brushing some lint off of his suit.
“If I’m honest, I’ve spent the last twenty minutes fantasizing about eating you out.”
It takes a moment for his words to connect to your brain. Then--
“Tim!” you squawk, eyes darting around to make sure no one had overheard you. “You can’t just say that to me in public!”
His eyes meet yours, he looks unimpressed. Tim never has any patience for your prudishness whenever he brings up sex with other people around. “What can I say? The LexCorp people were boring,” and now he’s the one looking you over, eyes slowly working up and down your form. You shiver under his attention. “That’s a very pretty dress you’re wearing, y/n, I think it would look great bunched up around your hips.”
God, confidence is such an irresistible look on him. Despite your better judgment, you decide to play along. Leaning closer, you let one hand ghost over his crotch, cupping him for half a moment as you say “and how do you think the dress will look on your bedroom floor?”
He gasps when you touch him, then smiles brilliantly, eyes shining. You really, really shouldn’t be encouraging him, but you can’t help it. You love him like this, you love the unrelenting force of his desire. You love how much he wants you. 
With Tim, you’ve found that once the idea of sex gets into his head and he sees that you’re game, he’s like a dog with a bone, gnawing and gnawing at you. There’s no stopping him in pursuit to get you into his bed, or car, or the nearest supply closet. And you always find yourself indulging him, because the sex is usually good, but the man himself is even better. You delight in seeing Tim aroused, because as soon as that switch is flipped, the self-control that Tim rigidly keeps in place disappears, and he becomes hypnotically impulsive with his emotions. It took some time for him to get the barriers down, for him to let loose around you, but now he allows himself to be everything all at once. An aroused Tim is playful, awkward, confident, shy, ridiculous, and enthusiastic. You never know what you’re going to get with him, and sometimes he flits from one affect to the other between moments, leaving you breathless.
And you’re more than happy to provide an arena for Tim to let loose, because the only time your boyfriend allows himself to be anything less than perfect is when he’s in your arms. Control rules Tim’s life in the form of some probably unhealthy idolatrous god. As he’s explained to you several times, yes, he actually does need to be this tightly wound, because if he makes a mistake he’ll lose clout at WE. Or he’ll be too slow at night. People will die (he will die.) Insert answer here. 
Which is all true, but it doesn’t mean Tim can’t take a fucking break once in a while. And that’s where you come in. Your boyfriend spends his whole life striving for perfection and punishing himself when he doesn’t reach it, but when he’s with you, he can be anything he wants. 
And one of the wonderful things about sleeping with Tim is so often you get to see everything he wants. Once he’s finally lost control, once you’ve convinced him to put the walls down, he’s like a kid in a candy store. He can do anything, and so he usually does everything.
“Christ,” he breathes in your ear, head still in your fleeting touch, one arm coming to rest on your back. “I think you’ve given me a semi.”
“That,” you say in a sing-song voice, absolutely delighted, “sounds like a ‘you’ problem.” You turn and pretend to walk away, but Tim catches hold of your arm, reeling you back towards him. “You can’t leave now, y/n,” he pleads, eyes dancing. “People are going to look at my crotch and see I’ve got a hard-on, and I can’t endure Cass making fun of me again. C’mon, y/n,” he pouts at you. “I’m your damsel in distress. Save me from the bullies. Dance with me so no one will see.”
You roll your eyes, but come to stand in front of him nonetheless, letting him lead you to the center for the room with his hands on your waist. This isn’t the first time a gala has bored Tim to sexual frustration. “People will still be able to see your crotch,” you argue. “We’ll just dance really, really close together.” As if to prove his point, he suddenly jerks your hips to his, and you all but fall against him. “The song is too fast for this kind of slow-dancing,” you say into his neck, false protests muffled by his suit.
He leans back to make eye contact with you as the two of you start swaying. “That doesn’t matter. We’re young lovers, y/n,” he reminds you seriously. “They’ll forgive us.”
“Young lovers, hmm?” You’re struck again by his confidence tonight, how alluring it is. It’s rare that he’s this sure of himself, but he wears it so well when he is.
“That’s right.” The two of you are silent for a moment, and you contemplate leaning your head against his chest. “You really do look beautiful in that dress, y/n,” Tim says quietly, all joking gone from his tone.
Your cheeks heat at the compliment. “Thank you.” And then, because you’re immature, too, and because Tim isn’t the only one who can flash his sex drive in public, you impulsively say “I bet you can’t guess what I’m wearing underneath.”
This is probably a mistake, but what the hell. You want your boyfriend just as much as he wants you, maybe more.
Tim doesn’t even wait two full seconds before responding. “See, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I bet I can.” You weren’t expecting him to be so quick on the uptake, your mistake for thinking his boredom hadn’t already driven him to tackle this particular problem.
