#hetyx (oc)
scattered-winter · 2 years
Could you talk abt your worldbuilding and/or ocs??
oh honey (gender neutral) you have unleashed a BEAST get ready for a worldbuilding/oc dump :]
Orla (playlist)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Powers/abilities: N/A
Skills: hand to hand, swords, spears, shields, etc
Backstory: Raised as a knight in the human kingdoms with a strong desire to see the world and explore. She stumbled upon her king dealing with the enemy (they’re in cahoots to take over the other kingdoms together) and the king didn't want her to share what she knew so he tried to have her killed. Orla talked to her best friend, the king’s son, and told him what she’d seen, and they exiled themselves for their own safety. Orla cobbled together a team of mercenaries to help her get to the bottom of the plot, but as the story progresses and the antagonist’s true motives are revealed, it turns into a mission to save the entire planet.
Kione (playlist)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: asexual
Powers/abilities: N/A
Skills: alchemy, tactics, etc
Backstory: Raised as the crown prince by his shitty shitty dad <3 he didn’t believe Orla at first, but he found evidence that his dad was plotting to overthrow the other kingdoms and his dad tried to have him killed for it. Kione ran away with Orla to help bring his dad down.
As his story progresses, Kione starts to realize the level of emotional/mental abuse he was subjected to all his life, and he begins to heal from it. After the war, he takes the throne as king <3
Akka (playlist)
Race: Dragon (alloyi)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Powers/abilities: in her human form, she has incredible speed, strength, and endurance, with enhanced sight, smell, and hearing. As a dragon, she has all of the above, can breathe fire, and has invulnerable scales. When she regains the ability to do so, she is able to shapeshift between both forms at will.
Skills: hand to hand, swords, whips, general badassery, sarcasm
Backstory: Like all other alloyi dragons, Akka was taken to the Dragon King soon after hatching to be drafted into his secret guard. She was trained to be a living weapon from the moment she could walk, and when she came of age, joined the Dragon King’s secret order of assassins. When an uprising erupted, the assassins were sent to kill everyone involved. Akka refused to kill civilians, and as punishment, her ability to take her true form was stripped away, and she was banished. Akka spent several years working as a mercenary and tracking down dragon sages who could restore her true form. She met and bonded with Vinali on a job, and from that point on, they became a mercenary team. They were hired by Orla to help her uncover the truth about the king, and eventually joined her found family <3
Vinali (playlist)
Race: Forest Elf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Ambiguously Queer™
Powers/abilities: has a mystical bond with his wolf, Onyx. He can sense and respond to Onyx’s emotions and vice versa; he also has an affinity for plants and can communicate with them on a very basic level (he can’t control them though)
Skills: archery, swordplay, wolf(?)back riding
Backstory: his people banished him from the forest because of his bond with Onyx, and he traveled the continent with Onyx for a time, hunting and selling game to survive before eventually taking on work as a mercenary. He and Akka teamed up and basically became siblings <3
Vinali is super chill with everyone but Halo drives him INSANE. He cannot STAND him. ;)
But ofc as time goes on they start to learn more about each other and get drawn in !
When Halo is kidnapped by the slavers again, Vinali goes after him with Onyx. He finds Halo half-dead after already escaping, and gets him the rest of the way to safety.
When Halo and Vinali hate each other at first, Onyx LOOOOVES Halo and snuggles with him a lot. Onyx was actually the first person Halo actually opened up to which is just funny because Vinali is just >:O the entire time
At some point they are back in the forest and they run into Vinali’s old tribe. And they’re just tearing into him about how he’s such a failure and they wish he’d never been born and Vinali is just WILTING until Halo fucking RIPS INTO THEM and the whole team collectively start throwing hands <3
Halo (playlist)
Race: Sky Elf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: asexual (it’s the trauma <3)
Powers/abilities: can fly
Skills: hand to hand, knife combat
Backstory: (tw sexual assault mention) He grew up in the Mooncrag Mountains and was kidnapped at 13 and sold into slavery as a sex slave. He escaped the slavers when he was 15 and could have returned home, but felt too damaged from the years of captivity so he lived in the human kingdoms for several years, stealing and fighting in underground rings to survive, all the while moving around to stay ahead of the slavers hunting him. He runs into the other protagonists and is forced to briefly join their group to escape from the antagonist’s minions.
