#hewillnevervisit 02
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At this rate I'm going to start liking coffee," he mutters between the cups. Back home, it was his sister who drank coffee. he never did see the appeal in it, but this is certainly changing his mind. It's delicious and calming actually. "I'm more of a tea kind o' guy." Placing the cup down, he shrugs. "I can get behind liking both I guess. Thyme'd probably would like this flavor, too." It wasn't too sweet but definitely not bitter.
#hewillnevervisit#hewillnevervisit 02#OKAY here we GO#Sorry this took more than just 'tonight'#Kept it short for now
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"Grow lonely?"
Mira echoes out the question, unsure why he was asking such a thing before she stops to think about it. It wasn't uncommon for other souls to seek out others for companionship, so it makes sense he'd think to ask it for her own situation.
"If I ever was, I would not know the feeling, truthfully. Before here, before falling to Earth where I am from, that was all I knew to do, was guide, there wasn't anything else to me then."
"Very interesting, yes."
He nodded, mulling over the words. Finally his eyes sharp and thoughtful, he said,
"Did you ever grow lonely?"
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"Mhm, correct." Is all she offers, since she isn't sure what other information he'd like on that area.
"Yes, there are others of my kind. There's been three other times I can recall seeing one like me, even if we did not interact. But, no 'family'. When I came to be, it was just me, I do not have parents or the like."
"Ah....a person may be in a different form, but yours remains. Is this so?"

He hummed a noise in thought.
"Any family? Or are you the only one of your kind?"
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Cute? She's curious what it is he's finding cute, but given that's all he says on the matter, she doesn't question it anything further. Upon him asking about her body, she moves to sit down finally on the other side of the coffee table, figuring he would appreciate not being touched anymore right now.

"I have only ever seen myself in this form since I have come to be, so I feel certain in saying I believe this to be the only one I have. Usually when I am interacting with a soul, it's never.. 'In person' like this per say, always in its 'pure form' you can say, when the body of the soul has perished and time for them to move on."
"Cute..." He grumbled.
"Then, this, the body. Is it your original form, or one taken to observe without raising alarm?"
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Frequency? A word she's very familiar with, due to Adam and Rich going on about how some of the ship's equipment works. Interesting to know though that animals did something similar to machines.
"How curious." Is all she states for a moment before his words make her pause when he's bringing up a heartbeat. Fingers still along his face and ear as she looks towards his face.

"Correct, I have no heart in my body like a soul does. I do not bleed, I have no bones to be broken... Or.. I guess the correct term here is I am not 'human'. Maybe not in the way you're thinking it might. It is pleasant on my senses but that's because I do not enjoy loud sounds and it sounds cute to me."
"It has to do with...the frequency. You see, there are things that some creatures can hear, that others, cannot. This phenomenon is well known enough in dogs for humans to create whistles that they cannot hear but dogs can.
However, the entire break down of how the purring may provide these effects is still rather unclear."

He cannot help but tilt his head around so it is easier for her to reach.
"....I've realized that you are bereft of a heartbeat. Perhaps bereft of many things usual creatures may have inside their bodies. Does the purring elicit any reaction in you?"
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Mira nods her head slightly, more of her attention still on the feeling of his fur underneath her fingers as she hears the purr begin from him. It makes her pause for a moment at the sudden sound, unsure at first if it's a good thing but given he hasn't told her to stop doing what she's doing, she continues.

"Purring..." She voices out softly, "It can aid in healing a soul? How curious, to think such a simple noise could do so. Do you know the reasoning behind why it does?"
She asks out as her hands gently move along his face, one hand finding his ear, her touch still tender and gentle as it runs along the back of it.
He lowers his hand from hers, chuckling deeply as she brings her other hand up, both cheeks now cupped.
"Thank you." He rumbled, a pur starting.
"There, next. Purring. It is a phenomenon known to some animals. It may occur when an animal is relaxed or pleased, as a tool for self soothing or to aid in healing, to name a few.
Purring is known typically through cats who tend to purr when pet, as you are doing to me, now."
#hewillnevervisit#「 ✦ hewillnevervisit 02 ✦ 」#lol it's cute how he's like “thank i hate it” but purrs like no tomorrow and loves it
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When he's guiding her hand to his cheek, her eyes widen a little, not expecting him really to use himself to explain. And then there's the feeling of his fur underneath her fingers. Her touch is light even if he's making her press her hand into his face, and there's no stopping her fingers gently spreading more into the fur as he speaks.

