#hey bro there might be some idfk gore in this watch out
lovelytayforce · 1 year
Movies already have content warnings stfu!
I need to say this cause I saw a very very stupid post, bemoaning no one lets themselves "be uncomfortable" when they watch films and have to give out a bunch of warnings- How about you give me a warning when you speak cause I sure as fuck can't wait for you to shut the fuck up? Cause you're probably making up fake scenarios when the film's rating pops up on your screen, and you don't read anything in that little box. Now do you?
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So, do us all a favor. Zip it. You're not special for going into a film blind. If you think your friends may not enjoy a movie, just don't recommend it and move on with your life and go watch another movie, or hell, talk about it on your blog, and interact with others who watched it already. WOW, WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT!
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