“It’s warm enough out that you’re not wearing any tights or pantyhose, so the suspender sets are out.”
“The suspender sets are out,” you repeat solemnly, already excited by this new game you’re playing. “Well, hang on, maybe I just wore a set without the suspenders.”
Tim is quick to shake his head. “No, you hate doing that, you’d rather just wear separate set altogether. It’s a set without the suspenders.”
You let out a low whistle. “Got me pegged there, detective.” You see an opportunity, and waggle your eyebrows. “Maybe I’ll have you pegged, later.”
He falters in the slow waltz he’s leading you through. “Really not helping with the semi here, y/n” he complains, and he’s right, you can feel it pressing lightly against you. You roll your eyes. “Fine, let’s go back to you guessing what lingerie I’m wearing.”
He nods, only half joking. Tim loves a puzzle. “Thank you. So none of the suspenders.”
“So none of the suspenders,” you repeat again, and offer him a winning smile when he glares at you over it.
Explanatory monologue in full swing, he says “You normally like to match your dress, but this one’s black, which isn’t very helpful.” All of a sudden his attention shifts and comes to rest on your face. “Are you going to tell me if I get it right, or will I just have to wait and see?”
“What would make it better for you, baby?” you ask, voice sultry as you slide your hips against his.
“I have absolutely no idea. Is it the red one?” 
“Damn. I love the red one.”
“I know you do, sweetheart.”
He pouts at you, but quickly perks up again. “Here, hang on, I’m going to risk exposing my erection so I can get a better view of your back,” and suddenly you’re spinning, once, twice, three times, before Tim pulls you back to his chest and dips you as the song ends. You’re panting a bit in surprise, and from your position suspended in his strong arms, you can feel one of his hands pawing around at your hip, smoothing over the fabric of your dress.
He pulls you upright as another song begins, a grimace on his handsome face. You reach up to brush some of his hair out of his eyes. “That was inconclusive,” he mutters.
You glance over his shoulder. “I think Bruce definitely got a good look at what’s going on down south.” Your boyfriend’s father is looking rather pointedly at the ground, a pained look on his face.
“I could barely see the lines of the set through your dress,” Tim complains, and then adds “Bruce’ll get over it. Or he won’t. Whatever,” he says dismissively. “Last week I walked in on Selina blowing him under his desk, so now we’re even. What’s way more important is that I couldn’t see anything, why couldn’t I see anything?”
“Aww, poor baby,” you tease.
“Shut up,” he mumbles, before brightening a bit. “I mean, it wasn’t a total loss. I did get a great view of your ass. It still looks fantastic, by the way.”
“Thanks for the update.”
He keeps going. “I didn’t see the lines, but I did get a good feel of your underwear at your hip.” He plants his tongue between his teeth, eyes closed in concentration as you sway delicately to the new song. “I didn’t feel a strap, so I can rule out some of the thongs.” You hum in agreement, arms coming up to wrap securely around his torso in an extended embrace. “It isn’t either of the black ones, or the nice blue one, is it?”
“No, sweetheart, it’s not.”
“Hn.” He shifts his arms, and you feel his slight hand flitting about at your hip again. He soon gives up, discouraged. “The material of your dress is too thick, I can’t feel anything through it.”
You decide to throw him a bone. “I’ll give you a hint: I’m actually wearing another color besides black, and the set matches it.”
Tim frowns, stepping back from you for a moment to look down at your feet. “Your shoes are black too, what are you talking about?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Do you want me to ruin it for you?”
“No, let me think,” Tim says, and goes silent, eyes shut. You study him as the actual detective comes out to play. His eyes snap open again, and you clock his gaze going for your throat and ears. No necklace, but you are wearing gold earrings. Tim ignores them and takes your hand in his, examining your rings. He knows you too well to ask whether the set is gold or silver, that isn’t your style. He’s getting much closer with the rings though, and then his sharp exhale is ghosting through your fingers and his eyes are meeting yours again. You give him a proud smile.
“Good solve, Timmy.” He kisses the pad of your index finger. “Nail polish, y/n?”
“Nail polish,” you confirm.
You pretend to think it over, letting your eyes go wide. “Well, I just thought it would look nice, you know? My hand right over the panties, maybe even inside them, if you wanted me to do any of the work on my own.”
His eyes just about bug out of his head at that, and then he shakes his smile back and forth, impressed. Your answering grin is knife sharp. “You’ve got me right where you want me, don’t you, y/n? What am I going to do with you?”
“Anything you want,” you whisper, winding your arms around his neck. “That’s sort of the point. We can get out of here right now.”