Eventually, after coming to love his friends like family and after healing from some of his trauma, he finally went home to see his family for the first time in years. Unfortunately, the sky elves’ homelands were destroyed by the antagonist, and Halo didn’t reunite with his family until the war was over.
At some point the slavers capture him again and take him to Pyria (the woman who originally “owned” him for her brothel) but Halo escapes and scars Pyria’s face on his way out.
Ether (playlist)
Race: human ? kind of ?
Gender: ??????
Sexuality: aroace
Powers/abilities: has a strong affinity to the dead, and can communicate with and even control them at will. He can control ghosts the easiest, but he can also reanimate skeletons and bodies, though it takes a lot of energy
Skills: he knows a lot about death and ghost stuff. idk if that counts as a skill
Backstory: he was the prince of an ancient kingdom far up in the north. When the kingdom fell under siege, the soldiers swore an oath to defend their lands at all costs. But when the enemies came sweeping into the capital, the soldiers panicked and fled to the castle to hide. Because of the broken oath, the castle was cursed by Eion, god of the Void; all the occupants of the castle who had broken their oaths were cursed to wander the ruins of their home for eternity until they could fulfill their oaths. Ether wasn’t a soldier, but he was inside the castle when it was cursed, so he was sort of…halfway cursed. The soldiers were all ghosts who were bound to the ruins, but Ether wasn’t 100% dead. He just…wasn’t 100% alive, either. He could control the ghosts in the castle, but he couldn’t touch them, eat, or sleep. He was dead enough that he couldn’t interact with the world around him, but he was alive enough that he still had his mind and will (unlike a ghost.) The curse cloaked the entire land in fog, and rumors spread around the continent that it was haunted. Which, true. And for more than 500 years, Ether’s people were forgotten as he wandered the ruins of what was once his home.
In the present day, the team was being chased by the antagonist’s minions, and they were driven into the haunted northern lands. They were forced to take shelter inside the castle ruins from a storm, and met the cursed inhabitants. They were nearly killed by the spirits, but Ether held them back so he could talk to the group. They convinced him to help them fight off the minions, and the ghost army swept through the enemy and destroyed them all. The oaths taken to defend the land were fulfilled, so the curse was lifted. The ghosts moved on to the next world, but Ether remained—he wasn’t dead in the first place, remember, and had earned Eion’s favor with how compassionate he was toward the other spirits. Instead of treating them like husks, Ether was kind to the spirits for the entire time they were trapped together. Since Eion is the patron god of lost souls, he blessed Ether with a second chance at life—and with power over the dead. Ether joined the group in their quest!
“Ether” isn’t his real name btw. He can’t remember most of his previous life before the curse. He can’t remember his family or friends, or his own name.
Omana (Goddess of the Earth)
Mother of all life, and mother of all gods
Married to Eion
According to legend, she was a good and fair goddess who ruled with compassion. When she became old, she divided her powers among her children: her eldest, Tadon, became the god of forests; animals, plants, and all life. Her next, Eborh, became god of the rivers and streams; his twin sister Isthys became goddess of the sea. Hetyx became the god of fire, and Iana, the youngest, became the goddess of the moon and skies. They all accepted the gifts; Hetyx, however, believed that he should have received all of Omana’s powers. In indignation, he fought against his brothers and sisters in an attempt to steal their powers. During the struggle, Omana was slain, and the land shattered into pieces (the continents). Iana, who had been by her mother’s side when she was killed, was thrust into the cosmos by the release of energy as the goddess died; trapped in the sky for all eternity, Iana became known as The Watchful, because she watches over the world and blesses those who are kind to others. Hetyx became known as The Exiled; his brothers and sister banished him to the east, where he created volcanoes and rivers of fire so they could not disturb him there.
Omana's death caused the planet to wilt; no new babies were born, and no plants grew. The imbalance of nature was so great that Omana's spirit was summoned back to Earth to replenish it. She lives, but can no longer take a physical form.
Omana is one of the universally worshiped goddesses; each culture chooses one of the siblings to worship individually, but they all worship Omana because she is the lifegiver.
Eion (God of the Void)
Husband of Omana
God of darkness, death, and the cosmos; Omana is life and he is death. They are caught in an eternal dance of balance. When Omana was slain, Eion was so grieved that he summoned dark creatures from the land of the dead to roam the world. For a time, nothing would grow because of the god's grief and because Omana wasn't there to breathe life into the world. Until eventually, Omana's spirit returned, and Eion recalled his dark servants to uphold the balance once more.