It's must different then the few time she's touched a souls skin, and it heavily reminds her of the plush Mika has gotten her, yet his fur is much softer than what the plush has.
Is all the murmurers out softly, mostly to herself, and a small way to show she is indeed listening to all the words he's speaking. While she's usually very careful not to try and crowd anyone or touch too much without asking, the softness of his fur has her reaching out her other hand without a thought, placing it on his other cheek as she continues to gently touch his face.
"It is very nice to the touch."
"Your heat or lack thereof is no concern of mine. Since I know you will examine me, the touch will not startle."

He offered his hand to her so that he might take it and place it upon his cheek.
"I shall direct your touch and explain. Firstly we will speak of fur. Fur is typically the word used to describe hair on animals. Or in my case, animal person. The distinction has less to do with the structures being different and more with the patterning upon the body.
An animal generally is completely covered in hair, while a human has sparse hair across the body. Most of it is located atop or around the head."
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Mira's eyes follow him as he moves to stand before she's moving to do so as well, letting out a soft hum in response to him saying he got off topic. There really wasn't much else for her to say on such a thing as she follows him into the living room and she has to take a moment to just, look at all the various books strown about. Seemed someone was busy.
Yet it's his offer that has her instantly looking towards him and instead of moving to the other side of the coffee table, she stops by his side.
"You would.. Let me examine you to help learn about foxes?" She murmurers out for a moment, before she's looking towards her hands before promptly closing them.
"Are you sure? I do not carry the same warmth a soul does, I do not wish it make you feel anything uncomfortable."
He gives her a measured look...then shakes his head.
"No. The fault is mine. You are my student, yet I spouted as I liked without regards to your current level of learning. For now, we will put philosophy aside. In truth it is not a topic I tend to dabble in much. It is mostly opinion based...I prefer evidence to information."
He rose, gesturing for her to follow. He relocated them from the kitchen to the living room. Several piles of books were scattered around and instead of sitting on the couch he took a seat on the carpeted floor in front of the coffee table.
"You may sit where you like. Now...I believe you said you had an interest in learning of animals. And the topic of foxes came up. Do you wish to continue about foxes, or something else? I am open to allow you practical learning by examining me if you find that helpful."
#hewillnevervisit#「 ✦ hewillnevervisit 02 ✦ 」#hey i'll take it lol!#means she's special if she gets one aha
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Mira moves to shift in the chair she's sitting in, leaning back more in it as she listens to the Librarian speak of such things. She does her best to try and follow along with the image he's painting, but she's struggling a little. No, no she won't lie, she's struggling a lot to follow, but that may just be due to how she's never really had to ponder such things before.

"...I will no lie, I don't fully follow, but I am not surprised I cannot. I have never had to contemplate such things before, even with my short time on Adam's ship. And before even then, I was always doing what I am meant to do with very little thinking beyond making sure the soul gets to where it needs to go. But, do not let my fault on this detour you from speaking on it more, if you'd like."
"If I may be philosophical, briefly, as I do not have the concrete information...every world perhaps looks to create a hierarchy. A mundane animal cannot do more than build nests or dig out burrows.
A species of higher intelligence may create cities and structures, philosophize on the state of the world at large.
Species such as those forego the food chain maintained by mundane creatures and may eat whatever we choose, hunt whatever we care to.
Mundane creatures cannot do so; a cockroach cannot dare to fight a wolf and win. But a species of higher intelligence, while perhaps less hearty than the wolf, less natural weapons upon their person, may band together and, through creativity unique to higher intelligence...create a solution."
He stopped, looking over Mira's face.