“You know I would love, love, to do that,” Tim says, running his hands down your back, “but there’s supposedly a deal going down at 9:30 that I kind of need to be there for.”
“Well, then,” you murmur, “you’ll just have to suffer for another twenty minutes.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” he says drily. The two of you sway in silence for a few minutes before he speaks again. “Hold on, y/n, something just occurred to me.”
“Yes, Tim?”
“Your nail polish is purple, but you don’t own any sets that color. What gives?”
You raise your eyebrows at him. He looks at you for a few moments before his face smooths out again. “You really have it in for me tonight, don’t you? It’s a new set?”
“It’s a new set,” you confirm.
“And I bet you look just stellar in purple,” he says to himself, a desperate edge to his voice. 
“You know very well I look good in everything.” You glance downwards. “How are you doing there, Timmy?”
“Fuck off,” he says happily. “Is it lace?”
“Tim, sweetheart, of course it’s lace.”
Your boyfriend groans, then freezes in place. You look at him questioningly. “I’m running a cost/benefit analysis on me skipping out on this deal.”
“Give it to Tam,” you suggest.
“Give it to Tam,” he agrees. “Yeah, alright, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
You let out a delighted laugh, following him in the direction of his old bedroom in the manor. Behind you, you dimly hear the orchestra finish their song. There are a few moments of silence while you make your way to the exit, and then you hear a few forlorn notes on the piano that have you turning around and calling out “Tim!”
“Whoa, y/n, where are you--”
“Tim! Tim it’s Claire de Lune, they’re playing Claire de Lune, we have to stay!” You drag him back to the dance floor.
“But,” he tries to argue, “but y/n, we were going to--”
“Tim.” You stand your ground. “It’s Claire de Lune. Please?”
He mumbles under his breath but takes you back into his arms regardless, like the good boyfriend that he is. You adore the Claire de Lune, and he’s probably reasoned to himself that no amount of arguing or pleading could tear you from the melody spinning lazily through the room.
He’s still going to complain about it, though. “Claire de Lune, huh? I can’t believe I lived to see Twilight cock-blocking me again.”
You poke him in the side. “Some of us first heard Debussy at the Gotham Philharmonic and some of us read about him in Stephanie Meyers’ blockbuster paranormal romance and googled Claire de Lune on the family computer in their Dad’s office, okay? The important thing is we’re both here, and we can both appreciate it, so shut up.”
Tim shuts up. You smile at him, and let your eyes fall closed. The slow melody envelops you like mist and settles on your skin, resting easy in your inner ear. A small part of you anticipates the notes before the pianist actually plays them, and you find yourself nodding when they finally escape from her fingers. Her performance is perfect, she isn’t messing around trying to improve Debussy’s masterwork, just picking her way through it, measure by measure. You take deep, even breaths as a sense of calm permeates your system. Eyes still closed, you let the music relax you, content to wade dreamily in its cool comfort. 
After about a minute, Tim clears his throat. “Y/n,” he says gently, “look.” You open your eyes and follow Tim’s pointed finger to one of the floor-length windows, gasping out loud when you see the stunning full moon. It sits in an overcast sky, fog and smog and clouds pressing against it like an embrace. The thin ropey clouds that drift across its slouched figure are reflecting its yellow light and giving it a warm, pearly corona, a halo. You stare at it openly for a few seconds, admiring the bone moon in its sky armchair.
Your attention drifts back to Tim’s finger, arm still hanging loosely in front of you, and then to the man himself. The ballroom lights are low enough that you can imagine the moonlight reflecting off of Tim, too, that he too is catching some of its cotton shine on his face. You’re awfully lucky to be with someone who takes the time to point out a particular moon among of a string of nights with particular moons, and you tell him so. Tim’s smile is quiet, but he presses his forehead to yours, where it stays for the rest of the song.
When it ends Tim leans back to smile at you again. You smile back, feeling filled up with the moon and the music and him. Catching his hand in your own, you start in the direction of the grand staircase that leads up to his old bedroom. Tim stops you by pulling on your arm lightly, before turning and walking towards the doors that will take you outside.
You look at him quizzically. “Can we go to your apartment?” he murmurs. “We’ve been in my world this whole night, now I want to be in yours.”
You smile softly before leaning up to kiss him, quick and light. He squeezes your hand as he leads you through the room, and then suddenly you’re outside, breathing cool, almost autumn air while you wait for Tim to get a car sorted out. You turn your eyes upward to meet the moon again, the ghost of Claire de Lune still drifting through your head.
Tim breaks your reverie by calling your name, and you follow him into the back of a car. After directing the driver to your apartment, Tim hands you an earbud. You put it in your left ear while Tim puts the other in his right, and together you listen to Claire de Lune again as the car makes it’s way through a Gotham that’s soft and shiny with moonlight. Three repetitions of Debussy later you’re standing in front of your apartment, Tim wrapping his arms around you as you fiddle with your keys, unlock your door, and lead him to your bedroom.
