#hey Noora what does it feel like to literally ALWAYS win
juergenklopp · 1 year
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BRYSON STOTT and TREA TURNER 2023 postseason clinch cigars (September 26, 2023)
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Ready or Not-Chris Schistad Imagine
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Some sensuality and it may be kind of awkward
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 Relationships have a lot of firsts: first kiss, first date, first time meeting parents, first fight, first time making up, first trip. However, the one first that everyone seems to care about is that first time because it’s supposed to tell everyone involved in the relationship whether or not they have chemistry or supposedly if they have a chance at all since what is conversational chemistry without chemistry in the bedroom? Plus, it doesn’t help that after a couple’s first time, friends from both people in the relationship demand to know every single detail----well, at least the girls do, which was why Y/N felt extremely uncomfortable when Noora, Vilde, Eva, Sana, and Girl Chris cornered her during break.
   “So?” Vilde asked suggestively.
   “So what?” Y/N murmured as she started nibbling on her blueberry muffin.
   “How was it?” Vilde asked, nudging Y/N’s shoulder.
   “How was what?” Y/N responded, completely and utterly confused.
   Vilde groaned and rolled her eyes, but Noora answered. “It’s not really any of our business, but Vilde----and the rest of us----want to know how good Chris is in the sack.”
   Noora’s blunt tone mixed with the subject matter nearly made Y/N choke on her food. She coughed for a moment, nearly slapping herself in the chest, as she tried to think of a response.
   “What?” she sputtered out.
   “Well, Chris did pull you out of the party last night early and you text me at three AM that you were sleeping over at his,” Vilde said. “We were just connecting the dots.”
   Y/N shook her head and groaned. “Well, you connected the wrong dots. I slept over at Chris’ because I was too drunk and lazy to go home----I’m lucky he didn’t kick me out.”
   “That would make him a terrible boyfriend,” Girl Chris mused.
   “Wait, so you’re telling us that you and Chris still haven’t done it?” Sana asked.
   Y/N hesitated before shrugging and continuing to pick at her muffin. She knew that it was kind of ridiculous to be dating Chris Schistad of all boys for three months without giving it up. The fact that she had a relationship with Chris Schistad confused her still since she did think he asked her out as some sort of cruel joke or a way to win a bet. Actually, Chris asked her out three times and she turned him down all three since Y/N not only knew of his reputation, but also never liked putting herself out there. There was a reason Y/N’s only other serious relationship was when she was in kindergarten and it was only serious by kindergartner definitions. Anyway, if it weren’t for Eva, Vilde, Sana, and Girl Chris encouraging Y/N to put herself out there----Noora was stubborn in her belief that Chris was like any other player----Y/N wouldn’t have told Chris that she would be open to going to a movie together the next time she saw him. Quickly after that, Y/N was no longer the shy, quiet girl in the bus but now Chris’ first-year girlfriend. Y/N was also surprised how Chris didn’t mind only fooling around before Y/N made up some excuse to stop or leave. However, he did seem irritated occasionally about it and that gave Y/N anxiety since Chris could literally have any girl he wanted in Oslo who was willing to sleep with him. In fact, why hadn’t Chris broken up with her already.
   “Why not?” Vilde asked. “Do you...not like him like that?”
   Y/N rolled her eyes. “Of course I do, Vilde, I’m not blind! Plus, he can be really sweet and caring when it’s just the two of us.”
   “Then why haven’t you banged him yet?” Girl Chris dead panned quietly.
  “Because...because I---”
   “Because you’re a virgin,” Eva whispered.
   Fear filled every part of Y/N’s body and it seemed to freeze her. Fortunately, only Girl Chris and Vilde looked surprised out of her friends. 
   “You are?” Vilde asked.
   “You’re lying.”
   Y/N huffed and ran a hand through her y/h/c locks. “I’m so sorry for not liking any guy enough to pin him down and ride him like a horse, but I haven’t.”
   “Why did you think she was lying?” Eva asked Girl Chris.