"Do you follow?"
#hewillnevervisit#「 ✦ hewillnevervisit 02 ✦ 」#my man you say a cockroach won't fight a wolf but HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? they will def try#okay okay... def no purple collars got it~
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Oh my. She knew when it came to studying things, there could be lots of talking, but to have him be suddenly this vocal? Compared to the coffee shop. It was, nice in a way. Although, skin things? What was a skin thing? Was that his way of referring to souls? Or rather, a variation of them? Cause he would be a soul himself but he obviously wasn't counting himself a 'skin thing'.

"So my appearance and willingness to learn give off the air that I am far younger then I actually am. Souls are very strange.. But, if that's how they wish to be, so be it. I will simple correct them every time it comes up, for I really cannot change much of how I look and I cannot foresee me not asking questions."
Her fingers idly move along her coffee cup for a moment longer before taking a few sips of it, enjoying the brief warmth it offers before it's gone.
As she listens to him explain bits of his world, it makes her tilt her head with a confused yet curious look. So, there where ones who where not mundane, and those who where, and that dictated how they walked and acted? In a way it sounded complicated, but no doubt the longer she thought on it the easier it would be to understand.
"I see to a degree. I guess I find it strange that there are, foxes, like you and frogs? Yet, no birds, yet there are mundane birds. I cannot help but be curious the why, if there is one."
Mira let's her gaze roam over him for a moment, and for a brief second, she wonders if he's just a nice to touch as the bunny Mika had gotten her.
He chuckled.
"I, too, had little reason to count days after the event."
"There is an expression upon your face. Are you confused why you might be considered young? I may illuminate on the topic. Our first official lesson. Your appearance is youthful, at least from what I have observed of other skin things.
In addition, being so open and willing to admit not knowing and wanting to learn, both qualities are considered those of children. Obviously a smart adult should seek more knowledge, but alas...and so infused within a societies culture one becomes, they become subdued and refuse to speak plainly and openly. Pride gets in the way of knowing.
I think the world could use more of you and less of them."
He sipped at his coffee.
"As for foxes...well. Yes. I believe this is a case of...mundane animal versus conscious. The one upon four legs is a mundane fox. I, on the other hand, as you have noted, stand upon two legs, with a similar body type to humans.
Where I am from, there are no bird people, but there are birds. Mundane. Yet, there are also frog people within my world. What is and is not a mundane animal seems to change in every world or as far as I have read.
Mundane animals may be kept as pets, hunted and eaten. Conscious ones such as myself would not be considered the same and thus under societal rule I would not be kept as a pet or hunted or eaten."
#hewillnevervisit#「 ✦ hewillnevervisit 02 ✦ 」#I'MA SHIP HIM A PRETTY PURPLE ONE IN THE MAIL NOW - and pretend it's from Cecil LOL
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Well, that explains why a few here have called her young, although, she isn't fully sure what she could do to 'change' that. Her appearance wasn't something she could change, and if asking about things was seen childish, then it seemed she'd have to continue to be viewed as such, for there was much she still needed to know. Moving to sit across from him, she hums out softly as she idly runs her fingers on the rim of her cup.
"Considering I cannot count how many stars and plants I've seen come and go, I'd say fairly. I do not know exactly my age, I had no reason to keep 'time' in space." Although, him claiming he was a fox makes her pause. Was that not a creature that was on all fours? "You are a fox? So that makes you a... Bipedal one right? Cause I thought foxes stand on all fours."
He scrutinized her under his gaze, his ears twitching.