Later, after you’re spent twice over and Tim has made good on his fantasy of opening you up with his mouth, Tim shifts in the bed and slides himself around you, lips at your ear.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
You sigh happily. “Mmm.”
“I asked the orchestra to play Clair de Lune.”
You raise yourself up on your elbows at that, leaning over him with a meaningful look into his starry eyes. You’re sure there are stars in yours, too. 
He nods. “Yeah.”
You lie back down. “Thank you.”
His hand comes up to stroke your hair. “Mmm.”
233 notes · View notes
jeaneybean · 8 years ago
“We all clear on our mission?” There was only nods in his small group, not that he expected much else. They were some of the most talented in all of Bullwark, hand picked by Jason himself for this mission. He knew there was some silent judgement on why he’d be allowed to lead this mission since their target was his little brother.
It was like Gram always said: Family dealt with Family. It’d been why she’d tracked down Dad and put him in the ground and it was why he was going after his little brother. Ludo: their Bard, Ettist’ little Songbird.
“We’ve got Ettist in custody. Procede with caution, we’ve got no idea where Songbird is.”
Again, only silent and competent nods. The group entered Ettist’s warehouse, subduing what few guards he had left in place. Room by room they cased the building, never dealing with more resistance than they could handle. While there were plenty of items of interest on the upper floors, none of it was pertinent to their search. They returned to the ground floor and went down the stairs.
The eletric in the basement was spotty, but his team popped their headlamps without being told. They silently moved from room to room, marking them as clear. There was no sign of life.
They noticed the smell first before they opened the door: decay with a tint of sweetness. Jason gave his second a stiff nod before kicking in the door. The room inside was well lit, giving them an immediate view of it’s interior. Fairly small, it was largely occupied by an opulent bed and surrounded by several glass cases with manniquens inside. The bed was occupied judging from the foot dangling carelessly from it.
“Songbird, put your hands up and keep your mouth closed.” Jason warned as he entered, pistol leveled. They all had ear protection on, but that wouldn’t do much more than buy them time to give them a clear shot.
The bed’s occupant neither moved nor made sound, so they carefully advanced. As they neared the bed, one of his men’s composure slipped. “Mother of God.” He murmured, staring up at the display case.
They weren’t manniquens. They were corpses.
Familiar corpses, at that. Jason himself let his guard down as he stared up at the corpses. He knew that outfit: Rhenna, the Cloak. She’d gone rogue about nine months before, then dropped off the maps. He couldn’t recognize rotted face pressed against the glass but he knew that outfit. The story was the same for the other case: each inhabitant once had been a comrade in arms that had fallen to darkness then disapeared only to wind up here as, what? Trophies?
“Rads, you don’t need to see this.” His second, Tibet, muttered. That didn’t stop Jason from looking down. Tibet was right, Rado didn’t need to see that. The sight of his little brother laying there motionless like a doll that had been dropped by it’s owner would be burned into his mind. One leg carelessly draped over the side of the bed, the other frog legged out in an uncomfortable looking pose. One arm limp at his side, the other angled up with a slightly open fist beside his head. His face seemed to be frozen with a slight smile, bloodshot eyes blankly staring at the ceiling. Ludo didn’t wear a sittch to protect his modesty and Rado could see traces of... Yeah, that was pretty fuckin’ likely to be dried semen on his thighs and stomach.
Tibet was prudently fitting Ludo’s frozen face with a muzzle to stop him from screaming but Rado (No, Jason, keep that mindset. You have to be the hero, not the big brother) doubted that he could. “Shit.” He muttered to himself, going to the head of the bed.
Ludo’s face didn’t change, but his chest heaved heavier when Rado came into his sight. Tears started to pool in his eyes as he stared up. God, his eyes looked so broken. “Hey, little brother.” Rado mumbled, leaning down to stroke his hair. He knew he shouldn’t, his team was still going from infidltration mode to crime scene mode. Everything about Ludo was evidence. He’d looked out for Ludo since they were kids, how could he not give him the tiniest bit of comfort?
Tibet, bless him, Jason wnould marry the man if either one of them swung that way, took control and made taking evidence from the bed the priority. Once they were done (And probably too soon, they’d get reprimanded) he gave the all clear to remove Ludo and take him to Medical. Jason slipped his coat off and tried to get Ludo into it, but the man was purely limp. Another one of his squadmates, Manx, gave him the help he needed. Once Ludo was covered Jason picked him up and carried him out. “I got you. I got you.”