   Girl Chris shrugged. “In my experience, the quiet ones are always the freaks.”    “Maybe Y/N is a freak.” Noora playfully nudged Y/N, making the girl smile a little.
   Y/N buried her face in her manicured hands. “I am but just a different kind. Ugh, I’m too old to still be a virgin.” 
  Noora wrapped her arm around Y/N’s shoulders. “Hey, don’t let anyone, not even us, try to talk you into something you don’t want to----but especially not Chris.”
   Y/N smiled at her blonde friend. “Thanks, Noora.”   “But maybe you should talk to Chris about it,” Noora said. “He might like to know why he always has blue balls.”
   Y/N groaned. “I thought you were the mature one.”
  “I’m just stating facts----he should know how you feel and if he isn’t cool with it, forget about him, there are millions of boys all around the world who would kill to be with you.”
   “Thanks and you’re right, I will talk to him about it.” 
    However, there was a sinking feeling of dread in Y/N’s chest. She absolutely hated talking about anything remotely sexual since she was so inexperienced and though she tried to educate herself on the subject, she found herself cringing instead of actually listening. Therefore, she wanted to avoid Chris for the rest of the day, but she couldn’t since he knew her schedule and always insisted on walking her outside from her last class. Y/N didn’t even pay attention to the proper conjugation of German since she was so anxious about walking with Chris and talking to him. She didn’t even know how to bring the subject up: “Yeah, that new X Men movie was crazy. By the way, I keep running away from sleeping with you because I’m an awkward virgin. Wanna get pizza?”
    Ugh, how was Y/N not still single?
    The final bell jarred Y/N from her thoughts but she took her time gathering up her homework and putting it in her bag. She was one of the last people to leave the classroom and her heart actually skipped a beat when she saw Chris leaning against the wall across from the classroom. Only her boyfriend could make a simple hoodie and jeans look so amazing. Plus, he had that smoldering gaze set on Y/N that made her entire body feel both jittery and like jello. Slowly, Y/N walked over to Chris and let him kiss her.
   “What took you so long? I could’ve grown a beard while waiting for you,” he teased.
   Y/N playfully slapped his chest. “Patience is a virtue, you know.”
   “Don’t make me wait too long next time or I might have to drag you out.” Though Chris was technically threatening her, his hot breath against the side of her neck and his sultry tone gave Y/N goosebumps everywhere. 
   She gulped as they continued walking down the hallway with most of the school staring at them as they went. Chris was so used to the attention that he ignored them but Y/N still felt extremely self conscious knowing that all the much better looking girls were wondering how someone like her got someone like him.
    “...and then milk came out of his nose!” Chris burst into laughter at his story while Y/N blinked and managed to fake a laugh.
   “Wow, that sucks.”
   Y/N tightened the belt of her wool coat as they stepped into the cool late afternoon air and let Chris hold her hand as they furthered into the front school yard.
    “So, my parents are going to Athens this weekend and as punishment, I have to stay here so I can think about what I’ve done,” Chris said.
    “Does that mean there’s going to be insane parties at your house?”
   Chris paused and looked down at their joined hands. “Actually, I was hoping for some one on one time with you. We always go to parties and we rarely hang out---just the two of us.” 
   Just the two of us?
   By the suggestive look in his eye, Chris seemed to have less than innocent plans for their weekend together but Y/N still had to talk to him about why they haven’t gone all the way.
   “Oh? I don’t know----my parents were pretty upset that I came home early this morning,” Y/N said.
   Actually, Y/N’s parents weren’t even home when she got there: her dad was in Paris for a work conference and her mother barely noticed Y/N’s existence since she was so busy as the assistant head of some big Norwegian PR firm. Y/N bit her bottom lip, hoping Chris wouldn’t see through the lie, but the smirk on his mouth seemed to say otherwise.
   “Come on, Y/N, I’m pretty sure that even if you murdered someone and got caught on camera doing it, your parents would kiss the floor you walk on,” Chris said. “Unless, of course, you don’t want to hang out with me all weekend.”
