#hey Lem remember the cat pfp that asked about their dsmp!ranboo changing cause thats me
kaytrawrites · 2 years
Observation Log #1 - July 2021
My source post, some context, more context (this account is my writing account. the one in the first linked post is my main) (latter two courtesy of Lem Demonadelem)
Started transcribing my observation log so those whose mcyt Ranboos are going through a similer thing don't feel so alone.
Table of Contents Log Below
Something is wrong with my Ranboo. He suddenly retreated into his bedspace and curled up in a little ball.
He is ignoring my attempts to coax him out. I’m calling the local Wildlife Rehab Centre. Hopefully they know whats going on.
So the Wildlife Rehab Centre knows fuck-all about what’s going on. Officially panicking now.
Called a friend cause I couldn’t calm down. 
They told me to call the MCYT doctor in the city. Called them. Told me to bring my Ranboo in tomorrow. Appointment is scheduled. Said to keep track of if anything changes overnight.
Way calmer now.
Gonna keep an eye on Ran tonight.
Woke up this morning. Went to check on Ran and his back had split open. I can see pale flesh inside.
Oh god.
Gonna bundle them up and get them to the doctor ASAP.
Appointment over.
Doc was mystified. Said that while he’s seen other mcyts do something similar, he’s never seen documented cases of a Ranboo breed doing that.
He looked Ran over and said that health-wise, they’re perfectly fine.
He suggested offering damp towels to make the shedding process easier. Since they’ll be only damp, it shouldn’t cause issues with their skin.
I really hope that it isn’t the start of something worse…
Home now.
Set up the damp towels. Hopefully this works.
I'm so confused.
I woke up this morning and I found a stiff dry husk shoved into a corner.
I called out to Ran, fearing the worst.
Something that wasn’t my Ran crawled out of the bedspace. They had one of the blankets wrapped around them.
Instead of the pretty black and white coloring, they are fully pale and their hair is this dishwater blonde. They look like those cooking-video Ranboos?
He responds to me just fine. But. That’s not my Ran.
I took a picture with my phone to send to the doctor. He hissed at me.
Doctor called me back. We have another appointment scheduled for tomorrow.
Keeping an eye on the observation cameras tonight.
Woke up this morning to Ran scratching on the wall with one of their pens.
They were writing something.
Something about ‘pacts’? And ‘1974’? I also see ‘1984’ in places too.
Currently at the doctor’s.
They didn’t fight me when I moved them into the carrier.
Waiting for the appointment. He is scribbling away in a notebook. Gonna have to take a look at that later tonight when they fall asleep.
Doctor said that he can’t detect any concerning variance. He was still able to locate Ran’s chip, and it’s still got my data.
It’s my Ran. But it’s not.
Doc took blood. Ran was not happy about that. Doc will call me tomorrow with the results.
Idfk man. Gonna quarantine him when I get home. No guests over for 2 weeks. No taking them out for 2 weeks.
Gonna miss seeing the others at the mcyt playgroup.
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