He could feel Ludo’s chest shuddering with rapid breathing, could feel his little heart beating like it was trying to escape. And, God, he was so thin! How could he have ever thought that his little brother, his sweet little brother, would go Dark? It was clear by his lack of movement that Ettist was controlling his actions, literally.
It was the hardest thing he’d ever done to hand his little brother over to Medical, but Jason did it. He stepped back, squared his shoulders, and went back into the warehouse.
He still wasn’t moving. Ludo lay motionless in bed after surgery to remove Ettist’ control modules from his body. They’d been in nearly every joint, and the science department was likely having a field day with both the modules and Ettist’ recovered gloves. But Ludo still wasn’t moving. When Rado sat by his bed and held his hand it was limp. Not even a twitch.
The doctors thought it was psychological, or that Ludo had just sustained so much trauma that he was in a vegative state. Besides his malnutrition there wasn’t much damage.
But Ludo wouldn’t even open his eyes, didn’t so much as tremble when he was touched. When the nurses picked him up to bathe him or to ward against bedsores he didn’t flinch.
Rado spent all of his free time in Ludo’s room, either holding his hand or talking to him. Partially to keep his brother company in the hopes that it’d help him return to normal, and partially because if he was left to his own devices he was going to find wherever Mal had been stashed and bury the man in the earth. Gram was being super tight lipped about the whole thing, probably because she knew.
Day after day had no change. His brother just lay there.
“You’re stupid if you think I’m just going to let you ship my little brother off somewhere-!”
“I’m not asking for your opinion, Radoslav.” Gram was being frigid, as usual. She didn’t so much as spare him a glance as he stormed into her office. Her eyes were focused on her computer and any leftover attention was spared for her coffee cup as she sipped the contents. “He’s not improving even a bit. It’s beyond the team, so he’s going outside.”
“Where? I’m going with him-” Rado started to pace, mind racing. Okay. He’d pack bags, he’d, whatever, he’d learn how to care for his brother.
Vera snorted and sipped another mouthful of coffee. “You sure as hell won’t. You’ve been hovering over him for a month. Give the boy some time to process things without you.” She finally put down her cup and stared over her desk at Rado. “This isn’t up for debate.”
That meant... “He’s being moved right now, isn’t he?” Rado growled, turning to stalk out the doors. He could make it back to the room in ten minutes, he’d stop it, he’d-
“They got him as soon as you got out of the elevator.” Vera nodded. “If he doesn’t show any improvement in another month I’ll have him relocated to the family home and you can hen over him all you like. But I think some quiet and fresh air will do him good.
He had his moments of lucidity, where he heard everything around him, could feel what was happening. Heard the snippits of Rado’s daily life, heard the nurses chatting, felt them manipulating his limp body. He couldn’t move on his own, how could he? He hadn’t been told to move. The strong compulsion to lay still wasn’t there, but it’d been conditioned into him.
If he moved, he had to face what he’d done. All the people he’d injured or killed, the horrible shit he’d done because Mal had told him to. Because Ludo’d been stupid enough to think that anyone could ever love him.
He’d been receptive when people had came in and moved, him, talking to him softly and sweetly after Rado had stormed out bitching about Gram. Ludo had been loaded up into a vehicle before he slipped back into being unperceptive, waking up shortly before they reached their destination.
“Hey, Khaj.” One of the nurses called as they were unloading him. “Hope you have more success than we did. Kid doesn’t do much but lay here.”
“The mountian air does the heart good.” Khaj agreed, scooping Ludo up into his arms. “I remember him from when he was a lad. I, too, hope that I can help.”
Khaj carried him up several flights of stairs, chatting all the while about what Ludo would see if he’d open his eyes. It sounded nice. He was settled in a bed and left to his own devices, the only company offered was that of a dog that curled up at his side.
For the first time since Rado’d pulled him out of that hellhole he truly relaxed. There was no one to face here: not his family or his friends. No one to look at and see the disapointment and shame on their faces. Ludo opened his tired eyes and stared up at the ceiling and finally let himself cry.
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justjessame · 5 years ago
Diamonds Are A Boy’s Best Friend Chapter 5
I was shocked when I was asked to attend some type of function that Vera Evans had put together. Lily wasn’t required, as her and my father were trying to keep the peace.
“What precisely am I supposed to wear to this?” I asked, thinking that Lily was the lady of the house, peace be damned. I was pouting, no doubt about that.
“Something very garden party.” I raised an eyebrow at Lily. “Jackie Kennedy is supposed to be there.”
“THE Jackie Kennedy?” I asked, finding it unbelievable. Lily grinned at me. “And a dress fit for a garden party?” A nod. “Fine.”