    The sad puppy dog face Chris pulled tugged on Y/N’s heartstrings. Though it was the cheapest attempt to make her feel bad, Chris’ attempts to be adorable got to Y/N.
   “No, not at all! I just, I don’t know, thought you might think I’m annoying after being around me for more than a few hours.”
   Chris laughed and cupped Y/N’s face in his hands. “You’re so cute.”
   “Stop it.”
 “You’re right...you’re actually beautiful.” 
  Y/N hesitated for a moment, feeling herself actually melt on the inside. She kind of hated how cheesy it was, but it was the truth. Chris made her feel all giggly and weird like a schoolgirl or something. “What time should I come over?”
   “I’ll see you then.” Y/N kissed him once more before heading home.
    “You have to look good,” Eva said.
    “Are you saying I don’t look good now?” Y/N teased as she pulled at her black sweatpants.
    Almost immediately after she accepted Chris’ invitation to stay over at his place for the weekend, Y/N called the girls over to her house to help her prepare. Now, Chris calling her beautiful didn’t magically compel Y/N to want to give up her V card but it did encourage her to be more forthright about her feelings. However, that didn’t mean that Y/N couldn’t look as much of a bombshell as possible which was why Noora, Eva, and Vilde were pulling clothes from Y/N’s closet while Sana, Y/N, and Girl Chris sat on Y/N’s bed to help her decide.
    “What about black? It’s dark and sultry,” Vilde offered, holding a black halter dress against herself.
    “I forgot I even owned that,” Y/N said.
    “Besides, you wear too much black,” Noora said.
    “She’s right,” Sana said with a shrug. “Besides, you don’t want to make Chris think you’re giving it up, unless you want to.”
    “I haven’t decided yet.”
    “How about this?” Eva grabbed a pretty white romper. “It’s really cute.”
    “And easy to stain,” San said.
    Of course, it was Noora who grabbed the perfect outfit: a red t-shirt dress that landed in the middle of Y/N’s thighs. It was loose enough to be comfortable but fitted enough to give her a shape. “Psychological studies have proven that women who wear red attract more men, plus, you’ll stay comfortable.”
    “It’s perfect! Thanks, Noora.”
    “Don’t thank her just yet, we still have to do your hair,” Sana said.
   “And makeup!” Girl Chris added.
   A couple hours later, Y/N was trying not to tremble as she knocked on Chris’ door. Almost immediately after, he answered it. He was wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants, making Y/N feel super overdressed.
   “Hi,” she said.
   “Hey, you look amazing. Are you hitting a party after this or something?” Chris asked.
   “No, just hanging out with you.”
   You can do this, Y/N, just tell Chris that you’re uncomfortable with sex.
   “You hungry?” Chris asked.
   That’s okay, you can just tell him after you eat.
   By offering Y/N food, Chris meant that he had ordered a huge pizza with all of Y/N’s favorite toppings along with mozzarella sticks. So, of course, Y/N couldn’t eat and talk about her feelings at the same time.
   “I love that you know how much I love cheese,” Y/N said after swallowing another slice of pizza.
    “Oh, so you don’t love me?” Chris teased.
    “What?” Y/N straightened up. “I never said that.”
    “You never didn’t not say it.”
     Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and reached for the plate of mozzarella sticks only to have Chris snatch them away. He cocked an eyebrow as though challenging her.
    “Haha, very funny, now hand them over.”
   “Not until you tell me the truth.”
   “I’ll tell you the truth when you give me my mozzarella sticks.”
   “Nice try.”
   She calmly stood and walked over to Chris’ side of the table only for Chris to quickly back away. “Chris, I want mozzarella sticks.”
   “And I want my girlfriend to tell me she loves me.”
   Then, they quickly began chasing each other around Chris’ dining room. Of course, Chris was much swifter than Y/N but that didn’t stop Y/N from trying. She didn’t know how long she had been running, but she had a single goal in mind: to eat some mozzarella sticks. Plus, she was having far too much fun chasing Chris around. Finally, she had him cornered, her heart was pounding and there was some sweat beading on her forehead. Chris raised the plate above his head, keeping it out of Y/N’s reach and the girl groaned as she got in his face.