He is also universally worshiped as a keeper of balance, and as the guide who leads the dead to the afterlife and looks after them there. Eion is considered to be the patron god of lost souls, and helps spirits find their way home.
Iana (Goddess of the Moon)
Daughter of Omana and Eion
After being trapped in the sky, she has been caught in an eternal orbit around Earth as she tries to find her way home. She is kind above all else; a gentle, benevolent goddess. But her wrath is incomprehensibly catastrophic when it is unleashed.
Her children are the sky elves, and they both love and fear her. They worship her from the Moon Caves in the tallest mountains, though she has followers all over the continent.
She is often depicted with the cycles of the moon on her forehead
Hetyx (God of Fire)
Son of Omana and Eion
After being banished to the east, he created his own land of fire and volcanoes for his followers to live and thrive. He is often written off as the “bad god” but in truth he’s like any other god: he follows his nature. Fire is rebellious and explosive, and so is he.
His children are the fire elves and the dragons. The fire elves still worship him, though the Dragon King has outlawed worship of any being other than him. Many dragons still pay their respects to Hetyx, though it comes with great risk of punishment from the Dragon King. Hetyx blessed the first dragons, the alloyi, with great power; some dragons believe that one day, Hetyx will free the dragons from their king's tyrannical rule.
Tadon (God of the Forest)
Son of Omana and Eion
He takes after Omana the most in both looks and nature. He is kind and nurturing, but he has a harsh side that reflects the harsh nature of the forest and the constant battle for survival that grips it.
His children are the forest elves and the sentient wolves. In the old days he chose warriors from both tribes and bestowed a Joining on them both, but those times have long since passed.
Eborh (God of the River)
Son of Omana and Eion, twin brother of Isthys
He is mellow and reserved, but can be incredibly cruel at times. He is a protector of the rivers, and does not take kindly to those who damage them.
He is the father of the river elves
Isthys (Goddess of the Sea)
Daughter of Omana and Eion, twin sister of Eborh
She is wildly unpredictable. She brings ships safely to harbor or smashes them against the reefs as she pleases, and all who journey on the seas have come to fear and respect her power. She is the patron goddess of sailors and seafarers.
She is the mother of merfolk, and was the first to teach songs to the sirens.
Forest elves
Habitat: Deciduous forest
Appearance: skin tones range from pale to dark; eye color includes gray, blue, green, black, and brown. Some have antlers or horns; young elves have the markings of a fawn which fade as they grow older.
Lifestyle: their primary source of food comes from hunting, gathering berries, nuts, and mushrooms, and raising domestic animals for slaughter. They are generally peaceful, though there is fierce competition with other races for food in the forest.
Culture: in the ancient days, forest elves and the great wolves of the forest were close allies; the greatest warriors of both tribes entered into a pact and developed a mystical bond called a Joining. However, as time passed and the two races grew further apart, the wolves more wild and the elves less warlike, this tradition was lost. Every few centuries, one elf and one wolf are Joined at birth, but due to the current state of both races, those two are often shunned from their homes.
Marriage: two partners weave an elaborate awning from leaves and vines which provides the shelter for the ceremony. Betrothals come from exchanging Eternal Blossoms; by ritual, the blossoms become bracelets that curl around the forearm. Traditionally, the blossoms are switched so both partners have the other blossom.
Funerals: The body is buried in the shade of a copse of trees, and seeds are extracted from the dead Eternal Blossom and spread over the earth to eventually grow and bloom above the grave.
Coming-of-age: When a child reaches the right age, he receives his own Eternal Blossom. It is a plant that is bonded to the life force of the individual, and it will live as long as the individual does. It passes through the cycle of the seasons but never dies; in summer it is lush and green, in fall it turns gold/orange/red, in winter it turns brown, and in spring it blossoms in a burst of colors. Blossoms are worn around the neck and shown only to close family members; it is a common practice to pluck petals and gift them to family. If properly preserved, the petals will not wither, even after the person (and the original blossom) dies.