“I’m sure whatever you pick will be perfect, Liz.” I mouthed the word, very tired of the mere thought of hearing it again. Perfection, thy name is Elizabeth Diamond.
I nodded and went in search of a dress.
A fitted black dress, shoulders bared, another throat tight clutch of diamonds, and earrings to match. A pair of silk stockings, that ever present back seam straight, and heels to match. I was about to call Lily to ask if I needed a fascinator, when I realized she was standing in the doorway.
“Don’t force me to put a bell on you.” I teased, then asked her the question that was on my mind.
“Normally, yes, but you should stand out.” She offered, sitting me down at my vanity and working on my hair. “You aren’t one of us old married women, Liz, show it.” She worked my hair into loose curls, then fixed my makeup so it was just this side of sultry. “There, now not even Jackie will hold a candle to you.”
I took a look in my mirror and barely recognized myself. Was this the bedroom eyes that I’d read about? And the hair, was it honestly proper to have it look so tousled? Lily’s shining eyes told me that it was. I picked up the black satin clutch I’d put everything but my lipstick in, and then added the tube.
“You’re gorgeous, Liz.” She offered, then pushed me toward the door. “Go. You’re going to knock them all dead.”
“You and that morbid talk.” I shook my head, but when my father’s eyes took in the sight of me I knew she was correct.
“Perfect.” Of course, any other word just wouldn’t do. “Liz, you are going to make every single man, woman, and child sit up and take notice of the Diamonds.” Great, like a show dog.
“I’ll do my best to uphold the family name, Father.” I offered, and listened to his bark of laughter. Oh, right.
“You do that, sweetheart, you do that.” He was still laughing as the door shut behind me, and I hoped that boded well for Lily’s evening.
The event, I still wasn’t entirely sure the purpose behind it, was definitely a do. I made my way gratefully to the bar, thinking if nothing else, a martini would make it bearable. I’d just ordered my martini, when I felt him next to me.
“Do you have a magnet hidden on my person somewhere, and the brother to it in your pocket?” I took a sip of my drink and closed my eyes in pleasure.
“I wish I could see you make that face in a more private setting.” My eyes flashed open, horrified at the thought someone heard him. “Relax, no one is at the bar this early.” He shot me a look and I rolled my eyes and took another sip. “You really love that martini.”
I licked a stray drop from my lip and watched as his eyes zeroed in on my lips. “A good martini is worth its weight in gold.”
“Doesn’t cost much then, does it?” He asked, smirking down at me. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a color other than black, Liz.”
“Guess I’m always dressed for a wake, aren’t I?” I smiled into another sip. “I’ve been told it’s my color, Ike, and us ladies always go with what’s most fetching.”
He leaned in and I stopped breathing. “I don’t know, I’m thinking you’d look just as fetching bare skinned. Or in something red.” I swallowed the sip I’d taken before I stopped breathing and my eyes closed again.
When I opened them, he was gone. And I didn’t know if I was happy or not.
Jackie Kennedy did not show up. Not that I cared. I was seated at the bar, laughing with the bartender when Vera made her way to me. “Liz.” She greeted in her heavily accented English.
“Hello, Vera.” I smiled at her, because perched on my stool I was almost eye level with her. “It’s a wonderful event.” Lame, but I still wasn’t sure what the purpose was.
She was staring at me like I was teasing her. I wasn’t. Jackie Kennedy was clearly a long shot. “Thank you, Liz. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Very much so, thank you for having me.” She walked off to do more rounds, and I went back to my drink. “So, tell me another joke.” I asked my companion behind the bar.
I was outside, waiting for the driver to come around to pick me up, when he was behind me again. How could I know it? How could I feel him when he wasn’t even touching me?
“Liz?” I shut my eyes and stayed where I was. “Hey, leaving already?” His fingers touched my bare arm and I could swear I felt a current.
“Yes,” I opened my eyes to find him in front of me. “I’m fairly certain that I’ve done my familial duty.”
“Is that why you came?” He asked, his voice low. “Duty?”
“Why else?” I countered, meeting his eyes.
And then he was pulling me to the side, away from view of anyone who didn’t know the niche was there, and his lips met mine. I gasped at the feeling of his mouth, and he took the opening as an invitation to taste me. His tongue touched me and I forgot why this was a bad idea. I forgot my father, his family. Nothing existed except him and me in the niche next to his hotel entrance.
“Tell me why this is a bad idea again?” His breath fanned against the dampness he’d helped create on my lips. “Liz?”
“I’m thinking.” I answered with a smile and he chuckled and dipped back in. My arms were around his neck, he was exploring my back when I heard my father’s driver asking for me. “Oh, right.”
We were both gasping for air. Damn it. His eyes, so dark and tempting, were locked on mine. “What does it mean that I don’t care?” I couldn’t answer. “I don’t, Liz. I don’t care who he is.”
