endexe · 3 years
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@heartlanded   /   @hetrembled   /   @neverafters   /   @whccler   /   @maskeraide
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horowitzed · 3 years
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♡ → 𝙸𝙽𝙲𝙾𝚁𝚁𝙴𝙲𝚃 𝚀𝚄𝙾𝚃𝙴𝚂 !            --------           ft.            @hetrembled 
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edithmaslow · 3 years
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        she’s been crying for a while now. sometimes the planets align just right & everything happens at once & suddenly everything catches up to her. she doesn’t know where to go. if she stays by herself, she thinks the doors will turn against her. it took her longer than she would care to admit just to leave her apartment, standing in front of the door & staring at it, waiting to see who would make the first move. edith had then stood in front of her car for a moment, staring directly at her own reflection to gauge its reliability. no. no, it didn’t have any. (it can’t happen any more -- she killed him; she’d loved daniel & then she had to kill him or be just like all those other girls, blind & waterlogged & unwillingly helping him. but she can’t trust it.) the rain kept getting stronger, even as she walked ... somewhere. the whole time she’s trying to create friction warmth on shaking hands, keep soaked mass of hair out of her face. 
        there was a point at which a passing car further soaked her. that was when the crying started. don’t drown. don’t drown. don’t -- she’s slipping. she can tell. but she keeps walking, almost mindlessly. it’s instinct to keep going. she’s shaking & soaked, unsure if she’s even really going somewhere at all or just walking till she can’t any more. 
         her feet finally stop on a familiar doorstep. oh. strange. but it’s another door. she doesn’t want to knock or ring the doorbell or give any indication that she’s existing outside of this house until she stops crying. but she’s standing still -- staying in the water, the one thing she’s never supposed to do, drowning in all the things she usually refused to allow to surface. she flinches when the door opens, green eyes wide like an animal caught where it shouldn’t be. she’s scared. it’s probably obvious, but it’s a rare sight to see. “ i -- ”
         she shakes her head, one hand pressing against her forehead. “ s-sorry, no, i sh’ld go, i don’t -- fuck, i’m just -- s’just -- ” a shaky exhale, arms wrapping around her chest. she won’t look up. “ i ... i don’ know why i’m here. i can ... i can go -- ”
@hetrembled​.  /  x.
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kurthortonmoved · 3 years
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mortalis-arc · 3 years
this   cute   lil   meme   →   accepting
❝   kill   the   ache❞   -   currents
when   even   good   times   are   bittersweet and   though   at   times   it   seems   like   a   nightmare   on   repeat all   you   have   to   do   is   breathe   and   know   that this   is   our   home   now,   you   and   i   will   never   be   alone when   you   fall   down,   take   my   hand,   don't   let   me   go this   is   our   home   now,   you   and   i   will   never   be   alone when   you   fall   down,   i   am   yours   to   hold
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finalroyal · 3 years
♚          @hetrembled​     …    💬
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❛     give  me  one  good  reason  -----  why  i  should  wear  a  dress.     ❜
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stalkfilm · 3 years
howdy we haven't interacted yet but i've been admiring u from afar and i am just asdfhsk every time i see u post, ur the definition of too cool for school but like in a not-a-dickhead way yk? anyway ily have a GR8 night/day <3
catch me crying in the club ( read : my kitchen ) rn because this is so sweet 🥺 and literally like the first time in my life i've ever been called cool so i'm considering this an absolute win. i love your blog ( and u!! ) and can't wait for us to get a thread going !
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herflamea · 3 years
@hetrembled sent: 00:00:00
The numbers ticking down on her arm had been a focus throughout the day, though, they had been forgotten because of this fight. She usually tended to focus quite well when in situations like these, almost as if years had been spent training her brain for it. It didn’t matter why it started, or who the opponent really was, but just that she was going to win, and she was going to make sure that they didn’t mess with her again. That was always the plan, and she was prepared to do so, UNTIL-
Someone is trying to break it up. This happens every now and then, but the girl isn’t quite expecting it. She’s being pulled back, and maybe it’s the initial chaos of it all that messes with her focus, but it’s that final moment when her eyes see her own wrist that breaks it entirely. It’s just a split second, the numbers on her wrist having gotten all the way down, and that’s enough to pull the air out of her lungs. She didn’t really believe in soulmates, but the timing of it all was a coincidence, to say the last.
Though, that one moment of broken focus is just enough to land a direct blow, knocking the girl over in the process.
A moment is spent on the ground, maybe deserved, considering the fact that she’s let herself lose. Or maybe a moment to think. She was used to the chaos that came with violence, but not the chaos that came with... whatever was happening now. Wrist is brought up to her eyes, just to make sure what she saw was real. And then, the zeroes are staring right back at her.
“Fuck.” It’s mumbled. Though, this could be because of the fact that she just got punched. Maybe.
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rgmovedagain · 3 years
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍   𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄.    requested   by   @hetrembled​
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❝   i   know   what   it's   like . . .   people   whispering   all   the   time.   ❞
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intofurther · 3 years
tell me oli, how does it feel to be an actual god? like not to put u up on a pedestal or anything but hot damn i admire u and ur writing sm wow
axl,  let  me  tell  you  this:   you  genuinely  made  my  night .   i  was  minding  my  own  business,  watchin’  something,  dreading  my  morning  ‘cause  i  have  to  get  up  for  work  in  the  morning,  and  then  i  get  this  message .   my  written  thanks  will  never  surmount  to  being  a  proper  thanks,  but. . .  nonetheless. . .  thank  you  so  much  for  sending  this .   so  unbelievably  sweet .   my  brain  cannot  comprehend .