Gods/goddesses: Tadon (god of the forest)
Language: Elvish (forest variant)
Sky elves
Habitat: The Mooncrag Mountains
Appearance: skin tones range from pale to very dark. All sky elves have wings between the shoulder blades, though the wings are as unique as the individual. Bird, bat, and insect wings are all common. Some have dragonlike wings, though it is rare
Lifestyle: They hunt like hawks do; diving at prey from above. Sky elves also grow moonwheat, which can only survive at high elevations. They are also peaceful, since most other races cannot survive at the mountain peaks for long, which makes it well-protected from enemies.
Culture: The Moon Caves, located at the tallest peak of the tallest mountain in the range, are a place of great cultural significance. Events like marriages and naming ceremonies (welcoming a new baby into the tribe) take place there, and the caves are also the only place where Moon Stones and Moon Crystals (both used for sky elf betrothal necklaces) can be found. The Moon Caves are also where the Moon Goddess Iana speaks to sky elves and gives wisdom and guidance.
Marriages: betrothal necklaces are carved from the crystals and stones found in the Moon Caves. The marriage ceremony is performed at the very center of the caves, where a massive moonstone rests in the center of a pool. The entire area is open to the sky, and when the moon is at its highest point, the marriage ceremony is performed. 
Funerals: the body is burned at the tallest peak of the mountain at night, so the ashes can float upward and join Iana in the sky. The sky elves believe that each star is a soul of the ancestors looking down on them from above.
Coming-of-age: the first molting/shedding of wings is a very significant event, and is celebrated by the entire tribe. The child’s shed feathers/scales/fur from the wings are woven into the garland that is wrapped around the arch at the center of the tribe, and there is music and dancing. Afterward, the child performs a silent vigil at the central Moon Cave at the hour when the moon is highest. There, the goddess blesses them, and the child officially becomes a member of the tribe.
Gods/goddesses: Iana (goddess of the moon)
Language: Elvish (sky variant)
River elves
Habitat: an island in the middle of the largest river on the continent
Appearance: similar to forest elves, though their skin has a blue/gray tint to it
Lifestyle: they fish from the rivers and grow wheat and vegetables. They are relatively peaceful, though their island has often come under attack, so they have to defend their home from invaders.
Culture: The great river beasts have been tamed and domesticated by the river elves, and are used to help patrol their borders. It is a coming-of-age ceremony for young river elves to claim and name their own beast.
Language: Elvish (river variant)
Fire elves
Habitat: Volcanic areas
Appearance: their skin is dark, and they have glowing red/orange markings. Their eye color includes red, orange, gold, yellow, and gray.
Lifestyle: they are very peaceful, despite their intimidating appearance. They cultivate Fire Blossoms, a rare and powerful flower that only grows on the slopes of volcanoes, and a staple of their diet. They have little use for hunting due to the harsh environment they live in; very few races can survive there for long, but the fire elves are able to withstand the extreme environment due to their invulnerability to fire, smoke, and natural gasses of the volcanoes.
Culture: young elves are bathed in lava when they come of age; it is symbolic of their birth as an official member of the tribe.
Language: Elvish (fire variant)
Habitat: alloyi dragons can be found virtually anywhere, but they seem to prefer caves
Appearance: their scales are glittery and metallic, ranging in color from gold, copper, steel, silver, iron, and more. Their scales are utterly unbreakable, and their speed and strength is nearly unmatched.
Lifestyle: alloyi dragons are incredibly rare, and every time one is born, the Dragon King often drafts the dragonet into service as soon as it can walk; this is because alloyi dragons are legendarily powerful, with their invulnerable scales and fighting prowess, and the Dragon King forces them to become his inner guard to "enforce the peace" in his kingdom.
Culture: alloyi dragons already number very few, and the Dragon King drafting them all only further prevents them from forming their own culture.
Habitat: elementi dragons are found in various places; stone dragons in the mountains, fire dragons in the volcanoes, water dragons in the seas and rivers, forest dragons in the forests, etc. There is a land in the east where all dragons of different types live together beneath the Dragon King; because of his cruel ways, many prefer to live outside the dragon-controlled lands, and many dragon parents have attempted to smuggle their alloyi offspring out of the land before the Dragon King can take them.
Lifestyle: dragons primarily live and travel in bales (family group name), but several are also fairly solitary. Dragons with established territories are very protective of their homes, and can be hostile to anyone enroaching on their land.
for the sake of not infodumping too much I'll cap it here. but just know that I am constantly Filled With Thoughts about these silly little guys
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