#hexela vexela
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hauntedtrolls · 7 years ago
10 facts hexela?
She is actually considered one of the nicest of the subjuggulator ringleaders out there. After all, her methods are primarily emotional, and her chucklevoodoos only function to spread joy, so how cruel could she possibly be? Subjugators drafted under Hexela are lucky to have her. Who says the empire isn’t kind?
Her chucklevoodoos are her main psionic, but her singing voice also counts as an ability due to it’s borderline mind-control properties. It can put people into a trance, so that they’re only focusing on her and her commands. This effect works best on those in her carnival, who have had the most exposure to her, and who’s minds have been heightened to her influence. Still, even in a non-magical sense, most of Hexela’s power comes from her voice.
When she was (much) younger, before she traveled with the carnival, she grew up in Speakeasy. She’s always been enthused by showbusiness, and the carnival provided her with a stage.
Hexela enjoys the reputation as a nurturing, and charismatic leader in Alternia, but in personality she is incredibly cold and methodical. Every word out of her mouth is carefully chosen for her sympathetic, theatrical image. All of the actions she takes are by design, to get what she wants. It’s very rare to see her with the act peeled back.
Because she has no trouble keeping up with her “act”, that is, the act of being a friendly and dazzling Ringmaster, she has a hard time seeing why others may have difficulties living only on the stage. She hand-picks every act special, how hard can it be to simply follow your lines? You should be honored to have someone like her to guide you.
Her faceclaim is Marlene Dietrich. Literally just fuckign look
She’s not fond of the people in her carnival forming close bonds with anyone, including to some extent the other carnival members. For example, Carnie, Lucylu, and Mourna have a trio going for them, and she appreciates their activity but she would much rather they rely on nothing but her. Other bonds means other people to reach out to, and less control for her.
Being one of the fewer adults on Alternia, she enjoys having a certain amount of dominance over the trolls around her. No matter what, she’ll always be bigger, always be stronger, and always be more experienced. It’s this last one that she draws the most from - people should look up to her, because she’s seen and understood more than anyone else on this planet. Except the other adults that we have here anyway but shhh
She’s had hundred of sweeps to perfect her skills. And by skills, I don’t only mean the chucklevoodoos and stage performances, I also mean her ability to act viscerally real when it comes to pulling peoples emotions and faking her own. It’s very hard to tell when she’s being earnest, or when she’s being purposefully false in order to manipulate you. 
Through all of this, with all of her lies and cruelty, the worst of it comes from the moments where she’s making people happy by using her joy psionics. She destroys the life around someone and holds their happiness hostage, so that the only way to have it is by impressing her. When she hands that happiness back, though, she’s inserting joy directly into their brain and it feels invigorating. When those fleeting moments are gone, there’s only dread and longing, but the weight of that happiness is so raw they will work to get it back, through all of her cruelty. It’s a cycle, and she is a walking trap.
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hauntedtrolls · 9 years ago
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H✯s ✯nyone seen Sombr✯ l✯tely...?
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hauntedtrolls · 9 years ago
Satare: Oh come on, fishnets. We all know the real reason you're here on the planet snatching up toddlers from their lusii. You weren't fit for any higher political positions in the off-planet carnival, so they rejected you and you scrabbled to find any position you could that would make you feel important. Why else would you terrorize children? Are you scared that adults won't fall for your bullshit? Is it an inferiority thing? Maybe you're just too weak to compete with everyone else your age.
✯✯✯hhhh!! You’re ✯w✯ke! ✯nd how nice it is to see you, too.
Mmmhmm. You h✯ve ✯ sm✯rt mouth, d✯rling. I don’t need to expl✯in myself to you, you prob✯bly wouldn’t underst✯nd.
==> Turn back towards the rest of the carnival.
Could one of you be ✯ de✯r come over here ✯nd t✯ke c✯re of this for me?
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hauntedtrolls · 9 years ago
Hexela you're so mean. This isn't even an ask I just feel like somebody should tell you, daily, that you're really fucking mean and should stop being awful to everyone.
Wow rude
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hauntedtrolls · 9 years ago
Hexela, what made you stay on the planet? Was it just the prospect of having your own circus?
Why, of course not! I st✯y here to help people, d✯rling. It’s just ✯ simple f✯ct th✯t children on this pl✯net ✯ren’t going to h✯ve the s✯me sweeps of experience ✯s ✯n ✯dult such ✯s myself!! And those in the D✯rk C✯rnival especi✯lly deserve guid✯nce in order to become proper ✯lterni✯n citizens. 
I’m doing this for them, not me. Is th✯t so h✯rd to see?
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hauntedtrolls · 9 years ago
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Look wh✯t I just found~
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hauntedtrolls · 10 years ago
Would you fucking...God damnit, lizten to me!! do you think I didn't fucking text them before I got caught I'm not a fucking dumbazz!! Look if you're going to be zpiteful I get it but if you ever fucking wanted to do a favor for once and make a god dam impact, text them what I fucking tell you to text them "Hi guyz I'm ztill zafe zorry about the delay the carnival waz a bit zlow to pazz. I'm back hive now zo I hope you guyz zee me zoon." iz that. Zo fucking. Hard. /I'm not letting them get hurt/
✯lrighty then!
You’ve m✯de the right choice, Pirkum. :)
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hauntedtrolls · 10 years ago
no...i waz juzt wondering if you could text my friendz zomething...i know you wouldnt truzt me to do it zo could you?? pleaze??
...Oh! ...Well then!
Lets s✯y I do h✯ve your phone. Wh✯t m✯kes you think I’d be inclined to send them✯nything? They might t✯ke th✯t ✯s ✯n incentive to stop by! ✯nd I person✯lly think it would be F✯R nicer if they st✯yed s✯fe, don’t you?? Who knows wh✯t might be w✯iting for them when they get here!
Of coouuurrrse, they might not come. They might h✯ve just given up on you! If so, do you re✯lly think a simple text is going to ch✯nge their minds?
They’re better off without you, d✯rling.
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hauntedtrolls · 10 years ago
um....hexela?? do you have my phone??
Well gosh, th✯t sure does sound like something I might h✯ve!!
Why? Do you w✯nt it?
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