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endexe · 3 years
WRITERS OF THE STORM, THE RAIN, AND THE SNOW. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone. You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. Yells against the dark of the night. Screams of rage and hurt, tears running down soft cheeks and white knuckles. You are there, screaming with them. Angry at the unfairness, and fighting it, in the first place it attacks you. In the heart. And you’re the hand, offered to the hopeless. With a delicate smile on your lips, you help people stand up again. The storm writer, the one who knows how it feels, to be screaming in the void, and doesn’t want anyone else to live it too. You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
TAGGED : @sailorvinus ( thank you so much ! <3 ) TAGGING : @hetrembled , @heartlanded , @maskeraide , @whatscanon , @autumnwept , @svmmercmance , @believedtruly , @caspers , @archaevist , @audaciiae + you ! <3
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edithmaslow · 3 years
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you don't really like me, no, & i don't really like people but you're better by default won't you come through?
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kurthortonmoved · 3 years
@hetrembled​ / sc.
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        𝙺𝚄𝚁𝚃  𝙸𝚂  𝙴𝚇𝙷𝙰𝚄𝚂𝚃𝙴𝙳.  he’s  terrified  and  in  pain  and  just  wants  things  to  be  okay  again.  but  it  was  a  rough  night,  it  was  terrifying  and  unlike  anything  he'd  dealt  with  before.  his  father  had  always  been  scary,  had  always  been  overbearing,  but  he  hadn't  ever  expected  it  to  get  violent.  there's  nothing  kurt  wants  more  right  now  than  to  curl  up  and  hide  and  never  come  back.  he  wasn't  sure  where  he  was  going  when  he  left  the  house,  but  he  can't  act  surprised  when  he  finds  himself  outside  of  ferns  house.  he  hesitates  for  a  while  before  knocking,  standing  there  with  arms  wrapped  around  himself,  small  and  terrified.  when  fern  comes  to  the  door  it  takes  all  kurts  effort  not  to  start  crying,  though  eyed  are  still  ringed  red  from  when  he'd  already  been  in  tears.  “  hi.  ”  voice  is  hoarse  from  crying,  the  light  of  ferns  house  illuminating  the  bruises  already  formed  on  pale  features.  he  doesn't  know  what  to  say,  it's  clear  that  he's  a  little  lost.  he  doesn't  want  to  just  show  up  and  cry,  doesn't  want  to  just  be  there  to  exhaust  fern,  but  he  knows  that  he  can't  just  leave  now.  ferns  already  too  worried.  “  can—  can  i  stay  here  tonight?  ”
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mortalis-arc · 3 years
What’s the best way to calm down your muse when they’re angry? && Little things your muse does to show their significant other they care?
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭   𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲   𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞   →   accepting
what’s   the   best   way   to   calm   down   your   muse   when   they’re   angry   ?
des   doesn't   get   angry   too   often.   like,   it   takes   a   LOT   to   get   her   to   a   point   where   it's   obvious   she's   angry   lmao.   but   when   she   does   get   to   that   point,   i   think   the   number   one   thing   is   giving   her   space!   as   a   person   who   prefers   to   be   alone   anyways,   it's   important   she   has   time   to   herself   to   mull   things   over   and   cool   off.
little   things   your   muse   does   to   show   their   significant   other   they   care   ?
she's   so   nurturing   and   protecting.   she's   the   type   to   always   ask   you   if   you   need   anything,   or   if   you've   eaten   today,   or   how   you   slept   the   night   before.   she   is   the   world's   best   listener.   if   you're   speaking,   you've   captivated   her   attention   entirely.   she'll   show   it   through   eye   contact   and   facial   expressions,   won't   pick   up   her   phone   or   any   sort   of   distractions.   she   takes   great   interest   in   her   partner's   interests/hobbies   —   their   hyperfixations   are   hers   as   well.   
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finalroyal · 3 years
♚          @hetrembled     …     “i am out of my mind.”
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❛     i  think  that’s  .  .  .     ❜  adrenaline  courses  through  him,  at  once  both  clouding  &  focusing  his  mind.  IT’S  SELECTIVE,  NOT  WANTING  TO  WASTE  ENERGY  TALKING  OR  FOCUSING  ON  CONVERSATION.  run.  run  run  as  fast  as  you  can.  that’s  all  he  can  pay  attention  to  right  now,  but  he’s  doing  his  best.  they’re  doing  their  best.   ❛     understandable.     ❜  a  breathy  exhale,  lungs  burning.  a  brief  reprise,  senses  at  attention,  waiting  for  the  signal  to  continue  RUNNING.  keats  wipes  at  his  nose  with  the  palm  of  his  hand  (  a  decidedly  un-princely  gesture  where  did  he  pick  it  up  ),  trying  to  ignore  the  blood  drying  on  it  ;  the  blood  that  blackens  ‘neath  his  fingernails.  he  can  tell  he  looks  the  same  as  fern  ---  wide-eyed,  tousle-haired,  pale  with  fear  &  adrenaline.  WHAT  THE  FUCK.  princes  don’t  swear.  WHAT  THE  FUCK.  a  breath  in,  raspy.   ❛     we  should  keep  going.     ❜
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stabtrick · 3 years
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feat.     FERN   DAVIES.     only   for   @hetrembled   to   reblog     !
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