I pulled away, reluctantly, but necessarily. “Does Vera matter?” I saw his eyes tighten. “That’s what I thought.” I took my mirror out of my clutch and checked my lipstick. Fixing the smudges, I handed him my handkerchief. “Fix your mouth, Ike, and then walk me back as though you were showing me the foliage.”
He did as I asked, and as he helped me into my father’s car, I hoped the driver didn’t hear him say, “What if she doesn’t?”
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takecarehair · 7 years ago
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Hey beauties! Here’s a video where I discuss how to grow edges naturally! I’m sharing some of the natural remedies I used when i first went natural..As a new natural at that time I realized that my edges and also the back of my hair were EXTREMELY weak and thin…These are just some of my opinions and suggestions of course some may see things differently! There’s not much difference in my edges video versus my “how I grew my long hair” video we are just now focusing on the edges because they too are apart of our healthy hair journey
FOLLOW ME Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawntasway/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shawntaswayy
❤️TIPS TO GROW EDGES❤️ -When you see your edges breaking a lot catch it before it gets really bad (do something about it) -Use Natural clean products on edges -Don’t just not put anything on your edges..they need care too..so a suggestion if you don’t like edge control is water and then an oil base on top -Do scalp massages (on edges especially) -When Cleaning your face tie your hair up with a scarf so that its not easing onto your hairline -Sleep on satin pillowcases, cotton absorbs the moisture out of your hair which cause lots of breakage (DRY HAIR EQUALS BREAKAGE) ❤️ JAMAICAN BLACK CASTOR OIL CAN BE FOUND ON AMAZON, Aloe Vera,Vit E oil can be found at whole foods ________________________________________________________ Let’s get this video to 1k likes ________________________________________________________
Music: Taylor Swift bad blood ft kendrick lamar Ridin’ https://www.youtube.com/user/beatsbyNeVs
Companies/business wishing to contact me for products reviews, events, etc please don’t hesitate to connect with me: [email protected]
Healthy living is Beautiful! Be healthy!
Best Product For Thinning Edges In city stateshort
Beans Stalk Infusion Oil
BeanStalk Infusion: Regrows Your “Edges” and “Thinning” Areas 2 Weeks • Incredibly Simple – Each daily application takes about 10 minutes…much less time than spending a full day at the doctor’s office or hours at the salon • Unbelievable Value – Get a 4 week’s supply for just $16.99…and start seeing results in 2 weeks • Amazing Growth- Bald Spots, Thinning, Permed or Natural Hair BeanStalk Works Wonders to regrow your hair • 100% All Natural – Our plant-based product heals and moisturizes your scalp, strengthens damaged hair, stops hair shedding, and gives you beautiful and natural hair • CHILDREN FRIENDLY- Yes! Ages 5 & Up! • Best-In-The-Industry Guarantee – You have a full 60 days to decide if Beanstalk Hair Growth Vitamin is right for you. If you’re not 110% satisfied, email us and we’ll not only give you a no-questions-asked refund, but we’ll also buy you one of our competitor’s products (of equal or lesser value)
Learn How To Grow Your Edges Back
Step 1: Reduce the amount of time you come into contact and manipulate your edges Step 2: Pamper This Area With Moisture and Nourishment Step 5: Scalp stimulating oils and treatments Step 7: Chill On The Weaves Step 9: Try Beanstalk Infusion Oil Step 11: Buy Hair Growth Vitamins city stateshort Step 13:
Tension And Edge Care city stateshort
Some stylists utilize entirely excessive tension on African American females’s hair, drawing it far from the scalp when braiding and benting as if to penalize you for some unidentified bad deed. This is murder on the hair follicles as well as could cause traction alopecia or even permanent loss of hair. This sadly happens so frequently that lots of females ask yourself how to entwine hair without harmful sides by default, yet damages does not need to occur.But there’s one more variable you may not have considered: your designing routines. Yes, that’s right: Something you’re doing in an effort to earn your hair look much better might really be making it a lot, much worse. There are significant advantages of wearing pigtails and also spins. Some that come to mind are: Reduce of style; you could essentially simply get up and go more often than not while your hair is in braids or spins, conserving energy and time on the daily. Size of style; knotted styles have the tendency to last two to eight weeks depending on the setup, treatment and if they are songs or cornrows.