    “Give me the mozzarella sticks,” Y/N muttered, feigning viciousness.
    “Tell me what I want to hear.”
     Y/N groaned. “You already know I love you so this is just mean!”     Y/N was partially joking and it wasn’t until she stopped chuckling and realize the serious look in Chris’ eyes. She’s only seen him look at her that way a couple of times and all those times was right before they started fooling around. Whenever Chris gave her that look, he made her feel completely exposed----not in a he caught her naked kind of way but in a he could see her soul kind of way. It was the most nerve wracking thing ever but before she could really dwell on it, he would kiss her and then she would get so caught up in the moment that she would forget about her anxiety. Slowly, Chris lowered the plate of mozzarella sticks, eyes still glued to Y/N’s.
    “Uh, thanks?” But Y/N couldn’t bring herself to reach for one.
    Suddenly, Y/N didn’t see the mozzarella sticks. She didn’t notice Chris set them down or put them away, but all she knew was that in a single second she was chest to chest with Chris. She inhaled his spicy cologne before looking up into his eyes. He leaned further towards her, brushing his nose against hers----a gesture which usually made her laugh but this time didn’t----as he pressed his mouth against hers. Almost immediately, Y/N tangled her hands in his silky short locks while he grabbed at her waist pulling her closer. It always amazed Y/N how Chris and she managed to kiss with open mouths without spit getting every where. Then, Chris picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as they continued making out. She felt the smooth wood of the dining table on her back as they continued making out when Chris pulled away.
    “I love you so much----you actually drive me insane.”
    “Is that a good thing?” Y/N breathed.
    “Always.” Chris began trailing kisses from her jawline down to her neck.
    Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat as she leaned back, relaxing against the table. However, when she felt Chris’ hand begin to climb under her skirt, she began to get nervous.
    You have to do this, it’s now or never, Noora seemed to say in Y/N’s mind.
    She told herself to breathe as she slowly sat up and gently pushed Chris away. “Chris---”
    “What?” Chris seemed surprised at Y/N’s actions as he paused and looked up at her.
   “I need to tell you something.”
    Chris pulled his hand from under her skirt and placed his hands on either side of her hips, raising an eyebrow in expectation. Y/N took another deep breath.
    “Ican’thavesexwithyoubecauseI’mavirgin.Well,notjustbecauseofthat----I’msuperawkwardaboutsexandyou’rereallyexperiencedfromwhatIhear----notthatthat’sabadthing---andI’mafraidofgettinghurtbecauseIgottooclosetosomeonesoyoushouldprobablygofindsomeothergirltomesswithbecauseI’mjustnotreadyyet.” Y/N sat still and stared at Chris, who only looked confused.
   “Please don’t make me say it again. I’m a super awkward virgin and I’m afraid of getting too close and getting hurt so you should just go find some other girl who is...experienced at this kind of thing.”
   “But I don’t want some other girl, I want you---I meant what I said when I told you I love you.” Chris played with the hem of Y/N’s skirt. “Plus, I already knew you’re a virgin.”
    Y/N opened her mouth to ask why but Chris interrupted, “Like you said, you’re always awkward but that’s because you’re in your head too much. And I get the fear of getting hurt when you get close to people, but doesn’t everyone? Besides, I would never, ever hurt you so if you need to wait, then I’m okay with waiting.”
   “R-really?”    “Yeah, I’m not the complete jerk that everyone seems to think that I am.”Chris pulled away and held his hand out to her. “Come on, let’s eat some mozzarella sticks.”
   It felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of Y/N’s shoulders---Chris knew about her insecurities and he was okay with that. It only made her love him more and convinced her that maybe this relationship was the real deal. Even though they only ate pizza, watched movies, and played games that weekend, Y/N was a lot more comfortable about sleeping with Chris.
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