"Yes, your behavior and appearance gives impressions of 'young'. How old are you, if you do not consider yourself, 'young'?"
He took a seat and sipped his coffee, sighing in satisfaction.
"Yes, fox. I am a fox. And fox children are kits or pups."
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Mira eyes the things he's pulling down, before reaching for the cinnamon and sniffing it, nose crinkling at the smell of it and quickly placing it back before doing the same with the vanilla, although this time, she's happy with the smell of it and adds some of it to her coffee.
Then, upon hearing what a kit was, it makes her pause in turn. A young fox? Her nose crinkles. Once again, a soul was thinking she was the age of a young soul. Was it something about her appearance? Or maybe her mannerisms?
"...Do I really seem to young to souls? I have been around for a very long time.. Also, fox? I have seen the word, but I do not know what goes along with it."
His back is to her as he prepares their cups.
"I'll allow you to season your cup yourself."
As the coffee brews he pulls down several things; sugar, cinnamon, vanilla.

"Kit." He pauses. He hadn't really been thinking to hard when he'd called her that, but now he realizes he's done so twice and she's looking for explanation.
"Kit or pup is what a young fox is called."
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It was interesting, the differences how one respond to answering the door. Mika had been so vocal about it while Librarian had not, showing the differences between the two, and that fascinated her to a degree at just how different the two souls where. Mira follows in afterwards, closing the door behind her as she gives his place a look about, taking in the differences in their housing as the scent of coffee fills her nose, along with that curious term again from him.
"Yes please... And.. What is a kit?"
He opened the door at her knock, ushering her in. He didn't wait, not even to close the front door. It seemed he expected Mira would do it herself. He bee-lined to the kitchen where he was making up a cup of coffee.
"Coffee, kit?"
#hewillnevervisit#「 ✦ hewillnevervisit 02 ✦ 」#honestly he feels like my spirit animal for that i run off so much of it myself#...i need to also reblog the ending of our first one- MM worry about that later
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Mira looks up from the phone when he offers his own place for study, looking around hers and how it was lacking in what would be normal for souls no doubt, and mentally agrees that it would be best to go to his instead.
[txt.] I shall get there as quickly as I can.
Is her reply before moving to place the phone on the table and making her way out. After making her way through the wards, she's stopping in front of his door, raising her hand and knocking softly upon it.
He hummed in thought to himself, nodding.

[txt.] Animals. An expansive topic. Where shall we meet to study? You may come by my abode if you wish.
[txt.] Condo 402. Archimedes Ward.
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Not one to keep track of time super well herself, beyond when someone wanted to make sure something was set up meeting wise, which Mika had been the only one so far to even do so, Mira had been taking some time to stay in the housing she was given, even if it was devoid of others, taking the time to learn about the place in general and how things worked... Beyond the kitchen area, the fire on the stove she had caused was enough to keep her from messing in there on her own.
So hearing the cellphone chime off in the distance, makes her turn her head towards it, and picking it up. There had been only one person who had texted her before, and indeed, it was the same person again. The Librarian, the one from the coffee shop that day.
She hadn't fiddled with the device as much as she should have after their meeting, so while she ponders on what she wishes to study, she does her best at getting used to typing on it, three little dots showing she's responding before she's finally happy with it.
[txt.] Animals. I believe I'd like to learn more of animals if that is alright? I have heard of many different types, but I cannot put images that go along with them.
After his coffee break with Mira, he had returned to his given housing and poured over the phone for hours, taking in all its functions and quirks.
It truly was a handy device. The amount of functions it possessed -- and he was not sure, as of yet, that he had found them all -- was truly astounding. The lengths he had to go to to haul the technologies he had scavenged to the Great Library....what a treat it would have been, to simply have it all in the palm of his hand. Alas.
Some time passed since he'd seen Mira. He did not count days unless an event of interest were to take place in future. It could have been weeks, or a whole month, since they'd spoken.
Either way, he had a momentary pause in his mind from what he was studying. That moment ended up going to Mira. He opened his phone and found their message thread. He texted her thus:

[Librarian]: Mira. Have you found a topic of interest to study? I await your inquiry.
#hewillnevervisit#「 ✦ hewillnevervisit 02 ✦ 」#i mean- both is good and fine!#even if it happens at the same time lol
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