Taking Vitamins That Promote Hair Growth
The look of hair plays an essential function in people’s physical appearance and self-perception, so it can be ravaging to experience loss of hair, specifically when there does not appear to be anything you can do about it. But did you know that there are vitamins for hair development? Bad nutrition, including vitamin shortages, is a major aspect of hair loss. Sometimes loss of hair is because of a vitamin shortage too. Fortunately, a deficiency can be corrected by including vitamin-rich foods to your diet plan or using supplementation. Some vitamins have antioxidant residential or commercial properties that help to eliminate the extrinsic elements of loss of hair, and some vitamins assist the body balance hormone levels, another factor that stops hair development. Getting enough vitamin D daily may help, but there’s little proof yet that it can bring hair back. Balding occurs when your follicles are continuously dormant. Even with awakened roots, hair is not constantly produced. B-complex vitamins are essential for controling metabolic process and maintaining the main nervous system. However they’re also essential for healthy skin and hair. Some dietitians declare that the more popular B vitamins. Most of us are aware that vitamin C can assist enhance our resistance, securing us against regular colds and other diseases. What many individuals don’t recognize, though, is vitamin C can help enhance hair and help it grow. f you desire longer, much healthier hair then always remember about Biotin. This is quickly becoming one of the most extensively used supplements for faster hair growth. While biotin is a B vitamin it plays such a key function in keeping hair healthy that it needed its own spot. Niacin is another vitamin that‘s in the B family but deserves its own recognition. This vitamin helps to nurture the scalp, promoting healthy hair growth. Without sufficient quantities of niacin, your hair stands the opportunity of ending up being brittle, lifeless, and may even fall out. Commercials and the media promote supplements and vitamins as the perfect option for hair growth and enhancement, however can supplements or vitamins grow ladies’s hair, and do supplements assist with a thinning head of hair?
Treating Traction Alopecia With High Strength Minoxidil In
The term alopecia refers to hair loss. Traction alopecia is hair loss that’s caused by repeatedly pulling on your hair. You can develop this condition if you often wear your hair in a tight ponytail, bun, or braids, especially if you use chemicals or heat on your hair. For sufferers of traction alopecia, the key to curing it begins with changing hairstyling methods. Pulling hair tightly into ponytails or braided hairstyles may trigger permanent hair loss. Dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Benabio says traction alopecia causes scarring of the hair follicle. Anyone can be affected by traction alopecia – young or old, male or female. It’s more common within certain groups of the population, because they are more likely to use some of the hairstyling techniques listed above. If not, the next thing you’ll notice is that sections of your hair are actually missing, or worryingly sparse. You can often see this more clearly around the hairline or behind the ears, but it can often happen around the crown, too. People with traction alopecia should consider changing hair care and styling practice to prevent further deterioration. Many celebrities, dancers and models suffer from this condition due to their over-use of hair extensions and tightly-fixed hair embellishments, such as hairpieces.Once the follicles affected by Traction Alopecia have ceased to produce hair, treatment will not be effective. This will be the case if the hair has been under large amounts of strain for many years and the areas of traction alopecia hair loss are completely bald (these areas will appear shiny). However, it is usually worth giving treatment for Traction Alopecia a try for a minimum of three months to see how the hair responds.
Traction Alopecia: Hair Loss Caused by Weaves city statelong
It’s understood as traction alopecia, or hair loss triggered over time by cosmetic hair stress. Avoid weave tracks that tug strongly on your hair below. Unfortunately, It’s not exactly known why individuals suffer from numerous types alopecia. A few of the causes range from excessive weave styling, taking specific medications or when your immune system starts attacking your healthy hair roots for no obvious reason. Nobody knows why the immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy hair follicles, however I have my theories.
Can Hair Loss Be Reveresed
In order for your hair to grow back, the hair roots require to be invigorated to improve blood flow hence promoting more hair development. The hair edges are the most delicate part of the hair, and the edges have to be dealt with gently. Preventing alopecia on the hair edges can be achieved by: not using chemical hair perms, tight ponytail designs with braids, and wearing hair gels that consist of alcohol. products for thinning edges
Related Post Below:
http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-to-grow-your-edges-natural-hair-no-more-bald-spots/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-to-regrow-thinning-edges-christian-byshe/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/grow-your-edges-back-how-i%ef%b8%8f-did-it/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/hair-grow-out-your-edges-bald-spots-fast/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/alopeica-cure/dr-timothy-jochen-explains-alopecia-causes-and-treatments/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-i-repaired-my-thinning-edges/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-i-grew-my-hair-bald-edges-back-natural-hair-length-check-products/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-to-grow-your-edges-back-in-2-weeks/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/growing-back-thinning-edges-5-simple-tips/ http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-to-grow-your-edges-back-in-4-weeks/
The post How I GREW OUT MY THIN EDGES On Natural Hair appeared first on Black Hair Talk.
from Black Hair Talk | Black Hair Talk http://www.blackhairtalk.com/thinning-edges/how-i-grew-out-my-thin-edges-on-natural-hair/
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